Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analys
Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analys
Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analys
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Abstract—The tremendous success of machine learning algo- in terms of actual patient metrics, medical image analysis is
rithms at image recognition tasks in recent years intersects with a a litmus test as to whether artificial intelligence systems will
time of dramatically increased use of electronic medical records actually improve patient outcomes and survival. Secondly, it
and diagnostic imaging. This review introduces machine learning
algorithms as applied to medical image analysis, focusing on provides a testbed for human-AI interaction, of how receptive
convolutional neural networks, and emphasizing clinical aspects patients will be towards health-altering choices being made, or
of the field. The advantage of machine learning in an era of assisted by a non-human actor.
medical big data is that significant hierarchal relationships within
the data can be discovered algorithmically without laborious
hand-crafting of features. We cover key research areas and ap- A. Types of Medical Imaging
plications of medical image classification, localization, detection,
segmentation and registration. We conclude by discussing re- There is a myriad of imaging modalities, and the frequency
search obstacles, emerging trends and possible future directions. of their use is increasing. Smith-Bindman et al. [2] looked at
Index Terms—Convolutional neural networks, Medical image imaging use from 1996 to 2010 across six large integrated
analysis, Machine learning, Deep Learning healthcare systems in the United States, involving 30.9 million
imaging examinations. The authors found that over the study
period, CT, MRI and PET usage increased 7.8%, 10% and
I. I NTRODUCTION 1 57% respectively.
Machine learning algorithms have the potential to be in- Modalities of digital medical images include ultrasound
vested deeply in all fields of medicine, from drug discovery (US), X-ray, computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic-
to clinical decision making, significantly altering the way resonance imaging (MRI) scans, positron emission tomogra-
medicine is practiced. The success of machine learning al- phy (PET) scans, retinal photography, histology slides, and
gorithms at computer vision tasks in recent years comes at dermoscopy images. Fig. 1. shows some example medical
an opportune time when medical records are increasingly images. Some of these modalities examine multiple organs
digitalized. The use of electronic health records (EHR) quadru- (such as CT, MRI) while others are organ specific (retinal
pled from 11.8% to 39.6% amongst office-based physicians photography, dermoscopy). The amount of data generated from
in the US from 2007 to 2012 [1]. Medical images are an each study also varies. A histology slide is an image file of
integral part of a patient’s EHR and are currently analyzed a few megabytes while a single MRI may be a few hundred
by human radiologists, who are limited by speed, fatigue, and megabytes. This has technical implications on the way the data
experience. It takes years and great financial cost to train a is pre-processed, and on the design of an algorithm’s archi-
qualified radiologist, and some health-care systems outsource tecture, in the context of processor and memory limitations.
radiology reporting to lower-cost countries such as India via
tele-radiology. A delayed or erroneous diagnosis causes harm
B. History of medical image analysis
to the patient. Therefore, it is ideal for medical image analysis
to be carried out by an automated, accurate and efficient The symbolic AI paradigm of the 1970s led to the develop-
machine learning algorithm. ment of rule-based, expert systems. One early implementation
in medicine was the MYCIN system by Shortliffe [3], which
Medical image analysis is an active field of research for ma- suggested different regimes of antibiotic therapies for patients.
chine learning, partly because the data is relatively structured Parallel to these developments, AI algorithms moved from
and labelled, and it is likely that this will be the area where heuristics-based techniques to manual, handcrafted feature
patients first interact with functioning, practical artificial in- extraction techniques. and then to supervised learning tech-
telligence systems. This is significant for two reasons. Firstly, niques. Unsupervised machine learning methods are also being
researched, but the majority of the algorithms from 2015-
Justin Ker is with Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute, 11 Jalan 2017 in the published literature have employed supervised
Tan Tock Seng, Singapore, e-mail:
Lipo Wang is with School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
learning methods, namely Convolutional Neural Networks
Nanyang Technological University, Block S2.1, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798, (CNN) [4]. Aside from the availability of large labelled data
Singapore, e-mail: (Corresponding author). sets being available, hardware advancements in Graphical
Jai Rao is with Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute
Tchoyoson Lim is with Neuro-Radiology, National Neuroscience Institute
Processing Units (GPUs) have also led to improvements in
This work was supported by the National Neuroscience Institute-Nanyang CNN performance, and their widespread use in medical image
Technological University Neurotechnology Fellowship. analysis.
2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
McCulloch and Pitts [5] described the first artificial neuron D. Resources
in 1943, which developed into the perceptron posited by Four reviews are highly recommended; Litjens et al. [4]
Rosenblatt in 1958 [6]. In essence, an artificial neural network provides a thorough list of papers published in the field, Shen
is a layer of connected perceptrons linking inputs and outputs, et al. [12] and Suzuki et al. [13] summarize many of the
and deep neural networks are multiple layers of artificial neural advances, while Greenspan et al. [14] gives a succinct
networks. The advantage of a deep neural network is its ability overview of recent important papers. These review articles
to automatically learn significant low level features (such as and a list of relevant books can be found in Table 1. This
lines or edges), and amalgamate them to higher level features was collated by searching for books in the Elsevier, IEEE
(such as shapes) in the subsequent layers. Interestingly, this is Xplore and Springer databases. We generated a list of the 200
how the mammalian and human visual cortices are thought to most highly-cited papers from Google Scholar, using the query
process visual information and recognize objects [7]. CNNs terms ’deep learning’ and ’medical image analysis’ in October
may have their origins in the Neocognitron concept proposed 2017 using citation software [15]. These were manually vetted
by Fukushima in 1982 [8], but it was Lecun et al. [9] who to ensure that the returned results were relevant and significant
formalized CNNs and used the error backpropagation in the field. We limited the papers to those published or pre-
described by Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams [10], to suc- published in the last 3 years, although older significant papers
cessfully perform the automatic recognition of hand-written are mentioned in this article. Table 2 shows the top 20 papers
digits. The widespread use of CNNs in image recognition from this list, and the full list of 200 papers can be found in
came about after Krizhevsky et al. [11] won the 2012 Imagenet the Supplementary Data as Table S1.
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) with a Where available, the datasets used by the authors of vari-
CNN that had a 15% error rate. The runner up had almost ous papers in this article are described. The website Grand
double the error rate at 26%. Krizhevsky et al. introduced Challenges in Biomedical Image Analysis (https://grand-
significant concepts that are used in CNNs today, including the aggregates and links to numer-
use of Rectified Linear Unit (RELU) functions in CNNs, data ous competitions and their respective image datasets. The
augmentation and dropout. Since then, CNNs have featured Cancer Imaging Archive [16] contains numerous datasets
as the most used architecture in every ILSVRC competition, across many organ systems, and the National Institute of
surpassing human performance at recognizing images in 2015. Health recently released a tranche of over 100,000 anonymized
Correspondingly, there has been a dramatic increase in the chest x-rays for research use [17] called "ChestX-ray 8". Of
number of research papers published on CNN architecture and note, Nifty-Net ( [18] is a useful open source
applications, such that CNNs have become the dominant framework that contains many machine learning algorithms,
architecture in medical image analysis. released under an Apache License. It allows researchers to
explore CNNs and published machine algorithms, such as V-
C. Convolutional neural networks
net, U-net, DeepMedic [19], [20], [21], and to share pre-
Both the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional structures of an trained models.
organ being studied are crucial in order to identify what is The aim of this report is to provide an overview on the state
normal versus abnormal. By maintaining these local spatial of machine learning algorithms as applied to medical imaging,
relationships, CNNs are well-suited to perform image recog- with an emphasis on which aspects are most useful to the
nition tasks. CNNs have been put to work in many ways, clinician, as some of the authors are practicing surgeons and
including image classification, localization, detection, segmen- radiologists. It is hoped that this perspective aids researchers in
tation and registration. CNNs are the most popular machine moving from being trapped in the local minima of speculative
learning algorithm in image recognition and visual learning research, to designing implementable systems that will impact
tasks, due to its unique characteristic of preserving local medical science and patient care.
image relations, while performing dimensionality reduction. Section II describes various machine learning architec-
This captures important feature relationships in an image (such tures used in medical image analysis, with an emphasis on
as how pixels on an edge join to form a line), and reduces the CNNs. Machine learning is broadly classified into Supervised,
number of parameters the algorithm has to compute, increasing Unsupervised, Semi-supervised and Reinforcement learning
computational efficiency. CNNs are able to take as inputs and methods; it is the first two which are currently most applicable
process both 2-dimensional images, as well as 3-dimensional to image analysis. Section III dives into different application
images with minor modifications. This is a useful advantage areas. Section IV concludes with obstacles that the field of
in designing a system for hospital use, as some modalities like medical image analysis faces, and some of the future possible
X-rays are 2-dimensional while others like CT or MRI scans directions.
are 3-dimensional volumes.
CNNs and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are exam- II. M ACHINE LEARNING A RCHITECTURES
ples of supervised machine learning algorithms, which require
significant amounts of training data. Unsupervised learning A. Supervised learning models
algorithms have also been studied for use in medical image 1) Convolutional neural networks:
analysis. These include Autoencoders, Restricted Boltzmann Currently, CNNs are the most researched machine learning
Machines (RBMs), Deep Belief Networks (DBNs), and Gen- algorithms in medical image analysis [4]. The reason for this
erative Adversarial Networks (GANs). is that CNNs preserve spatial relationships when filtering input
2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
images. As mentioned, spatial relationships are of crucial (m, n) and a kernel K (a, b) is defined as:
importance in radiology, for example, in how the edge of a
bone joins with muscle, or where normal lung tissue interfaces 𝑠(𝑡) = 2 1 𝐼 𝑎, 𝑏 · 𝐾 𝑚 − 𝑎, 𝑛 − 𝑏 . (3)
with cancerous tissue. As shown in Fig. 2., a CNN takes an
input image of raw pixels, and transforms it via Convolutional By the commutative law, the kernel is flipped and the above
Layers, Rectified Linear Unit (RELU) Layers and Pooling is equivalent to:
Layers. This feeds into a final Fully Connected Layer which
𝑠(𝑡) = 2 1 𝐼 𝑚 − 𝑎, 𝑛 − 𝑏 · 𝐾 𝑎, 𝑏 . (4)
assigns class scores or probabilities, thus classifying the input
into the class with the highest probability.
a) Convolution Layer: A convolution is defined as an Neural networks implement the cross-correlation function,
operation on two functions. In image analysis, one function which is the same as convolution but without flipping the
consists of input values (e.g. pixel values) at a position in the kernel.
image, and the second function is a filter (or kernel); each 𝑠(𝑡) = 2 1𝐼 𝑚 + 𝑎, 𝑛 + 𝑏 · 𝐾 𝑎, 𝑏 . (5)
can be represented as array of numbers. Computing the dot
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
2) Transfer learning with CNNs: Unlike general natural In the medical image analysis space, RNNs have been used
image recognition tasks, medical image analysis lacks large mainly in segmentation. Chen et al. [29] combined CNN and
labelled training datasets. As a comparison, the Kaggle 2017 RNN to segment neuronal and fungal structures from three-
Data Science Bowl to detect tumors in CT lung scans had a dimensional electron microscope images. Using a multi-
dataset of approximately 2000 patient scans, while ILSVRC dimensional LSTM, Stollenga et al. [30] segmented both
2017 had over 1 million images across 1000 object classes three-dimensional electron microscope images of neurons as
[23]. Transfer learning involves training a machine learning well as MRI brain scans. Shin et al. [31] describe annotating
algorithm on a partially-related or un-related dataset, as well X-ray images with captions trained on radiology reports.
as a labelled training dataset, to circumvent the obstacle of
insufficient training data. Essentially the weights learned or
pre-trained during the training of a CNN on one (partially-
related or un-related) dataset are transferred to a second CNN,
which is then trained on labelled medical data using these B. Unsupervised learning models
weights. The weights can be applied to some or all layers 1) Autoencoders: Autoencoders learn feature representa-
of the CNN, except the last fully connected layer. Although tions of input data (called codings) in an unsupervised manner
transfer learning techniques are commonly used in medical without labelled data. It is a model that takes input data,
image analysis in conjunctions with CNNs, it is worth noting gleans codings from this, and then uses these codings to
that they can be applied to other general machine learning reconstruct output data (called reconstructions). The rationale
algorithms as well. behind autoencoders is that the output data must be as similar
Shin et al. [24] explored the impact of CNN architectures to the input data as possible, i.e., autoencoder models contain a
and transfer learning on detecting the presence of enlarged cost function which penalizes the model when inputs and out-
thoraco-abdominal lymph nodes, and in classifying interstitial puts are different. Autoencoders have several useful features.
lung disease on CT scans, and found transfer learning to be Firstly, they are employed as feature detectors that can learn
beneficial, despite natural images being disparate from codings in an unsupervised manner, without training labels.
medical images. Ravishankar et al. [25] looked at the task of Secondly, they reduce the model dimensionality and complex-
automatically localizing the presence of a kidney on ultrasound ity as codings often exist in a lower dimension. Thirdly, by
images. Using a CNN pre-trained on Imagenet, they showed having to reconstruct outputs, autoencoders generate new data
that the greater the degree of transfer learning, the better the that is similar to the input training data. These features are an
CNN performed. Tajbakhsh et al. [26] studied the effective- advantage in medical image analysis, where labelled training
ness of transfer learning in 4 different applications across 3 data is scarce. Various network architectures are depicted in
imaging modalities: polyp detection on colonoscopy videos, Fig. 3.
colonoscopy video frame classification, pulmonary embolus The unique architectural feature of autoencoders is that the
detection on CT pulmonary angiograms, and segmentation of number of neurons in the input and output layers must be
the layers of the walls of the carotid artery on ultrasound scans. equal. Autoencoders have hidden layers that can be stacked,
They transferred pre-trained weights from Alexnet [11] to like CNNs. Stacked autoencoders (SAEs) have a typically
either a few (’shallow tuning’) or many (’deep tuning’) layers symmetrical architecture, with a line of reflection through the
in a CNN. Overall, they found that transfer learning more middle =hidden layer. Some techniques for optimizing
layers improved the CNN performance, compared to training autoencoder performance include tying weights of the decoder
a CNN from scratch. In contrast to many computer vision layer to the encoder layer, training different subsets of autoen-
tasks where shallow tuning of the last few layers is adequate, coders separately before stacking them together, and transfer
medical image analysis requires a deep tuning of more layers. learning [32]. Simply stacking more layers may not aid in the
They also noted that the number of optimal layers trained accuracy of the model, as the model may end up performing
varied between different applications. the trivial task of simply copying the input to the output. That
is, the model performs well during training but it has not
3) Recurrent neural networks (RNNs): RNNs have tra- learned any useful feature representations that allow the model
ditionally been used in analyzing sequential data, such as the to be generalized and applied outside of the training data.
words in a sentence. Due to their ability to generate text [27], To force models to learn useful representations, constraints
RNNs have been employed in text analysis tasks, like machine need to be added. One example is the Denoising Autoencoder
translation, speech recognition, language modelling, text reported by Vincent et al. [32], where Gaussian noise is added
prediction and image caption generation [28]. In a plain RNN, to the early hidden layers. Applying dropout i.e., randomly
the output of a layer is added to the next input, and this is turning off some of the neurons in the early hidden layers,
fed back into the layer, resulting in a capacity for contextual accomplishes the same goal, by forcing the model to learn
‘memory’. To avoid vanishing gradient problems with useful codings to generate back the noise-free inputs in the out-
backpropagation through time, plain RNNs have evolved into put layer. A second example are Sparse Autoencoders [33],
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Gated- whereby a defined proportion of the neurons in the hidden
Recurrent Units (GRUs). These are modifications of RNNs to layers are deactivated or set to zero. This is accomplished by
hold long term dependencies, and to discard or forget some having a cost function that penalizes the model when there
of the accumulated information.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
are active neurons beyond a defined threshold. The rationale (DBNs), where the hidden layer output of a RBM becomes
behind this, is as Bengio states, for a given observation, only a the input for the visible layer of a second RBM stacked on it.
small fraction of the possible factors are relevant, meaning DBNs were described by Hinton, Osindero and Teh in 2006 in
that much of the features extracted from the data could be a seminal paper [41], which was largely responsible for the
represented by being set to zero [34]. Kallenberg et al. [35] renaissance in deep learning. The insight from Hinton et al.
combined unsupervised convolution layers trained as was that DBNs could be trained in a greedy, layer- by-layer
autoencoders, and supervised layers to classify mammograms fashion [42], with lower layers learning low level features,
into different densities and textures. The texture classifica- and progressively higher layers learning high level features,
tion task was used to impute if a mammogram was normal mirroring real world data hierarchy. DBNs can also be
or depicted breast cancer. They used 2700 mammograms from coupled to layers of supervised RBMs to produce a semi-
the Dutch Breast Cancer Screening Program, the Dutch Breast supervised deep learning architecture. An application of RBMs
Cancer Screening dataset, and the Mayo Mammography was reported by Khatami et al. [43], who used DBNs to
Health Study. Interestingly, they used a sparse autoencoder to classify x-ray images into 5 classes of anatomic areas and
learn the parameters of the feature-extracting convolution orientations.
layers, before this input was fed into a softmax classifier. For 3) Generative Adversarial Networks: Generative Adversar-
the cancer classification task, this Convolution stacked ial Networks (GANs) [44] represent a type of unsupervised
autoencoder (CSAE) model obtained an AUC score of 0.57, learning which holds promise for medical image analysis
which the authors reported as state of the art. tasks. As its name suggests, a GAN is a generative model, and
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are an emerging and is similar to a VAE in that respect. GANs comprise of two
popular unsupervised learning architecture described by simultaneously-trained, competing models, which may be
Kingma et al [36]. VAEs are a generative model, consisting of multilayer perceptrons such as CNNs. The models may be
a Bayesian inference encoder network and a decoder network, described as two players competing in a zero-sum game. One
that can be trained with stochastic gradient descent. The CNN is a generator that generates artificial training images.
encoder network projects input data into latent space The other CNN is called a discriminator, which classifies if
variables, whose true distribution is approximated using a images are real training images or artificial ones from the gen-
Gaussian distribution. The decoder network then maps the erator. The desired end-point of this adversarial arrangement
latent space back into output data, trained and guided by two is one where the discriminator is unable to tell the difference
cost functions: a reconstruction loss function and the between a real and a generated image i.e., the probability of
Kullback–Leibler divergence. assigning an image to either data distribution is 1/2. An
2) Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Net- advantage is that both generator and discriminator can be
works: Boltzmann machines were invented by Ackley et al. trained with backpropagation and dropout, without unwieldly
[37] in 1985, and were modified as Restricted Boltzmann inference and Markov chains. GANs are relatively new but
Machines (RBMs) a year later by Smolensky [38]. RBMs are some applications in brain MRI segmentation and synthetic
generative, stochastic, probabilistic, bidirectional graphical medical data generation are discussed in Section 4.1 below.
models consisting of visible and hidden layers [22]. These
layers are connected to each other but there are no
connections within the layers themselves. RBMs use the
backward pass of input data to generate a reconstruction, and To the researcher, CNNs have been put to task for classifi-
estimate the probability distribution of the original in- put. cation, localization, detection, segmentation and registration in
van Tulder et al. [39] modified RBMs into what they image analysis. Machine learning research draws a distinction
described as convolutional RBMs to classify lung tissue into between localization (draw a bounding box around a single
normal, emphysematous, fibrosed, micronodular, or ground object in the image), and detection (draw bounding boxes
glass tissue. For this task, they used the CT chest scans of 128 around multiple objects, which may be from different classes).
patients with interstitial lung disease from the ILD database. Segmentation draws outlines around the edges of target ob-
Convolutional RBMs were trained with either purely jects, and labels them (semantic segmentation). Registration
discriminative, purely generative, or mixed-discriminative and refers to fitting one image (which may be 2 or 3 dimensional)
generative learning objectives to learn filters. These filters were onto another. This separation of tasks is based on different
then used to perform feature extraction and create feature machine learning techniques and is maintained below.
activation maps, before classification using a random forest To the clinician this separation of tasks is not that crucial,
classifier. Classification accuracies of between 41% to 68% and it is the authors’ opinion that a pragmatic machine learning
were obtained, depending on the proportion of generative system will incorporate some or all of the tasks into a unified
learning and the input patch size. They also found that filters system. It would be ideal to, in a single workflow, detect a
generated from mixed-discriminative and generative learning lung tumor on a CT chest scan, and then localize and segment
performed the best, concluding that discriminative learning it away from normal tissue, and to prognosticate various treat-
could help unsupervised feature extractors learn filters opti- ment options, such as chemotherapy or surgery. Indeed, some
mized for classification tasks. of these tasks blur into one another in the papers discussed
RBMs can be efficiently trained with Contrast-Divergence here. From the clinician’s perspective, classification ascertains
algorithms [40] and stacked into Deep Belief Networks if a disease state is present or not, i.e., is blood present on this
2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
MRI brain scan signifying a hemorrhagic stroke? Localization did not have them. Their reconstructed PET images almost
implies the identification of normal anatomy, for example, matched ground truth results of disease classification, but one
where is the kidney in this ultrasound image? This is in caveat is that issues of overfitting were not addressed, limiting
contrast to detection, which implies an abnormal, pathological the potential generalizability of their technique. Hosseini-Asl
state, for example, where are all the lung tumors in this CT et al. [52] achieved state of the art results in diagnosing
scan of the lung? Segmenting the outline of a lung tumor helps patients with Alzheimer’s Disease versus normal, with an
the clinician determine its distance from major anatomical accuracy of 99%. They employed 3-D CNNs in an auto-
structures, and helps to answer a question such as, should this encoder architecture, pre-trained on the CADDementia dataset
patient be operated on, and if so, what should be the extent to learn generic brain structural features. The learned feature
of resection? outputs were then connected to higher layers where deep
supervision techniques fine-tuned the algorithm’s ability to
discriminate between scans of patients with normal brains,
A. Classification mild cognitive impairment, or Alzheimer’s Disease from the
Classification is sometimes also known as Computer-Aided ADNI database. Korolev et al. [53] evaluated the performance
Diagnosis (CADx). Lo et al. described a CNN to detect lung of their VOXCNN and ResNet, which was based on the
nodules on chest X-rays as far back as 1995 [45]. They used 55 VGGNet [54] and Residual neural network architectures [55]
chest x-rays and a CNN with 2 hidden layers to output whether respectively. They also used the ADNI database to discriminate
or not a region had a lung nodule. The relative availability between normal and Alzheimer Disease patients. Although
of chest x-ray images has likely accelerated deep learning their accuracy of 79% for Voxnet and 80% for ResNet was
progress in this modality. Rajkomar et al. [46] augmented lower than what Hosseini-Asl achieved, Korolev states that
1850 chest x-ray images into 150,000 training samples. Using their algorithms did not need hand-crafting of features and
a modified pre-trained GoogLeNet CNN [47], they classified were simpler to implement.
the orientation of the images into frontal or lateral views with Diabetic retinopathy (DR) can also be diagnosed using
near 100% accuracy. Although this task of identifying the CNNs. Using digital photographs of the fundus of the eye,
orientation of the chest x-ray is of limited clinical use, it does Pratt et al. [56] trained a CNN with 10 convolutional layers
demonstrate the effectiveness of pre-training, and data and 3 fully connected layers on approximately 90,000 fundus
augmentation in learning the relevant image metadata, as part images. They classified DR into 5 clinically used classifica-
of an eventually fully-automated diagnostic work-flow. tions of DR severity, with 75% accuracy. Abramoff et al. [57]
Pneumonia or chest infection is a common health-problem evaluated a commercial device, the IDx-DR version X2.1 (IDx
world-wide that is eminently treatable. Rajpurkar et al. [48] LLC, Iowa City, Iowa, USA) to detect DR. The author does
employed a modified DenseNet [49] with 121 convolutional not disclose the CNN architectures but states they are inspired
layers called CheXNet to classify 14 different diseases seen by Alexnet and VGGNet. The device, trained on up to 1.2
on the chest x-rays, using 112,000 images from the ChestX- million DR images, obtained an AUC score of 0.98.
ray14 [17] dataset. CheXNet achieved state of the art perfor- Unsupervised learning methods are also an active area of
mance in classifying the 14 diseases; pneumonia classification research. Pils et al. [58] used Deep Belief Networks to extract
in particular achieved an Area Under Curve (AUC) score of features from functional fMRI (fMRI) images, and MRI scans
0.7632 with Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analy- of patients with Huntington Disease and Schizophrenia. Suk et
sis. Moreover, on a test set of 420 images, CheXNet matched al. [59] classified fMRI images into diagnoses of Healthy or
or bettered the performance of 4 individual radiologists, and Mild Cognitive Impairment, using a stacked architecture of
also the performance of a panel comprising of 3 radiologists. RBMs to learn hierarchal functional relationships between
Shen et al. [50] used CNNs combined with Support Vector different brain regions. Looking outside the usual CNN mod-
Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) classifiers to classify els, Kumar et al. [60] compared the performance of the well-
lung nodules into benign or malignant, based on 1010 labelled known CNNs Alexnet and VGGNet to other techniques,
CT lung scans from the Lung Image Database Consortium namely Bag of Visual Words (BOVV) and Local Binary Pat-
(LIDC-IDRI) dataset. They used 3 parallel CNNs with 2 terns (LBP). Interestingly, the BOVV technique performed the
convolution layers each, with each CNN taking image patches best at classifying histopathological images into 20 different
at different scales to extract features. The learned features tissue types.
were used to construct an output feature vector, which was
then classified using either a SVM with radial basis function
(RBF) filter or RF classifier into benign or malignant. Their B. Localization
method classified nodules with 86% accuracy and they also Localization of normal anatomy is less likely to interest the
found that it was robust against different levels of noise inputs. practicing clinician although applications may arise in
Li et al. [51] used 3-dimensional CNNs to interpolate missing anatomy education. Alternatively, localization may find use in
imaging data between MRI and PET images. 830 patients with fully automated end-to-end applications, whereby the
MRI and PET scans from the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimag- radiological image is autonomously analyzed and reported
ing Initiative (ADNI) database were studied. 3-D CNNs were without any human intervention. Yan et al. [61] looked at
trained with MRI and PET images as input and output respec- transverse CT image slices and constructed a two stage CNN
tively, and used to reconstruct PET images from patients who where the first stage identified local patches, and the second
2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
stage discriminated the local patches by various body organs, Histopathological images are increasingly digitized and this
achieving better results than a standard CNN. Roth et al. [62] has led to numerous papers in this field. Currently these
trained a CNN with 5 convolution layers to discriminate images are laboriously read by human pathologists who look
approximately 4000 transverse axial CT images into one of for markers of malignancy such as: increased nucleus to
5 categories: neck, lung, liver, pelvis, legs. He was able to cytoplasm ratios, increased numbers of mitotic figures indi-
achieve a 5.9% classification error rate and an AUC score cating increased cell replication, atypical cellular architecture,
of 0.998, after data augmentation techniques. Shin et al. [63] signs of cellular necrosis, high cell proliferation index from
used stacked autoencoders on 78 contrast-enhanced MRI scans molecular markers like Ki-67. A histopathological slide can
of the abdominal region containing liver or kidney metastatic contain hundreds to thousands of cells, and wading through
tumors, to detect the locations of the liver, heart, kidney and them at high magnification carries the risk of missing aberrant
spleen. Hierarchal features were learned over the spatial and neoplastic areas. Ciresan et al. [70] used 11-13 layer CNNs
temporal domains, giving detection accuracies of between 62% to identify mitotic figures in 50 breast histology images from
and 79%, depending on the organ. the MITOS dataset. Their approach achieved precision and
recall scores of 0.88 and 0.70 respectively. More recently,
Yang et al [71]. achieved accuracies of 97-98% in classifying
C. Detection kidney cancer histopathological images into tumor or non-
Detection, sometimes known as Computer-Aided Detection tumor, using CNNs that were 5-7 layers deep. Sirinukunwat-
(CADe) is a keen area of study as missing a lesion on a scan tana et al. [72] also used CNNs, but to detect cell nuclei in
can have drastic consequences for both the patient and the 100 colorectal adenocarcinoma histology images. For training,
clinician. The task for the Kaggle Data Science Bowl of 2017 almost 30,000 nuclei had to be hand-labelled. The novelty in
[64] involved the detection of cancerous lung nodules on CT their approach was the use of their Spatially-Constrained CNN,
lung scans. Approximately 2000 CT scans were released for which used spatial regression and the surrounding spatial
the competition and the winner Liao et al. achieved a context to identify the centers of nuclei. Nuclei in breast cancer
logarithmic loss score of 0.399 [65]. Their solution used a 3-D histological slides were also identified by Xu et al. [73], al-
CNN inspired by U-Net architecture [19] to isolate local though he used a Stacked Sparse Autoencoder (SSAE) instead.
patches first for nodule detection. Then this output was fed Their model obtained precision and recall scores of 0.89 and
into a second stage consisting of 2 fully connected layers for 0.83 respectively, showing that unsupervised learning methods
classification of cancer probability. Shin et al. [24] evaluated can also be successfully employed in this field. Albarquoni et
five well-known CNN architectures in detecting thoraco- al. [74], deal with the issue of insufficient labelling of medical
abdominal lymph nodes and Interstitial lung disease on CT images, by "crowd-sourcing" the ground-truth labelling of
scans. Detecting lymph nodes is important as they can be a mitoses in breast cancer histology images to non-experts on
marker of infection or cancer. They achieved a mediastinal the internet. The crowd-sourced input labels were fed into a
lymph node detection AUC score of 0.95 with a sensitivity of CNN, and this represents an interesting proof-of-concept work
85% using GoogLeNet, which was state of the art. They also that may solve the perennial problem of insufficient labelling
documented the benefits of transfer learning, and the use of in medical image analysis.
deep learning architectures of up to 22 layers, as opposed to
fewer layers which was the norm in medical image analysis.
Overfeat was a CNN pre-trained on natural images that
won the ILSVRC 2013 localization task [66]. Ciompi et al. D. Segmentation
[67] applied Overfeat to 2-dimensional slices of CT lung CT and MRI mage segmentation research covers a variety
scans oriented in the coronal, axial and sagittal planes, to of organs such as liver, prostate and knee cartilage, but a large
predict the presence of nodules within and around lung amount of work has focused on brain segmentation, including
fissures. They combined this approach with simple SVM and tumor segmentation. The latter is especially important in
RF binary classifiers, as well as a Bag of Frequencies [68], a surgical planning to determine the exact boundaries of the
novel 3-dimensional descriptor of their own invention. tumor in order to direct surgical resection. Sacrificing too
Other than lung lesions, there are also a myriad of other much of eloquent brain areas during surgery would cause
applications, including detecting malignant skin cells. Esteva neurological deficits such as limb weakness, numbness and
et al. [69] used 130,000 dermatological photographs and cognitive impairment. Traditionally, medical anatomical seg-
dermoscopic images to train a GoogLeNet Inception V3 CNN, mentation was done by hand, with a clinician drawing outlines
with no hand-crafting of features. The CNN outperformed slice by slice through an entire MRI or CT volume stack,
human dermatologists in classifying the images as benign, therefore it is ideal to implement a solution that automates this
malignant or non-neoplastic lesions, reaching an accuracy of laborious task. An excellent review of brain MRI segmentation
72% compared to the 65% and 66% accuracies obtained by was written by Akkus et al. [75], who reviewed various CNN
2 human dermatologists. The CNN again bettered 21 human architectures and metrics used in segmentation. Additionally,
dermatologists at deciding treatment plans for two types of he also detailed the numerous competitions and their datasets,
skins cancers: carcinoma and melanoma. This task involved such as Brain Tumor Segmentation (BRATS), Mild traumatic
376 biopsy-proven images, and the CNN achieved AUC scores brain injury outcome prediction (MTOP) and Ischemic Stroke
of between 0.91 to 0.96. Lesion Segmentation (ISLES).
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
Moeskops et al. [76] used 3 CNNs, each with a different 2- al. [82], their actual clinical use is encountered in niche areas.
dimensional input patch size, running in parallel to classify Image registration is employed in neurosurgery or spinal
and segment MRI brain images of 22 pre-term infants and 35 surgery, to localize a tumor or spinal bony landmark, in order
adults into different tissue classes such as white matter, grey to facilitate surgical tumor removal or spinal screw implant
matter and cerebrospinal fluid. The advantage of using 3 placement. A reference image is aligned to a second image,
different input patch sizes is that each focuses on capturing called a sense image and various similarity measures and refer-
different aspects of the image, with the smallest patch focused ence points are calculated to align the images, which can be 2
on local textures while the larger patch sizes assimilated or 3-dimensional. The reference image may be a pre-operative
spatial features. Overall, the algorithm achieved good MRI brain scan and the sense image may be an intraoperative
accuracy, with Dice coefficients between 0.82 and 0.87. Most MRI brain scan done after a first-pass resection, to determine
segmentation research has been on 2-dimensional image if there is remnant tumor and if further resection is required.
slices, but Milleterai et al. [20] applied 3-dimensional CNN to Using MRI brain scans from the OASIS dataset, Yang et al.
segment MRI prostate images from the PROMISE2012 [83] stacked convolution layers in an encoder-decoder fash-
challenge dataset. Their proposed V-net was inspired by ion, to predict how an input pixel would morph into its final
Ronnerberger’s U-Net architecture [19], and was trained on configuration. They invoked the use of a Large deformation
50 MRI prostate scans and tested on 30 similar scans. V-net diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) registration model
achieved a dice similarity coefficient score of 0.869, which and achieved dramatic improvements in computational time.
was similar to that of the top placed teams in the challenge. Miao et al. [84] trained a 5 layer CNN on synthetic X-ray
Pereira et al. [77] applied deliberately small filters of 3 x 3 images in order to register 3-dimensional models of a knee
size, to allow the design of a deeper 11 convolution layer implant, a hand implant, and a trans-esophageal probe onto 2-
CNN, and to reduce overfitting. Their CNN was trained on dimensional X-ray images, in order to estimate their pose.
274 MRI brain tumor scans of gliomas, a type of brain tumor Their method obtained successful registrations 79-99% of the
with significant malignant potential, obtaining first place in time, and took 0.1 seconds, a significant improvement over
the BRATS 2013 and second place in the BRATS 2015 traditional intensity-based registration methods.
challenge. Havaei et al. [78] also looked at gliomas, and
explored various 2-dimensional CNN architectures on the IV. C ONCLUSION
BRATS 2013 dataset. Their algorithm performed better than
the BRATS 2013 winner, and took 3 minutes to run, compared A. Challenges
to 100 minutes. Their InputCascadeCNN had a cascaded A recurring theme in machine learning is the limit imposed
architecture, with the output of a first CNN being fed into a by the lack of labelled datasets, which hampers training and
second CNN. Chen et al. [79] proposed using up-sampled task performance. Conversely, it is acknowledged that more
filters, atrous spatial pyramid pooling, and fully connected data improves performance, as Sun et al. [85] shows using
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). These aid in enlarging an internal Google dataset of 300 million images. In general
the field of each filter’s view at multiple scales and improve computer vision tasks, attempts have been made to circumvent
localization accuracy. With this architecture which they called limited data by using smaller filters on deeper layers [47], with
DeepLab, Chen et al. achieved state-of-the-art performance in novel CNN architecture combinations [86], or hyperparameter
the PASCAL VOC-2012 Image segmentation task, reaching optimization [87].
79.7% mean Intersection over Union (mIOU). There is some In medical image analysis, the lack of data is two-fold and
overlap with Moeskops’ [76] use of input patches at different more acute: there is general lack of publicly available data,
scales, and it would be interesting to see how this work in and high quality labelled data is even more scarce. Most of
image segmentation can be advanced further. A more recent the datasets presented in this review involve fewer than 100
study by Casamitjana et al [80], compared various 3- patients. Yet the situation may not be as dire as it seems, as
dimensional CNN architectures. Training on the BRATS 2015 despite the small training datasets, the papers in this review
brain tumor dataset, they found that their 3D-CNN, modified report relatively satisfactory performance in the various tasks.
from the DeepMedic CNN by Kamnitsas et al. [21], The question of how many images are necessary for training
performed the best, and advocated using smaller receptive in medical image analysis was partially answered by Cho et
fields with multi-scale architecture. Brosch et al. [81] also al. [88]. He ascertained the accuracy of a CNN with
exploited the analysis of multi-scale architecture, in GoogLeNet architecture in classifying individual axial CT
segmenting MRI brain lesions of multiple sclerosis. They images into one of 6 body regions: brain, neck, shoulder,
employed a novel approach but using both an encoder chest, abdomen, pelvis. With 200 training images, accuracies
convolutional pathway consisting of pre-trained RBMs, and a of 88-98% were achieved on a test set of 6000 images. While
deconvolutional pathway similar to a U-Net architecture. categorization into various body regions is not a realistic
medical image analysis task, his report does suggest that the
problem may be surmountable. Being able to accomplish
E. Registration classification with a small dataset is possibly due to the
Although the registration of medical images has many general intrinsic image homogeneity across different patients,
potential applications, which were reviewed by El-Zahraa et as opposed to the near-infinite variety of natural images, such
as a dog in various breeds, colors and poses.
2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
VAEs and GANS, being generative models, may sidestep Algorithmically-generated high quality MRI images on a lower
the data paucity problem, by creating synthetic medical data. field-strength scanner would thus lower healthcare costs.
This was done by Guibas and Virdi, who used a 2 stage GAN Chang [109] demonstrated a novel application in the nascent
to segment and then generate retinal fundus images success- area of radio-genomics, which uses radiological images to
fully [89]. Their work was built on the research of Costa et al., predict the underlying molecular origin of a tissue. He first
which first described using GANs to generate retinal fundus used an autoencoder to learn latent features from MRI images
images [90]. Aside from synthetic data generation, GANs have of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a malignant brain tumor,
been used in brain MRI segmentation as well by Moeskops et from The Cancer Genome Atlas Glioblastoma Multiforme
al. [91], Kamnitsas et al. [92] and Varghese et al. [93]. (TCGA-GBM) data collection [110]. The learned features
Data or class imbalance in the training set is also a were then fed into a fully connected classifier layer to classify
significant issue in medical image analysis [94]. This refers to a MRI scan into one of 4 known molecular sub-types of GBM.
the number of images in the training data being skewed Although still early, Chang’s work could potentially diagnose
towards normal and non-pathological images. Rare diseases a GBM sub-type and obviate the need for surgical biopsy and
are an extreme example of this and can be missed without molecular assays. The generalizability of this technique to
adequate training examples. This data imbalance effect can tumors elsewhere in the body is also promising.
be ameliorated by using data augmentation to generate more Coudray et al. [111] accomplished an analogous task, but
training images of rare or abnormal data, though there is risk used histopathological images to classify lung cancer sub-
of overfitting. Aside from data-level strategies, algorithmic types, and to predict common genetic mutations. Knowing the
modification strategies and cost sensitive learning have also genetic mutations is helpful in prognosticating length of
been studied [95], [96]. survival and guiding the choice of chemotherapy. Their method
An important, non-technical challenge is the public re- outperforms a human pathologist, and the prediction of genetic
ception towards their health results being studied by a non- mutations had AUC scores of between 0.73 to 0.86.
human actor. This situation is not helped by the apocalyptic Tsochatzidis et al. [112] described an original work com-
artificial intelligence scenarios painted by some. Machine bining content-based image retrieval (CBIR) and computer-
learning algorithms have surpassed human performance in aided diagnosis (CADx). In essence, their model segmented
image recognition tasks, and it is likely that they will perform a lesion on a query image, and compared this to the seg-
better than humans in medical image analysis as well. Indeed, mented lesions in their database, consisting of 400 Regions
some of the papers in this review report that dermatologists and of interest derived from the Digital Database for Screening
radiologists have already been bested by machine learning. Yet Mammography (DDSM). The basis of comparison were the
the question regarding legal and moral culpability arises when Euclidean distances between the representation vectors of the
a patient is misdiagnosed, or suffers morbidity as a result of query lesion and database lesions. The model then outputs both
AI or AI-assisted medical management. This is accentuated by reference images and a likelihood of a lesion being benign or
our inability to fully explain how the black-box of machine malignant. They reported that their combined CBIR and CADx
algorithms work. However, it is likely that our relationship method resulted in state of the art prediction accuracy of 81%.
will continue evolve and recalibrate as AI-based technologies These examples highlight how the field of machine learning in
mature and inexorably permeate different facets of our lives. medical image analysis is changing rapidly, and that there may
still be numerous applications which have not been conceived
B. Future Applications of yet.
The traditional applications for medical image analysis
were discussed in Section 3. New areas of research include JK thanks Dr Lee Hwei Yee and the Department of Pathol-
prognostication [97], content-based image retrieval [98], [99], ogy from Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore for the histology
image report or caption generation [100], [101], and manip- image in Fig. 1.
ulation of physical objects with LSTMs and reinforcement Fig. 1. A collage of images depicting medical images, from
learning [102], [103] involving surgical robots [104], [105]. A left to right, top to bottom: an axial CT brain scan with a left-
few innovative applications that span across traditional medical sided hemorrhagic stroke, an axial MRI brain scan with a left-
image analysis categories are described below. sided brain tumor (a schwannoma), a normal chest X-ray, a
An interesting application was reported by Nie et al. [106], normal axial CT lung scan, and a histology slide with high
[107], in which GANs were used to generate CT brain images grade glioma (a brain tumor)
from MRI images. This is remarkable, as it means that patients Fig. 2. In this example disease classification task, an input
can potentially avoid the ionizing radiation from a CT scanner image of an abnormal axial slice of a T2-weighted MRI brain
altogether, lowering cost and improving patient safety. Nie also is run through a schematic depiction of a CNN. Feature
exploited the ability of GANs to generate improved, higher extraction of the input image is performed via the Convolution,
resolution images from native images [108] and reduced the RELU and pooling layers, before classification by the fully
blurriness in the CT images. A useful extension of resolution- connected layer
improvement techniques would be applying them to generate Fig. 3. Various neural network architectures. A. Recurrent
MRI images of higher quality. High quality MRI images neural network, B. Autoencoder, C. Restricted Boltzmann
require high tesla (and correspondingly costlier) MRI scanners. Ma- chine, D. Deep Belief Network, E. Generative
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788044, IEEE Access
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Fig. 1. A collage of images depicting medical images, from left to right, top to bottom: an axial CT brain scan with a left-sided hemorrhagic stroke, an
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