Design Thinking
Design Thinking
Design Thinking
Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge
assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. Involving
five phases—Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test—it is most useful to tackle problems
In user experience (UX) design, it’s crucial to develop and refine skills to understand and address
rapid changes in users’ environments and behaviors. The world has become increasingly
interconnected and complex since cognitive scientist and Nobel Prize laureate Herbert A. Simon
first mentioned design thinking in his 1969 book, The Sciences of the Artificial, and then
contributed many ideas to its principles. Professionals from a variety of fields, including
architecture and engineering, subsequently advanced this highly creative process to address
human needs in the modern age. Twenty-first-century organizations from a wide range of
industries find design thinking a valuable means to problem-solve for the users of their products
(aka wicked problems) because they can reframe these in human-centric ways and focus on
what’s most important for users. Of all design processes, design thinking is almost certainly the
best for “thinking outside the box”. With it, teams can do better UX
such as Google, Apple and Airbnb have wielded it to notable effect) matches its status as a
freedom to generate ground-breaking solutions. Using it, your team can get behind hard-to-
access insights and apply a collection of hands-on methods to help find innovative answers.
The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (aka the describes design thinking as
a five-stage process. Note: These stages are not always sequential, and teams often run them in
Here, you should gain an empathetic understanding of the problem you’re trying to solve,
typically through user research. Empathy is crucial to a human-centered design process such as
design thinking because it allows you to set aside your own assumptions about the world and
It’s time to accumulate the information gathered during the Empathize stage. You then analyze
your observations and synthesize them to define the core problems you and your team have
identified. These definitions are called problem statements. You can create personas to help keep
Now, you’re ready to generate ideas. The solid background of knowledge from the first two
phases means you can start to “think outside the box”, look for alternative ways to view the
This is an experimental phase. The aim is to identify the best possible solution for each problem
found. Your team should produce some inexpensive, scaled-down versions of the product (or
specific features found within the product) to investigate the ideas you’ve generated. This could
Evaluators rigorously test the prototypes. Although this is the final phase, design thinking is
iterative: Teams often use the results to redefine one or more further problems. So, you can
return to previous stages to make further iterations, alterations and refinements – to find or rule
entire design project, rather than sequential steps. Your goal throughout is to gain the deepest
understanding of the users and what their ideal solution/product would be.
Smart bracelet is a kind of smart wearable gadget which is worn around the wrist to allow for
keeping track of data and information and guiding a healthy living in people's daily life. It also
enables users to work their smartphones much easier without having to grab the smartphones in
One of the big advances demonstrated in this new smart wristband is the bringing together of a
wearable capable of capturing biomedical information that previously needed expensive and
bulky lab equipment to measure. This prototype includes a microfluidic sensor, a microcontroller
"It's like a Fitbit but has a biosensor that can count particles, so that includes blood cells, bacteria
and organic or inorganic particles in the air," explains Mehdi Javanmard, senior author of the
new study.
The current device demonstrates effective measurements of blood cells delivered into a
microfluidic sensor. At this stage the blood samples must be separately gathered via a pin-prick
process, but the researchers suggest that a future goal would be to incorporate either tiny micro
needles or catheter-based impedance sensors into the wristband, so it can continuously monitor
"Abnormally high or low white blood cell counts are indicators of certain cancers like leukemia,
for example."
As Javanmard also suggests, the system is designed to be easily modified to sense a variety of
different health biomarkers and potentially also airborne environmental hazards. "To detect
airborne particles, we could add a module to sample air, or perhaps pre-concentrate air particles
The rapid pace of technological development in miniaturizing and automating blood testing
separate team from Rutgers back in June, with the reveal of an automated system for drawing
and analyzing blood samples. That impressive device, again utilizing microfluidic sensor
platforms, was a self-contained robotic system that both takes blood samples, and instantly
analyzes them.
This new wearable device is a little more limited in what it can initially sense, but the overall
biomarker a person needs. The entire architecture of the system, including its ability to transfer
data directly to an associated smartphone, points to exciting future potential for personalized
wearable devices that can be tailored to individual needs, with data easily transferred to
phone. The first module consists of a pulse monitor and a wearable skin conductance sensor,
whose properties change when a person is in fear or experiences anxiety. As we know pulse rate
increases with fear due to the secretion of adrenaline, by sensing a change in the pulse rate, one
can figure out if the person is in danger. Another factor is the skin conductance. Since sweat is an
electrolyte and a good conductor of electricity the conductance of the skin will increase with
sweating. A person tends to sweat when in an unfavourable situation like this; by detecting
small changes in the conductance of the skin an appropriate decision can be taken.
Once it is established that the person is in danger, the proposed fear sensing system strobes
Android based mobile phone to send a message to preselected number. Simultaneously a few
capacitors in fear sensing system start charging and all ready to discharge into the attacker who
makes a physical contact with the victim. However this electrical shock is good enough to
incapacitate the attacker for a good few seconds which are crucial for fight or flight and not
The next section gives an overall idea about the interfacing of different components. Section 3
describes our approach to use different sensors for the detection of fear and anxiety and sending
the information wirelessly. Section 4 presents the data flow diagram of the system. We finish
The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in figure 1 and figure 2.
The system is designed by interfacing different modules such as skin conductance sensor, pulse
Fig 2: Block diagram showing Android mobile phone to send text message.
one’s skin. This is known as Electro Dermal Response (EDR) and this response can be used as
and is commonly referred to as "Fight or Flight." During excitation, in accordance with the
sympathetic response, sweat glands in the skin fill with sweat, a weak electrolyte and good
conductor.[2] This results in many low-resistance parallel pathways, thereby increasing the
conductivity of the skin. The basic purpose of skin conductance sensor would be to convert skin
Most of the light is absorbed or reflected by our organs and tissues (skin, bone, muscle, blood),
but some light will pass through our tissues if they are thin enough. When blood is pumped
through your body, it gets squeezed into the capillary tissues, and the volume of those tissues
increases very slightly. Then, between heart beats, the volume decreases. The change in volume
affects the amount of light that will transmit through. This fluctuation is very small, but
we can sense it with electronics. An Infrared LED and a photodiode sensor are used that is referred
as pulse monitor sensor in fig-1. It is important that the two devices are matched well, so that
the light wavelength output from the LED is detected strongly by the photodiode. It will
generate a small voltage and current when it is blasted with photons. The next thing done is to
amplify the signal coming from the photodiode. A Current to voltage converter is implemented
for the purpose. When high voltage is applied to the muscle, it scrambles the electrical pulses
sent from the brain to other parts of the body. When these electrical impulses are disrupted, it
results to the temporary shutdown of our body’s electrical system thus temporarily paralyzing the
attacker. This period causes confusion, giving her the opportunity to run away and to find help.
Stun guns generate a high-voltage, low-amperage electrical charge. When the stun gun is
pressed against an attacker, the charge passes into the attacker's body. Since it has a fairly high
voltage, the charge will pass through heavy clothing and skin. But at this low amperage, the
charge is not intense enough to damage the attacker's body unless it is applied for extended
periods of time.
Using the concept, we plan to incorporate a bank of capacitors which start to charge as soon as they
get the control signal from the microcontroller. The leads of capacitor are sticking out of the
wrist band. If the attacker makes a physical contact, a large amount of charge discharges through the
The heart of the system is a low power, high performance microcontroller The duty of the MCU
is to monitor the data received from the sensors and establish if the person is in danger and
wirelessly communicate to the mobile phone using Bluetooth module and also output a control
We are using a Bluetooth module shown in fig-2, which can wirelessly transmit information
to the Bluetooth module in the mobile phone. Instead of interfacing the GSM module to the
microcontroller used in the wrist band and make it bulky, we are using a mobile phone which
everyone carries around today. The data is sent from the microcontroller to the Bluetooth
module via the UART. This module wirelessly sends information via Bluetooth to the phone.
The installed application acts on the information received and sends SOS text messages to prelisted
The skin conductance sensor and pulse monitor sensors will be taking the values in regular
intervals. When these values are above the threshold value, then it’s considered as the occurrence of an
event and further actions are carried out. Immediately the central processing unit, the microcontroller
sends commands wirelessly via Bluetooth to the user mobile, application receives the data. And it
analyses the data and sends emergency messages to the pre stored mobile numbers. In the
meantime, the processor also starts the charging of the capacitors. The figure 3 shows the working
application using the mobile resources. The application will be a window for us to interact
with the mobile hardware. The task of the application is to receive the wireless data and
respond to the data by sending the pre-stored text as well as the current information to the
Application can be designed for other mobile operating systems as well. Using the application
we are also making the efficient use of the smartphones. Since most of the phones are equipped
with a Bluetooth module, the Application running on the phone receives information that the person
is in danger via the Bluetooth module interfaced to the microcontroller. Using the GPS in the
phone, it traces the location of the attack. It then sends a common SOS text message to all the
This paper has proposed a method to develop a portable and easily wearable device interfacing
pulse monitor sensors and skin conductance sensor to sense the fear or anxiety and a bank of
capacitors that are ready to shock the assailant if they come in close contact. This information
about the attack is sent as messages to emergency numbers using smart phone.
The proposed system is capable of constantly monitoring the state of the user’s mind using the
The stun gun helps even the physically weak users overpower their assailants by introducing an
element of surprise by shocking them though the shock is not lethal. The estimated cost of the
device won’t be very high since we make use of available user’s smartphone (not added to the
cost of the device) and a few capacitors and sensors making safety affordable.
A few challenges would be to generate sufficient voltage for the capacitors to shock since
batteries are used. It is important that we include a few power management techniques to
improve the overall performance and effectiveness of the device. The reliability of sensors to the
real-time situations will also be a parameter to consider. Given the network infrastructure in our
country, the information about the attack might not reach as soon as it takes place in the adverse
network conditions. However this is subjective to the service provider and the geographical