Keps 206
Keps 206
Keps 206
Chapter Six
Many times, courts are seen only as arbitrators in disputes between individuals
or private parties. But judiciary performs some political functions also. Judiciary
is an important organ of the government. The Supreme Court of India is in fact,
one of the very powerful courts in the world. Right from 1950 the judiciary has
played an important role in interpreting and in protecting the Constitution. In
this chapter you will study the role and importance of the judiciary. In the
chapter on fundamental rights you have already read that the judiciary is very
important for protecting our rights. After studying this chapter, you would be
able to understand
the meaning of independence of judiciary;
the role of Indian Judiciary in protecting our rights;
124 the role of the Judiciary in interpreting the Constitution; and
the relationship between the Judiciary and the Parliament of India.
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Independence of Judiciary
Simply stated independence of
judiciary means that
the other organs of the government
like the executive and legislature
must not restrain the functioning
of the judiciary in such a way that
it is unable to do justice.
the other organs of the government
should not interfere with the
decision of the judiciary.
judges must be able to perform
their functions without fear or
Independence of the judiciary does
not imply arbitrariness or absence of
accountability. Judiciary is a part of
the democratic political structure of the No fisticuffs please, this is rule of law!
Indian Constitution at Work
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Hold a debate in class on the following 127
Which of the following factors do you think,
work as constraints over the judges in
giving their rulings? Do you think these are
Opinion of other courts
Public opinion
Traditions of law
Time and staff constraints
Fear of public criticism
Fear of action by executive
Appointment of Judges
The appointment of judges has never been free from
political controversy. It is part of the political process. It
makes a difference who serves in the Supreme Court and
High Court— a difference in how the Constitution is
interpreted. The political philosophy of the judges, their
views about active and assertive judiciary or controlled
and committed judiciary have an impact on the fate of the
legislations enacted. Council of Ministers, Governors and
Chief Ministers and Chief Justice of India — all influence
the process of judicial appointment.
As far as the appointment of the Chief Justice of India
(CJI) is concerned, over the years, a convention had
developed whereby the senior-most judge of the Supreme
Court was appointed as the Chief Justice of India. This
convention was however broken twice. In 1973 A. N. Ray
was appointed as CJI superseding three senior Judges.
Again, Justice M.H. Beg was appointed superseding
Justice H.R. Khanna (1975).
Indian Constitution at Work
Removal of Judges
The removal of judges of the Supreme Court and the High
Courts is also extremely difficult. A judge of the Supreme
Court or High Court can be removed only on the ground
of proven misbehaviour or incapacity. A motion
containing the charges against the judge must be
approved by special majority in both Houses of the
Parliament. Do you remember what special majority
means? We have studied this in the chapter on Elections.
It is clear from this procedure that removal of a judge is a
very difficult procedure and unless there is a general
128 consensus among Members of the Parliament, a judge
cannot be removed. It should also be noted that while in
making appointments, the executive plays a crucial role;
the legislature has the powers of removal. This has ensured
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Indian Constitution at Work
High Court
Can hear appeals from lower courts.
Can issue writs for restoring Fundamental
Can deal with cases within the
jurisdiction of the State.
Exercises superintendence and control
over courts below it.
District Court
Deals with cases arising in the
Considers appeals on decisions
given by lower courts.
Decides cases involving serious
criminal offences.
Subordinate Courts
Consider cases of
civil and criminal
130 nature
Chapter 6: Judiciary
of Supreme
of India
Can issue writs of
Habeas Corpus,
Mandamus, Prohibition,
Certiorari and Quo
warranto to protect the
Fundamental Rights of the
Special Powers
Can grant special leave to an appeal from any judgement or
matter passed by any court in the territory of India.
Indian Constitution at Work
Original Jurisdiction
Original jurisdiction means cases that can be directly considered by
the Supreme Court without going to the lower courts before that.
From the diagram above, you will notice that cases involving federal
relations go directly to the Supreme Court. The Original Jurisdiction
of the Supreme Court establishes it as an umpire in all disputes
regarding federal matters. In any federal country, legal disputes are
bound to arise between the Union and the States; and among the
States themselves. The power to resolve such cases is entrusted to
the Supreme Court of India. It is called original jurisdiction because
the Supreme Court alone has the power to deal with such cases.
Neither the High Courts nor the lower courts can deal with such
cases. In this capacity, the Supreme Court not just settles disputes
but also interprets the powers of Union and State government as
laid down in the Constitution.
Writ Jurisdiction
As you have already studied in the chapter on fundamental rights,
any individual, whose fundamental right has been violated, can
directly move the Supreme Court for remedy. The Supreme Court
can give special orders in the form of writs. The High Courts can also
issue writs, but the persons whose rights are violated have the choice
of either approaching the High Court or approaching the Supreme
Court directly. Through such writs, the Court can give orders to the
executive to act or not to act in a particular way.
Appellate Jurisdiction
The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal. A person can
appeal to the Supreme Court against the decisions of the High Court.
However, High Court must certify that the case is fit for appeal, that
is to say that it involves a serious matter of interpretation of law or
Constitution. In addition, in criminal cases, if the lower court has
sentenced a person to death then an appeal can be made to the High
Court or Supreme Court. Of course, the Supreme Court holds the
132 powers to decide whether to admit appeals even when appeal is not
allowed by the High Court. Appellate jurisdiction means that the
Supreme Court will reconsider the case and the legal issues involved
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Advisory Jurisdiction
In addition to original and appellate jurisdiction, the
Supreme Court of India possesses advisory jurisdiction
also. This means that the President of India can refer any
matter that is of public importance or that which involves
interpretation of Constitution to Supreme Court for advice.
However, the Supreme Court is not bound to give advice
on such matters and the President is not bound to accept
such an advice.
What then is the utility of the advisory powers of the
Supreme Court? The utility is two-fold. In the first place,
it allows the government to seek legal opinion on a matter
of importance before taking action on it. This may prevent
unnecessary litigations later. Secondly, in the light of the
advice of the Supreme Court, the government can make
suitable changes in its action or legislations.
Article 137
…….. the Supreme Court shall
have power to review any
judgment pronounced or order
made by it.
Article 144
…… All authorities, civil and
judicial, in the territory of India
shall act in aid of the Supreme
Indian Constitution at Work
Single Integrated
Judiciary Supreme Court
Have you heard of the term judicial activism? Or, Public
Interest Litigation?
134 Both these terms are often used in the discussions
about judiciary in recent times. Many people think that
these two things have revolutionised the functioning of
judiciary and made it more people-friendly.
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Do you know that in recent times the judiciary has ruled that
bandhs and hartals are illegal?
Indian Constitution at Work
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Find out the details about at least
one case involving a PIL and study
the way in which that case helped
in serving public interest.
Indian Constitution at Work
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Indian Constitution at Work
Did you know that the practice of public interest litigation is now
becoming more and more acceptable in many other countries?
While many courts across the world, particularly in South Asia
and Africa practice some form of judicial activism comparable to
that of the Indian judiciary, the constitution of South Africa has
incorporated public interest litigation in its bill of rights. Thus,
in South Africa, it is a fundamental right of the citizen to bring
before the Constitutional Court, cases of violation of other persons’
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Indian Constitution at Work
During the period 1967 and 1973, this controversy became very
serious. Apart from land reform laws, laws enforcing preventive
detention, laws governing reservations in jobs, regulations acquiring
private property for public purposes, and laws deciding the
compensation for such acquisition of private property were some
instances of the conflict between the legislature and the judiciary.
In 1973, the Supreme Court gave a decision that has become
very important in regulating the relations between the Parliament
and the Judiciary since then. This case is famous as the Kesavananda
Bharati case. In this case, the Court ruled that there is a basic
structure of the Constitution and nobody—not even the Parliament
(through amendment)—can violate the basic structure. The Court
did two more things. First, it said that right to property (the disputed
issue) was not part of basic structure and therefore could be suitably
abridged. Secondly, the Court reserved to itself the right to decide
whether various matters are part of the basic structure of the
Constitution. This case is perhaps the best example of how judiciary
142 uses its power to interpret the Constitution.
This ruling has changed the nature of conflicts between the
legislature and the judiciary. As we studied earlier, the right to
property was taken away from the list of fundamental rights in 1979
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Indian Constitution at Work
In this chapter, we have studied
the role of the judiciary in our
democratic structure. In spite of
R K Laxman in The T imes of India.
Chapter 6: Judiciary
Indian Constitution at Work
1. What are the different ways in which the independence of the
judiciary is ensured? Choose the odd ones out.
i. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is consulted in the
appointment of other judges of Supreme Court.
ii. Judges are generally not removed before the age of retirement.
iii. Judge of a High Court cannot be transferred to another High
iv. Parliament has no say in the appointment of judges.
4. Read the news report below and identify the following aspects:
What is the case about?
Who has been the beneficiary in the case?
Who is the petitioner in the case?
Visualise what would have been the different arguments put
forward by the company.
What arguments would the farmers have put forward?
Chapter 6: Judiciary
per cent of the crop of what was once the fruit bowl of Maharashtra
is gone. The fisheries have shut and the forest cover has thinned. 147
Farmers and environmentalists say that fly ash from the power
plant entered ground water and polluted the entire eco-system.
The Dahanu Taluka Environment Protection Authority ordered
the thermal station to set up a pollution control unit to reduce
sulphur emissions, and in spite of a Supreme Court order backing
the order the pollution control plant was not set up even by 2002.
In 2003, Reliance acquired the thermal station and re-submitted
a schedule for installation process in 2004. As the pollution control
plant is still not set up, the Dahanu Taluka Environmental
Protection Authority asked Reliance for a bank guarantee of Rs.
300 crores.
Indian Constitution at Work
Chapter 6: Judiciary
7. Read the following statements: Match them with the different 149
jurisdictions the Supreme Court can exercise - Original, Appellate,
and Advisory.
The government wanted to know if it can pass a law about the
citizenship status of residents of Pakistan-occupied areas of
Jammu and Kashmir.
In order to resolve the dispute about river Cauvery the
government of Tamil Nadu wants to approach the court.
Court rejected the appeal by people against the eviction from
the dam site.