Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
Quarter: 1 Grade Level 12: Section: HUMSS A, GAS, HE, & AFA
Week: 1 Learning Area: Practical Research 2
MELCs: Describe the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research
1 Identify the Subject Orientation and Begin with the classroom routine:
7:30-8:30 important details Expectation Setting -Prayer
(HUMSS of the subject -Reminder of the classroom and safety protocol
A) -Checking of Attendance
Conduct pre-
-Quick “kamustahan”
8:30-9:30 assessment Ask the students to give their significant experiences
(GAS) and insights in Practical Research 1
Introduce the subject, the teacher, and about the
9:45-10:45 subject (subject title and classification, no. of
(HE) hours/semester, pre-requisites, subject description)
Allow the students to understand the subject
10:45- requirement and their individual responsibilities and the
11:45 grading system
(AFA) Conduct pre-assessment using the KWLH Chart
Call some students to present their work.
Synthesize all the things shared by the students.
2 Describe the Nature of Inquiry and Begin with the classroom routine:
7:30-8:30 characteristics, Research -Prayer
(HUMSS strengths, -Reminder of the classroom and safety protocol
A) -Checking of Attendance
weaknesses, and
-Quick “kamustahan”
kinds of
3 Describe the Nature of Inquiry and Begin with the classroom routine:
7:30-8:30 characteristics, Research -Prayer
(HUMSS strengths, -Reminder of the classroom and safety protocol
A) -Checking of Attendance
weaknesses, and
-Quick “kamustahan”
8:30-9:30 kinds of
Review the past lesson
(GAS) quantitative Do Activity 4.a. Understanding the Strengths and
research Weaknesses of Quantitative Research (Part I)
9:45-10:45 Directions: Identify whether the following statement is
4 Describe the Nature of Inquiry and Let the students read the Fact Sheet on the kinds of
characteristics, Research quantitative research and let them answer the
strengths, following activities to be submitted and checked next
weaknesses, and
- Activity 5.a. Knowing the Kinds of Quantitative
kinds of Research (Part I)
quantitative Directions. Write True if the statement is
research correct, and False if it is incorrect
- Activity 5.b. Knowing the Kinds of Quantitative
Research (Part II)
- Directions: Identify the kind of quantitative
being described in each of the following
scenario. Choose the letter
- of your answer from the choices inside the