Not 0162022 5172022
Not 0162022 5172022
Not 0162022 5172022
(Direct Recruitment)
Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates for selection to the undermentioned post.
Applications must be submitted online only through the official website of the Kerala Public Service
Commission after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”.
Note:Differently Abled candidates are not eligible to apply in response to this notification
Note:(i) The above vacancies are now in existence. The Ranked list of selected candidates published
by Kerala Public Service Commission in pursuance of this notification shall remain in force
for a minimum period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force till the
publication of a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year or till the expiry
of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates will be advised from the said list against the
vacancies that may be reported to the Commission during the period of the currency of the
(ii) The name, age limit and qualification of this post has been prescribed as per G.O.
(P).No.16/2008/Trans Dated 08.04.2008 (SRO.No.370/08), 8669/C2/2008/Trans Dated
21.10.2008, G.O.(P).No.36/2018/Trans Dated 03.11.2018 (SRO.No.820/18), G.O.
(P).No.3/2020/Trans Dated 23.01.2020 (SRO.No.372/20), G.O.(P).No.28/2022/Trans Dated
01.10.2022 (SRO.No.947/22).
[For other conditions regarding the age relaxation please see Part-II, Para 2 of the General Conditions
of the Gazette notification]
7 Qualifications :
I) Educational Qualifications:-
(a) KS&SSR Part-II Rule 10 (a) (ii) is applicable.
(b) In addition to the qualifications prescribed in the Notification, the qualifications
recognized by executive orders or standing orders of Government as equivalent to a
qualification specified for a post, in the special rules or found acceptable by the
Commission in cases where acceptance of equivalent qualifications is provided for in the
rules and such of those qualifications which pre-suppose the acquisition of the lower
qualification prescribed for the post, shall also be sufficient for the post. The copy of the
Government Orders declaring equivalent/ higher qualifications shall be produced as and
when required by the Commission.
(c) Candidates shall possess a Current Driving License throughout all the stages of selection
process as on the last date of application, OMR Test, Practical Test, Interview, etc.,
A) Must be Physically Fit and shall possess the following minimum Physical
For Male For Female
(i) Height – 165 cm Height – 152 cm
(ii) Chest – 81 cm (normal)
(for male candidates only)
Chest expansion: 5 cm
For candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe the minimum Height shall be 160 cms for
Male candidates and 150 cms for Female candidates.
B) Must possess the Visual Standards specified below without glasses.
Right Eye Left Eye
(i) Distant vision 6/6 snellen 6/6 snellen
(ii) Near vision 0.5 snellen 0.5 snellen
(a)Each Eye must have a Full Field of Vision
(b)Colour Blindness, Squint or any Morbid Conditions of the Eye or Lids of either Eye
shall disqualification for appointment.
(c) The Visual Standards shall be certified by a Medical Officer not below the Rank of an Assistant
Surgeon specialized in Ophthalmology of a Government Hospital. Candidates should produce
Medical Certificate in original in the following format as and when called for by the Commission.
[to be obtained from a Medical Officer under the Govt. not below the rank of
an Assistant Surgeon specialized in Ophthalmology of a Govt. Hospital]
He/ She is Physically Fit for the post of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector in Motor Vehicles
Photo of
Name & Designation of the Medical Officer
(The signature of the Medical officer shall be affixed on the photograph leaving the face clear).
(Office Seal)
Note:- Details regarding Standards of vision should be clearly stated in the Certificate, as given
above. Vague statements such as vision “normal”, “good”, “average” etc., will not be accepted.
Specification for each eye should be stated separately. If the specifications are not as indicated above,
the Certificate will not be accepted.
8. Probation:-
Every Person appointed to the service shall from the date on which he joins duty, be on probation for
a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years.
9. Training:-
A Probationer in the service shall undergo training for a period of 10 (Ten) Months as per the sched-
ule notified by the Transport Commissioner.
In the case of difference in caste/ community claimed in the application and that entered in SSLC
book, the candidate shall produce a Gazette notification in this regard, along with Non Creamy Layer
Certificate/ Community Certificate at the time of Certificate Verification.
10. Mode of Submitting applications:
a) Candidates shall register as per 'ONE TIME REGISTRATION ' system on the Official Website of
Kerala Public Service Commission '' for applying for the post. Candidates who
have registered shall apply by logging on to their profile using their User- ID and password. Can -
didates shall click on the 'Apply Now' button of the respective posts in the Notification link for apply-
ing for a post. The photograph uploaded in the profile of the candidate who have already registered
should be taken after 31.12.2012. Candidates who are creating profile from 01/01/2022 onwords must
upload photograph which is taken within six months. Name of the candidate and date of photograph
taken should be printed legibly at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all re-
quirements shall be valid for 10 years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instruc-
tions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates are respon-
sible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before applying for a
post, candidates must ensure correctness of the information in their profile. They must quote the
User- ID for further communication with the Commission. Applications once submitted will be re -
ceived as provisional and particulars cannot be deleted or altered after submission. Candidates are
advised to keep a printout or soft copy of the online application for future reference. Candi -
dates can take the printout of the application by clicking on the link 'My applications' in their
profile. All correspondences with the Commission, regarding the application should be accom-
panied with the print out of the application. Applications submitted not in accordance with the
conditions of the notification will be summarily rejected if non compliance with the notification is
found in due course of processing. Original documents to prove qualification, experience, communi-
ty, age, etc., have to be produced as and when called for.
c) Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR card as ID Proof in their profile.
d) Appropriate disciplinary action as per Rule 22 of the Kerala Public Service Commission Rules of
Procedure shall be initiated against those candidates who submit applications with bogus claims of
qualification regarding education, experience etc., and are liable to be disqualified for being consid-
ered for a particular post or debarment from applying to the Commission either permanently or for
any period or the invalidation of their answer scripts or products in a written/ practical test or the initi-
ation of criminal or other proceedings against them or their removal or dismissal from office or the
ordering of any other disciplinary action against them if they have already been appointed, or any one
or more of the above.
11. Last date for receipt of applications :- 18.01.2023 Wednesday upto 12.00 midnight.
12. Address to which applications are to be submitted: -
Candidates are required to acquaint themselves with the instructions given in the notification as Part-
II, General Conditions before submitting application for the post. Applications which are not
submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in the General Conditions are liable
to be rejected.