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Carraway Itec 7430 - Digital Tool Evaluation Rubric

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Digital Tool Evaluation Rubric

Background Information Cost: Free

App/Tool Name: Free-In App purchase required to fully use app:
Anticipated Cost:_______________

App Type (Check all that apply):

___eBook ___Audio recording app
___eVersions of traditional tool ___Rhyming games app
___Alphabet app ___Handwriting app
___Sight word app ___Word family app
___Dictionary app ___Multiple choice quiz app
___Mind mapping app ___Multimodal composing app

Instructions: Evaluate app or tool by circling the appropriate rating for each domain and tallying a total.

Category Criteria 1 2 3

Design Scale The tool is restrictive The tool can scaled to The tool can be
Features/Functionality to a limited number of accommodate any scaled to
users and cannot be size class but lacks accommodate any
scaled flexibility to create size class with the
smaller sub-groups or flexibility to create
communities of smaller sub-groups or
practice communities of

User Friendliness App is not intuitive for App offers limited App use is highly
use and students ease of use and intuitive and students
need a high level of instructions need to can launch and
support and be repeated at times navigate the app with
instruction to little to no instruction
understand use of the or support

Tech Support / Help Technological support Technical support and Campus-based

Availability and help help documentation is technical support
documentation is not available but limited, and /or help
available incomplete, or not documentation is
userfriendly readily available and
aids users in
troubleshooting tasks
or solving problems
experienced; or, the
tool provider offers a
robust support

Multimodal The tool is restrictive The tool allows users The tool allows users
in terms of the to communicate to communicate
communication through different through different
channels employed channels (audio, channels (audio,
(audio, visual, textual) visual, textual) but is visual, textual) and
and presents limited in its ability to allows for non-
information provide non- sequential,
sequentially in a rigid, sequential, flexible/adaptive
inflexible format flexible/adaptive engagement with
engagement with material

Connection to Learning Standards Skill or concept is not Skill or concept is Targeted standard is
Curriculum clearly connected to reinforced through the directly taught through
targeted standard tool. the tool.
Accessibility User-focused The tool is restrictive The tool has some The tool is designed
participation in meeting the limited capacity to to address the needs
diversity of needs address the needs of of diverse users, their
reflective in the diverse users, their various literacies, and
student body. The tool various literacies, and capabilities, thereby
likely restricts some capabilities widening opportunities
learners from fully for participation in
participating. learning

Instructional Features Facilitation The tool has not been The tool has limited The tool has easy-to-
designed to support functionality to use features that
an instructor’s ability effectively support an would significantly
to be present with instructor’s ability to improve an
learners via active be present with instructor’s ability to
management, learners via active be present with
monitoring, management, learners via active
engagement, and monitoring, management,
feedback engagement, and monitoring,
feedback engagement, and

TOTAL: ______ OUT OF 21

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________


____________________________________ ____________________________________
Requester’s Signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date

Anstey, L. & Watson, G. (2018, September 10). A rubric for evaluating e-learning

tools in higher education. Educause Review.



The app map - israelson - 2015 - the reading teacher - wiley online library. (n.d.).

Retrieved August 17, 2022, from


Lindberg, S., Strong, J., Lefeber, J., Gould, K., & Hodgett, J. (2018, May 15). Digital

Tool Selection Checklist and Evaluation Rubric. OER Commons. Retrieved August

17, 2022, from https://wlresources.dpi.wi.gov/authoring/450-digital-tool-selection-


Walker, H. (n.d.). Evaluation rubric for iPad applications - California State University ...

Retrieved August 17, 2022, from


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