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54m Lattice Tower 12m2 - Foundation Calculations

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Base length A [m] 3.80 Rebar cover top X [mm] 50
Base width B [m] 3.80 Rebar cover top Y [mm] 50
Base length AA [m] 1.2 Rebar cover bottom X [mm] 50
Base width BB [m] 1.2 Rebar cover bottom Y [mm] 50 Spacing # length kg
Column - C 0.75 Rebar plinth - Asx top [mm²/m] 914 Y16@ 220 6 3.088 29.243
Column - D 0.75 Rebar plinth - Asy top [mm²/m] 914 Y16@ 220 6 2.736 25.910
Column offset - E 0 Rebar Pad - Asx top [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863
Column offset - F 0 Rebar Pad - Asy top [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863
Founding depth 2.70 Rebar Pad - Asx bot [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863
Max Projection 0.3 Rebar Pad - Asy bot [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863
Stub column height X 2.45 Stub bar/link diameter [mm] Y20 R8 3.060 120.743
Base depth Y (Pad) 0.3 Stub bar number/link spacing 16 175 3.54 27.937
Base depth YY (Plinth) 0.25 fcu base [MPa] 25 Total 635.287
Soil Cover Z 2.15 fcu column [MPa] 25 kg/m³ 101.8
Stub rake angle x [˚] 0 fy [MPa] 450
Stub rake angle y [˚] 0 γm = 1.4 (fcu < 40MPa)
Concrete density [kN/m³] 24 RATES Qty COST
Soil density [kN/m³] 18 Concrete 7840 R/m³ 6.24 R 48 912.78
Soil friction angle [˚] 25 Rebar 8.5 R/kg 635.29 R 5 399.94
Soil frustrum angle [˚] 25 Excavation 150 R/m³ 38.99 R 5 848.20
Base friction constant 0.5 Backfill 180 R/m³ 34.46 R 6 203.66
ULS ovt - self weight 0.9 Shutter 450 R/m² 1.74 R 782.16
ULS LF - self weight 1.2 TOTAL R 67 146.73
Max SLS Bearing [kN/m²] 150
SF Overturning (ULS) 1
SF Slip (ULS) 1
H/H dimension 6219
LOAD INPUT DATA Working Loads / Unfactored Loads
Load Case LF LF ULS Pw [kN] Hx [kN] Hy [kN] Mx [kNm] My [kNm]
Compression 1.3 1 849.2 70.8
Uplift 1.3 1 814.6 70.8
Uplift: Nr = 1176.3 kN Tu = 1059.0 kN
Bearing - Pad - SLS: P max = 145.5 kPa Pu = 150 kPa
Bearing - Pad - ULS: P max = 106.3 kPa Pu = 150 kPa
Shear at column edge: OK < .75√fcu = 3.75 MPa and < 4.75MPa
Punching Shear - Stub:
Punching Shear - Plinth: 0.367 MPa Shear OK - no addt'l shear rebar req'd
Flexural rebar - Plinth: A sx = 540 mm² A sxprov = 1380 mm² A sxmin = 715 mm²
A sy = 376 mm² A syprov = 1380 mm² A symin = 715 mm²
Flexural rebar - Pad: A sx = 937 mm² A sxprov = 870 mm² A sxmin = 390 mm²
A sy = 756 mm² A syprov = 870 mm² A symin = 390 mm²
Stub Rebar: T .r = 2262 kN Tu = 1059.0 kN
On pad
Soil wedge # DL(3-3) 44.26 0.00 44.26 448.53 kN
Soil wedge # DL(4-4) 44.26 0.00 44.26 448.53 kN
Stub DL (Gstub) 33.1 kN
On soffit of pad
Pad DL (Gpad) 112.6 kN 4.692 m³
a) Design Loads: SLS
Total Dead Load G tot.s = G stub + G pad + G soil G tot.s = 682.7 kN
Total Design Axial Load Ns = 1.3 * G tot.s + 1.0 * Q n Ns = 1736.8 kN
MsxCL [kNm] 0.0 210.1 0.0 65.5 0.0 -65.5 M sx-CL = 231.1 kNm ex = 0.13
MsyCL [kNm] 0.0 -15.3 0.0 65.5 0.0 -65.5 M sy-CL = -16.8 kNm ey = -0.01
Bearing pressures - Pad P xmax = 145.5 kPa P ymax = 118.4 kPa
P xmin = 95.0 kPa P ymin = 122.1 kPa
Bearing at edge of Plinth P xmax = 128.3 kPa P ymax = 119.7 kPa
P xmin = 112.3 kPa P ymin = 120.9 kPa
b) Design Loads: ULS - Uplift
Total Design Axial Load N s = (1.2 * G + 1.6 * Qn) * 0.9
Vr [kN] 4.3 0.4 1.4 0.17 70.5
Nr [kN] 23.4 1.9 7.4 0.9 1142.6 sum=1176.3 kN Tu = 1059.0 kN

c) Design Loads: ULS

Total Design Axial Load N s = (1.2 * Gn + 1.6 * Qn) * 1.3 Nu = 1104.0 kN
MuxCL [kNm] 0.0 273.1 0.0 78.5 0.0 -78.5 M ux-CL = 273.1 kNm ex = 0.25
MuyCL [kNm] 0.0 -19.9 0.0 78.5 0.0 -78.5 M uy-CL = -19.9 kNm ey = -0.02
Bearing pressures - Pad P uxmax = 106.3 kPa P uymax = 74.3 kPa Yx = 4.958 m
P uxmin = 46.6 kPa P uymin = 78.6 kPa Yy = 5.754 m
Bearing at edge of Plinth P xmax = 78.4 kPa P ymax = 57.5 kPa
P xmin = 36.1 kPa P ymin = 60.9 kPa
d) Linear Shear at the column edge
Average effective depth d avg = Y+YY-cover - ø d avg = 484 mm
Perimeter of column u = 2 * (C + D) or π * C u= 3000 mm
Shear at edge v max = Nu v max = 0.760 MPa
u * d avg OK < .75√fcu = 3.75 MPa and < 4.75MPa
e) Punching Shear at critical section plinth (1.5*d from column face)
One side of perimeter - x (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2202 mm > 1200 Punching no problem in plinth
One side of perimeter - y (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2202 mm > 1200 Punching no problem in plinth
Critical perimeter u = 2 * (C + D + 4 * 1.5 * d avg ) u= 0 mm
Area within critical perimeter A inside = (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) * (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) A inside = 0.000 m²
Punching V on perimeter V = (A * B - A inside ) * P u V= 0.0 kN
Punching v on perimeter v = V / (u * d avg ) v= 0.000 MPa
Capacity without shear rebar vc = 0.288 MPa
f) Linear Shear at the plinth edge
Average effective depth d avg = Y-cover - ø d avg = 234 mm
Perimeter of column u = 2 * (C + D) or π * C u= 4800 mm
Shear at edge v max = Nu v max = 0.983 MPa
u * d avg OK < .75√fcu = 0 MPa and < 4.75MPa
g) Punching Shear at face of plinth
One side of perimeter - x AA = 1200 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad
One side of perimeter - y BB = 1200 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad
Critical perimeter u = 2 * (AA + BB) u= 4800 mm
Area within critical perimeter A inside = (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) * (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) A inside = 1.440 m²
Punching V on perimeter V = (AA * BB) * P u V= 113.0 kN
Punching v on perimeter v = V / (u * d avg ) v= 0.049 MPa
Capacity without shear rebar vc = 0.639 MPa Shear OK - no addt'l shear rebar req'd
h) Punching Shear at critical section (1.5*d from plinth face)
One side of perimeter - x (AA + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2652 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad
One side of perimeter - y (BB + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2652 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad
Critical perimeter u = 2 * (AA + BB + 4 * 1.5 * d avg ) u= 10608 mm
Area within critical perimeter A inside = (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) * (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) A inside = 7.033 m²
Punching V on perimeter V = (A * B - A inside ) * P u V= 787.5 kN
Punching v on perimeter v = V / (u * d avg ) v= 0.317 MPa
Capacity without shear rebar vc = 0.367 MPa Shear OK - no addt'l shear rebar req'd
i) Flexural Reinforcement - Plinth
Critical length for flexure G x = (AA + E - C 1 )/2 Gx = 1.525 m
G y = (BB + F - D 1 )/2 Gy = 1.525 m
M at critical section M ux = (P u * A * G x ) * G x /2 P uGx = 89.9 kPa M ux = 95.7 kNm
M uy = (P u * A * G y ) * G y /2 P uGy = 56.6 kPa M uy = 66.5 kNm
Effective depth d = Y-cover - 1.5ø d = 476 mm
Req'd area of rebar K = M / (B * d² * f cu ) Kx = 4.44E-06 Ky = 3.09E-06
z = d * (.5 + √.25 - K/.9) zx = 476 zy = 476 mm
z x /d = 1.00 z y /d = 1.00 Not less than 0.95, thus z=0.95d z = 452.2 mm
A s = M / (0.87 * f y * z) A sx = 540 mm²
A sy = 376 mm²
Check min rebar A smin = 0.13 * B * h / 100 A sxprov = 1380 A sxmin = 715 mm²
A syprov = 1380 A symin = 715 mm²
Maximum bar spacing S max = 750 mm
j) Flexural Reinforcement - Pad
Critical length for flexure G x = (A + E - AA )/2 Gx = 1.3 m
G y = (B + F - D 1 )/2 Gy = 1.3 m
M at critical section M ux = (P u * A * G x ) * G x /2 P uGx = 67.0 kPa M ux = 78.8 kNm
M uy = (P u * A * G y ) * G y /2 P uGy = 77.1 kPa M uy = 63.6 kNm
Effective depth d = Y-cover - 1.5ø d = 226 mm
Req'd area of rebar K = M / (B * d² * f cu ) Kx = 1.62E-05 Ky = 1.31E-05
z = d * (.5 + √.25 - K/.9) zx = 226 zy = 226 mm
z x /d = 1.00 z y /d = 1.00 Not less than 0.95, thus z=0.95d z = 214.7 mm
A s = M / (0.87 * f y * z) A sx = 937 mm²
A sy = 756 mm²
Check min rebar A smin = 0.13 * B * h / 100 A sxprov = 870 A sxmin = 390 mm²
A syprov = 870 A symin = 390 mm²
Maximum bar spacing S max = 678 mm
k) Stub Tensile Loads: ULS
Total Resisting Load G tot.r = G stub + G pad + G soil G tot.r = 682.7 kN
Total Destabilizing Load N u = 1.6 * Q n Nu = 814.6 kN
l) Stub Tensile Reinforcement
Reinforcement resistance T .r = 2262 kN

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