This document provides the geometry, structural properties, and load calculations for the design of a tower foundation. Key details include:
- The foundation has dimensions of 3.8m x 3.8m and is 2.7m deep with a 0.3m tall stub column.
- Load calculations are provided for service, uplift, and ultimate limit states. Maximum bearing pressures and bending moments are calculated.
- Shear and punching shear capacities are checked at critical sections. Required reinforcement areas are calculated and sufficient capacity is confirmed.
This document provides the geometry, structural properties, and load calculations for the design of a tower foundation. Key details include:
- The foundation has dimensions of 3.8m x 3.8m and is 2.7m deep with a 0.3m tall stub column.
- Load calculations are provided for service, uplift, and ultimate limit states. Maximum bearing pressures and bending moments are calculated.
- Shear and punching shear capacities are checked at critical sections. Required reinforcement areas are calculated and sufficient capacity is confirmed.
This document provides the geometry, structural properties, and load calculations for the design of a tower foundation. Key details include:
- The foundation has dimensions of 3.8m x 3.8m and is 2.7m deep with a 0.3m tall stub column.
- Load calculations are provided for service, uplift, and ultimate limit states. Maximum bearing pressures and bending moments are calculated.
- Shear and punching shear capacities are checked at critical sections. Required reinforcement areas are calculated and sufficient capacity is confirmed.
This document provides the geometry, structural properties, and load calculations for the design of a tower foundation. Key details include:
- The foundation has dimensions of 3.8m x 3.8m and is 2.7m deep with a 0.3m tall stub column.
- Load calculations are provided for service, uplift, and ultimate limit states. Maximum bearing pressures and bending moments are calculated.
- Shear and punching shear capacities are checked at critical sections. Required reinforcement areas are calculated and sufficient capacity is confirmed.
Base length A [m] 3.80 Rebar cover top X [mm] 50 Base width B [m] 3.80 Rebar cover top Y [mm] 50 Base length AA [m] 1.2 Rebar cover bottom X [mm] 50 Base width BB [m] 1.2 Rebar cover bottom Y [mm] 50 Spacing # length kg Column - C 0.75 Rebar plinth - Asx top [mm²/m] 914 Y16@ 220 6 3.088 29.243 Column - D 0.75 Rebar plinth - Asy top [mm²/m] 914 Y16@ 220 6 2.736 25.910 Column offset - E 0 Rebar Pad - Asx top [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863 Column offset - F 0 Rebar Pad - Asy top [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863 Founding depth 2.70 Rebar Pad - Asx bot [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863 Max Projection 0.3 Rebar Pad - Asy bot [mm²/m] 870 Y16@ 231 17 4.020 107.863 Stub column height X 2.45 Stub bar/link diameter [mm] Y20 R8 3.060 120.743 Base depth Y (Pad) 0.3 Stub bar number/link spacing 16 175 3.54 27.937 Base depth YY (Plinth) 0.25 fcu base [MPa] 25 Total 635.287 Soil Cover Z 2.15 fcu column [MPa] 25 kg/m³ 101.8 Stub rake angle x [˚] 0 fy [MPa] 450 Stub rake angle y [˚] 0 γm = 1.4 (fcu < 40MPa) Concrete density [kN/m³] 24 RATES Qty COST Soil density [kN/m³] 18 Concrete 7840 R/m³ 6.24 R 48 912.78 Soil friction angle [˚] 25 Rebar 8.5 R/kg 635.29 R 5 399.94 Soil frustrum angle [˚] 25 Excavation 150 R/m³ 38.99 R 5 848.20 Base friction constant 0.5 Backfill 180 R/m³ 34.46 R 6 203.66 ULS ovt - self weight 0.9 Shutter 450 R/m² 1.74 R 782.16 ULS LF - self weight 1.2 TOTAL R 67 146.73 Max SLS Bearing [kN/m²] 150 SF Overturning (ULS) 1 SF Slip (ULS) 1 H/H dimension 6219 LOAD INPUT DATA Working Loads / Unfactored Loads Load Case LF LF ULS Pw [kN] Hx [kN] Hy [kN] Mx [kNm] My [kNm] Compression 1.3 1 849.2 70.8 Uplift 1.3 1 814.6 70.8 OUTPUT DATA SUMMARY: Uplift: Nr = 1176.3 kN Tu = 1059.0 kN Bearing - Pad - SLS: P max = 145.5 kPa Pu = 150 kPa Bearing - Pad - ULS: P max = 106.3 kPa Pu = 150 kPa Shear at column edge: OK < .75√fcu = 3.75 MPa and < 4.75MPa Punching Shear - Stub: Punching Shear - Plinth: 0.367 MPa Shear OK - no addt'l shear rebar req'd Flexural rebar - Plinth: A sx = 540 mm² A sxprov = 1380 mm² A sxmin = 715 mm² A sy = 376 mm² A syprov = 1380 mm² A symin = 715 mm² Flexural rebar - Pad: A sx = 937 mm² A sxprov = 870 mm² A sxmin = 390 mm² A sy = 756 mm² A syprov = 870 mm² A symin = 390 mm² Stub Rebar: T .r = 2262 kN Tu = 1059.0 kN DETAILED CALCULATIONS: On pad Soil wedge # DL(3-3) 44.26 0.00 44.26 448.53 kN Soil wedge # DL(4-4) 44.26 0.00 44.26 448.53 kN Stub DL (Gstub) 33.1 kN On soffit of pad Pad DL (Gpad) 112.6 kN 4.692 m³ a) Design Loads: SLS Total Dead Load G tot.s = G stub + G pad + G soil G tot.s = 682.7 kN Total Design Axial Load Ns = 1.3 * G tot.s + 1.0 * Q n Ns = 1736.8 kN MsxCL [kNm] 0.0 210.1 0.0 65.5 0.0 -65.5 M sx-CL = 231.1 kNm ex = 0.13 MsyCL [kNm] 0.0 -15.3 0.0 65.5 0.0 -65.5 M sy-CL = -16.8 kNm ey = -0.01 Bearing pressures - Pad P xmax = 145.5 kPa P ymax = 118.4 kPa P xmin = 95.0 kPa P ymin = 122.1 kPa Bearing at edge of Plinth P xmax = 128.3 kPa P ymax = 119.7 kPa P xmin = 112.3 kPa P ymin = 120.9 kPa b) Design Loads: ULS - Uplift Total Design Axial Load N s = (1.2 * G + 1.6 * Qn) * 0.9 Vr [kN] 4.3 0.4 1.4 0.17 70.5 Nr [kN] 23.4 1.9 7.4 0.9 1142.6 sum=1176.3 kN Tu = 1059.0 kN
c) Design Loads: ULS
Total Design Axial Load N s = (1.2 * Gn + 1.6 * Qn) * 1.3 Nu = 1104.0 kN MuxCL [kNm] 0.0 273.1 0.0 78.5 0.0 -78.5 M ux-CL = 273.1 kNm ex = 0.25 MuyCL [kNm] 0.0 -19.9 0.0 78.5 0.0 -78.5 M uy-CL = -19.9 kNm ey = -0.02 Bearing pressures - Pad P uxmax = 106.3 kPa P uymax = 74.3 kPa Yx = 4.958 m P uxmin = 46.6 kPa P uymin = 78.6 kPa Yy = 5.754 m Bearing at edge of Plinth P xmax = 78.4 kPa P ymax = 57.5 kPa P xmin = 36.1 kPa P ymin = 60.9 kPa d) Linear Shear at the column edge Average effective depth d avg = Y+YY-cover - ø d avg = 484 mm Perimeter of column u = 2 * (C + D) or π * C u= 3000 mm Shear at edge v max = Nu v max = 0.760 MPa u * d avg OK < .75√fcu = 3.75 MPa and < 4.75MPa e) Punching Shear at critical section plinth (1.5*d from column face) One side of perimeter - x (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2202 mm > 1200 Punching no problem in plinth One side of perimeter - y (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2202 mm > 1200 Punching no problem in plinth Critical perimeter u = 2 * (C + D + 4 * 1.5 * d avg ) u= 0 mm Area within critical perimeter A inside = (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) * (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) A inside = 0.000 m² Punching V on perimeter V = (A * B - A inside ) * P u V= 0.0 kN Punching v on perimeter v = V / (u * d avg ) v= 0.000 MPa Capacity without shear rebar vc = 0.288 MPa f) Linear Shear at the plinth edge Average effective depth d avg = Y-cover - ø d avg = 234 mm Perimeter of column u = 2 * (C + D) or π * C u= 4800 mm Shear at edge v max = Nu v max = 0.983 MPa u * d avg OK < .75√fcu = 0 MPa and < 4.75MPa g) Punching Shear at face of plinth One side of perimeter - x AA = 1200 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad One side of perimeter - y BB = 1200 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad Critical perimeter u = 2 * (AA + BB) u= 4800 mm Area within critical perimeter A inside = (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) * (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) A inside = 1.440 m² Punching V on perimeter V = (AA * BB) * P u V= 113.0 kN Punching v on perimeter v = V / (u * d avg ) v= 0.049 MPa Capacity without shear rebar vc = 0.639 MPa Shear OK - no addt'l shear rebar req'd h) Punching Shear at critical section (1.5*d from plinth face) One side of perimeter - x (AA + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2652 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad One side of perimeter - y (BB + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) = 2652 mm < 3800 Check Punching in pad Critical perimeter u = 2 * (AA + BB + 4 * 1.5 * d avg ) u= 10608 mm Area within critical perimeter A inside = (C + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) * (D + 2 * 1.5 * d avg ) A inside = 7.033 m² Punching V on perimeter V = (A * B - A inside ) * P u V= 787.5 kN Punching v on perimeter v = V / (u * d avg ) v= 0.317 MPa Capacity without shear rebar vc = 0.367 MPa Shear OK - no addt'l shear rebar req'd i) Flexural Reinforcement - Plinth Critical length for flexure G x = (AA + E - C 1 )/2 Gx = 1.525 m G y = (BB + F - D 1 )/2 Gy = 1.525 m M at critical section M ux = (P u * A * G x ) * G x /2 P uGx = 89.9 kPa M ux = 95.7 kNm M uy = (P u * A * G y ) * G y /2 P uGy = 56.6 kPa M uy = 66.5 kNm Effective depth d = Y-cover - 1.5ø d = 476 mm Req'd area of rebar K = M / (B * d² * f cu ) Kx = 4.44E-06 Ky = 3.09E-06 z = d * (.5 + √.25 - K/.9) zx = 476 zy = 476 mm z x /d = 1.00 z y /d = 1.00 Not less than 0.95, thus z=0.95d z = 452.2 mm A s = M / (0.87 * f y * z) A sx = 540 mm² A sy = 376 mm² Check min rebar A smin = 0.13 * B * h / 100 A sxprov = 1380 A sxmin = 715 mm² A syprov = 1380 A symin = 715 mm² Maximum bar spacing S max = 750 mm j) Flexural Reinforcement - Pad Critical length for flexure G x = (A + E - AA )/2 Gx = 1.3 m G y = (B + F - D 1 )/2 Gy = 1.3 m M at critical section M ux = (P u * A * G x ) * G x /2 P uGx = 67.0 kPa M ux = 78.8 kNm M uy = (P u * A * G y ) * G y /2 P uGy = 77.1 kPa M uy = 63.6 kNm Effective depth d = Y-cover - 1.5ø d = 226 mm Req'd area of rebar K = M / (B * d² * f cu ) Kx = 1.62E-05 Ky = 1.31E-05 z = d * (.5 + √.25 - K/.9) zx = 226 zy = 226 mm z x /d = 1.00 z y /d = 1.00 Not less than 0.95, thus z=0.95d z = 214.7 mm A s = M / (0.87 * f y * z) A sx = 937 mm² A sy = 756 mm² Check min rebar A smin = 0.13 * B * h / 100 A sxprov = 870 A sxmin = 390 mm² A syprov = 870 A symin = 390 mm² Maximum bar spacing S max = 678 mm k) Stub Tensile Loads: ULS Total Resisting Load G tot.r = G stub + G pad + G soil G tot.r = 682.7 kN Total Destabilizing Load N u = 1.6 * Q n Nu = 814.6 kN l) Stub Tensile Reinforcement Reinforcement resistance T .r = 2262 kN