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Order of Play. Phase 1. Initiative.

Phase One: Determine who has the initiative The players each roll a single D6 for each tank to
Each player rolls a D6. This will determine the determine the sequence of play in the current
order in which players activate their tanks. turn. The dice roll is adjusted as follows:
Phase Two: Activations +1 if player’s tank has ‘Ace’ status
Players now each take their turn in accordance +1 if player’s tank has ‘banked’ a ‘Wild
with the initiative sequence until all tanks have Dice’ in the tanks previous turn (+1 for each
been activated. die banked).
Phase Three: End of Turn
Draws are re-rolled.
Once all players have activated the turn ends.

Phase 2. Activation. ACE ability to change 1

Command Dice to non-Wild die/Activation. AIM. Aiming can only take place
Command Dice. (Roll 6 Dice to start with, but when the target has been Acquired.
Command Dice may be reduced either Temporarily or Arc of Aim: Target must be within 60o arc of
Permanently due to damage to tank or crew.) turret (or front of tank without a turret). If no,
turret, tank must pivot before aiming.
One Aim Die is needed to Aim.
Any number of additional Aim dice may be used
DRIVE. Each Drive Die allows you to:- to -1 to firers required score to hit a target.
1. Move Forward 2D6 inches. *†
2. Reverse 1D6 inches. *† Aim is lost if either tank moves.
3. Turn on the spot up to 90o – using Unloaded tanks may aim but must load before
one of your 2D6 from 1 above. they can fire.
4. Turn on the spot 91o to 180o. Req. full Drive D6
5. Rotate Turret up to 60o if stationary.†
6. Cross a Minor Obstacle. ‡ SHOOT.
* May turn up to 89 if moving & rotate See overleaf for Shooting Process.
turret up to 60o if moving for free. May not move
off the table, stop on table edge.
† Slow Turrets may only rotate 1 X 60o per activation. RELOAD. Use 1 Reload Die to
‡ Major Obstacles require Two Drive Dice to cross. reload.
Tanks start the game Loaded.
Tanks with Rapid Fire Guns do not need to
ACQUISITION. Each Acquisition Die is used reload between each shot in a single activation,
to try and acquire a target. they can reload at the end of the current
activation or before firing in a subsequent
Must have LOS to target, 60o forward arc from turret activation.
(or front of tank if no turret) if ‘Buttoned’, 180o if
Unbuttoned. ACQ lost if no LOS, or outside arc.
Target in Open, is acquired Automatically by an WILD DICE. Each Wild Die may be :-
Unbuttoned Tank.
1) Changed to any other Command Die.
Target in Open, is acquired using 1 Acquisition Die by
2) Banked to give +1 to Initiative Die Rolls
a Buttoned Tank.
next turn, per D6 banked in this way.
For each Minor Obstacle intervening, 1 additional
3) Add -1 to “To Hit” score required per D6.
Acquisition Die will be needed.
4) Add 1 Additional Strike Die in step 2 of
For each Major Obstacle intervening, 2 additional
firing process.
Acquisition Dice will be needed.
5) Recover a Command Die lost to Temporary
Target is Low Profile, +1 additional Acquisition Die.
Damage. Can be rolled in future activation.
Partially obscured = Minor obstacle.
Largely obscured = Major obstacle.
Quick Reference Sheet. Shooting process (To Hit procedure)
Step 2. Continued.
Shoot dice allow the tank to fire. In order to
shoot, the tank MUST :- Compare Hits (Ordinary and Critical) to
a) Have Acquired a Target, and Saves :-
b) Be Aimed, and Saves exceeds Hits :- No effect.
c) Be Loaded.
Saves equals Hits :- Roll 1D6 :-
Adjudicate if shot is being fired at Front, Flank or rear. 1 – 5 = Target tank retreats that
If Target has Heavy Armour, flank shots count as being number of inches.
from the front and rear shots count as being made from 6 = 1 Command Die
the flank. ♦ temporarily lost.

Step 1. Roll to Hit. Modifiers are to base score To Hit.

Hits exceed Saves by 1 or 2 :-
MORE Critical Hits than Ordinary
Roll 2D6 :-
Hits :- then 1 Hit is Permanent,
Target score To Hit in Open under 48” 6 = Hit.
others Temporary.
Target score To Hit in Open over 48” 7 = Hit.
More Ordinary Hits than Critical Hits,
Intervening Minor obstacle +1 or equal :- All Damage is Temporary.
Target Partially Obscured +1
Target is a ‘Small’ Tank. +1 Hits exceed Saves by 3 or more :-
Intervening Major obstacle +2 Target Tank destroyed :-
Target Largely Obscured +2 More Crits than Ordinary =
Each additional Aim Die. -1 applied to one shot Tank Brews up, killing crew.
If using a Wild Die. -1 applied to one shot Otherwise, crew bail out.
+/- any adjustments due to damage to the
firer, OR Bonus Cards. Temporary Damage – Lose Command Die
to Damage section. May be recovered with
Any tank rolling an unmodified Double One ends turn
immediately and loses all Acquisition and Aim Tokens. a Wild Die.

Any tank rolling an unmodified Double Six receives Permanent Damage – Remove a Command
additional +2 Strike Dice. Die Permanently (Max 1 per shot unless
Step 2. Effect of Hit. Roll 1D6 for each Strike Factor of tank has Iron Fist) + Roll 1D6 to see if shot
his tank, adding +1 D6 if target is unbuttoned or unable to hit Hull or Turret :-
Button up. 1,2,3,4 = Hull.
May add +1 D6 for a Wild Die if desired. 5,6 = Turret.
See what damage occurs on Ladder of
Shot is against : No Ordinary Critical Permanent Damage.
Effect Hit Hit
Frontal Armour 1,2,3,4 5 6
Side Armour ♦ 1,2,3 4 5,6
Rear Armour ♦ 1,2 3 4,5,6
♦ See Note on Heavy Armour above.
Player controlling Targeted Tank rolls 1D6 for
each Armour Factor.
Each 5 or 6 = Save.
Impossible Hits. e.g. hull down tank cannot be hit in hull. Then Permanent damage to hull is ignored,
but permanent loss of Command Dice still applies.

Zero Dice. When Command Dice are reduced to Zero, then crew bail out. Bailed out tanks cannot be
The last tank to remove the last Command Die is credited with the kill.

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