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Automated CarWash Reservation System

Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for
human work in the production of goods and services. The main advantages of automation are
replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work, Economy
improvement, Automation may improve in economy of organizations, society or most of
humanity, Reduces operation time and work handling time significantly, Provides higher level
jobs in the development, deployment, maintenance and running of the automated processes.
There is an effort to Automated CarWash reservation system, so that the reservation system of
(business name) carwash center will be automated or computerized which will reduce the
problem existing today and customers can interact easily with the system the customer can
access resources from new system. As a result, the customer will be more comfortable.
Automation has paramount effect in the customer reservation process.
1.1. Motivation of the project
(Business name) car wash service center was work manual system for managing customer
booking, car maintenance (oil change) etc, due to these reasons we are motivate to work this
project in order to change the manual system into computerized system.
1.2. Project area description
(Business name) car wash services consist of more than 42 employees. (Business name)
car wash services consists offers many services for customer such as oil and car maintenance and
carwash with different packages and car decor product & services. (Business name) car wash
services consist of uses a manual system for managing customer booking. The reservation
system offers registration of customer information, in a web-based system. Its objective is to do
effectively with minimum employee, saving time, simplicity; to ensure that the business delivers
information to who it belongs to customer e.g. by telephoning or email.

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1.3. Identification of stakeholder
Stakeholders are the people involves in the project activity or affected by the project and include
the sponsor, project team, support stuff, customer user, supplier and even opponents to the
1. Manager:
 Generate report
2. Receptionist:
 Post information for the new guest
 Confirm customer request
 Check available
3. Customer:
 Visit website
 Perform registration
4. Team:
 Work on the project
5. Owner:
 Used by the project
6. Sponsor:
 Find the project
7. IT department
 Support the team member
1.4. Major tools and techniques
Project management tools and techniques assist project managers and their teams in carrying out
work in all 10knowledge areas.
Tools When we use Description of the tools
Kick _of meeting Communication A meeting held at the beginning of a project so that
management stakeholders can meet each other, review the goals of
the project, and discuss future plans
Gant chart Time A standard format for displaying project schedule
management information by listing project activities and their
corresponding start and finish dates in a calendar
format; sometimes referred to as bar charts.
Project management Integration Software that integrates information from multiple
software management projects to show the status of active, approved, and
future projects across an entire organization, also
called enterprise project management software
Work breakdown Scope A deliverable-oriented grouping of the work

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structure management involved in a
project that defines its total scope
Network diagram Time a schematic display of the logical relationships
management among project activities and Their sequencing.
Tools and technique
1.6 Project selection techniques
We identify many potential projects as a part of their strategic planning processes and they
often rely on experienced project manager to help them make a project selection.
In order to identify or select our project we use the following five common techniques:
 Focusing the organization needs: XYZ CarWash Services needs many activity
performed by computerized system example ordering and client reservation, generate
 Categorizing of IT project: it is the method of selecting the project based on various
categorization such as the project impetus, time window, and general priority. The
impetus for the project is often to response to a problem. An opportunity or directive.
 Problems: XYZ CarWash Services has many limitations for example all activities can
perform manually.
 Opportunity: there is an opportunity to works computerized system
 Directive: the government can influence on the XYZ CarWash Services to generate the
reports by computerized and announce the hotel.
 Performing net value analysis: net value analysis is the method of calculation the
expected net monetary gain or loses from project by discounting all expected future cash
inflows and out flows to the present point in time.
Discount rate 5% Total
Project completed date January
Month October 0 November December January 3
1 2
Cost 1000 4000 4000 10,000
Discount factor 1 0.95 0.97 0.86
Discount cost 1000 3800 3080 8600 16480
Benefit 50 100 100 200

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Discount factor 1 0.95 0.97 0.86
Discount benefit 50 95 97 192 417
Discount benefit-cost 950 3703 2983 8428 15204
Cumulative benefit-cost 950 2753 230 8198 NPV
ROI 92%
Payback in month December 2

Net present value

2.3. Project charter
Project charter is a document that normally reorganizes the existence of a project and provides
direction on the project objective and management. it authorizes the project manager to use
organizational resources to complete the project. Identify the project manager provide major role
in developing the project charter.
Project title; XYZ CarWash Services
Date of authorization; October 25
Project start date; October 25
Project finished date; January 8
Key schedule mile stones.
 Complete the tag in form by October 30
 Complete the generate report form by November 6
 Complete the implementation by January 7
Budget information: The frame has allocated 20,000 $ this project and more funds are available
if needed. The major cost of this project will be team member to do different codes.
Project manager: ABC
Project objective: The general objective of this project is to solve the problem by designing and
developing automated dynamic web site in XYZ CarWash Services
Main project success criteria: the project should pay for itself within three months of
Approach: to change the manual file handling system into advanced method of computerized
Roles and responsibility

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Name Role Position Contact information
Manager Manager
Sponsor Sponsor
Team member Team member
Team member Team member
Team member Team member
Team member Team member

Sign_ off

We will support this project as a time of allows, but we feel different constraints have been
got .and it is difficult to save them because the lack of knowledge.
Project charter

2.4. Project management plan

Project name: XYZ CarWash Services
Project description: The general objective of this project is to developing an automated
dynamic website that can enhance online reservation for XYZ CarWash Services.
Sponsor name: (Use Any Name Here)
Manager name: (Use Any Name Here)
Team member: (Use Any Name Here)
Deliverable of the project: create automation web site system
Project team responsibility:

Id Name of the team members Task(s)

ETR/0218/08 A Manager

ETR/ 0186/08 B Sponsor

ETR/0204/08 C Documentation

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ETR/0062/08 D Member
Data gathering and
ETR/0036/08 E
ETR/0058/08 F Data designer

Management objective: This project is very important of reservation system, but we are
misgiving that our system is not functionally implemented,
Project control: the manager and the internal stakeholder should be work hard and control
everything that related to the project.
Risk management: every stakeholder can be identifying the risk and understand which method
is important to solve the risk and who is manage the risk.
Summery schedule: the project will be end three months later.
Summery budget: This project has been planned 30,000 $ to complete.

Project scope management
3.1. Requirement manageability metric
Manageability is one of those nonfunctional requirements that often make it onto lists
but, equally often, seems to lack a clear and consistent definition. It is most often used as a catch-
all for the ease with which deployment, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting can be
conducted. However, we feel there is a specific aspect which is unique to manageability and
worth pulling out separately. Manageability is the ease (or otherwise) with which the technical
elements of a system in operation can be monitored for health and controlled,
No Requirement Label Requirement Text
1 Operational There shall be a defined set of operational (as opposed to
Management benefit) management information that the organization wants to
Information Set track. This set should cover key people aspects as well as
technical aspects 
2 Technical Operational The element of the system should be able to generate the
Management required management information (e.g., free disk space in a
Information storage array, size of incoming call queue)

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3 Technical Operational For the technical elements of the system the system shall be
Management able to aggregate and analyze the gathered management
Information Analysis information
4 Operational For the technical elements of the system the system shall be
Management able to record threshold limits for key operational management
Information Alerting information and generate alerts with a view to improving
the operational performance of the system
5 People Operational For the people elements of the system there shall be a process
Management by which gathered information is used to improve processes
Information Analysis and skills
3.2 Work Break Down Structure (WBS)
After collecting requirements and defining scope, the next step in project scope management is
to create a work breakdown structure. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a deliverable
oriented, grouping of the work involved in a project that defines its total

Level WBS Element Name

1 1 Automated CarWash Reservation System
2 1.1 feasibility study
1.1.1 Technical feasibility
1.1.2 Operational feasibility
1.1.3 Economic feasibility
3 1.2 Requirement analysis
1.2.1 Evaluate current system
1.2.2 Define user requirement
1.2.3 Define system requirement
1.2.4 Define functional and nonfunctional
1.2.5 requirement
1.2.6 Hardware requirement
software requirements

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3 1.3 System analysis
1.3.1 Actor identification
1.3.2 Use case modeling
1.3.3 Use case documentation
1.3.4 Activity diagram
1.3.5 Sequence diagram
3 1.4 System design
1.4.1 State chart
1.4.2 collaboration diagram
1.4.3 component diagram
1.4.4 Deployment diagram
1.4.5 User interface
1.4.6 Prototype & Coding
3 1.5 Testing
1.5.1 Units testing
1.5.2 Integrated testing
1.5.3 Functional testing
1.5.4 System testing
1.5.5 Acceptance testing
2 1.6 Maintenance

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Phone Protection

Feasibility Study Requirment Analysis System analysis System design Testing

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Evaluate current
Technicla Feasibility Actor identification State chart Units testing
1.1.1 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.5.1

opeerational feasibility Use case modeling collaboration diagram Integrated testing

user requirement 1.2.2
1.1.2 1.3.2 1.4.2 1.5.2

Economic Feasibilty system requirement Use case component diagram Functional testing
1.1.3 1.2.3 documentation 1.3.3 1.4.3 1.5.3

functional and
nonfunctional Activity diagram Deployment diagram System testing
requirement 1.3.4 1.4.4 1.5.4

Hardware requirement Sequence diagram User interface Acceptance testing

1.2.5 1.3.5 1.4.4 1.5.5

software requirements Prototype & Coding

1.2.6 1.4.4

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3.6. WBS dictionary
A WBS dictionary is a document that provides detailed information about each WBS Item. The
format of the WBS dictionary can vary based on project needs.
Project Title: Automated CarWash Reservation System
WBS Item WBS Item Description
number Name
1 Feasibility Using the current system as an example, we'll compare the new system's
study technology, software, and other needs. Prepare a proposal for a new
2 Requirement This phase defines user needs and system functions. We'll additionally
analysis arrange the system environment.
3 System understanding of client, receptionist and reservation system behaviour
analysis allows for quick and methodical need analysis.
4 System design This step creates data flow and E-R diagrams. Interface and database
design will begin. This phase connects all pieces to complete functions.
5 Testing System dependability will be tested.

Project schedule management
4.1. Activity list, activity attribute, milestone list
The Automated CarWash Reservation System has a task that performs day to day for the
costumers who get service for that project.
At this time the project are gives for the costumer’s such as
supply auto-decor and necessary parts related to business based on quality
gives comfortable waiting area with conformable bath room
gives wireless internet service for customers i.e. Wi-Fi
Not only this also for the future it out line the planning runs its activities
construct the green area around the hotel
use the machine based more than manual
And many activities are list here
 specify new material =denoted by <<A>>

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 add new material……………………<<B>>
 generate report ……………………<<C>>
 delete material ………………………<<D>>
 update material………………………….<<E>>
 design new material…………<<F>>
 design generate report form…………<<G>>
 design delete form………………<<H>>
 design update form…………….<<I>>
 code and test the activities…………..<<J>>
 integrated and implemented the activities………….<<K>>
4.2. Project schedule network diagram
Generate the product from another are when the activities are carry out to transformation.
Depend up on the activities apply on the product we can draw an activity network, which shows
the tasks that have to be carried out and the other in which they have to be executed. But create a
network activity in which has been modified.
We can divide the project activities in to three steps and introducing check point activities. A
check point good potentially delay work some elements of the project. All durations are in days.

4.3. Activity resource requirement

Activity resource requirements would describe the skill level of the people needed to perform the
test; the number of people and hours suggested performing the test, the need for special software
or equipment, and other requirements.

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4.4. Resource breaks down structure
The project is executed with the help of resource, these resource can be hardware, software or
human resource .the resource pertaining to a project can be show in the RBS:-

Resource Category Type

Sponsor Human Have enough budget
Manager Human Have good skill
Designer Human Have good technical
Flash Hard ware 8GB
CD Hard ware 2 GB
Laptop Hard ware 4 GB
Paper Hard ware A4
RBS table

4.5. Activity duration estimate

To do this project we use much time at the first week we discuss about the project and how to
do also we prepare a material needs for our project.
The after we finish all of this means weak two, gather data that is possible to our project and
organize each data as it is possible as the third week and fourth week, we revise our project and
discuss briefly. At the end of the week, we prepare our self or group member for presentation.

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DURATION 6 7 5 11 7 9 4 7 3 6 10

Path 1:- A-B-B-G-K Length 6+7+7+4+10=28 days

Path 2:- A-C-C-G-K Length 6+5+4+10=25 days
Path 3:- A-D-D-H-K Length 6+11+7+10=34 days (That is the critical path)
Path4:- A-E-E-I-K Length 6+7+3+10=26 days
Path5:- A-F-F-J-K Length 6+9+6+10 =31 days
Total duration=28 days, 25 days, 34 days,26days,31days=144 days

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4.6. Project schedule

Time schedule

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