Technical Reportwriting On Knowledge-Based Systems For Natural Language Processing
Technical Reportwriting On Knowledge-Based Systems For Natural Language Processing
Technical Reportwriting On Knowledge-Based Systems For Natural Language Processing
26/03/2010 EC
Assosa, Ethiopia
1 Introduction 1
2 Underlying Principles 3
5 Summary 16
Defining Terms 17
References 18
Further Information 22
This article reviews some of the underlying principles and methodological issues in developing
knowledge-based methods for natural language processing. Some of the best practices in
knowledge- based NLP will be illustrated through several NLP systems that use semantic and
world knowledge to resolve ambiguities and extract meanings of sentences. Issues in knowledge
acquisition and representation for NLP will also be addressed. The article includes pointers to
books, journals, conferences, and electronic archives for further information. A revised version of
this article will appear as a chapter in the Handbook for Computer Science and Engineering to be
published by CRC Press in Fall 1996.
1 Introduction
A large variety of information processing applications deal with natural language texts. Many such
applications require extracting and processing the meanings of the texts, in addition to processing their
surface forms. For example, applications such as intelligent information access, automatic document
classification, and machine translation benefit greatly by having access to the underlying meaning
of a text. In order to extract and manipulate text meanings, a natural language processing (NLP)
system must have available to it a significant amount of knowledge about the world and the domain
of discourse. The knowledge-based approach to NLP concerns itself with methods for acquiring and
representing such knowledge and for applying the knowledge to solve well-known problems in NLP
such as ambiguity resolution. In this chapter, we look at knowledge-based solutions to NLP problems,
a range of applications for such solutions, and several exemplary systems built in the knowledge-based
A piece of natural language text can be viewed as a set of cues to the meaning conveyed by the
text, where the cues are structured according to the rules and conventions of that natural language and
the style of its authors. Such cues include the words in a language, their inflections, the order in which
they appear in a text, punctuation, and so on. It is well known that such cues do not normally specify a
direct mapping to a unique meaning. Instead, they suggest many possible meanings for a given text
with various ambiguities and gaps. In order to extract the most appropriate meaning of an input text,
the NLP system must put to use several types of knowledge including knowledge of the natural
language, of the domain of discourse, and of the world in general.
Every NLP system, even a connectionist or ‘‘purely’’ statistical one, uses at least some knowledge
of the natural language in question. Knowledge of the rules according to which the meaning cues in the
text are structured (such as grammatical and semantic knowledge of the language) is used by
practically every NLP system. The term Knowledge-Based NLP System (KB-NLP) is applied in
particular to those systems that, in addition to using linguistic knowledge, also rely on explicitly
formulated domain or world knowledge to solve typical problems in NLP such as ambiguity
resolution and inferencing. In this chapter, we concentrate on KB-NLP systems.
Not all problems in NLP require world knowledge. For example, a sentence such as (1) below has
several local syntactic ambiguities all of which can be resolved using grammatical knowledge alone.
Sentence (2) has a lexical or word sense ambiguity where the word ‘‘bank’’ can mean either a
financial institution or a river bank among other meanings. This ambiguity can be resolved using
statistical knowledge that the financial institution sense is more frequent in the given corpus or domain.
It can also be resolved (with a better confidence in the result, perhaps) using world knowledge that
salaries are much more likely to be deposited in financial institutions in the modern world than in a
river bank. Such knowledge is called a selectional constraint or preference.
Sentence (3) below also has a word sense ambiguity in the word ‘‘bar’’ which can mean (in its
noun form) either a rod or a drinking place. The ambiguity can be resolved in favor of the rod meaning
(such as in a ‘‘chocolate bar’’) in (3a) using world knowledge that a child is not allowed to inspect
drinking places (or by knowing that the rod sense occurs much more frequently with ‘‘child’’ than
does the drinking-place sense). Sentence (3b), however, is truly ambiguous and is hard to interpret one
way or the other in the absence of strong knowledge of the domain of discourse.
Sentence (4) is an example of a semantic ambiguity in the preposition ‘‘by.’’ Once again, world
knowledge about hiding events inform the system that the hat must have been hidden before the point
in time known as ‘‘three o’clock’’ rather than by ‘‘Mr. three o’clock’’ or near the place known as
‘‘three o’clock.’’
A majority of KB-NLP systems are domain specific. They use rich knowledge about a particular
domain to process texts from that domain. NLP is easier in domain-specific systems for several
reasons: some of the ambiguities present in the language in general are eliminated in the chosen
domain by overriding preferences for a domain-specific (or ‘‘technical’’) interpretation; the range of
inferences that can be made to bridge a gap is narrowed by knowledge of the chosen domain; and it is
much more tractable to
encode detailed knowledge of a narrow domain than it is to represent all the knowledge in the world.
Domain-specific NLP systems can also benefit from expert knowledge about the domain which may
be available in the form of rules, heuristics, or just episodic or case knowledge.
Some applications, however, do not allow us to constrain the domain narrowly. Often, any piece
of text must be acceptable as input to the system or texts from a domain may nevertheless talk about
pretty much anything in the world. In such tasks, since it is impossible to provide the system with
expert knowledge in every domain, one must build a base of common-sense knowledge about the
world and use that knowledge to solve problems such as ambiguity.
Knowledge-based solutions have influenced the field of NLP in significant ways providing a
viable alternative to approaches based only on grammars and other linguistic information. In
particular, knowledge-based systems have made it possible to integrate NLP systems with other
knowledge-based AI systems such as those for problem solving, engineering design, and reasoning
(e.g., Peterson et al., 1994). Efforts at such integration have moved the focus away from natural
language front-ends to more tightly coupled systems where NLP and other tasks interact with and aid
each other significantly. KB-NLP systems have provided a means for these AI systems to be grounded
in real-world input and output in the form of natural languages.
KB-NLP systems have also brought to focus a range of applications that involve NLP of more than
one natural language. Knowledge-based systems are particularly desirable in tasks involving multi-
lingual processing such as machine translation, multilingual database query, information access, or
multilingual summarization. Since linguistic knowledge tends to differ in significant ways from one
language to another, such systems, especially those that deal with more than two languages, benefit
greatly by having a common, interlingual representation of the meanings of texts. Deriving and
manipulating such language-independent meaning representations go hand in hand with the
knowledge-based approach to NLP.
Knowledge-based solutions are equally applicable to both language understanding and generation.
However, knowledge-based techniques have been explored and applied in practice to language under-
standing to a far greater extent than to generation. Although we use understanding as the task in this
chapter to illustrate the majority of problems and techniques, KB-NLP has been quite influential in the
field of generation as well.
2 Underlying Principles
NLP can be construed as a search task where the different possible meanings of words (or phrases) and
the different ways in which those meanings can be composed with each other define the combinatorics
of the space. All knowledge-based systems can be viewed as search systems that use different types
of knowledge to constrain the search space and make the search for an optimal or acceptable solution
more efficient. Knowledge such as that contained in selectional constraints aids NLP in two ways:
it constrains the search by pruning certain branches of the search space that are ruled out as per the
knowledge and it also guides the system in the remaining search space along paths that are more likely
to yield preferred interpretations. Thus, knowledge helps to both reduce the size of the search problem
and to make the search in the reduced space more efficient.
In designing a KB-NLP system one must first determine how to represent the meanings of texts. Once
such a meaning representation is designed, knowledge about the world, meanings of words in a
language, and meanings of texts can all be expressed in well-formed representations built upon the
common meaning representation (Mahesh and Nirenburg, 1996).
Knowledge in KB-NLP systems is typically partitioned into a lexical knowledge base and a world
KB. A lexical KB typically contains linguistic knowledge, such as word meanings, the syntactic
patterns in which they occur, and special usage and idiosyncratic information, organized around the
words in the language. It is, in general, a good practice to keep language specific knowledge in the
lexical KB and domain or world knowledge in a separate world KB which is sometimes also called an
ontology, especially in multilingual systems (Carlson and Nirenburg, 1990; Mahesh, 1996). In such
a design, the world KB can be common across all the natural languages being processed and can also
be shared potentially with other knowledge-based AI systems. In what follows, whenever we refer to a
KB or to retrieving knowledge from a KB, we mean the world KB, not a lexicon.
In some systems, such as case-based NLP systems (Cullingford, 1978; DeJong, 1979; 1982;
Lebowitz, 1983; Lehnert et al., 1983; Ram, 1989; Riesbeck and Martin, 1986a; 1986b), in addition to
ontological world knowledge, one or more episodic knowledge bases may be employed. An episodic
KB, sometimes also known as an onomasticon or case library, contains remembered instances of
ontological concepts (such as people, places, organizations, events, etc.), is typically used for case-
based inferences but may also be used for selection tasks (see below).
The application of knowledge in KB-NLP systems can be divided into one of two fundamental
• Knowledge-based selection: A very common problem in NLP is ambiguity where the system
must choose between two or more possible solutions (meanings of a word, for instance).
Knowledge-based selection is a method for choosing one (or a subset) of the possible meanings
as per constraints derived from the system’s knowledge of how meanings combine with those of
other words in (syntactically related parts of) the text. Use of such selectional constraints for
word sense disambiguation was illustrated in example sentences (2) and (3) above. Knowledge
of the relationships between each of the possible meanings of a unit and meanings of other units
of the text is used to set up a set of constraints for each possible meaning. These constraints are
evaluated using the knowledge base and the results compared with each other. The choice that
best meets all the constraints is selected by the system as the most preferred meaning of the unit.
• Knowledge-based inference: Often, there are zero choices to select from or there are gaps in
the input where certain parts of the meaning or how certain parts compose with each other is
not specified by any cues in the input. Knowledge-based systems apply their knowledge to infer
such missing information to fill the gaps in the meaning. Knowledge-based inference is also
often necessary to resolve a word sense ambiguity by making inferences about the meanings. For
example, in the sentence ‘‘The box was in the pen,’’ an understander has to infer that the ‘‘pen’’
must have been a playpen (not a writing pen) using its knowledge of the default, relative sizes of
boxes, writing pens, and playpens (unless it was known in the prior context that it was a
Many tasks, such as question answering and information retrieval, also require NLP systems
to often make inferences beyond the literal meanings of input texts. The knowledge in the
system permits such inferences to be made by means of reasoning and inferencing methods
commonly employed in expert systems and other AI systems. Knowledge-based inferences are
made essentially by matching partial meanings of input texts with stored knowledge structures
and adding the resulting instantiations of the knowledge to the current interpretation of the text.
Making such inferences is typically an expensive process due to the cost of retrieving the right
knowledge structure from a KB and the typically large search spaces for making inferences from
the knowledge structures. KB-NLP systems must often find ways to control inference processes
and keep them goal-oriented.
• It is often the case that the best alternative according to KB-selection is inappropriate. When
such an error is revealed by later processing, the KB-NLP system must be able to backtrack and
continue the search. It is also desirable to recover from an error by repairing the incorrect
meaning rather than continue the search and reinterpret the text from the start. Various methods
of error recovery have been implemented in different KB-NLP systems (e.g., Eiselt, 1989;
Mahesh, 1995). Backtracking and failure recovery require the system to retain unselected
alternatives for possible use later during recovery.
• The algorithm may in fact be made to eliminate those choices whose scores fall below a certain
threshold to prune the search space and reduce the size of the search problem.
• KB-Selection might also use heuristics to guide the search just like in other AI systems.
Examples of such heuristics include structural syntactic preferences (such as minimal attachment
and right association, see below), those derived from knowledge of the domain, or other search
• In addition to doing a best-first search and backtracking, the algorithm can also implement
different schemes for dependency analysis to assign blame for an error and make an informed
choice during backtracking. Such methods are warranted by the typically large search spaces
encountered in trying to analyze the meanings of real-world texts with complex sentences
containing multiple, interacting ambiguities.
• NLP involves the application of several different types of knowledge, including syntactic,
semantic, and domain or world knowledge. Constraints from each knowledge source are
satisfied to various degrees, resulting in different scores for each constraint. All of this
evidence must be combined to make an integral decision in resolving an ambiguity. Since there
is no optimal ordering for processing different types of knowledge that is always the right one
for NLP, flexible architectures such as blackboard systems are ideally suited for building KB-
NLP systems (Mahesh, 1995; Nirenburg and Frederking, 1994; Nirenburg et al., 1994; Reddy,
Erman, and Neely, 1973).
• It is also possible for a selection algorithm to pursue a limited number of parallel interpretations
and delay decisions until further information eliminates some of the meanings under
This approach leads to various problems in representing parallel interpretations and controlling
their processing.
A basic requirement for KB-NLP is that the system must be provided with all the necessary
knowledge. In spite of some advances in automated acquisition of knowledge for the purposes of NLP
(Wilks, Slator, and Guthrie, 1995), acquisition must be done manually for the most part. As a result,
KB-NLP systems share the knowledge engineering bottleneck with other knowledge-based AI
systems. However, for many applications, the types of knowledge necessary for NLP make it easier to
acquire the knowledge and to automate acquisition partially than in the case of problem solving or
other expert systems.
There has been a lot of attention focused on the problem of designing a standardized knowledge
representation language that serves as a common interchange format so that different systems and
research groups can share knowledge bases developed by each other. Work on defining such standards
is still in preliminary stages. However, several examples of sharable knowledge bases with translators
between different formats can be found in experimental development already (Genesereth and Fikes,
1992; Gruber, 1993; IJCAI-Workshop, 1995).
Knowledge acquisition for KB-NLP involves building a broad coverage world model (or ontology,
Carlson and Nirenburg, 1990; Knight and Luk, 1994; Mahesh, 1996; Mahesh and Nirenburg, 1995a)
and a sufficiently large lexicon for each of the desired languages that represents meanings of words
using the concepts in the world model. Any such effort to build a nontrivial KB-NLP system requires
the collaborative efforts of a number of linguists, native speakers, lexicographers, ontologists, domain
experts, and system developers and testers. In order to aid the acquisition of both the world model and
the lexicons, it is essential to have a set of tools that support a number of activities including:
• searching and browsing the hierarchies and the conceptual meanings in the ontology;
various types of consistency checking both within the ontology and with the lexicon, and for
conformance with overall design and guidelines;
supporting interactions between ontologists, domain experts, knowledge engineers, and lexicon
acquirers, such as through an interface for submitting requests for changes or additions and for
logging them; and
• database maintenance, version control, any necessary format conversions, and support for
distributed maintenance and access.
In practice, a system never has all the knowledge that it might ever need. As such, it is important
for KB-NLP systems to be able to reason under uncertainty and make inferences from incomplete
knowledge. Since natural languages tend to have a large variety of constructs with many
idiosyncracies, it is invaluable for KB-NLP systems to be robust and be able to produce meaningful
output even when complete knowledge is not available.
A drawback of the KB-NLP paradigm is that it is often intractable to provide the system with all
the knowledge it may need. As a result, KB-NLP systems often fail to solve a particular instance of an
NLP problem as they may not have the complete knowledge necessary for proper solution. There are
two trends in current research aimed at solving this problem: multi-engine and human assisted systems.
Multi-engine systems use a KB-NLP engine as one of several engines that together solve the
problem of NLP. For example, a KB-NLP system may work together with a statistical or a purely
syntax-based system. In such systems, several designs are possible: a dispatcher could be used to
examine each input and decide which engine to call; all engines could be run in parallel and an
output selector used to select one or more of the outputs; or all engines could be run in parallel, in a
race, and the first result used (Nirenburg and Frederking, 1994; McRoy and Hirst, 1990). In general, a
dispatcher or output-selector architecture is easier to implement than one requiring the outputs of
several engines to be combined.
Multi-engine architectures have been applied especially to machine translation among multiple
natural languages (Nirenburg et al., 1992b; 1994; Frederking et al., 1993; Nirenburg and Frederking,
1994; Frederking and Nirenburg, 1994). Heterogeneous multi-engine architectures where different
subsets of techniques and engines can be combined for different languages are particularly suited to
multilingual NLP systems. They enable the overall system to have different sets of tools and engines
for different languages. Such flexibility is essential for rapid development, since certain tools or
engines may be too expensive to build for some languages but readily available for others.
Human assisted KB-NLP systems produce partial solutions to NLP problems and interact with a
human user to incrementally perform the task. Depending on whether the human user is a naive user
or an expert linguist, different modes and depths of interaction may be desirable. However, even when
the users are expert linguists, these systems are very effective since they provide the experts with fast,
sophisticated access to on-line dictionaries, lexicons, corpora, and so on and perform most of the less
tricky computation very quickly. These systems also aid the users in visualizing problems, knowledge
representations, and intermediate results with ease. With advances in hardware and software
technology for building highly usable graphical interfaces, this alternative is becoming highly popular
in situations that do not require fully automatic NLP. This also makes it possible to build integrated
NLP workstations that support program development, debugging, testing, knowledge acquisition, and
end-user interaction all in a single environment with immediate interactions and feedback between the
different components (e.g., Nirenburg et al., 1992b; Nirenburg, ed., 1994).
Knowledge-based solutions have been applied to solve a variety of problems in NLP. In this Section,
we illustrate some of the well-known problems and describe methods using knowledge-based selection
to solve the problem. We also introduce the reader to several exemplary systems that have addressed
the problems. These system descriptions also serve as a broad coverage of some of the most successful
KB-NLP systems built so far. Systems using knowledge-based inference can be viewed as applications
of NLP and will be described at the end of this Section.
A syntactic ambiguity can be of two kinds: category ambiguity and attachment ambiguity. Category
(or part of speech) ambiguities often can be resolved using syntactic knowledge of the language.
Attachment ambiguities often require semantic and world knowledge to resolve. A commonly
occurring type of attachment ambiguity is the PP-attachment problem where there is an ambiguity in
which part of a sentence a prepositional phrase (PP) is modifying. Constraints on composing the
meanings of the two units being attached (see Figure 1) derived from semantic or world knowledge
must often be applied to select one of the possible attachments.
For example, in Figure 1, the PP ‘‘with the horse’’ can be attached in any one of the three ways
shown in the tree. Due to this ambiguity, it is not clear whether the telescope is accompanying the
man or is an instrument of seeing. However, as shown in the lower half of the figure, knowledge of
selectional constraints tells us that an instrument of seeing must be an optical instrument. Since a horse
is not (typically) an optical instrument, the attachment to the verb phrase (VP) ‘‘saw’’ can be ruled out,
resulting in an interpretation where the horse is an accompanier to ‘‘the man.’’
There have been a number of attempts, both in NLP and psycholinguistics, to develop purely
syntactic methods for resolving syntactic attachment ambiguities. Several criteria, such as minimal
attachment and right association, based on purely structural considerations have been proposed. While
they work in many cases of attachment ambiguities, often they either lead to an incorrect choice (i.e.,
I saw
Det N
Prep NP3
the man with
Det N
the horse
Agent = NP1 must be HUMAN
Theme = NP2 must be PHYSICAL-OBJECT
Co-Theme = NP3 must be PHYSICAL-OBJECT
Instrument = NP3 must be OPTICAL-INSTRUMENT
Figure 1: A PP Attachment Ambiguity Showing an Ambiguous Parse Tree and Selectional Constraints
on Attachments.
meaningless or less preferred attachment) or the different criteria conflict each other. They are
nevertheless highly useful as fall back options for a KB solution when the necessary knowledge is not
available or when available knowledge fails to resolve the ambiguity.
Lexical semantic ambiguity, also known as word sense ambiguity, occurs when a word has more than
one meaning (for the same syntactic category of the word). A knowledge-based system selects the
meaning that best meets constraints on the composition of the possible meanings with meanings of
other words in the text. Selectional constraints on how meanings can be composed with one another
are derived from world knowledge, although statistical methods work fairly well in narrow domains
where sufficient training data on word senses is available. Typically, the process of checking such
constraints is implemented as a search in a semantic network or conceptual ontology. Since such
methods tend to be expensive in large-sized networks, constraints are only checked for those pairs of
words in the text that are syntactically related to one another.
For example, in the sentence ‘‘The bar was frequented by gangsters,’’ the word ‘‘bar’’ has a word
sense ambiguity: it can mean either an oblong piece of a rigid material or a counter at which liquors or
light meals are served. Knowledge of selectional constraints tells us, however, that ‘‘bar’’ must be a
place of some kind in order for it to be frequented by people. Using such knowledge, a KB-NLP
system can correctly resolve the word sense ambiguity and determine that ‘‘bar’’ in this case is a
liquor-serving place.
KB-NLP systems for sentence processing can be described in terms of the representations and
processing mechanisms they use to apply world knowledge to solve problems such as syntactic and
semantic ambiguity. In the following descriptions, we pay particular attention to methods for
combining linguistic knowledge with world knowledge. It can be seen that many KB-NLP systems
combine the two types of knowledge directly in the representations while others try to combine them
during processing.
Early models of sentence processing built in the KB-NLP paradigm attempted integration of
multiple types of knowledge in the lexical entries of words. A good example of a model of this kind is
the Conceptual Analyzer (CA) model (Birnbaum and Selfridge, 1981) based on Conceptual
Dependency representations (Schank and Abelson, 1977). Lexical entries in CA contained rules about
what to expect before and after the word in various situations and how to combine the meanings of
surrounding words with those of the head words. These lexical entries contained both linguistic and
world knowledge. Because of the complete reliance on lexical packaging of all types of knowledge,
these models suffered from lack of compositionality and problems of scalability. Small and Rieger
(1982) built a model called the Word Expert Parser which used a similar technique. Each word was an
expert that knew exactly how to combine its meaning with those of other words in the surrounding
Many recent models such as Jurafsky’s SAL (1992) use integrated representations of all the
different kinds of knowledge in a monolithic knowledge base of integrated constructs called
grammatical constructions. Jurafsky’s model differs from other integrated models mentioned above in
detailing an explicit decomposition of processing into distinct phases called access, selection, and
integration of alternative interpretations. This is an example of a decomposition of the language
processing task that is orthogonal to standard analyses such as syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
A related type of integrated model was proposed by Wilks (1975) based on the use of stored
conceptual knowledge in the form of templates. Wilks proposed that these templates store constraints
on fillers that act as selectional preferences rather than as restrictions. These templates also included
syntactic ordering information and as such were packages that combined syntactic, semantic, and
conceptual knowledge in an integrated representation.
A different kind of representation is employed in models where syntactic and semantic knowledge
are separable but the mappings between them are encoded a priori in individual lexical entries. In
this formalism, there are separate syntactic and semantic processes (typically arranged in a syntax-first
sequential architecture) but the mapping from syntactic structures to semantic structures is
precomputed and enumerated in the lexicon. Models based on lexical semantics, such as the Diana and
Mikrokosmos analyzers for machine translation (Meyer, Onyshkevych, and Carlson, 1990; Nirenburg,
et al., 1992a;
Onyshkevych and Nirenburg, 1995) are typically sequential models using such representations.
NL-SOAR (Lehman, Lewis, and Newell, 1991; Lewis, 1993a; 1993b) is a model of sentence
understanding based on the SOAR architecture for production systems that are capable of learning by
chunking (Laird, Newell, and Rosenbloom, 1987). NL-SOAR used architectural constraints from
SOAR and a large set of language processing rules to model a range of syntactic phenomena in human
sentence processing including structural ambiguity resolution, garden path sentences, and parsing
breakdown (such as in center embedded sentences). The model also showed a gradual transition in
behavior from deliberative reasoning to immediate recognition. This was made possible by the
chunking mechanism in SOAR that produced chunks by combining all the productions that were
involved in selecting a particular interpretation for a sentence. A drawback of this approach was the
gradual loss of functional independence between the different knowledge sources. Though syntactic
and semantic productions were encoded separately to begin with, the chunking process combined them
to produce bigger monolithic units applicable to specific types of sentences. Thus, NL-SOAR starts
with separate representations of different types of knowledge but gradually builds its own integrated
representations. Another drawback of using the SOAR architecture was its serial nature with the
consequence that NL-SOAR could pursue only one interpretation of a sentence at any time. Moreover,
since productions could contain any type of knowledge, one could encode productions that are rather
specific to a particular type of sentence. In fact, chunking would produce such productions that would
be applicable in sentences with particular combinations of ambiguities and syntactic and semantic
Cardie and Lehnert (1991) have extended a conceptual analyzer (such as the CA described earlier)
to handle complex syntactic constructs such as embedded clauses. They show that the conceptual
parser can correctly interpret the complex syntactic constructs without a separate syntactic grammar
or explicit parse tree representations. This is accomplished by a mechanism called lexically-indexed
control kernel (LICK) which is essentially a method for dynamically creating a copy of the conceptual
parsing mechanism for each embedded clause.
A model called ABSITY that had separate modules for syntax and semantics was developed by
Hirst (1988). ABSITY had separate representations of syntactic and semantic knowledge. A syntactic
parser similar to PARSIFAL (Marcus, 1980) ran in tandem with a semantic analyzer based on
Montague semantics. This model was able to resolve both structural syntactic and lexical semantic
ambiguities and produced incremental interpretations. Syntax was provided with semantic feedback so
that syntax and semantics could influence each other incrementally. Lexical disambiguation was made
possible by the use of individual processes or demons for each word, called Polaroid Words, that
interacted with each other to select the meaning that is most appropriate to the context. However,
semantic analysis was dependent on the parser producing correct syntactic interpretations. This was
a consequence of the requirement of strict correspondence between pieces of syntactic and semantic
knowledge for syntax-semantics interaction to work in Hirst’s model. Rules for semantic composition
had to be paired with corresponding syntactic rules for the tandem design to work.
A noticeable characteristic of Hirst’s model was the use of separate mechanisms for solving each
subproblem in sentence understanding. The model used a parser based on a capacity limit for syntax, a
set of continuously interacting processes through marker passing (e.g., Charniak, 1983, see below) for
resolving word sense ambiguities, a ‘‘Semantic Enquiry Desk’’ for semantic feedback to syntax, and
strict correspondence between syntactic and semantic knowledge for ensuring consistency of
interpretations. This characteristic is inherited completely by a more recent model by McRoy and Hirst
(1990) which has more modules than Hirst’s original model and appears to be as heterogeneous as its
predecessor. This enhanced model is organized in a race-based architecture which simulates syntax
and semantics running in parallel by associating time costs with each operation. The model is able to
resolve a variety of ambiguities by simply selecting whichever alternative that minimizes the time cost
(hence the name ‘‘race-based’’). The model employed a Sausage-Machine like two-stage parser for
syntactic processing (Frazier and Fodor, 1978) and ABSITY for semantic analysis. The two were put
together through an ‘‘Attachment Processor’’ and a set of grammar application routines. The
attachment processor also consulted three other sets of routines called the grammar consultant routines,
knowledge base routines, and argument consultant routines, resulting in a highly complex and
heterogeneous model.
The Mikrokosmos core semantic analyzer produces a text meaning representation (TMR) starting
from the output of a syntactic analysis module. This knowledge-based engine extracts constraints both
from lexical knowledge of a language and from an ontological world model, and applies efficient
search and constraint satisfaction algorithms to derive the TMR that best meets all known constraints
on the meaning of the given text (Beale et al., 1996; Mahesh and Nirenburg, 1995b). The TMR is
intended to serve as an interlingua input for generating the translation in a target language.
In a real-world text, many words have lexical ambiguities. Both the lexicon and the ontology
specify constraints on the relationships between the various concepts under consideration, based on
language-specific and world knowledge, respectively. The Mikrokosmos analyzer checks each of
these selectional constraints by determining how closely a candidate filler meets the constraints on an
inter-concept relationship. Closeness is measured by an ontological search algorithm (also known as
the semantic affinity checker) that computes a weighted distance between pairs of concepts in the
network of concepts present in the ontology. Given a pair of concepts (such as "metal rod" and
"place," or,
"drinking place" and "place," to determine which sense of "bar" is closer to a "place" that can be the
destination of a physical motion, for instance), the ontological search process finds the least cost path
between the two concepts in the ontology where the cost of each link is determined by the type of that
link. For example, taxonomic links have a lower cost than "member of" or "has parts" links, and so on.
By combining the scores for each link along a path, the core semantic analyzer selects a combination
of word senses that minimizes the total deviation from all known constraints and constructs the TMR
resulting from the chosen relationships between the concepts (Beale et al., 1996).
Another class of models have used a symbolic equivalent of spreading activation called marker
passing in a semantic network to build models of semantic analysis and lexical ambiguity resolution.
Among these models, Charniak’s (1983) model and Eiselt’s ATLAST (Eiselt, 1989) model are
particularly in- teresting. Charniak proposed a semantic processor that used marker passing to initially
propose semantic alternatives without being influenced by a syntactic processor (that was running in
parallel to the marker passer). There was a third module that combined syntactic preferences with the
semantic alternatives to select the combined interpretation. ATLAST (Eiselt, 1989) was a model of
lexical semantic and pragmatic ambiguity resolution, as well as error recovery, also using marker
passing. ATLAST divided both syntax and semantics into three different modules called the
Capsulizer, the Proposer, and the Filter. The Capsulizer was an initial stage that packaged the input
sentence into local syntactic units and sent them incrementally to the proposer. The proposer was the
marker passer quite akin to the one in Charniak’s model. The third module, the filter, combined
syntactic and semantic preferences to arrive at the final interpretation. The most important aspect of
this model was its ability to recover from its errors without completely reprocessing the sentence by
conditionally retaining previously unselected alternatives (Eiselt, 1989). ATLAST was one of the very
few models that highlighted the importance of error recovery in shaping the design of a sentence
understander. ATLAST’s drawback was its limited syntactic capabilities (limited to simple subject-
object-verb single-clause sentences) realized in a simple augmented transition-network (ATN) parser
(e.g., Allen, 1987) that did not interact in any interesting way with the semantic analyzer.
Models have also been built using connectionist networks with activation and inhibition between
nodes being the means of interaction. For example, Waltz and Pollack (1985) built a connectionist
model where syntactic and semantic decisions were made in separate networks, but the networks
exchanged activation with each other and settled on a combined interpretation at the end. A
fundamental problem with these models is the inability of their processing mechanism, spreading
activation, to deal with syntactic processing in a large scale. In spite of recent advances in
connectionist networks, it is yet to be demonstrated that a connectionist network can process the
complex syntax of natural languages and scale up to handle real-world texts.
Problems of reference and coreference in NLP often require world knowledge in addition to different
types of linguistic knowledge for effective solution. A KB-NLP system can use instances of various
concepts in its meaning representation to keep track of references. A unification method may be used
to determine coreference between a pair of instances in the meaning representation when suggested
by linguistic cues. This method is particularly feasible in a KB-NLP system whose world knowledge
KB has inheritance capabilities. Inherited properties of instances help determine coreference relations
whether or not such information is explicitly mentioned in the input text.
Knowledge-based solutions are also applicable to a variety of other problems in NLP such as
thematic analysis, topic identification, discourse and context tracking, and temporal reasoning.
Knowledge-based methods also play a crucial role in natural language generation for problems such as
lexical choice (i.e., selecting a good word or words to realize a given meaning in a language) and text
planning (i.e., designing discourse structure, sentence and paragraph boundaries, generating texts with
ellipsis and anaphora, and so on, e.g., Viegas and Bouillon, 1994; Viegas and Nirenburg, 1995) .
Knowledge-based inference mechanisms for NLP offer partial solutions to a number of practical
applications involving text processing. Some of the significant applications include database query,
information retrieval and question answering, conceptually-based document retrieval (such as
searching the World Wide Web), information extraction, knowledge acquisition from natural-language
texts (e.g., Peterson et al., 1994), automatic summarization, knowledge-based machine translation,
interpreting non-literal expressions such as metonymy, metaphor, and idioms, document classification,
intelligent authoring environments, and intelligent agents that communicate in natural languages.
Development of KB-NLP systems for many of these applications is still in somewhat early stages.
The development of KB-NLP systems both contributes to and benefits from basic and applied research
in several areas including computational linguistics, natural-language semantics, knowledge
representation, knowledge acquisition, architectures for language processing, and cognitive science. In
this section, we briefly examine some of the research issues in knowledge representation and
KB-NLP requires several types of knowledge, both linguistic (such as grammatical and lexical
knowledge) and world knowledge. A key issue in knowledge representation for NLP is how to
represent and combine the different types of knowledge. Should there be a single representation that
combines all the types of knowledge a priori (perhaps in the form of word experts (Small and Rieger,
1982), in an episodic memory (Riesbeck and Martin, 1986a; 1986b; Schank and Abelson, 1977) or in a
‘‘semantic grammar,’’ Burton, 1976) or should there be separate representations that are compatible
with one another? The choice is especially important in a multilingual NLP system where it is highly
desirable to keep the linguistic knowledge separate for each language but share the common world
knowledge across the entire system.
If the representations of linguistic and world knowledge are kept separate, problems arise due
The design of a knowledge representation for KB-NLP also affects the accessibility of the
represented knowledge for NLP purposes. For example, acquiring lexical entries requires one to find
the right concepts in the world knowledge in order to represent meanings of words. Resolving certain
word sense ambiguities and interpreting non-literal expressions requires one to measure distances
between concepts in the world knowledge. A representation employed for KB-NLP must be designed
expressly to support such operations.
Basic research problems in knowledge acquisition for NLP address possible ways of automating the
acquisition of knowledge and the development of methodologies for acquiring linguistic and world
knowledge together so that they are compatible with one another.
It is clear that different sources, experts, and constraints govern the acquisition of lexical and
world knowledge, especially in a multilingual system. It is important to have an integrated, situated
methodology for acquisition where the linguistic and world-knowledge acquisition teams interact with
each other regularly and negotiate their choices for each piece of representation. Such an incremental
methodology accompanied by a set of tools for supporting the interaction and for quality control is
inevitable to guarantee compatibility between the knowledge sources. It will also guarantee that all of
the acquired knowledge is in fact usable for KB-NLP purposes. Although it is highly desirable to have
general-purpose knowledge bases that can be used for both KB-NLP and other tasks, it has not yet
been demonstrated convincingly that knowledge that was not acquired for use in NLP, such as Cyc
(Lenat and Guha, 1990), can in fact be used effectively for practical KB-NLP.
In situated knowledge acquisition for KB-NLP, lexical and world knowledge bases are developed
concurrently. Often the best choices for each type of knowledge conflict with one another. Practice
shows that negotiations to meet the constraints on both a lexical entry and a concept in the ontology
leads to the best choice in each case (Mahesh, 1996; Mahesh and Nirenburg, 1995a). It also ensures
that every entry in each knowledge base is consistent, compatible with its counterparts, and has a
purpose towards the ultimate objectives of KB-NLP. It is also very important to have a well-
documented set of guidelines for making choices in both linguistic and world knowledge acquisition
(Mahesh, 1996; Mahesh and Nirenburg, 1995a). The ideal method of situated development of
knowledge sources for
multilingual NLP is one where an ontology and at least two lexicons for different languages are
developed concurrently. This ensures that world knowledge in the ontology is truly language
independent and that representational needs of more than one language are taken into account.
Knowledge acquisition for KB-NLP is very expensive in any nontrivial system. The acquisition of
world knowledge is typically underconstrained, even in well-defined domains. The situated
methodology described above offers a practical way of constraining the amount of world knowledge to
be acquired. Only those concepts and conceptual relationships that are required to represent and
disambiguate word meanings need to be acquired for KB-NLP purposes. This automatically eliminates
certain types of knowledge that may well be within the domain of interest, but will never be used for
KB-NLP purposes (e.g., Mahesh, 1996).
In addition to situated development, knowledge acquisition for KB-NLP can be made more
tractable by partial automation and by the use of advanced tools. Various attempts have been made to
automatically construct grammars and lexicons by analyzing a large corpus of texts. Attempts are also
being made to bootstrap the acquisition process so that the KB-NLP system learns and acquires more
knowledge as a result of processing input texts. While these are promising approaches to reduce the
costs of knowledge acquisition, at present some of the most successful KB-NLP systems have been
built by careful manual knowledge acquisition supported by sophisticated tools that help achieve
parsimony and high quality in the acquired representations.
5 Summary
Communication in natural languages is possible only when there is a significant amount of general
knowledge about the world that is shared among the different participants. An NLP system can make
use of such general knowledge of the world as well as specific knowledge of the particular domain in
order to solve a range of hard problems in NLP. In this chapter, we have shown how such knowledge
can be applied in practice to resolve syntactic and semantic ambiguities and make necessary
inferences. We have described algorithms for these solutions, pointed the reader at some of the best
implemented systems, and presented some of the current trends and research issues in this field. We
would like to emphasize the key practical issue in KB-NLP, namely, that KB solutions are viable and
attractive but are often incomplete or rather expensive in practice. It is a good design strategy to
evaluate a KB-NLP solution against its alternatives for a particular problem and make the best choice
of single method, or, if appropriate, design a multi-engine or human-assisted NLP system. We hope
this chapter has helped the reader make a well informed decision.
Defining Terms
Ambiguity: A situation where there is more than one possible interpretation for a part of a text.
Attachment: A syntactic relation between two parts of a sentence where one modifies the meaning of
the other.
Blackboard system: A system where several independent modules interact and coordinate with each
other by accessing and posting results on a public data structure called the blackboard.
Concept: A unit in world knowledge representation that denotes some object, state, event, or property
in the world.
Disambiguation: The process of resolving an ambiguity by selecting one (or a subset) of the possible
set of interpretations for a part of a text.
Knowledge: A blanket term for any piece of information that can be applied to solve problems.
Machine translation: Translating a text in one natural language to another natural language by
Ontology: A model of the world that defines each concept that exists in the world as well as
taxonomic and other relationships among the concepts. A knowledge base containing information
about the domain of interest.
Selectional constraint: A constraint on the range of concepts with which a concept can have a
particular relationship.
Semantics: The branch of linguistics that deals with the meanings of words and texts.
Syntax: The branch of linguistics that deals with the rules that explain the kinds of sentence structure
permissible in a language.
World knowledge: Extra-linguistic knowledge. Knowledge of the world or a particular domain that is
not specific to any particular natural language.
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Further Information
A good introduction to NLP can be found in Natural Language Understanding by James Allen or
in Computational Linguistics, An Introduction by Ralph Grishman. Knowledge-based approaches to
NLP are introduced using practical systems in Inside Computer Understanding: Five Programs Plus
Miniatures by Roger C. Schank and Christopher K. Riesbeck. A useful account of a knowledge-based
machine translation system can be found in Machine Translation: A Knowledge-Based Approach by
Sergei Nirenburg, Jaime Carbonell, Masaru Tomita, and Kenneth Goodman.
The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, edited by Avron Barr and Edward A. Feigenbaum, is also
a useful source, especially for early work in the area. The section on Natural Language Understanding
by James Allen in Volume IV is particularly relevant. Recent AI textbooks such as Artificial
Intelligence by Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight and Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by
Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig contain good introductory material and pointers to related work.
Important journals in this area include Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Machine
Translation and many of the major journals in Artificial Intelligence.
Major associations in the area include the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI),
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), and the Cognitive Science Society. Proceedings of
annual conferences of these associations as well as the bi-annual International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence report some of the latest work in this field.
Many sites on the World Wide Web contain articles, useful information, and free software relevant
to this field. Some useful pointers include the ACL NLP/CL Universe at radev/cgi-bin/universe.cgi and the Computing Research Laboratory
homepage at An electronic archive of papers on computational linguis-
tics and NLP is located at