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Allagash Clone Package 3rzrgn

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The document provides recipes for cloning beers from Allagash Brewing Co. including their White, Tripel and Coolship Resurgam beers.

The recipes use a combination of base malts like pilsner and wheat along with specialty grains like flaked oats and wheat. Hops like Nugget, Crystal and Saaz are used along with spices like coriander and orange peel.

The steps involve mashing, boiling, chilling and fermenting. Additional steps for some recipes include a diacetyl rest and lagering.

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7 Classic
Allagash Brewing
Clone Recipes

Photo courtesy of Allagash Brewing Co.

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This file is for the buyer’s personal use only. It’s unlawful to share or distribute this file to others in any way
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(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)
OG = 1.049 FG = 1.010 OG = 1.049 FG = 1.010
IBU = 20 SRM = 3 ABV = 5.2% IBU = 20 SRM = 3 ABV = 5.2%

One of America’s most awarded Belgian-style witbiers, Allagash INGREDIENTS

White features coriander and Curaçao orange peel that delivers 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) extra light dried malt extract
a refreshing balance of citrus and spice. 2 lbs. (0.91 kg) malted red wheat
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) raw white wheat
INGREDIENTS 0.3 lb. (0.14 kg) dextrin malt
5.5 lbs. (2.5 kg) 2-row pale malt 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) flaked oats
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) malted red wheat 3.9 AAU Nugget hops (60 min.)
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) raw white wheat (0.3 oz./8.5 g at 13% alpha acids)
0.3 lb. (0.14 kg) dextrin malt 4.1 AAU Crystal hops (10 min.)
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) flaked oats (1.25 oz./35 g at 3.3% alpha acids)
3.9 AAU Nugget hops (60 min.) 0.75 oz. (21 g) Czech Saaz hops (0 min.)
(0.3 oz./8.5 g at 13% alpha acids) 0.25 oz. (7 g) Curaçao orange peel (0 min.)
4.1 AAU Crystal hops (10 min.) 0.5 oz. (14 g) coriander, crushed (0 min.)
(1.25 oz./35 g at 3.3% alpha acids) Wyeast 3463 (Forbidden Fruit), White Labs WLP400
0.75 oz. (21 g) Czech Saaz hops (0 min.) (Belgian Wit Ale), Imperial Yeast B44 (Whiteout),
0.25 oz. (7 g) Curaçao orange peel (0 min.) or SafAle K-97 yeast
0.5 oz. (14 g) coriander, crushed (0 min.) 7
⁄8 cup corn sugar (if priming)
Wyeast 3463 (Forbidden Fruit), White Labs WLP400
(Belgian Wit Ale), Imperial Yeast B44 (Whiteout), STEP BY STEP
or SafAle K-97 yeast Put all the grains in a steeping bag, then heat 2 gallons (7.6
⁄8 cup corn sugar (if priming) L) of water to 159 °F (71 °C). Add the grain bag. The target
mash temperature is 152 °F (67 °C). Hold at this temperature
STEP BY STEP for 60 minutes. Rinse the grain bag with 170 °F (77 °C)
Heat 15.5 qts. (14.6 L) of strike water to 165 °F (74 °C). Mix water to top up to 7 gallons (26.5 L), remove bag, then boil.
with grains. The mash should stabilize at about 152 °F (67 (If your brew kettle doesn’t allow for that large of a volume,
°C). Hold at this temperature for 60 minutes, then raise rinse the grain bag with another gallon/4 L of water, remove
temperature to mash out at about 168 °F (76 °C), either by bag, then raise to a boil.) When boil is achieved, take the
infusion of boiling water, decoction, or other means. Vorlauf kettle off the flame and slowly add the extract while stirring.
until wort runs clear then begin the sparge process. Collect Return to heat source and boil for 60 minutes, adding hops
7 gallons (26.5 L) and bring to a boil. Total boil time is 75 as indicated. After boil is complete, turn off the heat, add
minutes, adding hops as indicated. After boil is complete, the final hop addition along with the coriander and orange
turn off the heat, add the final hop addition along with peel bagged (it helps to bag the coriander and orange peel)
the coriander and orange peel bagged (it helps to bag the and give a long stir to create a whirlpool. After 15 minutes
coriander and orange peel) and give a long stir to create a remove the spice bag.
whirlpool. After 15 minutes remove the spice bag. Chill the wort to 65 °F (18 °C). If you brewed a smaller
Chill the wort to 65 °F (18 °C). There should be about volume, top off fermenter with pre-chilled water. In either
5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in your fermenter. Add yeast and case, the goal is to collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in your
aerate wort if using liquid yeast. Place your fermenter in a fermenter. Add yeast and aerate wort if using liquid yeast.
temperature-stable place in the 68–72 °F (20–22 °C) range. Place your fermenter in a temperature-stable place in the
Bottle or keg after fermentation is complete, targeting a 68–72 °F (20–22 °C) range. Bottle or keg after fermentation
carbonation level of 2.7 v/v. is complete, targeting a carbonation level of 2.7 v/v.

2 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, extract only)
OG = 1.073 FG = 1.006 OG = 1.073 FG = 1.006
IBU = 30 SRM = 4 ABV = 9.3% IBU = 30 SRM = 4 ABV = 9.3%

“Curieux is a fairly simple recipe starting with our Tripel, which is INGREDIENTS
then aged in bourbon barrels and blended with another batch of 6.5 lbs. (3 kg) Pilsen dried malt extract
fresh Tripel.” – Michael O’Connor, Allagash Brewing Company 1.7 lbs. (0.77 kg) granulated sugar (10 min.)
3 AAU German Perle hops (75 min.)
INGREDIENTS (0.8 oz./23 g at 8% alpha acids)
12 lbs. (5.4 kg) 2-row pale malt or Pilsner malt 3 AAU German Spalt hops (10 min.)
1.7 lbs. (0.77 kg) granulated sugar (10 min.) (0.9 oz./26 g at 4.2% alpha acids)
3 AAU German Perle hops (75 min.) 0.9 oz. (26 g) Styrian Golding hops (0 min.)
(0.8 oz./23 g at 8% alpha acids) 1
⁄2 tsp. yeast nutrient (10 min.)
3 AAU German Spalt hops (10 min.) 1
⁄2 Whirlfloc tablet (10 min.)
(0.9 oz./26 g at 4.2% alpha acids) Bourbon soaked oak chips or spirals
0.9 oz. (26 g) Styrian Golding hops (0 min.) Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity) yeast or White Labs
⁄2 tsp. yeast nutrient (10 min.) WLP530 (Abbey Ale) or Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Abbey) or
⁄2 Whirlfloc tablet (10 min.) White Labs WLP550 (Belgian Ale) or yeast harvested from
Bourbon soaked oak chips or spirals Allagash White yeast
Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity) yeast or White Labs 3
⁄4 cup (150 g) dextrose (if priming)
WLP530 (Abbey Ale) or Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Abbey) or
White Labs WLP550 (Belgian Ale) or yeast harvested from STEP BY STEP
Allagash White yeast Heat 6.5 gallons (25 L) water in your brew pot up to a boil.
⁄4 cup (150 g) dextrose (if priming) Add the dried malt extract when the water approaches a boil.
Stir well then bring it to a boil. Boil the wort for 75 minutes
STEP BY STEP adding hops at times indicated in the ingredients list. Add
Mash at 149 °F (65 °C) for 45 minutes using 3.75 gallons the sugar, yeast nutrients, and Whirlfloc® with 10 minutes
(14.2 L) of strike water. You can perform a mash-out if you’d remaining in the boil. Follow the remaining portion of the
like but it’s not necessary. Run off, sparge with enough water all-grain recipe.
to collect 7 gallons (26.5 L), and boil the wort for 90 minutes
adding hops at times indicated in the ingredients list. Add TIPS FOR SUCCESS:
the sugar, yeast nutrients, and Whirlfloc® with 10 minutes Allagash has their own proprietary strain of yeast. The
remaining in the boil. After the boil, chill to 65 °F (18 °C) ingredients list contains several great strains readily
and oxygenate. Rack to your fermenter and pitch yeast. You available to homebrewers. O’Connor recommends, “If you’re
can allow the temperature to rise after a couple days of feeling adventurous and practice excellent sanitation, you
fermentation. The beer’s terminal gravity should be ~1.006. can propagate the Allagash house yeast from a bottle of
For wood-aging and blending, O’Connor states, “we Allagash White. Our other beers contain an additional yeast
generally age Tripel in bourbon barrels for 6–8 weeks at 55 strain added just before packaging so a bottle of white is the
°F (18 °C). It is then blended to taste with fresh Tripel before only way to procure the house strain.”
packaging. Curieux should have a subtle bourbon character
with hints of vanilla and coconut. To replicate this at home,
try soaking 1–2 oz. of oak chips or spirals in your favorite
bourbon for a couple weeks. Then when fermentation is
complete, rack into a secondary vessel on top of the bourbon
soaked oak. I recommend tasting the beer every two to three
days. It probably won’t take long for the beer to develop the
subtle flavors that you’re looking for. Oak cubes are also an
option but be aware that the entire process may take much
longer when both soaking the oak in bourbon and aging the
beer on the cubes.
Package the beer as soon as it has developed the desired
character. Allagash bottles/keg conditions, but feel free to
package the beer any way you choose.” If the beer has been
aging for several months, you can opt to add extra yeast if
you plan to bottle condition this beer.

3 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)

OG = 1.040 FG = 1.004 OG = 1.040 FG = 1.004
IBU = 40 SRM = 3 ABV = 4.8% IBU = 40 SRM = 5 ABV = 4.8%

Good for any adventure, River Trip is a low-ABV, Belgian-style INGREDIENTS

table beer with hop-forward grapefruit and stone fruit notes. 4 lbs. (1.8 kg) extra light dried malt extract
1 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt (10 °L)
INGREDIENTS 1 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked oats
6.5 lbs. (3 kg) 2-row pale malt 6.5 AAU Nugget hops (60 min.)
1 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) (0.5 oz./14 g at 13% alpha acids)
1 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked oats 8.3 AAU Cascade hops (15 min.)
6.5 AAU Nugget hops (60 min.) (1.5 oz./43 g at 5.5% alpha acids)
(0.5 oz./14 g at 13% alpha acids) 1.5 oz. (43 g) Comet hops (0 min.)
8.3 AAU Cascade hops (15 min.) 1.5 oz. (43 g) Azacca® hops (0 min.)
(1.5 oz./43 g at 5.5% alpha acids) 1.5 oz. (43 g) Comet hops (dry hop)
1.5 oz. (43 g) Comet hops (0 min.) 1.5 oz. (43 g) Azacca® hops (dry hop)
1.5 oz. (43 g) Azacca® hops (0 min.) 0.25 oz. (7 g) coriander (0 min.)
1.5 oz. (43 g) Comet hops (dry hop) Wyeast 3463 (Forbidden Fruit), White Labs WLP400
1.5 oz. (43 g) Azacca® hops (dry hop) (Belgian Wit Ale), Imperial Yeast B44 (Whiteout), or
0.25 oz. (7 g) coriander (0 min.) SafAle K-97 yeast
Wyeast 3463 (Forbidden Fruit), White Labs WLP400 3
⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming)
(Belgian Wit Ale), Imperial Yeast B44 (Whiteout), or
SafAle K-97 yeast STEP BY STEP
⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming) Heat 2 gallons (7.6 L) of water to 157 °F (69 °C). Using a
steeping bag, insert the Munich malt and flaked oats. The
STEP BY STEP goal is to achieve a mash temperature of 149 °F (65 °C).
Heat 12.7 qts. (12 L) of strike water to 162 °F (72 °C). Mix Mash for at least 60 minutes or until converted. Rinse the
with grains. The mash should stabilize at about 149 °F (65 grain bag with 170 °F (77 °C) water to top up to 6.5 gallons
°C). Hold at this temperature for 60 minutes, then raise (24.6 L), remove bag, then boil. (If your brew kettle doesn’t
temperature to mash out at about 168 °F (76 °C), either by allow for that large of a volume, rinse the grain bag with
infusion of boiling water, decoction, or other means. Vorlauf another gallon/4 L of water, remove bag, then raise to a
until wort runs clear then begin the sparge process. Collect boil.) When boil is achieved, take the kettle off the flame and
6.5 gallons (24.6 L) and bring to a boil. Total boil time is 60 slowly add the extract while stirring. Return to heat source
minutes, adding hops as indicated. After boil is complete, turn and boil for 60 minutes, adding hops as indicated. After boil
off the heat, add the whirlpool additions (with the coriander is complete, turn off the heat, add the whirlpool additions
bagged) and give a long stir to create a whirlpool. Steep for (with the coriander bagged) and give a long stir to create a
10 minutes and remove coriander. Rest for an additional 10 whirlpool. Steep for 10 minutes and remove coriander. Rest
minutes. for an additional 10 minutes.
Chill the wort to 68 °F (20 °C). If you end up with a Chill the wort to 68 °F (20 °C). If you brewed a smaller
smaller volume, top off fermenter with pre-chilled water. The volume, top off fermenter with pre-chilled water. In either
goal is to collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in the fermenter. case, the goal is to collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort. Add
Add yeast and aerate wort if using a liquid yeast strain. yeast and aerate wort aerate wort if using liquid yeast.
Place your fermenter in a temperature-stable place in the Place your fermenter in a temperature-stable place in the
70–74 °F (21–23 °C) range. Add the dry hops on day four of 70–74 °F (21–23 °C) range. Add the dry hops on day four of
fermentation directly into the fermenter. Bottle or keg after fermentation directly into the fermenter. Bottle or keg after
fermentation is complete, targeting a carbonation level of fermentation is complete, targeting a carbonation level of
2.55 v/v. 2.55 v/v.

4 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)

OG = 1.073 FG = 1.016 OG = 1.073 FG = 1.016
IBU = 45 SRM = 32 ABV = 7.5% IBU = 45 SRM = 32 ABV = 7.5%

A silky Belgian-inspired stout, North Sky balances light notes of INGREDIENTS

fruit and sweetness with a subdued roast malt character that 6.25 lbs. (2.8 kg) extra light dried malt extract
lets the yeast esters shine.
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) 2-row pale malt
INGREDIENTS 1 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked oats
11.5 lbs. (5.2 kg) 2-row pale malt 0.3 lb. (136 g) caramel malt (120 °L)
1 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked oats 0.5 lb. (227 g) Caramunich® malt (57 °L)
0.3 lb. (136 g) caramel malt (120 °L) 0.5 lb. (227 g) torrified wheat
0.5 lb. (227 g) Caramunich® malt (57 °L) 0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) chocolate malt (350 °L)
0.5 lb. (227 g) torrified wheat 0.1 lb. (45 g) Briess Midnight Wheat malt (550 °L)
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) chocolate malt (350 °L) 0.1 lb. (45 g) roasted barley (300 °L)
0.1 lb. (45 g) Briess Midnight Wheat malt (550 °L) 0.3 lb. (136 g) dextrose sugar (30 min.)
0.1 lb. (45 g) roasted barley (300 °L) 8 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 min.)
0.3 lb. (136 g) dextrose sugar (30 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 8% alpha acids)
8 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 min.) 5.5 AAU Cascade hops (10 min.)
(1 oz./28 g at 8% alpha acids) (1 oz./28 g at 5.5% alpha acids)
5.5 AAU Cascade hops (10 min.) 1.25 oz. (35 g) Cascade hops (0 min.)
(1 oz./28 g at 5.5% alpha acids) Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity), White Labs WLP500
1.25 oz. (35 g) Cascade hops (0 min.) (Monastery Ale), Imperial Yeast B48 (Triple Double), or
Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity), White Labs WLP500 Fermentis BE-256 yeast
(Monastery Ale), Imperial Yeast B48 (Triple Double), or 3
⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming)
Fermentis BE-256 yeast
⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming) STEP BY STEP
Keeping the pale malt, oats and wheat in one steeping bag
STEP BY STEP and the crystal and roasted grains in another, heat 2 gallons
Keep the light and dark grains separate. Heat 20.7 qts. (19.6 (7.6 L) of water to about 160 °F (71 °C) to achieve a mash
L) of strike water to 166 °F (74 °C). Mix with pale malt, oats, temperature of 153 °F (67 °C) once you add the steeping bag
and wheat. The mash should stabilize at about 153 °F (67 °C). with the pale malt, oats, and wheat. Mash for 45–60 minutes,
Hold at this temperature for 60 minutes, then add the crystal until converted. Once mash is complete, add the dark and
and roasted malts. Mix until homogenized. Begin lautering crystal steeping bag and steep for 10 minutes. Rinse the
by raising temperature to mash out at about 168 °F (76 °C), grain bags with 170 °F (77 °C) water to top up to 7 gallons
either by infusion of boiling water, decoction, or other means. (26.5 L), remove the bags, then boil. (If your brew kettle
Vorlauf until wort runs clear then begin the sparge process. doesn’t allow for that large of a volume, rinse the grain bags
Collect 7 gallons (26.5 L) and bring to a boil. Total boil time is with another gallon/4 L of water, remove bags, then raise to
75 minutes, adding hop additions as indicated. a boil.) When boil is achieved, take the kettle off the flame
After boil is complete, turn off the heat, add whirlpool and slowly add the extract while stirring. Return to the heat
addition and give a long stir to create a whirlpool. Rest for source and boil for 75 minutes, adding hops and corn sugar
15 minutes. as indicated.
Chill the wort to 68 °F (20 °C). There should be about After boil is complete, turn off the heat, add whirlpool
5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in your fermenter. Add yeast and addition and give a long stir to create a whirlpool. Rest for
aerate wort if using liquid yeast. Place your fermenter in a 15 minutes.
temperature-stable place in the 70–74 °F (21–23 °C) range. Chill the wort to 68 °F (20 °C). If you brewed a smaller
Bottle or keg after fermentation is complete, targeting a volume, top off fermenter with pre-chilled water. In either
carbonation level of 2.65 v/v. case, the goal is to collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in your
fermenter. Add yeast and aerate wort if using liquid yeast.
Place your fermenter in a temperature-stable place in the
70–74 °F (21–23 °C) range. Bottle or keg after fermentation
is complete, targeting a carbonation level of 2.65 v/v.

5 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)
OG = 1.046 FG = 1.000 OG = 1.046 FG = 1.000
IBU = 30 SRM = 8 ABV = 6.1% IBU = 30 SRM = 8 ABV = 6.1%

Allagash’s interpretation of a classic Belgian farmhouse-style INGREDIENTS

ale. Saison is spicy, light, and super drinkable, featuring yeast- 4.25 lbs. (1.9 kg) extra light dried malt extract
derived light peppery notes. 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) rye malt
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) flaked oats
INGREDIENTS 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) dark rock candi sugar (30 min.)
7 lbs. (3.2 kg) 2-row pale malt 2 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 min.)
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) rye malt (0.25 oz./7 g at 8% alpha acids)
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) flaked oats 11 AAU Bravo™ hops (15 min.)
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) dark rock candi sugar (30 min.) (0.75 oz./21 g at 14.6% alpha acids)
2 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 min.) 0.5 oz. (14 g) Bravo™ hops (0 min.)
(0.25 oz./7 g at 8% alpha acids) 0.5 oz. (14 g) Cascade hops (0 min.)
11 AAU Bravo™ hops (15 min.) Wyeast 3711 (French Saison), White Labs WLP590
(0.75 oz./21 g at 14.6% alpha acids) (French Saison), Imperial Yeast B62 (Napoleon), or
0.5 oz. (14 g) Bravo™ hops (0 min.) LalBrew Belle Saison yeast
0.5 oz. (14 g) Cascade hops (0 min.) 7
⁄8 cup corn sugar (if priming)
Wyeast 3711 (French Saison), White Labs WLP590
(French Saison), Imperial Yeast B62 (Napoleon), or STEP BY STEP
LalBrew Belle Saison yeast Heat 2 gallons (7.6 L) of water to 157 °F (69° C) and add the
⁄8 cup corn sugar (if priming) rye malt and flaked oats in a steeping bag. The goal is to
achieve a mash temperature of 149 °F (65 °C). Mash for 60
STEP BY STEP minutes. Rinse the grain bag with 170 °F (77 °C) water to
Heat 13.9 qts. (13.1 L) of strike water to 162 °F (72 °C) and top up to 6.5 gallons (24.6 L), remove bag, then boil. (If your
mix with grains. The mash should stabilize at about 149 °F brew kettle doesn’t allow for that large of a volume, rinse
(65 °C). Hold at this temperature for 60 minutes, then raise the grain bag with another gallon/4 L of water, remove bag,
temperature to mash out at about 168 °F (76 °C), either by then raise to a boil.) When boil is achieved, take the kettle off
infusion of boiling water, decoction, or other means. Vorlauf the flame and slowly add the extract while stirring. Return
until wort runs clear then begin the sparge process. Collect to the heat source and boil for 60 minutes, adding hops as
7 gallons (26.5 L) and bring to a boil. Total boil time is 75 indicated. After boil is complete, turn off the heat, add final
minutes, adding additions as indicated. After boil is complete, hop addition, and give a long stir to create a whirlpool. Rest
turn off the heat, add final hop addition, and give a long stir for 15 minutes.
to create a whirlpool. Rest for 15 minutes. Chill the wort to 75 °F (23 °C). If you brewed a smaller
Chill the wort to 75 °F (23 °C). There should be about 5.5 volume, top off fermenter with pre-chilled water. In either
gallons (21 L) of wort in your fermenter. Add yeast and aerate case, the goal is to collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in your
wort if using liquid yeast. Place your fermenter in a warm fermenter. Add yeast and aerate wort if using liquid yeast.
place in the 80–90 °F (26–32 °C) range. Allow to ferment for Place your fermenter in a warm place in the 80–90 °F
four weeks, or until a stable gravity is reached. Bottle or keg (26–32 °C) range. Allow to ferment for four weeks, or until a
after fermentation is complete, targeting a carbonation level stable gravity is reached. Bottle or keg after fermentation is
of 2.8 v/v. complete, targeting a carbonation level of 2.8 v/v.

6 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
OG = 1.051 FG = 1.010 OG = 1.051 FG = 1.010
IBU = 25 SRM = 4 ABV = 5.5% IBU = 25 SRM = 4.5 ABV = 5.5%

A blonde ale fermented like a lager. Nowaday is fermented INGREDIENTS

at lower temperatures, including an additional lagering step, 5.75 lbs. (3 kg) Pilsen dried malt extract
resulting in a crisp 5.5% ABV refresher of a beer with very low 1 lb. (0.45 kg) caramel malt (10 °L)
ester character. 4.3 AAU Nugget hops (60 min.)
(0.33 oz./9 g at 13% alpha acids)
INGREDIENTS 5.4 AAU Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops (10 min.)
9.5 lbs. (4.3 kg) Pilsner malt (1.25 oz./35 g at 4.3% alpha acids)
1 lb. (0.45 kg) caramel malt (10 °L) 2 oz. (57 g) Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops (0 min.)
4.3 AAU Nugget hops (60 min.) 1 oz. (28 g) Czech Saaz hops (0 min.)
(0.33 oz./9 g at 13% alpha acids) Wyeast 3463 (Forbidden Fruit), White Labs WLP400
5.4 AAU Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops (10 min.) (Belgian Wit Ale), Imperial Yeast B44 (Whiteout), or
(1.25 oz./35 g at 4.3% alpha acids) SafAle K-97 yeast
2 oz. (57 g) Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops (0 min.) 3
⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming)
1 oz. (28 g) Czech Saaz hops (0 min.)
Wyeast 3463 (Forbidden Fruit), White Labs WLP400 STEP BY STEP
(Belgian Wit Ale), Imperial Yeast B44 (Whiteout), or Place caramel malt into a steeping bag and submerge in 2.5
SafAle K-97 yeast gallons (9.5 L) of water at or near 155 °F (68 °C). (Reaching
⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming) an exact, specific temperature is not required as there is no
enzymatic conversion happening in this recipe. Just make sure
STEP BY STEP it doesn’t exceed 170 °F/77 °C while steeping to avoid tannin
Heat 15.8 qts. (14.9 L) of strike water to 162 °F (72 °C) and extraction.) After 10 minutes of steeping, rinse the grain
mix with grains. The mash should stabilize at about 149 °F bag with 170 °F (77°C) water to top up to 6.5 gallons (24.6
(65 °C). Hold at this temperature for 60 minutes, then raise L), remove bag, then boil. (If your brew kettle doesn’t allow
temperature to mash out at about 168 °F (76 °C), either by for that large of a volume, rinse the grain bag with another
infusion of boiling water, decoction, or other means. Vorlauf gallon/4 L of water, remove bag, then raise to a boil.) When
until wort runs clear then begin the sparge process. Collect boil is achieved, take the kettle off the flame and slowly add
7 gallons (26.5 L) and bring to a boil. Total boil time is 75 the extract while stirring. Return to the heat source and boil
minutes, adding additions as indicated. After boil is complete for 60 minutes, adding the hops as indicated. After boil is
turn off the heat, add whirlpool hops, and give a long stir to complete turn off the heat, add whirlpool hops, and give a
create a whirlpool. Rest for 15 minutes. long stir to create a whirlpool. Rest for 15 minutes.
Chill the wort to 50 °F (10 °C). There should be about 5.5 Chill the wort to 50 °F (10 °C). If you brewed a smaller
gallons (21 L) of wort in your fermenter. Add yeast and aerate volume, top off fermenter with pre-chilled water. In either
wort if using liquid yeast. Place your fermenter in a cool place case, the goal is to collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort in your
in the 50–55 °F (10–12 °C) range. On day five, conduct a fermenter. Add yeast and aerate wort if using liquid yeast.
diacetyl rest by raising the temperature to around 70 °F (21 Place your fermenter in a cool place in the 50–55 °F (10–12
°C) for a couple of days. °C) range. On day five, conduct a diacetyl rest by raising the
Once terminal gravity has been reached place the beer in temperature to around 70 °F (21 °C) for a couple of days.
a refrigerator or cold fermentation chamber to get the beer as Once terminal gravity has been reached place the beer in
cold as possible without freezing. Allow at least one week for a refrigerator or cold fermentation chamber to get the beer as
the lagering period. Bottle or keg after lagering is complete, cold as possible without freezing. Allow at least one week for
targeting a carbonation level of 2.55 v/v. the lagering period. Bottle or keg after lagering is complete,
targeting a carbonation level of 2.55 v/v.

7 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, extract only)
OG = 1.078 FG = 1.009 OG = 1.078 FG = 1.009
IBU = 30 SRM = 4 ABV = 9% IBU = 30 SRM = 4 ABV = 9%

Allagash Tripel is a complex and delicious version of the Belgian INGREDIENTS

classic. According to the brewery, the beer features herbal notes 6.5 lbs. (3 kg) Pilsen dried malt extract
and passion fruit, with hints of banana and honey. 1.7 lbs. (0.77 kg) granulated sugar (10 min.)
3 AAU German Perle hops (75 min.)
INGREDIENTS (0.8 oz./23 g at 8% alpha acids)
12 lbs. (5.4 kg) 2-row pale malt or Pilsner malt 3 AAU German Spalt hops (10 min.)
1.7 lbs. (0.77 kg) granulated sugar (10 min.) (0.9 oz./26 g at 4.2% alpha acids)
3 AAU German Perle hops (75 min.) 0.9 oz. (26 g) Styrian Golding hops (0 min.)
(0.8 oz./23 g at 8% alpha acids) 1
⁄2 tsp. yeast nutrient (10 min.)
3 AAU German Spalt hops (10 min.) 1
⁄2 Whirlfloc tablet (10 min.)
(0.9 oz./26 g at 4.2% alpha acids) Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity) yeast or White Labs
0.9 oz. (26 g) Styrian Golding hops (0 min.) WLP530 (Abbey Ale) or Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Abbey) or
⁄2 tsp. yeast nutrient (10 min.) White Labs WLP550 (Belgian Ale) or yeast harvested from
⁄2 Whirlfloc tablet (10 min.) Allagash White yeast
Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity) yeast or White Labs 3
⁄4 cup (150 g) dextrose (if priming)
WLP530 (Abbey Ale) or Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Abbey) or
White Labs WLP550 (Belgian Ale) or yeast harvested from STEP BY STEP
Allagash White yeast Add water in the brewpot to make 3 gallons (11 L) of wort
⁄4 cup (150 g) dextrose (if priming) and begin heating. When the water gets hot, but not boiling,
remove from heat and stir in the dried malt extract and half
STEP BY STEP the liquid malt extract. Boil for 60 minutes, adding the hops at
Mash the grains at 153 °F (67 °C). Mash out, vorlauf, and then times indicated and the sucrose and second half of the liquid
sparge at 170 °F (77 °C). Boil 90 minutes, adding the hops at malt extract for the final 15 minutes. Chill the wort, transfer to
the times indicated. Add the sucrose for the final 15 minutes. your fermenter, and top up with filtered water to 5 gallons (19
When the boil is complete, chill to fermentation temperature L). Ferment at the high end of the yeast strain’s recommended
and pitch the yeast. Ferment at the high end of the yeast range until final gravity it reached. Bottle or keg as usual.
strain’s recommended range until final gravity it reached.
Bottle or keg as usual.

8 Best of Brew Your Own Magazine © Battenkill Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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