Austin Homebrew Supply: 15112 N IH-35, Austin TX 78728 (512) 300-BREW or (800) 890-BREW
Austin Homebrew Supply: 15112 N IH-35, Austin TX 78728 (512) 300-BREW or (800) 890-BREW
Austin Homebrew Supply: 15112 N IH-35, Austin TX 78728 (512) 300-BREW or (800) 890-BREW
Soak the grain in the hot water for 25 minutes. Lift the grain bag in and out of the water like a teabag. After soaking the grains,
lift the grain bag out of the water being careful not to splash yourself. Once the bag has dripped almost all of the water out
(without squeezing), discard the grains, add 1 gallon of water and return to heat until boiling.
Turn off the heat once again and move the stockpot to a cool burner.
Add the malt extract and any additional sugars listed below:
7 lb Pale Extract
Stir constantly to dissolve the malt extract. Return heat to the mixture once dissolved, stirring occasionally. The mixture now
contains a lot of sugar and can burn if not stirred. Heat the mixture to boiling. When the mixture reaches boiling, it can rise
very rapidly and boil over. At this time, reduce heat to control the rising foam. Once the boil is under control, adjust the heat
to a good rolling boil without boiling over.
Add the bittering hops and set your timer for: 60 Minutes
5 HBU Pack 3 HBU Pack
*Add the flavor hops for the last: 15 Minutes
1 oz Cascade
Add the aroma hops for the last: 0 Minutes
½ oz Cascade
Once the boil time has elapsed since the bittering hops were added, remove the wort from the heat and cool down quickly to
80ºF. A sink full of water with ice in it works well. You may need to change the water a couple of times because it will warm up
quickly. Ideally the wort should be cooled to 80ºF within 15-20 minutes. You may want to use a wort chiller to speed up the
process. Once the wort has cooled to 80ºF, pour this mixture into the sanitized primary fermenter and add cool water to make
5 ¼ gallons. Vigorously stir the wort to make sure the sugars are well mixed with the added water. Check the specific gravity
of the wort using a hydrometer. Follow the instructions included with the hydrometer. The hydrometer readings will
determine the alcohol content of the beer and allow you to troubleshoot if there is a problem.
The original specific gravity should be approximately: 1.052
Recommended Yeast:
White Labs Wyeast Dry Yeast
California Ale 001 American Ale 1056 SafAle US-05
82-001 67-1056 24-2353
Make sure everything is clean to the eye and sanitize. Carefully move the secondary fermenter full of beer to a counter top.
Be careful not to disturb the sediment on the bottom. You can move the carboy several hours before you intend to bottle, so
the sediment has a chance to resettle to the bottom of the fermenter. Next you need to put 2 cups of water into a saucepan
and bring to a boil. Then add the priming sugar and boil for another minute. Remove from heat and let cool to 80°F or cooler.
Pour the cooled sugar water into the plastic bucket (primary fermenter), and then transfer the beer from the secondary
fermenter into the bucket. Siphon the beer into the bucket trying very hard not to disturb the sediment on the bottom of the
fermenter. This will mix the sugar water and beer thoroughly. The yeast in the beer will ferment the priming sugar and
carbonate the bottled beer.
This handcrafted beer will taste best after 3 weeks or more of storage.