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Anh 6 Unit 7,8

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ANH 6-UNIT 7,8

I. Match the words on the left with its definition on the right.
1. quiz show a. a device that allows you to operate a television, etc. from a distance
2. channel b. a woman on television or radio who tells you what the weather will
be like
3. TV schedule c. a film about real people and events
4. remote control d. a programme where you try to answer questions in order to win
5. MC e. a person who watches television
6. weathergirl f. a funny television programme in which the same characters appear
in different situations
7. comedian g. a television station
8. documentary h. a list of the television programmes that are on a particular channel
and the times that they start
9. sitcom i. a person who hosts an event
10. viewer j. a person whose job is to make people laugh, by telling jokes or
funny stories.
II. Choose the correct answers.
1. ‘Why are you laughing so hard?’ ‘I am watching a ________. It’s really funny!’
a. drama b. news c. comedy d. romance
2. Did you watch the ________ about the history of India?
a. documentary b. sitcom c. news d. game
3. Who wants To Be a Millionaire is a kind of ________.
a. music programmes b. game shows c. talk shows d. reality shows
4. I love ________. Tom and Jerry are my favourite characters.
a. romances b. comedies c. documentaries d. cartoons
5. Grandma watches her favourite ________ every day. She never misses any episodes.
a. cartoon b. series c. news d. weather forecast
6. Where is the ________? I’d like to change the channel.
a. remote control b. volume button c. TV programme d. schedule
7. Could you turn up the ________ please. I can’t hear that singer very well.
a. channel b. programme c. volume d. television
8. Let’s take a look at the weather ________ now!
a. forecast b. presentation c. broadcast d. programme
9. Did you see the Prime Minister on the 10 o’clock ________ last night?
a. drama b. sitcom c. news d. cartoon
10. Jill Newman was a(n) ________ on News at Ten.
a. MC b. newsreader c. host d. interviewer
III. Complete the sentences with suitable adjectives from the box.

boring educational funny national popular entertaining clumsy cute

1. This is a very ___________ television programme. Millions of people watch it every
2. It was a really ___________ film. It made us laugh all the time!
3. Donald Duck is so ___________! I really love him.
4. VTV is the ___________ television broadcaster of Vietnam.
5. Channels like Discovery offer ___________ programmes that can increase
6. That’s the third glass you’ve broken this week - you’re so ___________!
7. This programme is ___________ - shall I turn over to BBC?
8. I found the talk show both informative and ___________.
IV. Fill in the blank with the conjunctions In the box.

and so but because although or

1. Read over your answers ___________ correct all mistakes before you hand them in.
2. ___________ Jim doesn’t like this game show, he watches it almost every Friday.
3. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, ___________ she takes the bus everywhere.
4. He is very rich, ___________ he doesn’t spend a lot of money.
5. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly ___________ you can ride the ferry.
6. Thomas was really hungry this morning ___________ he didn’t eat breakfast.
7. I have a lot of homework to do, ___________ I can’t go to the cinema with you.
8. The waiter was not very nice, ___________ the food was delicious.
9. We enjoyed the film ___________ it had a sad ending.
10. She went to see a doctor ___________ her back was painful.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct question words.
1. ___________ do you watch TV? - Every night.
2. ___________ hours a day do you watch TV? - Three hours.
3. ___________ do you usually watch TV? - In the evening.
4. ___________ of TV programmes do you like to watch? - Sports, Music, and Cartoon.
5. ___________ is your favourite TV programme? - Cartoon.
6. ___________ do you watch TV? - Because it’s entertaining and educational.
7. ___________ is your favourite cartoon character? - Mickey Mouse.
8. ___________ can you find out the times and channels of TV programmes? – In TV
9. ___________ does the film last? - About an hour and a half.
10. ___________ time do you spend watching TV? - One or two hours a day.
VI. Read the passages carefully. Then do the tasks.

Steve, 13 I love TV. The first thing I do when I wake up is to switch it on. My
favourite channel is the Cartoon Network. I watch TV three or four
hours a day. My parents think it is too much and they are always telling
me to study, read a little or do a sport. But TV is my favourite hobby.
I’m addicted to my favourite progammes.
Kate, 14 I know most teens don’t like watching the news, but I do. I like to know
what is happening around our world. I also enjoy documentaries,
especially about wildlife. I’m very curious about the way animals live
and how to preserve their habitats. I also enjoy watching live shows and
films, mostly comedies and thrillers. I watch TV two or three hours aday.

Rachel, 17 I like TV as everybody else, but now that I’m older I am more selective
about the programmes I watch. I used to watch cartoons all the time.
Now I like watching the news and some games shows like “Who wants
to be a millionaire?”, so I don’t really spend too much time in front of
the box, an hour or two a day... Some programmes are educational and
help us to useour imagination, but many are full of violence.

A. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. Steve is obsessed about TV.
2. Kate doesn’t like watching the news.
3. Rachel’s favouriteprogrammes are still cartoons.
4. Kate likes watching things that make her laugh.
5. Rachel is the teenager who watches less TV of the three.
6. Steve’s parents don’t mind that he watches so much TV.
B. Answer the questions.
1. Which TV programme does Steve like watching?
2. Why does Kate like watching documentaries on wildlife?
3. How much time does Rachel spend watching TV?
4. According to Rachel, what are the benefits of TV?

I. Use the sports or games in the list to fill in the boxes.

badminton karate football cycling yoga swimming boxing tennis

aerobics skateboarding basketball hiking judo skiing
soccer gymnastics jogging golf
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

II. Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.
goggles racket skateboard skis ring paddle runningshoes gloves
1. All we need to run is good _______________.
2. They fight in a square area with ropes around it, called a boxing _______________.
3. _______________ are special glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from
wind, dust, water, etc.
4. In boxing, the fighters wear large leather boxing _______________ on their hands.
5. Shall we play table tennis? - Great! Can you lend me a _______________?
6. He threw his tennis _______________ across the court in anger.
7. When we put _______________ on we can move over snow easily.
8. He sometimes rides his _______________ to school.
III. Fill in each blank with the simple past tense of the verb from the box.

play go do buy teach lose score win become enjoy

1. My friends and I __________ swimming yesterday morning.
2. We really __________ the game last Sunday.
3. In 1958, at the age of 17, Pelé__________ his first World Cup.
4. The Canadian hockey team __________ six goals against Switzerland.
5. The home team __________ very well, but they lost the match.
6. My father __________ me how to ride a bike.
7. I __________ a new baseball cap last week.
8. At the age of 17, Messi __________ the youngest official player and goal scorer inthe
Spanish La Liga.
9. She has a black belt in karate. She first __________ karate when she was seven.
10. Argentina __________ 1 - 0 to Germany in the final.
IV. Fill in the sentences with the correct form (past simple) of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ____________ (see) the film last night but I ____________ (not like) it.
2. ____________ (Marco/ win) the golf competition?
3. They ____________ (not play) very well yesterday. They ____________ (lose) the
4. How many goals _________________ (your team/ score) in the first half?
5. I ____________ (be) very tired, so I ____________ (go) to bed early last night.
6. ____________ (you/ go) swimming this morning?
7. The children ____________, (not be) hungry, so they ____________ (not eat) anything.
8. Susan and her friends ____________ (come) to Japan three months ago.
9. I ____________ (have) a wonderful holiday with my family last July.
10. Jane ________ (not be) at the party last Sunday, so she ________ (not know)what
V. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.
1. My friend Mark is very good ________ volleyball. He plays volleyball very well.
a. in b. on c. at d. with
2. We often go swimming ________ Sunday morning.
a. in b.on c.at d. for
3. Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.
a. team b.individual c.indoor d.dangerous
4. We were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal.
a. play b.kick c.point d. score
5. Badminton requires only a net, a racket, and a birdie or ________.
a. ball b. ski c. shuttlecock d. goggles
6. The person who makes sure that a game is played according to the rules is called a
a. coach b. referee c. judge d. player
7. ________ up the tree! You’ll fall down.
a. Climb b. Climbing c. Not to climb d. Don’t climb
8. ________ spectator sports in Britain are cricket and football.
a. More popular b. The more popular c. Most popular d. The most popular
9. ________ are the Olympic Games held? - Every four years.
a. When b. Where c.How long d.How often
10. Which sport happens in a ring?
a. Boxing b. Basketball c.Aerobics d.Swimming
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs play, do or go.
1. Sarah ______________ gymnastics on Saturday evenings.
2. Mark ______________ badminton with his friends at the moment.
3. My friends and I ______________ climbing yesterday.
4. _________ you __________ table tennis last Sunday?
5. Jim ______________ basketball because he wasn’t tall enough.
6. We ______________ sports together when we were kids.
7. People often ______________ jogging in the park.
8. I ______________ judo now and I love it!
VII. Read the dialogue, then choose the correct answers.
Marie: We might go to the football match next Saturday, Cristina.
Cristina: Football? You must be joking. I can’t stand it.
Mark: No? Why not?
Cristina: Twenty two men of two teams run after a ball, trying to kick it into a net... and
thousands of people shouting and screaming like madmen every time it’s a goal or
not. Is this a game?
Mark: I see... you prefer things like hopscotch, hide-and-seek, blind man’s buff...
Cristina: Don’t tease me, Mark. I’m not a child anymore and there are much better sports
than football.
Mark: Really?
Cristina: Yes, take volleyball, for example. It’s so exciting, the two teams try to keep the
ball in motion without letting it touch the ground. No foul play, no violence.
Mark: Yes, maybe you’re right I like volleyball too. For me all ball games are great!
Cristina: Not only ball games, Mark. Don’t you like badminton, cards, chess, even
darts...and things like that?
Mark: Er...of course I do.
1. What are Cristina and Mark talking about?
a. Football b. Volleyball c. Ball games d. Games
2. How many football players are there in each team?
a. 11 b. 12 c. 20 d. 22
3. Why does Mark mention children’s games like hopscotch?
a. Because Cristina likes these games. b. Because Cristina is a child.
c. Because he wants to tease Cristina. d. Because he wants Cristina to play these
4. What kind of sports and games does Cristina NOT refer?
a. Chess b.Baseball c.Badminton d. Darts
5. Cristina thinks football is an exciting game.
a. True b.False c.Noinformation
6. Mark likes all ball games.
a. True b. False c. No information
VIII. Read the email then answer the questions.

From: Brett.walker149@gmail.com


Subject: Re: sports

Dear Brett
Thanks for your email. You do lots of sports at school in Canada. I’d love to play
ice hockey one day.
We do lots of sports at our school too. We’ve got a swimming pool at school and
our class go swimming every Wednesday. We also play tennis, volleyball and
football, but football in Australia is different to soccer. You can touch the ball with
your hands! There are lots of after-school sports clubs in Australia too. I go to a
surfing club after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We go to the beach and learn
how to surf. It’s great fun! Can you surf in your country?
Write soon
1. Where does Rob live?
2. How often does Rob go swimming?
3. Is football in Australia the same as soccer?
4. On what days of the week does Rob go to a surfing club?
5. Where does Rob go to learn how to surf?
6. Does Rob like surfing?

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