Sorting file
***What needs to be done if job abends with S0C7 while processing a million records
SOC7 abend error is displayed when there is invalid data inside the comp field and
the program is processing some computation on it.
To start with, check the data you are passing as input because there must be some
corrupt data which is the root cause of this error.
Here are some steps to solve this error:
If the method of input is a file and you do have a file-aid and input data layout,
use the file-aid to segregate the data on a field level.
File-aid will now highlight any of the incorrect data which is Invalid.
Now that you have found the data which is invalid, fix the data issue.
***Please check the offset number... compile the program...go to sysut of it...
search for F hexloc...then you will get the desire range where problem may get
Conditional Restart -
JCL RESTART is an optional keyword parameter which is used to restart a job from a
particular step.
RESTART parameter is coded in the JOB or EXEC statement and it helps in manual
restart of the JOB/STEP after the job failure.
condition start -
What is time parm in JCL? If job has time parm as 10 and three steps in it has 5
each what will happen in this scenario?
TIME Parameter in JCL is a Keyword parameter which indicates the Processor Time
required to execute the job/step in a JCL.
This can be used either in JOB or in STEP or in both the places
NOLIMIT vs 1440:
Both the parameters are same and allows the JOB to use maximum time limit.
****STEP parameter overrides JOB -
Imp- hould be less than the Time remaining(from the JOB level value )after
execution of the previous steps.
If it is greater then, remaining time would be taken.