Macasinag Jobel M. Action Research
Macasinag Jobel M. Action Research
Macasinag Jobel M. Action Research
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
The following features of action research need to be taken into account when considering
its suitability for any given study:
Learning Task 1
This episode will require you to develop an initial research plan related to your field of
specialization/course. Complete the open-ended probes based on your classroom
observations in Field Study 1. (Note: This is an initial plan, accomplish Step 1 to 3 only. The
strategy/intervention will be implemented during your Teaching Internship.)
Step 1. Identify • One of the most prevalent issues in my classroom that affects
the problem the learning of my students is about their lack of participation and
engagement inside the classroom. I observed proper and
Reflect on your effective utilization of instructional materials is crucial in student
experiences and learning. Further, one of the difficulties of not just the students
identify the most but teachers as well is to devise aligned and proper instructional
critical problem materials to capture the student’s attention and interests. It is
that affects your important to note that instructional materials/ teaching aids
students’ definitely have a significant role to play in teaching and learning
learning. processes.
Step 2. Search The strategies/interventions used before to solve this issue are the
the literature or following: (include the name of the author and the year of publication
interview your and briefly discuss their findings)
colleagues for
previous There is a wealth of literature on the effective utilization of instructional
strategies/inter materials to improve student engagement. Some examples of relevant
ventions used studies include:
to solve this
problem • The positive correlation between active participation and
improved academic performance has been found to be both
Refer to stable and robust across 40 years of empirical research (Heward
previous studies & Wood, 2015). Such methods increase academic performance
(use the internet and decrease problem behaviors. Research suggests engaging
if you do not students through participation as an effective instructional
have access to practice that shows effects for decreasing disruptive behavior.
journals) and With increased time to actively respond to instruction, there are
see if there have fewer opportunities for students to engage in off-task, disruptive
been efforts behavior. Particularly for students having difficulties focusing and
done to solve lacking participation in active learning, the need exists for
the problem or interventions that provide students with frequent opportunities to
similar problems respond actively to teacher instruction, which supports both
active engagement in appropriate behavior and learning.
• A study by Bielinski and Swartz (2012) found that using
multimedia instructional materials, such as videos and interactive
simulations, can increase student engagement and improve
learning outcomes.
• A study by Naismith et al. (2013) that explored the use of
gamification, or the integration of game-like elements into
instruction, and found that it can increase student motivation and
• A study by Ke and Yang (2014) that investigated the use of
student-centered instructional strategies, such as project-based
learning, and found that they can improve student engagement
and achievement.
The data that I will record include (the kind of data that you need to
gather and record will provide evidence to the effectiveness of your
• The data I will record includes the perception of the students to
the effective utilization of instructional materials that affect their
active learning which includes their participation and
engagement in classroom activities.
• Additionally with the use of qualitative data, which can provide
insights into the experiences and perceptions of the participants
who are involved in the intervention, such as their feedback on
the intervention, their satisfaction with the process, and any
challenges or barriers they encounter. Collecting and analyzing
these types of data can provide important evidence of the
effectiveness of a strategy or intervention, and can help to
identify areas for improvement or areas where the intervention
is particularly successful.
Learning Task 2
Complete this proposal form to elaborate the action research you would like to study.
What is the title of your Strengthening Student’s Engagement on Active
research? Learning through Effective Utilization of
- Answer this later. Instructional Materials
- Be creative with your title.
Make it catchy and interesting.
What is the issue / problem/ The lack of participation and engagement on active
relationship you want to solve / learning inside the classroom and misaligned utilization
establish / explore? of instructional materials. This refers to the fact that
students are not actively engaging with the learning
materials in the classroom, and that the materials
provided by the teacher for instructional purposes are not
being used effectively. This could be due to students not
being motivated to participate, not understanding the
materials, or not having the necessary skills to use them.
It could also be due to the materials not being presented
in an engaging or accessible way.
- What is the general situation / The lack of participation and engagement on active
circumstance that makes you learning inside the classroom. In connection with this,
develop your research issues with the effective utilization of instruction are also
proposal? prevalent as some of the materials may not always be
aligned with the learning objectives or curriculum. If the
- Why is this situation / materials do not support the goals of the lesson, they may
circumstance important? not be effective in helping students learn. Additionally,
teachers may not have sufficient training or support to
use the materials effectively, which can limit their
usefulness in the classroom. Another issue is that
instructional materials can sometimes be cost-
prohibitive, making it difficult for schools or teachers to
obtain the resources they need. Finally, the use of
instructional materials can sometimes be seen as a "one-
size-fits-all" approach to teaching, which may not be
effective for all students, particularly those with diverse
learning needs.
- This section sets the This study is designed to determine the impact of the
restrictions of your study due effective utilization of instructional materials and how it
to time, budgetary affects the students' engagement on active learning.
requirements and your This will seek the answers to the following specific
capability. questions:
o What are the parameters of
your study (data collection 1. How do instructional materials impact student
method, analysis, discussion, engagement in active learning?
etc.)? 2. What types of instructional materials are most
effective for promoting active learning in the
3. How can teachers best utilize instructional
materials to increase student engagement in
active learning?
What is the design of your
study? The use of a descriptive research design in this study will
- Descriptive - Evaluative allow the researcher to gather detailed information about
- Theoretical / Philosophical? how the use of instructional materials can impact student
- Etc. engagement in active learning. By collecting data from
teachers and students, the researcher will be able to
identify which instructional materials are most effective
and how they can be used to enhance student
engagement. This information can then be used to inform
teacher practices and help educators choose the best
instructional materials for their needs, skills, and
interests. Additionally, the study may provide insight into
ways in which instructional materials can be used to
support active learning and improve student outcomes.
- Who or what will be the
sample for your study? The use of purposive sampling in this study will allow the
- Why did you choose this / researcher to carefully select the respondents who are
these sample/s? most relevant to the research question. This type of
- How many? sampling is often used in studies that are focused on a
- How will you select your specific population or group, and allows the researcher to
sample? select participants based on certain criteria, such as their
expertise or experiences with instructional materials. By
using this method, the researchers will be able to gather
data from a group of individuals who are well-suited to
provide insights on the challenges and experiences
related to the use of instructional materials in promoting
active teaching and learning. The use of survey
questionnaires will then provide a standardized way to
collect data from these respondents and allow the
researchers to easily analyze the information.
Think of the circumstances in
which your
respondents/samples’ This study intends to understand how the use of
participation will compromise instructional materials can impact student engagement in
their rights to privacy and active learning. To gain an accurate understanding of the
confidentiality. Also, consider impact of instructional materials on student engagement,
the data gathering method. the study will need to collect data from both the students
Avoid intrusion and do not put and teachers involved. To ensure that the data is
them at risk. Consider your collected in an ethical manner, it is important to obtain the
respondents: consent of the students and teachers before collecting
- Do you need to obtain any data. This means that the study will need to provide
informed consent from the detailed information about the purpose of the study and
parents, DSWD, and other the data that will be collected, as well as obtain written
agencies? consent from the students and teachers before any data
- Do you need to get the name collection can take place.
of your respondents? - Do you
need to label your subjects
(schools, barangays, region,
How would you analyze your The researcher will use a variety of methods and tools to
data? analyze the data they have collected. These methods
Briefly describe your data and tools can range from statistical analysis to qualitative
analysis technique supported analysis, depending on the type of data she has
by references to research collected. Statistical analysis can involve the use of
applying the analysis in similar descriptive statistics, parametric tests, non-parametric
situations tests, and correlation and regression analysis. Qualitative
analysis often involves the use of coding to extract
meaningful information from the data and can involve the
use of focus groups, interviews, and surveys. The
researcher may also use visualizations to help them
better understand the data, such as graphs, charts, and
Policy Research and Development Division – Planning Service (PRD-PS) CONSULTANT: Dr. Dennis Alonzo
Bondoc, Victoriana P., (2014) Action Research Made Easy, Quezon City:
Lorimar Pub Inc.