Gefs en Adultos Cameron NDT 03
Gefs en Adultos Cameron NDT 03
Gefs en Adultos Cameron NDT 03
DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfg1058
J. Stewart Cameron
Abstract Introduction
The lesion of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
(FSGS) presents even greater problems of definition, The lesion of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Children Adults
0–15 years: data from 521 unselected childhood onset nephrotic syndromes from ISKDC patients, predominantly Caucasian and Japanese.
Adults: data from 506 nephrotic patients seen at Guy’s Hospital 1964–1984, predominantly Caucasian.
FSGS in adults vi47
Table 2. Nephrotic adults: distribution of different lesions by race example, Schwartz et al. [19] noted an average of
21 ± 14% glomeruli apparently affected in limited
Race n MCD FSGS Memb MCGN number of sections from biopsies of 81 adult-onset
patients. That this simple approach is inadequate is
‘White’ 170 20 23 36 6 (%) clear from several studies. In ‘primary’ FSGS, Fogo
‘Black’ 121 14 57 24 2 (%) et al. [20] noted that lesions were more widely
Data of Korbet, 1994 [22], Rydel et al., 1995 [23]. The weakness of distributed in adults (31.5 ± 6.8%) than children
any definition of racial origin is well known. (11.7 ± 5.7%), but also that on examination of serial
sections the number involved rose to 48 ± 6.6% and
23.2 ± 7.4, respectively. Remuzzi and colleagues [18]
‘tip’ of the glomerulus, and can be distinguished in the performed an even more extensive study on four sub-
absence of clinical data. They noted this appearance in total nephrectomy kidneys involving three-dimensional
11 of 130 patients, five of whom had single kidneys reconstructions: in single sections, 51% were of
three were biopsies from the larger of asymmetric glomeruli which were globally sclerosed, 12% segmen-
kidneys. These suggestions, however, are not in accord tally sclerosed and 37% normal, whilst these figures
with the data of Remuzzi et al. [18] discussed below. were 51, 42 and 8% normal on serial sectioning.
These authors noted in a very detailed examination of Finally, Fuiano et al. [21] showed that in 14 biopsies
four kidneys, exposed previously to subtotal nephrect- from adults, although 31.5% of 182 glomeruli had
omy that up to eight separate areas of glomerulo- sclerotic glomeruli, this figure rose to 71.8% on serial
sclerosis might be present in a single glomerulus. They sectioning, and in the 57 glomeruli for which the whole