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Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

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New York’s
Carbon Neutral
Buildings Roadmap
DEC E MBE R 2 0 2 2
This report was prepared by New Buildings Institute, RMI, Energy
and Environmental Economics, Inc., and Build Edison in the course of
performing work contracted for and sponsored by the New York State
Energy Research and Development Authority (hereafter “NYSERDA”).
The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of
NYSERDA or the State of New York, and reference to any specific product,
service, process, or method does not constitute an implied or expressed
recommendation or endorsement of it. Further, NYSERDA, the State of New
York, and the contractor make no warranties or representations, expressed
or implied, as to the fitness for particular purpose or merchantability of
any product, apparatus, or service, or the usefulness, completeness, or
accuracy of any processes, methods, or other information contained,
described, disclosed, or referred to in this report. NYSERDA, the State
of New York, and the contractor make no representation that the use of
any product, apparatus, process, method, or other information will not
infringe privately owned rights and will assume no liability for any loss,
injury, or damage resulting from, or occurring in connection with, the use of
information contained, described, disclosed, or referred to in this report.
NYSERDA makes every effort to provide accurate information about
copyright owners and related matters in the reports we publish.
Contractors are responsible for determining and satisfying copyright or
other use restrictions regarding the content of reports that they write,
in compliance with NYSERDA’s policies and federal law. If you are the
copyright owner and believe a NYSERDA report has not properly attributed
your work to you or has used it without permission, please email print@
nyserda.ny.gov. Information contained in this document, such as web page
addresses, are current at the time of publication.

2 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

This Future of Buildings: New York’s Carbon Neutral Buildings
Roadmap was developed with the involvement of a team of experts
in building science, modeling and analysis, public policy, design and
construction, market research, and advocacy. The Roadmap effort was led
by NYSERDA’s Greg Hale, Patrick O’Shei, and Matt Brown with a team of
staff from all aspects of the buildings programs for New York State. This
Roadmap is a ground breaking document offering a plan to transition
New York’s building stock to be resilient, clean, and carbon neutral by mid-
century. NYSERDA would like to acknowledge the work of New Buildings
Institute (Stacey Hobart, Reilly Loveland, Amy Cortese, Jim Edelson, Mischa
Egolf), RMI (Cara Carmichael, Rebecca Esau, Connor Usry, Sneha Ayyagari,
Yu Ann Tan), E3 (Dan Aas), and Build Edison (Zach Sussman, Kristin Barbato)
who developed and wrote the Roadmap content along with NYSERDA
staff Zach Zill, Michelle Fiano, Mikhail Haramati, Kaitlin Moody, John Lee,
Amanda Stevens, Joe Borowiec, Adele, Michael DiRamio, Priscilla Richards,
and Janet Joseph.
In addition, experts provided insights on both technical and policy issues as
an official Roadmap Technical Advisory Group (TAG). These TAG members
include: Pasquale Strocchia, Building and Design, Inc.; Jeff Perlman, Bright
Power, Inc.; Scott Frank, Jaros, Baum, & Bolles; Marc Zuluaga, Steven Winter
Associates, Inc.; Lieko Earle, National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL); Nina
Sharifi, Syracuse University; Cecil Scheib, P.E., New York University (NYU);
Karren Bee-Donohoe, SUNY System Administration; Ross MacWhinney,
New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate and Sustainability; Lindsey Hirsch,
New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate and Sustainability; Sadie McKeown,
Community Preservation Corporation; Lauren Westmoreland, Enterprise
Community Partners, Inc.; Zachary Steinberg, Real Estate Board of New
York; Linda Wigington, Thousand Home Challenge; Christoph Stump, Trinity
Financial, Inc.; Panama Bartholomy, Building Decarbonization Coalition;
Donna Decostanzo, Natural Resources Defense Council; and Adam
Hinge, Sustainable Energy Partnerships. Finally, NYSERDA would like to
acknowledge the nearly 1,000 stakeholders who provided feedback on the
Roadmap structure and content.

4 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 33 Characteristics of Priority
Building Types
16 A Roadmap to 2050
Residential: Single and Multifamily
Roadmap Process and
Commercial Offices
Key Areas of Focus
Higher Education
18 Solutions-Focused for Impact
Roadmap Structure
37 Today’s Carbon Neutral, Zero
Net Energy & All-Electric
20 Last Words Buildings
38 Last Words
Chapter 2: Defining and
Measuring Carbon Neutrality Chapter 4: Construction
22 Introduction Technologies and Building
Attributes of a Carbon Neutral Building Methodology
24 Units of Measurement for 40 Introduction
Carbon Neutrality in Buildings 41 Envelope & Ventilation
Units of Measurement Under Key Innovations:
Development—Grid Flexibility
45 Building Electrification
The Next Steps in Carbon Neutrality:
Embodied Carbon and Refrigerant 48 Grid Interactivity
Global Warming Potential (GWP) 50 Distributed Energy Resources
26 Last Words 52 District & Community Scale
Chapter 3: Electrification of Steam Loads
Thermal Energy Networks
Our Buildings Today
Renewable Hydrogen Conversions
28 Introduction
54 Embodied Carbon & Refrigerants
Embodied Carbon
30 Taking Stock of
New York’s Buildings
Emissions by Primary Sector and 58 Last Words
Energy Use in Priority Building Types

Table of Contents 5
Chapter 5: Building Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral
Electrification and the Grid Buildings and Resiliency
60 Introduction 78 Introduction
Electric System Impacts and Costs 79 Climate Hazards
61 Grid Carbon Content & Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
Electrification Adoption Winter Storms and Cold Snaps
Impacts of Increased Use of Flooding
Heat Waves
66 Future Research Needs Severe Storms
66 Last Words Sea-Level Rise
80 Impacts of Climate Change
Chapter 6: Limits to on Buildings
Building Envelope
Critical Systems and Facilities
68 Introduction
Occupant Health and Safety
69 Difficult-to-Electrify Buildings
& Loads 82 Resiliency: Strategies & Benefits
Very Tall Buildings Overarching Concepts and Benefits
Buildings with High Temperature Building-Level Resiliency Strategies
Process Loads Community-Level Resiliency Strategies
Multi-Building Central Plants and 88 Last Words
District Energy Systems
Peak Space Heating Loads
72 Low-Carbon & Renewable Fuels
Sources of Low-Carbon and
Renewable Fuels
Low Carbon Fuel Suitability
76 Last Words

6 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Chapter 8: The Economics, Prohibiting Replacement of Fossil-fuel
Heating and Hot Water Equipment
Benefits, & Challenges for Benchmarking and Disclosure of
Carbon Neutral Buildings Energy and Carbon Performance
90 Business Case by Typology Building Performance Requirements
Single-Family Residential for Existing Buildings
Multifamily Residential Managed, Phased, and Just Transition
to a Clean Energy System
Commercial Office
Managed Transition from
Higher Education
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
112 Opportunities to Enhance Used as Refrigerants
the Value Proposition Community-Scale Decarbonization
Reducing Capital Costs
Through Integrated Design
130 Market Building & Support
Direct Incentives
Reducing Technology Premiums
Through Technology Cost Reduction Low-Cost Financing
Quantifying and Monetizing the Co- Electrification Readiness Fund
Benefits and Social Cost of Carbon State-Owned Buildings Lead the Way
Cost Savings by Increasing Workforce Development
General Awareness Partner with Trusted Community
Tax Credits, Incentives, Financing, Leaders for Public Awareness and
and Emerging Business Models Consumer Education
118 Last Words Research, Development, and
Demonstration (RD&D)
Lead by Example with Materials
Chapter 9: Policy Solutions Specifications That Account for
Embodied Carbon
120 Introduction
121 Legacy of Policies 134 Last Words
123 Potential GHG Impacts
of Policies
124 Policy Solutions
Advanced Building Codes
and Code Compliance

Table of Contents 7
Chapter 10: Equity and Chapter 11: A Just Transition
Decarbonizing Disadvantaged to a Green Workforce
Communities 152 Introduction
136 Introduction 153 Current Workforce Barriers
137 Key Principles, Market Context, to Building Electrification
& Early Highlights 154 Local Capacity Building
Early Highlights 155 Addressing Transitional
140 Electrification While Preserving Industries
Affordability: Charting the Path 156 Scaling Workforce
Selective Electrification to Control Development Efforts
for Utility Bill Impacts on Residents Education and Training
Policy and Regulatory Solutions Collaboration
Supporting Bill Affordability
159 Diversifying the Workforce
Analyzing LMI Building Stock and
Targeting Opportune Segments 160 Last Words
143 LMI & DAC Decarbonization
Investments First Chapter 12: Stakeholder
Decarbonizing Regulated
LMI Housing
Putting DACs and LMI Housing 162 Introduction
First to Benefit All New Yorkers 163 Technical Advisory Group
147 Place-Based & Community- 164 Phases of Stakeholder
Led Strategies for Long-Term Engagement
Phase I—Targeted Information
Recognizing Concerns of Environmental Gathering Sessions by Topic
Justice and DAC Stakeholders
Phase II—Public Input and Building
Evolving Mechanisms for Stakeholder Public Awareness
Engagement and Community
Phase III—Community-Based Outreach,
Capacity Building
Awareness, and Education Campaign
Enabling Long-Term Benefits
168 Last Words
150 Last Words

8 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Chapter 13: Conclusion
Managing the Cost 
Driving Scale Through Policy Adoption
& Quantify Non-Energy Benefits 
Advance Technology Ready &
Viable RD&D 
Prioritizing Disadvantaged Communities
& Creating Jobs 
Making Demand Flexibility Inherent 
172 The Work Ahead

174 Glossary of Terms
Government Agencies and Authorities
179 Endnotes
Chapter Section Break Photos

Table of Contents 9
List of Figures
14 Figure 1.1: Climate Act Targets and Timing
15 Figure 1.2: New York Clean Energy Standard
22 Figure 2.1: A Carbon Neutral Single-Family Home
25 Figure 2.2: A Grid-Interactive Efficient Building (U.S. DOE)
28 Figure 3.1: Sources of GHG emissions in New York State
30 Figure 3.2: New York’s Housing Stock by Region, Unit Type, and Age
31 Figure 3.3: Climate Zones in New York State
32 Figure 3.4: Residential and Commercial Building Emissions from Onsite Combustion
35 Figure 3.5: Water Heating Fuel Sources in Single-family Homes in New York State
36 Figure 3.6: Schematic of a Centralized Energy System
37 Figure 3.7: Location of Commercial and Multifamily Net Zero Energy and Passive House Buildings
60 Figure 5.1: New York Final (Site) Energy Demands by Sector and Fuel, Total Equals 2.7 quadrillion BTU
61 Figure 5.2: Progress to Date Towards Meeting the 70% by 2030 Renewable Energy Goal
62 Figure 5.3: Single-Family Space-Heating Transformation in Two Scenarios
63 Figure 5.4: Scenario 2050 Peak Demands Compared to 2018 Winter and Summer Values
63 Figure 5.5: Installed Electric Generation Capacity in New York for two bookend scenarios
65 Figure 5.6: Emissions from a Single-Family Home in California by Source
71 Figure 6.1: New York Space-Heating Peak Loads in 2050
75 Figure 6.2: Median Household Income and Share of Residential Homes with Wood as the Primary Source of
Heat by NY County
84 Figure 7.1: Passive Building Features that Support Resiliency and Carbon Neutral Buildings, Enabling a Home to
Run Longer on Less Energy
93 Figure 8.1: Retrofit of an Oil Heated, Pre-1980 Home in Upstate NY (climate zone 6a) with a
Comfort Shell Upgrade
94 Figure 8.2: Retrofit of a pre-1980 home in upstate NY that currently heats with oil
98 Figure 8.3: Retrofit of a 7-story, pre-1980 multifamily building in downstate NY that currently heats with gas
99 Figure 8.4: New construction of a 7-story multifamily building in downstate
100 Figure 8.5: Percent Incremental Cost before and after incentives and tax credits for round 1 and round 2
Buildings of Excellence Projects
101 Figure 8.6: Retrofit of a pre-1980 500,000 square foot, 12 story office building in downstate New York
105 Figure 8.7: New Construction of a 12-Story, 500,000 Square Foot Classroom Building in Upstate New York
108 Figure 8.8: New Construction of a 12-Story, 500,000 Square Foot Classroom Building in Upstate New York
110 Figure 8.9: Key Influencing Factors Can Bring Capital Cost Premium to Parity with Natural Gas Heating and
Conventional Building Systems
110 Figure 8.10: Capital Costs For Nearly All Technologies are Anticipated to Drop Over 40% by 2040 as
the Market Scales
112 Figure 8.11: Recent studies on the co-benefits of decarbonization demonstrate significant value

10 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

114 Figure 8.12: Cost Compression Potential to 2040 for Key Decarbonization Technologies
121 Figure 9.1: Timeline of Climate Act Targets
124 Figure 9.2: Timeline for Key Building Policy Phase-In
162 Figure 12.1: Greg Hale, Senior Advisor for Energy Efficiency Markets & Finance at NYSERDA Speaking at the
2019 Getting to Zero Forum in Oakland, Calif.
164 Figure 12.2: Roadmap Stakeholder Event Timeline and Topics

List of Tables
42 Table 4.1: Summary of Key Building Envelope and Ventilation Technologies
46 Table 4.2: Summary of Key Electrification Technologies
48 Table 4.3: Summary of Key Building-Grid Interactivity Technologies
51 Table 4.4: Summary of Key Distributed Energy Resources
55 Table 4.5: Wall Composition R Values for High Embodied Carbon Insulation Products and Low Embodied
Carbon or Carbon Storing Insulation Products Based on Framing Type
57 Table 4.6: R-410a and Lower-GWP Refrigerant Alternatives for HVAC Applications
73 Table 6.1: Low-Carbon and Renewable Fuel Production Approaches
92 Table 8.1: Decarbonization Strategies for a ‘Recommended Scenario’ (Representing the Modeled Results in
Figures 8.1 and 8.2) and a ‘Best-in-Class Scenario’
97 Table 8.2: Decarbonization Strategies for a ‘Recommended Scenario’ (Representing the Modeled Results in
Figures 8.3 and 8.4) and a ‘Best-in-Class Scenario’
104 Table 8.3: Decarbonization Strategies for a ‘Recommended Scenario’ (Representing the Modeled Results in
Figure 8.6) and a ‘Best-in-Class Scenario’
109 Table 8.4: Decarbonization Strategies for a ‘Recommended Scenario’ (Representing the Modeled Results in
Figure 8.7 and 8.8) and a ‘Best-in-Class Scenario’
115 Table 8.5: Recent Studies on the Co-Benefits of Decarbonization Demonstrate Significant Value
125 Table 9.1: Phased Actions for Advancing Building Codes
126 Table 9.2: Phased Actions for Fossil-Fuel Heating and Hot Water Equipment
126 Table 9.3: Phased Actions for Benchmarking and Disclosure of Energy and Carbon Performance
127 Table 9.4: Phased Actions for Building Performance Requirements for Existing Buildings
153 Table 11.1: Reasons for Hiring Difficulty among Heat Pump Employers (for key occupations)
158 Table 11.2: NYSERDA Clean Energy Workforce Development Programs
163 Table 12.1: TAG Member Advisory Group

All figures and tables shown in this report are sourced to the data development and analysis created
as part of the creation of the Roadmap. Other information referenced is cited accordingly.

Table of Contents 11
12 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


Table of Contents 13
New York State’s current nation-leading climate action
builds on decades of data and science-based work
in climate, architecture, engineering, and economics.
As a result, the State’s climate targets are among the
most rigorous of any economy in the world. Equitable
access to high-quality, clean, and resilient spaces where
we live, work, and play is fundamental to a healthy
and sustainable society, and represents the Future of
Buildings in New York State.

Built upon years of rigorous analysis, programmatic needs, while also highlighting the near-term actions
development, and stakeholder outreach and feedback, that are technologically ready, economically viable, and
the first report in a new series, NYSERDA’s Future of are being adopted in the market today.
Buildings, is the Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap The impetus for these efforts is the need to avoid the
(the “Roadmap”), which lays out a guiding framework worst effects of catastrophic climate change. With
and general solution set for the critical work that must each passing year it becomes increasingly clear that
be undertaken to modernize New York State buildings New York State is vulnerable to the many impacts of
while reducing, and in most cases eliminating, their a warming planet. And it’s also clear that the cost of
use of fossil fuels. The Roadmap provides a long- inaction is enormous—flooding, heat waves, other
term vision of the built environment in 2050, including extreme weather events, disruptions to ecosystems,
recommendations on key policies, potential focus food chains, forced migrations, and the list goes on.
areas for technology advancement and programmatic

F I G U R E 1 .1 : C L I M AT E AC T TA R G E T S A N D T I M I N G

Source: Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act

14 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

To boldly address this challenge, the Climate 27% of its renewable energy goal with another 23%
Leadership and Community Protection Act (the Climate coming online or contracted, and 20% targeted for
Act), passed in 2019, commits the State of New York to acquisition by 2030 (see Figure 1.2).
an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions In January 2022, Governor Hochul launched an
by 2050, and a 40% reduction in GHG emissions unprecedented commitment to achieve a 100%
by 2030. In addition to emission reductions targets, carbon neutral building stock by 2050. This is the
the Climate Act includes targets for clean electricity, most ambitious clean energy and climate agenda in
renewable energy, energy efficiency, and grid the nation’s history—underscoring the State’s role as
resilience as summarized in Figure 1.1. a leader in these solutions. Recommendations set a
To develop a plan for reaching these goals, the Climate course for all new construction to be zero emissions no
Act established a Climate Action Council (CAC), which later than 2028, for transitioning the existing building
was charged with finalizing a Scoping Plan to delineate stock to be highly efficient and all-electric by mid-
the actions that New York State will need to undertake century, and for a 100% emissions-free energy grid
to achieve the required GHG limits. The CAC works by 2040. Additional discussion and detail around the
across all industries and has been advised by a legislative and policy path and how this will shape
number of industry-specific advisory panels, including and drive the carbon neutral trajectory is discussed in
the Energy Efficiency & Housing panel, which is focused Chapter 9: Policy Solutions.
on the building sector. The CAC is also advised by a To enable decarbonization of the built environment,
Just Transition Working Group and the Environmental NYSERDA in 2019 was directed to prepare a
Justice Advisory Group. The CAC issued the Scoping roadmap leading to a carbon neutral building stock
Plan in December of 2022. In addition, the Clean across the entire State of New York. This Carbon
Energy Standard (CES) works to ensure that 70% of Neutral Buildings Roadmap (Roadmap) builds on
New York’s electricity comes from renewable energy over two years of collaboration between NYSERDA,
sources such as solar and wind by 2030 and requires consultants from across the country, and input from
100% clean electricity by 2040, which makes building over 1,000 stakeholders in the community to provide
electrification a powerful tool in decarbonizing the built decarbonization solutions and policy recommendations
environment. Currently, New York State has secured that best fit the circumstances of the State.

F I G U R E 1 . 2 N E W YO R K C L E A N E N E R G Y S TA N DA R D

Source: New York’s

Clean Energy Standard

Chapter 1: Introduction 15
A Roadmap to 2050
Achieving the goals of the Climate Act requires significant changes
and investments into all aspects of the economy. The current emissions
trajectory would result in New York’s building sector emitting 69 MMT
CO2e in 2050—more than double the economywide emissions
allowable under the Climate Act requirements.

Direct emissions from onsite fossil fuel combustion 2) low-and mid-rise (up to 20 stories) multifamily
and the release of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) used in residential, 3) low-and mid-rise (up to 20 stories) office
building equipment and products comprise about one- buildings, and 4) higher education (focusing on dorms
third of the State’s total current carbon emissions. That and classrooms). Across these typologies, the Roadmap
percentage increases to roughly 43% when including highlights common decarbonization solutions and
the indirect emissions associated with the generation barriers, top policies with the most potential to effectively
of electricity used in buildings today. achieve carbon reductions, market-based strategies to
As such, building decarbonization represents a build demand and reduce the cost of implementation,
significant part of achieving statewide carbon neutrality gaps in technologies and construction/renovation
by 2050. While there is a constantly growing list of solutions, and goals for current and future research
carbon neutral buildings locally, nationally, and globally and analysis.
that demonstrate what is achievable and at what costs, Key outcomes for the Roadmap include:
these represent a tiny fraction of the State’s current ■ Establish a common definition and understanding
overall building stock. Additional policies, programs, and of carbon neutral buildings. (Chapter 2: Defining
initiatives will need to be implemented for the building and Measuring Carbon Neutrality)
sector to realize New York’s 2050 goals.
This Roadmap provides a vision of how a carbon ■ Showcase carbon neutral and low carbon
neutral building stock could be achieved in New construction practices and technologies that
York, and how clean and resilient buildings will be are useable today, the potential for technology
an essential element of a statewide decarbonized cost reductions, and high-priority focus areas for
economic system by mid-century. It identifies ways investment in technology research, development,
to promote and accelerate current solutions, achieve and demonstration. (Chapter 4: Construction
cost reductions to implement these existing solutions, Technologies and Building Methodology)
while also building a foundation to make investments
■ Defining the challenges of electrification and
that develop better and more cost-effective future
hard-to-electrify buildings and opportunities for
solutions. The Roadmap also ensures a focus on
increased demand flexibility to improve grid health.
Disadvantaged Communities so that they are able to
(Chapters 5: Building Electrification and the Grid
equitably participate in and enjoy the benefits of this
and 6: Limits to Electrification)
transition, while also addressing the historical injustices
imposed on communities of color. ■ Discuss the value proposition and business case
More than two-thirds of the buildings projected to be in for carbon neutrality. (Chapter 8: The Economics,
use in New York State in 2050 are already built today. As Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral
a result, the Roadmap emphasizes the retrofit of existing Buildings)
buildings, as well as new construction. It targets four key
sectors, which collectively represent over 50% of building ■ Recommend policy solutions to achieve the State’s
energy use in New York State: 1) single-family residential, emissions reduction goals and reduce costs.
(Chapter 9: Policy Solutions)

16 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Policy solutions are especially important to drive planning document for the buildings sector to reach
New York State’s long-term climate goals and are the long-term vision of carbon neutrality and an action
essential to making progress over the next 10 years, a plan for what is needed over the next several years.
period when these policies must overcome a deeply The Roadmap development process has elevated
entrenched status quo that exhibits a preference for some key priorities that will be critical in the coming
continue business as usual in the design, construction, years for the State in achieving its carbon reduction
renovation, and operations of buildings and homes. goals, as summarized further in the subsequent
chapters. These include:
Roadmap Process and ■ Significantly improving building envelope (thermal
Key Areas of Focus performance and reducing air infiltration) to reduce
Development of the Roadmap was built on extensive heating and cooling loads, as well as reducing
outreach to audiences across New York State, and water consumption to reduce domestic hot water
included local and national experts. In all, 15 formal heating need;
small group engagements were held with outreach to
nearly 1,000 stakeholders. An additional uncounted ■ Rapidly electrifying thermal loads;
number of one-on-one and other informal meetings ■ Equipping buildings with energy storage and/or
were held to gather information and feedback the ability to shift energy use and to interact in
on solutions and policies. NYSERDA also gave a real time with the electric grid;
formal public presentation of the draft findings of
the Roadmap in June of 2021 and has considered ■ Satisfying building energy loads with distributed
and addressed a number of comments from that renewable energy resources or other emissions-
presentation in this final version. This Roadmap free energy sources from the community or the grid;
truly belongs to the people of New York. It is both a
■ Focusing interventions on reducing costs of
measures and construction and renovation
techniques; and

■ Educating building owners, occupants, and

operators on behaviors that enable carbon
neutrality and minimize costs, and providing them
with the tools (e.g. advanced metering) to do so.

NYSERDA intends to continue to publish information

regarding additional building types, new technical
solutions, updated research and up-to-date
building and market performance information. With
electrification being such an important tactic of the
building decarbonization strategy, a companion
document that is part of The Future of Buildings, the
Building Electrification Roadmap, is being developed
to plan over a 2030-time horizon with near-term
actions needed to electrify the State’s residential and
commercial buildings.

Kathleen Grimm School for Leadership and Sustainability at Sandy

Ground. New York, NY. Photo Courtesy of SOM

Chapter 1: Introduction 17
Solutions-Focused for Impact
Establishing a carbon neutral building sector and economy will indeed
require a very significant investment by New York State. But it is
important to recognize that these investments will support some of the
State’s most important long-term assets—the electricity grid and our
residential and commercial buildings.
Substantial investments will be needed in any
circumstance to maintain and modernize these assets
over the next three decades. These investments will
also create additional societal benefits as part of the
clean energy transition, including good paying jobs,
increased economic activity, and improved health,
comfort, resiliency, productivity, and safety outcomes.
The solutions that deliver carbon neutral buildings can
also improve economic efficiency and reduce waste in
the building construction and operation industries.
Efficient building envelopes and reduced water
consumption reduce energy loads, allowing installation
of smaller (and less expensive) equipment. Expanded
onsite solar and other distributed energy resources
will reduce demand on central grid generation. The
ability to shift loads, and to facilitate better interactions
between the building and the grid, will have a major
impact on peak demand, thereby avoiding the cost
of—and potential emissions from—substantial
infrastructure investments.
The Roadmap includes several key principles to bear
in mind throughout the State’s clean energy transition:
Managing the Cost: There are commercially available
solutions in the market today that are expected to
have significant cost reduction in the future. The
Roadmap identifies strategies to reduce these costs
through driving economies of scale; focusing on
targeted research, development, and demonstration
(RD&D); raising awareness (i.e., driving consumer
demand); developing the workforce; lowering the
cost of financing; and various other tactics. In order
to minimize the cost of the transition, State policy
and program offerings will need to take advantage of
natural events in the lifecycle of buildings, including
building sales, renovations, repositioning, refinancing,
resident/commercial tenant turnover, tenant fit out, and
end-of-life equipment replacement.
Technology Ready and Viable RD&D: The solutions

18 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

included in the Roadmap rely predominantly on off-the- speed and scale, and will lead to equitable job
shelf technology and those with a demonstrable RD&D creation, resiliency, and greater societal benefits.
path. Technologies are prioritized based on market Expanding existing policies is essential to enable
readiness, and potential cost reduction and impact. The cost reduction and economies of scale for several
Roadmap also highlights technology gaps that could be technologies, especially in existing buildings.
bridged with focused investment. Prioritizing Disadvantaged Communities: The Climate
Policies Drive Scale and Benefits: Decarbonization Act requires 35%, and targets 40%, of the benefits from
policies can accelerate adoption as well as catalyze clean energy investment to flow to Disadvantaged
workforce development programs and create new Communities. Decarbonization solutions must
jobs for New Yorkers. The Roadmap includes policy directly benefit Disadvantaged Communities with
recommendations based on analysis that will support investment and better access to jobs in the clean
energy workforce. Equity and environmental justice
are foundational principles in this Roadmap, striving
to include frontline communities and advocates in
decision-making so that resulting solutions will work
to solve those communities’ respective needs, relieve
economic and racial inequities, and improve health and
resilience outcomes while creating jobs.
Focus on Load Flexibility: Grid interactive building
solutions will provide cost and carbon mitigation
benefits to both owners and grid operations, and
are an essential, emerging decarbonization solution.
Demand flexibility reduces building peak loads,
supports grid decarbonization by reducing the grid
impacts of electrification, and can provide cost-
effective alternatives to help building owners meet
legislative mandates.
Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback: Stakeholder
engagement is critical to drive robust and equitable
solutions in the varied communities across the State.
As noted previously, the Roadmap development
included a broad-ranging stakeholder engagement
process. But the lion’s share of outreach is yet to
come, as NYSERDA and carbon neutral advocates
must undertake a far-reaching consumer awareness
campaign across the entire State of New York.

Roadmap Structure
Each of the Roadmap’s chapters provides key
information to support high priority near-term actions
that the State and the ecosystem of stakeholders
can take to get on the path toward achieving
the Climate Act’s 2050 goals. In pursuing these
actions, the following strategies will be important in
achieving success:
■ Advancing the development and increasing the
utilization of decarbonization technologies for the
built environment, with a focus on cost reduction as
a major demand driver.

Chapter 1: Introduction 19
■ Enacting programs and policies that analysis ■ Incorporating the full cost of GHG emissions
shows will encourage and/or require high levels into all fuels.
of efficiency, energy recovery, and thermal
performance to enable electrification as a primary ■ Identifying non-energy benefits (e.g. health,
strategy of reducing emissions. comfort, resiliency, productivity, safety, etc) and
better quantifying their value in the building owner
■ Continuing to support market-based financing and decision-making process.
insurance mechanisms and products that leverage
private sector capital sources eager for clean ■ Investing in the education and training of the 
energy investment opportunities. clean energy workforce, building owners,
operators, end users, other real estate actors
■ Working closely with utilities and aligning the work and the general public.  
of all relevant New York State agencies to support
the State’s transition to a carbon neutral building
stock and economy.

Last Words
Addressing climate change will require an analysis based,
no regrets approach and full engagement from all sectors of
the economy.
It is a complex undertaking but offers a massive economic and innovation opportunity. The end
goal is to achieve very efficient buildings that do not use fossil fuel appliances and equipment, have
flexible and grid-responsive capabilities and are supplied by renewable electricity. These actions
will impact various market actors across the State, including the people living and working in
New York’s buildings—those who pay the bills—and the various professionals who design, build,
manage, and supply homes and businesses.

We are calling on all of these New Yorkers to join in realizing the goals of the
Roadmap and keeping New York on the forefront of the climate fight.

20 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Defining and


Chapter 2: Defining and Measuring Carbon Neutrality 21

To achieve carbon neutrality in buildings, the attributes of these
buildings must first be understood. This chapter provides a definition
and discussing metrics for carbon neutral buildings.

In New York State, a carbon neutral building is a sources. Most of the lifetime energy needs of buildings
highly energy efficient building whose design, designed today will be served 100% by electricity.
construction, and operations do not contribute to Fossil fuel-based onsite emergency electricity
emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gases generation, and many process and industrial energy
(GHG) that cause climate change. uses, are expected to be exempted from the carbon
A carbon neutral building has no onsite combustion neutral building policy requirements in the short term.
of fossil fuels for space heating, hot water, cooking, or Over time, since nearly all carbon neutral buildings
other appliances. The State will have a decarbonized will be grid connected, it is expected that they will
electrical grid by 2040 so all building use of electricity incorporate load flexibility into their design and
will be supplied by renewable or other zero emission operation.

F I G U R E 2 .1 A C A R B O N N E U T R A L S I N G L E - FA M I LY H O M E

This carbon neutral home is highly energy efficient (with particular focus on building envelope efficiency and water efficiency
to reduce thermal loads) has all-electric appliances and equipment, a high performance envelope, onsite renewable energy
generation and battery storage, and is grid integrated.

22 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

A carbon neutral building is different and distinct from carbon of components and materials or FF&E
a (net) zero energy building. According to the U.S. (furniture, fixtures and equipment), are described
Department of Energy, a Zero Energy Building is an in this section but not yet incorporated into the
energy-efficient building where, on a source energy Roadmap’s carbon neutral definition. To reach true
basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than economy-wide carbon neutrality for the building
or equal to the onsite renewable exported energy. sector, New York will need to address the GHG
There are two key differences between net zero emissions coming from the building materials supply
energy buildings and carbon neutral buildings. First, chain and from the actions taken at a building’s end-
net zero energy definitions generally allow onsite fossil of-life, and upon equipment replacement and other
fuel combustion to be offset by exported renewable mid-cycle renovations.
energy, but a carbon neutral definition generally Carbon neutral performance can be considered at
excludes buildings with onsite fossil fuel combustion. the scale of an individual building, or at a campus,
Second, net zero energy definitions track the energy community, or portfolio level. The definition of
balance of a building measured in energy or cost units, carbon neutrality allows for buildings to achieve such
but the carbon neutral definition establishes that a performance in isolation from other buildings, or to do so
building’s operations do not contribute to additional as part of a larger carbon neutral campus, community,
carbon emissions, and hence is usually measured in district, or portfolio. Sometimes, multiple buildings share
units of carbon equivalent. energy assets, such as Con Edison’s district steam
Unless noted otherwise, this Roadmap uses the system in New York City or the district energy systems
term carbon neutral building to apply only during the found at many college campuses. In other situations, the
operational or use stages of a building’s lifecycle. same owner has control over multiple buildings and may
Other stages of the lifecycle, such as embodied face constraints in one building that could be offset by
achievements in a different building.

Attributes of a Carbon Neutral Building

These attributes focus upon the building, the impact of that building on the electric grid, and the value of
infrastructure as an investment. A carbon neutral building in New York should focus on the following attributes:

Maximizes No fossil fuel Produces Designed Features Designed and

energy combustion or procures with flexible resiliency operated with
efficiency, for building zero-emission loads and real- measures the health,
especially to services or electricity time control that protect wellness,
reduce thermal other appliances consistent with strategies and/ buildings and comfort and
needs. onsite.* the Climate Act. or storage that occupants. productivity of
can respond to occupants as a
grid conditions. priority.

* A building may also be able to achieve carbon neutrality using low carbon fuels like renewable natural gas or hydrogen, but those fuels
are projected to be in very limited supply and utilized primarily for harder sectors of the economy to electrify. See Chapter 6: Limits to
Electrification for discussion of the approaches to hard-to-electrify building types and sectors.

Chapter 2: Defining and Measuring Carbon Neutrality 23

Units of Measurement for
Carbon Neutrality in Buildings
To translate and measure the foregoing definition of carbon neutral
buildings into quantitative carbon neutral goals and targets, the units
of measurement or metrics must be considered.

With New York State’s growing legislative and inherently high energy use occupancy types (like
administrative designations of carbon neutrality, data centers or 24/7 operations), as an indicator of
determining a metric, or suite of metrics, is efficient use of energy. In combination with a GHG
becoming clearer. Metrics allow different buildings metric for onsite combustion, an EUI metric could
to be compared directly to each other, and to focus exclusively on electricity.
objective thresholds set by the government or by
third-party building standards in the market. The ■ GHG emissions from onsite combustion to indicate
choice of metrics for carbon measurement can direct contributions to climate change.
have a significant impact on how buildings are
■ The State’s progress towards a decarbonized grid by
designed—especially when specific metrics may
2040, and towards providing clean hydrogen or other
be required, such as the carbon basis for New York
renewable gases for difficult-to-electrify end uses.
City’s Local Law (LL) 97. Based on current legislation
and regulatory, policy, and program activities, the
Roadmap outlines three primary objectives for the Units of Measurement Under
metrics to meet: Development—Grid Flexibility
A key component of a carbon neutral building is
1. Minimize energy consumption and peak loads.
its connection to the grid allowing it to be utilized
2. Decarbonize all possible end uses with as a clean and flexible energy resource. The
100% zero emissions energy supply. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) denotes these
buildings as Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings
3. Facilitate the real-time ability for a building to shift (GEBs), as shown in Figure 2.2 and further described
or offset energy loads to be responsive to grid by DOE as: “Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings have
needs and electricity rate structures, and to utilize an optimized blend of energy efficiency, energy
the cleanest mix of energy resources. storage, renewable energy, and load flexibility
technologies.” GEBs can deliver both time-oriented
New York regulatory actions recommend a suite energy efficiency through passive strategies and
of metrics rather than a standalone GHG metric to load flexibility through active strategies.
provide the accuracy and flexibility needed in the
State’s shift toward carbon neutral buildings and to The Climate Action Council in consultation with
send clear market signals, including the following: NYSERDA and New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation (DEC), New York
State Department of State, local municipalities, and
■ Site Energy Use Intensity (EUI), expressed as the
international model code organizations will work to
amount of energy use per area of floor space per
formalize these metrics for market adoption.
year. Site EUI should be adjusted (normalized) for

24 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


F I G U R E 2 . 2 A G R I D - I N T E R AC T I V E E F F I C I E N T B U I L D I N G ( U. S . D O E )


Energy Storage FIXED LOADS

Wind Turbines
high performance

energy efficient, all-electric

appliances and equipment

HVAC Medium
Lighting Low
Distributed Energy Plug Loads Low
Conventional Power Plants Resources
Grid electric High

smart connected

Solar Power

The Next Steps in Carbon Neutrality: In fact, New York has begun incorporating these
aspects of building decarbonization into its clean
Embodied Carbon and Refrigerant energy programs offered through NYSERDA and other
Global Warming Potential (GWP) agencies. The State will pursue additional research
As New York makes progress on decarbonizing and stakeholder outreach to inform how the climate
building operations, it is also working to incorporate a impacts of embodied carbon and refrigerants can be
broader range of emission types that occur throughout directly compared with operational GHG emissions.
the lifecycle of a building into the ultimate definition of The Climate Act mandates that this Roadmap and
a carbon neutral building. New York policies employ a metric with a 20-year
Future decarbonization work will include a focus on GWP time horizon, which results in greater emphasis
embodied carbon in building materials, as well as the on GHGs like methane and refrigerants, relative to
Global Warming Potential (GWP) of refrigerants, used reducing emissions of CO2.
in heat pumps and other equipment, that may leak and
be released. Metrics for these two additional elements
will be added to the carbon neutral definition in the next
iteration of the Roadmap.

Chapter 2: Defining and Measuring Carbon Neutrality 25

Last Words
New York’s policy focus on carbon neutral buildings has
become better defined with the passage of the Climate Act,
decisions by the Climate Action Council, and administrative
directions from Governor Hochul.
The Roadmap helps define what carbon neutrality is and provides guidance on details such as units
of measurement and metrics to express those. The carbon neutral building definition included in the
Roadmap is essential to measuring carbon reduction progress at the project level and for policymaking
to achieve a carbon neutral building stock by 2050.

Night aerial skyline of Buffalo, New York.

26 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap



Chapter 3: Our Buildings Today 27

Achieving a carbon neutral building stock will require transitioning
both new and existing buildings in New York State to emission-free
electricity and away from onsite fossil fuel use.
Understanding the current building stock, the systems Key characteristics of four priority building types for
they use, and the fuel mixes serving them is critical New York State are summarized including: single-family
to creating a plan that effectively achieves carbon residential, multifamily residential, office, and higher
neutrality, protects the health and well-being of— education buildings.
and disruptions to—occupants, minimizes costs, and
ensures equitable access to benefits. Framing
This chapter provides a high-level summary of the With over 20 million residents, New York State is the
building stock in New York State. It outlines variations fourth most populous in the United States.1 The State
across the State based on location, construction covers 54,455 square miles and boasts the third
types and fuel types, and it explains why these have largest economy in the nation. Estimated at
important implications for building decarbonization.

F I G U R E 3 .1 :

Source: New York Pathways

model (Oct. 2021), Reference
scenario in 2020 as developed
for the New York State Climate
Action Council

28 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

$1.5 trillion annually,2 the New York economy ranges
from heavy industry to tourism, agriculture to advanced
chip manufacturing, and Wall Street to main street
business interests.
The buildings sector was the largest source of
New York State greenhouse gas emissions in 2019,
responsible for 32% of emissions statewide from
the combustion of fossil fuels in residential and
commercial buildings, emissions from imported
fuels, and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) released from
building equipment and foam insulation. When further
accounting for ‘indirect’ emissions from buildings’ use
of fossil-generated electricity, building operations are
responsible for 43% of annual emissions statewide. 3
The large scope of New York’s economy and the
diversity that gives New York great strength, also present
challenges to building decarbonization, including:

■ The older and taller building stock in New York

make it more difficult to scale building retrofits and
to transition from gas to renewable electricity as the
primary fuel for heating buildings and hot water.

■ The large proportion of leased space in New York

makes for a more complicated value proposition
for owners and tenants when investing in

■ New York has a diverse geography spanning

multiple climate zones and regional fuel mixes.
Significant variations exist among building types
and their respective mechanical systems.

Times Square, New York City, New York.

Chapter 3: Our Buildings Today 29

Taking Stock of
New York’s Buildings
New York State has approximately 6.2 million buildings, and the
average age of buildings in New York State is much older than most
other states in the nation.

For example, more than 55% of New York City’s retrofits must consider impacts and disruptions on
multifamily building stock was built before 1940, current occupants, often require costly upgrades to
and across the State, more than three quarters of all be modernized, such as environmental remediation
multifamily buildings were built before 1978, when or electrical system upgrades, and are generally
energy codes were first enacted by Congress.4 constrained by the building’s existing systems
Nearly half of homes (1-4 units) were built pre-1940, configurations. As such, this Roadmap emphasizes
with the majority of all homes and multifamily buildings the need for accelerating the adoption of carbon
being built before 1960. In addition, the downstate neutral new construction and adaptive reuse projects
housing stock tends to be older than upstate. The age to future-proof and prevent the need for more costly
of these buildings is important because at least two- upgrades in coming years.
thirds of the existing building area that exists today in Major events in a building’s lifecycle are opportunities
the United States, will still be in operation in 2040.5 That to reduce carbon emissions and manage costs.
percentage is likely understated for New York, where Although major building retrofits generally happen
there is expected to be less new construction over the only every 20-30+ years, they are seen as a primary
coming decades than in other places in the country. opportunity for improvements, as are scheduled
Decarbonizing an existing building is more challenging renovations and system replacements. In addition,
and more expensive than achieving carbon neutral upgrades scheduled at point-of-sale and tenant
performance in new construction. This is because turnover are common intervention points that can be

F I G U R E 3 . 2 : N E W YO R K ’ S H O U S I N G S TO C K BY R E G I O N , U N I T T Y P E , A N D AG E

Source: NYSERDA Housing Stock Characterization 2022

30 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

leveraged to minimize occupant disruption for building requirements based on climate zones and occupancy
upgrades. However, this will require a widespread types. Building retrofits will need to strike a balance
understanding among critical market actors of the between investments in space conditioning and
value proposition and the technical approach for building envelope upgrades, and approaches will be
carbon neutral retrofits. different across the State. More specific discussions
Retrofits of tall buildings, especially in New York City, of technology applications can be found in Chapter 4:
face their own unique obstacles. These can have Construction Technologies & Building Methods.
greater technical challenges, and owners are unlikely Building and land value across the State also
to vacate their buildings for gut-rehabilitation projects. has implications for approaches to building
Many leased buildings have an additional barrier that decarbonization. Where property values are lower,
must be overcome including the “split incentive,” ancillary costs of efficiency and electrification, such
which relates to the disconnect between landlords as building envelope and electrical upgrades as
and tenants as to who pays for and who benefits from well as environmental remediation costs, present a
energy and carbon-saving retrofits. challenge. For example, an $85,000 home in Syracuse
Climate region, geography, and land value variations will have a harder time justifying retrofit costs than
across the State present additional challenges to a $675,000 home in Yonkers. Approaches to cost
decarbonizing buildings. For example, New York reduction and measure packages to achieve carbon
experiences cold/humid and mixed/humid climate neutral performance are discussed in Chapter 8: The
conditions that warrant different technical solutions. Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon
According to the New York State Energy Conservation Neutral Buildings.
Construction Code (NYSECCC), New York has three
climate zones, shown in Figure 3.3. Climate Zone
4 represents the mixed humid zone and includes
downstate regions of New York City, Long Island, and
Westchester County. The upstate region experiences
even colder (but still humid) weather, falling into
Climate Zones 5 and 6.
Climate zones influence building design and system
requirements. NYSECCC establishes different

F I G U R E 3 . 3 : C L I M AT E Z O N E S

Chapter 3: Our Buildings Today 31

Emissions by Primary Sector and Over the next two decades, carbon emissions from
electricity generation in New York will be reduced
Energy Use in Priority Building Types due in large part to the State’s Clean Energy Standard,
Emissions from onsite combustion of fossil fuels in which requires utilities to deliver 70% of energy
residential and commercial buildings can be further generation from renewable sources by 2030. The
characterized to support approaches outlined in the Climate Act requires all central generation to be
Roadmap as seen in Figure 3.4. emission free by 2040. At the same time, the push to
For example, residential buildings contribute electrify buildings, along with significant decreases
more emissions from onsite fuel combustion than in the cost of lithium-ion batteries and State policies
commercial, and gas combustion is more prevalent encouraging electric vehicle adoption will substantially
(and impactful) than other fuel sources. When looking increase electricity consumption from transportation
at end uses, space heating in single-family, multifamily, and the built environment over this time period. The
and commercial buildings comprise more than two- addition of these new loads on the electrical grid
thirds of emissions from onsite combustion, with the requires a continued emphasis on building energy
remainder from water heating, cooking, district heating, efficiency and peak demand management to reduce
and other sources. overall load growth and societal costs in the transition
away from fossil fuels.



32 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Characteristics of Priority
Building Types
New York State has more than six million
buildings. This Roadmap focuses on
four priority building types:
1. Single-family residential
2. Multifamily residential
3. Office
4. Higher education

Credit: Baxt Ingui Architects

Engine 16 Redevelopment, New York City
These four typologies represent the large majority of New York’s building
stock (by number of buildings) and collectively account for more than
50% of the State’s building sector energy use. There is a high level of
diversity across buildings, even within the same building typology, which
will require different solution packages. Approaches will vary further
given diversity in climate, local installation costs, tenant split incentives,
and other factors.

Residential: Single and Multifamily

New York State has more than 7.8 million residential units comprised
of 4.3 million households occupying 4.1 million single-family (1-4 unit)
buildings,6 nearly 3 million residential units occupying 1.6 million multifamily
(5+ unit) buildings, and approximately 560,000 residential units in other
condo or co-op multifamily configurations.7 Most households in New York
use more than one fuel, such as electricity, natural gas, and propane to
meet their home energy needs. Space heating and cooling, hot water
heating, cooking, and electric vehicle integration are of special concern to
decarbonization in residential buildings.
Residential buildings in New York State have a wide variety of building
typologies and ownership structures. Buildings range from single-story to
high-rise. Rental housing suffers from a split incentive barrier, and co-op
and condominium ownership and decision-making structures also present
challenges for efficiency and decarbonization.
The single-family sector has regular rehabilitation schedules that typically
revolve around home sales and equipment replacement. The average
homeowner stays in their home 10 years, and typical heating equipment life
is approximately 15-25 years. These events in the building’s lifecycle identify
clear decarbonization opportunities in the single-family residential market.
While homes may have a technically and economically viable path to
achieve carbon neutral performance for new construction and gut rehabs,
the majority of retrofit projects occur for a single system at a time and
generally at the end of the equipment’s useful life, often as an emergency
replacement at point of failure. Homeowners may not value energy and

Chapter 3: Our Buildings Today 33

carbon reduction as much as other priorities, especially
when quick decisions need to be made. Moreover, the
single-family home sector is very fragmented, creating Governor Hochul
further challenges for this market. A bright spot for
the carbon neutral home market however is that many
Announces Plan to Achieve
families, particularly those whose family members have 2 Million Climate-Friendly
allergies or asthma, place a high value on improved
indoor environmental quality which is a co-benefit of
Homes by 2030
carbon neutral performance. Governor Hochul’s plan to achieve a
minimum of 1 million electrified homes and up
to 1 million electrification-ready homes (with
Fossil Fuel Use in the Residential Market at least 800,000 of those being located in
Two of the largest sources of direct emissions Disadvantaged Communities) is anchored
from all buildings statewide are space heating and by a series of legislative and policy actions.
domestic hot water heating in single-family and These include:
multi-family buildings. 8 ■ Requiring zero onsite greenhouse gas
Millions of single-family and multifamily homes in emissions for new construction no later
New York rely on gas for space heating, hot water than 2027,
heating, and cooking. In single-family homes, gas
furnaces and boilers dominate the market, but in ■ Providing the training programs necessary
many parts of the State, delivered fuels are dominant to ensure that the State has a skilled
due to a lack of gas infrastructure. Delivered fuels workforce to deliver these services,
present a unique challenge such as fuel oil systems
■ Establishing a dedicated green
that are typically not ducted, making upgrades more
electrification fund, and
costly. A study published in 20199 suggests that
just under half of the residential heating systems ■ Electrifying low-income homes through
sold between 2013-2017 were gas furnaces and the housing capital plan, among others.
about one-third were gas boilers. In new residential
construction, central forced-air furnaces comprise
the bulk of the new construction market.
Hot water heating in residential buildings is also
dominated by gas and fuel oil, although it varies by emissions today, even though full decarbonization of
location, as shown in Figure 3.5.10 In the downstate the building will happen in the next retrofit cycle.
single-family market of Climate Zone 4, water is Electrification of space and hot water heating loads in
heated overwhelmingly by gas and fuel oil. Upstate residential buildings will have a major impact on the
in Climate Zone 5, the majority of water heating electric grid. This will be compounded by the need for
is powered by gas and fuel oil, with some electric electric vehicle charging in residential buildings. These
water heating in single-family homes. Climate Zone potential grid impacts mean that residential buildings
6 already has broader adoption of electric water will continue to be ideal candidates for maximizing
heaters, although most are less efficient electric- efficiency and implementing load management
resistance models. strategies, like onsite battery storage capability and
Multifamily buildings tend to have more centralized heat pump water heaters with thermal storage to help
heating systems that use gas or fuel oil. A recent manage peak demand times on the grid. With these
report from Urban Green Council11 estimated that a strategies in place, the residential sector will play an
majority of residential buildings in New York City are important role in transitioning away from gas to reduce
heated by fossil fuels, often with a steam distribution statewide carbon emissions. Another key place that
system. The research highlighted the opportunities natural gas is burned in the home is for kitchen use.
associated with retrofitting steam distribution This is critical because indoor air pollution from fossil
systems to hydronic systems in New York City, fuel combustion is a threat to human health, especially
especially buildings larger than 5,000 square feet. when not properly ventilated. This can exacerbate
This migration of buildings from steam to hydronic respiratory conditions like asthma, which affects at
can increase occupant comfort and reduce carbon least 1.4 million people in New York.12

34 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Most homes in the Northeast census region (including and laboratories. These span both residential and
New York) have gas cooking appliances.13 The commercial building typologies.
transition away from gas cooking will require broad
market acceptance, which will face its own barriers. Higher Education
Transitioning to new technologies like induction
cooktops goes against current consumer preferences. New York State is known for exemplary leadership
in high quality, postsecondary education. In the
2020-2021 academic year,18 New York State public
Commercial Offices and private higher education institutions had almost
Offices make up a large share of commercial space in 794,701 full time and 340,884 part time students in
New York.14 The commercial office sector has a regular degree-credit enrollments.
cycle of retrofits and tenant improvements, which are The State has a higher proportion of private college
likely to happen at the time of sale, lease, or refinance. attendance than most states, with 195 independent and
The decarbonization challenges in office spaces are proprietary college campuses accounting for 44.5%
different than residential buildings, in that there is a of statewide full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment.
significantly reduced amount of fossil fuel consumption Buildings owned by colleges and universities also tend
in most offices. Domestic hot water usage is minimal in to be older than many other buildings in the State.19
most cases, and offices often require cooling through
most of the year due to the heat generated by people, New York has two major public educational institutions,
computers, and indoor lighting. the State University of New York (SUNY)20 and the
City University of New York (CUNY).21 In 2022, SUNY
There are other important distinctions in the office operated or leased more than 2,827 educational
building type. One is ownership structure. Owners have buildings, hospitals, residence halls, and community
little control over tenant energy use, which typically colleges, representing over 110 million square feet of
represents 40-60% of total office building energy space. CUNY has 29 million square feet in 300 buildings
use. The office market in New York State also varies across 25 campuses.
by region. The downstate area of New York City and
Westchester County have few owner-occupied buildings, Many of these public buildings are old and in need of
but this is reversed in the upstate region, where more updates. Primary objectives in capital infrastructure
businesses often operate in their owned buildings.15 planning at universities include extending the life
of educational facilities, providing life and safety
The energy-use profile for office buildings is very enhancements to meet code, and improving operational
different from residential buildings. Typically, about efficiency, including energy conservation. SUNY’s
half of the energy use in office buildings located buildings have an average age of 48 years, while
in the Northeast is for space heating, ventilation, CUNY’s average building age is more than 50 years
and air conditioning.16 Gas furnaces and boilers old. Importantly for decarbonization efforts, 30% of the
are prevalent for heating in New York’s commercial immediate asset repair needs in the SUNY system are
buildings.17 Chapter 6: Limits to Electrification HVAC upgrades, estimated to cost over $1.3 billion. HVAC
outlines certain buildings that will be difficult to needs represent 26% of CUNY’s lifecycle infrastructure
decarbonize, including retrofits of very tall buildings renewal need, estimated at a cost of over $1.5 billion.

F I G U R E 3 . 5 : WAT E R H E AT I N G F U E L S O U R C E S

Chapter 3: Our Buildings Today 35

University campuses face a large challenge of
addressing the central plants that run on fossil fuels
and are so prevalent in these institutions. Central
energy plants produce heating, cooling, and/or
electrical power for multiple buildings. They achieve
efficiencies that cannot be obtained in localized
systems because of the energy sources used, the
types of equipment utilized, and the savings in
operation and maintenance through centralization and
scale of equipment.
Many central energy plants achieve savings by using
energy, which would ordinarily be wasted in the
generation of electric power, to heat and cool buildings Carbon Neutral Community
(also known as cogeneration). Some central plants also for Economic Development:
incorporate concepts such as thermal energy storage
(TES) to store heating and/or cooling from lower- NYU Campus
cost energy sources or time periods. However, many New York University will perform a study of
college central heating plants use gas or other fossil contiguous university-owned properties to
fuels to create and distribute steam to the buildings on determine a Roadmap to Carbon Neutral
the system. This is one of the most challenging system Performance for the campus. The study will
types to decarbonize. evaluate strategies to reduce energy loads,
Figure 3.6 shows a schematic of a centralized energy leverage heat recovery, identify sticking
system at a college or university. In the case of points for high-intensity process loads and
campuses, the centralized system allows for trading limited roof areas, transform existing high
efficiency targets among buildings. In contrast to temperature hot water loop infrastructure,
central steam systems, the geothermal district loop reimagine the central water heating plant,
system depicted is a very promising community-scale and layer in renewables.
decarbonization solution. NYU Climate Action Plan Update 2021

F I G U R E 3 . 6 : S C H E M AT I C O F A C E N T R A L I Z E D E N E R G Y S YS T E M

36 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Today’s Carbon Neutral, Zero Net
Energy & All-Electric Buildings
New York is leading the Northeast in high performance, net zero
energy, and Passive House buildings. Projects are found across the
State, from Buffalo to the Adirondacks, through the Hudson Valley
into New York City and Long Island.
As part of the State’s effort F I G U R E 3 .7 : LO C AT I O N O F C O M M E R C I A L A N D M U LT I FA M I LY
to achieve a carbon-neutral N E T Z E R O E N E R G Y A N D PA S S I V E H O U S E B U I L D I N G S
economy, NYSERDA initiated the
Buildings of Excellence (BOE)
Competition in early 2019 to
recognize and reward the design,
construction, and operation of
very low or zero-carbon emitting
multifamily buildings. The Buildings
of Excellence competition has
played an important role in
catalyzing the growth of high
performance buildings within the
multifamily sector.
NYSERDA has served 238 single-
family homes and over 8,600
multifamily households that have
either demonstrated net zero
energy performance, are certified
Passive House, or are capable of
net zero energy performance with
sufficient renewables.
The great majority of net zero
energy buildings are all-electric,
with no onsite gas combustion.
Most net zero energy buildings
produce their own renewable
energy through onsite distributed those in dense urban areas, or
energy resources such as where site conditions limit solar
solar photovoltaics. But certain access—may also leverage offsite
typologies like tall and high- clean generation resources to
intensity buildings—hospitals or achieve net zero performance.

Chapter 3: Our Buildings Today 37

Buildings of Excellence
Round Three Competition
NYSERDA’s Buildings of Excellence (BOE) Competition
aims to accelerate the design, development,
construction, and operation of carbon neutral multifamily
buildings. It does so by recognizing new construction
and adaptive reuse projects that will achieve carbon
neutral performance while being beautiful and
functional, providing healthy, safe, comfortable, and
resilient living spaces for their occupants, and that will
be profitable for the project’s developers and owners.
Since the program began in 2019, NYSERDA has
selected 42 awardees in the first two rounds of the
program, representing a diversity of building typologies
and locations throughout the State. All of the BOE
awarded projects will have all-electric HVAC, and the
14 Round-2 projects will also provide all-electric
domestic hot water. Seventy-nine percent of projects
from Round 1 and Round 2 represented low- and
moderate-income units, demonstrating that the industry
can deliver carbon neutral buildings to Disadvantaged
Communities across the State. Governor Hochul
St Marks Passive House. Photo Credit: Cycle
announced Round 3 in April of 2022.
Architecture LLC and BQE

Last Words
New York is the fourth most populous state in the United States
and represents a large and diverse building stock.
The Roadmap prioritized the four building types: single-family residential, multifamily residential,
offices, and higher education buildings for analysis as they have the potential for the greatest emissions
reductions. Buildings are the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions in New York (32%) so it
will take a concerted effort to address the emissions in New York State’s building stock but addressing
these four building types first has the potential to reduce energy use in the State by half. New York has
already begun this transition and proved feasibility with the large number of net zero, passive house,
and carbon neutral homes and commercial buildings already in existence across the diverse state
climates, densities, and regions.

38 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

and Building


Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 39

Based on studies and analysis, this Roadmap is recommending
advancing a number of priority technologies and approaches
to building efficiency and decarbonization.

The market-readiness and opportunity for these decarbonization technologies recommended but not
products and methods are described in this chapter discussed here since they have already achieved
as well as activities that will be needed in the next significant market penetration, such as LED lighting,
decade for continued progress. These technologies, high-efficiency heating, ventilation and air conditioning
as summarized in Figure 4.1, were selected for their equipment, low-flow water fixtures, and ENERGY STAR
high potential energy savings, cost effectiveness, appliances.
and future cost reduction potential. There are several

F I G U R E 4 .1 : S U M M A R Y O F P R I O R I T I Z E D T E C H N O LO G I E S

Advanced District and

Load Controls Distributed Community
Reduction and Grid Energy Scale
Strategies Electrification Interactivity Resources Solutions
■ Air Sealing ■ Heat Pumps ■ Software: ■ Battery Energy ■ Hydronic
Smart Controls Storage Thermal
■ High ■ Variable Systems Networks
Performance Refrigerant ■ Hardware:
Insulation Flow Systems Smart Devices ■ Photovoltaic ■ District Heat
and Sensors Systems Pump Plants
■ High ■ Heat Pump
Performance Water Heaters ■ Grid ■ Thermal ■ Decarboniza-
Fenestration Signals and Energy tion of Remain-
■ Integrated Interoperability Storage ing Steam
■ Prefabricated Mechanical
Panelized Systems
■ Efficient
■ Ventilation Electric
and Air-Side Cooking

Does not include technologies that have already gained market penetration (e.g. LED lighting, ENERGY STAR appliances)

40 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Envelope & Ventilation
“Build tight and ventilate right” is a core principle of the building’s space conditioning energy consumption
high performance buildings and critical to achieving (heating & cooling).22 Key building envelope
carbon neutral buildings of all types. decarbonization technologies include air sealing, high
The building envelope (roof, walls, windows, doors, performance insulation, high performance fenestration,
and floor) controls the transfer of air, heat, water, vapor, energy recovery and leveraging prefabricated
fire, smoke, dust, sound, and light between the inside panelized solutions, as detailed along with other
and outside of the building. Typically, a residential priority technologies in the following Table 4.1.
building’s envelope has roughly a 30-40% impact on

TA B L E 4 .1 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y B U I L D I N G E N V E LO P E A N D V E N T I L AT I O N T E C H N O LO G I E S

Technology Priority Maturity

Air sealing is a low-cost, high-value strategy for all building types. It reduces unintended air High Mature
leakage in and out of a building, improving comfort and reducing energy use. Air leakage typically
drives about 20% of commercial building heating and cooling and 25-40% of home heating and
cooling energy use.23 Regardless of the insulation type or system being used, designers and
building owners should never rely entirely on insulation alone to do the job of air sealing. Air
sealing should be coupled with proper ventilation strategies to ensure good indoor air quality.
Blower door testing should be done on new and existing single-family homes and low-rise
buildings to help target leakage areas. Smoke testing can help identify the source of air leakage.
A 2005 LBNL review cites studies showing an energy loss of 30-40% when ductwork is installed
in unconditioned spaces. Other modeling and field testing have demonstrated that leakage
through the average duct system was 37% greater than infiltration through the building envelope.24
Buildings with leaky ductwork and air handlers located in unconditioned spaces are vulnerable to
increased infiltration rates. Duct leakage can also prevent effective distribution of the supply air,
substantially impacting the actual ventilation rate found in the average building.

The best practice for high performance insulation is a continuous insulation layer to avoid thermal High Mature
bridging. For retrofits, exterior insulation and finish systems are often used. Materials such as single-family Market
exterior rigid insulation, insulated sheathing, Structurally Insulated Panels (SIPs) and Insulated residential adoption
Medium/ highly
Concrete Forms (ICFs) are especially beneficial in new construction applications. high influenced
Different forms of insulation can be used alone or in combination on walls, roofs and slabs to multifamily, by codes,
significantly reduce energy. Thermal bridging, where construction materials transfer heat between commercial standards
the conditioned interior space and exterior should be avoided. Where possible, spray foams
using high global warming potential agents should also be avoided. Phase change materials
(see more in Table 4.4) can be used to improve the thermal performance of building envelopes.
Target insulation levels at or above code and Passive House levels wherever possible.

Continued >

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 41

TA B L E 4 .1 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y B U I L D I N G E N V E LO P E A N D V E N T I L AT I O N T E C H N O LO G I E S

Technology Priority Maturity

H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E F E N E S T R AT I O N S ( W I N D O W S A N D D O O R S )
Windows and doors are significantly less efficient in managing the thermal gradient between High Mature
interior and exterior spaces than walls and are a significant source of air infiltration, even when single-family
closed. Windows transmit solar radiation, adding welcome heat in the winter and, unless residential
appropriately shaded, increasing cooling load in the summer. Wood, fiberglass, composite, and high
other non-metal frame materials will help to decrease the overall conductivity. Strategies include multifamily,
double pane windows with layers of film, triple-pane windows, and dynamic windows that can commercial
modify thermal and visible light transmission. Thin triple-pane windows (which fit into a double-
pane form factor) are commercially available for both new construction and retrofit applications.
There have been advancements in dynamic glazing and a variety of coatings including low-e
coatings and wavelength-selective coatings. Other innovations include vacuum-insulated windows
and super insulating “aerogel” cores.

Prefabricated panelized solutions are integrated wall and roof assemblies, often with pre- High Early
installed windows/doors, manufactured offsite in controlled environments that provide improved quickly
and consistent insulation, air sealing and window/door performance (e.g. RetrofitNY and growing
for new
EnergieSprong). There are several manufacturers that create prefabricated assemblies that are construction,
primarily for new construction today. However, there are a few—and more coming—solutions emerging
targeted at existing, low-rise buildings in New York. solutions
for existing

Reduce energy for heating, cooling, and dehumidification of ventilation by exchanging heat Medium Mature
from exhaust air to (or from) incoming air using: Heat/Energy Recovery Ventilators (HRV/ some
ERV), heat/enthalpy wheels and other air handler heat exchangers, or even compressor- solutions are
driven cooling/heating of exhaust air. As building codes require higher levels of airtightness,
increased focus on balanced ventilation will be essential for maintaining high indoor air quality.
Other solutions which optimize air-side system operations: converting to dedicated outdoor air
systems (DOAS), decoupling heating/cooling from fresh air; performance-based ventilation design;
sorbent air cleaning technology; and general optimization of air-based systems using occupancy-
based controls and scheduling, pressure and temperature resets, optimized warm-ups, etc.
Additional solutions beyond ventilation heat recovery are also needed in the future, where heat is
recovered from one use (e.g. ventilation) and reused for another (e.g. water heating).

Whole-Building Retrofit Solutions

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy and NYSERDA,
Syracuse University, TKfabricate, and Cocoon Construct are developing
a transformational whole-building retrofit solution for residences in cold/
very cold climates that achieves 75% savings in energy used for thermal
loads (HVAC and DHW). The approach addresses the need for innovation
in integrated design, fabrication, and installation. The solution comprises
a prefabricated modular exterior envelope and attachment system that is
compatible with a high-efficiency mechanical “pod” for HVAC and DHW.25

42 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Key Innovations: Technology Development Needs
■ Prefabricated Façade Panels: Unitized, Below is a summary of activities needed in the next
prefabricated wall and roof panels are attached decade for continued development.
directly onto the existing facade to improve the Insulation and other envelope-based load
thermal performance and airtightness of the reduction strategies
envelope, with minimal disruption to the building
occupants. ■ Focus research and development efforts on
advancement of insulation types with low
■ Integrated Mechanical System: A prefabricated embodied carbon, improved R-value per inch
mechanical system is installed, which includes performance, and less costly and disruptive
an air-to-water heat pump for domestic hot water installation techniques for existing buildings.
(DHW) and space conditioning, a heat recovery
ventilator (HRV) or energy recovery ventilator (ERV), ■ Improve the commercial viability, installation, and
a hot water tank, photovoltaic (PV) inverters, and adoption of high performance building fenestration
controls in one “pod.” solutions by enabling automated production and
lowering installation costs.
■ High-Precision Fabrication Methods:
Energiesprong uses drones or lidar technology ■ Further research fenestrations for curtain
to scan the building and develop a precise digital wall systems.
model of existing conditions. Manufacturers with
Air sealing and thermal bridging
a high level of automation can produce panels for
500-600 buildings a year.26 ■ Scale up the market presence of liquid, aerosol,
and integrated air barrier air sealing systems in
■ Economics: Retrofits are sometimes financed new construction and retrofits. In addition, facilitate
through energy savings. Instead of paying the development and adoption of other technologies
utility companies, tenants pay an energy service such as expanding foam tapes around windows
plan to the housing association. The energy plan and flexible tapes that can improve air sealing.
guarantees an energy budget to achieve net zero
energy, and the energy cost savings are used to ■ Improved duct air sealing techniques with an
finance the retrofit (financing model required policy emphasis on existing ductwork solutions.
changes in the Netherlands).
■ Integrate thermal break requirements into
procurement specifications and building codes
and standards.

Off-site manufacturing utilizing advanced

manufacturing techniques
■ Continue research and pilots and develop new
construction programs focused on advanced
construction techniques, including digital
fabrication of customized off-site construction, and
cross laminated timber panels.

■ Support the industrialization of construction with

modular building support.

■ Leverage advanced manufacturing techniques,

robotics, innovative business models and scale to
compress installed cost.

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 43


Energiesprong: A Model for Industrialized Net Zero Energy Retrofits

Energiesprong is an innovative industrialized
zero energy retrofit approach developed in
the Netherlands. As public-private partnership,
Energiesprong has implemented thousands of
zero energy retrofits over the past five years
using prefabricated façade panels and all-electric
mechanical systems, with another 100,000
planned across Europe, including UK, Germany,
and France.

Lessons Learned from

A multifamily building in the Netherlands before (left) and
Energiesprong after (right) an Energiesprong retrofit.
■ Prefabricated retrofits and innovative financing
model create a cost-effective retrofit solution.

■ Aggregated demand drives down the cost

of the panels and mechanical pods, in less Project Type: National energy efficiency
than 10 years. program design; Public-Private Partnership
■ Energiesprong was able to achieve 40% Location: Netherlands
cost reduction for the panels, 55% for the Building Type: Multifamily Residential
mechanical pod, and 60% for the total
retrofit cost. Learn More

44 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Building Electrification
As with solutions that improve building efficiency, products and equipment to electrify space and water
technologies that will enable rapid electrification of heating as well as kitchen ranges. These include
the built environment are readily available or emerging heat pumps, domestic hot water heaters, ventilation,
in the marketplace. This section addresses priority integrated mechanical systems, and induction cooktops.

TA B L E 4 . 2 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y E L E C T R I F I C AT I O N T E C H N O LO G I E S

Technology Priority Maturity

Heat pumps are seeing increased adoption and are a critical part of the Very High Mature
decarbonization solution. Heat pumps absorb heat and efficiently transfer that heat ASHP technology is
either into occupied spaces (in the winter) or from occupied spaces to the outdoors (in mature for single-
family residential
the summer). A major benefit is that both heating and cooling can be provided with the buildings and
same equipment. There are three main types of heat pump systems: emerging for
1. Central Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) systems circulate hot and cold refrigerant, large commercial
or water to hydronic systems, to distribution system components like terminal
although innovation
fan coil units. This includes ducted mini-split systems which are often found in is needed on
residential applications. Emerging cold climate heat pumps provide increased performance
functionality for colder climates, at a slightly higher cost premium. efficiency (COP) of
cold climate ASHPs
2. Packaged Air Source Heat Pumps including window- or wall-installed terminal in the coldest
outdoor conditions
packaged units, ductless mini-splits and packaged rooftop systems often found in
small- to medium-sized buildings. Mature
GSHP technology,
though innovations
3. Water-Source Heat Pumps (WSHP) extract heat from water loops. Within this in drilling are needed
category, Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems have deep underground to achieve cost
wells or ground loops that use a heat pump to transfer heat between the ground competitiveness
and the indoor space for both heating and cooling. GSHPs significantly reduce
operating costs, but upfront costs are higher than ASHPs. In developed areas,
the biggest challenge is to find nearby open space for the in-ground wells. The
infrastructure can be expensive for single-family homes, though new financing
solutions are emerging as well as district offerings enabling infrastructure costs
to be shared across multiple customers. District hydronic loops, wastewater heat
recovery, and thermal storage are other examples of potential heat sources/sinks
for WSHPs. Smaller distributed WSHPs are used within buildings to extract heat
from hydronic distribution loops and heat individual spaces or floors.

VA R I A B L E R E F R I G E R A N T F LO W ( V R F )
VRF systems use piped refrigerants to heat and cool indoor spaces and are most Medium Mature
commonly found in medium- to large-buildings. For all heat pumps (and especially VRFs widely
for VRF, where there is a higher volume of refrigerant), innovation in low global available however
low GWP refrigerants
warming potential (GWP) refrigerants is critical. In new construction applications, are still emerging
manufacturers cited VRF installations as having a lower ducting and piping cost
than comparable ASHP or GSHP systems. Retrofitting a VRF system may be more
difficult if there is already a ducted system in place. For recommended VRF system
efficiencies, please refer to the most recent version of ASHRAE 90.1.

Continued >

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 45

TA B L E 4 . 2 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y E L E C T R I F I C AT I O N T E C H N O LO G I E S ( C O N T I N U E D )

Technology Priority Maturity

In-unit HPWHs are used for smaller buildings and centralized HPWHs can be used High Mature
for larger building types. Centralized systems include large hot water storage tanks HPWHs available
with several heat pumps in series. There are existing low Global Warming Potential however low GWP
refrigerants are still
refrigerant options for domestic water heating, but the predominant technologies on emerging
the market today use more standard refrigerants. Water heaters should have smart
controls to enable grid interactivity.

Integrated mechanical systems are pre-manufactured, bundled, all-electric packages Medium Early
capable of delivering heating, cooling, ventilation, dehumidification, and domestic hot Currently not
water to individual spaces. They are commonly used in up to seven-story buildings. available in the U.S.
beyond pilots
This product is not yet commercially available in the United States but shows significant
carbon and cost reduction potential and is under research and development by several
manufacturers serving the U.S. market. These systems have been used in Europe,
and early solutions are focused on multifamily and single-family applications. This
technology is intended to be part of a net zero retrofit package to overcome difficult-to-
retrofit legacy HVAC systems. It can also be used in new construction.

Continued >

Lower Cost Ground

Source Heat Pump
With support from NYSERDA,
Dandelion Energy is
demonstrating a more efficient
process to drill ground source
loops for geothermal heat pump
systems. Drilling and installing
the loop is the largest cost
component of ground source
heat pump system (GSHP).
The new drilling technology is
expected to reduce the time
and cost to install GSHPs. The
compact drilling equipment
will also offer opportunities for
installations not serviceable
by the typical larger drilling
equipment used today.28

46 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

TA B L E 4 . 2 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y E L E C T R I F I C AT I O N T E C H N O LO G I E S ( C O N T I N U E D )

Technology Priority Maturity


Induction cooking heats by transferring currents directly to the magnetic induction High Mature
cookware. Lab testing shows induction cooking efficiency of around 90% compared widely available
to 32% for gas and 75-80% for traditional electric systems.27 Induction stove prices
are coming down, close to parity with gas stoves, and they offer comparable levels
of cooking performance. In some cases where electric capacity is very constrained,
an electric panel upgrade and wiring may be necessary, which could impact cost
effectiveness and increase technical complexity. Retrofits from gas-to-electric stoves
can help improve indoor air quality and safety.

Technology Development Needs

Induction Cooktops Below is a summary of activities needed in the next
decade for continued development.
and Health
Indoor air pollution from natural gas ranges Support cold-climate heat pumps
can reach levels that exceed even outdoor
air quality standards, creating unsafe levels, ■ Support innovation in heat pump RD&D, especially
especially for children and those with asthma.29, for: improving performance at even colder
Lower-income households and communities temperatures; and applications for large buildings
of color are more likely to experience exposure and district systems.
to air pollution and higher rates of asthma.31
■ Further develop control solutions that enable
Creating programs that allow communities to
integration with existing HVAC systems, to
affordably switch to safer cooking systems can
potentially serve as backup heating sources
help improve public health as well as advance
for resiliency.
New York’s climate goals.
■ Design codes and standards that incentivize and/or
mandate high performance cold-climate air source
(and/or ground source) heat pumps.
Packaged Terminal Advance ground source heat pumps
Heat Pumps
■ Conduct research, pilots and support emerging
There are hundreds of thousands of business models, with a particular focus on further
packaged terminal air conditioners (PTACs) reducing the cost of drilling.
in multifamily buildings in New York State.
These systems are inexpensive and ■ Incentivize lower cost strategies for single-family
notoriously inefficient. Heating often relies or small multifamily such as minimally disruptive
on electric resistance or fossil fuel plants and horizontal piping or district aggregation.
distribution. Ice Air from Mt Vernon, NY, with
assistance from Steven Winters Associates Advance thermal networking and
and NYSERDA is demonstrating a new cold-
climate Package Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP). district thermal solutions
The design offers an affordable PTHP by
carefully optimizing controls and components ■ Educate industry practitioners of the techno-
for PTHP packages addressing defrost, ice economic opportunities
melt removal, proper sizing, and controls to
provide better comfort and efficiency. 32 ■ Build programs to accelerate the integrative
solution provider marketplace and address any
regulatory or administrative barriers.

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 47

Grid Interactivity
This section addresses technologies that support renewable generation on the grid. Buildings with
interactivity between buildings and the grid, smart controls that enable demand flexibility have
including software solutions, hardware solutions been demonstrated to reduce energy cost by
and grid interoperability. approximately 29% 33 and have the potential to reduce
daily peak demand by 30-50%. 34 Table 4.3 highlights
Grid interactivity leverages demand flexibility
the major building-grid interactivity technologies.
to reduce or shift building loads to reduce peak
demand while also balancing high levels of variable

TA B L E 4 . 3 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y B U I L D I N G - G R I D I N T E R AC T I V I T Y T E C H N O LO G I E S

Technology Priority Maturity

Smart controls provided through an Energy Management Information System (EMIS) High Mature
or Building Management System (BMS) allow building owners and operators to control BMS Systems
their buildings. Advanced EMIS supports the integration across end uses (e.g. the
ability to stage distributed energy resources, plug loads, HVAC, and EV charging) Multiple system
in a central control system to manage peak demand, cost and emissions, ideally in integration and
response to a signal from the utility or Independent System Operator. EMIS/BMS are interoperabilty with
most commonly found in larger multifamily and commercial buildings. external signals

All major plug loads and appliances should either have the intelligence to self-regulate High Emerging
or the ability to integrate with a master BMS or EMIS. Smart devices can optimize to
a variety of signals, including cost and carbon. For residential buildings, key smart
devices include thermostats, water heaters, EV chargers, and pool heaters. For
commercial and educational buildings, this technology should include the ability to
track and stage plug-and-process loads including laptops, monitors, printers and
multifunction devices, appliances, IT hardware, etc.


A master BMS or EMIS can respond to building-level information from internal sensors Medium Emerging
or from external grid-level information like real-time carbon emissions or electricity
prices. Availability of granular real-time marginal carbon emissions or time-variant
electricity prices would allow building operators to optimize performance to avoid
emissions or high prices. Time-of-use pricing is often aligned with the price of the
generation source rather than associated emissions (although with many peaker
plants, these two signals are often aligned).
Emissions avoidance could be prioritized in rate-design or provided by system
operators and/or utilities via Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) in the future.
Until emissions avoidance is incentivized by pricing, buildings can reduce their
operational emissions using signals available from third party services.

48 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Technology Development Needs Support GEB Deployment Through
Below is a summary of activities needed in the next Federal, State and Local Enabling
decade for continued development (per A National
Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings).
Programs and Policies
■ Issue lead by example goals for
government buildings
Research, Development, and Data
■ Develop load curve benchmarks for major building ■ Expand funding and financing options
typologies to better understand the needs of ■ Consider use of codes & standards, including
customers and the grid throughout the day standardizing communications protocols
■ Confirm the efficacy of various grid carbon intensity ■ Consider implementing State targets or mandates
signal characteristics (e.g. type, timestep, level
of advanced notice) to determine which yield the
maximum carbon reduction potential and

■ Pilot price signaling to verify buildings can respond

efficiently and owners are properly incentivized to
consume power during low-carbon times of the day

■ Standardize grid-to-building and building-to-grid

communication protocols

Enhance the Value to Consumers

and Utilities
■ Introduce incentives for utilities to deploy demand-
side resources and develop new, innovative
incentive-based programs

■ Expand price-based program adoption

■ Incorporate demand flexibility into

resource planning

Empower Users, Installers and Operators

■ Develop GEB design and operation decision-
making tools

■ Integrate smart technology training into

existing training programs

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 49

carbon reduction as much as other priorities, especially
when quick decisions need to be made. Moreover, the
single-family home sector is very fragmented, creating Governor Hochul
further challenges for this market. A bright spot for
the carbon neutral home market however is that many
Announces Plan to Achieve
families, particularly those whose family members have 2 Million Climate-Friendly
allergies or asthma, place a high value on improved
indoor environmental quality which is a co-benefit of
Homes by 2030
carbon neutral performance. Governor Hochul’s plan to achieve a
minimum of 1 million electrified homes and up
to 1 million electrification-ready homes (with
Fossil Fuel Use in the Residential Market at least 800,000 of those being located in
Two of the largest sources of direct emissions Disadvantaged Communities) is anchored
from all buildings statewide are space heating and by a series of legislative and policy actions.
domestic hot water heating in single-family and These include:
multi-family buildings. 8 ■ Requiring zero onsite greenhouse gas
Millions of single-family and multifamily homes in emissions for new construction no later
New York rely on gas for space heating, hot water than 2027,
heating, and cooking. In single-family homes, gas
furnaces and boilers dominate the market, but in ■ Providing the training programs necessary
many parts of the State, delivered fuels are dominant to ensure that the State has a skilled
due to a lack of gas infrastructure. Delivered fuels workforce to deliver these services,
present a unique challenge such as fuel oil systems
■ Establishing a dedicated green
that are typically not ducted, making upgrades more
electrification fund, and
costly. A study published in 20199 suggests that
just under half of the residential heating systems ■ Electrifying low-income homes through
sold between 2013-2017 were gas furnaces and the housing capital plan, among others.
about one-third were gas boilers. In new residential
construction, central forced-air furnaces comprise
the bulk of the new construction market.
Hot water heating in residential buildings is also
dominated by gas and fuel oil, although it varies by emissions today, even though full decarbonization of
location, as shown in Figure 3.5.10 In the downstate the building will happen in the next retrofit cycle.
single-family market of Climate Zone 4, water is Electrification of space and hot water heating loads in
heated overwhelmingly by gas and fuel oil. Upstate residential buildings will have a major impact on the
in Climate Zone 5, the majority of water heating electric grid. This will be compounded by the need for
is powered by gas and fuel oil, with some electric electric vehicle charging in residential buildings. These
water heating in single-family homes. Climate Zone potential grid impacts mean that residential buildings
6 already has broader adoption of electric water will continue to be ideal candidates for maximizing
heaters, although most are less efficient electric- efficiency and implementing load management
resistance models. strategies, like onsite battery storage capability and
Multifamily buildings tend to have more centralized heat pump water heaters with thermal storage to help
heating systems that use gas or fuel oil. A recent manage peak demand times on the grid. With these
report from Urban Green Council11 estimated that a strategies in place, the residential sector will play an
majority of residential buildings in New York City are important role in transitioning away from gas to reduce
heated by fossil fuels, often with a steam distribution statewide carbon emissions. Another key place that
system. The research highlighted the opportunities natural gas is burned in the home is for kitchen use.
associated with retrofitting steam distribution This is critical because indoor air pollution from fossil
systems to hydronic systems in New York City, fuel combustion is a threat to human health, especially
especially buildings larger than 5,000 square feet. when not properly ventilated. This can exacerbate
This migration of buildings from steam to hydronic respiratory conditions like asthma, which affects at
can increase occupant comfort and reduce carbon least 1.4 million people in New York.12

34 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

TA B L E 4 . 4 : S U M M A R Y O F K E Y D I S T R I B U T E D E N E R G Y R E S O U R C E S

Technology Priority Maturity

T H E R M A L E N E R G Y S TO R AG E ( T E S )
Thermal Energy Storage technologies store energy for cooling and heating to reduce Medium Mature
or shift peak demand. Chilled water and ice storage systems are commonly used and but under deployed
commercially available. Key considerations include the capacity, power, efficiency,
storage period, charge and discharge time, and cost. Phase-change materials (PCMs)
can be installed on the interior of buildings to reduce daily thermal swings and reduce
peak heating or cooling loads. PCMs can also include other advanced absorption or
desiccant materials. While new unitized solutions for residential application are being
explored, most research and deployment of TES is limited to commercial buildings due
to space constraints. Advances in control algorithms and optimization with time-of-use
rate structures can shorten payback periods.

Technology Development Needs

Below is a summary of activities needed in the next
decade for continued development. Thermal Energy
■ Demonstrate safety of onsite battery storage Storage Technology
through a UL listing standard, incorporate into
codes and standards. Thermal energy storage uses sensible heat,
latent heat, or thermochemical methods in
■ Continue research and demonstrations for less order to store energy for later consumption
environmentally harmful and less costly battery in order to shift all or a portion of a building’s
chemistries / technologies. thermal needs to off-peak times. Sunamp
(based in the UK), with support from
■ Facilitate distributed renewable energy siting NYSERDA, will adapt and install its innovative
through improved permitting rules. thermal batteries in up to eight archetype
buildings and heating systems commonly
■ Create market development and economic signals found across the State to evaluate how
to further accelerate adoption of solar and BESS, Sunamp’s technology can be transferred to
especially for Disadvantaged Communities. New York to help
■ Install distributed energy resources with the ability meet its carbon
to be grid-interactive, allowing building operators to reduction targets,
manipulate charging and discharging to the benefit improve grid
of occupants, emissions reductions and the grid. resilience, and
lower fuel bills for
customers. 38

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 51

District & Community
Scale Solutions
Electrification of Steam Loads Limited options may also be available for all-electric
steam generation where specifically required, but
One of the biggest challenges in New York’s built commonly available electric boilers are costly to
environment will be the decarbonization of today’s operate. That said, electrification of steam process
district steam loads. The primary uses for steam in loads could be cost effective when considering reduced
non-industrial buildings include space heating, water operations and maintenance, and all-electric steam
heating, process loads, and absorption chillers. generators might be viable for some heating retrofit
Steam is predominately generated with gas today. To projects where full-system conversion is cost prohibitive
decarbonize, either the steam generation infrastructure or where steam-to-hot water conversion is not an option,
needs other fuel sources, or buildings will need to for example in industrial processes.
convert to hydronic systems fueled from new hot water
sources or to other distributed heat pump solutions Decarbonizing steam loads is especially important
within buildings. Transitions from steam to hot water because a large percentage of New York City
are particularly challenging for many institutions given buildings use some form of steam for space heating.
existing steam equipment and high capital cost for In New York, there have been several case studies
hot water conversion. As a result, these solutions have of retrofitting two-pipe steam to hydronic distribution
not yet scaled. systems. 39 Repairing and upgrading systems are
projected to result in average annual cost savings of
$41 million and $75 million (or $147 million including
steam trap offset costs) across one- and two-pipe
multifamily buildings respectively.40

Technology Development Needs

Below is a summary of activities needed in the
next decade for continued development.
■ Develop technologies that can facilitate the
electrification of boiler systems.

■ Create technical solutions and business models

for steam-to-hot water conversions.

Thermal Energy Networks

A heat pump system is frequently installed to serve
the needs of a single building. However, to leverage
economies-of-scale and to expand clean energy options
for buildings with space constraints, a heat pump system
can be integrated with a network of distribution pipes
to serve multiple buildings in a configuration referred
to as a Thermal Energy Network, Community Thermal
or District Thermal System. A Thermal Energy Network
enables a cluster of buildings to share heating water to
provide space heating of occupied spaces, as well as
the production of domestic hot water.

52 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

A chilled water piping network could also be included Technology Development Needs
to serve the space cooling needs of the building
cluster. The heating water could be centrally produced Below is a summary of activities needed in the next
as hot water via electric-driven heat pumps and used decade for continued development.
in the buildings via radiators for hydronic heating, ■ Research, development and innovation focused on
(or via fan coils) or the system could utilize ambient- use of various available thermal energy resources
temperature water serving as a thermal source feeding (air, ground, water [loop field, waste or river], solar
electric-driven heat pumps located in each building. thermal), as well as systems that combine onsite
Either configuration could take heat input from ASHPs, renewable energy systems with battery and/or
GSHPs or other WSHPs tapping into thermal storage or thermal storage to achieve improved resiliency and
opportunistic heat recovery sources like wastewater. improved building – grid interaction.
Thermal Energy Networks within and between buildings ■ Research into various elements of thermal energy
have an important opportunity to recover and move transfer between buildings and Community Thermal
heat from where and when it’s not needed to where Systems, to expand the base of buildings that could
and when it is. Even during colder months, commercial participate. Research needs include digitization,
buildings have significant cooling loads, and today metering, prefabrication, low temperature
those are typically satisfied with economizer cycles, distribution, and applications for machine learning/
so-called “free cooling” that releases unwanted heat to artificial intelligence.
the outdoors via exhaust air or cooling towers. Instead,
this wasted heat can be recovered in hydronic systems ■ Explore Multi-Source heat pumps that can operate
either intrinsically (e.g. in ambient or condenser water as an air or ground/water source heat pump
loops) or actively (e.g. heat recovery chillers or even simultaneously.
compressor-driven cooling of exhaust air). It can then be
moved to other parts of the building or district network ■ Identify and explore the potential vulnerabilities/
that need the heating in real-time. It also can be injected benefits of Community Thermal Systems with
into thermal storage such as water, ice, other phase- respect to building resiliency in the event of
change materials, the ground or the building structure electrical grid outages.
itself. In both commercial and multi-family applications,
the more loads are connected in thermal networks
within buildings or districts, the more opportunity for
Renewable Hydrogen Conversions
time-of-use thermal profile diversity and/or thermal An alternate approach under consideration is the
storage that can level peak loads, reduce needed renewable production of hydrogen and reuse of
heat pump sizes, and attain better capacity factors existing natural gas pipelines to convey hydrogen
for installed equipment. Hydronic networks also have for combustion, potentially in central locations to
the benefit of optionality and future-readiness at both replace natural gas as the fuel for a district steam
the end-use by allowing plug-and-play for a range of system. This requires significant additional research
different tenant fit-out options and at the heat source by and development to overcome concerns such as
allowing easy integration of new heat generation and pipeline brittleness when subjected to hydrogen,
storage technologies in coming decades. leakage, development of safe hydrogen substitutes for
equipment, and the elimination of co-pollutants from
Thermal Energy Network systems can address the
the hydrogen combustion. More information about
needs of new construction projects as well as retrofits
clean hydrogen can be found in Chapter 6: Limits to
of existing buildings and can be applicable to single-
owner campuses such as colleges/universities, medical
campuses, or residential complexes, as well as multi-
owner nodes such as downtown corridors.
Technology Development Needs
NYSERDA issued a competitive solicitation to support
To further develop use of hydrogen, the state
development and demonstration of low-carbon Thermal
should consider expanded planning for continued
Energy Network system installations in 2020. The
market development and use of clean hydrogen,
Community Heat Pumps Pilot program is supporting
including technical feasibility, safety, market sizing
30 projects across the State to explore business models
and priority applications.
that can cost-effectively grow this market to scale
through support for scoping, design, and construction.

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 53

Embodied Carbon & Refrigerants
Embodied Carbon The concrete and steel industries account for 11% and
10% of total global emissions respectively and thus
Materials matter: a comprehensive approach to carbon provide the biggest opportunity for embodied carbon
neutrality must account for embodied carbon, or reductions.42 A 2021 case study by RMI shows that by
the GHG emissions associated with the extraction, simply specifying concrete products with lower CO2e
manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance, content, the embodied carbon of a commercial building
and end-of-life handling of building materials and construction project can be reduced up to 33%.43
equipment. This is particularly relevant in new buildings.
According to Architecture 2030, nearly half of emissions Some of the most promising material innovations to
from new buildings between 2020 and 2050 will come date are carbon-storing materials that remove and
from embodied carbon under a business-as-usual store carbon from the atmosphere through natural
scenario as shown in Figure 4.2. processes or by using carbon capture and storage
technology. These materials can be bio-based (wood,
The most impactful approach to reducing embodied hemp, or cellulose) or mineral-based (concrete utilizing
carbon in buildings is to re-use or retrofit existing carbon capture and storage technology). In general,
structures rather than build new. A building’s structure carbon-storing materials offer comparable levels of
and substructure can make up as much as 80% of performance relative to their higher embodied carbon
a building’s up-front embodied carbon, due to the counterparts. Table 4.5 provides examples of high and
high levels of carbon embedded in structural steel, low embodied carbon insulation materials and their
concrete, and other materials that make up those corresponding performance values.
building components.41
Building practitioners can select low- or negative-
carbon materials by using environmental product
declarations (EPDs) to compare between two
F I G U R E 4 . 2 : TOTA L C A R B O N E M I S S I O N functionally equivalent products such as different types
O F G LO B A L N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N F R O M of insulation, or concrete mixes in a particular strength
2020-2050 category. An EPD discloses the environmental impacts
per unit of material including the embodied carbon
content, expressed as Global Warming Potential (GWP).
Business as Usual Projection
Conducting whole building lifecycle assessments
50% (WBLCA) allow design teams to measure embodied
carbon at the building scale. WBLCAs are useful tools
40% 49% 51% for assessing design strategies that reduce overall
% Carbon Emissions

embodied carbon, such as efficient structural design or

replacing concrete and steel with mass timber.

20% Technology Development Needs

Below is a summary of activities needed in the next
10% decade for continued development.

0% Market and regulatory shifts

Embodied Operational
Carbon Carbon ■ Expand support of adaptive reuse of existing,
particularly currently vacant, buildings.
Source: 2018 2030, Inc. / Architecture 2030. All Rights Reserved.
Data Sources: UN Environment Global Status Report 2017: EIA ■ Evaluate and publish the market availability and
International Energy Outlook 2017 costs of existing and emerging low-embodied
carbon materials.

54 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

TA B L E 4 . 5 : WA L L C O M P O S I T I O N R VA LU E S F O R H I G H E M B O D I E D C A R B O N I N S U L AT I O N
Higher R Values indicate greater thermal performance.

High embodied carbon Low embodied carbon/

Carbon storing


Fiberglass Wool/ Dense Cork/Wood
XPS Batt Spray Foam Rockwool Cellulose Fiber Hempcrete
2x4 N/A 12.5 10.7 9.8 11.9 11.2 N/A
(3.5″ (3.5″ Spray (3.5″ (3.5″ Dense (3.5″ Gutex
Fiberglass Foam (R- 3.5/ Rockwool Cellulose Wood Fiber
Batt (R-15)) in.)) (R-3.15/in.)) (R-4/in.)) (R-3.7/in.))
2x6 N/A 17.8 16.1 14.8 17.8 16.8 N/A
(5.25″ (5.25″ Spray (5.25″ (5.25″ Dense (5.25″ Gutex

Fiberglass Foam (R-3.5/ Rockwool Cellulose Wood Fiber

Batt (R-21)) in.)) (R-3.15/in.)) (R-4/in.)) (R-3.7/in.))
2x8 N/A 21.7 24.3 22.4 26.8 25.3 N/A
(8.25″ (8.25″ Spray (8.25″ (8.25″ Dense (8.25″ Gutex
Fiberglass Foam (R-3.5/ Rockwool Cellulose Wood Fiber
Batt (R-25)) in.)) (R-3.5/in.)) (R-4/in.)) (R-3.7/in.))
Block/ 15.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.6 11.1
Brick (3″ R-5/in XPS (90mm Gutex (4″
board with (R-10.8) with Hempcrete
sheathing on sheathing on Exterior Wall
top) top) Addition (R-

■ Conduct market education and outreach to major ■ Lead by example with State and municipal
designers and builders to drive specification and procurement processes to require EPD disclosure
acceptance of low-embodied carbon materials. and favor or require lower embodied carbon
content in state or municipal construction projects.
■ Enact carbon pricing (or similar) to create a larger
market for carbon-sequestering materials like Research and Development
hempcrete and other biomaterials.

■ Expand product selection and update code ■ Conduct assessments of embodied carbon to
restrictions to better address the potential of develop regionally specific baselines for whole-
engineered wood. building life cycle analysis.

■ Implement codes and policies that require EPD ■ Develop guidelines for accounting for systems
disclosure and set GWP limits for materials. boundaries in Life Cycle Analyses for materials,
equipment, and construction activities including
accounting for building material waste and disposal.

Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building Methodology 55

Carbon Challenge: Holcim
(La Farge Selkirk)
Holcim US will retrofit their Ravena, New York,
plant—currently the largest industrial GHG
emitter in the State—to produce cement with
lower embodied carbon. The retrofit will allow
Holcim to manufacture a cement product with
an increased percentage of limestone and a
decreased percentage of clinker. This results in
a significant reduction in GHG emissions and,
crucially, a reduction in some of the hardest to
abate chemical process emissions.47

Refrigerants Emerging Refrigerants

Heat pumps rely on refrigerants to move heat from In recent years, major manufacturers of HVAC
outdoors to indoors, and vice-versa. The primary equipment have been working to develop lower-GWP
refrigerant used in modern heat pumps is R410a, refrigerants. These refrigerants include hydrocarbons,
which is a very potent greenhouse gas that can be carbon dioxide, ammonia, and water, as well as HFC
released to the atmosphere via multiple mechanisms, and hydrofluoro-olefins (HFO) blends.
including refrigerant leaks and improper disposal. Table 4.6 describes lower-GWP alternatives for different
Other refrigerants have different GWP levels, and HVAC applications that are in development or available
alternative refrigerants with low GWP are starting to today.45 In addition to low GWP, selection of a refrigerant
appear on the market. should also consider aspects such as refrigerant
The amount of refrigerant per unit of capacity in heat efficiency under varying ambient conditions, which
pump systems varies by technology, with VRF systems depends on refrigerant’s thermodynamic and physical
using a comparatively large volume of refrigerant. properties, flammability, and toxicity. For instance, R-290
Furthermore, heat pump configuration and typology and R-441A are common throughout Europe and Asia
affect the risk and rate of refrigerant leaks. Systems and are listed acceptable substitutes in small AC units
with more field-connected refrigerant distribution piping by the U.S. EPA, however their flammability requires
and longer refrigerant runs, such as VRF systems, technical training and can increases installation costs.46
have a higher risk of leakage than systems using air or
water for distribution. The refrigerant lines within the
packaged heat pump equipment are factory assembled Technology Development Needs
and leak-tested, making them less susceptible to Below is a summary of activities needed in the next
failure.44 Due to these differences, two systems with decade for continued development.
comparable energy performance may have very
different emissions impacts. Designers should consider ■ Support the development and adoption of low global
these differences when specifying mechanical systems. warming potential refrigerants for heat pumps.
Installers must also exercise extreme caution to avoid ■ Develop real-time leak detection of refrigerants.
refrigerant losses during installation and ensure field-
assembled piping is properly installed to minimize ■ Develop workforce training for better installation
leaks. Excessive refrigerant leaks can effectively practices for field installed refrigeration piping.
negate the carbon benefits of more efficient heat pump
systems. Wherever possible, VRF systems should be ■ Support research and development into the
futureproofed for compatibility with future low GWP safety and efficiency tradeoffs of low GWP
refrigerants to avoid additional costs associated with refrigerants through field testing and modeling
replacing refrigerant lines. and adopt standards that can guide performance
and market adoption.

56 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

University campuses face a large challenge of
addressing the central plants that run on fossil fuels
and are so prevalent in these institutions. Central
energy plants produce heating, cooling, and/or
electrical power for multiple buildings. They achieve
efficiencies that cannot be obtained in localized
systems because of the energy sources used, the
types of equipment utilized, and the savings in
operation and maintenance through centralization and
scale of equipment.
Many central energy plants achieve savings by using
energy, which would ordinarily be wasted in the
generation of electric power, to heat and cool buildings
(also known as cogeneration). Some central plants also
incorporate concepts such as thermal energy storage
Carbon Neutral Community
(TES) to store heating and/or cooling from lower- for Economic Development:
cost energy sources or time periods. However, many NYU Campus
college central heating plants use gas or other fossil
fuels to create and distribute steam to the buildings on New York University will perform a study of
the system. This is one of the most challenging system contiguous university-owned properties to
types to decarbonize. determine a Roadmap to Carbon Neutral
Performance for the campus. The study will
Figure 3.6 shows a schematic of a centralized energy
evaluate strategies to reduce energy loads,
system at a college or university. In the case of
leverage heat recovery, identify sticking
campuses, the centralized system allows for trading
points for high-intensity process loads and
efficiency targets among buildings. In contrast to
limited roof areas, transform existing high
central steam systems, the geothermal district loop
temperature hot water loop infrastructure,
system depicted is a very promising community-scale
reimagine the central water heating plant,
decarbonization solution.
and layer in renewables.
NYU Climate Action Plan Update 2021

F I G U R E 3 . 6 : S C H E M AT I C O F A C E N T R A L I Z E D E N E R G Y S YS T E M

36 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Hydronic System Integration
Improving hydronic heating systems and integrating them
with other building systems such as storage and thermal
mass can improve the efficiency of the building. This
solution has the added advantage of circulating water
rather than high global warming potential refrigerants
throughout the building’s distribution system.
The Nordic radiant hydronic approach uses continuously
circulating water and the mass of the building to moderate
the temperature of the conditioned space. It both heats
and cools the indoor air through the circulation of water
that moves excess heat from one portion of the space
to the other. The water can circulate through a matrix of
tubing in a concrete slab in the floor via tubing in exposed
beams in the ceiling, or in wall and ceiling panels
containing circulating water.
The efficiency gains result from recirculating the Btus in
a single zone, avoiding the need for simultaneous heating
and cooling. The system is all-electric, using heat pumps
to treat the water to the desired temperature and small
electric pumps to circulate the water.

Last Words
The challenges and solutions to improve performance and
reduce costs of building materials, equipment, technology
and construction processes will continue to evolve to meet
the State’s carbon neutrality goals.
As climate impacts become more severe and common, the usage patterns of buildings may change.
Creating dynamic, flexible buildings with efficient envelopes, mechanical systems and appliances
is the best way to ensure that a building continues to be usable and beneficial to occupants. Over
the coming decades, improvements in traditional building load reduction technologies (e.g. building
shell, ventilation, heating and cooling, appliances, etc.) must be met by advancements in building and
community level adaptability and flexibility (GEBs, DERs, load management, and BMS/EMIS). Achieving
advancements in efficiency, reliability, and adaptability will require targeted RD&D efforts, stakeholder
education, private sector investment, and policy pushes at the state and municipal level.

58 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

and the Grid


Chapter 5: Building Electrification and the Grid 59

Building space and water heating demands are the second largest
source of energy consumption in New York State, second only to the
transportation sector (Figure 5.1). Electrification of heating, paired with
energy efficiency and demand flexibility, is a key strategy to achieve
carbon neutral buildings in New York.
Building electrification displaces combustion of GHG F I G U R E 5 .1 : N E W YO R K F I N A L ( S I T E )
emitting natural gas, fuel oil, and other fossil fuels used E N E R G Y D E M A N D S BY S E C TO R A N D F U E L ,
in buildings.a As a result, combined with the State’s TOTA L E Q UA L S 2 .7 Q UA D R I L L I O N B T U
rapidly decarbonizing electric grid, electrification of
space-heating, domestic hot water, cooking, drying and
other building energy end uses offers a clear pathway
for the State to achieve a carbon neutral building stock.
Many of New York’s buildings, particularly residential
buildings, operate with a space heating-dominated load Building
pattern. Today, the heating loads of buildings in New Other
York are largely served by fossil fuels. At their peak, New Industry
York’s buildings demand sensible heating energy that is Transportation
equivalent to more than triple the current air conditioning-
driven summer peak demand of the State’s electricity
system. Electrifying heating will therefore add substantial
new loads to New York’s grid,49 though several factors Current building heating consumption by fuel
mitigate the scale of those impacts.
First, electric heat pump technologies serve heating
loads far more efficiently than conventional systems. LPG
This is true on both an annual basis and, given rapid
improvement in the cold-weather performance of air
source heat pumps, on a peak basis as well. Second, Fuel Oil
improvements in building envelopes can decrease
Natural Gas
building heating demands and reduce the impact of
building electrification on the State’s electricity system. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Third, building heat demands can become more flexible TBtu
and grid interactive through measures like smart controls,
battery storage, thermal storage or in certain cases the
utilization of a back-up non-electric heating system.
There are several additional issues related to building
Finally, this chapter reemphasizes the role of
electrification that are considered elsewhere in this
refrigerants in an electrified building stock. Most
Roadmap, as well as in the forthcoming NYSERDA The
heat pumps available today use high global warming
Future of Buildings: Building Electrification Roadmap
potential HFCs like R410A. Identifying lower GHG
which will contain guidance for near-term electrification
refrigerants and reducing refrigerant leakage will
solutions to 2030 in more detail. The technical
therefore be important considerations in achieving
suitability of electrification technologies is discussed in
carbon neutral buildings in New York.
Chapter 4: Construction Technologies and Building
a The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Methodology, while the adoption trajectories, cost
Act) requires that New York’s electricity system deliver 100% reductions, and the customer value proposition can be
carbon free electricity by 2040. found in the Building Electrification Roadmap.

60 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Grid Carbon Content &
Electrification Adoption
Today, New York’s electricity system is largely powered by a mixture
of natural gas, oil, nuclear and hydropower. In 2019, 58% of generation
in the New York Control Area was zero-emissions, resulting in an
average system GHG emissions intensity of 0.17 tons CO2/MWh,
or less than half the national average.50
The Climate Act targets an 85% reduction in economy- Electric System Impacts and Costs
wide direct emissions from a 1990 baseline by 2050
and 100% decarbonized electricity by 2040. New York Building electrification in New York will add large new
is already on its way to achieving those goals, with loads to the State’s electricity system. However, the
9,000 MW of off-shore wind slated for construction magnitude of those impacts depends on what electric
by 2035 and additional renewable procurements and technologies are installed, how those technologies’
transmission investments keeping the State on track to
meet its 70% by 2030 renewable energy goal. F I G U R E 5 . 2 : P R O G R E S S TO DAT E
The State’s economy-wide and electric sector goals TO WA R D S M E E T I N G T H E 7 0 % BY 2 0 3 0
are tightly linked. Electrification of building and R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y G OA L
transportation energy demands will put upward
pressure on electric loads, and the electricity 2020 Actual 2030 Statewide
supplying those loads is required by the Climate Act to Statewide Load Load as per CES
rapidly decarbonize over time. This linkage provides 147,944 GWh Order 151,678 GWh
surety on the emissions benefits of electrification,
but also raises important questions on the amount 150K Expected
11,033 GWh Future
and pace of electric infrastructure additions that 140K 40,572 GWh Contributions
electrification will spur. 130K Existing, Awarded (7%)
NYSERDA has begun to study scenarios to identify and Contracted
120K Renewable
the scale of consumer and grid-scale infrastructure Generation (27%)
transitions that are consistent with the State’s climate 110K
95,141 GWh
policy commitments. All scenarios considered by 100K
Existing, Awarded
NYSERDA include large scale transformations of 90K and Contracted
New York’s building sector, including high levels of Renewable
electrification. For example, Figure 5.3 shows two Generation (63%)
scenarios for residential space heating transformation 70K
in scenarios presented to the Climate Action Council in 60K 107,373 GWh
June 2020. In both cases, most homes in New York shift
50K Non-Renewable
from natural gas and fuel oil heating systems to heat Generation (73%)
pumps, but with different adoption trajectories. Similar 40K
transitions occur for other key residential and commercial 30K 45,504 GWh
heating equipment, including domestic hot water,
20K Non-Renewable
cooking, and clothes drying.
Generation (30%)

Chapter 5: Building Electrification and the Grid 61

F I G U R E 5 . 3 : S I N G L E - FA M I LY S PAC E - H E AT I N G T R A N S F O R M AT I O N I N T W O S C E N A R I O S

Scenarios include a “Core” case (left) and an “Accelerated Transition and No Biofuels” case.

performance improves over time and what other 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for
demand-side interventions are adopted alongside Carbon Neutral Buildings) to electric system impacts,
electrification. For instance, high reliance on air source accounting for the diversity of loads across the State’s
heat pumps, which have declining efficiency during entire building stock. The modeled scenarios include a
very cold weather, could result in large new winter variety of different measures including:
peak loads. An alternative approach could be to rely ■ ASHP + No Shell: In this scenario, all buildings that
more on ground source heat pumps or heat pumps electrify in New York are served by heat pumps
installed with a boiler or furnace for back-up. Those that meet the minimum requirements to be listed
systems’ performance will be less sensitive to outdoor on the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership’s
temperature leading to lower grid impacts. However, Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump (ccASHP)
leaving legacy fossil heating appliances in place Specification. Inclusion on that list requires that
could also lead to increased emissions, assuming systems achieve a COP of 1.75 or higher at 5F. This
New York achieves its grid decarbonization goals and scenario assumes improvements in the efficiency
decarbonized fuels are not available at scale. Building of new buildings but does not assume widespread
shell and other energy efficiency improvements, shell retrofits in existing buildings.
electric and thermal storage, energy recovery and
redistribution, and grid-interactive buildings could ■ ASHP + Shell: This scenario is similar to the ASHP
also have important roles in reducing the magnitude Scenario, but with large scale retrofits of existing
of building peak heating loads and in shifting some building envelopes in New York. As a result of
heating energy away from peak hours. Finally, those retrofits, peak demands are 30% lower than
technology improvements—more efficient cold-climate in the previous scenario.
air source heat pumps, for instance—will also play an
important role in the State’s heating transition. ■ Managed + Shell: In this scenario, a portfolio of
different heat pump systems is used, including
more efficient air source heat pumps (consistent
Load Scenarios with the highest performing systems on the
NEEP ccASHP Specification), ground source heat
Over the course of developing the Roadmap,
pumps and two system installations that use a
NYSERDA commissioned E3 to identify the grid
furnace or boiler as a back-up to an air source
impacts of alternative building electrification strategies.
heat pump. The scenario also assumes shell
E3 implemented several scenarios that examine
improvements in existing buildings and some
different types, and mixes, of building electrification
flexible building heating demands, and results in
measures to compare their impacts on New York’s
a 45% reduction in peak demand from the ASHP +
electricity system. E3’s work extends the building
No Shell scenario.
energy modeling conducted by ARUP (Chapter

62 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

The peak demand impacts of F I G U R E 5 . 4 : S C E N A R I O 2 0 5 0 P E A K D E M A N D S C O M PA R E D
each scenario in 2050 are shown TO 2 0 1 8 W I N T E R A N D S U M M E R VA LU E S
relative to 2018 in Figure 5.4.
New York’s electricity system
is currently summer peaking, NY shifts from a Improvements in ASHP COPs,
creating headroom for building summer to a shell improvements
winter peaking and demand flexibility could
electrification loads. However, system between reduce peak demands
given the scale of New York’s 2030 and 2040
heating demands, all scenarios
become winter peaking between
2030 and 2040. The magnitude
of those winter peaks depends
on what types of heat pump
technologies and other peak
mitigation solutions are deployed
in buildings. Peaks could double
relative to today if electrification
occurs primarily using cold-climate
air source heat pumps without 2050 2050 2050
significant envelope measures as
in the “ASHP + No Shell” scenario.
In contrast, peak impacts are much
lower in the “Managed + Shell”
scenario where a portfolio of F I G U R E 5 . 5 : I N S TA L L E D E L E C T R I C G E N E R AT I O N C A PAC I T Y
solutions is used. I N N E W YO R K F O R T W O B O O K E N D S C E N A R I O S

Electric Infrastructure
The large variations in annual
loads and peak demands
described above lead to equally
large variations in the electric
system infrastructure required
to achieve a reliable and clean
electricity system. Figure 5.5
shows the change in electric
generation infrastructure by
scenario as modeled by E3. E3
used the RESOLVE model, a
capacity expansion and operations
optimization model, to identify
the least-cost portfolio of electric
generation resources. To assess
the cumulative impact of each
scenario, E3 assessed the
impacts of different carbon neutral
buildings scenarios alongside
load impacts from transportation
electrification and other
decarbonization measures.
Both scenarios add a substantial
amount of zero-emissions

Chapter 5: Building Electrification and the Grid 63

generation, primarily renewables
firmed by grid-scale battery
storage. The primary difference Carbon challenge:
between the scenarios is the
infrastructure added to serve the Columbia, St. Johns
peak loads associated with large- St. John’s University will implement
scale building electrification. several projects over the next three years
The All ASHP scenario sees much to reduce energy and carbon emissions
higher peaks and a markedly at their Queens, New York campus, and
different portfolio of firm and will specifically focus on electrifying
renewable resources compared to natural gas loads. Columbia University
the Managed Portfolio scenario. Irving Medical Center will undertake a
By 2050, the All ASHP scenario number of energy efficiency measures,
requires the addition of 15 GW including steam-to-hot water conversion
of battery storage, 22 GW of in two buildings and installation of a heat
offshore wind, and 25 GW of new recovery heat pump that will be leveraged
gas generation.b In contrast, the to balance heating and cooling loads in
Managed Portfolio scenario sees the impacted building.
a modest decline in installed gas
capacity, 5 GW more utility scale St. Johns University, Queens, New York.
solar than All ASHP, 5 GW less
offshore wind, and 7 GW less
battery storage.
Differences in both gas capacity and
renewable build-outs between the
two scenarios are driven by winter
peaks. To illustrate, more offshore
The substantial additional infrastructure
wind resources are selected in the additions in the All ASHP scenario make it
All ASHP scenario despite them $90 billion more costly in net-present value
being more costly than utility scale
solar on a $/MWh basis. In that terms than the Managed + Shell case. That
case, however, the system value of cost increment includes both the incremental
off-shore wind resources is higher
because that resource category’s
cost of generation and a first order estimate
generation profile aligns well with of incremental delivery infrastructure costs.
the load shape of winter space
heating demands.
The substantial additional infrastructure costsc per-single- increased amperage at their service
infrastructure additions in the family home. This finding shows panel to accommodate higher
All ASHP scenario make it $90 that substantial electric system electric loads. Required upgrades
billion more costly in net-present value can be delivered from go beyond panel upgrades, as
value terms than the Managed + demand-side interventions like technologies like induction stoves
Shell case. That cost increment load flexibility, thermal storage, and some heat pump water heaters
includes both the incremental and grid interactivity. will require 240V branch circuits.
cost of generation and a first However, many of these upgrade
There are also customer-side
order estimate of incremental costs will be required regardless of
electric upgrade costs that are
delivery infrastructure costs. On a building electrificationd and certain
additional to the grid impacts
household level, this is equivalent costs would be reduced via new
discussed above. For example,
to $15,000 in avoided electric technologies.
some older buildings will need
b By 2050, gas generation in the
RESOLVE model is powered in c On a net present value basis. d A service panel upgrade is typically
part by climate neutral fuels, like d needed
A servicetopanel
upgrade isantypically
clean hydrogen. vehicle or to install rooftop solar.
needed to accommodate an electric
vehicle or to install rooftop solar.
64 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap
Impacts of Increased Use of FIGURE 5.6: EMISSIONS FROM A SINGLE-
Heat pumps and AC units rely on refrigerants to  NG leakage
efficiently move heat from outdoor to indoors, and 6
 NG combustion
Tonnes of Annual CO2e Emissions

vice versa. The refrigerant used in most heat pumps  Refrigerant leakage
today is R410A, a very potent greenhouse gas that 5
can be released to the atmosphere via multiple
mechanisms, including both leaks as shown in 4 -45%
Figure 5.6 and improper disposal. As a result, GHG
emissions associated with refrigerant usage in heat 3
pumps will need to be addressed if buildings are -61%
to achieve carbon neutrality. In recent years, major
manufacturers of HVAC equipment have been 2 -82%
working to develop lower-GWP refrigerants. More
discussion of low-GWP refrigerants and embodied 1
carbon can be found in Chapter 4: Construction
Technologies and Building Methodology. 0
Mixed All- Mixed All- Mixed All-
Fuel Electric Fuel Electric Fuel Electric
2020 2030 2050

From Mahone et al 2019. “Mixed fuel” customers are heated with

natural gas and have an air conditioner. “All-electric” customers
replace those appliances with heat pumps.

Chapter 5: Building Electrification and the Grid 65

Future Research Needs
Research undertaken over the course of the Roadmap ■ Identifying the operating characteristics and
has characterized the electric system impacts of business models required for the benefits of
achieving carbon neutral buildings. Key recommended grid-interactive building loads to be incorporated
research next steps include: into electric system planning in NY.
■ A distribution system analysis that considers ■ Research into and piloting of potential regulatory
impacts at a finer geographic resolution. structures that focus incentives for expanded
■ Characterization of the expected supply and cost of energy efficiency, load flexibility (including
decarbonized fuels that would be required to make thermal storage), and grid interactivity where
buildings with two heating systems carbon neutral. they provide the highest temporal and locational
This topic is also covered in Chapters 6: Limits to value to the grid.
Electrification and 8: The Economics, Benefits, ■ Pilots and documentation of performance and
and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings. economics of non-HFC refrigerants.

Last Words
Extensive research aligns on what’s needed for building
decarbonization including high levels of efficiency,
electrification, and grid interactivity. Building electrification
displaces combustion of GHG emitting natural gas, fuel oil,
and other fossil fuels used in buildings, which is necessary in
fighting climate change, but along with a decarbonized grid,
also provides better indoor and outdoor air quality.
The path to electrification is complex due to the diverse nature of New York State’s building stock,
the large number of existing buildings, and high percentage of homes and commercial spaces that
are currently supplied with fossil fuels. At their peak, heating energy used in New York buildings
is equivalent to more than triple the current air conditioning-driven summer peak demand of the
State’s electricity system. Electrifying heating will therefore add substantial new loads to New York’s
grid. However, there are several factors that can mitigate the scale of those impacts. These include
proliferation of electric heat pump technologies, improvements in building envelopes that can decrease
building heating demands, and installation of flexible and grid interactive. More research is needed to
fully anticipate the impacts of electrification including in the area of low GWP and non-HFC refrigerants.

66 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Limits to


Chapter 6: Limits to Electrification 67

While energy efficiency and electrification currently represent two of
the primary pathways to decarbonize New York’s building stock, not all
building types and energy demands can be readily or cost-effectively
electrified with today’s technical solutions.

The limitations to electrification

include both technical and
economic barriers. In some cases,
there may be a role for low or
zero-emissions fuels to reduce
or eliminate GHG emissions from
hard-to-electrify building energy
demands, but those fuels are
projected to be limited in quantity
and in high demand from other
sectors of the economy.
Today, a substantial share of
New York’s energy demand is
met by fossil fuels.
This is especially true of building
heating demand, which constitutes
over 30% of final energy demand
in the State.51 The largest source
of thermal energy in New York
is natural gas, transported over
Empire State Building, New York City, New York.
an extensive regional pipeline
system and delivered to buildings
via gas distribution, transmission, Empire Buildings Challenge Awards
and storage assets that are worth
NYSERDA recently announced its first four awards in the Empire
approximately $9 billion.52
Buildings Challenge recognizing best-in-class solutions for
Given the magnitude of the decarbonizing existing high-rise buildings, achieving aggressive
energy demand transformation energy performance and GHG emissions targets through public
required, electrifying the State’s private partnerships with leading commercial and multifamily
building stock represents one of real estate owners. Awardees Include the Empire State Building,
the greatest challenges facing a phased retrofit of a historic icon; a Hudson Square Portfolio
Climate Act implementation. If building, a comprehensive retrofit demonstrating a novel
electrification is to achieve scale, technology package from northern Europe for radiant heating
there will be a substantial shift of and cooling; Omni New York, retrofit of two affordable housing
energy demand from the State’s buildings in Yonkers showcasing how to leverage a recapitalization
natural gas and fuel oil delivery opportunity to comprehensively retrofit energy systems and
systems to its electric grid. modernize affordable housing; and L+M Fund Management’s retrofit
of three buildings in Harlem to dramatically cut heating and cooling
through building envelope improvements, packaged terminal
heat pumps, state of the art heat pump water heaters, and electric
laundry dryers.

68 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Buildings & Loads
Most buildings in New York can
achieve carbon neutrality through
the primary path of electrification
and energy efficiency.
However, a subset of the State’s building stock will
be more challenging to electrify. These building
types include:
■ Some very tall buildings that are primarily located
in dense urban settings such as New York City.

■ Energy uses that require very high temperatures,

especially industrial and laboratory buildings with
energy intensive processes.

■ Multi-building central steam plants and district

energy systems where investments are both large
and long-lived, making electrification of existing
steam systems challenging. Court Square
■ Thermally inefficient buildings where As proposed, Court Square will be a ‘super-
electrification of space heating will contribute to tall’ mixed use building containing thirty-eight
increased peak space heating loads. floors of luxury condominium dwelling units,
nine floors of office space, a future city library
and future retail space. The project embodies
Very Tall Buildings sustainable luxury re-imagined to meet today’s
The Roadmap refers to very tall buildings as those energy and climate based challenges and
that are 40 stories or taller. Within the State, these serves as a leading example of how all of the
buildings are primarily located in New York City. There above can be realized seamlessly together.
are several features of these buildings that make The project will fully electrify its HVAC and hot
them potentially difficult to electrify including curtain water systems with water-source heat pumps
wall envelopes, large base energy loads, exposure to and heat pump boilers for the residential
high winds, heat stack effects that increase heating space, and heat-recovery VRF units for the
demands on lower floors, and the need to both heat offices. A combination of both may be used in
and cool simultaneously during many hours of the year. the retail and library spaces. The project will
They also have small roof space in relation to building certify as LEED Gold under MFMR protocol
energy load which limits equipment options. and will incorporate induction cooktops, heat
Due to these features, there are less highly efficient pump dryers and smart learning thermostats
technical solutions—such as hydronic solutions which in all residential units. Set to be completed in
are expensive to apply in a retrofit—and the cost of 2025, it may also include additional daylighting
improving envelopes of existing buildings to high and energy management measures. More
performance levels can be prohibitively expensive, information on this project can be found on the
particularly for buildings with predominantly glass Buildings of Excellence website.
curtain walls. This sector is an important area for
RD&D on potential decarbonization solutions, some

Chapter 6: Limits to Electrification 69

of which are expected to be demonstrated in the near
term through NYSERDA’s Empire Building Challenge
initiative. Tall buildings will be studied in depth in a
subsequent iteration of this Roadmap.

Buildings with High Temperature

Process Loads
Industrial customers used 11% of natural gas consumed
in New York in 2020.53 Industrial sector gas demand
includes both product creation (e.g. reformation of
methane to produce hydrogen) and combustion
to provide process and space heating. According
to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a large
share of industrial end uses can be electrified from a 425 Grand Concourse. Rendering Credit: Dattner Architects Synoesis, LLC
technical perspective but face significant economic
barriers due to the fuel cost differential between
natural gas and electricity.54 In 2020, the average use natural gas as a fuel source and often power
delivered cost of natural gas to industrial customers in a CHP process that delivers high temperature hot
NY was $7/MMBtu while the average cost of electricity water or steam to buildings. District energy systems
delivered to the State’s industrial sector was over sometimes deliver lower temperature hot water and
$16/MMBtu.55 Electrified systems offer efficiency chilled water to buildings, for example the district
advantages over thermal systems, but not enough thermal networks described in Chapter 4 Construction
to offset the incremental cost of electricity for large Technologies and Building Methodology. In both
process heat sources such as boilers. A potential cases, district heating systems represent an energy
exception is industrial HVAC and lower-temperature efficient method to deliver heat but cannot be
hot water demands where heat pumps offer operating considered carbon neutral when powered by natural
cost advantages. These applications constitute a small gas or other fossil fuels.
proportion of industrial energy demand, estimated at
The largest district energy system in the State is the
about 5% of total U.S. industrial energy demand.56
Con Edison steam system in New York City which
Barriers to electrification in the industrial sector provides heat to over 1,600 buildings. The Con Edison
extend beyond differentials in input energy costs. steam system is primarily powered by five central
Some industrial loads will require reengineering plants that use natural gas for energy. A recent study
of certain processes in order to be electrified. For developed in partnership by Con Edison and the City
instance, industrial processes that use combined heat of New York found an ongoing, though reduced, role
and power (CHP) would need to be reconfigured to for a decarbonized Con Edison steam system in the
be powered by electro-technologies.57 The cost of future. That role includes continuing to serve very large
those retrofits is difficult to generalize and will require commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities where
detailed analysis at the sector or facility level to full electrification upgrades are costly or otherwise
characterize with accuracy. However, the economics of infeasible.58
industry electrification are unlikely to remain fixed over
District energy and central plant systems are large,
the course of the next 30 years. If fossil fuels become
centralized, and capital intensive. Replacing or
more expensive, or low-carbon fuels are required to
substantially retrofitting these systems will require
reduce the GHG intensity of fuels, then the economics
significant investments that will increase the total
of industrial electrification may improve.
system costs for all building users. A further challenge
is that district and central plant systems are long-lived
Multi-Building Central Plants and infrastructure assets, creating fewer opportunities
District Energy Systems to replace them at end-of-life within the Climate Act
District energy and central plant systems are an timeframe. Barring end of life replacement, it may be
important form of heat delivery in New York. These possible to electrify certain buildings or loads within
systems deliver heat to urban cores and to buildings a district energy system with technologies such as
on institutional campuses throughout the State. District mini-split or package terminal heat pump installations.59
heating and central plant systems in New York typically However, electrification of a subset of a district energy

70 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

system’s customer base would increase the average benefits of such investments will need to be weighed
cost for remaining customers, potentially spurring against their costs. An alternative approach would
additional customer defection and making district be to partially electrify buildings by installing electric
systems less economically viable. heating systems with combustion backup using
Alternatives to natural gas-fueled district energy and low or zero carbon fuels. Figure 6.1 compares two
central plant systems include geothermal, water-source different hourly load outcomes across New York’s
heat pumps, combustion of woody biomass, and building stock. One outcome shows loads consistent
advanced zero carbon fuels like zero emission hydrogen with adoption of minimum cold-climate air source
or renewable natural gas.60 The suitability of these heat pumps per the NEEP Cold Climate Heat Pump
solutions will depend on both technical and economic Specification,62 compared to a second outcome
factors specific to each district energy system. A key showing widespread deployment of heat pumps with
technical consideration is whether a system currently combustion backup.
delivers heat via steam or hot water. This informs Systems with combustion heat backup have the
the temperatures required from the energy source potential to substantially reduce grid impacts and
powering the district system. In general, heat pumps may also offer reliability and resilience benefits.
have lower heat capacities than boilers and so may be These systems have emerged as a promising
ill-suited to steam-based systems. It may be possible technology strategy across a range of European heat
to convert certain steam systems to hot water by decarbonization studies63, 64, 65, 66 and pilot projects
retrofitting distribution piping and radiators, though such there have begun to explore the operations and
conversions may double the cost of replacing a failing business models of partial electrification.67
central plant relative to the conventional approach.61 The energy system value of systems with low or zero
carbon combustion backup is predicated on the
Peak Space Heating Loads availability of lower-GHG fuels and maintenance of liquid
During very cold weather, less thermally efficient or gaseous fuel delivery systems in order to reduce
buildings using air source heat pumps as their primary costs in the State’s electric system. Regulatory and
heating system may require a source of supplemental business model innovation would be needed to ensure
heat to maintain occupant comfort. Electric resistance that the combined costs of these energy systems are
strips could provide supplemental heat, but this could considered in the State’s planning and rate-making
lead to adverse electric system impacts, which were processes. Absent cost-reflective rates, the electric
discussed in Chapter 5: Building Electrification and system cost savings that would be enabled by scenarios
the Grid. These loads can be markedly reduced via with combustion backup will not be incorporated into
investments to improve the efficiency of building consumer decision-making, reducing the chance that
envelopes, though the energy system and comfort those benefits are captured. Finally, high reliance on
lower GHG fuels carries cost and availability challenges,
which are discussed in the next section.

F I G U R E 6 .1 : N E W YO R K S PAC E - H E AT I N G P E A K LOA D S I N 2 0 5 0

NEEP minimum ASHP (left) vs heat pumps with combustion backup (right) as modeled by E3

Chapter 6: Limits to Electrification 71

Low-Carbon & Renewable Fuels
Low-carbon and renewable fuels refer to several different liquid
and gaseous energy carriers. In many cases, low-carbon fuels
could be delivered by existing energy infrastructure and utilized
in existing appliances.

The ‘drop-in’ nature of these fuels means that so will require upgrades to both natural gas delivery
they could be well-suited to applications where infrastructure and end-user equipment.73 A potential
electrification is either not technically feasible or where alternative use of hydrogen is as an intermediate input
retrofit costs are prohibitive. For example, low-carbon to create synthesized forms of methane, diesel or jet
and renewable fuels might be used to decarbonize kerosene. Synthetic fuels are produced by combining
district heating and central plant systems without hydrogen and a climate neutral source of CO2 using
the challenges associated with substantial retrofits Fischer Tropsch or Sabatier processes.74, 75
or to allow the use of combustion back-up without Fossil fuels, especially natural gas, can also be used
the associated greenhouse gas emissions. However, to produce hydrogen. Hydrogen produced with fossil
supply and cost constraints will very likely limit the use fuels is considered by some to be a lower emission
of these fuels to a small number of priority applications fuel.76 However, other research has found hydrogen
within the buildings sector. produced from fossil fuels may carry incremental
emissions relative to the direct use of natural gas in
Sources of Low-Carbon and buildings.77 As a result, it would not be accurate to
Renewable Fuels describe a building heated by hydrogen produced from
fossil fuels as carbon neutral.
Low-carbon and renewable fuels can be produced
from a variety of sources: Low-carbon and renewable fuels carry substantial
cost and scalability challenges. Fuels produced from
Waste biomass resources can be converted via
waste biomass are, in most cases, the lowest cost,
thermo-chemical processes into renewable fuels like
low-carbon fuels available, but carried incremental
biomethane, renewable diesel, renewable gasoline
costs of $10 per MMBtu or more compared to the price
and renewable jet fuel. These resources are typically
less expensive than most other forms of low-carbon
fuels, but are limited in quantity.68, 69 Waste biomass can
also be gasified to produce hydrogen in a process that,
if paired with carbon capture and sequestration, could
potentially produce a carbon negative fuel.70
Electricity can also be used to produce hydrogen
via electrolysis of water. Hydrogen produced via
electrolysis needs to take into account the fuel source
that generated the electricity to fully understand its
emissions and environmental impact.71 These fuels
are in effect an indirect form of electrification and are
most useful when their relative inefficiencies compared
to direct electrification are offset by their ability to
store energy for long-periods of time. Small shares
of hydrogen, up to 15% by energy content, can be
blended into gas pipelines to reduce the GHG intensity
of delivered gas.72 Higher blends of hydrogen can
plausibly be delivered to end-users, though doing
Albany, New York.

72 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

TA B L E 6 .1 : LOW - C A R B O N A N D R E N E WA B L E F U E L P R O D U C T I O N A P P R OAC H E S
Each column represents low-carbon fuels that can be produced using waste biomass, electricity and fossil fuels respectively.

Waste Biomass (solar, wind, hydro, Fossil Fuels
(manure, wood, cellulose, etc) geothermal, nuclear) (natural gas, coal)
Biogas Hydrogen via electrolysis Hydrogen via steam methane
reformation of natural gas with
carbon capture
Biomethane Synthetic natural gas Hydrogen via coal gasification with
carbon capture
Renewable diesel Synthetic diesel
Renewable gasoline
Hydrogen via gasification

of natural gas in 2019.78 Furthermore, fuels produced natural gas The GHG intensities of low carbon fuels
from waste biomass are limited in quantity and will be can vary substantially based on feedstock and
demanded by other energy intensive sectors of the production processes. Certain biofuels, for instance,
economy where large-scale electrification may not be corn ethanol, may carry lifecycle GHG emissions
possible, such as aviation. After the potential of waste- that approach or exceed the emissions of the fuels
biomass based resources is exhausted additional they displace.80 Production of certain other fuels,
demands for low-carbon and renewable fuels will need such as hydrogen produced through gasification
to be met via hydrogen and synthetic fuels. These of biomass, can be paired with carbon capture to
fuels are advantageous in that they do not face the produce negative emissions opportunities.81 Finally,
same fundamental resource limits of biofuels, but they the production of some biofuels and hydrogen using
do come at present with substantial incremental costs carbon capture may result in incremental methane
over both fossil fuels and biofuels. leakage, which could erode or eliminate the climate
The costs of producing low-carbon fuels are high benefits of those fuels.82, 83 A complete accounting
due to their substantial required infrastructure of the GHG intensities of low-carbon fuels is beyond
investments. Production of renewable natural the scope of this Roadmap, but developing such
gas (RNG) requires either anaerobic digestors or an accounting framework will be important as the
gasifiers, as well as infrastructure to upgrade the State continues to study pathways to achieve both
resulting gases to pipeline quality. Clean hydrogen carbon neutral buildings and its economy-wide GHG
production requires investments in both electrolyzer reduction ambitions.
and zero-GHG electricity generation. Hydrogen Finally, lower carbon fuels result in non-CO2
production carries roundtrip efficiencies of between combustion emissions that are similar to natural
60% and 70% today, or approximately one-quarter gas for biomethane or synthetic natural gas, and
the efficiency of a heat pump.79, a, b Synthetic fuel NOx emissions from combustion of hydrogen.
production requires additional infrastructure in the Those emissions result in air pollution that causes
form of Sabatier or Fischer Tropsch reactors and negative health outcomes in New York, particularly
capital associated with capturing climate neutral CO 2 in Disadvantaged Communities. Indeed, the Climate
to ensure the system’s carbon neutrality. As a result Action Council Draft Scoping Plan identified health
the forecasted commodity costs for renewable natural benefits of up to $170 billion from today through 2050
gas, hydrogen and synthetic natural gas range from from decarbonizing New York’s economy, with most of
$10 to $20 per MMBtu for biomethane and hydrogen, those benefits following from improved air quality as a
and approach or exceed $30 per MMBtu for synthetic result of reduced combustion.

a Note that electrolyzer efficiencies are expected to improve over

time, with efficiencies of 80% possible by mid-century.
b Heat pumps in New York can deliver over three times their input
energy as useful heating energy.

Chapter 6: Limits to Electrification 73

Low-Carbon Fuel Suitability Considerations for the Delivery of
Low-Carbon and Renewable Fuels
Low-Carbon and Renewable Fuels An important consideration for the role of low-carbon
as a Source of Back-Up Power fuels in carbon neutral buildings is the cost of their
respective delivery infrastructures. New York’s natural
Back-up power is one potential use of low-carbon
gas system accrued $2.2 billion in operating revenues
fuels. Electrification will shift heating energy demands
in 2016.85 Of that total, $1.9 billion in revenues were
from multiple energy systems to the State’s electricity
collected from residential and commercial customers
system and raises concerns about reliability. A
and this Roadmap envisions a future where large
typical customer will experience approximately one
numbers of those customers choose to electrify their
outage per year, while 1 in 100 natural gas customers
buildings. Absent substantial reductions in system
experience a planned outage per year and 1 in
investments and maintenance costs, large-scale
800 experience an unplanned outage.84 The risk of
building electrification will lead to gas system costs
increased frequency and intensity of severe weather
being spread over a smaller customer base. As a result,
makes the reliability and resilience of building energy
it may be challenging to maintain the financial and
supply a critical consideration.
operational viability of the State’s gas system for those
Solutions like distributed solar, batteries, and microgrids end uses that do need renewable fuels. Depending
could both increase the reliability of electric power on how system costs are managed, this dynamic
system as well as provide resiliency for building owners could mean that the cost of fuels like hydrogen and
in the event of a grid outage. Substantial improvements renewable natural gas will incur substantial incremental
to the duration of battery storage technologies are commodity and delivery costs compared to natural
necessary for battery storage systems to address gas today. As a result, the economics of electrification
lengthy outage events. Alternative technologies like versus reliance on low-carbon fuels is likely to be
stationary fuel cells or generators have nearly unlimited contingent on a variety of production and delivery cost
duration so long as liquid and gaseous fuel supplies are factors that are currently uncertain.
physically and economically available during an outage.
Reliance on these technologies could be consistent with
carbon neutral buildings, provided they use low-carbon
or renewable fuels. A detailed examination of resilience
considerations is reserved for Chapter 7: Carbon
Neutral Buildings and Resiliency.

Manhattan skyline.

74 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Rural Heating Load with consequences. In fact, wood combustion is the primary source of
particulate matter emissions in several rural New York counties.88
Modern Wood Heat
An emerging set of technologies, including biomass boilers and wood
New York’s rural regions are often pellet stoves, categorized under the term Modern Wood Heat (MWH),
colder, have lower per-capita hold the potential to improve the efficiency of wood heating and
levels of income and wealth, and markedly reduce particulate emissions from these systems. MWH also
are less likely to have access incorporates sustainable forestry practices increasing the likelihood that
to natural gas. In many of these wood heat can be a lifecycle carbon neutral resource.
regions, woody biomass in the
form of cord wood or pellets is However, residents who currently rely on wood heat may be unwilling
an important source of heat for or unable to electrify their homes. Conversions to heat pump systems
many residents. While only 2% may require substantial incremental costs that low- and medium-income
of statewide residential heating households cannot afford. Furthermore, the operating cost savings
energy is provided by wood, in associated with a heat pump may not be realized in cases where
some rural counties, up to nearly occupants gather some or all of their own wood, thereby negating the
12% of homes rely on wood as direct investment required to heat their home with that fuel. As a result
their primary source of heating.86 of those economic considerations, wood is likely to continue to be a
However, actual reliance on source of heat for some homes in New York over the timespan of the
wood heat may be higher than Roadmap, and it is important to convert these homes to MWH and
is identified via surveys because improve the energy efficiency of the homes, particularly with regarding
wood is often sold as a cash to the building envelope.
product or directly gathered by
its users. Counties with higher
levels of wood heat tend to FIGURE 6.2: MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME AND SHARE
have lower per capita incomes O F R E S I D E N T I A L H O M E S W I T H WO O D A S T H E P R I M A R Y
than counties that do not rely on S O U R C E O F H E AT BY N Y C O U N T Y
wood heat (Figure 6.2). In those
counties, wood heat may provide
a more cost-stable alternative for
low-income customers to fuels
with relatively volatile costs like
propane, fuel oil, or kerosene.
There is a debate among
experts about under what, if any,
conditions serving an energy load
with wood can be considered
renewable.87 In addition to
technical arguments, there are
unresolved questions of whether
wood fuel, and biomass generally,
counts as GHG-neutral under the
Climate Act. In addition to GHG
accounting considerations, it is
also important to acknowledge
that wood heating produces
air pollution in the form of fine
Source: Data are from the American Community Survey. The size of
particulate matter with its well- dots indicate the relative number of households in each county.
established negative health

Chapter 6: Limits to Electrification 75

Last Words
There will be some building types and loads that cannot be
easily electrified for both technical and economic reasons.
For these end uses capital planning, cost compression, technological improvement, and innovation
will make electrification easier or more cost-effective over the medium- and long-term. Even so, a
proportion of buildings may remain extremely difficult to electrify in the timeframe considered by the
Roadmap. For these cases, a limited quantity of low-carbon and renewable fuels may be the best option
to cost effectively satisfy these buildings’ heating and process energy demands. However, these fuels
face substantial uncertainties in terms of their commercialization, cost, and environmental attributes.

76 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Carbon Neutral
Buildings and


Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral Buildings and Resiliency 77

Buildings across New York State will continue to be exposed to more
extreme flooding, precipitation, and heat events due to a changing
climate. These challenges not only highlight the imperative of reducing
carbon and other GHG emissions to help slow the pace of climate
change, but also the need to embed resiliency measures in the State’s
residential and commercial buildings. These measures will help protect
lives and infrastructure from impacts of future climate hazards.

Research by the Federal Emergency Management Moreover, resilient design enables buildings to
Agency (FEMA) suggests that proactive resiliency last longer, extending the period before a building
investments are highly cost effective, yielding $6 in needs to be replaced or substantially renovated.
avoided post-disaster recovery costs for every $1 Because construction is carbon intensive, reducing
invested in pre-disaster resilience upgrades.89 the frequency needed for upgrades can significantly
Resiliency and decarbonization strategies are decrease embodied carbon impacts. Several
mutually supportive, making carbon neutral buildings New York State policies, initiatives and resources
inherently more resilient than their code compliant currently address resiliency. The Community Risk and
counterparts. Decarbonization strategies such Resiliency Act (CRRA) mainstreams the consideration
as electrification, efficiency, (emphasizing high of climate change through five major provisions:
performance envelopes), demand flexibility, and ■ Adoption of official sea-level rise projections;
onsite energy generation and storage support both
active resiliency and passive survivability. ■ Consideration of sea-level rise, storm surge, and
flooding in certain State policies and programs;
This chapter provides an overview of key climate
hazards, discusses their impacts on buildings, and ■ Addition of Smart Growth Public Infrastructure
explores how technologies can deliver carbon neutral Policy Act resiliency criteria;
buildings and improve resiliency at the same time.
Resilient buildings are those built to withstand, or ■ Development of guidance on natural resiliency
recover quickly from, natural hazards, as well as to measures; and
perform to its intended design standard throughout its
useful life in a changing climate.90 The resilient design ■ Development of model laws concerning climate risk.
strategies and technologies discussed in this chapter Through the Resilient NY Initiative, the State is
are relevant to both new construction and existing advancing recommendations for climate resiliency in the
building stock in New York State. building code, developing and implementing agency
Buildings are typically designed for long lifespans adaptation plans, and supporting local resiliency plans.
and will experience increased intensity and more While the recently enacted Climate Act mainly focuses
frequent threats as the climate changes over the on emissions reduction, it also includes provisions for
coming decades. This will amplify pressures to increasing the State’s climate resiliency, particularly
improve building performance, and reduce casualty in Disadvantaged Communities. A shift to a resilient,
risk. Incorporating these considerations in building carbon neutral building stock presents an immense
design and construction will maintain the long-term opportunity for the State to not only mitigate climate
viability of the built environment’s ability to respond to change but also ensure that the low- and zero-
a warming climate while supporting the health, safety, carbon buildings of the future are functional, safe, and
and comfort of occupants. sustainable spaces for decades to come.

78 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Climate Hazards
New York State faces a wide range of climate hazards due to its size,
geography, and socioeconomic diversity. These hazards are expected
to increase in frequency, intensity, and duration due to climate change.

Buildings must be resiliently designed to perform across a widening range

of conditions such as extreme heat, extreme cold, and storm events that
increase in frequency and severity.

Hurricanes and Flooding Severe Storms

Tropical Storms Floods result from an increase in Severe storms bring lightning,
Hurricanes and tropical storms small-scale thunderstorms, coastal high winds, intense rainfall, hail,
develop over tropical and sub- storms, storm surge, higher tides tornadoes, and flooding.
tropical waters before moving inland. from sea-level rise, seasonal With projected rising temperatures,
Severe winds, intense precipitation, Nor’easters, and rapidly melting frequency, intensity, and duration
and both inland and coastal flooding. snowpack. of severe storms is expected to
Storms likely to increase in Extreme precipitation projected increase.
strength due to rising oceanic and to increase, with the greatest
atmospheric temperatures. increases expected to occur in the
northern parts of New York State.

Winter Storms Heat Waves Sea-Level Rise

and Cold Snaps Extreme temperatures can have Warming ocean waters expand and
Winter storms, including cold direct health impacts and can glaciers and ice sheets melt. Coastal
temperatures, snow, ice, high also impact infrastructure and erosion, permanent flooding, and
winds, blizzard conditions, and equipment performance. coastal displacement will occur.
lake effect snowstorms. Summers are expected to become Sea levels along the State’s ocean
Strong potential for increased hotter. Frequency and duration coast and Hudson River are projected
lake effect snow in the near term of heat waves (3+ consecutive to increase 5–8″ by the 2020s,
resulting from a decrease in ice days with maximum temperatures 18–28″ by the 2050s, 44–52″ by
cover over the Great Lakes. ≥90°F) expected to increase. the 2080s.

Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral Buildings and Resiliency 79

Impacts of Climate
Change on Buildings
Climate hazards pose unique challenges to the
more than six million buildings in New York
State today. Historical flood maps show that
approximately 700,000 New Yorkers live in
“flood-prone” zones, with many more working,
traveling, or recreating in these areas.
As the floodplain expands, and the number at risk rises, buildings must
be adapted to prevent damage to health and home.91 Some hazards,
such as increasing average temperatures and sea-level rise, will occur
gradually while others, including heat waves and severe storms, will cause
emergency scenarios. The impacts of these events will be regionally
distributed and will also vary depending on building type, making certain
areas and occupants more vulnerable than others.92

Building Envelope
Roofs have the greatest exposure to precipitation with low-slope or
geometrically complex designs being most prone to water penetration.
Windows and doors are vulnerable to water intrusion and breaches to the
building envelope may result in internal damage as well. The possibility
of winter storms with increased precipitation may cause increased snow
and ice roof loading that leads to structural damage or collapse. Ice dam
formation may damage eaves and allow water to penetrate roofing. Heat
waves can also damage building envelopes, reducing the service life
of building cladding material, while higher humidity levels may increase
corrosion or rotting of structural elements. Building envelopes also create
the most significant passive survivability benefit by helping to keep internal
temperatures in buildings comfortable and survivable for much longer
periods of time.

Critical Systems and Facilities

Within buildings, critical systems include heating, ventilation, air
conditioning, security, life safety, lighting, telecom, and energy
management. These systems are rarely independent—often, they
rely on each other to operate effectively. For example, most building
systems require base electrical service for power, and computer
systems often need supplemental cooling to operate properly. These
systems can be especially vulnerable to flooding if they are located
below the base flood elevation.

Hurricane Sandy aftermath.

80 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Critical community facilities, including hospitals,
nursing homes, prisons, water treatment facilities, and
emergency operations centers, must be functional
both during and after an extreme weather event.
Other buildings such as schools, airports, and
community centers can provide essential services,
shelter, and a safe refuge. These facilities must have
sustained operation for their critical systems in order
to act as cooling or heating centers.
Cross-dependencies in building systems and
community facilities create a potential for cascading
effects, which occur when failure in one part of a
system causes failure in another. Following Superstorm
Sandy, power outages led to cascading disruptions to
cell towers and prevented individuals from charging
their mobile devices, leaving people unable to
communicate with emergency services. During COVID,
heat waves combined with the need for isolation left
many inside buildings in dense urban areas without
ventilation or cooling.

Occupant Health and Safety

Occupant health and safety must be the primary
consideration. Some of the key climate risks to
occupant health include thermal stress from heat
waves or cold snaps and unsafe levels of indoor
air quality as a result of mold growth and material
breakdown due to the presence of floodwater. The
mold and bacteria growth can lead to disease or
exacerbate conditions such as asthma.93
Heat waves stress the energy systems that
buildings rely on and put occupants at risk for
heat-related illnesses and death—especially, and
disproportionately, heat-vulnerable individuals—due
to lack of air conditioning or other cooling strategies.
Seniors living alone and without access to air
conditioning are particularly high risk. For example,
the average age of the 79 individuals who died just
in Oregon during the June 2021 heatwave that swept
the Pacific Northwest was 67 years old.94 The first
communities to lose power during the 2021 Texas
winter storm were predominantly Black and Latino.95
Children are also vulnerable due to the amount
of time they spend in school buildings that may
have inadequate cooling infrastructure or a lack of
protocols in place to respond to heat waves.

Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral Buildings and Resiliency 81

Resiliency: Strategies & Benefits
Resilient design strategies are well documented today and becoming
better understood and emphasized by the design and construction
community. Many carbon neutral design features contribute to
passive survivability, allowing building occupants to remain safe and
comfortable for longer during an outage.

Higher insulation, better air sealing, proper building deaths, as they are frequently situated in areas with
orientation, high performance windows, and other higher Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI) ratings from the
passive heating and cooling measures, reduce Health Department. More about how the Roadmap
thermal exchange between the outdoor and indoor addresses work necessary to support Disadvantaged
environment. These measures enable buildings to Communities can be found in Chapter 10: Equity and
maintain safe indoor temperatures longer during a loss Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities.
of power or extreme heat wave or cold event. Thermal Passive survivability is the ability of buildings to maintain
mass improvements help moderate temperature safe conditions and a reasonable level of functionality in
swings and reduce the need for additional heating or the event of a power outage.96 Passive survivability can
cooling. Examples of these measures to follow and be achieved by incorporating resilient design principals
resources on best practices are available. Further, such as load-reducing strategies, natural ventilation
design strategies that improve both energy efficiency for cooling, passive solar for heating, high efficiency
and resiliency are often very cost-effective over the building envelopes, and daylighting.
lifecycle of a building.
Passive measures like tighter envelopes improve
the efficacy of cooling equipment and offer energy
Overarching Concepts and Benefits savings, but should be implemented in conjunction with
Resilient design touches many different physical and ventilation systems to improve indoor air quality and
economic considerations of buildings. The following avoid moisture build-up in wetter weather and extreme
include some of the most notable benefits of resiliency. temperatures. Natural ventilation and operable windows
provide a way to exhaust hot and stale air without the
use of fans and allow for free passive cooling via natural
Resiliency Provides the Biggest cross ventilation.
Benefits to the Most Vulnerable Passive survivability helps ensure all homes are safe
Due to historical injustices, New York’s underserved and comfortable. In exceptional times, such as during
communities are the most vulnerable to climate risks. public health emergencies when families are sheltering
Poorly constructed and maintained buildings, a lack in place for extended periods, a climate controlled and
of green-space, and limited financial resources have adequately ventilated indoor environment is essential to
left swaths of environmental justice communities with enable families to work from home, attend online school,
building stock that is disproportionately exposed to the and care for and communicate with loved ones. This is
risks of climate change. As a result, these communities especially important for vulnerable groups who may be
will see the most benefits from fortifying their buildings less likely to have alternate locations to shelter during
with resiliency measures. heat waves, extreme cold spells, or power outages.
Significantly hotter temperatures in the future will As weather events become more severe there will
increase the urgency of bringing cooling technology to be limitations to how much passive survivability can
residential buildings, especially affordable multi-family satisfy occupant needs in emergency conditions. And
buildings in urban locations that are susceptible to while new construction can be designed explicitly for
heat island effects. Disadvantaged Communities and passive survivability, it may be challenging or impossible
communities of color are at a greater risk of heat-related to retrofit intrinsic strategies like natural ventilation

82 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

into existing buildings. One of the major benefits of Studies have shown that adding
electrification is that heat pumps provide cooling as
well as heating. Heating electrification can thus provide one to three feet of freeboard
life-saving cooling in buildings previously lacking above the base flood elevation
mechanical cooling, and emergency considerations will
be especially important in challenging existing buildings.
can pay for itself within a few years
through a 25-60% annual reduction
in flood insurance premiums.103
Resiliency Improves Lifecycle Economics
When it comes to resiliency the cost of action is
far lower than the cost of inaction. For both new
and existing buildings, adaptation efforts can help extreme weather damage for every $1 invested when
owners avoid high costs from damage during compared to design standards from the 1990s. Since
extreme weather events. For example, a building New York State has many buildings built before 1990,
constructed to meet current code was found to the benefit-cost ratios may be even higher for a
produce a benefit-cost ratio of $11 of avoided significant portion of the building stock.97

Resiliency Reduces Insurance Costs

Inclusion of resiliency and efficiency measures can
reduce insurance costs for building owners. For
example, mitigating risks associated with flooding
or other natural disasters is financially prudent today
in many regions. Studies have shown that adding 1 to
3 feet of freeboard above the base flood elevation
can pay for itself within a few years through a 25–60%
annual reduction in flood insurance premiums.98
Verifying the installation of natural disaster mitigation
techniques with insurance companies could result
in a reduction of insurance premiums. There are
several accepted third-party certifications and
programs that standardize this process, mostly for
residential buildings. According to the U.S. Green
EcoVillage. Photo Source: GO Logic Building Council, LEED-certified homes can qualify for
discounted homeowner’s insurance, tax breaks, and
other incentives.99
Passive Survivability
Homes with the Insurance Institute for Business and
in Practice Home Safety (IBHS) FORTIFIED certification could also
Belfast, ME qualify, though the number of certification evaluators is
currently limited. Additional research and collaboration
The EcoVillage in Belfast, ME, is a passive are needed to aggregate information on existing
house community that boasts R-45 wall resiliency measures that could qualify for insurance
insulation and R-80 ceiling insulation, heat- reductions in New York State.
recovery ventilation, is PV ready, and faces
south. When an ice storm led to a power For potential reductions to flood insurance for
outage that lasted five days, only 8 to 10 buildings owners, officials can look to enroll qualifying
degrees of internal temperature were lost. communities located in floodplains with the National
Residents pay $300 in annual heating costs, Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System
and the homes’ design results in a 90% (CRS) to reward the use of enhanced floodplain
reduction in energy use for space heating management activities that encourage risk-reduction
compared to the average house.102 measures for buildings and with lower premiums.100
Currently, 53 communities in New York take part in the
CRS, along with over 1,500 communities nationwide.101

Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral Buildings and Resiliency 83


F I G U R E 7.1 : PA S S I V E B U I L D I N G F E AT U R E S T H AT S U P P O R T R E S I L I E N CY A N D C A R B O N


Wherever possible, buildings should be shaped PASSIVE COOLING
with an elongated east-west axis with more
SOLAR + STORAGE SYSTEMS windows on the south facade than the north.
can produce backup power, reduce utility
bills, and improve demand flexibility by
allowing customers to shift loads, especially
during heat waves or cold snaps when
overall electricity usage is high.


Sunlight passing through the
TIGHT ENVELOPE window can help heat interior
coupled with ventilation spaces. This passive heat gain
systems can save occupants can reduce the amount of
money and improve comfort. mechanical heating needed.
can help moderate
HIGH temperature swings
PERFORMANCE and reduce the
WINDOWS need for additional
that are operable help heating or cooling.
occupants adjust thermal
comfort during loss of power. MECHANICAL
They also provide natural
equipment is elevated
above ground level to
protect against



Resiliency is Supported in Codes, Building-Level Resiliency Strategies

Standards, and Zoning Resilient and carbon neutral building strategies are
reflected at two different scales, at the building level and
As updates to codes and standards catch up to
community level. The fundamental principles behind
changing conditions and best practices, local
carbon-free, resilient design are efficiency, flexibility, and
governments can choose to enact additional new
durability, which work together to increase a building’s or
code provisions. Over 50 municipalities in New York
State have already adopted local standards that are a community’s ability to maintain comfort and functionality
with fewer external inputs such as power from the grid.
more stringent than state codes to address the unique
needs of their jurisdictions. Building standards which There are many inherent resiliency benefits to
focus on resiliency have proven effective in minimizing decarbonization strategies. Electric heat pump
climate disaster fallout while increasing insurability. The conversions in existing residential buildings, for
National Institute of Building Sciences suggests that instance, can increase resilience against heat waves
the IBHS FORTIFIED Hurricane standards have a high by providing cooling for occupants that did not
Benefit-Cost Ratio for wind protection. previously have air conditioning.
Additionally, third-party building certifications Building-level resilient and carbon neutral solutions
provide alternative mechanisms for preparing can be applied to all types of both new construction
buildings for resiliency beyond code-minimum and existing buildings while lowering energy costs.
requirements. Certifications such as the Institute Integrative design can reduce the scope and cost of
for Market Transformation to Sustainability’s RELi resiliency measures, particularly in new construction
2.0 provides a holistic, resilience-based rating (e.g. additional insulation may reduce the size of the
system that combines design criteria with integrative required HVAC and backup power systems, saving
design processes for next-generation buildings, cost and space). Features of a typical passive building
neighborhoods, and infrastructure. design with resiliency and efficiency measures are
illustrated in Figure 7.1.

84 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Consider Long-Life Components
and Systems
Climate resiliency enables buildings to last longer,
which saves money, materials, and embodied carbon.
When designing for climate resiliency, it is important
to account for the lifespan of the component or
system and its suitability for future climate conditions.
Systems with long lifespans (25-year+ lifecycle), such
as major HVAC equipment, exterior cladding, and
insulation, should be designed for mid-century climate
projections. Since major equipment upgrades are
often large expenditures, it is important to consider
the lifecycle operational costs of any major equipment,
and the payback on incremental capital costs is usually
justified. The siting, orientation and building of new
structures should consider climate projections through
their reasonable lifespan or 2100. Some design
standards may need to be updated to accurately reflect
operating requirements in future climate conditions.

Consider Partial Electrification

Building electrification should be implemented in
such a way that it does not reduce resiliency. Even if a
building is heated with a gas furnace or boiler, in most
instances the systems still require electricity to function
(e.g. for ignition and to operate fans to circulate the
heated air). If the electric grid goes down in an extreme
weather event, all-electric and partially electric
buildings will both face challenges, and emergency
systems should be tailored to an individual building’s
fuels, systems, occupancy and passive survivability. High Performance Resilient
Residential fireplaces can provide resiliency safely
in some applications, preferably with a small amount
Design in Practice
of low-carbon fuel or wood that is used primarily for Brooklyn, NY
supplemental heat or emergency backup.
The solar-powered R-951 Residence in
Partial electrification is when a new all-electric Brooklyn is the first Passive House-certified
system or systems are added to address most and net-zero-capable building in New York
heating loads in an existing building, and existing City. The three apartments have 4 kW of
fossil fuel-fired equipment is left in place to be used grid-tied generation from rooftop solar,
when temperatures drop to extreme lows. These an energy recovery ventilation system, triple-
backup systems would need to run on low or no glazed tilt-and-turn windows and doors, a
carbon fuels for such a building to be considered high performing building envelope, and
carbon neutral. This strategy allows for smaller, a 1,200-gallon rainwater harvesting system.
cheaper electric heat pumps yet achieves significant There is an outlet for daytime backup power
emissions reduction, as discussed further in Chapter during a utility outage. The high performance
6: Limits to Electrification. envelope improves passive survivability, and
In particular, refuge spaces, such as designated rooms the rainwater harvesting can be used as a
or sections of buildings could be supplemented with a non-potable water source.104
wood or pellet stove or fossil-fuel heating backups to Photo Source: GO Media Studios
extend the hours of safety for the occupants. It should
be noted that gas infrastructure, like electrical grids,

Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral Buildings and Resiliency 85

are also prone to failures, although
with less frequency. Gas line failure
also presents significant safety
risks from potential explosions,
which could be mitigated in an all-
electric future.

Maintain Optionality
Resilient building technologies are
constantly evolving, so whenever
possible, buildings should electrify
with integrated, modular systems
to allow for greater flexibility in the
future as technologies advance
and building needs change.
Building clusters should consider
thermal energy networks to share
heat, recover waste heat, and
connect a range of heat sources
and sinks in an urban setting.
Back-up power sources and the
ability to redistribute thermal
energy or decouple from the
electrical or thermal grid during
times of emergency or stress will
build resiliency.
Greater dependency on electricity
calls for utility-level grid hardening
and accountability. Laws such
as the Soil Health and Climate
Home destroyed in Belle Harbor. Photo Source: New York State Resilience Act of 2022 now
Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services requires climate assessments and
resiliency plans to be submitted
to the New York State Public
Service Commission. Building
level resiliency issues will be
addressed further in the Building
Electrification Roadmap.

New York City Climate Community-Level

Resiliency Design Guideline Resiliency Strategies
New York City, NY In addition to building-level
resiliency upgrades, there are focal
To ensure that the New York State building stock can withstand points that should be targeted
and recover from natural hazards, resiliency strategies must be to ensure the protection of the
implemented rapidly. To support this aim, the New York City community at the neighborhood
Mayor’s Office of Climate Resiliency developed the New York and city level. The following
City Climate Resiliency Design Guideline to provide advice on the include some of the most notable
construction of resilient buildings using forward-looking climate community-level methods of
data in the design. Click to find out more ensuring both resiliency and

86 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Properly Site and
Manage New
In growing urban areas and
population centers, land-use
planning is important—new
construction projects should
avoid locating buildings in
current or future flood-prone
areas or locations where critical
transportation routes face flood
exposure. This is especially
true for buildings that will serve
as critical facilities during an
emergency. Roadways should be Resilient Carbon Neutral Buildings
oriented to optimize buildings’
passive heating and cooling on and Affordable Housing
cardinal north-south-east-west Queens, NY
grids and to optimize daylighting.
Beach Green Dunes provides 101 affordable housing units
Community-scale planning and and small commercial space in Far Rockaway, Queens. As the
infrastructure choices can help single largest Passive House multifamily building in the country
complement the building-level certified by the Passive House Institute of America (PHIUS),
strategies discussed above. Beach Green sets an important precedent of resilient and
Through onsite stormwater sustainable affordable housing.
management, erosion control,
mechanical flood recovery, The resilient design features include raised habitable space and
and water accommodation, utilities above the flood plain, flood relief elements like flood vents
communities can minimize risk and flood barriers, daylight corridors and stairwells to provide light
of sewer overflow and reduce in case of power outage, and controllable elevators to prevent the
the risk of flooding. In addition to cab from descending into flood waters. The project showcases a
water management, tree-trimming super-insulated building envelope, high performance windows,
and the burying of electrical all-LED lighting, cogeneration for power and hot water, a mini-split
distribution lines can reduce heat pump system with air-to-air energy recovery, and solar for
the likelihood of power outages onsite generation.
caused by wind and ice damaged Photo Source: The Bluestone Organization
electrical lines.

Hardening the Grid—

Microgrids and and microgrids with battery can sustain critical systems in
Distributed Energy storage, smart controls, and solar. grid constrained conditions
Solar-plus-storage systems can as well as contribute to the
Resources enable buildings to run during restart of grid operations after
A resilient building stock requires grid outages caused by climate an outage through soft-start
a stable electricity system with events. This type of arrangement capabilities. Using smart controls
a variety of sources and the is essential for mission-critical in conjunction with solar and
flexibility to swap between them facilities such as hospitals as well storage can allow buildings to
in times of crisis. The carbon as many other building types supply their own energy needs,
neutral building stock of the (e.g. homes, schools, community islanding from the grid when
future will be heavily reliant on centers). Smart controls enable need be.
flexible low-carbon technologies staging of loads, so buildings

Chapter 7: Carbon Neutral Buildings and Resiliency 87

Climate Refuge Spaces common spaces within multifamily buildings, or public
buildings such as community centers, libraries, and
During long-duration power outages and natural schools that are available to accommodate local
disasters, communities need spaces of refuge to residents for extended periods.
safely gather to wait out extreme weather and
blackout conditions. Refuge spaces are intended to While the primary purpose of refuge spaces is for
provide indoor, livable space to enable occupants to survival during emergencies, refuge spaces can
survive climate emergency events, such as extreme also provide sufficient power for refrigeration of
heat or cold, storms, or floods that could result in medications, power for in-home medical processes/
loss of power for up to a week or longer. These equipment, air filters for critical conditions, basic
spaces can be individual rooms within a residence, lighting, cooking, and water heating.

Last Words
As natural disasters become more frequent, the development
and proliferation of resiliency focused building strategies will
protect New Yorkers and prevent costly damage.
The building stock must be adapted to provide safe shelter to its occupants while improving building
performance to minimize the emissions which are causing the escalating climate crisis, and to
minimize the impact of large-scale building electrification on the grid. Resilient design can maintain the
longevity of the building stock while ensuring improved health, safety, and comfort of its occupants for
generations to come.
Additional research is needed to help understand how current passive design strategies and standards
will perform in the State’s future climate, the impacts of electrification on building resiliency and the
need for back-up energy systems, and passive survivability thresholds and measures during winter
and summer conditions. Additional analysis must also be conducted to evaluate the resulting economic
implications of resiliency at scale and where further RD&D funding should be focused.

88 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

The Economics,
Benefits, and
Challenges for
Carbon Neutral


Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 89
Business Case by Typology
The respective business cases for carbon neutral buildings
vary significantly across different building typologies, new
construction versus renovation, and from the perspective of
a building owner versus occupant.

This chapter provides modeled analysis about the ■ Today’s low relative cost of gas compared to
capital and operational costs, savings, benefits, and electricity is a major challenge. Under current
challenges of decarbonizing buildings. Tax credits and commodity pricing structures, some building
incentives were not modeled, but a list of available decarbonization measures can result in higher annual
programs can be found at the end of the chapter. energy costs than the natural gas baseline cases.
This chapter also includes real world case studies for
decarbonization and aggregated project data for the ■ The modeled 20-year cost premiums are higher
most common building types including single-family for upgrades in Climate Zone 4 (New York City)
residential, multifamily residential, commercial office, compared to Climate Zones 5 (Buffalo) and 6
and higher education. (Massena), due to higher electricity, labor, and
material costs downstate.
This iteration of the Roadmap does not directly
address other use types (such as P-12 schools or ■ In general, residential buildings have a larger cost
hospitals), but the key recommendations found in this premium than commercial buildings.
edition can be extrapolated to other sectors. Further
information on decarbonization of high-rise buildings ■ Cost of new home gas connections are avoided
is being made available to the market through with all-electric new construction, providing an
NYSERDA’s Empire Building Challenge efforts. economic benefit to the gas system as a whole
over conventional construction.
Some general trends that were found through this
analysis include: ■ Pre-end-of-life replacement planning prior to
■ Improving cost effectiveness of building actual failure of equipment is important to break
decarbonization upgrades for the customer the cycle of like-for-like replacement: it can reduce
involves being able to access designers and trades the cost of emergency replacement and avoid
people who have prior experience designing and spending on infrastructure assets that will be
installing decarbonized solutions and addressing required to be replaced midcycle. More education
both technology first-cost and energy/operational is needed to better inform the building industry, and
lifecycle cost. homeowners in particular.

■ Many home and building owner decisions to ■ Weatherization efforts/programs, effective water/
advance a carbon neutral building are driven in damp proofing and management, ventilation
part or in whole by benefits that result from building system maintenance, recommissioning, and general
modernization, improved health, comfort, safety, maintenance (including refrigeration system
productivity, reliability, and resiliency. maintenance and leak detection) are not discussed
here in further detail, but their importance cannot
■ There is no silver bullet. It will likely require multiple be understated. These lighter touch practices
cost reduction strategies working in parallel to are critical to reducing energy consumption and
reduce current cost premiums, including: training maintaining healthy and comfortable indoor
and general awareness, technology cost reduction, environments in buildings.
integrated design, innovative business models,
low-cost financing, incentives, and rebates, etc.

90 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Single-Family Residential
Key Characteristics
■ There are 4.3 million households, residing in ■ Over two-thirds of energy in single-family homes
4.1 million buildings in New York State.105 To meet is used for space and water heating.
climate targets, from 2030 through mid-century,
over 200,000 homes per year must be upgraded ■ Changes in natural gas and electricity prices will
to be all-electric and energy efficient. have a high impact on economics, particularly as
gas prices increase.
■ Space heating for single-family residences is the
single largest contributor of direct carbon and
other GHG emissions by end use from the entire
building sector.106

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 91
Recommended Decarbonization Measures
TA B L E 8 .1 : D E C A R B O N I Z AT I O N S T R AT E G I E S F O R T W O ‘ R E C O M M E N D E D
S C E N A R I O S ’ ( R E P R E S E N T I N G T H E M O D E L E D R E S U LT S I N F I G U R E S 8 .1 A N D 8 . 2 )
A N D A ‘ B E S T- I N - C L A S S S C E N A R I O ’

Modeled Code
Scenarios Modeled Comfort Shell Compliant Shell Best in Class Strategies
(Applies only to retrofits) (Applies to both new construction (Applies to both new construction
and retrofits) and retrofits)

Load ■ Air sealing Modeled Scenario—Comfort Modeled Scenario—Code

Reduction ■ Attic insulation Shell + Compliant Shell +
■ Double-pane windows ■ Passive-house level wall
■ Code-compliant wall and and roof insulation
roof insulation ■ Best-in-class air sealing
■ LED lighting ■ Thermal breaks
■ Triple-pane windows
■ Energy recovery
■ Smart, electric appliances

Building ■ Cold climate air sourced ■ Cold climate air sourced Modeled Scenario—Code
Electrification heat pump heat pump Compliant Shell +
■ Heat pump water heaters ■ Heat pump water heaters ■ Ground sourced heat
■ Efficient electric pumps in lieu of cold
appliances, such as climate air sourced heat
induction cooktops pump

Advanced Not modeled Not modeled ■ Automated load shifting of

Controls thermostats and hot water
■ Delayed start capability
for clothes washer and
■ Managed EV charging

Distributed Not modeled Not modeled ■ Battery energy storage

Energy system
Resources ■ Thermal storage
■ Photovoltaic systems
■ Solar thermal

Building envelope measures labeled ‘comfort shell’ include air sealing and attic insulation only. ‘Code-compliant shell’ measures includes air
sealing, code-compliant wall and roof insulation, and double-pane windows. The ‘Best-in-Class’ scenario will provide the greatest operational
cost savings, enhance resiliency, support electricity system decarbonization, and provide other co-benefits but will have higher capital costs
except with the use of modular design and under other limited circumstances.

92 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Capital Expenditures and Operating slightly higher (+$18,500) due to more efficient, all
electric equipment and improved shell. The operational
Expenses Costs Compared to Savings costs will also likely increase (+$400) since electricity
Use cases and results below are a mix of modeled is more expensive than gas today. However, there
scenarios and actual real world case studies. are four moving pieces that aren’t included in these
Decarbonization retrofits of single-family homes calculations that will bring the cost down in the near-
currently heated with oil are often cost effective term to help make this scenario financially attractive:
today using traditional energy efficiency calculations, ■ Incentives and tax credits, which would cut
even before incentives. The resulting homes also capital costs in half.
then provide significant additional health, comfort,
safety, and resiliency benefits beyond the energy ■ Technology cost reductions which are expected
savings calculated and presented below. The typical to be 15-30% by 2030.
homeowner spends 10 years in their home, and the
simple payback for the modeled package of measures ■ The increasing cost of energy, both gas and
shown in Figure 8.1 falls under that timeframe. electricity in the future, which will make reduced
When incentives and tax credits available today are energy consumption more valuable.
included, it would bring the simple payback down
■ Accounting for the co-benefits of decarbonized
to approximately five years. Comfort shell upgrades
consisting of air sealing and attic insulation reduce
energy use and enable smaller capacity heat pumps The analysis also compared costs of a ground source
to be installed. This reduces the required capital costs heat pump system (not shown) and found that after
for electrification equipment and reduces annual applying tax credits and incentives, a ground source
utility bills, while providing improved indoor air quality heat pump-based package of measures can have a
and comfort, resulting in a better living space. comparable payback to air source heat pump systems,
Single-family homes in New York today are with a simple payback of about 10 years.
predominately heated with gas, which changes the When considering an upgraded shell package, such as
economics (not shown). The capital costs will be retrofitting an older home to meet current energy code

F I G U R E 8 .1 : R E T R O F I T O F A N O I L H E AT E D, P R E - 1 9 8 0 H O M E I N U P S TAT E N Y
( C L I M AT E Z O N E 6 A ) W I T H A C O M F O R T S H E L L U P G R A D E

Upfront costs Annual Operational Costs

$70,000 (incremental) $5,000 (Year 1)
$60,000 $1,900
$50,000 $3,500
$30,000 $17,600 $2,000
$20,000 $1,500
$0 $0
Baseline All-electric, Baseline All-electric,
(with fuel oil) efficient (with fuel oil) efficient
 HVAC CapEx  Shell CapEx  O&M  Oil cost  Electricity cost

Retrofit includes a ducted cold climate air source heat pump, heat pump water
heater, and a comfort shell upgrade (air sealing and attic insulation only).

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 93
F I G U R E 8 . 2 : R E T R O F I T O F A N O I L H E AT E D, P R E - 1 9 8 0 H O M E I N U P S TAT E
N Y ( C L I M AT E Z O N E 6 A ) W I T H A C O D E C O M P L I A N T S H E L L U P G R A D E

Upfront costs Annual Operational Costs

$70,000 (incremental) $5,000 (Year 1)
$60,000 $2,400
$48,000 $4,000
$50,000 $3,500
$30,000 $2,000
$20,000 $1,500
$0 $0
Baseline Measure Baseline All-electric,
(with fuel oil) Package (with fuel oil) efficient
 HVAC CapEx  Shell CapEx  O&M  Oil cost  Electricity cost

Retrofit includes a ducted cold climate air source heat pump, heat pump water heater and a code compliant shell upgrade.

levels of performance, the payback will be longer than storage enable the home to retain comfortable
a simple comfort shell upgrade, but it will also bring temperatures in the event of a power outage.
significant additional comfort and resiliency. Coupled
with electrification, a code compliant shell upgrade will ■ Health, Comfort, and Safety Benefits: Building
save about $500 per year more in operating expenses envelope air sealing and weatherization improve
than a comfort shell upgrade. Another important comfort (see below) and reduce risk of pests and
dimension of code compliant shell upgrades is that mold, but need to be coupled with appropriate
they reduce peak load on the grid, thus reducing the ventilation strategies. Electric appliances,
necessity for a clean grid buildout over the coming especially electric stoves and cooktops, reduce
years. As noted in Chapter 5: Building Electrification harmful indoor air pollutants and eliminate risks of
and the Grid, shell upgrades could translate into a burns and house fires from gas stoves.
50% reduction in incremental grid expansion if rolled
■ Increased Comfort: Improving building envelope
out across all homes, compared to electrifying homes
through air sealing and adding insulation reduces
without shell upgrades.
drafts, cold surfaces, and noise pollution. Replacing
The reduced capacity requirements on the grid will an existing heating system with electric heat
also lower grid systems costs that are borne by all pumps that also provide cooling can meet formerly
ratepayers. As a result, efficiency and shell measures unaddressed or inadequate cooling needs.
are of vital importance in electrification, not just at the
building level but at the energy system level. These ■ Potential Utility Cost Savings: Building envelope
measures also inherently improve community resiliency. air sealing and insulation reduce heating and
cooling demand, which can reduce energy
bills. Depending on system capacity, solar PV
Benefits to Occupants and Owners systems and solar thermal hot water systems can
lead to significant utility savings. Some building
■ Increased Resilience: Building envelope
decarbonization measures result in higher annual
improvements such as air sealing and insulation
energy costs (despite reduced energy demand)
paired with electric solar systems and battery
due to the current low relative cost of gas
compared to electricity.

94 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


Coons Residence Renovation, 2010

Clifton Park, NY
The owners of an 1840s farmhouse in the Capital Region invested in a fossil-fuel free, deep energy retrofit
that resulted in a comfortable home that produces more electricity than it uses.
Retrofit measures included: Ground source heat pump for heating and cooling, energy recovery
ventilator, all-electric ENERGY STAR appliances, solar hot water system, solar panels, electric vehicle
hook-up powered by solar, and insulation. Post-retrofit, the monthly utility bills averaged $18,110 roughly
the cost of connection to the grid. The homeowners participated in NYSERDA’s Green Home Program,
which provided financial rebates for the solar and solar hot water systems. The owners also leveraged
tax credits to offset the capital installation costs. The owner’s return on investment for the solar
electric panels and solar hot water system was 16%,111 and the geothermal system achieved a return on
investment of 11%.112
Photo Source: Paul & Joanne Coons

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 95
■ Maximize Usable Square Footage: Electric heat ■ Additional Issues: Remediation of pre-existing
pump units can be installed high up on interior walls conditions such as mold, lead, asbestos, structural,
and out of the way, freeing up floor and window or indoor environmental quality issues, and the
space compared to radiators, electric baseboard potential need for electrical system upgrades to
heaters, and window-mounted air conditioners. panel and circuits may add costs.

Challenges Multifamily Residential

■ Scale: The huge volume of homes that need to be Key Characteristics
retrofitted (>200,000 per year starting in 2030).
■ Nearly 50% of existing multifamily buildings in
■ Fragmentation: Different home styles, age, New York State were built before 1940.107
condition, legacy heating fuel, and current level of
■ There are approximately 3.5 million multifamily
efficiency requires customized solutions.
residential units in apartment buildings and condos/
■ Cost/Payback: Traditional energy efficiency cost co-ops in New York State.108
effectiveness calculations do not include what is in
■ 80% of multifamily buildings in New York City use
many cases driving homeowner decisions to move
steam for space heating and decentralized window
forward with a project. Improved inclusion of those
or through-the-wall air conditioning.
benefits is needed to better understand the values
and benefits that customers make decisions on. ■ This is a heating dominated building type, although
heating loads are typically smaller per dwelling unit
■ Contractor Experience: Contractors lack
than in single-family homes.
familiarity and experience with all-electric
products (heat pumps) and may increase price to ■ Approximately 1,000 new multifamily buildings/
account for perceived technology performance developments are constructed annually, with about
risks during extreme cold. Vendors have 35,000 new units.109
perpetuated preferences for gas stoves, water
heaters, fireplaces, and pool heaters. Additionally,
most vendors provide single solutions, thus
multiple vendors are often required to install a
package of measures, making implementation
complex and cumbersome.

Solara Homes. Rotterdam, NY. Photo Credit: Peter Barber

96 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Recommended Decarbonization Measures
TA B L E 8 . 2 : D E C A R B O N I Z AT I O N S T R AT E G I E S F O R A ‘ R E C O M M E N D E D S C E N A R I O ’
( R E P R E S E N T I N G T H E M O D E L E D R E S U LT S I N F I G U R E S 8 . 3 A N D 8 . 4 ) A N D A
‘ B E S T- I N - C L A S S S C E N A R I O ’

Modeled Scenarios— Best in Class Strategies

Retrofit of Gas or Oil Heated Building (Applies to both new construction and retrofit)
(Applies to both new construction and retrofits)

Load ■ Code compliant walls, roof Modeled +

Reduction ■ High performance insulation
Strategies ■ Double-pane windows

■ Air sealing ■ Thermal breaks

■ LED lighting ■ Energy recovery ventilators

■ Low-flow water fixtures ■ Prefabricated panelized solutions*

■ Smart, electric appliances

Building ■ Distributed cold climate air sourced heat Modeled +

Electrification pumps ■ Ground sourced heat pumps in lieu of air
Technology sourced heat pumps
■ Heat pump water heaters

■ Efficient electric appliances, such as ■ Integrated mechanical systems**

induction cooktops

Advanced Not modeled ■ Load flexibility and advanced controls of

Controls hot water, space conditioning systems,
equipment, and appliances

Distributed Not modeled ■ Battery energy storage system

Resources ■ Thermal storage

■ Photovoltaic systems

■ Solar thermal

* Prefabricated Panelized Solutions are an integrated wall and roof assembly, manufactured off-site in a controlled environment, which
provides improved insulation, improved window performance and air sealing (e.g. RetrofitNY and EnergieSprong)
** Integrated mechanical systems are all electric integrated systems capable of delivering heating, cooling, ventilation, dehumidification,
and domestic hot water to individual apartments and installed on 1- to 7-story buildings (source: NYSERDA manufacturer specifications for
scalable Net Zero Energy retrofit solutions)

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 97
Capital Expenditures and Operating Our analysis found that decarbonizing existing
multifamily buildings that currently use oil for heat
Expenses Costs Compared to Savings (Figure 8.4 on page 99) resulted in better paybacks
In existing multifamily buildings that heat with gas, than those heated with gas, cutting the simple payback
analysis has shown decarbonization retrofits can have in half, equating to a period of about 20 years before
long paybacks if just looking at energy savings (up to additional cost reduction factors.
40 years) due to high capital costs and low operational Prioritizing oil-based buildings in the short term
cost savings. However, these payback periods do not provides an economically viable path forward based
account for future technology cost reduction, integrated on capital costs and energy savings. These upgrades
design, tax credits, incentives, or co-benefits. When will also improve comfort, health, and resiliency, which
those factors are included, especially with the newly are not quantified in these calculations.
extended and expanded federal tax credits, the capital
cost can be cut by half or more. As shown in Figure 8.3, Capital cost reduction opportunities, including
the capital cost premium to electrify HVAC mechanical contractor efficiency improvements and increased
systems was found to be around $5,000 per unit and learning, lower perceived risk as adoption increases,
to upgrade shell to current code performance is around manufacturing improvements, availability of labor, and
$16,000 per unit, which includes adding wall and technology development, are expected to reduce
roof insulation, double pane windows and air sealing. capital costs by roughly 35% by 2030. Integrated
Note that the baseline models a much more limited design helps as well, but to a lesser extent in retrofits.
set of shell measures, incorporating only interior finish The business case improves when considering
replacement and double-pane windows. new construction, and our analysis found that
There is some good news. From an operating building a new all-electric, efficient multifamily
standpoint, even though electricity is more expensive building is nearing cost parity with conventional
than gas on a per unit of energy basis today, the annual gas construction, with a small capital cost premium
operating costs do go down because the heat pump of $2,000 per unit. This upgrade does modestly
equipment is more efficient and shell improvements increase operating costs versus a natural gas
significantly reduce heating/cooling needs. baseline, but our analysis does not reflect any health
Furthermore, higher levels of efficiency, particularly in or comfort co-benefits or prospective compliance
the shell, drive greater benefits to the grid. costs for the baseline scenario.

F I G U R E 8 . 3 : R E T R O F I T O F A 7 - S TO R Y, G A S H E AT E D,
P R E - 1 9 8 0 M U LT I FA M I LY B U I L D I N G I N D O W N S TAT E N Y

Retrofit includes a distributed cold climate air source heat pump system, heat pump water heating,
code compliant shell, LED lighting, and smart, electric appliances.

98 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

F I G U R E 8 . 4 : R E T R O F I T O F A 7 - S TO R Y, O I L H E AT E D,
P R E - 1 9 8 0 M U LT I FA M I LY B U I L D I N G I N D O W N S TAT E N Y

Retrofit includes a distributed cold climate air source heat pump system, heat pump
water heating, code compliant shell, LED lighting, and smart, electric appliances.

Actual costs from the first two rounds of NYSERDA’s ■ Increase Asset Value and Revenue Potential:
Buildings of Excellence Design Competition shown in Owner can sell or rent units at a higher price
Figure 8.6 demonstrate that new buildings that are highly due to the demand for carbon neutral buildings
efficient and all electric, are averaging an incremental expressed by prospective tenants and buyers. In
cost of less than 7% for projects that prioritize efficiency rent stabilized multi-family units, there may be an
and integrated design practices. This incremental cost opportunity to balance adjustments between rent
decreases to below 2% after building owner identified and operating expenses, which would allow owners
federal and state tax credits, and NYSERDA and utility to increase rents modestly to help repay the cost of
incentives. Several projects from some of the most capital improvements, without increasing residents’
advanced and experienced developer and design teams cost of living (rent + utilities).
reported costs that are less than what a code compliant
gas building would cost to build. The biggest driver of ■ Minimize Liability and Future Proof: Carbon neutral
savings in these projects was successful teamwork and buildings safeguard against changing energy prices
project experience, including collaboration, repeatable where natural gas and other fossil fuels are likely to
and adaptive design, technical solution development, become less accessible and more expensive due to
and schedule and risk management. the transition away from fossil fuels. In New York City,
carbon neutral buildings reduce risk of incurring fees
or other penalties associated with Local Law 97 (only
Benefits to Occupants and Owners applies to buildings 25,000 square feet or greater
and includes exceptions for low-income housing) or
■ Health and Safety: Improved health for occupants
other forthcoming carbon laws.
due to better indoor air quality, elimination of gas
leaks, and reduced fire and/or burn risk with induction ■ Maximize Usable Square Footage: Electric heat
stove tops. pump units can be mounted high on interior walls,
freeing up extra floor and window-space compared
■ Comfort: Improved comfort and acoustics due to
to radiators, electric baseboard heaters, and
better building envelope.
window air conditioners.
■ Improved Passive Survivability: Efficient buildings
■ Reduce Operating Costs: Building envelope air
will maintain internal temperature conditions in
sealing and insulation reduce heating and cooling
a power outage longer than uninsulated, leaky
energy demand.
buildings, and reduce or minimize damage that may
occur to buildings due to freezing pipes, etc.

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 99
F I G U R E 8 . 5 : N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A 7 - S TO R Y M U LT I FA M I LY

Measure Package includes a distributed cold climate air source heat pump system, heat pump
water heating, code compliant shell, LED lighting, and smart, electric appliances.

1 One example currently available is the HCR Clean Energy 3 Between 5-10% reduction in capital costs for ASHP is anticipated
Initiative which provides $12,500 per unit for all electric and by 2030 and 9-18% cost reduction for HPWH by 2030.
highly efficient affordable housing units.
4 Monetizing the co-benefits of avoided carbon emissions ($125
2 According to a NYSERDA internal analysis, integrated design per ton as stipulated by the DEC) and increased awareness will
has shown a 50% reduction in capital costs due to design bring down the real cost.
optimization and team alignment.

100 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

F I G U R E 8 . 6 : P E R C E N T I N C R E M E N TA L C O S T B E F O R E A N D A F T E R I N C E N T I V E S A N D TA X
C R E D I T S F O R R O U N D 1 A N D R O U N D 2 B U I L D I N G S O F E XC E L L E N C E P R O J E C T S


The average incremental cost goes from 7% down to 2% when accounting for incentives and tax credits.

■ Some prevalent HVAC configurations are more ■ Current low relative cost of gas compared to electricity.
challenging to electrify, including steam and district
heating, cooling, and energy systems. ■ Split incentive (especially for electrification
scenarios which could shift rent dynamics),
■ Electrification should be coupled with efficiency potential tenant disruption and the need to ensure
first to minimize cost impacts for tenants, and housing affordability. Even in multifamily buildings
to reduce required equipment sizing (and with owned units (not rented), the unit owners may
consequently first capital costs to owners). not have control over energy systems.

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 101
Casa Pasiva. Photo Credit: RiseBoro Community Partnership

RetrofitNY, a NYSERDA initiative, is working to make cost-effective, carbon neutral retrofits a reality by
revolutionizing the way multifamily buildings are renovated through five key actions:
1. Leveraging the collective market power of building owners to create demand; stimulating cost
compression on new technologies; and reducing project costs for carbon neutral solutions

2. Mobilizing the building industry to develop innovative technical solutions to substantially improve
affordable housing buildings while residents continue to live in their apartments

3. Engaging with manufacturers to help drive innovation, availability, and cost compression
of relevant technologies

4. Working with financial organizations to fund projects by capturing energy savings

5. Engaging regulatory agencies to help facilitate widespread adoption

RetrofitNY is working aggressively to retrofit a large number of affordable housing units in New York State
by 2025, so that more New Yorkers have access to the benefits of carbon neutral performance.

102 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


Zero Place, 2022

New Paltz, NY
This all-electric, carbon neutral, 63,320-square-
foot mixed-use building offers 46 residential
units. Using passive survivability strategies, Zero
Place can maintain safe temperatures inside
during extreme climate events or grid outages
despite being located in a cold climate. The
building utilizes ground source heat pumps
for space conditioning and hot water heating,
energy recovery ventilation, photovoltaics,
triple-pane windows, all-electric, ENERGY
STAR appliances, and a backup generator. The
building’s three solar arrays generate a net
surplus of electricity back to the grid in a typical
year. The building’s annual net site energy use
intensity (EUI) is 0.1 kBtu/sf/yr. Total project cost
was $10,547,313—about $166 per square foot.
An integrated design team that collectively
understood high performance was a critical
aspect of the project’s success.
Photo Credit: BOLDER Architecture, PLLC

Brooklyn multifamily building with rooftop solar. Photo Credit: Joshua Armstrong

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 103
Commercial Office
Key Characteristics
■ Offices make up the largest share (27%) of
commercial space in New York.113

■ Office buildings are generally cooling dominated.

■ Gas furnaces and boilers are prevalent for heating

in New York State’s commercial buildings, except
in New York City where many commercial buildings
rely on Con Edison’s steam system.

■ Tenant energy use represents 40-60% of total office

building energy use. The downstate region of New
York City and Westchester County have few owner-
occupied buildings, whereas more businesses are in
owner-occupied buildings in upstate New York.114 New York City skyline.

Recommended Decarbonization Measures

The ‘Best in Class’ scenario will provide the greatest operational cost savings, enhance resiliency, support electricity system decarbonization,
and provide other co-benefits but will have higher capital costs.

Modeled Scenario Best in Class Strategies

(Applies to both new construction and retrofits) (Applies to both new construction and retrofit)

Load ■ Code compliant walls, roof Modeled +

Reduction ■ Double-pane windows ■ High performance insulation
■ Air sealing ■ Thermal breaks
■ LED lighting ■ Heat recovery
■ Low-flow water fixtures
■ Smart appliances

Building ■ Cold-climate air sourced heat pumps Modeled +

Electrification ■ Heat pump water heaters with storage tanks ■ Ground sourced heat pumps in lieu of air
Technology sourced heat pumps

Advanced Not modeled ■ Load flexibility and advanced controls of hot

Controls water, space conditioning systems, and plug
and process loads

Distributed Not modeled ■ Battery energy storage system

Energy ■ Thermal storage
■ Photovoltaic systems

104 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Capital Expenditures and Operating Our analysis found that a passive house-inspired shell
scenario (not shown) is not yet financially attractive
Expenses Costs Compared to Savings in an office retrofit scenario but will support other
In office buildings, the capital retrofit costs for co-benefits. The costs for the passive house inspired
decarbonization are driven by shell measures. The shell include taking the wall R value from R-20 (code)
scenario in Figure 8.7 assumes bringing a pre-1980 to R-30; improving roof R values from R-30 (code)
building up to current code levels of efficiency, to R-45; and incorporating triple pane (vs double
which requires the significant expenses of additional pane) windows, which is a substantial upgrade.
insulation and window replacement. The improved shell Office buildings often have a higher cost to retrofit
and equipment efficiency provides improved comfort to passive house levels (approximately $13.70 per
and productivity for end users and are responsible for sq ft per the analysis) compared to other typologies
almost all of the operational cost savings. Without shell because they have more glazing area (windows).
upgrades, post retrofit utility operating costs would Also, office buildings are internally load driven, and so
likely increase since electricity is more expensive are less influenced by a high performance envelope
than gas on a relative basis. and more influenced by the density of occupants,
Along with cost reduction factors such as technology equipment, and appliances. Without incentives, cost
cost reduction, integrated design, tax credits, reduction or targeted market demand, it may not
incentives, or co-benefits, capital costs could be make financial sense to retrofit an office building’s
improved through an incremental retrofit strategy shell up to the passive house-inspired level. As with
where decarbonization upgrades occur over time multifamily buildings, high performance shells have a
during equipment replacement, tenant turnover, or much better financial return for commercial office new
pre-scheduled building maintenance. Operational construction projects.
costs could be improved through tenant energy use
improvements and green leasing strategies, as well as
installing point-of-use, instant hot water systems rather Benefits to Occupants and Owners
than centralized heat pump water heaters. Participating ■ Improved comfort, health, and productivity for
in demand response programs that shift energy use occupants: Demand controlled ventilation and
away from peak electricity hours can help avoid high envelope air sealing improves indoor air quality,
electricity bills. which increases occupant health and productivity.

F I G U R E 8 .7 : R E T R O F I T O F A P R E - 1 9 8 0 5 0 0, 0 0 0 S Q UA R E F O OT,
Retrofit includes a distributed cold climate air source heat pump system, heat pump water heating,
code compliant shell, LED lighting, and smart, electric appliances.

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 105
Dynamic and controllable lighting paired with
daylighting can reduce migraines and also boosts
productivity. These health benefits can lead to
fewer sick days and absenteeism, making carbon
neutral buildings attractive to employers.

■ Improved net operating income and asset value

for owners: Owners of market rate buildings
may be able to rent units at a higher price due to
demand for carbon neutral buildings expressed
by prospective tenants, increasing net operating
income. Additionally, carbon neutral buildings can
increase tenant satisfaction and retention leading
to lower vacancy rates. Upon sale of the asset,
owners often realize lower cap rates because
carbon reducing retrofit work has already been
completed, but even at a consistent cap rate,
increased NOI will boost sale value.

■ Improved passive survivability: Envelope

improvements such as air sealing and insulation
paired with solar and battery storage help
sustain equipment and temperatures consistent
in the event of a power outage or extreme
weather event.

■ Annual utility bill savings: Building envelope air

sealing and insulation reduce heating and cooling
energy demand, offsetting the more expensive
fuel cost of electricity relative to gas. Participating
in demand response programs or shifting loads to
off-peak hours can reduce utility costs, depending
on the local utility pricing structure.

■ Project complexity and lack of streamlined long
term capital improvement planning. Playbooks Launch
■ Split incentive, tenant disruption, and intervention NYSERDA launched the Empire Building
points that are dependent on tenant turnover and/ Playbook, an online commercial office
or lease structures (although tenant turnover may decarbonization guide developed in
provide floor by floor improvement opportunities). partnership with four leading real estate
owners. The Playbook articulates the
■ Remediation of existing conditions may add respective processes utilized by each of
additional costs. the four partners to develop a long term
decarbonization strategy and demonstrates
■ Current low relative cost of gas compared to a range of four possible solution sets
electricity (the economics for oil-to-heat pump for retrofitting commercial buildings to
conversion are better than for a gas baseline). dramatically decrease GHG emissions
and energy use.
Photo Credit: Maxime Levrel

106 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


Net Zero Energy Office Building, 2015

New Paltz, NY
This 5400 square foot office building nicknamed the “Green Building,” was constructed in New Paltz,
NY, in 2015, has received LEED Zero Energy and LEED Zero Water certifications, while meeting Passive
House standards. The building’s envelope is airtight, using insulated concrete down to the foundation
without any thermal bridging. The envelope’s efficiency is maximized using high performance structural
insulated panels on the roof and triple pane windows. The building achieves an air tightness rating of
0.6 air changes per hour which is five times better than current energy code requirements.115 Through its
recapture of AHU condensate, stormwater management, gray and blackwater recycling, and subsurface
infiltration, the building reclaims 65% of all water used—using municipal water only as a backup source.
Photo Source: Alfandre Architects

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 107
Higher Education
Key Characteristics
■ There are over 300 institutions of higher learning
in the State.116

■ While the number of customers is low, the square

footage, resources available, and complexity of
most colleges and universities are significant.

■ Many college and university campuses in New York

State use central plants for steam, chilled water,
and electricity.

■ There is an opportunity to maximize investment

impacts by making coordinated upgrades to
campus portfolios and leverage shared thermal

■ Because colleges and universities typically hold

long-term ownership or leases of buildings, and Decarbonizing Central Energy Plants
funding streams and decision-making processes
tend to have a long-term outlook compared to Campus central plant systems present unique
private development, administrators are therefore challenges and opportunities for decarbonization.
generally more accepting of longer pay back times. Hydronic-based systems—whether ambient loops,
2-pipe or 4-pipe systems—have benefits of load
■ Due to classroom loads, energy demand from diversity and heat recovery within thermal networks.
education buildings is more occupancy-driven. This both improves the overall system efficiency and
allows for more optimal plant sizing than individual
■ A critical feature to consider is the campus-wide building systems. Hydronic systems can also be
ability to manage loads and mitigate peaks. designed for optionality in fuels and heat generating

F I G U R E 8 . 8 : S C H E M AT I C O F A C E N T R A L I Z E D E N E R G Y S YS T E M

108 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

equipment that can evolve over time toward high to relatively inefficient electric resistance boilers,
efficiency air- or ground source heat pumps, potentially preheating of feedwater with heat pumps, or the
including central thermal or battery storage to further prospect of renewable combustion fuels. Given the long
reduce carbon emissions and support resilience. life of both the central plant and distribution system,
Large-scale central plants are generally managed detailed campus decarbonization planning should
and optimized by sophisticated operators, oftentimes occur as soon as possible in order to hit state-aligned
third-party service providers with service and finance decarbonization timelines, identifying pathways to
models tailored to institutional clients. However, many convert the campus over time based on the nuances of
legacy systems operate with steam distribution that is the campus distribution network, deferred maintenance,
not readily served by heat pumps. Plant decarbonization and capital improvement plans. SUNY Albany and
conversions that do not include distribution system Binghamton, Bard College, and Skidmore College are
conversions to lower temperature hot water are limited leading the way in decarbonizing central energy plants.

Recommended Decarbonization Measures

TA B L E 8 . 4 : D E C A R B O N I Z AT I O N S T R AT E G I E S F O R T W O ‘ R E C O M M E N D E D
S C E N A R I O S ’ ( R E P R E S E N T I N G T H E M O D E L E D R E S U LT S I N F I G U R E 8 . 9 A N D
8 .1 0 ) A N D A ‘ B E S T- I N - C L A S S S C E N A R I O ’
The ‘Best in Class’ scenario will provide the greatest operational cost savings, enhance resiliency, support electricity system
decarbonization, and provide other co-benefits but is more expensive up front.

Modeled Code Modeled Passive House Best in Class

Scenarios Compliant Shell Inspired Shell Strategies
(Applies to both new construction (Applies to both new construction (Applies to both new construction
and retrofits) and retrofits) and retrofits)

Load Reduction ■ Code compliant walls, roof Modeled + Modeled +

■ Double-pane windows ■ Passive House levels of wall ■ Passive House levels of wall
■ Air sealing and roof insulation and roof insulation

■ Smart appliances ■ Triple pane windows ■ Triple pane windows

■ LED lighting ■ Thermal breaks ■ Thermal breaks

■ Low-flow water fixtures ■ Improved heat recovery ■ Improved heat recovery

■ Heat recovery

Building ■ Cold climate air sourced ■ Cold climate air sourced Modeled +
Electrification heat pumps heat pumps ■ Ground sourced heat
■ Heat pump water heaters ■ Heat pump water heaters pumps in lieu of air sourced
with storage tanks with storage tanks heat pumps

Advanced Not modeled Programmable thermostat ■ Load flexibility and

Controls advanced controls of hot
water, space conditioning
systems, and plug and
process loads

Distributed Not modeled Not modeled ■ Battery energy storage

Energy system
Resources ■ Thermal storage
■ Photovoltaic systems
■ Solar thermal

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 109
Capital Expenditures and Operating For Passive House-inspired new construction, the
capital premium is less than 2% of total construction
Costs Compared to Savings costs for the project, before accounting for available
All-electric, efficient new construction for higher incentives and tax credits. This measure package,
education facilities has a minimal incremental capital before incentives, would result in a less than 20-year
cost and less than a seven-year simple payback. payback. Compared to offices, energy demand in
This payback threshold is well within the typical classroom buildings is driven less by internal loads,
holding period for higher education buildings. Further, so higher levels of shell efficiency are more beneficial
spanning out to the total project costs, the premium for compared to offices.
an all-electric, efficient new building is less than 1% of
the total construction cost of a project.

F I G U R E 8 . 9 : N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A 1 2 - S TO R Y, 5 0 0, 0 0 0 S Q UA R E F O OT
Measure Package includes a central cold climate air source heat pump system, heat pump water heating, heat recovery, code
compliant shell, LED lighting, and smart, electric appliances.

F I G U R E 8 .1 0 : N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A 1 2 - S TO R Y, 5 0 0, 0 0 0 S Q UA R E F O OT C L A S S R O O M
Measure Package includes a central cold climate air source heat pump system, heat pump water heating, heat recovery, Passive House-
inspired shell, LED lighting, and smart, electric appliances.

110 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Benefits to Academic Institutions and ■ Increased Resilience: Building envelope
improvements such as air sealing and insulation
Building Occupants paired with electric solar systems and battery
■ Improved health and productivity for students storage help keep power running and temperatures
and occupants due to better indoor air quality: consistent in the event of a power outage or
Demand controlled ventilation and building extreme weather event.
envelope air sealing improves indoor air quality,
which increases occupant health and test scores.
Dynamic and controllable lighting paired with Challenges
daylighting can reduce migraines and also boost
productivity. These health benefits can lead to ■ Project complexity and lack of streamlined capital
fewer sick days and higher test scores. improvement planning.

■ Educational value to students: Carbon neutral ■ Retrofitting campus central energy plants is
buildings enhance the reputation of academic costly and creates technical challenges to reuse
institutions as leaders in sustainability, increasing distribution systems.
grant funding, donation prospects, and attracting ■ The need to avoid occupant disruption during the
top tier students and faculty. Colleges and school year leads to limited intervention points that
universities can integrate sustainable living/learning are dependent on academic calendars (construction
experiences for students, faculty, staff, and donors. periods often limited to summer months).
■ Reduce Operating Costs: Building envelope air ■ Remediation of pre-existing conditions may add
sealing and insulation reduce heating and cooling additional costs.
energy demand, offsetting today’s more expensive
fuel cost of electricity relative to gas. Depending ■ Current low relative cost of gas compared to
on system capacity, solar PV systems and solar hot electricity (the economics for oil to heat pump
water systems can lead to significant utility savings. conversion are better than for a gas baseline).
Participating in demand response programs
or shifting loads to off-peak hours can reduce
utility costs, depending on the local utility pricing
structure, and reduce impact on the electric grid.


ZEN (Zero Energy Nanotechnology)

Building, 2016
Albany, NY
At 363,000 GSF, SUNY Polytechnic University’s flagship building
is the largest zero-energy capable, mixed-use facility in the
United States. In collaboration with NYSERDA and Japan’s New
Energy and Industrial Development Organization (NEDO), the
doughnut-shaped building was modeled and executed using
integrated design, a sophisticated building management system,
and the latest efficient technology. The building’s 10,000 square
foot atrium allows for natural light to cut traditional lighting needs
by 70%. Reclaimed heat from adjacent data centers offsets winter
heating loads, and the use of a 2.4MW offsite PV farm and pilot-
Photo Credit: EYP Inc.
scale fuel cells reduce the building’s energy costs by ~60%.117

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 111
Opportunities to Enhance
the Value Proposition
As shown in the use cases above, there is usually a capital
cost premium to achieve carbon neutral buildings, particularly
for retrofits of existing buildings.

Fortunately, there are several promising influencing Reducing Capital Costs

factors that will improve the value proposition over
the next decade including technology cost reduction,
Through Integrated Design
integrated design, increasing general awareness, and The American Institute of Architects defines
monetizing co-benefits. There is no silver bullet—none Integrated Design as an “approach that integrates
of the individual factors alone can sufficiently reduce people, systems, business structures, and practices
the current cost premium for decarbonized buildings. into a process that collaboratively harnesses the
Emerging financing models will provide access to talents and insights of all participants to optimize
capital and as-a-service offerings. Improving the cost project results, increase value to owner, reduce
effectiveness involves addressing both technology first waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases
cost and operational lifecycle cost, however first cost of design, fabrication, and construction.” 118 Based
reduction is the most important priority today. on an internal NYSERDA analysis, integrated design

F I G U R E 8 .1 1 : K E Y I N F LU E N C I N G FAC TO R S C A N B R I N G C A P I TA L C O S T P R E M I U M TO
Monetizing co-benefits and increasing general awareness will continue to enhance returns.

112 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


Empire State Building Retrofit (v1.0)

By leveraging an integrated design approach to upgrading one
of the nation’s most iconic buildings, the project team developed
a retrofit strategy that led to a 38% reduction of the building’s
energy use and $4.4 million in annual operational savings with an
overall simple payback of three years.121 The retrofit emphasized a
“right-steps in the right-order” strategy that piggybacked energy
upgrades on planned improvements, used life cycle cost analysis,
and incorporated energy modeling into the design process. Retrofit
measures included envelope and HVAC improvements which
enabled smaller HVAC system installations.
■ Considerable operational expense savings delivered
a three-year payback

■ Part of comprehensive asset repositioning resulting

in significantly improved tenant profile

■ Increased asset value

As part of NYSERDA’s Empire Building Playbook initiative, Empire

State Realty Trust recently undertook an extensive analysis to
develop a new long-term capital planning strategy (ESB v2.0) which,
together with the measures from the building’s completed v1.0
retrofit, is projected to achieve a total reduction of the Empire State
Building’s carbon emissions by almost 90% over the next 12 years
from a 2007 baseline, with an average simple payback period of
under seven years. Photo Credit: Charles Parker

in new construction can reduce costs by up to 50% There are 4 key drivers of technology cost reduction:
compared to conventional processes, and in some 1. Scale and Supply Chain Innovation: As demand
cases bring carbon neutral building measures to increases, production scales and more products
lifetime cost parity with gas building baselines. become available, economies of scale will be
Integrated design has the most reduction potential realized. Also, the increase in demand will drive
for new construction since there are design, additional investment in automation and innovation
engineering and construction teams working together in manufacturing and the supply chain, especially
to holistically optimize across multiple systems, for prefabricated panels and high performance
particularly envelope and mechanical systems. glazing. There will also be increased competition as
more manufacturers produce compliant products.
Increases in demand will be driven by positive
Reducing Technology Premiums market signals including mandates, performance
targets, HVAC and other appliance standards, and
Through Technology Cost Reduction low interest finance, which reduces risk.
Technology cost reduction is one of the most significant
factors influencing the business case for carbon neutral 2. Designer and Contractor Education: Educating
buildings—it could provide 16–65% reduction in the the design and construction industry will help
capital cost of various equipment. Technology cost increase familiarity with electrification, efficiency
reduction includes the reduction in material costs, labor and high performance measures which will both
and upscaling labor costs, commissioning and startup increase implementation capacity and reduce
costs, indirect costs, and overhead costs. cost inflation. Contractor education on right-sizing

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 113
designs, integrating controls, efficiency measures, regulation for new and innovative use cases,
and installation best practices reduces costs for adoption “playbooks,” and sponsoring data
heat pumps for both space and water heating, collection to reduce the contractor burden of proof
especially for single-family homes. Vermont, Maine, will further encourage the adoption of technologies
and Boulder, Colorado, have all had success currently perceived as high risk.
through government partnered educational
programs that drove reductions in design and 4. Technology Innovation: Technology innovation
installation costs. such as improved efficiencies, larger unit sizes
for non-residential heat pumps, and real-world
3. Removing Regulatory Roadblocks and Perceived testing and refinement of integrated mechanical
Technology Risks: Streamlined permitting systems, can reduce costs per ton of heating
can support greater contractor adoption of capacity. Competitions or challenges (e.g.
technologies that are perceived as higher risk, SunShot or Global Cooling Prize) and creating
such as prefabricated panels, ground source performance thresholds for incentives will help
heat pumps, and integrated mechanical systems. drive manufacturers to innovate and reduce costs
Standardized approval processes, appropriate while improving efficiencies.

F I G U R E 8 .1 2 : C O S T R E D U C T I O N P OT E N T I A L BY 2 0 4 0
Based on analysis findings, capital costs for nearly all technologies are anticipated to drop by at least 30% by 2040 as the market
scales. Innovation could further decrease costs for a total capital cost reduction between 40-65%, depending on the technology.
The most significant drop is likely in Integrated Mechanical Systems (unitized, combined HVAC and water heating systems)—these
are only applicable to residential typologies and are not yet commercially available in the U.S. Maximum found in literature is based
on highest values cited from both academic/industry review and interviews with manufacturers. Not all literature or interviews were
New York specific. Innovation threshold is based either on identified threshold for widespread adoption in literature or discussion
with NYSERDA stakeholders on “moonshot” goals.

114 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Quantifying and Monetizing the Co-
Benefits and Social Cost of Carbon
Decarbonizing the building stock brings many
additional benefits beyond direct energy and carbon
savings. These co-benefits are not uniformly monetized
today, but there is a growing dataset backing their
economic value which provides the opportunity to
fundamentally transform the value proposition. For
example, pilot efforts are underway to bring healthcare
funding into the mix of resources for comprehensive
building improvement projects that have been
demonstrated to reduce respiratory illnesses through
improving indoor air quality.

TA B L E 8 . 5 : R E C E N T S T U D I E S O N T H E C O - B E N E F I T S O F D E C A R B O N I Z AT I O N

Reduced Benefits to Resilience Job Creation Productivity and

Healthcare Costs Disadvantaged Performance

Avoided healthcare At least 35% of Investment in Employment in the According to RMI,

costs for reducing benefits from upgrading the buildings sector will net zero energy
energy usage by New York State’s building stock can more than double commercial
15% for New York clean energy improve resiliency. the 2019 workforce buildings can
City would be the transition will be For example, by adding over lead to increases
highest in any city invested directly according to the 200,000 new jobs in productivity of
across the US, per into Disadvantaged National Institute of and continue to 6-16%.
ACEEE and NRDC. Communities; this Building Sciences, increase through
Decreases in translates to $4 every $1 invested 2050.
pollution in billion annual in mitigation
NY will reduce benefits for through federal
hospital visits from Disadvantaged grants results in
respiratory related Communities, RMI an average of
illnesses, according suggests. $6 saved during
to an New York City The median energy disaster recovery.
Health report. burden for low-
UCLA projects $3.5 income housing in
billion in annual New York City is 3.3
health benefits from times higher than
outdoor air quality non-low-income
improvements households.
due to residential Energy efficiency
electrification in CA. targeted at these
households will help
alleviate that burden.

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 115
Social Cost of Carbon: ■ Create a contractor database offering sell sheets
and talking points for builders/contractors, positive
The social cost of carbon (SCC) is a metric that sales, installation, and operation resources.
estimates the net damages from global climate
change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. ■ Utilize training workshops, job fairs, resource
The New York State Department of Environmental access, outreach to high schools.
Conservation (DEC) determined the monetary value
for the avoided emissions of greenhouse gases as ■ Enact building performance disclosures such as
part of implementation of the Climate Act, arriving at a energy and carbon benchmarking, energy efficiency
value of $125 for avoiding one ton of CO2 in 2020.119 rating labels, and environmental product disclosures.
When factored into a cost-benefit analysis, the social
cost of carbon helps Federal and State agencies as ■ Publish playbooks for residential projects with
well as all building decision makers make informed standardized measure packages and process
decisions on carbon neutral investments. Private playbooks for larger, more complex buildings that
entities may also find value in incorporating the social won’t have technology standardization, but where
cost of carbon as part of environmental, social, and the process itself is the key.
corporate governance (ESG) reporting. In the event
that the federal or New York State government places Tax Credits, Incentives, Financing,
an actual cost on carbon through a carbon tax or
other mechanism, the value proposition for building
and Emerging Business Models
decarbonization will improve dramatically. To reach the level of investment necessary to
decarbonize its entire building stock, New York needs
to facilitate and accelerate access to all existing funding
Cost Savings by Increasing and financing options. The use case modeling presented
General Awareness above indicates that carbon neutral buildings typically
General awareness, consumer education, and have up-front cost premiums compared to conventional
performance validation are generally viewed as low building construction and renovation. Many tax credits,
cost, high impact opportunities to influence consumer incentives and low-cost financing options are available
behavior, stimulate market development, and enhance to help project owners cover the extra cost. Clear and
community engagement, leading to increased end user easily accessible incentives are important signals to
demand for decarbonization solutions. Some examples the market to maintain affordability and speed scaling,
of general awareness and consumer education particularly in use types such as schools, affordable
activities include: housing, and community spaces.
■ Create easy to use ‘Toolkits.’ Below is a list of various financing opportunities
available today:
■ Lead voluntary community competitions such as
Carbon Challenges or sustainability initiatives in 1. Tax Credits:
office spaces. ■ The recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act
■ Conduct statewide Marketing Campaign: digital and of 2022 extended and expanded a number
static—website, media, social media, out of home of tax provisions across the full spectrum of
(OOH), influencers, demonstrations, virtual tours, technologies and market sectors.
press releases, events, blogs, mailers, public service ■ The 179D commercial building energy
announcements, QR codes, and augmented reality efficiency federal tax deduction enables
experience, mobile platforms, etc. building owners to claim a tax deduction for
■ Expand community/municipal engagement installing qualifying systems and technologies.
programs (not incentive programs) with empowered ■ Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
change agents and collaboration with grassroots provides a 26% tax credit for solar systems
organizations and retailers. installed on residential and commercial
■ Leverage New York’s new Clean Energy Hubs. properties and can be applied to both customer-
sited systems and large-scale solar farms.
■ Develop an education database with case studies,
analysis, research, and reports. ■ The NY State Solar Energy System Equipment
Tax Credit offers 25% (max. $5000) state tax
reduction for purchased home solar systems.
116 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap
■ New York Real Property Tax Law, Section 487 of Qualifying Eligible Losses on the remaining loan
and 487-a provide exemptions from taxation balance in the event of a default.
for certain solar, wind energy systems, and
other energy conservation improvements to 4. Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC):
residential properties and protects against Financial approach to make building energy and
increased assessed property values from water efficiency improvements with no upfront
these improvements. capital cost to the building owner, predominately
applied to public sector and institutional buildings.
■ New York State Geothermal Tax Credit offers The building owner partners with an energy service
25% (max. $5000) state tax reduction for company (ESCO) which installs and commissions the
homeowners who install geothermal heat efficiency improvements and uses the cost savings
pump systems. from the improvements to repay the project costs.

■ The City of New York Solar Electric Generating 5. Community Shared Solar: An alternative to onsite
System (SEGS) Tax Abatement program or roof-top solar. Most Community Shared Solar
provides a property tax abatement to properties programs offer a subscription service to local
that use onsite solar power, which is applicable off-site solar farms to help reduce a customer’s
to most building types in New York City. monthly electricity bill. Some community solar
projects offer purchase plans that enable
2. Green Lending Programs: Green lending ownership of a portion of a community solar project
programs such as property assessed clean energy which can yield greater savings over time.
(PACE) financing, power purchasing agreements
(PPA), energy service agreements (ESA), green ■ NYSERDA’s guide to Community Solar
construction loans, and energy efficient equipment
loans. Loan providers and programs include: 6. ESG Investment Options and “Green” Securities:
Single-family green mortgages could meet a
■ NYSERDA residential financing options significant portion of the needs for low-cost
financing solutions.120
■ NYSERDA small business financing
7. Utility Loaned & Controlled Equipment: Low-
■ New York Green Bank building cost loans of high-efficiency equipment in return
decarbonization financing for grid-balancing control (e.g. Green Mountain
Power’s battery program and New Brunswick
■ Energy Improvement Corporation (EIC)
Hydro’s domestic hot water programs).
PACE program
8. Electricity Market Participation: Facilitate
■ New York Power Authority Financing (NYPA)
better resource utilization and distributed energy
■ Dormitory Authority of the State of New York resource procurement for grid balancing purposes.
Financing (DASNY) Augment existing demand response and demand
flexibility programs while opening greater access
■ New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation to participation in the wholesale electricity markets
(NYCEEC) for individual buildings and through 3rd party-
aggregated portfolios (i.e., virtual power plants).
■ New York City Commercial PACE program,
administered by NYCEEC 9. Affordable Housing Finance Assistance: NY State
Homes and Community Renewal’s (HCR) Clean
■ Green Housing Preservation Program (GHPP) Energy Initiative provides access to up to $12,500
per dwelling unit (funded by NYSERDA through
3. Loan-Loss Reserve Funding (LLRs): Credit
HCR’s financing processes) for projects committed
enhancement strategy used by local/state
to meeting HCR’s Stretch Sustainability Standards,
government to improve the chances that financing
including electrification and shell improvements.
will be repaid. Used to encourage private lenders/
investors to put money into the unfamiliar elements 10. Heat Pump Rebates: Rebates available for Air
of the decarbonization market and offer lower sourced and Ground sourced Heat Pumps for both
interest rates. NYSERDA’s Loan Loss Reserve space and water heating through the NY State
Program provides a no-cost credit enhancement to Clean Heat Program.
support clean energy projects, covering up to 90%

Chapter 8: The Economics, Benefits, and Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings 117
11. Other Financing Opportunities through Program), and incentives for home “seal and
NYSERDA Programs: An array of NYSERDA insulate” packages (Comfort Home Program).
programs offer funding opportunities through
awards and competitions (Buildings of Excellence, ■ Buildings of Excellence
Commercial & Industrial Carbon Challenge), funding
■ Building Better Homes
to test innovative approaches to decarbonizing tall
buildings (Empire Building Challenge), funding for ■ Empire Building Challenge
single-family, carbon neutral homes (Building Better
Homes) and community-scale projects (Carbon ■ Commercial and Industrial Carbon Challenge
Neutral Community Economic Development
■ Comfort Home Program

Last Words
The primary business case for decarbonizing buildings is
based on reducing building capital and operating costs while
increasing asset value.
Multiple solutions to achieve building decarbonization exist for each building typology, and the business
case varies significantly across these solutions. In all instances, the business case is challenged by
today’s low cost of fossil fuels, high cost of electricity and decarbonization technologies, and lack
of long-term market signals regarding future energy costs. Despite these challenges, experienced
design and developer teams can decarbonize new construction projects at or near cost parity with
conventional construction through integrated design and utilizing federal and State tax credits and
incentives. Cost reduction strategies such as technology cost reduction, integrated design, innovative
business models, low-cost financing, incentives, and rebates, and quantifying the co-benefits of
building decarbonization, must all work in parallel to reduce current cost premiums and make building
decarbonization available to all New Yorkers.

118 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap



Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 119

Achieving a Statewide carbon neutral building stock by mid-century
will require a suite of policy actions, encompassing a coordinated
combination of incentives, mandates, and other regulatory actions
focused on developing and leveraging market opportunities.

The scopes of work and technologies needed to decarbonize its building stock by mid-century in the
decarbonize buildings have been mostly identified, most cost-effective manner while prioritizing equity
and the private sector will need to build zero onsite and environmental justice. The decarbonization of
emissions new construction and retrofit all existing new and existing buildings must be considered in
buildings to eliminate emissions from the built the context of decarbonizing the entire economy,
environment at an unprecedented pace in fewer even beyond the borders of New York State. These
than 30 years. Leadership from government needs considerations are situated within the framework
to prioritize decarbonizing buildings, and all public of the entire economic system, including an
agencies will need to incorporate decarbonization energy sector driven by utility-provided energy
into their policies and standards in support of their and delivered fuels, as well as the transportation,
core missions. Contractors and suppliers need to industry, agriculture, and waste management sectors.
be induced to quickly start new sales and services, Equity and Disadvantaged Communities must also
incentives will continue to be needed to motivate be prioritized in the consideration of the State’s
early adopters and provide a bridge until costs are broader set of building energy policies (see Chapter
compressed, and regulations must send clear signals 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged
to the market that decarbonization and the end of fossil Communities). These interdependencies are complex
fuel combustion in buildings will be required by dates and further complicated by the short term impacts
certain. of building operations changes in the wake of the
One of the primary goals of the Roadmap was to COVID-19 pandemic.
conduct analysis to develop a suite of policy action A large scale of investments to achieve
recommendations that will enable the State to decarbonization will be necessary both at the
individual asset and societal levels, and these
investments will need to be motivated by regulations,
subsidies, and co-benefits beyond simple energy-
A large scale of investments to related financial returns. Across New York State,
achieve decarbonization will be regional differences warrant specific actions based on
rural or urban densities, prevalent building typologies,
necessary both at the individual climate zones, congestion on the electric grid and gas
asset and societal levels, and distribution system, and the industries that drive local
economies. A leading tactic identified by analysis in
these investments will need to this Roadmap focuses on eliminating emissions from
be motivated by regulations, the onsite combustion of fossil fuels primarily through
subsidies, and co-benefits the electrification of space heating and hot water
production, while limiting the impact on the electric
beyond simple energy-related grid through cost-effective investments in building
financial returns. envelopes and water efficiency measures, other
energy efficiency measures and load flexibility, and
focusing on lowering the global warming potential of
refrigerants. The Roadmap does not address energy
intensive operations related to critical care
or industrial production.

120 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Legacy of Policies
The Roadmap builds upon New York’s legacy of foundational laws,
policies, and technical requirements that are facilitating building
decarbonization across New York State.

Key policies include: New Efficiency: New York set an ambitious 2025
Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act statewide efficiency target of 185 trillion British thermal
(Climate Act) legislates an 85% reduction in GHG units (TBtu) of end-use energy savings below that year’s
emissions from 1990 levels. A Climate Action Council energy-use forecast, a target subsequently codified
has been convened to deliver policy recommendations in the Climate Act. This target is equivalent to saving
to reach this goal. Figure 9.1 includes a timeline of the the energy consumed by 1.8 million New York homes.
targets in the Climate Act. As part of this initiative, New York’s utilities have been
called upon to do more, in both scale and innovation,
Analysis from the Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap to achieve aggressive energy efficiency and energy-
contributed to the Climate Action Council’s policy efficient heat pump targets; their authorized targets
recommendations for the buildings sector. Analysis and budgets for 2021-2025 roughly double the utilities’
conducted for the Roadmap informed an advisory energy efficiency commitments over historic levels.
panel tasked with developing and presenting to the Other key components of New Efficiency: New York
Climate Action Council recommendations for policy include prioritizing solutions for low- and moderate-
actions necessary to reach the Climate Act goals. income households, strengthening State energy codes
Those recommendations were largely adopted in the and appliance standards, leading by example in
Climate Action Council’s draft Scoping Plan and are New York’s own facilities and construction activities,
very closely aligned with the Roadmap. and scaling-up New York’s investments in training and

F I G U R E 9.1 : T I M E L I N E O F C L I M AT E AC T TA R G E T S

New York State Clean Energy Goals

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 121

workforce development to support high-quality energy Climate Mobilization Act of New York City requires
efficiency jobs across the State. New Efficiency: GHG emissions from large buildings to achieve 40%
New York is a great foundation, but not nearly enough reductions by 2030 and 80% reduction by 2050. The
for the buildings sector to help meet New York’s Act also legislates an Energy Code requiring the highest
economy-wide 2030 GHG emissions limits, as is evident standards for energy efficiency in new construction.
in the integration analysis conducted to inform the New York City Local Law 154 of 2021 sets CO2 limits
Climate Action Council.  that effectively prohibit fossil fuel systems in new
Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and buildings and gut renovations through the Building
Community Benefit Act launched a Power Grid Code. The law phases in the requirements starting with
study and program to ensure that clean power can low-rise buildings in 2024 and then becoming applicable
be delivered to where it is needed most, with a plan to taller buildings in 2027.
for investments in the grid infrastructure necessary
to maximize the benefits of renewable energy and
achieve the mandates of the Climate Act.

Buffalo, New York.

122 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Potential GHG Impacts of Policies
As of 2018, the New York buildings sector accounted for 115 million
metric tons of CO2 equivalent.

Fuel combustion in residential and commercial emissions will need to be reduced dramatically, even
buildings represents the majority of emissions, as the use of air conditioning and heat pumps expands.
which includes “imported fossil fuels”—meaning The policy suite of the Roadmap has been modeled to
emissions associated with extracting, processing, achieve a 30% reduction in New York’s building sector
and transporting fossil fuels. Hydrofluorocarbons, or emissions from the 1990 baseline by 2030 and put the
HFCs—used mainly for refrigerants—accounted for State on track to reduce emissions from its buildings
almost all of the increase in emissions since 1990, by 85% by 2050. For updated information about New
when they were not in use. HFCs are much more York’s emissions profile, please visit the Climate Act
potent GHGs over the short term than CO2, so these website at: https://climate.ny.gov/

New York, New York.

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 123

Policy Solutions
Eliminating GHG emissions from buildings in New York
will require broad systemic changes and new resources
to help pay for those changes.

Ambitious policies, in the form of regulations and codes is attributable to the electrification of heating and
to phase out fossil fuel use in buildings, enabled by hot water systems as a modeled market response to
incentives, financing, workforce development, research regulatory prohibitions on installing or replacing fossil
and development to spur innovation, and public fuel equipment.
outreach, can induce these broad systemic changes.
Regulations send clear market signals, and given Advanced Building Codes and
enough time for technology development, job training, Code Compliance
professional development, and supply chain growth,
The most transformative strategy identified in the
the industry and service providers can respond to these
analysis uses Codes and Regulatory Standards to send
market signals to meet educated consumer demand.
clear market signals ending reliance on fossil fuels in
In the quantitative analysis detailed in the Scoping buildings—phasing in over time. New York’s Advanced
Plan that demonstrates the feasibility of nearly 85% Building Codes, Appliance and Equipment Efficiency
emissions reduction in the buildings sector by 2050, Standards Act of 2022 enables the State to adopt
the lion’s share of the projected emissions reductions this level of building codes, equipment standards,

F I G U R E 9. 2 : T I M E L I N E F O R B U I L D I N G P O L I CY P H A S E I N A S M O D E L E D F O R T H E R OA D M A P

■ Codes for solar and EV/electric readiness in new construction
■ Benchmarking for existing large buildings
■ Zero-emission code for low-rise residential new construction
■ Point-of-sale energy disclosures
■ Energy audits, lighting upgrades, submetering for large commercial
Baseline ■ Zero-emission code for commercial/multifamily new construction
GHG Emissions (MMtCO2e)

100 115
MMtCO2e* ■ Assumes mechanism that reduces or eliminates. gas/oil
equipment replacements in some scenarios
80 ■ Building performance standard for large buildings

75 ■ Assumes prohibition of replacement for fossil heat/

hot water appliances in commercial and multifamily
60 MMtCO2e*
■ Assumes prohibition of gas replacement
appliances in residential

2023 2025 2035
2018 2028 2030 2040 2050
124 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap
New York City Council Law, The Uniform Building Code, and related construction
Instituting an All-Electric New codes including Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical,
should also be considered to be amended to require
Construction Code solar photovoltaics on rooftops (where suitable);
New York City Local Law 154, adopted Dec 22, grid-interactive capabilities for electrical devices and
2021, bans gas connections in new buildings and equipment (e.g. batteries, hot water heaters); energy
gut retrofits, for heating and cooking. It goes into storage readiness; electric readiness for space
effect in December 2023 for buildings less than conditioning, hot water, cooking, and dryers; and
seven stories, and 2027 for those seven stories EV readiness where parking is already provided. The
and above. codes could be further amended to account for the
embodied carbon of building materials and the GWP
The New York City Council—File #: Int 2317-2021 of refrigerants used in HVAC and other applications.
As the markets quickly mature for non-fossil-fuel
technologies in HVAC and hot water, the State
should enact construction codes that prohibit gas
and regulations to promote energy reduction, water and oil equipment for heating and hot water in new
conservation, GHG reduction, and/or increased construction and gut renovations, and instead enable
demand flexibility. New York will need a committed highly efficient electric equipment to dominate industry
public to support these legislative, regulatory, and practices. The enforcement needs are continually
programmatic changes. expanding as requirements become more stringent
To manage dependencies on energy and to bring and expansive in scopes. The State should explore
costs down for operators, the analysis demonstrates ways to expand support to municipal building
that the State should adopt and adequately enforce departments’ respective capabilities to enforce the
an advanced Energy Code for new construction codes and ensure the highly efficient, low-emissions
(and additions and alterations as applicable) that outcomes mandated by the codes.
requires highly efficient buildings and takes effect
as soon as practicable. The advanced codes should Replacement of Fossil-Fuel Heating
consider emphasizing performance and outcomes and Hot Water Equipment
that encourage electrification and decarbonization
The State can continue to demand the best of new
during the interim period before those outcomes
construction, but the majority of emissions are
are required. The State should continue developing
attributable to the buildings standing in New York
and implementing NYStretch codes for adoption
today, most of which are likely to still be operating in
by progressive municipalities to allow them to
30 years. This policy addresses the sale and installation
decarbonize faster and participate in the clean energy
of efficient and zero emission equipment, when replacing
economy sooner, until the zero onsite emissions, highly
fossil burning heating, cooking, and drying equipment
efficient code is adopted statewide.
at the end of that equipment’s useful life. By targeting

TA B L E 9.1 : T H E A N A LYS I S D E M O N S T R AT E S T H E N E E D F O R P H A S E D AC T I O N S F O R

ASAP 2023 2025 2028

Adopt highly efficient State building code council State building code council State building code council
State Energy Code for all considers solar, consider adoption of zero consider adoption of zero
new construction in next electrification-readiness, onsite emissions (all-electric onsite emissions (all-electric
code cycle. grid-interactive capability, and highly efficient) State and highly efficient) State
Scale up building battery readiness, and code for new construction or code for new construction or
decarbonization electric vehicle readiness. gut renovation of homes and gut renovation of multifamily
requirements in affordable low-rise residential. and commercial.
housing and State supported
economic development

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 125

replacements at end of life, costs are contained by For building owners today, better information in the
leveraging the natural investment points in the lifecycle market drives better decisions. The merits of requiring
of a building or piece of equipment. The analysis the measurement of building energy use and making
conducted to date suggests that emissions based that information available via disclosures have already
standards that prohibit replacing space conditioning and been proven in major real estate markets, including
water heating equipment with fossil fuel new equipment. New York City.
The full decarbonization of the buildings sector would Building Energy Benchmarking is a process of
require an end to the use of fossil-fuel in HVAC and hot measuring a building’s energy, GHG emissions and
water equipment. While use of fossil-fuel combustion water use, tracking that use over time, and comparing
continues through the useful life of the equipment, new performance to similar buildings. Actionable information
energy performance requirements should be considered on building energy use and GHG emissions helps
for existing buildings. Lighting upgrades to standards in identify opportunities to cut costs and reduce waste.
current code already make economic sense and could A Statewide energy and water benchmarking
be required for large commercial properties, alongside requirement would expand upon existing localized
required periodic energy/emissions audits that will afford benchmarking programs and could be uniformly
building operators the planning opportunity to transition applied to all properties larger than 25,000 square
from fossil-fuel systems. Sub-metering of tenants feet in size. Following an introductory period of
provides building energy and water use transparency to benchmarking and understanding of the incoming data,
building owners and end-users. In the immediate period, a building “Energy Grade” labeling or rating system,
more stringent efficiency standards on appliances that including energy use and carbon, could be deployed
are not federally preempted could be applied to further to create public awareness and increase demand
reduce building energy consumption and reduce the for higher-performance buildings by prospective
growth of demand on the electric grid, while providing tenants and purchasers. Buildings of all sizes can be
savings to consumers. evaluated, including single-family homes. Whereas
larger buildings could be benchmarked annually with
Benchmarking and Disclosure of public disclosures, homes and smaller buildings could
Energy and Carbon Performance disclose an energy performance metric or historic

TA B L E 9. 2 : T H E A N A LYS I S D E M O N S T R AT E S T H E N E E D F O R P H A S E D AC T I O N S F O R

2030 2035

Zero emission standards prohibiting fossil fuel replacements Zero emission standards limiting fossil fuel replacements
of heating, cooling and domestic hot water equipment of heating, cooling and domestic hot water equipment in
in homes. multifamily and commercial buildings.
Zero emission standards limiting replacement of
fossil fuel cooking and dryers in residential buildings.

TA B L E 9. 3 : T H E A N A LYS I S D E M O N S T R AT E S T H E N E E D F O R P H A S E D AC T I O N S F O R

2023 2025 2027

Statewide benchmarking and Public disclosure, as part of sale or Energy/emissions performance grades
disclosure of energy use, emissions, lease listing, of the energy consumption for homes at point-of-sale.
and water use for buildings larger than or energy rating for large buildings.
25,000 square feet. Energy/emissions audits for buildings
larger than 25,000 square feet.

126 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

energy consumption data only upon listing a property all buildings, the full efficacy of an energy efficiency
for sale to prospective buyers, thereby informing performance metric would only be achieved by
purchases and encouraging homeowners to improve applying the standard to buildings of all typologies,
the energy and carbon performance of the property. including multifamily housing. Any approach would
Healthy building-oriented certification systems, like need to include safeguards to the continued
WELL or Fitwell, increase visibility into indoor air quality affordability of multifamily properties in Disadvantaged
and other wellness attributes of a building or tenant Communities.
space. Proliferation of this information will increase Existing buildings must be significantly modernized
tenant demand for healthy spaces in energy efficient and upgraded to reduce energy consumption and
buildings. may need to transition to electric systems for heating
and hot water. A requirement to meet standards for
Building Performance Requirements energy performance could be triggered by a property
for Existing Buildings sale or major tenant turnover would ensure buildings
are retrofitted to decarbonize at the transactional
Planning for efficiency improvements, energy
event when capital improvements are most likely to
conservation, and emissions reductions in
be incurred. The costs must be carefully considered in
large buildings with complex systems requires
the context of underlying property values, especially
operational targets and benchmarks indicative of
among smaller buildings and single-family homes.
high performance. A statewide energy efficiency
The application to commercial properties would yield
performance metric applicable to buildings larger
immediate performance improvements and efficiency
than 25,000 square feet could set visible markers
gains that result in lower operating costs to the
to individual property owners and managers
property purchaser.
regarding a building’s energy consumption required
to manage the decarbonization transition. The Highly-efficient buildings demand less heating and
initial period of benchmarking data would inform cooling energy, while participating in demand response
the compliance standards for a performance programs or shifting loads to off-peak hours can
metric, and the compliance mechanisms can range reduce utility costs and preserve grid reliability. Energy
from prescriptive building upgrades to limits on conservation measures, both in capital improvements
energy use intensity (adjusted for various use and and operational patterns, as well as expansion of
occupancy characteristics) to minimum “energy grade” solar and other distributed energy resources, will
requirements as seen in the UK and Washington, be necessary to manage a future where buildings
D.C. Commercial property owners pursuing business are heated and cooled by clean energy provided
interests will respond and conform to performance by the utilities in order to minimize the societal cost
metrics, while multifamily property owners, particularly of expanding the electric grid with emission-free
in affordable housing, will face implementation hurdles generation assets.
and costs that makes the legislation of a performance
requirement on multifamily housing challenging.
However, given the sheer number of residential
properties and their outsized proportion relative to

TA B L E 9. 4 : T H E A N A LYS I S D E M O N S T R AT E S T H E N E E D F O R P H A S E D AC T I O N S F O R

ASAP 2025 2030

Energy efficiency standard for Lighting upgrades to current Energy Building performance standards for
appliances outside Federal preemption. Code standards and submetering of existing large buildings regulating
tenants in large commercial buildings. energy efficiency.

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 127

Managed, Phased, and Just Transition reliability and affordability of service; assessment of
existing gas infrastructure and options for contraction;
to a Clean Energy System identification of end-users highly reliant on gas,
To decarbonize its economy, New York will need technically feasible alternatives, and economic impacts;
to dramatically reduce the use of fossil fuel use, in and alternative models for the gas utility’s long-
its buildings, for power generation, and in industry. term role, business model, ownership structure, and
Policymakers and regulators need to advance a regulatory compact, as part of a managed transition.
managed, phased, and just transition from reliance
The plan should also consider including a
on fossil fuel gas and the gas distribution system
comprehensive equity strategy to incorporate the
to a clean energy system, including elimination of
needs of low- to moderate-income (LMI) households
embedded subsidies for fossil fuel gas.
and Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in the
The State should consider a long-term planning transition, ensuring they are not left behind. This
strategy to manage the State’s transition away from requires meaningful LMI/DAC engagement in the
fossil gas-fueled technologies. A comprehensive transition process and prioritizing technical and
long-range plan is important to facilitate equitable financial assistance to enable LMI/DAC households
and strategic decommissioning or repurposing of to make energy efficiency upgrades and electrify
the State’s gas infrastructure and afford pathways for affordably. There must also be an equitable transition
incumbent workers in the clean energy economy. plan for the gas industry workforce, including
The plan would likely need to examine regulatory and protections, retraining that leverages transferable
legislative changes, with attention to safety, equity, skills, and job transition opportunities with attention to

128 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

opportunities at dual commodity utilities. This would approximately 14% of the direct GHG emissions from
require both a comprehensive system-wide equity buildings. of the total GHG emissions from buildings.
strategy and utility-level equity strategies that include Fortunately, the federal government, other states, and
adequate accountability and oversight. the industry are working to drive toward technologies
A primary objective of the plan could include that use alternative refrigerants that have much lower
how to minimize new investments in gas delivery climate impact.
infrastructure, not otherwise needed for safety/ The Roadmap forecasts widescale adoption of
reliability. This will include changes to utility incentives refrigerant-cycle HVAC systems, and the fluids
and planning to promote alternatives to conventional currently used in those systems have an extremely
gas infrastructure investment and align long-term utility high global warming potential and are prone to
planning with the adoption cycle for updated building leaking from installed equipment. While the federal
codes and standards that end fossil fuel use. government has recently put forth new phase-out
requirements for the production of new equipment,
Managed Transition from the refrigerants used in current systems must be
systematically captured and disposed. Requirements
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) for leakage detection and management, plus for
Used as Refrigerants the proper disposal of refrigerants, will reduce the
HFCs are potent greenhouse gases, which are used emissions impact from existing equipment. New
in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps, and equipment should be limited to low-GWP refrigerants
spray foam insulation. HFCs currently account for by regulation on a faster timetable than the federal
government would implement. Similarly, the propellants
used in foam construction materials should be limited
to low-GWP fluids by regulation.

City of Ithaca— Community-Scale Decarbonization

Goal to Decarbonize The full decarbonization goal demands new systems
thinking that considers how buildings, distributed
100% of Building energy resources, transportation, and the grid
Stock By 2030 interact within a community system, and begin to
foster actions at the community scale. The regulatory
In 2021, the City of Ithaca voted agencies need to develop pathways for district
to decarbonize all buildings in energy systems and facilities that deliver fossil fuel
the city by 2030. To do so, it has free solutions. Regulatory frameworks for utilities
created the Efficiency Retrofitting that intersect with the development of shared
and Thermal Load Electrification thermal loops must be reconciled at the levels of
Program, which starts with the the legislature and the New York Public Service
electrification of buildings. The Commission, with the State’s emissions reduction
plan will retrofit 6,000 residential objectives given the highest priority, while minimizing
and commercial buildings, regulatory burdens on the Department of Public
replacing fossil fuel appliances Service (DPS) and on the projects.
with electric. This is in addition to
Thermal Network Energy systems are only one
the Ithaca Green New Deal plan,
element of community scale action. The State should
adopted in 2019, to transition to a
support community and municipal engagement
carbon neutral economy by 2030.
programs so the public and business understand and
Photo Credit: Li Guan on Unsplash advance building decarbonization and increase clean
energy awareness. New York State should also provide
incentives, guidance (e.g. model local ordinances) and
technical assistance to support local jurisdictions intent
on decarbonizing their own communities, with a focus
on serving Disadvantaged Communities.

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 129

Market Building & Support
Direct Incentives over time enables market adoption and ensures
milestones are achieved and market solutions and cost
Through collective efforts to decarbonize buildings, compression fill the void as incentives shrink.
housing quality can be improved, and economic
opportunities can be expanded for low-income Additional funding is likely needed for incentive
households and Disadvantaged Communities. Public programs supporting building upgrades that serve LMI
funding should be invested to support building households, affordable and public housing, and DACs
upgrades, and training and job placement for priority on an ongoing basis, to avoid the risk of disinvestment.
populations should be a key focus. The emphasis on incentives for Disadvantaged
Communities starts with ensuring the existing housing
Public incentives enable market development of regulations align with the State’s objectives. Utility
electrification and other clean and resilient building, incentives should consider providing direct resources
efficient building solutions, with an emphasis on for electrical service upgrades and in-building wiring
Disadvantaged Communities and affordable housing. and equipment. Additional incentives could be directed
Expansion of financial incentive programs to motivate in the form of a “Retrofit and Electrification Readiness
early adoption in market-rate housing and commercial Fund” that covers the costs of non-energy building
buildings will also be needed for at least the coming improvements, including for health and safety, that are
decade. This support should target existing buildings necessary to install energy measures and broadband
more so than new construction and eventually phase installation costs when funding energy projects.
out (once efficient, zero emission codes and standards
go into effect), with a longer timeframe for support for Funding sources will need to be identified more
low-income households and, as appropriate, for next- broadly, including accessing additional program
generation technologies as they emerge. Public dollars resources through Federal budgeting. Creative
must be targeted to seed markets by incentivizing applications and synergies with health outcomes
early adopters to build market demand and afford low- can also be leveraged through existing programs
income residents and Disadvantaged Communities an and partnering with community-based organizations
equitable participation in the clean energy economy. for healthy housing services and homes.
Transparency into the planned incentive reduction
Low-Cost Financing
In addition to public incentives, the sheer scale of
transformation will also require unlocking private
capital to provide low-cost financing to homeowners
and building owners to pay for the necessary building
In addition to public incentives, upgrades for decarbonization. 
the sheer scale of transformation Private sector capital must be mobilized to enable
whole market transformation. Low-cost financing
will also require unlocking private for energy efficiency, electrification, electrification
capital to provide low-cost readiness, solar, and related improvements in buildings
financing to homeowners and will give all building owners access to low-cost capital
at the scale needed to pay for the building upgrades
building owners to pay for the necessary for decarbonization. The public sector
necessary building upgrades for can provide support for lenders to shift from concern
over their return on investment in the decarbonization
decarbonization. space and instead underwrite to energy performance
standards and applicable regulatory requirements.

130 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

New York State will continue to scale up green
requirements in affordable housing financing
transactions while ensuring that sufficient resources Third-Party Support &
are available to maintain, preserve and produce clean, Advancing Code Compliance
safe and affordable housing. Streamlined access to
incentives and resources for regulated affordable for Local Municipalities
housing building decarbonization should run through
Recognizing the importance of local communities
housing agencies, making those resources more easily
in achieving carbon neutral buildings, New York
accessible while delivering projects that are affordable,
State is providing direct support to expand
energy efficient, all-electric or electric-ready, and
code compliance capacities statewide. PON
resilient. The State should offer greater access to low-
4600 helps communities adopt new third-
cost financing products for electrification and efficiency
party code compliance practices and supports
upgrades to LMI homeowners by providing credit
critical upgrades to permitting and compliance
enhancement to lenders.
technology systems that will make it easier
The State can further work with lenders to develop for local officials to manage, and builders and
products that offer more attractive financing rates owners to comply with, code requirements.
and terms for deep decarbonization projects through Third-Party Support and Advancing Code Compliance
a concerted stakeholder engagement with private Technology Pilot Program (PON 4600)
capital. Green Banks, like the New York Green
Bank (NYGB) and New York City Energy Efficiency
Corporation (NYCEEC) will play a role in expanding the
clean energy financing market. The full scope could cash flow positive to consumers.; If the utility rate-base
entail Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac green discounts for can backstop defaults, the utilities’ low cost of capital
Passive House or net zero certified projects. New York should lead to lower interest rates.
could also look to replicate municipal-based financing
options that have been deployed at scale in clean
drinking water projects by coupling low-cost financing Electrification Readiness Fund
with public mandates. To support electrification for low-income customers,
Expanded eligibility for financing through New the Governor’s 2022 budget includes $250 million to
York’s commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy the NYS Homes and Community Renewal for a nation-
(PACE) financing programs could encompass energy leading electrification fund to decarbonize and improve
efficiency, renewable energy, and electrification energy efficiency in low-income housing units.
measures in new construction and retrofit projects. The
State could also consider expanding PACE eligibility State-Owned Buildings Lead the Way
to building resiliency measures, including advanced Expanded State capabilities to utilize energy
ventilation and filtration systems. Authorization for a performance contracting will enable government
statewide Residential PACE program, while ripe with facilities to lead by example. New York must first
potential, must carefully address consumer protection update existing statutes and authorizing language to
issues and the interests of the mortgage industry. enable State agencies and authorities—as well as local
Expanded on-bill recovery enabled by the Green governments, K-12 schools, and other public entities—
Jobs—Green New York (GJGNY) on-bill program to include a broader package of energy upgrades,
could attract third-party capital, but specific issues water savings upgrades, and deep decarbonization
need to be addressed regarding the priority of partial projects in performance contracts, thereby enabling
utility payments, utility fees for providing billing and public entities to self-fund and implement a greater
collection services, transferability of loans, and bill volume of efficiency upgrades and deeper efficiency
neutrality requirements. projects. Early decarbonization projects in State and
municipal buildings will help expedite the development
New York could also continue to explore the viability
of industry capacity to meet the burgeoning
of Inclusive Financing Mechanisms such as tariff-based
demand for these projects that will result from the
financing models, which are location-based and tied to
implementation of New York’s carbon neutral policy
a meter, and thus available to renters and consumers
with poor credit. This financing model is set up to be

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 131

effectiveness as an employment pathway and refine
as appropriate. These efforts should promote good
wages and benefits and increase the ranks of Minority
and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE)
and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business
Enterprises (SDVOB) and cooperatives through
increased access to workforce training and business
development support leading to broader participation
in State-funded investments and projects.
Targeted training and hiring through Community
Benefits/Workforce Agreements and On the Job
Training Funding should be deployed where
appropriate, feasible, and permitted by law. Building
decarbonization on a broader basis will need to be
incorporated into the curricula and career services
in State-funded education (K-12, technical schools,
apprenticeships, and engineering and architecture
programs at public universities) and encouraged at
private universities.
Among professionals, the State can require continuing
education on building decarbonization (e.g. energy
efficiency, electrification, embodied carbon) as part of
licensing for architects, engineers, trades, contractors,
building operations and maintenance personnel, and
real estate professionals (inspectors, brokers, etc.).

Partner with Trusted Community

Leaders for Public Awareness
and Consumer Education
Widespread public awareness and educated
consumers will be necessary to increase demand
for building decarbonization at the scale necessary
to meet the State’s 2030 GHG reduction goals. New
Workforce Development York should create strategic partnerships with various
Support from the public sector will be necessary to stakeholders, including trusted community leaders,
invest in workforce education, training, job placement, and provide targeted outreach and decision-making
and development that will equip the State’s current support to increase market demand and accelerate
and future workforce to design, install, inspect, the transition to low-carbon, energy-efficient, all-
maintain and operate healthy, comfortable, low-carbon electric buildings. Strategic partnerships with utilities
buildings while increasing clean energy job placement can have broad impact promoting decarbonization
for DACs and advancing industry diversity (see and ending messages of “clean gas.” The impacts
Chapter 11: A Just Transition to a Green Workforce). will be further enhanced through partnerships with
This means scaling up training for incumbent and new trusted community leaders and religious organizations,
clean energy workers and adjacent industries, through and with cooperative extensions, business councils,
investments in training delivery, career pathways, industry organizations, corporations, unions, teachers,
on-the-job-training, and industry partnerships. The media, public venues, and elected officials. At the
approach prioritizes Disadvantaged Communities and building level, challenges and commitment campaigns
low-income residents for training and job placement build awareness and leverage the competitive spirit of
by creating community-to-employment pipelines companies, municipalities, and individuals.
and career pathways. The State must first analyze The public awareness campaign replaces messaging
current on-the-job training investments for their and media must reflect DACs in marketing efforts and

132 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

and on NYSERDA’s development of regional Clean
Energy Hubs. These commitments include publicizing
Virtual Power Plants best practices for efficient building operations and
recognizing leaders in efficient operations and early
A virtual power plant (VPP) is a cloud-based
adoption. New incentive programs can attract others
system that aggregates various distributed
and further expand pledges of carbon neutrality.
energy generation resources (such as wind, solar
PV, and CHP), controllable/flexible loads, and
energy storage resources (such as batteries). Research, Development, and
VPPs rely on software and grid connected Demonstration (RD&D)
resources to provide reliable, balanced power The State will continue supporting RD&D projects,
for both supply- and demand-side management aimed at enticing more companies and manufacturers
regardless of the time of day or year. VPP operating in the State to bring innovative solutions
software companies operating in New York to the marketplace for highly efficient, all-electric,
include OhmConnect and Swell Energy. and resilient buildings; grid-interactive buildings, with
revenue opportunities; and the reduction of embodied
carbon in buildings. Innovations are not local to the
State and are influenced by global and national efforts.
prioritize education and technical assistance. The federal government can be a powerful partner
New York State should maintain a “one-stop shop” with increased funding and coordination with aligned
website for clean energy, electrification, and energy- neighboring states. New York’s robust innovation
efficiency programs, and partner with community ecosystem can be leveraged to drive market adoption
clean energy hubs to offer education, resources, and bring production costs down.
local contractors, technical assistance, and program Further State resources can be deployed to identify
navigator support. This builds on the commitment of and expedite the deployment of technologies ready
NYSERDA and New York State utilities to maintain for the New York market and to enable MWBEs,
the NY Energy Advisor website and coordinated cooperatives, and B Corporations opportunities for
marketing for a statewide portfolio of programs,

Corning, New York.

Chapter 9: Policy Solutions 133

leadership in emerging market sectors. Direct support Lead by Example with Materials
will need to be accelerated for HVAC technologies,
building envelopes for high performance, and the
Specifications That Account for
more difficult solutions sought in community thermal Embodied Carbon
loops, advanced heat recovery and ventilation, Support for building reuse, along with education,
thermal storage, and innovations in systems, research, and development of in-state manufacturing
materials, and production. of alternative products with lower embodied carbon
As the electrification of buildings takes a greater will lead to broader carbon literacy and adoption
share of overall energy demands, grid-interactive of carbon-sequestering products. The State can
efficient buildings will play a more significant role, further provide business development assistance to
and today’s investments in developing advanced expand in-state manufacturing of building products
energy management systems will result in more (for example, concrete and insulation) that minimize
resilient systems through improved energy efficiency, embodied carbon or sequester GHGs and can be
load flexibility, and modulation capability. Additional made of biogenic or agriculture-based materials.
assessments of the resilience risks and needs of grid- Procurement requirements and design specifications
dependent buildings are urgently needed due to the for State-funded projects will prime the market for
increasing frequency of extreme weather events and lower embodied carbon products, initially by requiring
probability of network outages. “Demand Response” Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for various
programs (for example, Special Case Resources or building materials and the use of modeling software for
Emergency Demand Response Programs) can be embodied carbon calculations. Similar to operational
updated to create a pathway to grid-interactive efficient carbon emissions, embodied carbon reductions can
buildings through cost effective load management. be achieved through goals specified by numerical
The implementation of each investor-owned utility’s GWP targets and verified by standardized accounting
Distribution System Platform will provide market systems. The accounting can be used to incentivize
intelligence and data upon which private companies building owners, developers, and utilities to specify
can build better products and service businesses to lower embodied carbon materials in projects. These
serve energy consumers. actions can lead the way to codes and standards
further ensuring low-carbon outcomes over the entire
life cycle of buildings.

Last Words
Equitable change at this scale in the building sector in New York
will require significant new technical and financial resources.
This is an economy-wide undertaking that requires coordination of private capital and public
investments. Achieving carbon neutral buildings statewide requires New York State policy
interventions to send clear market signals, public subsidies to prime the market and support
low-income households and Disadvantaged Communities, and business development
assistance to reduce costs and advance technologies.

134 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Equity and


Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 135

New York has a three-part vision to ensure equity in
building decarbonization for low- and moderate-income
(LMI) housing and Disadvantaged Communities (DACs)
that will be implemented over the next five years.
This chapter discusses this approach including is both the right thing to do and will ultimately benefit
electrification while preserving affordability and all New Yorkers by developing markets and supply
how efforts to decarbonize buildings in LMI and chains that will bring down costs and increase
Disadvantaged Communities will be carefully economic efficiency in the entire buildings sector.
designed to reduce economic burdens and increase This chapter also covers efforts underway to improve
opportunities for LMI households to save on utility engagement with LMI and DAC communities to
expenses. Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) are enable long-term benefits for historically underserved
communities that bear burdens of negative public- communities from the State’s clean energy
health effects, environmental pollution, impacts of investments, and an increasing emphasis on place-
climate change, and possess certain socioeconomic based and community-led strategies and initiatives.
criteria, or comprise high concentrations of low- and Disadvantaged Communities, and particularly
moderate-income households. Environmental burdens Environmental Justice and frontline communities,
in the U.S. have historically fallen on communities face multiple intersecting environmental hazards.
whose residents are disproportionately African These communities, which include but do not directly
American, Indigenous, or other people of overlap with LMI communities, have demonstrated
color. Climate change heightens the vulnerability sustained climate and decarbonization leadership.
of these communities which have dealt with They have also expressed their need for State
higher levels of pollution in their lives, as well as initiatives that align climate and decarbonization
socioeconomic burdens, and legacies of racial and investments with solutions to longstanding
ethnic discrimination. environmental injustices and vulnerabilities such
Prioritizing LMI and DAC decarbonization investments as extreme heat, hazardous living conditions, and
first in the statewide drive to zero emissions buildings barriers to safely navigating emergency situations.
Under the Climate Act, the Climate Justice Working
Group (CJWG) established criteria for identifying
Environmental burdens DACs across the State. Once identified, agencies
have historically fallen on are required to ensure that these communities
receive no less than 35% of the overall benefits from
communities whose residents decarbonization investments. As of this writing, the
are disproportionately people Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
and CJWG have released New York’s Disadvantaged
of color. Climate change Communities Barriers and Opportunities Report
heightens the vulnerability and released for public comment draft criteria for
of these communities, which identifying DACs in New York State, and a draft list of
DACs statewide.122
have dealt with higher levels of The finalization of these criteria will clear the way for
pollution in their lives, as well State agencies to target programs and investments
as socioeconomic burdens, and into DACs. In the meantime, agencies like NYSERDA
will use interim criteria in order to track and account for
legacies of racial and ethnic investments that might count toward the Climate Act’s
discrimination. 40% target.

136 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Key Principles, Market Context,
& Early Highlights
New York’s vision for building decarbonization in LMI
housing and DACs follows these four key guiding principles:

1. Do No Harm: Decarbonization should not New York’s early efforts supporting decarbonization
increase a low-income household’s energy retrofits in LMI housing must navigate often challenging
burden or otherwise put them at risk. Housing market conditions. Both upfront costs and post-
decarbonization policy and programs must retrofit utility bill impacts are part of the challenge.
safeguard the stock of affordable housing. One or more of the following features typically create
significant energy cost barriers to decarbonization:
2. Accessibility: The Climate Act requires
that the State pro-actively seek input from Current price mismatch between gas and
and collaboration with DACs in developing electricity—Under today’s market conditions, gas-
decarbonization programs and policy. New York to-heat pump conversions, absent other energy cost
must also address barriers preventing equitable saving measures, will usually result in net energy cost
participation in the clean energy transition, increases to the building.
including the complexity and quantity of state Potential for energy cost shifting between tenants
programs serving LMI households, which can and landlords—Existing buildings that convert to heat
require multiple time-consuming applications that pumps will confront changed configurations for energy
discourage under-resourced households from metering and, in the case of some rental housing, the
participation; and market barriers that might result party responsible for heating bill payment. Buildings in
in LMI households and DACs being left behind and which the landlord pays for heating fuel while tenants
disproportionately reliant on legacy fossil fuel- pay for electricity face the difficult prospect of shifting
based energy systems with rising user fees. heating costs from the building (fuel) meter onto the
tenant (electric) meters. Avoiding these cost shifts may
3. Transparency: Targeted efforts, including require a landlord to re-negotiate rental agreements, or
sensitivity to language and educational barriers, will to change metering configurations, potentially leaving
be needed to meaningfully include DAC residents owners with added costs or new administrative burden
in decarbonization awareness campaigns and to collect utility payments from tenants.
to give these communities confidence in current
and future decarbonization policies, programs, Outdated provisions for subsidizing low-income
technologies, and financing products. energy costs—Most subsidized housing agreements,
utility-administered bill assistance programs, and
4. Accountability: State-supported decarbonization other household benefits programs have not yet
efforts should be subject to feedback and incorporated heat pump energy costs into their
oversight from representatives of DACs, with program frameworks. Furthermore, the addition of
acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility cooling services (through heat pump installation),
by applicable State agencies for current and past while important in protecting residents against
performance of those efforts and the obligation health-threatening heat waves, may also lead to
to report, explain, and be answerable for resulting added energy costs in housing that previously
consequences. lacked cooling systems. The cooling challenge also
extends to benefit programs that have outdated
methodologies for assigning cooling costs between
landlords and tenants.

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 137

Ground source heat pumps low operating costs vs.
high upfront costs—Ground source heat pumps are
the most cost-friendly heating and cooling systems to
operate in today’s market. However, these systems
have the highest upfront costs to install, especially for
existing buildings.
Regulations governing solar energy discounts in
multifamily housing—In regulated housing, residents
can face barriers to receiving solar generation credits
on their utility bills. To allow individual resident
participation in all cases, utility policy may need to
allow for the allocation of solar generation to each
meter in onsite multifamily solar projects, like virtual
net metering or similar policies. Methodologies for
calculating tenant utility allowances may also need to
change to enable these solar discounts.
Additional economic barriers exist related to the upfront
costs for decarbonization retrofits of LMI housing:
Older, poorly maintained LMI housing stock—
Failing roofs, structural deficiencies, and substandard
wiring and plumbing are common conditions found in
both regulated and unregulated affordable housing.
Additional capital must be found to address non-
energy conditions prior to decarbonization retrofits.
Homes that are valued too low to justify major
investment—Homes with maintenance deficiencies as
described above, or that are located in depressed real
estate markets, may be worth only $100,000 or less. Photo Credit: Corporal John A. Seravalli Nelson Ndongala
Decarbonization investments that can cost $25,000
or more may be hard to justify in such cases, both for
homeowners and for State subsidy programs.
Disincentives for multifamily building owners—In median income (SMI). Similarly, moderate-income
many multifamily buildings, landlords lack incentive households are defined as those with incomes above
to pursue energy upgrades where the cost savings the HEAP threshold, but less than 80% of the greater
accrue to tenants. of state median income and area median income for
the household’s geographic area. Moderate-income
Potential pressure to raise rents and/or exit households are not eligible for HEAP, but are often
affordability programs—Decarbonization projects income-eligible for housing programs. Household size
in multifamily rental buildings may trigger capital and annually updated SMI guidelines are taken into
improvement thresholds, resulting in possible rent consideration for LMI status classification; for a one-
increases beyond affordable levels. On the other hand, person household, the 2021 low-income classification
if building owners are made to bear the costs of these guideline is $32,752, and for a four-person household,
projects with no means to recoup their investment, it the 2021 guideline is $62,984.123 NYSERDA’s most
may create pressure to exit affordability programs or recent LMI Market Characterization Study from 2017
result in unworkable business models. finds that approximately 48% of New York households
The path to LMI housing decarbonization must are low-to-moderate-income according to these
ultimately resolve all of these challenges. definitions.124 Energy bills have a disproportionate
impact on these New Yorkers—on average, non-LMI
NYSERDA defines low-income households as those
households face a 2.4% energy cost burden while
that are income-eligible for New York State HEAP
very low-income households can face up to a 20%
(Heating Energy Assistance Program) benefits—
energy cost burden.125
households with incomes at or below 60% of state

138 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

The draft criteria put forward by the CJWG under the ■ Continuing the RetrofitNY program in developing
Climate Action Council proposes a definition of DACs an approach to decarbonization retrofits in
that includes places with a high concentration of low- LMI housing using pre-fabricated components
income residents and individual criteria that include all manufactured offsite which are more simply and
low-income people in the State, regardless of whether quickly assembled onsite; and
they live in a community designated as a DAC. A map
of communities that meet the criteria identified for a ■ Administering a $31 million LMI electrification
disadvantaged community as defined by New York budget supporting research, household education
State can be accessed here. about heat pumps, and the evaluation of projects
performed under a recent incentive pilot for LMI
heat pump installations.
Early Highlights
The Climate Act requires a target of 40% of all clean ■ Updating NYSERDA’s longstanding FlexTech
energy investments, and a minimum of 35% of program to support Affordable Multifamily Energy
investments, go to Disadvantaged Communities. The Efficiency Program (AMEEP) and LMI electrification
2022 Governor’s State of the State address set a target projects more broadly.
of achieving 800,000 Climate Friendly Homes for
In 2022, NYSERDA expects to award and support the
LMI households by 2030—requiring a roughly tenfold
formation of Regional Clean Energy Hubs (Hubs) in
increase in the current annual pace of electrification
each of the State’s 10 economic development regions.
and electrification readiness projects.
Over $50 million in funding will be awarded to the
Current State programs are testing high potential Hubs to ensure that all New Yorkers have equal access
strategies for accelerating LMI electrification. to the benefits of the State’s clean energy transition.
These include: The Regional Clean Energy Hubs will:
■ Injecting public clean energy funding to cover ■ Act as a trusted local resource for community
incremental capital costs directly into HCR members to learn more about the energy-related
and HPD financing deals, plus providing the programs and services available to them.
agencies with clean energy technical support, and
helping them revise their building standards and ■ Increase awareness of these programs and
specifications toward requiring all electric, high services by leveraging the expertise and trust
performance projects through low income housing of local community organizations—particularly
tax credit (LIHTC) eligibility criteria. those with a proven track record of engaging
Disadvantaged Communities.
■ NYSERDA, NYCHA, and NYPA have partnered to
launch a technology challenge RFP seeking a new ■ Develop outreach and engagement strategies to
window mounted air source heat pump product to elevate the needs of communities and residents
help NYCHA electrify thousands of its units, which into program and policy development.
will also be fit for similar affordable housing building
typologies throughout the Northeast. ■ Advance diversity of the clean energy workforce
by connecting residents with educational, training,
■ Supporting the multi-year New York State Healthy and job opportunities, and small businesses with
Homes Value-Based Payment Pilot. resources to support economic development.

■ Working with the state’s private electric utility

companies to develop and implement the NY
Clean Heat program and the new statewide
Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program
(AMEEP), with affordability protections.

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 139

Electrification While Preserving
Affordability: Charting the Path
The complexity of New York’s LMI housing stock requires a
nuanced approach to decarbonization. Because low-income
households are much more sensitive to changes in monthly
expenses compared other households, the operating costs
(utility bills) resulting from a decarbonization retrofit must be
carefully considered prior to pursuing the project.
In charting a path to LMI housing decarbonization, building owners to tenants. The State’s regulated
New York is giving careful consideration to the affordable housing stock, on the other hand, has
following factors, among others: protections in place that limit the costs that can be
■ What is the building’s current heating fuel, and what added to a household’s monthly housing expenditures.
is the cost of this fuel relative to electricity? However, the risk of increased costs that would reduce
subsidized building owner cash flow may dissuade
■ How well is the building insulated? voluntary participation in decarbonization programs,
result in post-retrofit pressures to exit affordability
■ In rental buildings with more than one unit, what programs, and/or strain housing agencies’ budgets and
metering configurations and billing structures exist consequently their ability to meet housing production
for existing heating fuel versus electricity use? and preservation targets.
■ Is the housing unit covered by a regulatory
agreement that provides legal and economic Selective Electrification to Control for
protections for low-income residents? Utility Bill Impacts on Residents
In today’s market, some electrification scenarios are
New York is committed to an approach to
not cost effective and may result in utility bill increases
decarbonization of LMI housing and DAC buildings that
for residents. See Chapter 8: The Economics,
ensures neutral or positive impacts on residents’ total
Benefits, & Challenges for Carbon Neutral Buildings
housing expense (rent plus energy cost) and energy
for more information about cost effective use cases.
burdens. Actions undertaken by New York State to
These affordability concerns mean that New York
mitigate GHG emissions from buildings must control
needs to control for utility bill impacts as it supports
potentially regressive impacts of decarbonization
LMI electrification.
policies on these communities, particularly regarding
the State’s transition from gas utility infrastructure. Clean energy programs supporting heat pump
Careful design and implementation of programs is conversions will be targeted initially to capture cost-
needed to ensure protections to these customers, and effective opportunities, while discouraging those that
to holistically assess energy costs alongside other are projected to result in utility bill increases. In the
monthly housing costs and the impacts that clean short term, this means a focus on buildings heating with
energy retrofits might have on existing benefits that oil, propane, or electric resistance because of the more
residents receive. favorable economics of these conversions. In addition,
programs will pair electrification with measures that
It should be noted that energy affordability risks are
are known to provide energy cost savings, such as
more acute in the non-regulated or naturally occurring
comprehensive efficiency measures, weatherization
LMI housing stock, which is not subject to safeguards
measures, and auto-enrollment in subscriptions
against rent increases or utility cost shifting from
to lower-cost community solar installations. These

140 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

efficiency and weatherization measures will also that energy assistance programs and LMI housing
improve occupant comfort and benefit the electric grid. programs are fully utilizing their budgets and regulatory
To lay the groundwork for future scaling of LMI options to support decarbonization. Again, auto-
electrification, pilot initiatives will explore solutions and enrolling benefit program participants in community
test strategies for tackling LMI use cases with more solar subscriptions will help reduce energy burden for
extensive affordability barriers, especially gas-to- LMI households.
heat pump conversions. Even today, not all of these The Public Service Commission (PSC) Energy
conversions result in utility bill increases. Work is Affordability Policy is currently under review. This policy
underway to compare the costs of running heat pumps sets a target that customer energy burden should not
versus the costs of running older, less efficient gas exceed 6% of income on average and directs New
systems. This information will enable an expansion York’s utilities to offer bill assistance programs for
of electrification use cases that are known to have low-income customers. The utilities structure these
favorable utility bill impacts. programs based on a methodology developed under
In the long term, new utility bill risks will emerge. the Public Service Commission’s umbrella Energy
As consumers move away from gas, the costs of Affordability Program. This methodology requires
the existing gas distribution network will be shared re-assessment due to the State’s newly adopted
amongst a shrinking pool of users, likely resulting decarbonization targets. Additionally, the Program is
in higher user fees. The risk is that low-income not well understood by many actors within New York’s
households, for whom gas historically has been a low- clean energy ecosystem, hampering efforts to leverage
cost heating fuel, and who may not be able to pay for it as the State’s building stock is decarbonized.
project costs to move off gas, will be left with higher In early 2022, NYSERDA launched a “Low-Income
and higher gas bills. New York’s decarbonization Bill Analysis Study” to provide more insight into the
approach must be conscious of these risks of leaving nature of energy consumption and associated costs
communities with an even heavier burden than they for low-income customers. The study’s scope includes
have already been carrying. Balancing a cautious analyzing the bill impacts of various interventions,
approach to electrification in the short term, against the including cash assistance (LIHEAP), energy efficiency
long-term costs of inaction, will be an integral part of and weatherization (WAP), electrification of heating
New York’s path to equitable decarbonization. and cooling, and access to solar (rooftop or community
solar). Outcomes of the study are expected to inform
Policy and Regulatory Solutions the evolution of the Energy Affordability Program to
better meet its objectives. Anticipated updates will
Supporting Bill Affordability factor in the financial impact of decarbonization work
Other affordability solutions are being explored on and are expected to result in more impactful subsidies
a regulatory and policy level, where the State seeks to preserve and protect affordability for vulnerable
to align longstanding household and individual households, with suggested modifications to maximize
benefits programs with electrification measures. the impact of the utility-run, ratepayer-funded bill
This means exploring changes to programs such assistance programs.
as Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and
On the federal level, New York will engage HUD and
LIHEAP to ensure that every household being served
USDA on streamlining and improving utility allowance
by these programs is also being assessed for, or where
calculations for subsidized housing to appropriately
feasible provided, electrification measures.
reflect the typical costs of operating heat pumps.
It also means streamlining application processes and Locally, NYSERDA has collaborated with New York City’s
braiding program support for low-income households Department of Housing Preservation and Development
to maximize the impact of State and ratepayer dollars. (HPD) to develop a new utility allowance schedule for
NYSERDA is undertaking a comprehensive assessment buildings using heat pumps. This utility allowance will be
of the current rules and regulations governing piloted in a select number of HPD buildings receiving
subsidized affordable housing as well as other financing in 2022. Results from this pilot will further
State-administered energy affordability programs. inform the State’s approach to affordability protections
In collaboration with sister agencies, NYSERDA’s for residents in subsidized multifamily LMI housing.
LMI electrification efforts seek to align approaches
across programs, integrate support for heat pumps
and electrification make-ready work, and ensure

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 141

Analyzing LMI Building Stock and ■ In New York City, there may be as many as
300,000 LMI units across roughly 14,000
Targeting Opportune Segments multifamily buildings that heat with these more
Though today’s electrification retrofits in LMI housing in costly fuels. In low- or mid-rise multifamily
general are unlikely to be driven by energy cost savings, buildings alone, over 600,000 LMI units rely
there are some segments with favorable project on steam heat.
economics. The affordability challenges identified
above underline the need for a variety of strategies Deeper analysis of the height, size, age, and
targeted to distinct segments of the LMI housing stock. heating distribution type of these buildings
To this end, NYSERDA recently sponsored an “LMI can help target segments with optimal
Electrification Study” to perform market characterization characteristics for successful electrification
and analysis.126 Key insights from this study include: under current market conditions.
1. Roughly 3.3 million housing units statewide are
characterized as low- or moderate-income (LMI).
9. Preferential electricity rates for heat pump
2. Approximately 46% of all LMI housing units are customers are often cited as a key solution to
subsidized affordable or public housing, while the overcome project economic and affordability
remainder are naturally occurring affordable housing. challenges of electrification.

3. The majority of LMI housing units statewide heat In 2022-2023, NYSERDA expects to release evaluation
with natural gas, with a higher gas proportion and market analysis results from projects completed
in 1-4 family homes compared to multifamily through its LMI Heat Pump Demonstration program,
buildings of 5+ units. which is converting over 400 1-4 family homes and
over 1,000 multifamily units to heat pumps. One early
4. The vast majority of LMI 1-4 family homes require insight from this program’s limited sample is that the
some sort of make-ready work prior to installing heat average single-family home has sufficient electrical
pumps, such as insulation and shell improvements, service to handle adding a cold climate air source heat
panel box upgrades, or internal wiring upgrades. pump. However, adding other electrified loads such
as cookstoves, hot water, or laundry, may necessitate
5. The vast majority of LMI units statewide (over 80%) electric service upgrades in a higher proportion of
have some level of air conditioning installed. homes. As additional findings come in, market and
State actors can use them to further refine strategies
6. LMI residents (particularly low-income) will have
and target opportune project types for near term LMI
trouble paying for up front project costs especially
those that include make-ready work, and project
paybacks are long or non-existent. Thus, program In subsidized housing, Homes and Community Renewal
planning should assume significant subsidy. (HCR) and NYSERDA are working to adopt Integrated
Physical Needs Assessments (IPNAs) as a standard
7. The use cases with best project economics and practice for subsidized housing developments. IPNA is
fewest affordability concerns from electrification a property evaluation tool that identifies opportunities
are housing units currently heating with fuel oil, for capital projects in buildings by assessing current
propane, or electric resistance, or those using older, energy, water, and health needs of a property. In
inefficient steam heating regardless of fuel type. parallel, NYSERDA is expanding the scope of IPNAs
to cover electrification and/or decarbonization
8. One-third of all LMI households heat with oil,
opportunities, in addition to typical energy efficiency
electric resistance, or propane. Only 11% of these
measures. Once broadly adopted, expanded IPNAs will
are subsidized affordable/public housing.
provide a detailed picture of decarbonization needs
■ At least 200,000 small homes outside of across the State’s subsidized housing stock, with
New York City are using these fuels currently anticipated project costs and savings. This information
and could be electrified in the near-term with is expected to be a valuable resource enabling
fewer affordability risks. the targeting of and planning for cost-effective
decarbonization opportunities in subsidized housing.
■ Similarly, 125,000 multifamily units outside of This tool is also highly applicable to market-rate
New York City use these fuels and present properties and the industry in general.
near term electrification opportunities.

142 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

LMI & DAC Decarbonization
Investments First
The work to improve affordability outcomes of and to lower barriers to
electrification in LMI housing will support the next two major elements
of New York’s Equity and Disadvantaged Communities decarbonization
approach. These are: Prioritizing LMI and DAC Investments First; and
Improving Engagement Toward Place-Based and Community-Led
Strategies and Initiatives.

Under the Climate Act, New York’s approach to building These investments aim to create sustained economic
decarbonization prioritizes investment in LMI residents opportunities, long-term wealth building, and homes
and DACs. In addition to the Climate Act’s explicit equity whose health and energy performance does not
mandates, the unprecedented emissions reduction degrade substantially over time.127 The Climate Action
targets require a rapid acceleration in the current pace Council’s Scoping Plan recommends a four-fold
of decarbonization retrofits. While the State’s market- increase in the current annual investment level—to
rate housing will likely respond quickly to changing a minimum of $1 billion per year for efficiency and
market conditions that make decarbonization a good electrification programs that serve LMI households,
investment decision, the LMI housing stock faces long- affordable housing and public housing, and DACs.
term challenges in securing and deploying capital for Along with more funding, new strategies and delivery
improvements to their buildings. models are needed for deploying heat pumps
This situation calls for early and deep support for and other decarbonization technologies into the
this sector of the housing stock. Under currently market. The mid-2020s will be years of pilots and
existing programs, the State will invest approximately experimentation with promising approaches that may
$250 million per year in decarbonization programs help reach scale and accelerate progress toward 2030
and initiatives for LMI customers from 2020-2025. and beyond. As the State moves toward finalizing

NYCHA/ NYPA/ NYSERDA-Packaged Window-

Mounted Cold-Climate Heat Pump Pilot
New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), New York Power Authority,
and NYSERDA are partnering in issuing a solicitation for manufacturers
to deliver a unitary, standalone Packaged Window Heat Pump (PWHP)
product with cold-climate performance to install in NYCHA properties.
Such a product would deliver efficient space heating and cooling and
could be easily installed in existing buildings with minimum resident
disruption. The product would reduce costs of electrification in
multifamily buildings by enabling room by room electrification at boiler
end of life and eliminating the electrical service and distribution upgrades
associated with current heat pump products. The winning manufacturer(s)
will be awarded with a purchase order of up to 20,000-24,000 PWHP in
Photo Credit: Spectrum News NY1 NYCHA properties.

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 143

its definition of DACs and providing the
public maps of where these communities
HCR/NYSERDA Partnership
are located, new paths will be opened for NYSERDA is partnering with HCR to directly include
investment in such communities. NYSERDA-funded solar, efficiency, and/or electrification
Some businesses are already focusing grants and supplemental capital within HCR’s financing
efforts on DACs, while working to reduce processes, creating a single process for affordable
capital cost premiums with innovative housing owners/developers to access financing and
business models. One example is clean energy support.
BlocPower, an energy technology startup
that uses proprietary software for analysis, NYSERDA Will Make a Total $100 Million
leasing, project management, and
monitoring of electric heating, cooling, and Investment with about $20 Million
hot water systems for buildings in DACs. Expected Annually Through 2025.
BlocPower then offers no-money-down
electrification solutions, where feasible, via
Expected Outcomes Include:
a leasing model with repayment of project ■ Finance solar, efficiency, and/or electrification in
costs via energy cost savings. Results from 10,000-15,000 units, with potential to expand as
these investments will become apparent costs decline.
over the next several years.
■ Updated building performance standards and
The intersection of novel approaches with Green Design Guidelines.
deep financial support for LMI and DAC
decarbonization investments is driving ■ Larger pool of owners and developers experienced
NYSERDA to launch initiatives aimed at with Passive House-style new construction and
electrification in low-income housing and in deep energy retrofits.
DACs. Additionally, NYSERDA has launched
unprecedented collaborations with the
largest affordable and public housing Achievements to Date
agencies in the State: New York State HCR, ■ Established a new carbon neutral performance
New York City HPD, and NYCHA. These standard and selection criterion for new
efforts. These efforts illustrate how New York construction projects that was used in 2021 4% and
is pursuing LMI Decarbonization First. 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Pilot
Clean Energy Initiative awards.
Decarbonizing Regulated
LMI Housing ■ $7.5M awarded to HCR projects for all electric high
performance new construction projects through
Regulated affordable housing owners tend HCR’s 2021 4% and 9% LIHTC RFPs.
to have more existing touchpoints with
state agencies compared to market rate » $12,500 incentive/dwelling unit (DU) included
or naturally occurring affordable housing. $2,500 funding for integrated design to reduce
Streamlining access to all incentives and project costs, improve quality of construction,
resources through housing agencies and and enable scaling.
utilizing financing, refinancing, and other
touchpoints to drive decarbonization are ■ Expanded the pilot by issuing revised 4% and 9%
key to early-stage market development. LIHTC RFPs with ~$25 million per year supporting
This is a major goal of NYSERDA’s new construction and retrofit projects.
collaborations with New York State HCR,
■ Issued a Clean Energy Initiative offering in the 4%
New York City HPD, and NYCHA. The
and 9% LIHTC RFPs supporting new construction and
near-term objectives of these Affordable
retro-fit decarbonization.
Housing partnerships are: to “inject” clean
energy funding directly into HCR and ■ Supported HCR with development of updated building
HPD’s refinancing process; to support performance standards and design guidelines.
housing agencies in making highly

144 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

efficient, all-electric buildings their business-as- HCR, and Department of Public Service (DPS). If
usual, via updates to building performance standards; successful, these collaborations will lead to more
building internal capacity through technical assistance efficient and effective use of State and ratepayer
for building owners, developers and agency staff; and funding. These collaborations, currently housed in the
to create models for decarbonizing and electrifying State’s Low Income Energy Task Force (LIETF), are
existing affordable housing buildings that can scale as aimed at simplifying and streamlining application and
more funding becomes available. administrative processes, aligning scopes of work to
support electrification and electrification-readiness,
Putting DACs and LMI Housing First better calibrating benefit levels to match the needs
of different households, and expanding participation
to Benefit All New Yorkers among income-qualified residents.
There is significant opportunity embedded within New
Many benefits from early State investments in
York’s drive to carbon neutral buildings in LMI housing
LMI and DAC decarbonization will flow to those
and Disadvantaged Communities. For low-income
communities specifically—but not all. Early targeted
New Yorkers and those living in DACs, the potential
State investments weighted toward LMI housing are
benefits range from improved housing conditions to
kickstarting market activity, illuminating pathways to
better health outcomes, to employment opportunities,
building decarbonization to the broader real estate
to increased access to long-term wealth building.
industry, and incentivizing contractors from HVAC to
The current prominence of LMI housing weatherization to electricians to modify their business
decarbonization goals is creating unprecedented models to incorporate holistic decarbonization
collaboration across State agencies that administer solutions. By creating success stories and building
low-income energy programs, including NYSERDA, confidence in decarbonization approaches in LMI
Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), housing and DACs, New York will drive market

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 145

development and cost compression in decarbonization
products and services statewide, ultimately benefiting
New York City HPD/
all New Yorkers. NYSERDA Electrification Pilot
State-led decarbonization efforts focused on LMI
housing and DACs remain incomplete without NYSERA Investment Including
engagement of the residents and communities $24 Million over Three Years.
themselves. Decades of institutional racism, redlining,
and exclusion have eroded trust among community
Expected Outcomes Are:
members, local leaders, and institutions, as they relate ■ Serve roughly 1,100 units (~40 buildings)
to State-led agencies and initiatives. The success of
New York’s LMI and DAC building decarbonization ■ Expand as costs decline
efforts rests on patiently building trust via sustained ■ Technical assistance for affordable housing
engagement. From this engagement will flow actions developers and housing agency staff
that acknowledge the leadership and expertise of
these communities to determine their own path to a ■ Pilot a new Heat Pump Utility Allowance
clean energy transition.

New York City HPD

Preservation Pipeline
■ Typical property: 10–50 dwelling units, pre-
war building; central fossil-fuel hot water
and heating with steam distribution

■ 7–15 projects of this type out of 20–25

projects in annual HPD pipeline

Achievements to Date
■ Pilot launched in December 2021 with pre-
defined scopes and funding for partial and
full electrification in common multifamily
building types

■ Technical assistance provider onboarded

(Taitem + SWA)

■ Direct outreach to projects in HPD pipeline

In Progress/Next Steps
■ Eight projects comprising 556 dwelling
units expressed interest

■ Project administrators confirming projects

are good fit and conducting scoping call

■ First projects expected to close financing

and start construction in 2022

146 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Place-Based & Community-
Led Strategies for Long
Term Benefits
The activities and strategies to invest in DACs are supported and led
from the highest levels of New York’s public policy leaders and decision
makers, with unprecedented collaboration across State agencies.

They are also increasingly led from the bottom up, term energy affordability and wealth building. As New
with communities themselves supported by a robust York accelerates toward its 2030 goals for building
ecosystem of Community Based Organizations electrification and decarbonization, it will look to
(CBOs), nonprofits, and mission-driven clean energy increase its support for place-based and frontline
businesses designing, advocating for, and seeking community-led strategies and initiatives.
State funding and technical assistance for on-the-
ground implementation, including community outreach Recognizing Concerns of
and engagement.
Environmental Justice and DAC
Pilot efforts are underway to support creative and Stakeholders
innovative proposals for deploying clean energy and
building decarbonization solutions in Disadvantaged The CAC’s work to date, especially that of the CJWG,
Communities. The solutions include energy efficiency, has brought to prominence several concerns from
grid responsiveness or load flexibility, and solar and frontline communities about how clean energy policy
storage capabilities. Some organizations based in decisions and program investments have been carried
Disadvantaged Communities are advancing these out in the past. These concerns led to the creation of
diverse, locally sited clean energy solutions with the NYSERDA’s Energy and Climate Equity team, which has
goal of reducing loads currently served by nearby been working to build internal expertise within State
polluting peaker plants. These efforts may help to government on issues of Environmental and Climate
develop models for effectively combining building Justice, collect insights from and improve stakeholder
decarbonization with local pollution reduction and engagement mechanisms with frontline communities,
public health improvement efforts. and design pilot programs that are responsive to and
shaped by local organizations representing these
New York is aware that environmental justice does not communities. Stakeholder concerns voiced via these
only mean achieving targets and outcomes for clean forums are highlighted below:
energy deployment. It also means shifting away from
exclusive decision-making processes and expanding ■ There are often more urgent community
the range of knowledge and voices that shape the priorities in the built environment than building
clean energy transition. The path to equitable building decarbonization.
decarbonization leads to a place where historically ■ There is a history of extractive/exploitative
underserved stakeholders determine how the State relationships with businesses based outside these
supports decarbonization efforts in their communities. communities.
It also leads to a place where such communities have
the opportunity for a literal equity stake in clean ■ There is a history of exclusion and tokenization in
energy assets and businesses as a pathway to long decision-making processes.

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 147

■ The engagement process itself can be taxing on The Energy Equity Collaborative will be a consultative
local organizations with limited resources and and planning body that centers environmental and
capacity, especially when engagement activities climate justice issues, promotes greater transparency,
are uncompensated. and identifies collaboration opportunities early in
the program design process. The Collaborative
■ There is a need for translation into multiple is expected to include several Working Groups,
languages and use of salient framing on energy including one organized around equitable housing
efficiency, bill savings, electrification, and electrification stakeholders. The Collaborative and
decarbonization. its working groups will host public meetings, lead
sector-specific stakeholder engagement, and facilitate
dialogue between NYSERDA and its interagency task
Evolving Mechanisms for Stakeholder force peers, with historically marginalized community
Engagement and Community stakeholders.
Capacity Building
The State continues to work to increase community Enabling Long-Term Benefits
capacity to engage and control investments and
The vision for equitable building decarbonization is
decision making by improving existing stakeholder
still in early stages of development, but its outlines
engagement processes. NYSERDA is currently working
are becoming clear: decarbonization investments will
to increase CBO and DAC capacity through initiatives
strengthen community and local business engagement
including the Regional Clean Energy Hubs (Hubs) and
and improve the quality of housing and other buildings
the Energy Equity Collaborative.
in DACs. These investments will create clean energy
The Regional Clean Energy Hubs initiative is a $53 jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities, and early
million program that will establish Clean Energy Hubs adoption of new technology and demonstration
in each of the State’s ten economic development projects will help build knowledge and expertise in the
regions. The Hubs will provide community education community. They will deploy assets in the community
and work to promote public awareness about building that generate revenues that remain in the community.
decarbonization, as well as providing the public equal They will enable more robust generational wealth
access to benefits from clean energy investment transfer by improving the value and durability of
including energy savings programs, building residents’ homes.
electrification incentives, renewable energy options,
Aside from these economic benefits, there are a
and job opportunities.
host of non-energy benefits that decarbonization of

Corning, NY.

148 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

the built environment will bring to the State’s most
vulnerable and historically underserved residents.
Building decarbonization, by virtue of the replacement
and removal of fossil-fuel burning equipment and
infrastructure, improves indoor and outdoor air quality
which results in better health outcomes for residents.
There is evidence that reducing onsite fossil fuel
combustion in buildings results in the mitigation of
asthma and other illness.128, 129, 130 As the State broadens
the scope of supported electrification technologies
beyond space and water heating, electrification of
cookstoves in particular will offer significant health and
non-energy benefits for communities suffering from
high rates of respiratory disease.
As the climate warms, heat waves are happening more
frequently and lasting longer. A sizable percentage Photo Credit: Cycle Architecture LLC and BQE
of New Yorkers lack entirely or have limited access to
cooling in their homes. The benefits of added cooling SOTS Initiative: Clean
services that are provided by efficient electrification
with heat pumps are twofold: occupant comfort and Green Schools
protection from extreme heat conditions, which have The Clean Green Schools Initiative will
proven particularly deadly in the United States in benefit more than 1000 public schools in
recent years. Building decarbonization, particularly Disadvantaged Communities, with clean
in Disadvantaged Communities, supports better energy and energy efficiency solutions,
resilience of vulnerable, heat-sensitive populations, creating a healthier learning environment in
particularly seniors and the disabled, in the face of schools across New York State. The initiative
climate, environmental and socioeconomic stressors. will offer funding for services that will help
Enabling these long-term benefits will require schools evaluate, plan for, and facilitate
significant amounts of capital. Currently, there is a energy reduction projects, clean energy
funding gap to meet both the State’s climate and projects, and indoor air quality projects as
housing goals. The State must also continue to identify well as funding to implement decarbonization
existing and future funding that can be deployed to projects. Additional funding will be provided
meet the specific needs and desires of low income for students, faculty, and staff to engage in
and Disadvantaged Communities. New York is taking clean energy educational opportunities, such
a proactive approach to address both funding gaps. as integrating clean energy concepts into the
Policy proposals based on real world data are being classroom or supporting students to explore
leveraged to justify increased budgets for affordable clean energy careers.
housing and LMI decarbonization. Part of this work
is improving regulatory requirements, programs, and
policies to maximize the impact of public funds, as
described above. NYSERDA’s Building Electrification
Roadmap will outline these improvements in detail. health benefits—particularly in hard to reach naturally
Another part is creative data collection, research, and occurring affordable housing.
pilots that can pave the way for additional funding to Weaving together resources from both the
be braided into the public investments in clean energy, health and energy sectors can increase funding
such as Medicaid funding. Currently, NYSERDA is opportunities, expand services, and reach more
exploring ways to bring additional funding to support households in vulnerable communities. The New
decarbonization and environmental health outcomes York State Healthy Homes Value-Based Payment
in DACs. Adoption of mandatory rental housing Pilot demonstrates a framework that allows
efficiency as well as health and safety standards New York’s managed care organizations to fund
can yield significant environmental, economic and residential healthy home interventions as part of

Chapter 10: Equity and Decarbonizing Disadvantaged Communities 149

their value-based payment arrangements with and third-party aggregation, and ensuring that
healthcare providers within the Medicaid healthcare initiatives are “shovel-ready” can also maximize the
delivery system.131 The Pilot’s residential healthy opportunities where federal funding can contribute
home intervention combines energy efficiency/ (e.g. future climate bills, expanded weatherization,
weatherization measures with in-unit environmental and public housing capital budgets).
trigger reduction measures aimed at addressing The CJWG will send clear signals for the State’s
respiratory conditions such as asthma and includes direction by explicitly calling for the resources and
additional measures aimed at addressing home commitments needed to center Disadvantaged
injury. The intervention includes home skilled nurse Communities on the pathway to decarbonization. As
visits and community health worker support. Nascent the State increases community engagement as well
efforts around cooling equity are another potential as racial and environmental justice activities, DAC
avenue for leveraging funds at the intersection of stakeholders will have a stronger voice in the clean
clean energy, public health, and resiliency. energy decisions that affect them. As outlined in this
Private investment will continue to have a significant chapter, the equity commitments in the Climate Act
impact on the funding landscape and the State are leading to new approaches and investments that
will look to de-risk and leverage such private will bring the benefits of building decarbonization to
investment. Expanding affordable housing financing those who need it most and ensure that nobody is
mechanisms to include decarbonization capital left behind.
improvements, implementing credit enhancement

Last Words
The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act requires
a target of 40% of all clean energy investments, and a minimum
of 35% of investments, go to Disadvantaged Communities that
bear burdens of negative public-health effects, legacies of racial
and ethnic discrimination, environmental pollution, and impacts
of climate change.
Unique challenges and opportunities exist in decarbonizing buildings in Disadvantaged Communities,
requiring solutions driven by community stakeholders that provide them with control of clean energy
assets. Under current market conditions, some decarbonization efforts run the risk of increasing
economic burdens on low- to moderate-income stakeholders. Current programs led by NYSERDA,
utilities, and State housing agencies are testing strategies that mitigate this risk by creating sustained
economic opportunities, increased energy affordability, and long-term wealth building. Over the next
five years, successful pilots and investment will need to scale up to meet the urgent need to rapidly
decarbonize the State’s low- to-moderate income housing stock while ensuring the well-being of
families and communities.

150 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

A Just
to a Green


Chapter 11: A Just Transition to a Green Workforce 151

For New York State to achieve its goal of a fully decarbonized built
environment by 2050, it must prioritize strengthening, scaling,
and transitioning the current workforce to be able to deliver low-
carbon buildings at scale.

The energy efficiency industry already employs over

three quarters of the clean energy workers in New York
State, and demand for skilled workers will only increase
as New York State’s building stock decarbonizes,
resulting in significant job growth and economic
opportunity in every region of New York State.
The workforce needs to broaden their understanding
of buildings: from brick-and-mortar shelters to
machines that interact with vehicles and the energy
grid. With that in mind, expanding education and
skills-training in energy efficiency, electrification, and
construction of low-carbon buildings needs to be a
core focus of time and monetary investments. Direct
investments for new business development and
for retraining existing workers in fossil-fuel related
industries are necessary, and the most vulnerable
communities must also be prioritized and protected to
ensure they are not left behind.
New York State needs to continue scaling current
training programs for incumbent and new clean energy
workers, grow and develop new training programs, and
provide resources for retaining and recruiting talent
that also focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion to
increase clean energy job placement in Disadvantaged

152 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Current Workforce Barriers to
Building Electrification
Many industries will be impacted by decarbonization. These impacts
are not always positive. For example, sometimes the cost pressure
of making building upgrades results in wage depression for certain
segments, such as building service workers.

However, there will be opportunities for new and Contractors need to adapt and grow their workforce in
incumbent workers to receive further training and order to be able to meet the growing demands of the
upskilling in order to meet the growing demand for clean energy economy. Most contractor businesses,
skilled labor in the fields of energy conservation (e.g. for instance, are not structured to offer whole home
building envelope weatherization work), electrification, electrification (mechanical, electric, and plumbing
low-carbon fuels, building/grid-integration, and other [MEP] skillsets), to say nothing about efficiency and
decarbonization activities. Certain workforce gaps limit weatherization services as well. While contractors can
industry capacity (e.g. trained heat pump installers; provide all three MEP services, very few contractors
drilling is a pinch point in geothermal industry capacity) currently have all three capabilities on staff. And
and make it more difficult for clean energy initiatives to contractors that can perform an entire electrification
advance. There is already a lack of skilled labor, and a and weatherization job are very rare. Partnerships
large percentage of the existing workforce is preparing between contractors with complimentary skillsets
to retire in the next five to 10 years, which will slow the would help solve this problem. Another problem that
advancement of the clean economy if these positions contractors face is the lack of available equipment
are not refilled quickly. As these skilled workers begin to suit their customer needs without oversizing or
to depart the workforce, their knowledge base needs increasing their energy burden.
to be captured and retained for the next generation of
skilled workers.

TA B L E 1 1 .1 : R E A S O N S F O R H I R I N G D I F F I C U LT Y A M O N G H E AT P U M P E M P LOY E R S
( F O R K E Y O C C U PAT I O N S )
Heat Pump Employers Top Reason for Hiring Difficulty: Lack of Relevant Work Experience

Technical Skills Relevant Work Experience

Licensed HVAC Installer 76% 70%
HVAC Supervisor 67% 77%
Plumber 88% 88%
Plumbing Supervisor 83% 92%
Electrician 88% 100%
Owner/Senior Management 76% 76%
Construction/Installation Helper or Apprentice 76% 85%

Source: New York Clean Energy Industry Report, 2020

Chapter 11: A Just Transition to a Green Workforce 153

Local Capacity Building
In order to attract, develop, and maintain the necessary workforce
needed to decarbonize the built environment, job opportunities need
to offer family-sustaining wages, benefits, job security, and accessible,
in-person, hands-on technical skills training.

A new generation of workers, innovators, and

entrepreneurs need to be educated and brought into
the clean energy industry to keep it moving forward
and growing. This will be made possible in part with
training programs designed to accommodate different
skillsets and education levels and comprehensive
career path programming.
Projects that meet certain workforce criteria, such as
projects with trained heat pump installers, should be
incentivized, potentially with accelerated permitting
or financial renumeration. Incentive programs and
funding will help contractors overcome the perceived
risk associated with modifying their existing successful
business practices to develop their workforce, with
the goal of having contractors realize the risk of
not converting their business-as-usual practices.
Likewise, manufacturers and distributors are more
likely to increase their investment in trainings when
there is a high dollar incentive with simple program
requirements, as well as clear regulatory policy signals.
It is also necessary to encourage manufacturers to
extend their warranty to cover services, distributors
to supply multiple end uses, and contractors to obtain
new licenses to make investments that ultimately
reduce market fragmentation, consolidate risk, and
improve the customer experience.
Organizations that are well-positioned and willing to
invest in training and evolve their business to support
building decarbonization and electrification should be
identified and rewarded for skills building, business
model evolution, risk consolidation, and outreach that
encourages others in the supply chain to participate
and evolve. When all participants in the supply chain
work together to provide value with their processes, it
can increase a company’s profitability while reducing
waste in the supply chain, a strong motivator for all
participants. Coordination and collaboration between
utilities and the supply chain should be strengthened
to provide incentives and offer general trainings.

154 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Addressing Transitional
All workers need to have the opportunity for training and
employment in the clean energy economy.

That being said, those who are currently working in

the fossil fuel industry will have their jobs impacted
directly by the transition to clean energy and may need
additional service to support their path to alternate
employment, including new career training and
familial support. Strategically retraining the impacted
workforce needs to be a consideration in long-
term planning for a natural gas transition, alongside
prioritizing geographic considerations to stabilize the
industry and protect low-income and gas-dependent
consumers. The oil and gas industry workforce needs
an equitable transition plan that includes protections
and retraining that leverages transferable skills and
job transition opportunities (e.g. in dual-commodity
utilities). Workers transitioning away from the oil
and gas industry need new jobs that are high-road,
good quality jobs, with benefits earned during tenure
and protected resources for retirement. In addition
to higher median wages, the New York State Just
Transition Working Group 2021 Jobs Study found
that 80% of those workers in the clean energy sector
received some level of health insurance, as compared
to 73% in the general workforce.132 Skilled workers
can be retrained or retained to focus on smaller gas
systems or other jobs within the utility.133 Two examples
have taken place on the West Coast: utilities coupled
the rollout of smart meters with job retraining for meter
readers to fill other positions as part of agreements
negotiated in the planned closure of the Diablo Canyon
nuclear plant and the TransAlta coal plant in California
and Washington, respectively.

Chapter 11: A Just Transition to a Green Workforce 155

Scaling Workforce
Development Efforts
Targeted workforce training programs should be designed by a diverse
group of stakeholders, including local clean energy businesses,
community and environmental justice groups, and residents, in order
to produce the necessary talent pool to fill good paying jobs that
support employer demands.
Training programs develop the workforce more source heat pumps, controls, facilities, management,
effectively when they utilize partnerships that engage green building technologies, and other technical
educators, industry associations, contractors, labor aspects, as well as partnerships between junior
and labor organizations, utilities, and government colleges and the New York State Education Department
agencies to share their concerns and insights. These would also help produce graduates that are more
partnerships will better leverage resources for “work ready.” Requiring continuing education on
trainings, enhance and encourage best practices, and building decarbonization (e.g. energy efficiency,
provide diverse and informative perspectives that help electrification, embodied carbon, health benefits)
the workforce develop further. Opportunities also exist as part of licensing for architects, engineers, trades,
for training providers to partner on actual local clean contractors, building operations and maintenance,
energy projects to provide the clearest avenues for and real estate professionals will also help motivate
industry exposure. the workforce to gain further knowledge in the area.
Labor unions, trade associations, and accreditation
Education and Training bodies need to be engaged to incorporate renewable
energy, decarbonization, and electrification training
Education is a crucial cornerstone for building the into apprenticeships and other programs to increase
workforce. Affordable education costs, scholarships, diversity in the trades. There is already an ecosystem
or other incentives for continuing education would centered around labor-management sponsored training
create more opportunities for interested parties to programs (e.g. Pre-Apprenticeships and Apprenticeship
pursue higher levels of knowledge and training. To this Readiness Collective), which could be utilized and
end, NYSERDA is coordinating closely with the SUNY invested in to help grow good, family-sustaining jobs
and CUNY state systems to support scholarships, and minimize job loss.
recruitment in public schools with an emphasis on those
located in DACs, and training and certification programs NYSERDA’s expansion of workforce development
with connections to union apprenticeship initiatives. programs and initiatives has set NYSERDA up as
State-funded education institutions (e.g. K-12, technical a leader in workforce development, providing
schools, apprenticeships, engineering and architecture opportunities for training and education to New York
programs at public universities) should raise awareness State’s workforce. Building on the State’s $175 million
of building decarbonization (including health benefits), Workforce Development Initiative, NYSERDA is working
provide information on clean energy jobs, integrate to change the landscape of New York State’s workforce
market and industry needs into the curricula, and through clean energy workforce development and
provide career services to help students transition to training and programmatic changes across the
the workforce. Private education institutions should be authority. This includes a $108 million investment
encouraged to provide the same opportunities and into training programs that will benefit more than
standards as their public counterparts. Certifications 40,000 New Yorkers over the next five years. These
and degrees for vocational skills training in variable programs will prepare new entrants to enter the clean
refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, ground source and air energy economy and upskill existing workers across

156 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

sectors and through the supply chain. Assistance their workforce in pursuit of greater knowledge and
will also be provided for on-the-job training for training. Contractors and technicians can communicate
priority populations and community-based workforce with customers to drive demand for decarbonization
development. The emphasis on these aspects of technology adoption. In particular, service technicians
workforce development will further support clean can serve as ambassadors for customers: their opinion
energy businesses to hire from priority populations is the most trusted source of information and is
and advance training partnerships between clean essential in preparing customers for choosing new all-
energy businesses, training organizations, industry electric HVAC systems.
associations, and un/under-employed residents in
historically Disadvantaged Communities. Within this Collaboration
larger investment, $25 million will be utilized to create
a Climate Justice Jobs Training Initiative to prepare It is important to collaborate with local governments
historically disadvantaged individuals for clean energy and other State agencies, including those focused
jobs; $14 million is to support clean energy businesses on affordable housing, in order to clarify licensing
hiring new workers with wage subsidies for on-the-job requirements for electrification activities so that the
training; $9 million is to support intern wages (up to workforce is aware of the necessary standards and
90%) paid by businesses and organizations for clean can pursue the appropriate training as needed. The
energy related internships; $8.5 million is for Career appropriate skill standards can be required by law or
Pathway Training Partnerships for high-efficiency as a condition of qualifying for rebates, permits, or
HVAC and heat pumps; $8 million is to support building incentives. Upfront labor standards may be an added
owners and property managers for training building cost and effort for the State (e.g. licensing or training
operations and management staff across building requirements, wage standards, responsible contractor
portfolios; and $4 million is for training organizations to criteria) but as centralized or aggregated smaller
develop clean energy training capacity. New York State projects become widely implemented, economies
has also committed hundreds of millions of dollars to of scale can be realized to adopt labor standards
expand Low-Moderate-Income Consumer programs through a project labor agreement (PLA) or community
and enhanced community engagement initiatives, in workforce agreement (CWA), which would drive down
addition to hundreds of millions of dollars for building per-unit costs without weakening labor standards.
electrification solutions for approximately 130,000 Other key groups to collaborate with include New York
buildings in New York State, including a variety of State Department of Homes and Community Renewal
heat pump technologies. Approximately 25% of the (HCR), New York City Housing Preservation and
workers trained from these programs will be from
Disadvantaged Communities or priority populations.
The existing network of manufacturers, distributors,
and contractors in the supply chain can be leveraged
to share information and develop the workforce
further, as well as engage customers to drive demand.
Manufacturers and distributors have a unique ability
to identify contractors and already have dedicated
resources to train contractors on technical subjects
and business considerations. Further clarification of
the business opportunity that decarbonizing presents
and its implications for contractor business models
will help encourage interest in new education and
supporting resources, such as equipment sizing tools,
energy bill impact calculators, and marketing materials.
Growing the Advanced Trade Outreach Program to
support larger HVAC companies and distributors and
creating a taskforce of former HVAC personnel who
are familiar with the industry and network would help
communicate to contractors why now is the time to
decarbonize buildings and why they should support

Chapter 11: A Just Transition to a Green Workforce 157

Development (HPD), New York City Housing Authority, Efforts from the Climate Action Council and NYSERDA’s
New York State Public Housing Authority Directors programs and initiatives demonstrate New York
Association (NYSPHADA), New York State Association State’s commitment to scaling and transitioning a
of Counties, New York State Association of Towns and talented workforce to equip them to be able to design,
Villages, and New York State Department of Labor. construct, install, inspect, retrofit, maintain, and operate
Utilities already offer training based on program healthy and comfortable low-carbon buildings. The
requirements to ensure that contractors have the CAC’s Just Transition Working Group, led by the New
necessary technical skills and understanding of York State Department of Labor and NYSERDA, is
available programs. As a result, they should be a prioritizing workforce development. Their actions,
major driver behind executing new training skills and including developing a forward-looking jobs report,
will need assistance from their community-based identifying workforce training needs and hiring trends,
partnerships in order to make their customers aware and assessing opportunities to put former power
of the new programs and ensure participation where plant sites to productive use, will inform the equitable
it’s needed most. In addition, collaborating with the transition of New York State’s workforce to a clean
New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) energy economy. Similarly, the Energy Efficiency
will enable utilities across New York State to work and Housing Advisory Panel, led by New York State
together and find mutually beneficial ways to sync up Homes and Community Renewal and NYSERDA,
program management. recommended programmatic, regulatory, and financial
changes to support workforce education, training,
As part of their mandate, the new NYSERDA Clean and development that will also advance industry
Energy Hubs will provide community-based outreach diversity and increase clean energy job placement for
and engagement to residents, small businesses, Disadvantaged Communities.
nonprofits, and multifamily building owners to increase
access to clean energy programs and resources,
improve energy literacy, and build capacity in
TA B L E 1 1 . 2 : N YS E R DA C L E A N E N E R G Y
Disadvantaged Communities to participate in and
benefit from the clean energy economy. Thus, they
will be well positioned to embrace and leverage that Program Name Program Number
community-based engagement to expand outreach,
promote education, build interest in decarbonization Building Operations and PON 3715
and electrification, recruit new workers, and advance Maintenance
diversity in the workforce by connecting residents Career Pathway Training Partnerships PON 4463
and small businesses with resources and training Energy Efficiency and Clean PON 3981
opportunities that can lead to jobs. They can also Technology Training
work with regional economic development councils
On-the-Job Training PON 3982
to develop and implement a New York State strategy
on regional workforce development for decarbonizing Clean Energy Training Services RFQL 4145
buildings and address energy code enforcement at the Internships PON 4000
community level.

158 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Diversifying the Workforce
Disadvantaged Communities face additional barriers and challenges
to securing or retaining jobs and are at risk of being disproportionately
left behind in the clean energy transition.
This is reflected in the fact that New York State’s into the clean energy workforce. Priority populations
clean energy industry employs significantly fewer include minority workers, veterans, Native Americans,
women and people of color than the broader labor individuals facing substantial cultural barriers, low-
force. Diversifying the workforce should include an income New Yorkers, homeless individuals, individuals
equitable distribution of jobs to LMI communities, with disabilities, previously incarcerated individuals,
communities of color, and EJ communities, and youth in work preparedness training programs,
include high paying, family-sustaining jobs with good and single parents. In line with this work, the New
benefits. Residents of Disadvantaged Communities York Power Authority (NYPA) has announced a ten-
and opportunity zones, Minority and Women Owned point action plan in partnership with the American
Business Enterprise (MWBE) contractors, and service- Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE).134 The plan
disabled veteran-owned businesses need to be includes a $10 million investment into internal and
prioritized and elevated in order to ensure effective external initiatives to increase Black representation
diversity, equity, and inclusion for a just transition. in the broader energy, renewable energy, and
Local hiring and appropriate training of workers from electrification fields in order to build a more diverse,
vulnerable communities, low-income communities, and equitable, and inclusive workforce and grow the
communities of color needs to be incentivized, perhaps pipeline of utility and clean energy workers (Jobs
with community benefit agreements or community Report, 2020).
workforce agreements.
Providers have often cited a lack of industry exposure
and social ties as a hindrance to attracting individuals
from Disadvantaged Communities. According to
interviews, targeted outreach that increases clean
energy career exposure—particularly for elementary
through high school students—has been found to be
successful. Such outreach requires clear articulation of
career pathways and opportunities for success, plus
additional outreach and placement support. Other
factors that would help diversify the clean energy
workforce include wrap-around support (e.g. childcare
subsidy, free MetroCard), community-to-employment
pipelines, business development support, and
requiring employers that take public subsidies to also
conduct periodic racial bias training. Offering flexible
scheduling for training/retraining and providing courses
in different languages would also help transition a more
diverse workforce. Any on-the-job training investment
needs to be revisited and analyzed for its effectiveness
as an employment pathway and refined based on the
findings, as appropriate.
New York State has implemented workforce training
initiatives that emphasize drawing priority populations

Chapter 11: A Just Transition to a Green Workforce 159

Last Words
Decarbonization is a shared responsibility among government,
the private sector, labor unions, trade associations, and the
general public to reduce GHG emissions to combat climate
change in the most cost-effective manner possible.
We must strengthen partnerships among these groups to increase collaboration in recruiting,
developing, and training the green collar workforce of the future. A well-trained and experienced
workforce is essential to reducing the cost of decarbonization projects and investing in workforce
development will create long-term jobs and economic growth that benefit local communities. To support
any further analysis, the Just Transition Working Group of the Climate Action Council released the
2021 Jobs Study to provide measurements of the number of jobs in New York State that help counter
climate change, to project the skills and size of workforce needed to meet the demand for climate
change countering jobs, and to provide guidance on developing a workforce that includes those from
Disadvantaged Communities and typically underrepresented populations in the clean energy sector.

160 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap



Chapter 12: Stakeholder Engagement 161

All New Yorkers will be impacted by, and many will be tasked with
implementing, the Roadmap’s tenets and recommended solution sets.
Public outreach and engagement in the Roadmap TAG’s input NYSERDA planned for three phases of
development has been a focus from the beginning stakeholder participation: (i) targeted information
and has facilitated a no regrets approach to building gathering sessions by topic; (ii) a presentation of the
decarbonization. Ultimately, this participatory process preliminary findings of the Roadmap to build public
works to bring greater capacity-building within awareness and solicit public input; and (iii) post-
communities and promote collective problem solving publication community-based outreach, awareness,
for these challenging issues.135 and education.
Market actors have been consulted at each phase The comprehensive stakeholder engagement process
of the process. From serving as technical advisory that NYSERDA deployed to inform the development
group (TAG) members to providing public comment, a of the Roadmap included nearly 1,000 participants in
diverse array of market actors has brought technical 15 in-person or virtual events held around the state, a
knowledge, community needs, and policy hurdles to lengthy public comment process that collected over
the forefront of the discussion. 300 engagements, as well as targeted outreach and
An important component of NYSERDA’s agency-wide coalition building. Additionally, NYSERDA held several
engagement strategy is partnership. To this end, the bilateral meetings and information sharing sessions
NYSERDA Team has collaborated with multiple public with partners outside of New York State. This included
agencies, through stakeholder events and bilateral collaborations with partners regionally, nationally, and
brainstorming sessions with the understanding that internationally. Without this extensive stakeholder
these collaborations must endure and strengthen to engagement, the Roadmap would not be the inclusive
operationalize the Roadmap. document that it is today. This chapter will provide
an overview of research and information gathering,
At the onset of Roadmap development, NYSERDA the phases of stakeholder engagement and the
initiated a holistic and inclusive stakeholder importance of community-based outreach necessary to
engagement process by assembling a select group scale adoption of carbon neutral buildings statewide.
of subject matter experts to form a TAG. With the

F I G U R E 1 2 .1 : G R E G H A L E , S E N I O R A DV I S O R F O R E N E R GY E F F I C I E N CY M A R K E T S & F I N A N C E
AT N YS E R DA S P E A K I N G AT T H E 2 0 1 9 G E T T I N G TO Z E R O F O R U M I N OA K L A N D, C A L I F O R N I A

162 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Technical Advisory Group
The engagement effort commenced with NYSERDA’s convening of
a strategic group of subject-matter experts known as the Technical
Advisory Group, or TAG.
This body of advisors represented diverse technical 18 TAG advisors and the technical and market sectors
and market perspectives and was instrumental in that they represented are identified in Table 12.1.
setting forth the framework for topics in need of further The TAG met three times as a group and multiple times
information gathering. Seven areas of technical and in smaller groups to review policy options. The subject
market sector expertise were identified as critical to the matter experts were also consulted on an informal
Roadmap and 18 experts were sourced from a wide basis and, collectively, made extensive contributions to
range of public and private sector organizations to the Roadmap.
provide insight on both technical and policy issues. The

TA B L E 1 2 .1 : TAG M E M B E R A D V I S O R Y G R O U P

Technical and Market Sector Advisor

Engineering, Design, and Innovation Pasquale Strocchia, Building and Design, Inc.
Jeff Perlman, Bright Power, Inc.
Scott Frank, Jaros, Baum, & Bolles
Marc Zuluaga, Steven Winter Associates, Inc.

Research & Federal Government Lieko Earle, National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL)

Higher Education Nina Sharifi, Syracuse University

Cecil Scheib, P.E., New York University (NYU)
Karren Bee-Donohoe, SUNY System Administration

Local Government Ross MacWhinney / Lindsey Hirsch, New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate
and Sustainability

Community, Financing & Affordability Sadie McKeown, Community Preservation Corporation

Lauren Westmoreland, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.

Housing & Real Estate Zachary Steinberg, Real Estate Board of New York
Linda Wigington, Thousand Home Challenge
Christoph Stump, Trinity Financial, Inc.

Energy & Carbon Advocacy Panama Bartholomy, Building Decarbonization Coalition

Donna Decostanzo, Natural Resources Defense Council
Adam Hinge, Sustainable Energy Partnerships

Chapter 12: Stakeholder Engagement 163

Phases of Stakeholder
The public engagement process included three phases of input and
outreach. Phase I was a Targeted Information Gathering process
that sought to gather expert input on key topics.

Phase II, Public Input and Building Public Awareness advocates for DACs and EJ, and national experts as
engaged members of the general public in a two- well as interested individuals such as developers,
way exchange of information. Phase III, Community- builders, manufacturers, contractors, designers of
based Outreach, Awareness, and Education single-family and multifamily housing, building owners,
Campaign, is planned for post-publication of managers and operators, and real estate appraisers
the Roadmap, and includes targeted community and brokers. The goal of Phase I was to provide
outreach and coalition building. NYSERDA with relevant feedback to guide the outline
and foundational content of the Roadmap. The deep
Phase I—Targeted Information listening and idea exchange that occurred during this
phase established mutual understanding of the issues
Gathering Sessions by Topic being addressed and informed the subsequent policy
The Targeted Information Gathering phase began and solution set recommendations included in the
in September 2019 during the initial development of Roadmap.
the draft Roadmap. This phase lasted a full year and
included 15 small-group roundtables and participation
from almost 1,000 local and national experts. In this Timeline and Topics
early phase of engagement, the focus was on small-
The information gathering sessions were designed to
group information gathering sessions where experts
enable maximum access to interested parties across
provided input on key topics. Participants included
the State. In-person roundtable events, with online
market actors from government, business, finance,
access for remote participants, were held in Albany,
labor unions, trade associations, nonprofit entities,

F I G U R E 1 2 . 2 : R OA D M A P S TA K E H O L D E R E V E N T T I M E L I N E A N D TO P I C S

164 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Buffalo, and New York City. Webinars were also held, simulated policy scenarios needed to meet the
as detailed in the list below. Topics included: Climate Act emissions targets, while considering
■ Introductory Webinar—Carbon Neutral Buildings the added demands on electricity system capacity.
Roadmap (2 sessions) The analysis of building-level cost impacts led cost
mitigation strategy evaluation. The findings from the
■ Roundtable on Defining Carbon Neutrality Sprint process and resulting recommendations were
and Metrics presented to the EE&H Advisory Panel and much of the
analysis has been integrated into the Roadmap. This
■ Roundtable on Technologies and Construction analysis helped shape the policy recommendations
Methods in Decarbonizing Buildings contained in the Roadmap, as well as the CAC’s draft
Scoping Plan.
■ Roundtables on Paths and Values of
Decarbonization in Single and Multifamily
homes (2 sessions) Phase II—Public Input and Building
Public Awareness
■ Roundtables on Paths and Values of
Once stakeholder input from Phase I was integrated
Decarbonization in Office and Higher Education
into the draft Roadmap, NYSERDA moved to Phase
(2 sessions)
II of its public participation strategy. Phase II was
■ Roundtables on Grid and Grid Side of designed to obtain feedback from the public on the
Electrification—Policy and Technical Feasibility preliminary findings, as well as raise awareness and
(2 sessions) build momentum for building decarbonization amongst
various stakeholders. NYSERDA reached out to over
■ Decarbonizing Single-Family Homes 15,000 stakeholders via direct email, web-forms,
newsletters, and channel partners inviting them to
■ Decarbonizing Central Plants attend the Phase II webinars. In June 2021, NYSERDA
hosted two public webinars on the draft findings with a
■ Carbon Neutral Fuels to Decarbonize
live question and answer session for public comment.
New York’s Building Stock
The webinars were recorded and posted online, and
■ Addressing the GWP Impacts of Refrigerants public comment was accepted until August 6, 2021.
NYSERDA’s pioneering work to decarbonize New York
■ Enhancing Real Estate Value through State’s building stock garnered over 300 comments
Investments and Resiliency and questions through the public comment period. The
public comments were sorted into thematic groups
■ Exploring Workforce Development Needs and and integrated, as appropriate, into the final Roadmap
Resources for a Decarbonized Built Environment publication.
■ Reducing Embodied Carbon in New York’s
Building Stock

■ Disadvantaged Community Considerations:

Affordable Housing

■ Disadvantaged Community Considerations:

Environmental Justice

In addition to the significant input received throughout

this phase of the process, the Roadmap team also
closely followed and supported the deliberations
and recommendations of the Energy Efficiency
and Housing (EE&H) Advisory Panel to the CAC. To
support the framework established by the Climate
Act, the CAC and NYSERDA initiated an Innovation
Sprint, an accelerated analysis process to conduct
statewide building sector policy assessment, and
modeled building-level project energy savings and
economics. This deep body of analytical knowledge Photo Credit: Rodnae Productions

Chapter 12: Stakeholder Engagement 165

Phase III—Community-Based the activities of other public agencies in support of a
rapid decarbonization of New York’s building stock.
Outreach, Awareness and
Education Campaign The community-based outreach process should
also target region-specific groups to advise the
For Phase III, a statewide community-based workforce of the shift to decarbonization, embed
outreach campaign should be considered that builds training opportunities and available resources, and
awareness and provides education to prepare New provide additional information for displaced workers
Yorkers and generate support for the forthcoming and Disadvantaged Communities (see Chapter 11:
building decarbonization policy and regulatory Workforce Development and a Just Transition for
developments. Established partnerships with a variety details). The information needs to be tailored for each
of organizations will help to ensure that all households audience to provide relevant material and guidance
and businesses have the chance to understand that is most applicable to the specific community.
the changes and opportunities offered in this clean Through the process of communicating the motivations
energy transition. To help achieve the Climate Act behind the decarbonization agenda, the benefits of
goals, these efforts should include the initiation of a investing in building decarbonization, and the steps
widespread education program and development of necessary to decarbonize the built environment,
communications and marketing materials explaining community members will be empowered to serve as
the urgent need for building decarbonization, the both advocates and participants.
actions called for in the Roadmap, and the existing
technical and financial resources available through
NYSERDA, utilities, and other State agencies to Coalition Building
support those actions. These activities will also need
to be closely coordinated with public outreach and Building decarbonization is a large and complex
consumer awareness efforts that will be undertaken issue that transcends the purview of a single agency
by the CAC. or organization, thus the need to convene an allied
group of partners, organizations, and individuals
Mobilizing a strong network of community in a coalition. The approach for coalescing such
organizations will help create champions who can a group is to create a shared set of goals, target
effectively and consistently address misinformation and specific partners and allies, and create a network
communicate about decarbonization strategies and of Building Decarbonization Ambassadors and
benefits from the perspective of community needs. Champions. Building the cohort of informed community
Additionally, these community partnerships will provide members that will scale the impact of the Roadmap’s
repeat exposure to building decarbonization strategies decarbonization aims will be a vital element of
that are needed to influence consumer behaviors and implementing the Roadmap’s strategies.
preferences, shape business practices, and help align

The Coalition goals include:

Raise awareness Address Reduce GHG Save money Make Stimulate

and build support misinformation emissions and adopt improvements community-scale
from trusted and strategies cost-effective to health, safety, decarbonization as
members of local to increase solutions comfort, and an important step
communities implementation productivity towards statewide

166 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

The coalition partners and allies enlisted to spread ■ Increase awareness of these programs and
building decarbonization messaging and assist services by leveraging the expertise and trust
with scaling decarbonization will represent multiple of local community organizations—particularly
segments of the community, from state and local those with a proven track record of engaging
government to local environmental groups and Disadvantaged Communities;
environmental justice organizations, as well as building
owners, contractors, installers, trade associations, and ■ Develop outreach and engagement strategies to
NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Community Coordinators. elevate the needs of communities and residents
Building Decarbonization Champions will serve as into program and policy development; and
local advocates who promote electrification and
■ Address gaps in and advance diversity of the
decarbonization using techniques such as hosting
clean energy workforce by connecting residents
community open-house events.
with educational, training, and job opportunities
The Phase III outreach campaign could be integrated and small businesses with resources to support
with the roll-out of NYSERDA’s Regional Clean Energy economic development.
Hubs which are being designed to:
The Phase III outreach campaign should also include
■ Act as a trusted local resource for community
coordination with other New York State agencies and
members to learn more about the energy-related
authorities, so that they integrate carbon reduction as a
programs and services available to them;
key element of their core missions.

Chapter 12: Stakeholder Engagement 167

Last Words
The Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap represents a deep
commitment to the participation of a diverse array of market
actors including governmental entities, for-profit and not-for
profit organizations, community and industry groups, as well as
individuals and subject matter experts.
The process of crafting the Roadmap resulted in local coalitions, public entity partnerships and
associations that extend beyond the borders of New York State and will be critical to implementing the
ambitious targets presented by the Roadmap. The process also helped raise awareness and provided
high-level education on the key concepts of carbon neutral buildings, inspiring New Yorkers to adopt
new technologies to make their homes and buildings healthier and more efficient and reduce GHG
emissions. Continued advocacy and outreach for carbon neutral buildings is imperative for New Yorkers
to plan for and then undertake the transition to a carbon neutral building stock. Together, New York can
achieve this goal.

168 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap



Chapter 13: Conclusion 169

The solutions outlined in this Roadmap are focused on effectively
decarbonizing the built environment, both to achieve near-term
emissions reductions, as well as to meet New York’s long-term carbon
reduction goals as outlined in the Climate Act.

These actions represent New York State’s no-regrets The Roadmap identifies strategies to reduce costs
approach to the climate fight and utilize a multi- by driving scale, focusing technology RD&D to
pronged strategy to achieve the State’s goals. While make products perform better or lower the cost of
building decarbonization requires action prioritizing manufacturing, driving consumer awareness and
efficiency deployment, all-electric product installations, demand, improving installations with workforce
and decarbonization of the electric grid, there are development, lowering the cost of financing, and other
several related considerations that are also critical tactics. A number of approaches are already cost
in this transition to a carbon neutral economy. These effective including the following:     
considerations are largely about people rather than ■ Installation of distributed energy resources and
the buildings themselves. After all, buildings are controls that enable flexibility and grid interactivity.
built for the benefit of the people who occupy them,
and this Roadmap aims to ensure that individuals, ■ Electrification in new construction projects.
neighborhoods, and communities are bettered by the Electrification in existing buildings is on a
changes to come. trajectory to become cost effective with policy
This Roadmap represents a new era for New York support that encourages installation of efficient,
that brings together a number of positive outcomes all-electric equipment at the time of replacement
from building decarbonization that will serve the or during renovations.
current generation of residents, and their children and
■ Envelope efficiency strategies in new construction.
grandchildren as well. Eliminating the 32% of New
Insulation, window, and other envelope upgrades
York’s total GHG emissions attributable to the direct
can become cost-effective for retrofits given proper
onsite emissions from New York’s building stock as well
codes and policy support.
as decarbonizing the grid will tackle climate change
head on, but also deliver healthier, more comfortable The incremental costs of modernizing and
and productive places to live, work, and learn. The decarbonizing the State’s building stock also need
energy savings and load flexibility measures paired to be understood within the context of the funds that
with electrification strategies will allow for a healthy, would have been spent in any event in maintaining
reliable grid as New York enters this new future. These all of the New York’s building assets for the next
upgraded buildings will also offer better resiliency while 30 years under a business-as-usual approach. This
creating new jobs and economic opportunities. incremental cost can be minimized by careful long term
New York State’s clean energy transition is also an capital planning that integrates decarbonization into a
opportunity to make up for lost time by prioritizing building’s natural capital event, such as construction,
Disadvantaged Communities. By including frontline sale, refinancing, planned renovations and upgrades,
neighborhoods and advocates in decision-making, and tenant move-ins. And the cost needs to be
decarbonization programs and policies can work to weighed against the extreme costs of inaction.
relieve past economic and racial inequities, improve
health and resiliency, and create new and better paying Driving Scale Through Policy Adoption
jobs. The Climate Act requires that at least 35%, with a & Quantify Non-Energy Benefits 
goal of 40%, of the benefits of clean energy investment
go to historically Disadvantaged Communities. There are other cost savings achieved through
avoided expenses that stem from the benefits of
carbon neutral buildings.
Managing the Cost 
In addition to energy savings, long-term and phased
Keeping the incremental cost of building decarbonization programs and policy drivers will provide carbon
manageable is of utmost importance in reaching the neutrality benefits at scale for New Yorkers by creating
State’s climate objectives.

170 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

better building value, resiliency, health, safety, comfort, Prioritizing Disadvantaged
and productivity. In addition to the reduced energy
expenses from efficiency measures, elimination of
Communities & Creating Jobs 
onsite fossil fuel combustion will bring New Yorkers At 77%, the energy efficiency industry already employs
better indoor (and outdoor) air quality that translates the largest share of clean energy workers in New York.
into healthier spaces in which to live and work. That number is poised to grow especially for LMI-
The cost of treating the 1.4 million New York adults wage earners. As noted earlier, the Climate Act
with asthma is estimated at $4.6 billion per year.136 targets 40% of the benefits of the State’s clean energy
Cleaner indoor air will save on health care cost, investments to go to Disadvantaged Communities
improve quality of life, and raise productivity among making equity, environmental justice, and just
students and workers. In addition, carbon neutral transition central concepts.
buildings’ inherent resiliency means that indoor The State will invest nearly $1 billion in decarbonization
temperatures can be sustained longer, and onsite programs and initiatives for LMI customers through
electricity generation and storage can provide places 2025 with the aim of creating sustained economic
of refuge in the case of natural disaster and power opportunities including ensuring equitable access
outage. Finally, decarbonization policies will catalyze to workforce training. By partnering with frontline
an economic engine that will put New York at the communities and advocates in decision-making,
forefront of a new clean energy world. It will enable policymakers can increase the odds that the resulting
workforce development programs and create new jobs solutions will work to solve those communities’
in the State, but also entrepreneurial opportunities and respective needs, relieve economic and racial
business growth. inequities, and improve health and resilience while
creating better employment opportunities.
Advance Technology Ready &
Viable RD&D  Making Demand Flexibility Inherent 
Technologies are prioritized based on market readiness, Comprehensive electrification of end uses will add
and the potential for cost reduction and impact. large, new loads to the State’s electricity system.
Building efficiency technologies are, for the most part, To address this challenge, the Roadmap outlines an
mature and can be rapidly deployed in most of the approach for enhancing demand flexibility to reduce
targeted building typologies. These include air sealing, grid impacts from electrification. Demand flexibility
high performance insulation and windows, heat supports grid decarbonization by balancing the use
recovery, solar photovoltaics, and induction cooking of variable renewable generation sources. It can also
appliances. provide cost effective alternatives to help building
New York State should focus its significant RD&D owners meet legislative mandates and can shift
resources on high priority emerging technologies building energy loads to reduce peak demands on
identified in the Roadmap that are essential to the the State’s electric grid, thereby reducing peaker plant
proliferation of carbon neutral buildings, including operation, saving cost, and improving health.
expansion of heat pump form factors and efficiency, Realistically though, there will be buildings that are
advanced controls enabling load management and difficult to electrify such as some very tall buildings
grid interactivity, battery and thermal energy storage, in dense urban settings like New York City, some
electrification of steam loads, prefabricated panelized industrial facilities and labs with energy intensive
solutions, and integrated mechanical systems. The processes, and multi-building central steam plants and
Roadmap also identified low-embodied carbon district energy systems. To address this challenge,
materials and low global warming potential (GWP) the Roadmap outlines low-carbon and renewable fuel
refrigerants as important areas needing innovation options that could serve these properties while limiting
and expanded market share. In all cases, the the climate impacts.
Roadmap seeks to deploy innovation strategies that
will reduce the cost of efficiency and carbon neutral
building technologies either in product manufacturing,
installation, or ongoing operation and management.

Chapter 13: Conclusion 171

The Work Ahead
In all, the Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap is designed to support
both the long-term policy objectives of New York State and the
requirements of the Climate Act.

It is a cornerstone piece of achieving a carbon Along with the companion documents, Building
neutral economy by 2050. Importantly, it is a plan for Electrification Roadmap, and the Two Million Climate
New Yorkers developed with New Yorkers. Over Friendly Homes Action Plan, this Roadmap outlines
1,000 individuals with ranging points of view gave the current market gaps to developing carbon
input into the development of this Roadmap, with neutral buildings and best-in-class approaches that
more stakeholder engagement planned in the future. will be necessary to address those gaps between
Experts from around the world were also tapped for now and 2030. It also identifies the foundational
their insights. And the work continues. work and investments that will be needed to trigger
This first component of the report series, The Future of market forces over the next five-seven years that will
Buildings, focuses on four building typologies: 1) single- accelerate progress in the period from 2030 to 2050.
family residential, 2) low- and mid-rise (up to 20 stories) The Roadmap anticipates the development of a zero
multifamily, 3) low- and mid-rise (up to 20 stories) office emission-renewable electric grid by 2040 and values
buildings, and 4) higher education (focusing on dorms a building stock whose aggregated attributes reduce
and classrooms). Future work will focus on the next set the cost of building and operating the future grid while
of priority building typologies, which may include: enhancing its reliability, value, and health. Today,
the Roadmap calls on building owners, developers,
■ P-12 Schools ■ Skyscrapers architects, engineers, manufacturers, contractors,
(commercial and businesses, tenants, homeowners, lenders, and all
■ Big box retail residential) other participants in New York’s vibrant real estate
market to become champions of carbon-neutral
■ Warehouses ■ Restaurants and efficient buildings in order to realize the goals of the
commercial kitchens Climate Act.
■ Hotels
■ Grocery stores As one of the most ambitious climate laws in the world,
■ Hospitals the Climate Act and its designated CAC were tasked
with developing a Scoping Plan that will serve as a
■ Central plants
framework for how the State will reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and achieve net-zero emissions,
Additional technologies and specific solutions increase renewable energy usage, and ensure
will be highlighted for these building typologies, climate justice by mid-century. The development of
and future publications will also address new the Scoping Plan builds upon decades of New York’s
innovation and updated market conditions. Future climate leadership at all levels, including executive,
publications will also take a closer look at lowering regulatory, legislative, and programmatic. The
the embodied carbon of products and materials used implementation of strategies in the Scoping Plan will
in buildings. The best strategy to reduce embodied be guided by the State’s past successes and informed
carbon is most often to encourage building reuse, by lessons learned here in New York and in other
beginning in urban centers. In addition, procurement jurisdictions. This Roadmap served as part of the
requirements and design specifications for State- foundation to the buildings chapter of the Scoping Plan.
funded projects, support for education, RD&D, and Although much more work remains, the Scoping Plan
business opportunities spawned by New York’s clean represents a crucial step towards achieving New York’s
energy transition will expand in-state manufacturing of ambitious climate goals and provides a clear signal to
alternative products that are lower in embodied carbon the entire State community of what is to come.
or made of carbon sequestering materials.

172 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap


Appendix 173
Glossary of Terms
Affordable: For the purposes of this report, Carbon emissions metric: Carbon emissions
“affordable” is defined as “where the homebuyer has a associated with the different energy sources consumed
household income which does not exceed the income by the building on an annual basis (lbCO2e/year).
limits defined by the State of New York Mortgage Carbon footprint: Carbon footprint is defined as
Agency (SONYMA) low-interest rate mortgage program the totality of an organization’s energy consumption
in the non-target, one- and two-person household (or activities) and the resulting emissions from that
category for the county where such property is consumption. Emissions are calculated by applying
located.”1 This specification is equivalent to 100% of emissions factors to each activity. An emission factor is
state median family income (SMI) or area median family based on the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of each
income (AMI) whichever is greater. type of activity.
All-electric building: No combustion equipment is Carbon intensity: Please refer to the definition for
used as part of the building heating, cooling, hot water, emissions factor.
cooking, and laundry.
Carbon neutral building: A building that uses passive
Baseline assessment: When appropriate, the baseline design strategies to minimize energy demand, whose
measurement to analyze the potential benefits of a systems are highly energy efficient, that meets its
home under an Affordable Green Building Program energy needs by producing onsite or procuring
will be a home built in compliance with the current emissions-free energy, and that is responsive in real
Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York time to conditions facing the grid.
State—2016 (ECCC-NY). This is based on the 2015
International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE Carbon value: The value of carbon is a monetary
90.1-2013, as modified by the State of New York and, estimate of the value associated with small changes in
the 2017 Uniform Code Supplement for New York State emissions of carbon.
based on the 2015 International Residential Code. Commercial building: All buildings or facilities that are
Best practice: In this report, best practice represents not included in the definition for “Residential building.”
the most effective method acceptable for construction Direct emissions: Onsite fossil fuel combustion from
of any given measure or system. It includes the buildings sector. Direct emissions are dominated by
construction industry standards that may go beyond fossil-fuel combustion for space heating and hot water.
code requirements. Best practice may also apply to Electrification is the largest driver of direct emissions
program or administrative functions. reductions.
Building decarbonization: The reduction of Disadvantaged Communities (interim definition):
carbon emissions (aka GHG emissions), through Properties located in census block groups that are
the conversion of existing equipment and systems below the HUD 50% Area Median Income threshold
powered by combustion processes, to highly efficient and within DEC PEJAs (income + race/ethnicity) or New
equipment and systems powered by emissions-free York State Opportunity Zones.
Electrification: Electrification refers to replacing direct
Building electrification: The conversion of an existing fossil fuel use (e.g. propane, heating oil, gasoline) with
building’s heating, cooling, hot water, cooking, electricity [use] in a way that reduces overall emissions
and laundry equipment and systems powered by and potentially energy costs while lowering other
combustion processes, to highly efficient equipment air pollutants. (Source: Environmental and Energy
and systems powered by electricity. Study Institute) In the context of buildings and homes,
Carbon coefficient: Carbon coefficient is defined as electrification commonly refers to the practice of
the quantity of CO2e emissions attributable to a unit replacing fossil fuel-powered measures, such as HVAC
of energy consumed. New York City Local Law 97 and domestic hot water equipment, with electric-
sets near-term carbon coefficients by energy source powered equivalents.
(electricity, gas, steam, etc.) that are used to convert
energy consumption to emissions impact.

174 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Electric readiness: The installation of electrical service Green building measures: Green Building Measures
and panel capacity, conduit, fixtures, and outlets for refers to the green building practices or processes
a future installation of electric equipment for space identified in The Public Authorities Law, Section 1872-a.
heating and cooling, hot-water, cooking, and laundry. Specifically included are energy cost and consumption
Electric vehicle (EV) readiness: The installation of savings, healthy indoor living environments,
electrical service and panel capacity, conduit, fixtures, smart growth/smart planning, integrated design,
and outlets for a future installation of EV chargers. environmentally responsible products, and waste
Embodied carbon: The sum of all GHG emissions
resulting from the mining, harvesting, processing, Green building standards: Standards that are used
manufacturing, transportation and installation of to incent green building. Green building can be
materials and buildings. defined as “the practice of creating structures and
using processes that are environmentally responsible
Emissions factor: The emissions factor or carbon and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-
intensity of electricity indicates how much GHG cycle from siting to design, construction, operation,
emissions are created by all power plants operating at maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This
any given moment. practice expands and complements the classical
Emissions profile: An emissions profile indicates the building design concerns of economy, utility, durability,
amount of GHG emissions created by power plants and comfort. Green building is also known as a
during the course of an hour, day, month or year. sustainable or high performance building.” (EPA)
Energy affordability: A household’s energy burden— Greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI): GHGI is a metric for
the percentage of household income spent on energy commercial buildings. Considers the carbon emissions
bills—provides an indication of energy affordability. from the different energy sources consumed by the
building on an annual basis in tons of CO2 per square
Energy efficiency: Minimized consumption of energy
foot per year.
required to perform useful work.
Grid integrated buildings: An energy-efficient building
Energy storage readiness: The installation of electrical
that uses smart technologies and onsite distributed
service and panel capacity, conduit, fixtures, and
energy resources (DERs) to provide demand flexibility
outlets for a future installation of electric batteries.
while co-optimizing for energy cost, grid services, and
Environmental justice: Environmental justice is the fair occupant needs and preferences in a continuous and
treatment and meaningful involvement of all people integrated way.
regardless of race, color, national origin, or income,
Hazards: Climate events that cause damage to
with respect to the development, implementation, and
buildings. For example: hurricanes, tropical storms,
enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and
flooding, severe storms, winter storms, sea level rise,
policies. (EPA)
and heat waves.
Equity: Equity means broadly that assets are
HFCs or hydrofluorocarbons: HFC’s are greenhouse
distributed fairly and justly for the benefit of the public.
gases, manufactured for use in refrigeration, air
(Office of Equity and Access)
conditioning, foam blowing, aerosols, fire protection
Financing: The Public Authorities Law Section 1872-a and solvents.
states that financing can be from NYSERDA or other
High performance: High performance projects
public or private sources and available to developers,
received an incentive from NYSERDA because their
builders, design professionals or potential owners for
predicted (modeled) energy consumption was at least
affordable units.
30% below the energy code in effect when the project
Future-proof: Many of the potential climate impacts to began. These projects offer additional examples of
buildings and their occupants can be reduced through buildings with low energy targets and outcomes.
conscious efforts to incorporate resilient design
Impacts: The potential effects climate change has or
measures—the idea of “future-proof” design that keeps
could have on buildings or occupants. For example,
flexibility and system/component service life in mind.
cladding damage, water damage to building contents,
and increased occurrence of asthma are all potential
impacts of climate changes on buildings.

Appendix 175
Indirect benefits: Indirect benefits accrue from a Net Zero Energy Certified: Net zero energy certified
green building measure or program, but are not projects have been awarded Net Zero Energy (or
immediately observable, secondary to the main focus equivalent) certification by a trusted third party
of the program, and often difficult to calculate with any such as the International Living Future Institute
degree of confidence. For this report, potential indirect (ILFI). The certifier has thoroughly reviewed at least
benefits are identified but not quantified. one continuous year of energy consumption and
Indirect emissions: Electricity usage accounted in the generation data to certify zero energy performance.
electricity generation sector. Net Zero Energy Emerging: Net zero energy emerging
Integrated design: Integrated design is a process to buildings have publicly stated goals of reaching NZE.
engage all project team members in the process of These buildings may be in the planning or design
discovering synergies between systems, components, phase, under construction, or have been in operation
and co-creators (design and construction team) to for fewer than 12 months. Others may have been
produce much higher levels of building performance, operating for at least a year, but their measured energy
human comfort, and environmental benefits, with less use data either has yet to achieve NZE, or the data to
wasted time and resources. document NZE performance was not available.

Low-income and low- to moderate-income (LMI): Low- Net Zero Energy Verified: Net zero energy verified
and Moderate-Income households in are categorized as projects have achieved NZE for at least one full year
the following, based on their annual income. and NBI has verified the performance data.

■ Very low income: Income less than 130% NYStretch Energy Code: A model code for voluntary
HHSPG adoption by local jurisdictions in New York State,
to be enforced as the local Energy Conservation
■ Low income: Income greater than 130% Construction Code, which sets energy conservation
HHSPG but less than the greater of 150% standards more stringent than the New York State
HHSPG vs. 60% SMI for New York Energy Conservation Construction Code.
Owner: For purposes of new construction, owner
■ Moderate income: Income greater than the
refers to a person who owns a residential building
greater of 150% HHSPG vs. 60% SMI for New
on the date that a certificate of occupancy. In the
York but less than the greater of 80% SMI for
instances where the certificate is owned by the builder,
New York vs. 80% PUMA AMI
it includes the potential owner.
Multifamily building: A residential building with five or Peak demand: Peak demand refers to times of the
more dwelling units. highest demand for electricity, which tend to happen
Net Energy Use Intensity (Net EUI): Net EUI is annual during the hottest or the coldest hours of the year, as
energy use minus annual onsite renewable generation, people turn on the heat or air conditioning in order to
divided by the building’s floor area in SF. A building stay comfortable when outside temperatures are at
with a measured net EUI (site or source) less than zero their extreme.
has achieved ZE. Some buildings in the ZE Emerging Passive design strategies: Passive design strategies,
category show a negative net EUI based on modeled such as reducing the volume of conditioned space,
or estimated data. optimizing building orientation, minimizing thermal
Net Zero Energy (NZE): NZE projects are buildings bridging, and using daylighting, thermal massing, and
with significantly reduced energy loads, such that robust insulation, reduce the building’s total energy
100% or more of the energy use can be met with onsite consumption as well as the rate of energy use at any
renewable energy generation annually. In this list, given time (energy demand).
projects are categorized as NZE Certified, NZE Verified, Passive survivability: Passive survivability is the
or NZE Emerging. For simplicity, projects that have set a ability of buildings to maintain safe conditions and
net zero carbon goal are listed as net zero energy. a reasonable level of functionality in the event of a
power outage.

176 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

Residential building: A building where the main or Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI): TEDI
dominant use is to provide complete independent Considers the amount of energy a building requires to
facilities for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and maintain an indoor temperature that is comfortable for
sanitation including single-family and multifamily but occupants per square foot of conditioned floor area
not to include transient uses classified as R-1 in the per year. Expressed as a combination of annual heating
Building Code of New York State. and cooling demand.
Resilience: The capacity to withstand and recover from Total System Performance Ratio (TSPR): TSPR is
events that incur stress and damage. a relative whole system efficiency metric for HVAC
Risk: A product of the probability of a climate hazard systems based on the ratio of predicted heating,
occurring, the likelihood of impacts from that hazard, cooling and ventilation load to carbon emissions.
and the magnitude of consequences if that impact Vulnerability: The degree to which buildings,
occurs. An example of a high-risk scenario is expensive occupants, and related social systems are
electrical equipment located on the ground floor of a susceptible to and unable to cope with the adverse
building in a flood plain. impacts of climate change. An example of increased
Single-family building: A residential building with one vulnerability is elderly occupants’ susceptibility to
to four dwelling units. injury and death from heat waves relative to that of
healthy younger occupants.
Site Energy Use Intensity (EUI): Site EUI is a metric
for commercial buildings. This metric stands for the Zero Energy Performance Index (zEPI): zEPI is a
total gross site-level Energy Use Intensity (EUI), used metric for commercial buildings. The metric considers
to measure annual energy use per square foot (SF) of the energy performance of a building on a scale of 0 to
building floor area. Energy use includes consumption 100 by comparing the modeled or actual performance
from all fuels (grid-delivered and onsite-generated of a building design against a fixed baseline. Additional
electricity, natural gas, district energy, and delivered terms related to LMI can be found in the LMI Market
fuels) in thousands of British thermal Units (kBtu) per Characterization Glossary.
year (yr). That sum is divided by the building’s gross
size, thus the units are kBtu/sf/yr.
Source Energy Use Intensity (EUI): Source EUI is a
metric for commercial buildings. Considers energy
losses associated with generating a delivering fuel
to the building by applying conversions factors to the
fuel consumed onsite on an annual basis. Expressed in
kBtu divided by square feet. The metric relies on site
energy data and published conversion factors.
Source energy: Source Energy Use is the total amount
of raw fuel that is required to operate a property.
In addition to what the property consumes onsite,
source energy includes losses that take place during
generation, transmission, and distribution of the
energy, thereby enabling a complete assessment of
energy consumption resulting from building operations.
State Energy Code: The New York State Energy
Conservation Construction Code promulgated
pursuant Article 11 of the Energy Law.

Appendix 177
Acronyms Government Agencies and Authorities
CO2e: Carbon Dioxide equivalent DEC: Department of Environmental Conservation
DAC(s): Disadvantaged Communities DASNY: Dormitory Authority of the State of New York
EJ: Environmental Justice DOH: Department of Health
EV: Electric Vehicle DOS: Department of State
GHG: Greenhouse gas DOT: Department of Transportation
GWP: Global Warming Potential DOTF: Department of Taxation and Finance
HFCs: Hydrofluorocarbons DPS: Department of Public Service
HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HCR: New York State Homes and Community Renewal
LMI: Low- to moderate-income HPD: New York City Dept. of Housing Preservation and
MMt: Million Metric Tons Development

MWBE: Minority/Women-Owned Business Enterprise HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
PACE: Property Assessed Clean Energy
NYCHA: New York City Housing Authority
PV: Photovoltaic
NYPA: New York Power Authority
R&D: Research and Development
NYSERDA: New York State Energy Research and
SDVOB: Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business Development Authority
T&D: Transmission and Distribution PHA: Public Housing Authority
VRF: Variable Refrigerant Flow PSC: Public Service Commission
WAP: Weatherization Assistance Program SHPO: State Historic Preservation Office

178 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

1 United States Census 2020. “Census Demographic Data 2020.” Accessed September
14, 2021 from https://mtgis-portal.geo.census.gov/arcgis/apps/MapSeries/index.

2 Office of the New York State Comptroller. “Financial Condition Report, Economic and Demographic Trends.”

3 New York State Climate Action Council. December 2021. “Draft Scoping Plan.” https://climate.ny.gov/Our-

4 NYSERDA. June 2020. “Retrofit NY Market Characterization Study: Building Stock Assessment and Architectural
Profiles of Predominant New York State Multifamily Building Types,” Report Number 20-20. https://www.
nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/RetrofitNY/Resources-and-Reports. Table 2.3.

5 Architecture 2030. “Existing Building Actions.” https://architecture2030.org/existing-building-actions/

6 NYSERDA Residential Housing Stock Characterization 2022.

7 NYSERDA. March 2022. “Residential Building Stock & Fuel Use in New York State — Statewide Housing Stock

8 Energy + Environmental Economics. “Pathways to Decarbonization in New York State.” Last modified June 24,
2020. https://documents.dps.ny.gov/public/Common/ViewDoc.aspx?DocRefId=%7B9163B892-F852-4074-

9 NYSERDA. 2019 HVAC Market Characterization: Residential Building Stock Assessment. September 27, 2019.
Pages 6-7. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/About/Publications/Building-Stock-and-Potential-Studies/Residential-

10 NYSERDA. Residential Statewide Baseline Study: Volume 1: Single Family Report. Report Number 15-07. July
2015. Page 41. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/About/Publications/Building%20Stock%20and%20Potential%20

11 Urban Green. “Demystifying Steam Report.” https://www.urbangreencouncil.org/content/projects/


12 Centers for Disease Control. 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). https://www.cdc.gov/

13 U.S. Energy and Information Administration. Table HC1.7: Fuels used and end uses of homes in the Northeast
and Midwest regions, 2015. https://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/data/2015/hc/php/hc1.7.php

14 NYSERDA. New York State Commercial Baseline Study: Volume 1. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/about/

publications/building-stock-and-potential-studies/commercial-statewide-baseline-study. Commercial Space
Types on page 13

15 NYSERDA. New York State Commercial Baseline Study: Volume 1. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/about/publications/

building-stock-and-potential-studies/commercial-statewide-baseline-study. Ownership on page 22.

16 Energy Information Agency published the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS 2012)

Appendix 179
17 NYSERDA. New York State Commercial Baseline Study: Volume 1. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/about/
publications/building-stock-and-potential-studies/commercial-statewide-baseline-study. Page 58.

18 New York State Office of the Controller. Retrieved September 15, 2021. https://www.osc.state.ny.us/reports/

19 The Commission on Independent Colleges & Universities in New York. “Facts About New York State’s
Independent Colleges and Universities.” Accessed November 2022. https://cicu.org/quick-facts

20 State University of New York Master Capital Plan Report State Operated Campuses.State Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
https://sucf.suny.edu/sites/default/files/docs/2022%202023%20Master%20Capital%20Plan.pdf. Page 3.

21 The City University of New York Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan FY 2020-21 through FY 2024-25. https://www.
cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/media-assets/Intro-CUNY-capital-FY-20-21-1-2-20-GP-Fin.pdf. Page. 2

22 Energetics Incorporated for U.S. DOE, Building Technology Office. 2014. “Windows and Building Envelope
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23 Ng, Lisa C., Shrestha Som, William S. Dols, and Steven J. Emmerich. 2019. “NIST Air Leakage Calculation Tools,
National Institute of Standards and Technology.”

24 Russell, Marion, Max Sherman and Armin Rudd, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 2005. “Review of
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25 Syracuse University. Sharkey, Julie. “University Team Receives Department of Energy Award to Develop
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26 DOE. Egerter, Amy, and Martha Cambell. “Prefabricated Zero Energy Retrofit Technologies: A Market
Assessment. Oakland, CA. DOE/GO-102020-5262.” 2020. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy20osti/76142.pdf

27 Electric Power Research Institute. Sweeney, Michael et. al., 2014. “Induction Cooking Technology Design and

28 Dandelion Energy. Accessed April 2, 2022. http://www.dandelionenergy.com/.

29 EPA. “Nitrogen Dioxide’s Impact on Indoor Air Quality.” Accessed July 2020. https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-

30 RMI. Seals, Brady, and Andee Krasner, 2020. “Health Effects from Gas Stove Pollution.” https://rmi.org/insight/

31 EHP. Nadia N Hansel et al. October 2008. “A Longitudinal Study of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Levels and
Respiratory Symptoms in Inner-City Children with Asthma.” Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 116
Number 10, p. 1430, https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp.11349.

32 ICE Air. “RSXC, New Construction PTAC Cold Climate Heat Pump.” Accessed April 2022. https://www.ice-air.

33 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. M.Z. Fernandez and C. Corbin. “Impacts of Commercial Building Controls
on Energy Savings and Peak Load Reduction.” 2017. https://buildingretuning.pnnl.gov/publications/PNNL-

180 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

34 RMI. Carmichael, Cara, Matt Jungclaus, and Phil Keuhn. “Value Potential for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings
in the GSA Portfolio: A Cost-Benefit Analysis.” 2019. https://rmi.org/insight/value-potential-for-grid-interactive-

35 RMI. Tyson, Madeline, and Charlie Bloch. “Breakthrough Batteries: Powering the Era of Clean Electrification.”
2019. https://rmi.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/rmi_breakthrough_batteries.pdf

36 U.S. Energy Information Administration. “Battery Storage in the United States: An Update on Market Trends.”
Last modified August 2021. https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/electricity/batterystorage/pdf/battery_

37 Blue Frontier AC. “Blue Frontier AC.” Accessed April 2022. https://bluefrontierac.com/.

38 Sunamp. “Sunamp Thermal Batteries Launched in U.S. in New York State Innovation Challenge.” Accessed
April 2021. https://sunamp.com/sunamp-thermal-batteries-launched-in-us-in-new-york-state-innovation-

39 Taitem Engineering. “Multifamily Performance Program: Case Study–Existing Buildings Steam Boiler System
Replacements.” Accessed 2019. https://www.taitem.com/wp-content/uploads/CS-EB-Steam-boiler-

40 Steven Winter Associates. Flothow, Jonathan, Nicole Ceci, Jason Block, Heather Nolen, and Marc Zuluaga, 2015.
“Clanging Pipes and Open Windows: Upgrading New York City Steam Systems for the 21st Century.” https://

41 BuildingGreen. Melton, Paula. “The Urgency of Embodied Carbon and What You Can Do About It.” 2018. https://

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43 RMI. Matt Jungclaus, et al., 2021. “Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Low-Cost, High-Value
Opportunities,” RMI, https://rmi.org/insight/reducing-embodied-carbon-in-buildings/

44 NRDC. Robbins, Lindsay, Pierre Delforge. “Heat Pump Retrofit Strategies for Multifamily Buildings.” 2019. https://

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Chillers.” 2016. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-12/documents/international_transitioning_to_

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Chillers.” 2016. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-12/documents/international_transitioning_to_

47 NYSERDA. 2021. “NYSERDA Announces Round Three Winners of Commercial and Industrial Challenge.” https://

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Buildings. Accessed April 2022.

49 (NYISO 2020) “2020 Load & Capacity Data.” https://www.nyiso.com/documents/20142/2226333/2020-Gold-


Appendix 181
50 New York ISO. “Power Trends 2021: New York’s Clean Energy Grid of the Future.” https://www.nyiso.com/

51 New York State. “New York State Decarbonization Pathways Analysis: Summary of Draft Findings.” 2020. https://

52 NYSERDA. 2018. “Combination Electric And Gas Industry Comparative Balance Sheet Assets And Other Debits
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Drivers, barriers, prospects, and policy approaches.” Last modified March 2018. https://eta-publications.lbl.gov/

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Modernize, Reimagine, Reach.” 2021. https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/sustainability/downloads/pdf/publications/

59 NESEA. Lois Arena, Nicole Ceci, Mark Ginsberg. “Electrification and Large Buildings: Roadblocks and
Opportunities.” https://nesea.org/session/electrification-and-large-buildings-roadblocks-and-opportunities

60 Hast, Syri, Lekavičius, Galinis. “District heating in cities as a part of low-carbon energy system.” June 2018.
Energy, Volume 152, pages 627-639. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544218305656

61 NESEA. Lois Arena, Nicole Ceci, Mark Ginsberg. “Electrification and Large Buildings: Roadblocks and
Opportunities.” https://nesea.org/session/electrification-and-large-buildings-roadblocks-and-opportunities

62 NEEP. “Cold Climate Air-Source Heat Pump (ccASHP) Product List and Specifications.” Last modified 2022.

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64 Imperial College London. Strbac et al 2018. “Analysis of Alternative UK Heat Decarbonisation Pathways.” August
2018. https://www.theccc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Imperial-College-2018-Analysis-of-Alternative-

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affordable way.” https://gasforclimate2050.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Ecofys-Gas-for-Climate-Report-

182 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

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energy system by 2050.” https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC118592/towards_net-

67 Western Power Distribution and Wales & West Utilities. “Freedom Project: Final Report.” 2018. https://www.

68 American Gas Foundation, ICF. “Renewable Sources of Natural Gas: Supply and Emissions Reduction
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71 SWP Comment. Westphal et al 2020. “The International Dimensions of Germany’s Hydrogen Policy.” Issue
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72 NREL. Melania et al 2013. “Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: A Review of Key Issues.”

73 Climate Change Committee. “Hydrogen in a Low Carbon Economy.” Last modified November 2018. https://

74 American Gas Foundation, ICF. “Renewable Sources of Natural Gas: Supply and Emissions Reduction
Assessment.” Last modified December 2019 https://gasfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/AGF-

75 California Energy Commission. Aas et al 2019. “The Challenge of Retail Gas in California’s Low-Carbon Future-
Technology Options, Customer Costs, and Public Health Benefits of Reducing Natural Gas Use.” CEC-500-2019-
055-F. Last modified April 15, 2020. https://ww2.energy.ca.gov/2019publications/CEC-500-2019-055/CEC-

76 Climate Change Committee. “Hydrogen in a Low Carbon Economy.” Last modified November 2018. https://

77 Howarth et al 2021. “How Green is Blue Hydrogen?” Energy Science and Engineering Vol 9, Issue 10. Last
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78 American Gas Foundation, ICF. “Renewable Sources of Natural Gas: Supply and Emissions Reduction
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79 E3. Mettetal et al 2020. “Hydrogen Opportunities in a Low Carbon Future.” Last modified June 2020. https://www.

Appendix 183
80 Environ. Wang et al 2007. “Life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas emission impacts of different corn ethanol
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81 Energy Science & Engineering. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Baker et al 2020. “Getting to Neutral:
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82 Environ. Grubert, E. “At scale, renewable natural gas systems could be climate intensive: the influence of
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84 GTI. Liss et al 2018. “Assessment of Natural Gas and Electric Distribution Service Reliability.” Last modified
July 19, 2018. https://www.gti.energy/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Assessment-of-Natural-Gas-Electric-

85 NYSERDA. 2018. “Combination Electric and Gas Industry Comparative Balance Sheet Assets and Other Debits
for the Year Ended December 31, ($000s).”

86 (US Census Bureau 2020). “Table DP04: Selected Housing Characteristics.”

87 Buchholtz et al 2015. “Greenhouse gas emissions from local wood pellet heat from northeastern U.S. forests.”
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89 FEMA. 2020. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Accessed July 2020.

90 NYC Mayor’s Office of Resiliency, Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines, September 2020 https://www1.nyc.

91 Bohm, Martha, Nicholas B. Rajkovich, Yasmein Okour, Elizabeth Gilman, and Thomas J. Mulligan. 2019.

92 Climate Adaptation by Design: Overview for New York State Building Professionals. Albany: New York State
Energy Research and Development Authority.

93 IOM. 2011. Climate Change, the Indoor Environment, and Health. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

94 Hundreds Are Believed To Have Died During The Pacific Northwest Heat Wave. https://www.npr.

95 Dobbins, James, and Hiroko Tabhuchi. 2021. Texas Blackouts Hit Minority Neighborhoods Especially Hard.

96 USGBC. 2019. Passive Survivability and Back-up Power During Disruptions. Accessed September 19, 2019.

184 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

97 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Council. 2019. Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: 2019 Report. Washington, DC:
National Institute of Building Sciences. Accessed July 2020. https://www.nibs.org/files/pdfs/NIBS_MMC_

98 FEMA. 2014. Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your Home From Flooding. https://www.

99 USGBC. 2020. LEED certification for residential. Washington DC: United States Green Building Council.
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100 NFIP / CRS. 2018. A Local Official’s Guide to Saving Lives, Preventing Property Damage, and Reducing the
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Success. Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership, https://neep.org/sites/default/files/Resilient%20and%20

103 FEMA. 2014. Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect Your Home From Flooding. https://www.

104 New York Passive House. 2015. Brooklyn’s R-951: NYC’s First Building to Achieve Passive House Certification
AND Net Zero Energy-Ready Certification. NYPH. Accessed in January 2022. https://www.nypassivehouse.

105 NYSERDA Residential Housing Stock Characterization 2022.

106 Energy + Environmental Economics. “Pathways to Decarbonization in New York State.” Last modified June 24,
2020. https://documents.dps.ny.gov/public/Common/ViewDoc.aspx?DocRefId=%7B9163B892-F852-4074-

107 NYSERDA. 2020. “NYSERDA RetrofitNY Market Characterization Study: Building Stock Assessment and
Architectural Profiles of Predominant New York State Multifamily Building Types,” NYSERDA Report 20-
20. Prepared by Gabrielle Brainard and Can Sucuoglu (Pratt Institute School of Architecture) and Nina
Sharifi (Syracuse University School of Architecture) https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/-/media/Files/Programs/

108 NYSERDA. 2022. “Residential Building Stock & Fuel Use in New York State.”

109 NYSERDA. 2022. “Residential Building Stock & Fuel Use in New York State.”

110 NYSERDA, “Net Zero Resources,” Accessed April 15, 2022. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/

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112 Energy Space, “Paul & Joanne Coons—Clifton Park—NY: Geothermal.” Accessed April 15, 2022. https://www.

Appendix 185
113 NYSERDA. “New York State Commercial Baseline Study: Volume 1.” Prepared by Opinion Dynamics. https://

114 NYSERDA. “New York State Commercial Baseline Study: Volume 1.” Prepared by Opinion Dynamics. https://

115 Alfandre Architecture “Net Zero Energy Office Building, New Paltz, NY—Case Study,” Accessed April 15, 2022.

116 National Center for Education Statistics, “College Navigator—New York,” accessed February 4, 2022. http://

117 EYP Engineering, “ZEN(Zero Energy Nanotechnology) Building.” Accessed February 4, 2022. https://www.

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119 Department of Environmental Conservation. “DEC Announces Finalization of ‘Value of Carbon’ Guidance to
Help Measure Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Accessed April 6, 2022. https://www.dec.ny.gov/

120 Rita Ballesteros, David Heslam, and Greg Hopkins, Build Back Better Homes: How to Unlock America’s Single-
Family Green Mortgage Market, RMI, 2021, http://www.rmi.org/insight/build-back-better-homes

121 RMI. “Empire State Building Retrofit Surpasses Energy Savings Expectations.” Accessed February 4 2022.

122 NYSERDA. 2021. “New York State Disadvantaged Communities Barriers and Opportunities Report,” NYSERDA
Report [21-35]. Prepared by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation, New York Power Authority. https://climate.ny.gov/-/media/Project/

123 Benefits.gov. “New York Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.” Accessed April 22, 2022. https://

124 NYSERDA. 2017. “NYSERDA Low- to Moderate-Income Market Characterization Report,” Prepared by
APPRISE Incorporated. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/-/media/Files/Publications/PPSER/Program-

125 NYSERDA. 2017. “NYSERDA Low- to Moderate-Income Market Characterization Report,” Prepared by
APPRISE Incorporated. https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/-/media/Files/Publications/PPSER/Program-

126 Guidehouse, Association for Energy Affordability, Taitem Engineering, and Urban Green. “Low and Moderate
Income (LMI) Electrification Study.” Slide deck produced for NYSERDA, November 2021.

127 NYESRDA “Governor Cuomo Announces Clean Energy Investments to Benefit Over 350,000 Low- to Moderate
Income Households.” July 27, 2020. Accessed September 2021: https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/About/

186 Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap

128 Lin, W., B. Brunekreef, and U. Gehring. 2013. “Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide and Gas
Cooking on Asthma and Wheeze in Children.” International Journal of Epidemiology 42 (6): 1724-37. https://doi.

129 Belanger K (et al). 2013. “Household Levels of Nitrogen Dioxide and Pediatric Asthma Severity.” Epidemiology 24
(2): 320-30. https://doi.org/10.1097/ede.0b013e318280e2ac.

130 Buonocore, J., Salimifard, P., Michanowicz, D. R., Allen, J. G. 2021. “A Decade of the U.S. Energy Mix
Transitioning Away from Coal: Historial Reconstruction of the Reductions in the Public Health Burden of Energy.”
Environmental Research Letters 16 (5): 054030. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abe74c.

131 NYSERDA. 2020. “Clean Energy Fund: Low-to Moderate Income Chapter.” Prepared by NYSERDA. https://www.

132 Rep. Just Transition Working Group 2021 Jobs Report. New York State Climate Action Council, December 2021.

133 Rep. California Building Decarbonization, Workforce Needs and Recommendations, November 2019. https://

134 “NYPA Is First Energy Company to Partner With American Association of Blacks in Energy to Address Racial
Justice in Energy Sector.” 20200728-AABE. New York Power Authority, July 28, 2020. https://www.nypa.gov/

135 United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2021. Public Participation Guide: Introduction to Public
Participation. Accessed September 2022. https://www.epa.gov/international-cooperation/public-

136 Nurmagambetov T, Kuwahara R, Garbe P. “The Economic Burden of Asthma in the United States, 2008-2013.”
Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 Mar;15(3):348-356. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201703-259OC

Appendix 187
Clean energy can power New York while protecting the environment.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, known
as NYSERDA, promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy
sources. These efforts are key to developing a less polluting and more reliable
and affordable energy system for all New Yorkers. Collectively, NYSERDA’s
efforts aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, accelerate economic growth,
and reduce customer energy bills.

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