Eng f1 Updated Sow
Eng f1 Updated Sow
Eng f1 Updated Sow
6 Reading. Word power. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Flash cards. Head Start English
demonstrate ability to use Listening. Dictionary. Bk I Pg 3-4
the dictionary to build Writing. TG Pg 1
vocabulary base. Discussion.
4 1-2 Grammar. Parts of speech. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Extracts from Head Start English
identify the parts of speech. Listening. readers. Bk I Pg 4-6
Writing. Pictures. TG Pg 2
5 4 Grammar. Articles. The learner should be able to Reading. Pictures. Head Start English
use definite and indefinite Listening. Charts. Bk I Pg 6
articles correctly. Answering Extracts from TG Pg 3
questions. readers.
5 Writing. Handwriting. The learner should be able to Listening; Library books; Head Start English
explain the importance of Writing. Samples of Bk I Pg 6-7
writing neatly and legibly. hand-writing TG Pg 3
6 Listening and Close shave. The learner should be able to Reading. Supplementary Head Start English
speaking. express views on a given Listening. readers. Bk I Pg 7
subject with supporting Answering TG Pg 3
arguments. questions.
6 Mid term
7 1 Speech work. Etiquette. The learner should be able to Reading. Audio tapes. Head Start English
use words and expressions that Listening. Pictures. Bk I Pg 8
show courtesy. Role-playing. TG Pg 4
2 Speech work. /b/ and /d/ The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start English
sounds. pronounce the sounds correctly. Reading. Charts. Bk I Pg 8
Writing. TG Pg 4
3 Reading. Comprehension. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Supplementary Head Start English
read a passage and answer Listening. readers. Bk I Pg 9-11
derived questions. Writing. Dictionary. TG Pg 4
6 Writing. Spelling. The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start English
identify words that are Reading. Bk I Pg 12-13
pronounced the same way but Answer questions. TG Pg 6
have different spelling and Writing.
meaning. Review exercise.
8 1 Reading. Close shave. The learner should be able to Role-playing. Supplementary Head Start
explain how tone and choice Reading. readers. English
of words can be used to show Speaking. Bk I Pg 15
respect on telephone. Listening. TG Pg 6
2 Listening & /k/ and /g/ The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start
Speaking. sounds. pronounce the sounds Reading. Charts. English
correctly. Writing. Bk I Pg 16
TG Pg 7
3 Reading. Comprehension. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Supplementary Head Start
read a passage and answer Listening. readers. English
derived questions. Writing. Dictionary. Bk I Pg 16-19
Discussion. TG Pg 8
4 Reading. Word power. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Flash cards. Head Start
demonstrate ability to use Listening. Dictionary. English
the dictionary to build Writing. Bk I Pg 19-20
vocabulary base. Discussion. TG Pg 8
5 Grammar. Countable and The learner should be able to Listening. Pictures. Head Start
non-countable use countable and non- Writing. Extracts from English
nouns. countable nouns in Discussion. readers. Bk I Pg 20-22
TG Pg 8
sentences correctly. Exercise review.
2 Reading. Word power. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Flash cards. Head Start
demonstrate ability to use Listening. Dictionary. English
the dictionary to build Writing. Bk I Pg 27-28
vocabulary base. Discussion. TG Pg 10
3 Listening & /t∫/ and /dЗ/ The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start
Speaking. sounds. pronounce the sounds Reading. Charts. English
correctly. Writing. Bk I Pg 25
TG Pg 9
9 4 Grammar. Plural nouns. The learner should be able to Listening. Supplementary Head Start
use plural nouns in Writing. readers. English
sentences correctly. Discussion. Bk I Pg 28-30
Exercise review. TG Pg 11
5 Writing. Simple sentences The learner should be able to Listening. Supplementary Head Start
and compound write a variety of sentences. Speaking. readers. English
sentences. Reading. Bk I Pg 31
Writing. TG Pg 11
6 Speech work. Close shave. The learner should be able to Narrating. Readers. Head Start
tell similar stories. Listening. English
Discussing. Bk I Pg 31
TG Pg 12
10 1 Reading. Forms of The learner should be able to Listening. Charts. Relevant copies
literature. Describe different forms of Speaking. Readers. of resources.
oral literature. Reading.
2 Reading. Introduction to The learner should be able to Listening. Chart. Teacher’s notes.
oral literature. state characteristics of oral Speaking.
literature. Reading.
4 Listening & The sounds /∫/ The learner should be able to Narrating. Audio tapes. Head Start
speaking. and /t∫/ distinguish between the two Reading. Flash cards. English
sounds. Speaking. Bk I Pg 32
Writing. TG Pg 13
5 Reading. Comprehension. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Readers. Head Start
answer comprehension Inferring meanings Charts. English
questions correctly. of given words. Bk I Pg 32-34
Writing. TG Pg 14
6 Grammar. Articles. The learner should be able to Narrating. Audio tapes. Head Start
use definite and indefinite Reading. Readers. English
articles correctly. Speaking. Bk I Pg 35-37
Writing. TG Pg 14-15
11 1 Writing. Paragraphs. The learner should be able to Reading. Supplementary Head Start
write in paragraph form Speaking. readers. English
correctly. Writing. Bk I Pg 37-38
TG Pg 15
2 Listening & The sounds /f/ The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start
speaking. and /v/. pronounce the sounds /f/ Speaking. English
and /v/correctly. Reading. Bk I Pg 39
Writing. TG Pg 16
3 Reading. Comprehension. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Readers. Head Start
answer comprehension Inferring Charts. English
questions correctly. meanings of Bk I Pg 39-41
given words. TG Pg 16
4 Writing. Paragraphing. The learner should be able to Listening. Extracts from Head Start
Write organized paragraphs Speaking. readers. English
to illustrate preparation of a Reading. Bk I Pg 43-44
given dish. Writing. TG Pg 17
6 Grammar. Personal The learner should be able to Speaking. Pictures. Head Start
pronouns. identify personal pronouns Listening. Extracts from English
and use the correctly. Reading. readers. Bk I Pg 48-50
Writing. TG Pg 19-20
12 1 Reading. Using the library. The learner should be able to Listening. School library. Teacher’s
identify sections of a library Speaking. Model of library resources.
and use the library facilities Reading. sections.
properly. Writing.
2 Reading. Word power. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Flash cards. Head Start
demonstrate ability to use Listening. Dictionary. English
the dictionary to build Writing. Bk I Pg 27-28
vocabulary base. Discussion. TG Pg 10
12 3 Listening & The sounds /r/ The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start
speaking. and /l/. pronounce the sounds /r/ Speaking. Audio tapes. English
and /l/correctly. Reading. Bk I Pg 53
Writing. TG Pg 20
4 Reading. Comprehension. The learner should be able to Reading aloud. Readers. Head Start
answer comprehension Inferring Charts. English
questions correctly. meanings of Bk I Pg 61-64
given words. TG Pg 24-25
5 Grammar. Possessive The learner should be able to Listening. Flash cards. Head Start
pronouns. identify and use possessive Speaking. Audio tapes. English
pronouns correctly. Reading. Bk I Pg 53,57-58
Writing. TG Pg 20, 25