Oxi 2020
Oxi 2020
Oxi 2020
Sectlonf Safot . -
FINGERTIP 1. 1 lnstructions for the Safe Operatlon and
CAUTION : Do not operate-the unit if it Is damp
or wet because of condensation or spill s. Av oid
Ad vanced DSP algorithm can min1sh lhe
influence ot molion artifa cl and improve
Pulse Oximeter Use of the Finger Pulse Oximeter
Do nol allempl lo servlce lhe pulse oxlmeler.
us ing the equipmenl immediately after moving it
from a co ld environmenl to a warm , humid
measuremenl accu racy of low perfu sion
The Ox imet er can be u sed l o measure hu man
Only qualified servIce personnel should allempl
Producl Number: C101 A2 location . Hemoglob in Saturalion an d heart rate lhrough
an y needed ,nternal servicing .
Do nol use lhe oximeter In sllualions where [cAUT ION: Never use sh°;;rp or p; int~d obj-;;cts-t~ \
alarms are required . operate lhe front- panel key. _ 2.2 Product Features
Prolonged use or lhe patient's condillon may Lightweight for ca rrying and Ea sy-To-Use .
CAUTIOÑ :-The device shall o;;-¡ybe us;difthe '¡ Manually ad)ust the direclion of Interface
require chang,ng lhe sensor sile periodically.
Changa sen sor sile and check skin inlegrily, Ibatlery cover is clos ed . LEO display, simultaneous displa y for leshng
circulatory st atus and corre ct alignmenl al leas!
every 2 hours .
Sp02 measurements may be adversely
lCAUTION : The b;tl~r/m~st b; pr; pe; d ispo:; dj
~ccord in g lo local' regwtion alter their use .__ _
1.3 Deflnltlons and Symbols
Oeclaration : Please use the medical alcohol Lo clean the
Measurement range :70%-99 %
Accuracy: ± 2% on the stage ol 70%-
inlravascular line 99%, Unspeci f ie d (:0 0%)
rubber befare each les! and clean the tested finger w1th
The patient has hypotension severe Resolution : ± 1%
alcohol before and aher the test. (The rubber lns1de of the
vasoconslriction seve ra anemia or hypotherm1a
IJSE:R S MMJUAL The patienl Is in cardiac arrest or is in shoe
Ox,meter adopts medica! rubber, wh1ch has no toxin , no harm ,
and bnngs no sid a effect such as allergy 10 lhe our sk1n )
lnstall two AAA batteries 3.PR:
F,ngernai l polish or false tingernails may
cause inaccurate Sp02 readings 00
l lw equip'Nn1