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Unit Guide

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Unit Guide

Trimester 2
2022 - 2023
TRIMESTER 2 (2022-2023)

Unit Instructor Manoj Menon (Senior Lecturer)
Email: Manoj.menon@isb.edu.vn
Ms. Nhung Nguyen (Lecturer)
Email: nhung.nguyen@isb.edu.vn
Mr. Hieu Tran (Lecturer)
Email: hieu.tran@isb.edu.vn
Program Administrator An Nguyen
17 Pham Ngoc Thach Street, District 3, HCM City
Phone: 08 54465555 Email: an.nguyen@isb.edu.vn

I. About Principles of Accounting (ACC201)


Accounting is the practice of recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting

information of an economic nature for the purpose of helping people make decisions. In
the world of business, the role of accounting is to support management in providing timely
and accurate financial information about the business so that informed decisions can be
made. This unit examines some of the basic rules and principles underpinning financial
accounting, as well as studying the practical uses of the information supplied through the
accounting process.



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II. Assessment Information

The table below outlines the unit learning outcomes (ULOs) for this unit. Upon completion of this
unit, students will be able to:

1. Explain the role of accounting in business

2. Understand the meanings of key accounting terms

3. Identify and understand the use of different accounting records

4. Outline key accounting principles and standards

5. Complete analysis charts and record transaction details from journal to ledger

6. Interpret and make simple corrections to a trial balance

7. Explain the difference between cash and accrual accounting methods

8. Construct basic financial statements

9. Analyze and interpret financial statements


In line with its focus on assuring students’ skills in unit learning outcomes 1-7 above, this unit is also
responsible for introducing/developing/assuring the following program-level learning outcomes

Knowledge & Application

1. Solid understanding and competency of appropriate application of business discipline-
specific knowledge.
Effective collaboration in teamwork or other tasks in organizational settings.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking through appropriate observing, analyzing and reasoning, etc.
Problem solving
Effective and constructive problem solving.

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Assessment tasks are an integral part of the learning framework. Assessment tasks are designed to
measure student progress in achieving unit learning outcomes.


1. In-class participation & discussion Each week 20 % ULO1-9 PLO1-4
Students are assigned in groups and
required to complete in-class
discussion as well as practice
exercises each week.
2. Mid-term exam (Individual) Week 7 20 % ULO1-8 PLO1,3,4
Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6
3. Group Assignment Week 11 10 % ULO1-9 PLO1-4
Students are assigned in groups and
required to complete a given case
4. Final exam (Individual) TBA 50 % ULO1-9 PLO1,3,4
90 minutes close-book exam:
combination of multiple choice,
theoretical and practical questions;
all topics are examined.

Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the School Assessment Committees which may
scale, modify or otherwise amend the marks and grades for the unit, as may be required by University
Note: To successfully complete this unit, students must:
▪ Achieve a minimum of 50 marks.
▪ Complete all assessment items; and
▪ Attend 80 percent of class time. See attendance requirements in the section of class policies
and rules below.

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Assessment title In-class participation & discussion (20%)

Purpose and description Purpose: Part of active student learning, this assessment tests
students’ engagement to acquire knowledge across all topics in the
unit, and their ability to discuss and debate, apply and
communicate that knowledge to solve problems.

Description: Key slides preview and further guidance and

illustration will be provided, as well as pre-prepared problems and
questions will be discussed in class, therefore, active participation is
compulsory to achieve 20% of this assessment.
Assessment length Varies from week to week.
Criteria to grade quality The following criteria will be used to assess the percentage of
participation & discussion during class:
- Attendant
- Homework submission
- Participation in in-class activities
- Completed given problem sets
Submission method Completed in class and submitted via Google Form
Return method Completed in class. Some evidence of preparation may be
collected in class and returned the following week.
Feedback provided Staff and peer feedback provided in class as problems and
cases discussed.

Assessment title Mid-term exam (20%)

Purpose, description and Purpose: This exam provides students with an opportunity to
topics covered demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered in Chapter

Description: This exam will be held during Week 7. You must attend the
lecture in which you are enrolled to take this assessment. You should be
prepared to complete recording journal entries, adjusting entries, geneal
ledger as well as preparing financial statements, including balance sheet,
income statement, owner’s equity statement, trial balance. Students are
also required to complete transactions for merchandising operations and
calculation of inventory cost by using cost flow methods.

This is a close-book assessment.

Assessment length TBA

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Criteria to grade quality The following criteria will be used to assess the exam papers:
1. Correct answers to the questions.
2. Demonstrated discipline knowledge - understanding of theories,
concepts and frameworks.

Submission method In-class assessment in Week 7 of the semester.

Return method Written feedback will be provided to each student. All the results will
appear on www.e-learning.isb.edu.vn

Feedback provided The report will summarise marks awarded for each correct answer to the
provided questions.

Assessment title Group Assignment (10 %)

Purpose, description Purpose: Group work is a valuable mechanism for assisting students to
and topics covered develop collaborative and leadership skills.

Description: Students will be divided into small groups. Each group is

required to prepare and present an answer to an assigned case study. The
presentations for the case studies must be delivered in WEEK 11 seminar
and be of 10-15 minutes duration. You may use the overhead projector,
PowerPoints or whiteboard in your presentation. Each member should
have something to say during the presentation.

Each student's mark will be his/her group assignment mark weighted by

his peer evaluation score. All the members in the team should complete
which is available on E-learning.

Team members do not necessarily receive the same mark.

Assessment length Assignment task will be given in Week 7 of the semester. All written
reports and presentations are due in Week 11.
Criteria to grade Teamwork Criterion (check details on Moodle)
quality 1. Contributions to group meetings
2. Leadership
3. Fostering teamwork
4. Presentation of a convincing argument
5. Individual contribution to achievement of outcomes

Submission method Online Submission via e-learning

Each member in the team should complete the “PEER AND SELF
ASSESSMENT OF TEAMWORK” form separately. All need to be submitted
to the Submission Box on E-Learning.

Return method Immediate feedback will be given after the presentation and results will
appear on www.e-learning.isb.edu.vn

Feedback provided The report will summarise marks awarded for presentation.

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Assessment title Final examination (50 %)

Purpose, description Purpose: Final examination provides students with an opportunity to

and topics covered demonstrate their understanding of unit-related material covered during
the semester.

Description: A two-hour final examination for this unit will be held during
International School of Business Examination period. The questions for the
final examination will be sourced from any of the topics covered during the
term of the unit. The structure of the final examination will be provided in
the week prior to the examination date. This is a close-book examination.

Topics to be covered: All chapters

Assessment length TBA

Criteria to grade The following criteria will be used to assess the exam papers:
quality 1. Correct answers to consolidation worksheet entries
2. Demonstrated discipline knowledge - understanding of theories, concepts
and frameworks.

Submission method -

Return method N/A

Feedback provided There will be no formal feedback.

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III. Teaching Activities


Classes ▪ This unit provides 24 sessions (12 x 3 hours Senior Lecturer and 12 x 2 hours

Textbook ▪ Weygandt J.J., Kimmel P.D.& Kieso D.E. (2015). Accounting Principles
(12thed.).John Wiley & Son (Asia) Pte Ltd. International student version.

▪ Not Applicable
E-library http://search.proquest.com/login
Username: UEHCMC2010
Password: thuvien0810

E-learning https://e-learning.isb.edu.vn/

Referencing requirements
Student assignments are to contain original content created by the students. Assignments will be
rejected if they include plagiarised content or contain excessive amounts of quoted/cited material
and minimal original content. Students will receive a grade of ZERO (0%) for any assignments rejected
for this reason. Written assignments WILL BE RANDOMLY checked by the lecturer with Turnitin.com,
an online plagiarism-checking tool.

Furthermore, your reference to support your statements must be from a reliable source, such as
textbooks, additional reading materials, and reference books. However, many websites are not
reliable sources. Examples are Wikipedia.org, about.com, and ask.com. If you are not sure if a
reference is acceptable or not, please contact the lecturer.

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th ed. will serve as the
primary reference materials for all students. Therefore, all papers must be submitted in APA format.
The mechanics of student papers and work will be evaluated, as well as the content. It is imperative
that guidelines be reviewed before an assignment is begun. It is also important that the required
submission format be followed in compiling the final paper or assignment.

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- Accounting Process
- Users of Accounting Information
- Accounting Conventions: Ethics, Principles and
1 Accounting in Action - Accounting equation and its components WKK: Chapter 1
- Effect of business transactions on the
1 accounting equation
- Different types of Financial Statements and
how to prepare them.

- Key Review of Chapter 1

WKK: Chapter 1
2 Tutorial Practical #1 - Problems & Exercises
H/W: WKK: Chapter 1: E1-6, E1-7, P1-4A
- Introduction to Debit and Credit rules
- General Journal: indicate how a journal is used
in the recording process WKK: Chapter 2
The Recording Process - General Ledger: explain how a ledger and
3 Lecture posting help in the recording process
- Prepare a Trial Balance

- Key Review of Chapter 2

WKK: Chapter 2
4 Tutorial Practical #2 - Problems & Exercises
H/W: WKK: Chapter 2 –P2-1A, P2-2A

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- Fiscal vs Calendar Years

- Cash vs Accrual Accounting: explain the
accrual basis of accounting and the reasons
for adjusting entries.
5 WKK: Chapter 3
Lecture Adjusting the Accounts - Adjusting Entries: prepare adjusting entries for
Deferrals and Accruals
3 - Describe the nature and purpose of an
Adjusted Trial Balance.
- Qualities of Financial Information

- Key Review of Chapter 3 WKK: Chapter 3

6 Tutorial Practical #3 - Problems & Exercises H/W: WKK: Chapter 3 –E3-3, E3-10
H/W: WKK: Chapter 3 –E3-7
- Prepare a worksheet
- Closing Entries: prepare Closing Entries and a
Post-closing Trial Balance
Completing the - Correcting Entries
Lecture WKK: Chapter 4
7 Accounting Cycle - Explain the steps in the accounting cycle
- Identify the sections of a Classified Balance
4 Sheet

- Key Review of Chapter 4 WKK: Chapter 4

8 Tutorial Practical #4 - Problems & Exercises H/W: WKK: Chapter 4 –E4-1, E4-2
H/W: WKK: Chapter 4 – P4-1A
- Describe Merchandising Operation and
Lecture Inventory system.
Merchandising - Introduction to Perpetual vs Physical WKK: Chapter 5
5 9
Operations Inventory system.
- How to record under Perpetual & Physical
Inventory system

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- Prepare Multi-step and Single-step Income


- Key Review of Chapter 5 WKK: Chapter 5

10 Tutorial Practical #5 - Problems & Exercises H/W: WKK: Chapter 5 –E5-1, E5-9, Ẹ5-10
H/W: WKK: Chapter 5 –P5-1A
- Discuss how to classify and determine
Inventory: ownership, terms of sale
- Apply Inventory cost flow methods and
discuss their financial effects: FIFO, LIFO,
Inventories Average Cost (focused on Perpetual rather WKK: Chapter 6
11 Lecture than Periodic)
6 - Indicate the effects of Inventory errors on the
Financial Statements

- Key Review of Chapter 6 WKK: Chapter 6

12 Tutorial Practical #6 - Problems & Exercises WKK: Chapter 6 – E6-4, E6-7
WKK: Chapter 6 – E6-11, E6-14
- How companies recognize, record, value and
dispose Accounts Receivable.
Accounting for
- How companies recognize, record, value and WKK: Chapter 9
13 Lecture Receivables
dispose of Notes Receivable.

7 - Key Review of Chapter 9

WKK: Chapter 9
14 Tutorial Practical #7 - Problems & Exercises
HW WKK: Chapter 9 – E9-1, E9-4, E9-6


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- Recognition and recording of Plant

Expenditures/ PPE (Property, Plant &
- Capital vs Revenue Expenditure.
Plant Assets, Disposal of - Valuation of PPE based on depreciation
WKK: Chapter 10
15 Lecture Plant Assets methods.
8 - How to account for the disposal of Plant
Assets. (discard, trade and exchange)
- How Plant Assets are reported and analyzed

- Key Review of Chapter 10

WKK: Chapter 10
16 Tutorial Practical #8 - Problems & Exercises
H/W WKK: Chapter 10 – E10-4, E10-7
- Discuss the usefulness and format of the
Statement of Cash Flows
- Prepare a Statement of Cash Flows using the
Statement of Cash
17 indirect method. WKK: Chapter 17
Lecture Flows
- Prepare the worksheet
9 - Analyze the Statement of Cash Flows.

- Key Review of Chapter 17 WKK: Chapter 17

18 Tutorial Practical #9 - Problems & Exercises H/W: WKK: Chapter 17 – E17-2, E17-5,
- Apply horizontal and vertical analysis to
Financial Statements.
Financial Statement
- Analyze a company’s performance using ratio WKK: Chapter 18
19 Lecture Analysis
- Key Review of Chapter 18 WKK: Chapter 18
20 Tutorial Practical #10 - Problems & Exercises H/W: WKK Chapter 18 – E18-1, E18-2,

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- Revision of Chapters covered in Test 1 & 2

21 Lecture Revision WKK: Chapter 3,4,5,6,9,10

- Exam Review
11 22 Tutorial Practical #11

- Revision of Chapter 17 & 18
23 Lecture Revision WKK: Chapter 17,18
- Exam Review
24 Tutorial Practical #12


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Tutorials following the lecture in each session provide students the opportunity to apply and share
knowledge by doing a variety of in-class activities individually or in group such as exercises,
discussion, and presentation. These activities focus on demonstrating your skills and help you build
your ability to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit.

Practical questions/exercises will be provided in class. You will be expected to have completed
specific reading and exercises from the textbook and other required materials prior to attending each
lecture and practicals class. If you have not prepared adequately, you will not get the full benefit
from this learning opportunity. Attendance at Practicals are COMPULSORY to receive a full grade
for the in-class exercises. Absentees will receive marks penalty for absence at these sessions.


Student assignments are to contain original content created by the students. Assignments will be
rejected if they include plagiarised content or contain excessive amounts of quoted/cited material
and minimal original content. Students will receive a grade of ZERO (0%) for any assignments rejected
for this reason. Written assignments WILL BE checked by the lecturer with Turnitin.com, an online
plagiarism-checking tool.

Furthermore, your reference to support your statements must be from a reliable source, such as
textbooks, additional reading materials, and reference books. However, many websites are not
reliable sources. Examples are Wikipedia.org, about.com, and ask.com. If you are not sure if a
reference is acceptable or not, please contact the lecturer.

Referencing & Citation

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th ed. will serve as the
primary reference materials for all students. Therefore, all papers must be submitted in APA format.
The mechanics of student papers and work will be evaluated, as well as the content.

Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of all classes (which normally 12/15 sessions).
Other cases equating to an absence:
▪ Arriving to class late by 15 minutes at the beginning,
▪ Arriving late by 5 minutes after the break
▪ Leaving prior to the scheduled end time without the permission of the lecturer
If you are unable to attend any session, please let your lecturer know AND submit a request for
absence form to program administrator prior to the session.
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MPORTANT: Students will not be allowed to sit in the final examination if violating the above absence
Electronic devices are not allowed:
▪ Cell phones will be turned off or switched to vibrate mode before class starts.
▪ No phone calls or text messaging are allowed inside classroom during class time.
▪ Portable listening and/or music devices may not be operated in the classroom.
IMPORTANT: If you are in violation of these policies you will be excused from class and an absence
will be assessed.

Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the ISB Examinations Committee which may
adjust, modify or otherwise amend the marks and grades for the unit, as may be required by SIBT
policies. SIBT’s Examinations Committee has a set of guidelines on the distribution of grades across
the range from Fail to High Distinction. Final results will include a grade.

Grade Range Description

HD High Distinction 8.5 -10 Complete and comprehensive understanding of the unit
content; development of relevant skills to a
comprehensive level; demonstration of insight in
interpretation, analysis and intellectual initiative; and
achievement of all major and minor objectives of the unit.

D Distinction 7.5-8.4 Very high level of understanding of the course unit;

development of relevant skills to a very high level;
demonstration of a very high level of interpretive and
analytical ability and intellectual initiative; and
achievement of all major and minor objectives of the unit.

CR Credit 6.5-7.4 High level of understanding of unit content development

of relevant skills to a high level; demonstration of a high
level of interpretive and analytical ability; and
achievement of all major objectives of the unit; some
minor objectives not fully achieved.

P Pass 5.0-6.4 Adequate understanding of most of the basic unit content;

development of relevant skills to a satisfactory level;
adequate interpretive and analytical ability; and
achievement of most of all the major objectives of the
unit; some minor objectives not achieved.

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F Fail 0-4.9 An unsatisfactory quality of performance or standard of

learning achievement. There was evidence of achievement
of desired learning outcomes below the passing standard.

S Satisfactory 5.0-10 Provides evidence of achievement of the learning

outcomes, within the context of a Pass/Fail unit.

W Withdrawn Withdrawal from a unit prior to the academic census date.

This is NOT counted as failure but is an administrative
record of a student’s initial enrolment in this unit. It is not
included in GPA calculations.

WF Withdrawn Fail Withdrawal from a unit after the academic census date
with academic penalty.

EX Exempt Recognition of prior learning resulting in an exemption

from undertaking the unit.

FA Fail Absent Required assessment tasks within the unit are not
completed and the student has not withdrawn. It is
included in the GPA calculation.

Note that your raw coursework and exam scores cannot be used directly to calculate your
standardized mark or to determine your final grade. The process of assigning grades involves
moderating the performance indicated by your raw scores against the academic standards.

Email etiquette
Your lecturers receive many emails each day. In order to enable them to respond to your emails
appropriately and in a timely fashion, students are asked to follow basic requirements of professional
Your emails should:
▪ Have a concise and descriptive title, including the class and name of the unit you are
enquiring about
▪ Be clear about the intention of their emails
▪ Use appropriate tone and language, proof-read what is written in the email before sending
Students should also allow 3-4 working days for a response before following up. If the matter is
legitimately urgent, you may indicate “URGENT” in the email subject header.
Make an appointment: If your email request is complex and requires a lengthy response it may be
probably best to make an appointment with your lecturer/instructor to meet in person.

Student behaviour guidelines

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Everyone must behave professionally. Students are expected to demonstrate respect for teacher and
fellow students at all times. Behaviour that is disruptive to a positive learning environment reported
to the teacher will result in a warning on the first instance; the second instance might result in a
failing grade along with expulsion from the school.
Unacceptable behaviors can be:
▪ Cheating on an exam
▪ Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the
▪ Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another
▪ Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including
assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other
activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name
the work is submitted or performed
▪ Plagiarising
▪ First violation will result in a grade ZERO (0%) for that assignment.
▪ Second violation will result in a failing course grade.

Disability support services

Students with disabilities are advised that accommodations and services are available at UEH-ISB. It
is the student's responsibility to contact UEH-ISB office and submit appropriate documentation prior
to receiving such services.

Additional information
This unit guide may be revised at the discretion of the Academic Department with approval from
Program Academic Director and School Academic Committee where appropriate.

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