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Characteristics of Bacteria -highly durable, resistant to extreme conditions


1. Unicellular – one-celled organism > ex: Bacillus subtillis, Clostridium tetani, Bacillus clausii
2. No nucleus -survival during conditions of dessication, nutrient
3. Most have peptidoglycan cell wall depletion & waste build-up.
4. Divide by binary fission- asexual - resistant to heat & chemicals
5. Can use a wide range of chemical substances for -Heat Resistant by Endospores is attributed to
their nutrition Dipicolinic Acid
Bacterial Physiology Sporulation/Sporogenesis - vegetative cells form an
GROWTH endospore
Generation Time – time for the bacteria to double in Germination - endospore becomes vegetative cells.
size and split into two 5. Pili
Bacterial Replication – Binary Fission >for attachment
Bacterial Anatomy -proteinaceous, hair-like appendage; shorter, & thinner
1. Glycocalyx than flagella
- viscous, gelatinous layer composed of polysaccharide/ - for bacterial conjugation
polypeptide -pilin (protein)
(a)Slime Layer- external layer which is unorganized & (a) Common pili/ attachment pili/ Fimbriae
loosely attached -attachment or adherence, making the bacterium look
(b)Capsule- organized, firmly attached like porcupine
>loose glycocalyx (b) Sex pili/ conjugated pili/ F pili/ F
>can prevent phagocytosis thus cannot die even eaten -DNA transfer Functions: Adherence, Bacterial Mating in
by macrophagiles Conjugation,
- K ANTIGEN > systemic infection -Virulence Factor of Neisseria gonorrhea
Function of Glycocalyx: !! H- antigen- flagella
1.Prevents phagocytosis F- antigen- fimbrae
2.Adherence to tissue surface K-antigen- capsule
3.Protects against classification 6. Cell Wall
4.Inhibits nutrients from moving out of the cell -the outer covering of most bacterial, fungal, algal, &
5.Acts as a barrier to toxic hydrophobic molecules plant cells gives shape & resistance to lysis by osmotic
!! Cell wall is composed of: G(+), thick peptidoglycan shock
layer and penthoic acid; G(-), thin P.L, -consists of peptidoglycan (MUREIN)
lipopolysaccharide. G+ G-
Capsulated bacteria Thick peptidoglycan Thin peptidoglycan
Some Killers Have Pretty Nice Capsule
• Streptococcus pneumoniae
• Klebsiella pneumoniae
!! No endo except for >can induce
• Haemophilus influenzae
Listeria monocytogenes inflammation(pamamaga)
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Neisseria meningitidis
-protein synthesis: 70s made up of 50s and 30s subunits
• Cryptococcus neoformans- only fungi
>targeted by antibiotics that is protein synthesis
2. Flagella
inhibitor(50s, 30 s) (for bacteria) (60s and 40 s, for
- organ of locomotion (motility)
-run & tumble movement
-chemotaxis: (movement in response to the presence of
-nuclear area or nucleoid
r chemical)
-bacterial chromosome
>hard to catch; can move
*single DNA molecule
-flagellin: (protein) >responsible for the flagella
*circular chromosome
Axial Filament/ Endoflagella/ periplasmic flagella
-plasmids (self-replicating piece of circular DNA)
- the structure for motility found in spirochetes(!ex:
>responsible for bacterial resistance
Treponema pallidum), corkscrew motion.
- are positioned beneath the bacterial outer membrane
Kinds of Flagella
Bacterial Morpholog
1. Monotrichous- 1 side; 1 piece
Major shapes
2. Lophotrichous- “ponytail” . 1 side; many.
• Bacillus (plural: Bacilli) – rod shaped
3. Amphitrichous- “pigtails”. Both sides
• Coccus (plural: Cocci) – spherical
4. Peritrichous- “ferris wheel”
>Streptococci- rosary like/ strep like
5. Atrichous- no flagella
• Spirillus (plural: Spirilli) – spiral
3. Cytoplasmic Membrane
Vibrio – curve like a comma
Spirillum – corkscrew with flagella (ex: Leptos
1. Maintains Cell Integrity;
2. Regulates Transport;
Spirochete – coiled spring without flagella
3. Specialized Function (respiration, photosynthesis,
>they are small; can only be seen in Darkfield
protein secretion)
Microscopy (ex: Treponema)
• Cytoplasm -contains the enzyme, storage granules,
Grouping Arrangements
viscous aqueous suspension of protein, nucleic acid,
dissolved organic compounds, mineral salts
Diplococci – paired organism (e.g. gonococci <Neisseria
4. Endospore (bacterial spores)
gonorrhea>, pneumococci <Streptococcus
-specialized resting cells.
Staphylococci – cluster like grapes (e.g. Staphylococcus Gram-Negative Bacteria
aureus). A. Proteobacteria
>bilog-bilog magkakasama -The proteobacteria are separated into five classes
Streptococci – chain microbes designated by Greek letters:
>strips 1. Alphaproteobacteria
Tetrads – four in groups Include nitrogen-fixing bacteria, chemoautotrophs, and
Sarcinae – cubical pockets of eight (cube) chemoheterotrophs.
2. BACILLI 1. Rickettsia
Diplobacilli 2. Ehrlichia
Streptobacilli (“strips”) 3.Bartonella
Chinese character – Diphtheria bacilli (From 4.Brucella
Corynebacterium Diphteriae) 2. Betaproteobacteria
Parallel character – Lepra bacilli (Mycobacterium -Include chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs.
leprae) 1. Bordetella pertussis (causative of whooping
Bacterial Classifications cough)
• Prokaryotic organisms are classified into two domains: 2. Neisseria (meningitis)
A. ARCHAEA 3. Gammaproteobacteria
B. BACTERIA -Several medically, ecologically, and scientifically
1.Gram-Positive Bacteria important groups of bacteria belong to this class.
2.Gram-Negative Bacteria Francisella, Pseudomonadales, Moraxella,
A. ARCHAEA Coxiella, Legionellales, Vibrionales,
-This domain includes extreme halophiles, extreme Enterobacteriales, and Pasteurellales
thermophiles, and methanogens. 4. Deltaproteobacteria
B. BACTERIA Bdellovibrio and Myxococcus in the
Gram-Positive Bacteria deltaproteobacteria prey on other bacteria.
-Divided into those that have low G + C ratio and those 5. Epsilonproteobacteria
that have high G + C ratio. Include Campylobacter and Helicobacter.
1. Low G + C ratio – Curve to spirilloid-shaped
1.1. Firmicutes – Inhabits the digestive tract of animals as pathogens
-Low G + C (referring to nucleoside) gram- • Helicobacter pylori in stomach
positive bacteria are assigned to the phylum • Campylobacter jejuni in the duodenum
Firmicutes. B. Non-proteobacteria
-This group includes common soil bacteria, the • Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs that use light
lactic acid bacteria, and several human energy and CO2 and do produce O2.
pathogens. • Purple and green photosynthetic bacteria are
1.Clostridium photoautotrophs that use light energy and CO2 and do
2. Bacillus not produce O2.
3. Staphylococcus • Deinococcus and Thermus are resistant to
4. Enterococcus environmental extremes.
5. Streptococcus • Planctomycetes, Chlamydiae, Spirochetes,
6.Lactobacillus( produces lactic acid) Bacteroidetes, and Fusobacteria are phyla of gram-
7. Listeria negative, chemoheterotrophic bacteria.
1.2. Ternericutes
-from the Latin word for soft skin, referring to
their lack of cell wall
-Includes wall-less bacteria called Mycoplasma
-Highly pleomorphic
-Produce filaments that resembles fungi (can
change their own shapes)
Ex: Mycoplasma pneumoniae ( walking
pneumonia -everywhere ; no cell wall; smallest !! catalase- catalyzes the decomposition of Hydrogen
replicating organism) peroxide to water and oxygen.
2.High G ( Guanine) + C (Cytosine) ratio -important enzyme in protecting the cell from oxidative
2.1. Actinobacteria damage by free radicals.
High G + C gram-positive bacteria are in the Catalases test uses Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)- Bubbles:
phylum Actinobacteria. with- Staphylococcus; non- Streptococcus
– Highly pleomorphic
– Some grows filaments (which resembles
filamentous fungi)
1. Mycobacterium
2. Corynebacterium
3. Propionibacterium (/ Cutibacterium)
4. Gardnerella
5. Streptomyces (common source of antibiotic)
6. Actinomyces (fungi properties)
7. Nocardia (fungi properties) !! Aerobic rods are hard to kill via antibiotic
-No group classification
-Part of the normal oral flora
!! Legionella- (L. pneumophila – causative of Pontiac -Not inhibited by optochin
fever/ legioners disease) -Differentiate from pneumococc
!! In gram stain: violet(+); pink/red(-) >common cause of Endocarditis(if in the heart) inflamed
STREPTOCOCCI inner lining of heart.
HEMOLYSIS TEST – can disrupt/ destroy RBC Ex: Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis
1. Alpha hemolytic >gradual onset
-incomplete/ partial hemolysis >can also cause by S. aureus
-blood agar becomes greenish gray !! S. mutans- tooth decay
-Subs present responsible for hemolysis: Group D: Enterococcus faecalis
Hydrogen peroxide( Hgb to metHgb) -Part of intestinal and oral flora
>produced by bacteria which oxidizes -Most produces gamma hemolysis
hemoglobin to green Staphylococcus aureus
>Streptococcus mutans- tooth decay >facultative anaerobes
-S. pneumoniae, S. viridans >(“aureum”- gold like color) common on skin
2. Beta hemolytic- • Virulence Factors (Disable our immune responses)
-complete( ubos blood) – Protein A -surface protein; binds to igG
-colorless – Coagulase- convert fibrinogen to fibrin which causes
-Streptolysin O(sub present) bleeding or neutrophil
>toxin that causes complete hemolysis – Hemolysin
- S. Agalactiae, S. Pyogenes – Leukocidi- toxin that acts on polymorphonuclear cells
>can hemolyze whole blood – Penicillinase (Beta lactamase)
3. Gamma hemolytic  Fibrin/ Fibrinogen binding protein (clamping
-no hemolysis factor) promote attachment to blood cloth
-no change in color • Penetrate through tissues
- Enterecoccus faecalis – Hyaluronidase
LANCEFIELD CLASSIFICATION- look for antigenic – Staphylokinase -reason why causes lysis
characteristics (GROUP A-D) of streptococci – Lipase
1. Group A Streptococci: Streptococcus pyogenes – Protease
-Beta hemolytic • Exotoxins (what we can get)
-Sensitive to Bacitracin (From Bacillus subtilis) … killed – Exfoliatin Toxins
-Possesses M protein ( can be seen in fimbrae of  Causes scalded skin syndrome(SSS)
bacteria) – Enterotoxins
-Erythrogenic toxins (thus, redness)  Bacterial supper antigen . causes diarrhea and
-Produces Streptolysin S and O vomiting (Common cause of food poisoning )
- M-PROTEIN – Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxins
CAUSE:  (TSST1)- damage on skin. High fever 38.9 c leads
• Streptococcal pharyngitis ( sore throat) to shock that would lead to low blood pressure.
• Scarlet fever • Diseases by exotoxin release
>caused by strain (produce Erythrogenic toxin) seen in – Gastroenteritis (food poison)
kids, especially in tongue( “strawberry tongue”) – Toxic shock syndrome
• Rheumatic fever – Scalded skin syndrome
>Squelae (swallow S. pyogenes, spread in blood stream. • Direct Organ Invasion
Pass heart, stays. =damage in heart: difficult to open – Skin infections
and close valve. Deadly – Acute bacterial endocarditis
• Puerperal Fever – Septicemia ( from child birth) – Urinary tract infection
• Erysipelas- causes edima(accumulation of fluid) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
2. Group B Streptococci: Streptococcus agalactiae -Non-hemolytic
-Part of normal flora of vagina, mouth, urethral mucous -Coagulase negative
membrane, GIT -Novobiocin resistant
-Group B Lancefield -Causes “honeymoon cystitis”(common on sexually
-Beta hemolytic active young women/ tampon users)
•Capsule – major virulence factor Staphylococcus epidermidis
-causes neonatal meningitis (inflammation in lining in -Novobiocin sensitive
kid’s brain) , pneumonia and sepsis(bacteria spread in • Has the ability to adhere to artificial materials in the
blood) body (e.g. catheters and prosthetic heart valves)
-encapsulated cocci, non motile, lancelet-shaped, CATHETERS à PROSTETIC HEART VALVE ENDOCARDITIS
fastidious (needs other added chemicals to grow it)
-Part of oropharyngeal flora
-Lancet-shaped diplococcus
-Determined by Quellung reaction and Optochin test
!!( viridans: resistant; pneumoniae:sensitive)
!!VROPS(Virirdans Resistant Optochin Pneumoniae

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