This document contains the results of the first partial exam for a course, including the student ID numbers, scores, and percentages. Most students scored between 45-75%, with a few students scoring as low as 0% and as high as 90%. The majority of students scored between 50-70% on the exam.
This document contains the results of the first partial exam for a course, including the student ID numbers, scores, and percentages. Most students scored between 45-75%, with a few students scoring as low as 0% and as high as 90%. The majority of students scored between 50-70% on the exam.
This document contains the results of the first partial exam for a course, including the student ID numbers, scores, and percentages. Most students scored between 45-75%, with a few students scoring as low as 0% and as high as 90%. The majority of students scored between 50-70% on the exam.
This document contains the results of the first partial exam for a course, including the student ID numbers, scores, and percentages. Most students scored between 45-75%, with a few students scoring as low as 0% and as high as 90%. The majority of students scored between 50-70% on the exam.