Teacher Ranking Feedback Form
Teacher Ranking Feedback Form
Teacher Ranking Feedback Form
Part I. Profile. Please provide the needed information regarding yourself on the blank provided
in each item.
Name: (Optional)_____________________
Level Applied:__________________
Instruction: Please give the answer that is true for you in general or for most of the time during
the ranking of teachers. Kindly indicate your level of satisfaction with the statement listed below.
Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
Dissemination of Dissatisfied Satisfied
Information (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. The memorandum
issued by the division
office clearly states the
ranking guidelines.
2. The memorandum
issued by the division
office clearly states the
schedule of the ranking
3. The memorandum
issued by the division
office clearly states the
ranking procedure.
4. The memorandum
issued by the division
office clearly states the
relevant information
which pertains to the
ranking purposes.
5. The memorandum
issued can be accessed
Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
Orientation of Dissatisfied Satisfied
Applicants (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. There was an online
orientation conducted.
2. There was a
discussion of the legal
basis of the ranking.
3. There was a
discussion of the
ranking processes and
4. Medium of
instruction used during
the orientation is
understood by the
5. Queries during the
orientation were
answered to the best of
the abilities of the
Ranking Procedure Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
(Interview, Demo, Dissatisfied Satisfied
Validation of (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. The interview was
conducted free from
2. The interview was
conducted in
comfortable manner
with the panel of
3. The demonstration
teaching was
conducted in a
conducive venue free
from distraction.
4. The demonstration
teaching has enough
time to exhibit
demonstrator’s ability
to teach.
5. The validation of
the trainings attended
was facilitated by
personnel who were
expert in their field.
Conduct of English Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
Proficiency Test Dissatisfied Satisfied
(EPT) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. The EPT was
conducted in an
organized manner.
2. The EPT was
conducted in a
conducive venue free
from noise and
3. The conduct of EPT
schedule and venue is
well disseminated.
4. The EPT facilitators
are time-conscious
and competent in
facilitating the test.
5. The EPT results
were posted in a
conspicuous and
accessible place to all
Posting of Results Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
and Answering of Dissatisfied (2) (3) (4) Satisfied
Applicants’ Queries (1) (5)
1. The ranking results
was posted in
conspicuous area
accessible to the
2. The applicants were
given ample time to
send their queries to
the division office.
3. The queries of
applicants sent to the
office were answered
4. The queries were
answered in
accordance to DepEd
Orders and
5. The answers to
queries were
substantial and