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Seatwork 2 Baybayon

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‘TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, Ayala Blvd, Ermita, Manila COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FME 19/VIDRATION ENGINEERING | SEATWORK NO, 2 | Name: J ANYON, Nowe: Pe LD. So SRE NOWELL Sus, laa ao: Solves the following problems properly 1. The system shown is initially at rest in the position x = 0, the mass receives an impulse that fives it an initial velocity of # = 80 ft/sec. Ifthe damping constant is © ~ 50 thy -sec/f, (@) show thatthe system is overdamped: and (b) determine the expression for x(0). monks k= 40.Nm wal ef ererat Teo it, pete root 501 see Answer: ze f et tee tty m 10 Ny | Answer (a b= 2.84 > 1 5 Overdamped ow XL) = gore MOTE gy 2. Find the expression forthe steady-state response (1) of the block if ¥ = 10 mm and w = 60 rad/s, sonsm yO = Vein answer XH) = 1ady 000. Mt sia (Lot ~ (Blu ee") mm 3. The system is set into motion at time t = 0, with x= Oand = 2m/s where x is menured how the undeformed position ofthe spring, Find the expression for x(0), [SOLUTEON : WexT PAGES) seannea with vamscanner o x* X= "to igs k= 400 We yf Bt C= & Werte, We to ey xe) =? Thow the tyiter 78 orerfamged ‘ “Ont uct) = tegte * ‘ n be Nog —~ ree tae qdeeert 2 aH ~5. OH E BU = ~3T BH (GHC MIME SF ee +O for hea y Fe verg O onto? fo= 9 © 2-955 8 ivo eo" +e *) go ft = ty sev C2 = w= (ot) oO FE seannea witn amscanner te = lmWn w= 2 (ar) (25. 95 ot sung ff Cow se ty = 22.50 \bp- bee] py oe * 9 ee ie 22,30 PT et b= aaa - ‘5 the system Is over ames Seannea win Gamscanner © expration foc Stenedy- state response = > % (*) Y= to tum WU = bo raf m= O,og ba k= ON), et =o.a2 N- 7) -[f ™ Oe he ac a (9.09 yh Wr = 2600 pak “yeu J he tgh® e lo.g v2) 3=—— $ a adm Yn a (2-044) (e500 me) 5 = 0,0002 we al eo & Ts te = asoo cast s r= 0,0204 Fo For X K = * tie?) F (age) Lo mm X= —_—_—_— i= -0a047%? ¥ [2{o.2002)(0.2204)] > x\e X= 1 Bde 070 2 ey seannea witn amscanner | Inr* = br! [ (0.0002) (0.0204) | pm (evoaoy? ’ p = Ba x w * xt) = Xsin (wt “P) \ gdb 900, 4 Stn ( vot (Blt xs)) ma X(t) 7 it _ — seannea witn amscanner @) t# C=tp arn x=0 gedmy, FEN "x=? me OF ka ante Ce = 2m wa te = a (orf ky) (to rad) tee a7 8 Seu grew UR swe & 8 a = A yy <= Oy Re g Z= 0.083 ¢} ; wipe oe PNP Yont thre Gt = S nS m xe [= 2.009 + JteounFv] (10° t) ‘ eh 0.063 ~ Jose} (ree +) (0,009 + wet) XU) = Le (~0.003 ~ 1) [loo t) + se _ye3t $ WO t — oe: xin = Se $f Sgt Tit ge) = 5 (ete Frere ere in) m eds seannea witn amscanner

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