A. Rounding Off
(i) 5723 (ii) 2456 (iii) 13535 (iv) 287.98 (v) 5648.7896
(b) 67.866 km to the nearest km. (c) 367.772 to the nearest tenth.
B. Significant figures
In any number all digits are significant except zero, whose significance depends on its position. For
a) 721,000 has 3 significant figures, 7, 2 and 1. The last three zeros are not significant
b) 700,200 has 4 significant figures, 7, 0, 0 and 2; the two zeros between 7 and 2 are significant.
The last two zeros show us only the position of the decimal point, and therefore are not
c) 0.0042 has 2 significant figures, 4 and 2; the first three zeros are not significant. They merely
help us to show the position of the decimal point.
d) 0.00420 has 3 significant figures, 4, 2 and the last zero. The last zero is because it shows that
the number is correct to 5 decimal places.
Round off the following numbers to the indicated number of significant figures.
Scientific notation is a form of presenting very large numbers or very small numbers in a simpler
form. As we know, the whole numbers can be extended till infinity, but we cannot write such huge
numbers on a piece of paper. Also, the numbers which are present at the millions place after the
decimal needed to be represented in a simpler form. Thus, it is difficult to represent a few numbers in
their expanded form.
For example, 100000000 can be written as 108, which is the scientific notation. Here the exponent is
positive. Similarly, 0.0000001 is a very small number which can be represented as 10-8, where the
exponent is negative.
a × 10b ; 1 ≤ a < 10
The base should be always 10
The exponent must be a non-zero integer, that means it can be either positive or negative
The absolute value of the coefficient is greater than or equal to 1 but it should be less than 10
Coefficients can be positive or negative numbers including whole and decimal numbers
Let us understand how many places we need to move the decimal point after the single-digit number
with the help of the below representation.
1. If the given number is multiples of 10 then the decimal point has to move to the left, and the
power of 10 will be positive.
Example: 6000 = 6 × 103 is in scientific notation.
2. If the given number is smaller than 1, then the decimal point has to move to the right, so the
power of 10 will be negative.
Example: 0.006 = 6 × 0.001 = 6 × 10-3 is in scientific notation.
Solution: Move the decimal to the left 8 places so it is positioned to the right of the leftmost non zero
digits 3.01000000. Remove all the zeroes and multiply the number by 10.
Now the number has become = 3.01.
Since the number is greater than 10 and the decimal is moved to left, therefore, we use here a
positive exponent.
Hence, 3.01 × 108 is the scientific notation of the number.
Question 3:Convert 1.36 × 107 from scientific notation to ordinary form.
Solution: Given, 1.36 × 107 in scientific notation.
Exponent = 7
Since the exponent is positive we need to move the decimal place 7 places to the right.
1.36 × 107 = 1.36 × 10000000 = 1,36,00,000.
Practice Questions
Problem 1: Convert the following numbers into scientific notation.
1. 28100000
2. 7890000000
3. 0.00000542
4. 4679.097
5. 7.107
1. 3.5 × 105
2. 2.89 × 10-6
3. 9.8 × 10-2
Measurement can never be exact even though a true measure does exist. The difference between the
true measure and the measure obtained by measuring is called the error. It is common for the person or
machine carrying out the measurement to have predetermined boundary limits of acceptable error
Suppose we want to draw a line 30 cm long. The length of the line after it has been drawn may actually
lie between 29.5 cm and 30.5 cm and therefore not be exactly 30 cm. In this instance the acceptable
limits of error may have been
between 29.5 cm (the lower limit) and 30.5 cm (the upper limit). The difference between the lower
limit and the upper limit is called the least unit of measure. In this case the least unit of measure is 1
Absolute error is of the least unit of measure. In this case, the absolute error is
of 1 = 0.5 cm.
The relative error is the ratio of the absolute error to the true measurement.
Absolute error
Relative error =
True measurement
Relative error can also be expressed as a percentage.