РЭ Roxy30
РЭ Roxy30
РЭ Roxy30
DESIGNATION.................................................................... 3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS....................................................... 4
TECHNICAL DATA............................................................... 5
PRIOR TO USE................................................................... 6
DESIGN............................................................................. 7
CARRYING METHOD........................................................... 8
RECORDKEEPING AND HANDLING. . ..................................... 8
OPERATING PRINCIPLE....................................................... 9
DONNING PROCEDURE.................................................... 10
IMPORTANT ESCAPE RULES.. ............................................ 13
TRAINING.. ....................................................................... 14
SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE INSPECTION. . ....................... 15
DISPOSAL....................................................................... 16
MARKING AND SEALING................................................... 18
WARRANTY. . .................................................................... 21
ANNEX А......................................................................... 22
ANNEX В......................................................................... 23
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
Any use of the chemical oxygen self-contained self-rescuer requires full understanding
and strict observation of this «User’s manual». Only in this case using ROXY 30
guarantees safety and protection of the respiratory system.
The chemical oxygen self-contained self-rescuer is only to be used for the purposes
specified here.
Original equipment manufacturer supplies «User’s manual» in English or Russian. For
providing of «User`s manual» in the official language of the country of destination,
contact our local office, distributor or authorized representative.
«User’s manual» is intended for study of device and requirements for everyday carrying,
donning and operation of chemical oxygen self-contained self-rescuer.
«30» – means rated duration when testing in accordance with SANS 1737:2008 at
breathing rate 35 l/min.
ROXY 30 is designed and suitable for everyday carrying on the waist belt and for storage
in rescue chambers or changeover stations that are placed on routes out of danger zone
in mines, as well as in tunnels.
ROXY 30 is used for protection of respiratory system and eyes in case of underground
workers escape from irrespirable environments due to fire, explosion, and sudden re-
lease of gas or coal dust or lacking of oxygen.
It is prohibited to use ROXY 30 during any physical performance, for example for under-
ground firefighting.
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
SCSR is ready for use device in mines of different hazard categories: prone to sudden
outbursts of coal and gases, mines with aggressive production environment with acid
mine drainage and water with high concentration of corrosion-active components: chlo-
ride and sulfate ions.
ROXY 30 has no restrictions for use and exploitation due to any medical or physiological
conditions of user.
SCSR should be protected from mechanical damages, which can break the case, lid,
seal, cartridge and other components.
Open SCSR only for proper use – donning and escape in case of emergency.
Keep unsealed and used SCSR away from liquid or solid flammable materials.
Damaged SCSRs where oxygen-containing product has direct contact with ambient at-
mosphere shall be immediately withdrawn from service, delivered to the surface of mine
and disposed in accordance with “Disposal”.
If self-rescuer is damaged, the oxygen – containing product can cause ignition of coal,
wood or other flammable materials.
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
1. Depending on respiration rate, physical and medical conditions of wearer rated duration may
be increased.
2. In case of observing operating procedures of current User’s manual
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
ROXY 30 shall be checked prior to daily using:
• lid and case are not damaged and have no cracks, holes or splits;
ROXY 30 shall be immediately withdrawn from the service if at least one of indicated
requirements are not satisfied
Regular visual inspection of moisture indicator allows to control normal operating con-
dition of SCSR without special equipment. Blue colour of indicator is a sign of normal
operating condition.
If moisture indicator change its colour to pink and/or white, ROXY 30 shall be checked
using a leak testing machine (UPG or analogue) by positive pressure 50 kPa (500 mm
w.c.). If pressure drop is less than 400 Pa (40 mm w.c.) within 15 sec, ROXY 30 may be
used up to 10 days.
After the expiry of 10 days, ROXY 30 shall be withdrawn from the service.
If pressure drop is more than 400 Pa (40 mm w.c.) within 15 sec, then ROXY 30 shall be
immediately be withdrawn from the service.
Withdrawn SCSRs shall be placed into the individual tightly closed plastic bag and sent
to the authorized service center or representative for a decision about further using.
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
1 9
3 12
4 13
6 17
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
Everyday – on a waist belt.
It is prohibited to store and leave ROXY 30 close to heat-radiating devices, wash by
water and use as support arrangement and sitting. It is allowed to clean SCSR by wet
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
To start the reaction of oxygen release and absorption of carbon dioxide it is necessary
to do few exhalations through mouthpiece.
Exhaled air goes through the mouthpiece and heat and moisture exchanger via the
breathing hose to the regenerative cartridge. In the regenerative cartridge, the exhaled
gas is purified from carbon dioxide, enriched by oxygen and then goes into the breathing
bag. Surplus breathing gas is removed from breathing bag via relief valve.
When user makes an inhalation, the breathing gas goes backwards: from breathing bag
through the cartridge via breathing tube to the heat and moisture exchanger, mouthpiece
and to the user’s respiratory system.
Warming of case and inhaled gas indicate normal operation of SCSR.
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
In case of emergency immediately
don the SCSR.
Step 1:
- rotate the Roxy 30 on your waist
belt to the front of your body;
- kneel down;
Step 2:
- slightly rise SCSR with both hands,
remove safety pin with middle fingers
of both hands by moving toward you
and break the seal;
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
Step 3:
- hold the SCSR with one hand, de-
tach the lock lever with another hand
lifting it down and throw the lock lever
- lift off the lid and remove the self-res-
cuer from the case;
- turn the lid over, take the red side
of neck strap in hand, detach the
self-rescuer from the lid and throw
the lid away;
Step 4:
- remove helmet;
- put on the neck strap;
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
Step 5:
- remove plug from the mouthpiece
and straighten the breathing hose;
- handle the mouthpiece with both
hands, move close to the mouth,
exhale several times into SCSR’s
mouthpiece till breathing bag fully in-
flates and relief valve opens;
- put the mouthpiece into your mouth
so that its plates are positioned be-
tween lips and gums, clench the
tooth grips with your teeth;
- place the nose clip on your nostrils;
You are already isolated from the
surrounding atmosphere!
Step 6:
- put on the protective goggles;
- put on helmet;
- continue to breathe calmly through
your mouth;
- adjust the neck strap avoiding
stretching of breathing hose and feel-
ing the weight of SCSR in the mouth;
- wrap the long side of the chest
strap around your body and fasten it
to the short side of the chest strap;
- adjust the length of the neck and
chest straps if necessary, do not
overly tighten;
- keep calm and escape from the
hazardous area.
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
When adjusting the neck strap length hold the self-rescuer so that the mouthpiece is
not pulled out from the mouth by the weight of the case.
The total time of ROXY 30 donning should take no more than 15 seconds.
• walk slower or stop in case of any breathing difficulty, recover normal breathing
rhythm and then continue walking.
• plan your way and chose shortest way to the whiff of fresh air or to the refuge or
rescue chamber.
• inhaled breathing gas is warm and dry; it shows normal working condition of SCSR.
Unusual taste of inhaled gas is safe and permissible.
• do not squeeze of breathing bag and protect from mechanical damages: it may
cause oxygen loss.
It is not allowed to take out mouthpiece or talk through it, remove nose clip or inhale
the surrounding air before getting to the safe place.
• in case of neediness to vomit or remove saliva from mouth cavity, then squeeze
breathing tube when breathing bag is completely filled and remove mouthpiece from
mouth. It is prohibited to vomit and splitting into mouthpiece and breathing tube. Next
inhalation and exhalation perform via mouthpiece. Do not inhale gases from ambient
irrespirable atmosphere.
Gradual heating of case sign about normal working condition of SCSR. : depends on
respiratory load and allowable to user dressed in cotton garment in the end of rated
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
ROXY 30 is for single use only. Do not reuse it after leaving the dangerous zone and
After reaching the place of safety, remove mouthpiece from the mouth and nose clip
and put SCSR aside away from combustibles. Do not lump SCSRs together. After that,
deliver SCSR to the lamp room for further disposal in accordance with «Disposal».
Training is obligatory. ROXY 30 can be used only by trained users and users who
complete practical training of donning and using SCSR.
Training should performed in accordance with the safety regulations on mine and recom-
mendations stated in this “User’s manual”.
Total time of donning SCSR shall be less than 15 seconds.
Attainments of breathing with SCSR need regular training and consolidation of knowl-
edge. Insufficient training may cause panic in case of emergency and inhalation of dan-
gerous gases from irrespirable atmosphere. To avoid panic reaction we strongly rec-
ommend performing training using Training device when recruiting and then once per
2 years. Training device with training regenerative cartridge completely imitate donning
and breathing conditions of real SCSR: increase of temperature of inhaled gas, breath-
ing resistance, increase of O2 and CO2 concentrations. Practical training can be held in
classroom, smoke gallery, training gallery or mine.
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
• daily controls;
• periodical controls with participation of executives from ventilation and mine occupa-
tional safety departments.
Daily control is a visual inspection in accordance with “Prior to use” and visual inspection
at the end of shift.
• cleaning of SCSR from dust and dirt with the use of wet cloth;
• continuity of case and lid, as well as continuity of all external components and details.
Periodical control of deployed SCSR should be performed once per 3 (three) months, for
SCSR cashed underground – once per 6 (six) months.
• visual inspection of case and lid and continuity of all external details and compo-
• for SCSR with moisture indicator – visual check of indicator’s colour. Normal oper-
ation colour is blue. SCSR is not leaktight if indicator changes colour to pink and/or
• leak test using leak testing machine UPG with positive pressure 5 kPa (500 mm
w.c.). SCSR is leaktight and suitable for using if pressure drop in device chamber is
lower than 400 Pa (40 mm w.c.) within 15 sec.
SCSRs, which didn`t pass leak test, shall be immediately withdrawn from service,
placed into individual tightly closed plastic bag and sent to the authorized service
center or authorized representative for decision about further using.
SCSRs that were withdrawn from service should be delivered to the service center in 10
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
It is recommended to store and register date and results of periodical controls and routine
repairs of each SCSR in lamp room within service life of unit.
Service life is guaranteed only in case of regular performing of daily and periodical
maintenance inspection and service as well as service maintenance in authorized
service center if necessary.
Damaged SCSRs, unable to undergo service maintenance, must be disposed and uti-
lized in accordance with «Utilization».
ROXY 30 is a subject of obligatory disposal. Strongly forbidden to combust, throw
away as a garbage or in municipal or industrial disposal sites and leave underground
as well as perform disposing on own authority or commit to the unauthorized
Damaged SCSR, where chemical oxygen (КО2) has direct contact with ambient atmo-
sphere, shall be immediately delivered to the mine’s surface and neutralized disassem-
bled: with dismounted case, lid, breathing bag and breathing tube. Disconnect cartridge
from case and submerse it by branch tube upwards into pin or other tank with water
for 5-10 cm lower of water level. After ending of quenching reaction (ending of oxygen
bubbling) shake apparatus and submerse it in the water again, repeat it 3-4 times. Then,
apparatus with regenerative cartridge and other elements shall be sent to authorized
organization for disposal.
Neutralization of regenerative cartridge should be held according to rules of safety and
with the use of personal protective equipment: protective rubber gloves and glasses,
filtering respirator, rubber footwear and protective clothes.
Neutralize formed alkaline solution with 3 % acid, for example, hydrochloric acid (HCl) and
drain remaining fluid into a special place of deposit.
If damaged SCSR, in which KO2 has direct contact with ambient atmosphere, is polluted
with combustive and lubricating materials then quenching with water is not allowed. Pol-
luted SCSR shall be sent for disposal immediately. When it is impossible to immediately
send polluted SCSR for disposing then it should be organized safe storage of such ap-
paratus outside the lamp room.
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
Rejected SCSRs because of:
• mechanical damages,
• destruction,
• unsealing,
• opening,
• exhausting,
• expired lifetime,
• using as intended,
• formal license for disposal of SCSR and neutralizing of chemical oxygen (class of
hazard 5.1);
• official authorization letter (certificate) from original equipment manufacturer with reg-
ulations and permit for utilization.
SCSR’s, decommissioned for disposal shall be placed in special dry storing room and
kept at least 1 m away from heating devices. Avoid contacts of decommissioned SCSR
with water, oil, organic liquids and new SCSRs.
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
• On external side:
• On wearer’ side:
– trademark «DEZEGA»,
Breathing bag – serial number in the format of ХХХХ month and year of
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
Package marking include:
– handling signs: «Handle with care, fragile»; «Protect from heat»; «Keep
dry»; «This side up»; warning sign «Do not throw»;
– marking with the name of SCSR «ROXY 30» as well as indication of haz-
ardous cargo (5.1) are allowed.
Ambient air should not contain pollution of aggressive gases, which may occur corrosion
of materials. Boxes with SCSR shall be protected from direct sunlight exposure and keep
at least 1 m away from heating devices.
SCSR between shifts shall be stored in lamp room on shelves at ambient air from +5 °C
to +40 °C and up to 100% relative humidity (at temperature 25 °С).
SCSR of collective storage shall be placed in sealed containers, located on exit routes
in mines or in tunnels.
SCSR can be transported in the closed and dry compartments of any kind of transport
at ambient temperature from −50 °C to +50 °C and up to 100% relative humidity (at tem-
perature +25 °C) separately from flammable and aggressive materials.
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008) DEZEGA
In case of transportation by air a freight compartment of the aircraft should be airtight
and heated.
Transporting of SCSR is performed according to rules of transportation, applied to the
current type of transport.
A self-contained self-rescuer ROXY 30 should be transported, stored and used only
according to the rules, described in this «User’s manual». Any violations of this manual
can cause failures in operation of SCSR which can lead to a serious injury or cause
DEZEGA ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
Total warranty period of all joints of SCSR and its working parameters is 12 (eighteen)
months from date of commissioning, but no more than 18 months from date of produc-
Warranty does not cover SCSR with damaged outer joints and case caused by violation
of conditions indicated in this «User’s manual».
ROXY 30 (SANS 1737:2008)
Surname, Name Code Position No of SCSR Date
Par 1. Personal SCSR