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Cellular Biology

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Part 5

The nucleus
The nucleus - Structure
Figure: A cell from the human cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa has a nucleus
that is easily seen using light microscopy.
Major compartments

1. Nuclear envelope

2. Nucleoplasm

3. Nucleolus

4. Nuclear Lamina

5. Chromatin

Fig. Nucleus, image copyright Sagar Aryal

1. The nuclear envelope

-Double membranes

- The outer nuclear membrane is continuous with

the membranes of the ER, and the lumen of the
nuclear envelope is continuous with the lumen of
the ER.

-The nuclear envelope contains numerous NPCs

Figure 09.F12: The nuclear

envelope is continuous with the
endoplasmic reticulum.
1. The nuclear envelope - NPCs

Large molecules are actively transported between the nucleus and cytoplasm

Uncharged molecules < 100 Da: pass through the nuclear envelope.
> 100 Da: NPCs

Particles up to 9 nm in diameter
(corresponding to globular proteins up to
40 kDa) can pass through NPCs by passive
diffusion, as can metabolites, nucleotides,
and other small molecules

The nuclear pore complex.

(Modified with permission from Alberts B,
Bray D, Lewis J, et al.: Molecular Biology
of the Cell, 3rd ed. New York, Garland Publishing, 1994.
The nuclear pore is made of about 30-100
nucleoporin proteins.

Many different classes of molecules and macromolecules are

transported through NPCs. Not shown are small, uncharged
molecules (<100 Da) that can diffuse through the membranes of
the nuclear envelope
Proteins are selectively transported into the nucleus through NPCs

Cores do not contain information for

nuclear entry

nuclear pore is a selective channel that

allows only proteins with the proper
information in their amino acid sequence
to enter

Figure: Injection of nucleoplasmin into the cytosol or

the nucleus of Xenopus oocytes shows the importance
of the C-terminal tail fragment.

Mature nuclear proteins contain sequence information required for their nuclear localization.

The signal within a protein that targets it to the nucleus is a stretch of amino acids termed
the NLS (nuclear localization sequence )
Export of proteins from the nucleus is also receptor-mediated

Short stretches of amino acids rich in leucine act as the most common nuclear
export sequences (NESs)

A nuclear export receptor binds

proteins that contain NESs in the
nucleus and transports them to the

The NESs were discovered in the

course of studies of the growth of
human HIV in infected cells

Figure: Some proteins, such as HIV Rev, shuttle

between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Transport of most RNAs is unidirectional from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
2. The Nucleoplasm

- gelatinous substance within the nuclear envelope

- composed mainly of water with dissolved salts, enzymes, and organic molecules

- supports the nucleus by helping to maintain its shape

Fig. Nucleus, image copyright Sagar Aryal

3. The Nucleolus

 a dense, membrane-less structure within the nucleus

 Genes that encode rRNAs are present on multiple chromosomes that cluster
together to form nucleolar subcompartments.

 rRNA is synthesized and ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleolus.

 disappears when a cell undergoes

division and is reformed after the
completion of cell division

Fig. Nucleus, image copyright Sagar Aryal

4. The Nuclear Lamina
 Located beneath the inner nuclear membrane and is physically connected
to it by lamina-associated integral membrane proteins.

 Plays a role in nuclear envelope assembly and may provide physical support
for the nuclear envelope

 Protein complexes that interact with the

nuclear lamina cross the nuclear envelope
and link the cytoskeleton to the nuclear

Yeast and some other unicellular

eukaryotes lack a nuclear lamina

Figure “ The nuclear lamina is anchored to

the inner nuclear membrane
5. The Chromatin

 consist of DNA, which contains heredity information and instructions for cell
growth, development, and reproduction

- Heterochromatin: highly condensed, transcriptionally inactive form

- Euchromatin: less densely compacted

Figure: Individual chromosomes

occupy distinct areas of the nucleus
called chromosome territories.
What is the advantage to a eukaryotic cell of having a nucleus?

Having a nucleus allows a cell to have

much more sophisticated regulation of
gene expression than is possible in
prokaryotic cells

The nucleus protects the DNA of the


Figure: In prokaryotes, transcription and translation

are coupled (left). In eukaryotes, transcription and
translation occur in separate compartments (right)
Nuclei vary in appearance according to cell type and organism

 Nuclei range in size from about one micron (1 μm) to more than 10 μm in diameter

Most cells have a single nucleus, but some cells contain multiple nuclei, and a few cell
types lack nuclei

Figure: A Drosophila embryo at the

multinucleate stage
Nucleus origin

The nucleus may have arisen by endosymbiosis, a process in which one prokaryotic cell
engulfs another cell, which then becomes a primitive nucleus
Chromatin – chromosomes
Bacteria- genetic material: in the form of a nucleoid

Eukaryotic- genetic material: the mass of chromatin within the nucleus

The centromere is the specialized DNA sequence of a

chromosome that links a pair of sister chromatids
The nucleosome is the subunit of all chromatin

• Micrococcal nuclease releases individual nucleosomes from chromatin as ~10-

nm particles.
• A nucleosome contains ~200 bp of DNA, two copies of each core histone (H2A,
H2B, H3, and H4), and one copy of H1.
• DNA is wrapped around the outside surface of the protein octamer.

The nucleosome consists of approximately Sequences on the DNA that tie on different
equal masses of DNA and histones.. turns around the nucleosome may close
A linker histone helps to pull
nucleosomes together and
pack them into a more
compact chromatin fiber.
Different levels of DNA packing

The 30 nm solenoid structure fiber

forms loops whose base is attached
to scaffold proteins.
Decondensation of these loops
allows the transcription of genes
they encode.
Chromosomes have banding patterns

• Certain staining techniques cause the

chromosomes to have the appearance of a
series of striations called G-bands.
• The bands are lower in G  C content than
the interbands.
• Genes are concentrated in the G  C-rich

Figure: Every chromosome has a

distinct G-banding pattern.
Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes

 Protect ends
 Maintain length

Telomeres are made of repeating sequences of TTAGGG on one strand paired

with AATCCC on the other strand

It is required for cells that must divide many times

Two closely related species can have similar genome sizes
but very different chromosome numbers
The 23 chromosome pairs of the human genome

FISH: fluorescent in situ hybridization Karyotype: chromosomes articially lined

up in order (e.g. for cytogenetic analysis)
X chromosomes undergo global changes

One of the two X chromosomes is inactivated at random in each cell during

embryogenesis of eutherian mammals

Dosage compensation: equalizes the level of expression of X-linked genes in

the two sexes

Different means of dosage compensation are used to equalize X chromosome expression

in male and female.
One of the two X chromosomes is
inactivated in the cells of mammalian
females by heterochromatin formation.
Each female cell contains two X
chromosomes, one from the mother (Xm)
and the other from the father (Xp).

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