Sila Masukkan Semua Maklumat Yang Berkenaan Dengan Betul
Sila Masukkan Semua Maklumat Yang Berkenaan Dengan Betul
Sila Masukkan Semua Maklumat Yang Berkenaan Dengan Betul
BAHAGIAN PINJAMAN PERUMAHAN, PERBENDAHARAAN MALAYSIA SILA MASUKKAN SEMUA MAKLUMAT YANG BERKENAAN DENGAN BETUL Umur Harijadi Terhampir Jantina Nilai Penuh Hartanah (S & P) Jenis Bangunan Status Bangunan Pinjaman Dipohon Tempoh Pinjaman : : : RM
33 Lelaki 160,000.00
Tempoh Takaful : 31 836 8,646 189,482 904.61 Tahun 34
Sumbangan Takaful Empunya Rumah: RM Sumbangan Takaful Gadaijanji Jumlah Perlindungan Takaful Anggaran Bayaran Balik (Bulanan) Nota: : RM : RM : RM
- Tempoh bayaran balik tertakluk kepada Tempoh Pinjaman. - Jika rumah telah siap, bagi Takaful Kebakaran, Tempoh Pinjaman perlu +1 dan Tempoh Rumah Siap ialah 0 tahun. - Jika rumah dalam pembinaan, Tempoh Pinjaman mengikut tempoh sebenar dan Tempoh Rumah Siap ialah 2 tahun.
Version 1.10
(Please key-in all items with green colour only) Calculation date Prepared by Branch Name Proposer's Details Name Gender NRIC Date of Birth Age Nearest Birthday : : Lelaki : 888888-05-8888 : 30-Dec-1899 : 33 : 30-Dec-1899 : Agent 006 : BKT DD/MM/YYYY #N/A Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Sum Covered Table Sum Covered Amount 10,000 9,831 9,656 9,474 9,284 9,087 8,882 8,669 8,447 8,216 7,976 7,727 7,467 7,197 6,917 6,625 6,321 6,006 5,677 5,336 4,981 4,611 4,227 3,828 3,412 2,980 2,531 2,064 1,578 1,072 547 Additional Benefit 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Financing Details Financing Amount Financing Rate % Payment Type Financing Period Deferment Period Extra Loading % Contribution Details Takaful Mortgage Protector Loading Takaful Contribution Takaful Contribution Initial Sum Covered Period of Takaful Notes : : : : : : : 100,000 4.00% Financing 31 years 0 years 0.00%
: : : : #REF!
Notes: a) This quotation assumes that the proposer has no medical or health impairments, occupational risk or habits that may require additional loading on the contribution. For proposals that are not pre-approved, the Takaful Contribution is subject to HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. final approval. b) Subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Group Master Certificate. c) This quotation also assumes that all information provided for this computation are correct, accurate and not misleading.
This product is managed by HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (Company number 731530-M) Version 1.6 (TMP)
on payment of contribution as
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Tarikh : .
The Reducing Sum Covered payable is based on the Schedule of Coverage at the beginning of each year in the year the claim arises as stated in the Takaful Schedule. An additional benefit equal to 5% of the initial Reducing Sum Covered (up to a maximum of RM10,000 per life) shall be payable in the event of Death, TPD or first time diagnosis of any of the above Critical Illnesses. Upon Death or first time diagnosis of a Critical Illness, the Reducing Sum Covered will be payable in one lump sum to the Bank. Upon TPD, the Reducing Sum Covered will be payable to the Bank in 2 instalments as follows: 1st payment of the Reducing Sum Covered equal to 12 monthly instalments of the loan repayment
2nd payment will be the balance Reducing Sum Covered payable after 12 months from when the 1st Reducing Sum Covered payment is made.
In the event of Death or diagnosis of a Critical Illness before the 2nd payment, the balance Reducing Sum Covered will be payable in one lump sum. The Reducing Sum Covered payable is based on the Schedule of Coverage at the beginning of each year in the year the claim arises as stated in the Takaful Schedule. What about exclusions (i.e. coverage which is not provided by the Takaful certificate) ? The exclusions are as follows:Coverage Death Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Exclusions Suicide within one year of commencement of cover. Any attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury while sane or insane Any riot, civil commotion, strikes or terrorist activities. TPD due to pre-existing condition during the ninety (90) days preceding the date of the commencement of Takaful coverage. Any service in armed forces in a war (whether declared or undeclared). Aviation except as fare paying passenger in a commercial aircraft licensed for passenger service on a scheduled flight over an established route. Any drug and/or alcohol abuse except for those under medical advice. Any participation in any dangerous sporting activity or hobbies (i.e. hang-gliding, skydiving, bungee jumping, hunting, mountaineering, racing). Any racing other than on foot.
How to safeguard your Takaful certificate benefits? Step 1 First of all, you should inform your next of kin that you have purchased a TMP certificate or mention it in your will and keep your certificate documents in a safe place. In the unfortunate event that a claim arises, the first step is to contact any HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad branch or the Takaful operator and obtain a claim form. Step 2 Please complete the claim form and send it back to HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad. This will be submitted to the Takaful operator concerned. Please comply strictly with the requirements of the claim form to avoid unnecessary delay. Step 3 The Takaful operator concerned will liaise with your branch account. The takaful benefit amount payable will be paid to your branch of account for the settlement of your housing loan/home financing outstanding with the Bank. Any excess amount will be paid to you or to your estate (as applicable). Important Notice! 1. If you settle your housing loan / home financing earlier than scheduled and accordingly terminate the Takaful certificate, you will get back less than the amount of contribution you have paid. However, you can also continue with the coverage until its expiry. Should there be shortfall between the takaful benefit amount and your housing loan / home financing outstanding with the Bank, the amount shortfall will be recovered from you or your estate. Please note that this document is for reference only and does not constitute professional advice. You should refer to the Master Certificate for the exact terms and conditions. This product is managed by:HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (731530-M) 3rd Floor, Wisma Hamzah Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-2096 5200; Fax: 03-2031 8976; Toll Free : 1-800-88-9659
2. 3.
AIDS due to blood transfusion transfusion surgery to aorta major organ transplant [kidney, lung(s), liver, heart or [kidney, lung(s), liver, boneheart or bone marrow] marrow]
An additional benefit equal to 5% of the initial Reducing Sum Covered (up to a maximum of RM10,000 per life), shall be payable in the event of Death, TPD or first time diagnosis of any of the above Critical Illnesses. Upon Death or first time diagnosis of a Critical Illness, the Reducing Sum Covered will be payable in one lump sum to the Bank. Upon TPD, the Reducing Sum Covered will be payable to the Bank in 2 instalments as follows: 1st payment of the Reducing Sum Covered equal to 12 monthly instalments of the loan repayment
2nd payment will be the balance Reducing Sum Covered payable after 12 months from when the 1st Reducing Sum Covered payment is made.
In the event of Death or diagnosis of a Critical Illness before the 2nd payment, the balance Reducing Sum Covered will be payable in one lump sum. The Reducing Sum Covered payable is based on the Schedule of Coverage at the beginning of each year in the year the claim arises as stated in the Takaful Schedule. What about exclusions (i.e. coverage which is not provided by the Takaful certificate) ? The exclusions are as follows:Coverage Death Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Exclusions Suicide within one year of commencement of cover. Any attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury while sane or insane Any riot, civil commotion, strikes or terrorist activities. TPD due to pre-existing condition during the ninety (90) days preceding the date of the commencement of Takaful coverage. Any service in armed forces in a war (whether declared or undeclared). Aviation except as fare paying passenger in a commercial aircraft licensed for passenger service on a scheduled flight over an established route. Any drug and/or alcohol abuse except for those under medical advice. Any participation in any dangerous sporting activity or hobbies (i.e. hang-gliding, skydiving, bungee jumping, hunting, mountaineering, racing). Any racing other than on foot.
Exclusions Any illness diagnosed prior to the commencement date of Takaful coverage Coronary Artery Bypass surgery if the Participant had diagnosed of Heart Attack prior to the Commencement Date of Takaful coverage. Any injury or illness caused by self-inflicted injuries. Any service in armed forces in a war (whether declared or undeclared). Aviation except as fare paying passenger in a commercial aircraft licensed for passenger service on a scheduled flight over an established route. Any drug and/or alcohol abuse except for those under medical advice. Any participation in any dangerous sporting activity or hobbies (i.e. hanggliding, sky-diving, bungee jumping, hunting, mountaineering, racing). Any racing other than on foot. This Critical Illness coverage is effective only after 30 days from the date of issuance of Takaful certificate.
How to safeguard your Takaful certificate benefits? Step 1 First of all, you should inform your next of kin that you have purchased a TMP Plus certificate or mention it in your will and keep your certificate documents in a safe place. In the unfortunate event that a claim arises, the first step is to contact any HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad branch or the Takaful operator and obtain a claim form. Step 2 Please complete the claim form and send it back to HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad. This will be submitted to the Takaful operator concerned. Please comply strictly with the requirements of the claim form to avoid unnecessary delay. Step 3 The Takaful operator concerned will liaise with your branch account. The takaful benefit amount payable will be paid to your branch of account for the settlement of your housing loan/home financing outstanding with the Bank. Any excess amount will be paid to you or to your estate (as applicable). Important Notice! 1. If you settle your housing loan / home financing earlier than scheduled and accordingly terminate the Takaful certificate, you will get back less than the amount of contribution you have paid. However, you can also continue with the coverage until its expiry. Should there be shortfall between the takaful benefit amount and your housing loan / home financing outstanding with the Bank, the amount shortfall will be recovered from you or your estate. Please note that this document is for reference only and does not constitute professional advice. You should refer to the Master Certificate for the exact terms and conditions. This product is managed by:HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (731530-M) 3rd Floor, Wisma Hamzah Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-2096 5200; Fax: 03-2031 8976; Toll Free : 1-800-88-9659
2. 3.