LKG Application
LKG Application
LKG Application
(in words) :
Qualification(s) :
Occupation :
Designation :
Monthly income :
Office Address :
Res.Address : Tel.No.Res
Tel.No.Off. :
Mobile :
e.mail :
Nationality :
(In case of a child having foreign citizenship, should produce a copy of valid VISA for the period of
their study in the school)
Religion :
6.Community (enclose a certified/Xerox copy: SC BC ST OC
of the supporting document)
7.Mother tongue of the pupil :
8. Identification marks : 1) 2)
9. Name and class of brother/sister (own): 1) Class: Sec
Studying in this school (Not Cousins) 2) Class Sec
(Page No.2 of 2 pages)
Note: 1. At the time of registration date of birth certificate issued by the competent authority to
register the birth (Municipality/Corporation at the place where the child was born) should
be submitted.
2. Refund of fees paid by the parents will be regulated according to the terms and conditions
mentioned in the prospectus.
3. Any change of address will immediately be notified to the school.
1. Certified Xerox copy of date of Birth Certificate.
2. Copy of any valid document indicating the place of residence as given in the application.
3. Copy of relevant document (study/Transfer Certificate) regarding their studies in the
school in respect of parents who are ex-students.
4. If the application is submitted mentioning a reference to the Membership of Jubilee Hills
House Building Co.Operative Society Ltd., attested Xerox copies of the Membership in
proof may be furnished.
5. In case of a child having foreign citizenship, should produce a copy of valid VISA for
the period of their study in the school.
6. Copy of Bonafide Certificate, in case of sibling students, studying in this school.
7. Copy of Aadhar Card (student)
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