Mini Project Osh
Mini Project Osh
Mini Project Osh
This MEM603 report that we completed was an excellent opportunity for learning and
professional development. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to gain firsthand
knowledge of a SME company, in our case Intel Corporation Sdn Bhd. We were
grateful for the opportunity to conduct research in conjunction with our work.
We would like to express our gratitude to our MEM603 lecturer Muhammad Arif Bin
Ab Hamid Pahmi, without whose invaluable assistance and advice we would be unable
to complete this report. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering for organising this course and providing us with the
opportunity to learn more about industrial occupational safety and health (OSH).
Furthermore, we would want to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has
directly or indirectly assisted us in writing this mini-project. Many people, particularly
team members, have worked extremely hard to complete this task. We would like to
thank everyone who assisted us, both directly and indirectly, in completing our project.
We saw this chance as a significant step forward in our professional development. We
will attempt to apply acquired knowledge and information as effectively as possible,
and we will continue to work on their improvement in order to achieve the desired
career goal.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... i
7.0 REFERENCE................................................................................................................ 51
FIGURE 1: Organization Chart ................................................................................................. 5
FIGURE 2: Aviatron (M) Sdn Bhd............................................................................................ 7
FIGURE 3: Nacelle Beam (Hinge) ............................................................................................ 8
FIGURE 4: Example of CNC Milling Machine ........................................................................ 9
FIGURE 5: Fire Extinguishers ................................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 6: Fire Alarm System................................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 7: Example of application yellow and black tape ..................................................... 11
FIGURE 8: Anti-Fatigue Mats................................................................................................. 12
FIGURE 9: Flammable Liquid Storage ................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 10: Hazardous Waste Bin ......................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 11: LED Light Curtain.............................................................................................. 13
FIGURE 12: Safety Sign ......................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 13: Example of PPE.................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 14: Hierarchy of controls .......................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 15: Fire accident ....................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE 16: Chemical Control ............................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 17: Sharp object handling ......................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 18: Potential Hazard ................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 19: Accident at workplace ........................................................................................ 32
FIGURE 20: Employees report of injury form ........................................................................ 35
FIGURE 21: Supervisor’s accident investigation form ........................................................... 36
FIGURE 22: JKKP 6 Form ...................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 23: What An Employer Must Do In The Case Of An Accident, Dangerous
Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning Or Occupational Disease .............................................. 39
FIGURE 24: Guidelines For Establishing Work Relationship ................................................ 40
FIGURE 25: OSHMS Elements .............................................................................................. 42
FIGURE 26: The Maximum size of committee based on number of workers ........................ 43
TABLE 5-1: displays the PPE that the company uses. ............................................................ 47
Safety and health at work (OSH) is a field of study with a wide scope that includes
many different fields. In the most general sense, it aims to:
• The promotion and maintenance of the highest level of workers' physical,
mental, and social health.
• The preparation and maintenance of conditions in the workplace that make it
less likely or impossible for people to get hurt at work.
• Keeping workers from getting sick because of their jobs.
• The protection of workers at their places of work from health risks caused by
things in the workplace.
• Putting workers in jobs that match their physical and mental abilities and
keeping them there.
The Malaysian Constitution governs the legislative structure of workplace safety
and health. The primary pieces of legislation are the Occupational Safety and Health
Act of 1994 (OSHA 1994), the Factories and Machinery Act of 1967 (FMA 1967),
and the Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act of 1984. This mini project will
concentrate on workplace safety and health regulations that implemented in the
industry . By conducting research and site visit to the selected company which is
SAM Aviatron (M) Sdn Bhd , the study will get an insight into the importance of
OSHA and how they implement the OSHA in their work life.
1.1 Organization Chart
As shown below is the organization chart for the team members. We agreed to
choose Muhammad Badrul as our leader team.
1.2 Task Distribution
1.3 Background Of The Company
The SAM Group grew from its humble beginnings in Singapore (also known as
"The Little Red Dot") to become an international contract manufacturing and
precision engineering powerhouse that serves the Aerospace and
Equipment/Semiconductor industries. Their geographic presence continues to
expand, and they currently have offices in Singapore, Malaysia, China, Germany,
Northern Ireland, and Thailand.
The Aerospace team is highly skilled in the production of engine mounts and
casings, airfoils, and structural components, whereas the
Equipment/Semiconductor team is highly experienced in providing innovative
and creative engineering solutions from collaborative design & development
through final assembly.
The SAM Group is both AS and ISO certified, with a robust quality system and
procedures that meet the stringent quality requirements of the Aerospace and
Equipment/Semiconductor industries' leading companies.
1.4 Product/Services
At Aviatron (M) Sdn Bhd at Bukit Minyak , they are specialize in manufacture
nacelle beams for the new Airbus A320neo and A350 aircraft. Below is the
example of the product produce by the company. The nacelle is the interface
between the engine and the aeroplane. It is a complex system that performs
multiple functions in a harsh environment, such as channeling airflows and
protecting the engine, aiding in the braking of the aircraft during landing (thrust
reversers), reducing noise emissions, and facilitating maintenance access.
1.5 Technology
The technology used at Aviatron (M) Sdn Bhd is the 5-axis CNC Machine. 5-axis
machines rely on a tool that moves in five different directions: X, Y, and Z, as
well as A and B, which the tool rotates around. By utilising a 5-axis CNC
machine, operators can approach apart from all angles in a single operation,
eliminating the need to manually reposition the workpiece between operations.
5-axis CNC machining is ideal for creating complex and precise parts for
industries such as the medical, oil and gas, and aerospace. Product teams should
be familiar with a variety of 5-axis machines, including indexed 5-axis CNC
machines, continuous 5-axis CNC machines, and mill-turning CNC centres.
During continuous 5-axis CNC machining, both the cutting tool and the
workpiece can rotate and move simultaneously, saving time and allowing
operators to create complex geometries with organic surfaces. Continuous 5-axis
CNC machining offers improved surface finish, speed, and dimensional stability,
but has the highest part cost.
This section is about designing and identifying the occupational safety and health facilities
that must exist on the site. In addition, students must describe the facilities in accordance
with the applicable law, regulation, and standards. This section will also discuss Aviatron
(M) Sdn Bhd's Facilities to prevent hazard, safety equipment, ppe, maintenance program,
and communication tool.
All companies are required to provide workers with safe working conditions. The only
reason for this is to avoid or prevent accidents and incidents to minimize damage and
save lives and property. The employer's facilities must adhere to the OSHA 1994 Act,
which prioritizes the safety and health of employers, employees, society, and the
environment. Every employee was required to receive training on the proper use of
safety equipment in order to prevent injuries.
Each department in the Aviatron (M) Sdn Hbd have fire extinguisher. Every employee
is briefed and demonstrated on the use of fire extinguishers in preparation for fire
emergencies. Each room have different type of fire extinguisher depends on the room.
Besides, they have fire alarm system in each room. Fire alarm systems shorten response
times by alerting the appropriate people to extinguish the fire. As a result, the amount
of property damage is reduced. When a fire is detected, fire detection systems can be
linked to sprinklers, which will automatically respond. These alarms may be activated
automatically by smoke and heat detectors, or manually by fire alarm activation devices
such as manual call points or pull stations.
FIGURE 6: Fire Alarm System
Furthermore, the entire production was equipped with yellow and black hazard tape.
According to OSHA, yellow and black hazard tape is utilized in situations that pose
physical and health risks. This type of visual cue is comparable to, if not superior to,
other verbal forms of communication. However, it is important to note that visual cues
that rely on colour recognition are optimal provided that the colour code is standardised
and regulated in the workplace. Yellow and black hazard tape may be used to
demarcate, for example, work cells and machine guards, but a lack of consistency will
result in confusion.
Equally important is Anti-Fatigue Mats. Anti-Fatigue Mats are ergonomic cushion mats
that are designed to reduce fatigue for anyone standing in one place for long periods of
time on hard surfaces such as concrete and tiles are ergonomic cushion mats that are
designed to reduce fatigue for anyone standing in one place for long periods of time on
hard surfaces such as concrete and tiles.
FIGURE 8: Anti-Fatigue Mats
In addition, flammable liquid storages are available in same room. When flammable
liquids are utilized in the workplace, it is critical to ensure that the packaging is not
damaged and that the contents are not contaminated. If hazardous liquid packages are
damaged, the flammable liquids may seep into the workplace. Flammable vapors scatter
more quickly when flammable liquids are not confined. If these flammable vapors come
into touch with an ignition source, they will ignite, resulting in a large fire that will
injure persons and property.
Next, it is critical to properly dispose of hazardous waste in order to protect the
environment for future generations. Prior to the implementation of hazardous waste
restrictions, it was deposited straight into landfills. As a result, hazardous chemicals
and pollutants began to leak into groundwater supplies, contaminating drinking water
and causing illness and disease. This is hazardous not just to humans, but also to our
species, animals, and ecosystems.
Thus, there are also light curtain on each machine inside the production. If a human
operator is present, light curtains can automatically cease the functioning of potentially
harmful devices or machinery. These precautions are also known by other names, such
as "light screens" and "optical guards." Whatever their name, these devices can help
maintain user safety during routine tasks such as maintenance, while also providing the
operator with more freedom and flexibility in an industrial setting.
Lastly, all locations were also marked with safety signs. Those safety signs were
necessary to instruct, communicate safety messages, and provide guidance on what to
do in an emergency event. Each colour of the safety sign has a specific purpose. A red
colour denotes prohibition, a blue colour denotes necessary instruction, a yellow colour
denotes danger, and a green colour denotes guidance.
2.2 Safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE)
2.3 Maintenance program and communication tool available
Any element of the workplace that has the potential to hurt employees is considered a
hazard, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Physical,
chemical, biological, and psychological hazards can all exist. OSHA mandates that
employers recognize potential risks and take action to reduce or eliminate them in order to
protect the safety and well-being of their staff. Employers have a vital obligation to control
workplace dangers. Employers can contribute to ensuring a safe and healthy working
environment for their employees by recognizing possible risks, putting in place suitable
controls, and routinely monitoring and evaluating their efficacy. Figure 14 shows the
hierarchy of control where it can reduce or eliminate the hazards.
Potential ergonomic hazards in SAM Engineering and Equipment Berhad are seen in
the Assembly A350 department. The job scope of workers done in this room is to
assemble the Airbus A350. The ergonomic hazard that commonly occurs is the workers
must manually carry the airbus where the weight can approach 50kg. Lifting and
carrying heavy weights can pose physical hazards to workers, such as musculoskeletal
disorders, back injuries, sprains and strains, and repetitive motion injuries. These
hazards can result in pain, reduced mobility, and long-term disabilities. SAM company
has taken action to lower the risk which is the task given to two people to carry the
airbus part and use the trolley. However, it does not 100% remove this ergonomic
hazard. Next, in this department, the workers need to do their work in a standing
position for a long time which can cause vein irritation may develop. Over time, this
inflammation could develop into painful, persistent varicose veins. Additionally,
prolonged standing causes the joints in the spine, hips, knees, and feet to temporarily
lock or paralyze. There are also ergonomic hazard by using an air-hammer frequently
might result in ergonomic risks such as excessive vibration, difficult postures, and
recurrent effort. This equipment produces high-impact, repetitive vibrations that can
lead to "vibration white finger," also known as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS).
In addition to a long-term loss of dexterity and grip strength, HAVS can cause
numbness, tingling, and discomfort in the fingers. Organizations may protect their
employees from ergonomic dangers by using the correct solutions.
Engineering controls:
One of the most prevalent workplace health hazards is noise. in settings of extensive
industry and production. Any power instrument, even pneumatic equipment, can
produce noise levels that are harmful. SAM Company uses air-hammer and CNC
machine where the sound they produce is frequently unmuffled and may go over
permissible exposure limits (PEL). Hearing loss or tinnitus brought on by excessive
loudness may be transient or permanent (ringing in the ears). Anxiety, despair,
exhaustion, insomnia, memory loss, and decision-making are just a few of the
psychological health issues it may impact. When noise exposure is at or above 85 dB
over the course of 8 working hours, or an 8-hour time-weighted average, OSHA
requires companies to create a hearing conservation program (TWA). Current control
that SAM company use are by providing earmuff to the employees.
Engineering control:
• To lessen reflected sound, use absorbent materials inside the structure, such as
open cell foam or mineral wool.
Administration control:
• Reduced time spent in exposed areas. Job rotation can shorten the duration of
• Consider creating better working methods to lower noise levels.
• Ensure that gear and equipment that considers noise are properly and frequently
• Ensure that employees have access to the proper information, guidance, and
supervision. It is the responsibility of the worker to employ any available noise-
control equipment.
SAM Aviatron Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian company that cannot avoid this
mechanical hazard due to the machinery handling required to produce their product.
Many mechanical hazards exist throughout the manufacturing process as well as when
the product is being used. Inventory cutting, assembly, soldering, or sculpting could
have been involved. Regardless of the type of job, this operational point of such work
must be protected. Machines may significantly increase manufacturing efficiency.
However, this does not mean that while employing machines that are designed to help
people, they are without risk. In SAM, the assembly department gets minor cuts when
handling machines such as drilling. Next, the company uses CNC machines, which have
mechanical components with sharp angles, plus excessive heat from the machines poses
a risk to employees. In addition, this business employs cranes, which have a risk of
collapsing or toppling over if improperly balanced or loaded. It allegedly occurred once
when the load collapsed because of improper installation. Several more machine-
related accidents can be prevented with the proper use of protection. It is critical to
evaluate the risks that machines pose, as well as the factors which are necessary for
efficient protective processes. The operators and maintenance workers of SAM
Company are currently being properly trained on how to use and maintain the
equipment safely. The machinery and cranes are fitted with safety features such
as overload prevention, guards, and emergency stops. Safe operational procedures were
created aside from that.
Engineering control:
• Physical barriers, such as machine guards, can be installed around machinery's
moving parts to keep workers away from potentially harmful moving parts.
Administration control:
• Employers must establish safety measures and give employees the necessary
• Routinely check and repair the crane and related machinery.
• Keeping a safe distance from the crane's swing radius is one safety precaution
that employers should impose.
Personal protective equipment (PPE):
• Put on personal safety gear, such as hard hats and bright clothing.
• When working with a machine that has sharp angles, use gloves where there is
durable cut-resistance glove.
• Provide eye protection from metal chips by using safety glasses.
Due to the usage of cutting fluids and coolants during the machining process, CNC
(Computer Numerical Control) equipment introduces chemical hazards into the
workplace. Workers may be exposed to these substances through skin contact,
inhalation, and unintentional releases. Cutting fluids and coolants are some of the
typical chemical risks connected to CNC machines. These substances can burn easily,
posing a risk of fire and explosion in the workplace. Workers exposed to cutting fluids
or coolant may get skin rashes or chemical burns. Inhaling the mist or fumes produced
by the cutting fluids or coolants can cause respiratory irritation or lung damage in
workers. There were also etching, and painting processes that could bring chemical
hazards to the workers. Inhaling chemical fumes or vapors can cause respiratory
irritation and other health problems, which are common chemical risks related to
etching and painting. Skin contact with the chemicals can cause burns, chemical
sensitivity, and skin irritation. Eye irritation and harm from chemical splashes or direct
touch. toxic effects of consuming the substances. In SAM Company the risk control
they currently use is by provided personal protection equipment such as Nitrile glove
to handle chemical substance and safety glasses. They also use ventilation but it not
removing contaminated air from the immediate source. They also make sure to do
maintenance for example they do maintenance on etching rinsing tank two times per
month. To minimize these hazards, we can use:
• Use non-toxic substitutes or other non-hazardous chemical-using methods to
completely stop utilising hazardous chemicals.
• Whenever possible, replace dangerous compounds with less toxic substitutes.
Engineering controls:
• Use engineering techniques to reduce exposure to chemical vapours and fumes,
such as local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems. Make that the LEV systems
are routinely inspected and maintained.
• Protective barriers, should be implemented to reduce exposure to hazardous
Administrative controls:
• Create and put into practise safe work practises, teach people on how to handle
chemicals safely, and make sure PPE is accessible and used. Implement policies
for the safe labelling and storage of chemicals.
Electric hazards present a serious risk towards both workers and the facility in
manufacturing operations. Some electric hazards can come from large utilities, for
example. in SAM manufacturing they use CNC (Computer Numerical Control)
machine. While these machine can boost effectiveness and productivity, they also
put workers at risk of electrical shock. Electrical shock, electrocution, flames, and
explosions are a few of the major electrical risks connected to CNC machines.
Employees who come into contact with live electrical elements like electrical panels
or exposed cables could experience an electrical shock. The risk of electrocution
increases if the electrical shock is strong enough to result in cardiac arrest or other
major health issues. Electrical issues including short circuits and circuit overloads
can lead to electrical fires and explosions. SAM Company current risk control about
electric hazards are by doing regular maintenance of machines and equipment can
help identify and fix any electrical problems before they become hazardous and
trained employees on the proper use and maintenance of machines, as well as
electrical safety procedures.
In order to control electrical dangers and lower the likelihood of electrical
hazards, it is crucial for manufacturing facilities to have precautions in place. The
HIRARC (Hazards Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control) method can
be utilized to manage these electrical risks. This procedure entails locating electrical
hazards at work, evaluating the risks connected to those hazards, and putting control
mechanisms in place to lessen or eliminate the risks that were discovered.
Engineering controls:
• Installing electrical systems that are intended to reduce the danger of
electrical hazards is what this stage entails. For instance, installing ground
fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) to detect and stop electrical failures and
installing electrical equipment with interlock systems to stop machines from
starting if guards or protective coverings are removed.
• Installing physical barriers, such as guards, can protect workers from
coming into direct contact with electrical components.
Administrative controls:
• Developing electrical safety procedures and giving employees electrical
safety training.
• Conduct audits of electrical safety and regularly inspect electrical
• Upgrade or replace any damaged or old electrical equipment.
• Putting policies in place for turning off and locking out electrical systems
when required.
• Regular electrical inspections should be conducted to ensure that machines
and electrical systems are in safe working order.
Identification of hazards: The HIRARC form is used to pinpoint potential risks at work. This
covers risky work practices or behaviors, as well as physical, chemical, biological, and
ergonomic risks.
Risk evaluation: The HIRARC form is used to evaluate the risks posed by the recognised
hazards. This entails assessing the likelihood and seriousness of damage that exposure to the
risk could cause. Prioritizing dangers and identifying those that demand immediate attention
and control measures are done through risk assessment.
Risk management: The HIRARC form is used to put control mechanisms in place to lessen the
risks posed by the recognised hazards. Administrative controls, like modifying work processes
or offering more training, or engineering controls, like adding safety gear or physically altering
the workplace, may fall under this category.
Monitoring and evaluation: The HIRARC form is used to keep track of and evaluate the
performance of the control measures that have been put in place. This entails periodically
evaluating the control measures to make sure they are functioning as intended and
implementing adjustments as necessary.
In conclusion, the HIRARC form is a crucial instrument for controlling occupational health
and safety concerns. Companies can detect and control potential hazards, reduce the risk of
harm to employees, and create a safe and healthy workplace by adhering to the process
specified in the HIRARC form.
*R-Routine, NR - Non Routine
Most Likely (5) The most likely result of the hazard / event being realised Catastropic (5) Numerous fatalities
Possible (4) Has a good change of occuring and is not unusual (1-5) Fatal (4) Approximately one single fatality
Conceivable (3) Might be occur at sometime in future (5-10 years) Serious (3) Non-fatal injury, permanent disability or > 4 days MC
Remote (2) Has not been known to occur after many years (10 yrs) Minor (2) Disabling but not permanent injury or 1-4 days MC
Inconceivable (1) Is practically impossible and has never occurred Negligible (1) Minor abrasions, bruises, cut, first aid type injury
Case 1: Fire
Fires in the workplace can occur due to a variety of reasons, including electrical
malfunctions, chemical reactions, and human error. Picture above are one of the
accidents involving fire at factory. the They can pose a significant threat to employees,
equipment, and the entire facility. To minimize the risk of fire and its potential impacts,
it is important to have proper fire suppression systems in place, regular fire drills and
employee training, and a well-planned evacuation procedure.
1) Activation of Fire Alarm: In the event of a fire, the first step is to activate the
fire alarm to alert everyone in the workplace to evacuate.
2) Emergency Evacuation: All employees should evacuate the building
immediately and move to a designated safe area.
3) Emergency Shut-Off: The fire suppression system should be activated to control
the spread of the fire.
4) Rescue/Ambulance/Medical Support: If anyone is injured, call emergency
services such as an ambulance or the fire department and provide first aid if
5) Isolation/Production ShutDown: The production line should be shut down to
prevent further damage.
6) Forensic Investigation: After the fire has been controlled, a thorough
investigation should be carried out to determine the cause of the fire.
7) Reporting: A written report of the incident should be submitted to the relevant
authorities and insurance company.
8) Compensation and Insurance Claim: Employees who are injured should file a
compensation and insurance claim.
6. Fill out an incident report form to document the event.
1. Alarm: In the event of exposure to harmful chemicals, the first step is to alert
others in the workplace.
2. Emergency Evacuation: All employees should evacuate the affected area
immediately and move to a designated safe area.
3. Rescue/Ambulance/Medical Support: Call emergency services and provide first
aid if possible.
4. Isolation/Production Shut-Down: The production line should be shut down to
prevent further exposure to harmful chemicals.
5. Forensic Investigation: A thorough investigation should be carried out to
determine the cause of the exposure and prevent it from happening again.
6. Reporting: A written report of the incident should be submitted to the relevant
authorities and insurance company.
7. Compensation and Insurance Claim: Employees who are injured should file a
compensation and insurance claim.
FIGURE 17: Sharp object handling
Small cuts can occur frequently in a workplace where handling of sharp tools,
equipment, and machinery is a common activity. These cuts can occur from handling
sharp objects or from improper handling of equipment and machinery. The risk of small
cuts can be reduced by ensuring the use of protective gear, proper handling techniques,
and regular maintenance of equipment to reduce sharp edges just like shown in the
picture above.
Case 4: Environmental Hazards Injuries
1. Alarm: In the event of an injury from environmental hazards, others in the
workplace should be alerted.
2. Emergency Evacuation: All employees should evacuate the affected area
immediately and move to a designated safe area.
3. Rescue/Ambulance/Medical Support: Call emergency services and provide first
aid if possible.
4. Isolation/Production Shut-Down: The production line should be shut down to
prevent further exposure to environmental hazards.
5. Forensic Investigation: A thorough investigation should be carried out to
determine the cause of the exposure and prevent it from happening again.
6. Reporting: A written report of the incident should be submitted to the relevant
authorities and insurance company.
7. Compensation and Insurance Claim: Employees who are injured should file a
compensation and insurance claim.
Picture above show critical injuries that can happened at the workplace. Critical
injuries can occur in the workplace due to a variety of factors, including equipment
malfunctions, falls, and human error. These injuries can have severe consequences,
including permanent disability or death. To minimize the risk of critical injuries, it is
important to have proper safety measures in place, including regular equipment
maintenance, employee training, and the implementation of appropriate safety
protocols. Additionally, quick response and proper medical support are essential in the
event of a critical injury to ensure the best possible outcome for the affected employee.
1. Emergency Evacuation: In case of critical injuries, the priority is to evacuate the
affected individual to a safe area. An alarm should be sounded to alert others
and the emergency response team.
2. Alarm: A loud alarm should be sounded to alert others of the emergency.
3. Rescue/Ambulance/Medical Support: A qualified medical professional or
ambulance should be called immediately to provide medical support to the
affected individual.
4. Emergency Shut-off: All equipment and machines should be shut off to prevent
further harm.
5. Isolation/Production Shut-Down/Re-Route Operation: The affected area should
be isolated, and the production shut down. Operations can be re-routed to
another area if necessary.
6. Forensic Investigation: A forensic investigation should be conducted to
determine the cause of the accident and prevent it from happening again in the
7. Reporting: An incident report should be filed with all relevant details, including
the cause of the accident and the actions taken.
8. Compensation and Insurance Claim: The affected individual should be
compensated, and an insurance claim should be filed, if applicable.
After an incident has been resolved, it's essential for workers and supervisors to
document the event by completing relevant accident reporting forms. The Employee
Accident Report form should be completed by the worker while the Supervisor
Accident Investigation form should be completed by the supervisor. These forms can
be obtained from the manager and then submitted to the Human Resources Department.
All incidents that occur at the factory must be reported to the relevant authorities, and
the person in charge will notify the Department of Occupational Safety and Health
Malaysia for proper record keeping. These completed forms serve as the official report
of the incident. Below are the example of employees report of injury form and
supervisor’s accident investigation form that have been filled in.
FIGURE 20: Employees report of injury form
FIGURE 21: Supervisor’s accident investigation form
The illustration in Figure 4.8 illustrates the forms that must be completed to
report the incident to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia.
These forms serve as a means of notification and record-keeping. As shown in Figure
4.9 and Table 4.10, a flow diagram is provided to aid in determining if an accident or
incident should be reported or not. All accidents or incidents that occur in the workplace
and are related to work should be reported, while those that are not related to the work
should not be reported.
FIGURE 22: JKKP 6 Form
FIGURE 23: What An Employer Must Do In The Case Of An Accident, Dangerous
Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning Or Occupational Disease
FIGURE 24: Guidelines For Establishing Work Relationship
There are numerous measures in place to raise safety awareness and to inform
staff of precautions and emergency procedures. The measures implemented at each
location are evaluated in accordance with Malaysian and Singaporean regulatory
standards during the periodic EHS meetings. The Chemicals Health Risk Assessment
("CHRA") is one of the external regulators that evaluates SAM operations. In the
Employee Orientation Program, they give safety briefings to all employees.
Additionally, selected personnel with specific work scopes are introduced to
specialized safety training and programs. These include a first aid course for site safety
officers, staff members who use overhead cranes to signal, forklift drivers, and staff
members who handle chemicals. An average of 15 hours of training are given to factory
workers each year. SAM company highlighted a few of their most important training
initiatives for the year.
In SAM Aviatron, they have 2 safety officers. To establish and sustain a safe
workplace, management, and employees collaborate through a safety committee.
According to the law, every manufacturing or industrial facility with 50 or more
employees is required to have one. Assisting in ensuring workplace safety is the Safety
Committee's primary responsibility. The company's health and safety policies and
procedures will be developed, put into place, and monitored by it. It will conduct
training, take workers' safety issues, assist in looking into and resolving them, and
conduct training. The Committee is made up of two-thirds management and one-third
labor members. The committee's size will be determined by the total number of
employees at the factory. Figure__ shows the maximum size of committee safety based
on the total number of workers.
Employee representatives from the Participation Committee will select who sits
on the employee side of the Safety Committee if there is no collective bargaining agent
in the factory. A good safety committee member should be committed to safety, have
experience working in a factory, have received Occupational Safety and Health
training, and have good communication skills. The Committee convenes at least once
every three months, but it has the flexibility to call meetings as necessary. Workers can
bring up issues with the Safety Committee if they have worries about occupational
safety and health at work. Safety Committee will investigate employee complaints,
assist in finding solutions, and, if necessary, communicate with management. Tasks
related to safety commitments are recognized as duties and count as working time.
Committee members' pay and allowances won't be deducted for performing Safety
Committee duties.
New employees must participate in the early briefing and training programmes
so that they can be exposed to the company's manufacturing process and to ensure their
own safety.
Among the trainings for safety awareness provided are:
1. Lead Awareness
Lead awareness training is a type of educational program that tries to improve worker
understanding of the dangers of lead exposure and instruct them on how to prevent it at
work. The program provides details on lead's origins, its effects on health, and
mitigation strategies. It may be necessary for workers in painting jobs where lead
pollution is a concern to complete the training. Personal protective equipment (PPE)
that should be worn to prevent exposure, the handling and disposal of lead-containing
products, and decontamination techniques for personnel who may have been exposed
to lead are all covered in lead awareness training. Additionally, the training goes over
the signs of lead poisoning and what to do in the event of exposure. Lead awareness
education aims to safeguard employees from the negative consequences of lead
exposure and to establish a secure working environment.
created to guard against occupational noise-induced hearing loss. The program's
objectives are to safeguard employees who are subjected to harmful noise levels while
at work and to make sure employers uphold their responsibilities under applicable
health and safety laws. A Hearing Conservation Program aims to prevent noise-induced
hearing loss and safeguard employees from the long-term impacts of being exposed to
dangerous noise levels at work.
Training in the safe and correct ways to store, handle, and use compressed gases in the
workplace is part of the Safe Storage, Handling, and Use of Compressed Gases
programme. The curriculum includes subjects like the characteristics of compressed
gases, the risks connected with their handling, storage, and use, as well as the protocols
and procedures to be followed to reduce risk. For employees who handle compressed
gases or operate in close proximity to them, this training is essential since poor handling
can result in serious catastrophes including explosions, fires, and poisonous discharges.
Organizations may lower the risk of accidents and promote a safe and healthy work
environment by educating employees on how to store, handle, and use compressed
gases safely and productively.
Chemical Spill Training (ERT) is a program created to instruct employees on how to
handle and control chemical spills at work. The curriculum addresses issues such as the
dangers posed by various chemicals kinds, the appropriate use of safety gear, and the
precautions that should be done to reduce risk and stop future contamination.
Participants in the program receive instruction in the use of emergency response tools
and procedures, such as the application of absorbent materials and the placement of
containment booms, to contain and clean up chemical spills. Because chemical spills
can pose serious health and environmental risks, this training is essential for employees
who handle or operate close to chemicals.
The use of precautions to ensure the safe use of cranes in the workplace is included in
overhead crane safety handling and operation. This entails developing safe operating
procedures, regularly inspecting and maintaining the crane, employing personal
protection equipment, and properly training personnel. The safe handling and use of
overhead cranes promotes operational efficiency, protects all workers from harm, and
lowers the likelihood of mishaps and injuries.
Fire certification training is intended to give people the information and abilities they
need to handle fire situations. A variety of subjects are covered in this type of training,
such as fire science, fire behaviour, firefighting techniques, and the use of firefighting
tools. Emergency response team members, firefighters, and other people who might be
asked to respond to fire crises frequently take part in the training. The certification
component of the training entails assessing and validating the participants' abilities and
knowledge to make sure they are ready to respond to fire situations.
The SAM company has a round-the-clock emergency response staff in place to
be ready for crises. The team has received specialized training in first aid, fire response,
and chemical spill response, as demonstrated above. Additionally, frequent fire drills
and emergency evacuation exercises are held, and emergency communication flows
with the closest hospitals are created. Additionally, a yearly medical surveillance
program is conducted for their plant workers. Since SAM company pledges to keep a
safe and healthy workplace, all safety practices are regularly examined and reported.
There was different type of gloves used for each job
scope. For the chemical handle, they use glove nitrile,
for load handling they use endurance gloves and for
2 Slip resistance.
Safety shoes are designed to be comfortable.
Provide additional support for the feet.
Safety shoes Comply with safety regulations and standards.
Safety glasses
They are typically made of a headband that fits over the
head, with padding or insulation around the ear cups to
provide a barrier between the ears and the environment.
Noise reduction: Earmuffs can reduce the level of noise
exposure, helping to protect the ears from damage due
to excessive noise levels.
variety of services including precision machining, sheet metal fabrication, surface
treatment, equipment integration and automation solutions. The company specializes in
the precision machining of complicated geometry aerospace products made of
aluminium alloys and hard materials such as stainless steels, titanium, and nickel-based
alloys. These materials are used in wide-body, narrow-body, regional, and business
In order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for its employees,
SAMEE has implemented Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA 1994) in its
operations. The company recognizes the importance of providing a safe workplace and
has taken measures to ensure the protection, health, and wellbeing of its employees. To
this end, the company has provided safety and health facilities to maintain a healthy
working atmosphere and regularly informs its employees of the workplace safety and
health policy.
To ensure that its workers always follow all safety practices, SAMEE has
implemented an OSH management scheme. As part of this scheme, workers receive
safety training, maintenance plans, communication tools, and protection checklists. The
company has also installed safety signs at each department and evacuation signs in case
of an emergency.In addition to these measures, SAMEE has a comprehensive range of
specific processes and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) capabilities. This enables the
company to provide its global customers with a one-stop manufacturing service and to
distribute items from its Malaysian and Singaporean plants.
Bil No : 001
Venue Whatapps
Prepared by :-
Manufacturing, Transportation, and
Airport/ Seaport Service)
4. Discussion on the importance of
Occupational Safety and Health in
the workplace
Bil No : 002
Prepared by :-
1 the research on the selected Introduction:
company, its industry, and its Briefly introduce the purpose of the meeting and the
practices in Occupational Safety and selected company. Each group members agree on
Health, as well as collect and share selecting SAM Company as a place for a site visit.
data related to Part A, B, and C as Type of Industry:
detailed in Table 1. Discuss the type of industry the selected company
belongs to and its practices in Occupational Safety
and Health. Everyone conducts research on the
selected company, including its industry, products,
and services. We do an overview of the company, its
industry, and its practices in Occupational Safety and
Data Collection:
Assign tasks for collecting data related to Part A, B,
and C as detailed in Table 1.
Sharing of Collected Data:
Team members share their collected data and discuss
any findings or insights.
SAM Company was chosen for site visit
Conduct a research and data related part A,B and C were discuss.
Bil No : 003
Venue Whatapps
and procedures of the selected company
Prepared by :-
N Action/P.I.C Due Remark
o Date
1 on Occupational Safety Introduction:
and Health (OSH) policies and Briefly introduce the purpose of the
procedures of the selected company meeting.
Next Steps:
Discuss the next steps for
the team, such as further
data analysis or
recommendations for the
Bil No : 004
Date : 31/1/2023
Prepared by :-
improving the
implementation of
OSHA in the
Bil No : 005
Date : 2/01/2023
Prepared by :-
No. Issues/Items Action/P.I.C Due Remark
Discuss the
importance of
Occupational Safety
and Health in the
workplace and its
impact on the
employees and the
conclusions and
recommendations on
Occupational Safety
and Health practices
in the workplace.
Prepare a
report that highlights
the key findings and
recommendations for
the improvement of
implementation in
SAM Engineering &