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2022-2023 Academic Year, Semester 1. L'Anse Creuse High School - North. Economics - Integrated Social Studies Instructor: Michael Lynch.
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2022-2023 Academic Year, Semester 1. L'Anse Creuse High School - North. Economics - Integrated Social Studies Instructor: Michael Lynch.
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2022-2023 Academic Year, Semester 1. L'Anse Creuse High School - North. Economics - Integrated Social Studies Instructor: Michael Lynch.
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2022-2023 Academic Year, Semester 1. L'Anse Creuse High School - North. Economics - Integrated Social Studies Instructor: Michael Lynch.
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“rogers wil earn the oiowlg Defons_ | Lag Taame tins | Guveriment Revenue | Branches of Government [income Tax Score Clases | Government Bxpendture | Levels of Government Sales Tax Poverty Buse Surplus ns Excise Tox Progrestve | Budget Deficit erie Compettion ‘custom Duty Regressive Defi Spending ‘Menpoly GitTex Proportional | National Debt Menopolistie competion | estate Tax Ablity to Pay | Fiscal Poy Oligopoly Froperty Tax. Prince ‘Wage Rate___| Tori Sherman Antitrust At iene "Predicion” ofass | "Presiewr” of Wages students willbe abl to explain 3 types of taxes and identify which type of tx a specifi taxis oo _ Progressive Taxation | What specific Tees oe “Progressive in USA Regressive Taxation —| What Specific Taxes ave "Proportions? in USA Frapertonal Taxation | What Specific Taxes ere "Resressive” in USA in what exch type of taxis, who pays It and which evel of Government uresit Taha ane "Fede Tax [come Tax >| Esato Tox [Property Tax ‘What mans "State" Tax [Corporate income Tax { Git Tax "Use" Tax ‘Whats mein"LecaP Tax | €xtise Tax Custom Doty | Tani students willbe understand the Rele Government Spending Pays inthe Eeonemy Government Spending as Fiscal Policy ‘What effects Government Budget Suplos has on Natloral Debt Howto Caleta Fike Government ‘What effect» Governmeri Budget Defic Turning» Budget Surplus ora Budget Defcit_[ has on National Debt students willbe understand the Poe Plays inthe Economy ‘Wihatisnepibiean What Repabiecan | Whats Republican Phitsophh Philosophy on Taation Goalof Taxation ‘on Government Regulation ‘Whats Democrat Prlesophy | What is Democrat Whats Philesoph on Tartion Goalof Taxation cngoven oeA Ruston Tinorcaly whats eect of Republican | Historically whet is effect of Democrat Phlesophiee& Gosle Philosophies & Goal = wuentswilbe understand that al Companies (Suppy] ean be Broken upinto 4 Market Types eee Sade wb aie to aval | Staten wi be ble to tell who has the eBvantone 4 marke ypes “Buyer” o° “ellen exch market “That ae Characins oF | Students wil understand how much cntroT over pce Perfect Compettion each Market Hos Titer are Crracterinies af | Students wil understand we should Regulates Merle Mone! s : What are ChaTacevsucs oF | Students wil understand the Roe of Governmentin Monopole competion | Regulating or NOT regulating = Market Wnetave Charscerotcs of) Students wil understand the Sherman Anti-Trust AetTo Oligopoly ‘Monopoly Reguiation (Reflection on Last Chapter Unit} Self Assessment (Rectangle Post Scores) vs Actual Unit 3 Test Scores, On Unit3: My Post Sore in Powerschoal i coutof 30Possble. Thibis Percent (On Unit: Test gota. of of 100 which makes the same Percent. How did your test score % compare io your to how you sol-assessed (rectangle post score) Tita! ONE Box Didimuch betaron | Dalle baleeon | Di@about the sme on | Did ite worse on Did way worse ontest tectthan TthougheT | temthan Thought] | thetest than Ithought | test thea TthougitT | then IthoughtT would ‘would ‘would would ‘would ‘Di you study for the Test any objective you rated yourself low on. Looking them up in Bolded Notes, Worksheet, Review Page, Jeopardy Game or Quizlet. Initial one Box. Taadiedasigsiicant | Toodied a ir Taadieda lie | Tada andy for | Tdont say forany amountoftine | amountof tine sconomies est test nt just his one ‘Are you happy with your Test Sore dots itt whatever your LIFE goal i. Whether you just want to "Pass" "Getan A” "Goto College” "Graduate" is up to you. Initial one Box. ‘Yerthistestscore | NoWis eatseare se | This tea ores Is good enough for | litle below what | WAY below what T nay fe geal need form life goat_| want fom this css Write What you wand you want to do different this chapter. ((You can write simply just do the same is you reached ‘your gol, Wete atleast I Sentence for easy poins.yy cei Tacs nd We Aa cers @_Kage & sh, © covernment Revenue i$ the Government from toes Od peg © covernment Expenditures the § the Government on Public Gods(senvice 3) Progressive Taxation is atype of tax that Proportional Ts fons typeof tax that, regressive Toation isatype oftexthat_— [Mathematical Explanation: (Grab Caleuator and Film the Mising Numbers!) Ta [ar RR SRE dot Eee aR | ER Voie [peess | satertaas Tonimit [ouster 6) Earns 75,000 | Pays ‘Earns 1,000,000 | D) Pivten amples tax eepinind even ter ype of you's arb tech Tirpenurtcue owes net meey acti [aa [aa Tarea [RENTER Sead ona Sunes asaturons SL TD DQrwisencanpieote tex Note thatthe percer theme Raa Sma OTT] | a SaaS Bee TFaae Jamons [eiemetstna [Enema [7500 |fhdous” \byhonetot Stoner [tar |atertows [2 te [Merges [2 d ‘Eams Pays | ‘Earns 1,000,000 | Pays Y | 15,000 | 7,500_| 7,500 | D risisaneumleots tex Anytime youtaxpeosle the sae it anount of mene fr any Pubic Good or Service theless money you makes year, the higher percentage ofthat goes to paying that tax. Accorng to Supreme Court ruling any Gov't Fee is eal the same thing 8 a Gov't Tix. Son easy example ofthis iswhen you get your license, $200 fe isa higher burden onthe person making $10,000 a year than It sonthe person meking {$109,000 or person making $1,000,000 Fil Progrese| Proportions Regen [Date Wath end Ada thet people SAY Pays the largest tal of Pays the midaletotalof [Pays the smallest total of ‘Now Before we go any farther remember Government Tax Revenue is used to pay for Government Bxpenditure. Whik ooking atthe numbers above. Which s your intial thought Is the besV/fatrest way to tax Americans? Flin whether Progressive, Proportional, Regressive end your Inkl reasoning . ae @ “Tonation ithe best wey for America because ee aCoe 1 ‘The other way the US Government could reduce Defies by getting more Increasing Tex Revenve, Most of US Government Revenue comes from Federal Income Tax whith Is mney out of your paycheck from working. “The United States cou get more out of workers paychecks 3 ways: © thaice Texes on everyone by Fat Amount, say $3,000. That would be @ 2) Reise Taxes on everyone by Same Percentage say 2% that would be 3) s) ase Taxes on Aicher Americans, “Thotwouldbe_———— yo ay Pee ete Gveen nay get nove He es, ot wenn. cavasoncre ee heya ve, Sona wie Aalst incokS eat fey pay i, Weroenuckacoeptes ton opese on esta ren Preyer Toten Sosa Prpestieton wal ee eet ere here Poles an Rey ee, G svoreay retainer bee twee Det we shoul oun © -voeatyoemecnserses neo nate Deets esol fs, ‘he Math doesn't supports foeusingon side, Inorderto eliminate deficits the Republieen wey, America would have to cut things Spending on thngsit doesnt wantto give up. _Inorder to ellmineteGeféts the Democrat way, ‘even i'youraled taxes on Rich people to 100%, you would still have a defi. ‘The National Det sa reel problem. HOWEVER, i's not quite the same problem asa Household Debt. A lot of people wonder*Well!Belanee by en cheskbooke, why ean’ the Government” tls comparison doesnot work fr 3 Reasons D sy The covernment can ‘ou cant without gongto al for Fraud. (This would have aside effec of inflation but eis posse) 25)+ 2) Debt Collectors can eve, or repossess 2 person's assets for lack of payment, How doyou repossess the State of Uber? Or Eviet America? 3) US Government counts the promize of future spending agDebt now. People dont, Youremosty sophomores so celegeis3 years away, Even fyour parents plan on helping you with $50,000, Do they count tht $50,000 in your college spending as Debt right now? The government would. ‘This ent to say Debtlsnt a problem. But don'texaggeratelt. The biggest dangers the interest" payments the Government keeps spending on debt keep going up as cebt increases. Thineaboutk. nterest Tax Muney you sre. getting anything for. its paying for stuff pent inthe past. You get nothing new in Public Goods/Services for interest. “Take Social Security as Key Program. Thats 8 Government Money that pays Eider, Disbled and Kids whose parents died, tis funded by FIC (Social Securty) Tax out of your paycheck. For years, Social Security collected mare Socal Gp steven serdout However, the Goverment sve that sup they pet on ther things Now Social Security i starting to reverse because the people born inthe $05/60s(The____Jareretiing. & Jot of people to you kids about Socal Security going bankrupt nd you won't get any Sods Security when you sre ‘ld, That doesnt make sense since every worker pays In, the only wey for social securty to have ne money, is ifn one is working, However, Socal Security le projected to only collet sbout 75% of what will need to pay ovt by 2034, Sull75%isn' O%. So isSocil Security in trouble? Yes. Butdon'tetpoltcans scare you and exaggerate the problem to 0%.FaglO ‘by Far the Biggest total tx Americans Pays Federal Income Tax. This is Money out of your Paycheck from working Sige ‘ware Flag Together | Tax Rate 0-9528 038088 10 9525. 28058 38050-T7BS a2 38700 62499. 77400165, 195 Fa 52500 157,098 165000 - 324385 2a 157500- 199,598 335000 389,888 32 o0000 #53888 400000 - 599,598 35 00000" 00000 37, “Those are the GurTan xpi centages afer President Trumps 2037 Tex Cha ‘American Fiera Income Taxis stil © ‘ex because the Fich pay a higher percentage. However, Americ is LESS progressive thant was before these tox changes: While every taxbracket got cut unde President Trump the numbers made higher Income groups get a larger est and therefore made America less Progressive ‘than it was in 202. This meens the Government is getting less tax revenue and explains why the 2017 Deficit under Pres Tromp was higher than the 2016 Deft under Pres Obama. And why 2018 when youlooked atthe tax clocks one of the worst istrial, America used tobe far more progressive, After WW2 with lots of war debs to pay, the top taxrate was as high 2s 805. By the end of 1950s progress wos reduced to the 70%s. By the end of end of the 2960's it was reduced to epproximately 50%, In early 1980's it dropped to low 30s. Itthen swungin 30s/low 40ssince. Generaly speaking Republlsn President = Les Pogresshve & Democrat Presidents = More Progressive (Exceptions: Rep. Pres Eisenhower & Dem Pres Kennedy), Democrat Presidents (il) Clinton and Obama both pushed for more Progress, ‘while Republican Presidents lke Reagan, Bush Bush, Trump pushed for less “There isa Big Difference between Income Clases and Tax Brackets. ‘There are 5 Income Clszes: Poor, Lower Midle Class, Mle Class, Upper Mile Clss, and Rich, __ Technically you can break all Americans up equally 208 Poor, 20% LMC, 20% MC, 20% UMC, and 20% Rich. [Group] FatpaTaqyahcom/nousehol@income || Notice how off this seems. 2st) t doesnt include Family size percentie-caleustorunites-states/ || or cost oftving which can varyby region 2nd) guerantee a nies 2a ‘you a person making 135,000 wouldn't call themselves we —e “Rich, When we tink f Rich we thnk of Athletes, CEOS, e700 135000 Entersines usvally making Milions [Rick [24000] ES oe Fan | | i Reve ca one pew serch igs ee | arnt overseen fai Fe | Se ortection Noe the overnmercale a eee Femme | meress "High Income” for tx purposes at 20001 SpE | 2 year tht probably don't consider themselves hig ee fro eee ee ——— oY | IncomePay [MARGINAL & DEDUCTIONS TAXATION EXPLAINED PAGE lam maried and let's say my wife and I make § $6,000 ennualy. This isa monthly amount of 8,000. Hfyou just looked st the tax bracket chart, you would ay! os — fy 9002 oa (wutipty) (On January Sst, 'm poor and pay 20% rate. Asyeargoes on | go up and pay higher rete. (Hata Fim ispS Team Tryin pa Next 58,350 earn pay 12% Rate Tpay (77399-15048) Net 18,081 learn Tpay arate Tra (96,000-77385), So cutoF 96,0001 made intend of | Ivealy paid Tala the Totalko | Add the S Totals above to nd my total ‘paying 22¥ lke lorgnaly thought | the Right and Divide by 96000 earrings of, ‘Another way flocking this ito locket by month an lock at char Tan_[ Feb [War [Ape | May [une [uy [Aug [sept_[0a [Wor [bee Mant | 2000 | 8000 | e000 | s000—[ 000 | aan0 | 000 [000 | so00 [e000 | e000 | so00 Total '8000]| 16000] 24000] 32000] 40000 | 48000"] 5€000 | 6400 72000 | 80000 | Bs000 | $6000 o Tir tyach | Poor [Poor | Some [Poor [ime ume [ime [ime [ime [Some [me [we is Poor ie Some LMC Some me. tm [io [oe [ee (a a ja |e le [@ (em fe fa Lynch pays | Tn'some respec you can argue that Pogressvsm doesnt even realy exist Since every American pays sve 10% ate ‘on the first 29,0003, Although for Bil Gates that might tax minutes formilionaire a day, foradectora week, fore ‘teacher and half months, for manager at the mall months, for @ MeDonalds worker 11 months @ Eve te word Merc n your own words, Everyone algo gets Deductions and Crediton theirtaxes which further reduces the amount they owe |Adeducton is money subtracted from your Income BEFORE you look athe tax brackets. There are to large @ number ofreasonstolisi them all, About705of Americans take what i aled the "Standard Deduction" which inerbased unde: Pres Trump's tax changes from 10,400 012,000 for singles. (Double for Joint), Thisis why mast Americans wil see a receut. Youll save 1U-s0% of that AOU McreaEE. Anpwhere from 18010 60a year. Most ofthe ax cut znoUgR comes from lowering tx percentages and making America les Progressive mearing most of the tax cut did goto people earning more money. However, Not ll Americans wll see a tax cut. For the 20% of Americans whe listed out every eclution separtely, many ofthoee were removed. The biggest dedueton that got reduced was Propery/State Income tax. Sol you pay lot of taxes o State of Michigen, you might actually se your taxes go up not down with the Pres Trump "exc" 5 A Tex Crest iemoney the government deducts offyour tax youawe, Ths is fter doing the taxrates above and ‘therefore is beter thane deduction. A $1000 Deduction wil save you 10-358 or 200350. A $2000 Tax Credit wil save you$1000. There s for example a Child Tax Crest tht i $2,000. Sutbefore you go asking your parents fr $2,000, keep in mind you cost them more than tht!Cog lo rroresive ern Tot Compared rope ia called LAI Ta censevtes teh ropes thet aes money fom esl who woot, Theywonderhy can't Federal Income Tex vest everyone the seme. America did that Conservative look at thelist and sey why dont all American's pk a number right in the "middle of the range. So instead the table below shows a 105 Proportion. Poor [ime mie ume Trick wench [Tot income 75000 | 40008 g0005_[ 125000 | 280000 | 1000000 [3,520,000 current ° 300 "7200 33750 [40000 | 280,000 [351,750 Progressive — | (0%) | 3) co) (a9) (16%) (25%) “tanae Pala : 20% Proportional [2500 | #000 3.000 Taso [28000 | 100,000 35,000 no deductions \ | Which income Groups Taxes Went up: ‘Which nme Group Taxes Went dow: ‘Would your Families Taxes go up or down: ———— ‘The Usis cureetly running a Budget Defi wit the Current Progressive Taxes Paid, What would happento the US Deficit we switchedt0 210% Proportional Ir you beieved Proportional wasthe fires system, and yet cdr want the US Defic to ineresse even more, you could tse math to fgure out whet proportional percentage would give the same total taxrevenue, This chart does that See Te ie Trt ET caret —[o SoD json ]as7s0 | 000 20000 [sa780 Progressive | (0%) (2%) (9%) (21%) (16%) (29%) Tacs id foporienl [SESS [SHES THE —aRSR [TEA | BaAaaT [asa [Rotts team [asa esx” fess) | eaam) | 03359 tbe Tol Snes | Which income Groups Taxes Went up: ‘which Income Group Taxes Wert down: ‘Would your Families Taxes go up or down: Keep in mind tis entirely possible to believe Proportional fairer, even if sultching to proportional would ether Increase the det and/or Increase the taxes your family pays. What do you fel about Proportional vs Progressive Taxes?Pose \B Regressive Taxation. Regressive Taxation shard to understand, ttisa taxthat takes the poora__pereentoge then the ih “Taxes on SPENDING tend to be Regressive, Apoorer person tends to spend every penny they make just to survive, So they spend 100% of their money then a taxon spending pps to al 100% of thelrincome. A richer person tends tobe able to afford to save some portion of heir yearly Income. If they ave 30% of ther income, thats 30% oftheir Incoms NOT being taxed a spending. So they are only paying Spending Taxes on 70% of what they earn “Mathematical Example: 6 Spending Tax ‘Worker Mates 0,000 | Sperds S9.S0Dat 6x | Fays'S000 Spending Tax | 3000/S0000 [This ends up oe ‘Worker Makes 300,000 | Spends 250,000 at 65 | Pays 15,000 Spenaig Tax | 15000/300000 | This ends up 5% Fiat Fee Based Taves aso tend tobe Regressive. Mathematical example of 200 yeay fe to drive ‘Worker akes50000 | Pays200Diving Fee [300750000 | Ths ends up oa ‘Worker Makes 300,000 | Pays 200’rving Fee | 200/200000 | This ends up 0.067% Sales Taes tend to be Regressive. To rvake ther litle less regressive many states dont apply Sales tax to necessites ke Food or Medicine. Michigan __% Sales Taxi il regressive, but not as muchas t would be iit applied to focd, ‘Whatlse Necessity Though? In Lansing, there has been much debate over"TamponTax’. isnt thet there isan Entra Excise Tax (Remember Excise Taxes are ona specific product specially sled at Tampons. However, Tampons ace subject to sales tax. Many argue that Tampons area Necessity and should be exempt from Seles Tax ike food and medicine is. Feel freete Google "Tampon Tax fr mere information, ‘What kind of products shouldbe considered a necessty and exempt from Michigan Sales Tax? © Should states get rid of Sales Tax entely, and insted inerease income taxes to ay for State Puble Goods and Service ‘Would you lke to see Michigan's 63 lsappear if t meant instead more mone came out of your paycheck? OQ eres esate. GROUP assignment. Youare going to goon mywebste and look at chats. The bigides Is that these areal lrephs/chartsProgresives woud use to argue for ang more Progresshism to American taxes, Again remember that ‘means alsing exes on rch and/or lowering them on poor income brackets. Even fyou think progressivism isa bad lea, you can sil do ths assignment berause you MUST know what the other side wil argue in order to argue against ‘You wil notice there isa place to Fut potential Mawson progressive numbers. Look for those flaws as you do the sssignment. Youcan also make the argument that progreshsm is til not fair and more Ike a twisted "Robin Hood”Tag IY FOLTCALWRITING. None ofthese nex pageshave aight or wrong answer. Youmust lhe page space provided to get points. you want Extre Creat you can really go above and beyond and write me afl researched paper. Poltes #2. What do youthink of Progressive Taxation? 1) Overall Americas still PROGRESSIVE IIs not as progressive ast seems since there ae also Regressive Taxes on spending/fees, 2) Federal ncome Tax stil a progressive Texas it taxes Rich People a higher percentage then Poor People, However, Federal Income lax HUI as progressive asi wed whe, ILjust became lez progressive, 13) Also consider how Amerie spends that tx revenue & the current US Budget Defic. Dplion 3] USA should be MUCH more progressive than Wlenow (Option 2] USA should be LITILE more progressive than tis now ‘Option 3) USA as the correct amount of progressivism current Option) USA should be LITTLE less progressive (Stil ite progressive ust less than 2088), ObtionS] USA should be MUCH ees progressive (Maybe even eliminating total and switching to prepertons] Pick An Option plainyourPick Curiosity Question: Go backto what you wrote zt the start ofthis unit. Did your original answer change oF answer above'the same answer as your orginal? fit changed tell mehow/whyPajye IS Your Name Syrbola | Observations rem USbebiCockorm Grovp Members that have Observation 7 z 3 7 5 @ T z > 70 o> Notes from Mr. Lynch ut Rest of your groups names herePert2 Notes: Give me atleast thing that makes Mr Lynch know you opened each ink 2 ‘After you look atthe articles Rank SUBJECTIVELY there's more than 1 correct answer, it depends on how you want to look) which Presidents you blame the most. 1s"Worst” Present on Debt. Using same Code System from Other Sie, you willbe copying over your classmates rankings Your Rankings K x (Worst) \Why ld you rank them the way you id? (Justa sentence or two explanation) Why might you get ifferent rankingspase 17 Loser Tres Anytime you se (*) put Progressive OR Proportions Flat) OR Reese ‘The min tx we have Been focused on Income Tak, Thais tx that comes ou of paychecks rom working Income Taxi th msn tan or which level of Goverment Income Taxis o ooel Seach How many States ao have an income Tox - How many States havea Proportional Income Tax Does tichigan have an income Tax yes, ‘Word Bank for Below Sales Tox Property Tax citar Fees Excite Tax Estate Tax ‘Corporat Income Tax | Capital Gains ‘taxon almost al spending is called Overall thisis the maln tax for states but not every state hasthis. Google Search how many states haveit ‘What 8s tin Michigan This isa very (+)t0 make ita litte less so, states sometimes make it not apply to some items. \What are some tem that does NOT apply to in Michigan? ‘second EXTRA taxon SPECIFIC tem ie called an ‘There can be two reasons fora second extra taxon anitem. The fist reason ito pay for some public serve / good that goes along with that. Tiss nieknamed a Use fat. An example is Gasoline, There fs second taxon Gasoline whichis used to pay for The second reason i to cause discourage (not stop) people from buying the praduct by making more expensive. This s ricknameda sin tax, Name some extra products that are legal ta buy but the government makes more expensive \When foreign product is purchased there are two kinds of taxes that sometimes get added on and Bath make the pica ofthe product go up eecentialy and are realy a taxon conumere who peymore, The diferenceis are taxes when the foreign busines ships the product to America and are when you bring the product back yourslf rossng a border. Isthe taxon buildings and and. Overall this isthe main tax fr cities. Often this is calleda “Millage” ‘8 51 millage means $1 yearn taxes fr every 000 your home is worth, _Soif youve in 275,000 house and the police ask foran increase of 2 mils. They are asking you to vate for a yearly tax, Thistaxbecause itis bated on value tends to be “Pease 1G Isa taxon the transfer of wealth. For example: someone takes $20,000 from thelr account and adds it yours with no strings attached, This taxis very ited in practice because It has huge lis. 1's really meant to stop people who work fr ther parents and should pay Income Tax fom trying to claim that they donate time to ‘mom/ded’s business and mom dad just loves ther and gives them $100,000 a year. Isataxwhen you make a profit on sling an investment lke stocks. Its alower‘%than Income {tx Gites argue this i unfair Because when youmake money from having money you pay less taxes than you doit ‘youmake money from working. Supporters argue this fair because you havea risk on an investment and ould lose while when you work, you never lose, ica taxon businesses. Insome ways this often seemslike a high % in America compared to other ‘Counties. But Companies get deductions to lower their taxes just ke people do. In many cases, they can even lower this to zero. Google a company that made a profit but pad Zero Taxes. Write the company name and how much profit they made Isataxoninhertance. Cries nlekname it the death tax because essentially you are tating someone fer dying. Google how much you have to inherit before you pay tis tx and Google how ‘many people a year pay this tax ‘Because this tax ony applies to so few and such high numbers supporters paint out thisisa very (that only hits the ‘They aso point cut thatf someone works for their money they pay income tax so jst because you inherit money why shouldn't you pay taxes, Critics counter by saying this money was already taxes andi being taxed twice. Supporters counter that counter by saying same is true of ales tax. Based on the numbers above, do you think you'd have to pay this taxif something happened? any. paid by peoples essentially a tax. Name some Fees you have to pay forthe privilege of driving on ‘Michigan Roads,TNS RORTIN | | za perc \ 2 Rae pe |PoBs| we, | Bee | wap ome cf tay Fiala = fH re St nN \ 8: 5 Saeeheeal tf] tlt =e Sei thaw many hours id his perdon work wns ; Whats Net Pay. - = ‘Which one of those figures isthe check for? - _—— celine bee bwen a ENA Which 3 Types of Governments did this person pay HFEF List them In order: Most. Mile seas son much e EA ie temmoney ten out ef your peycheekeor meney 2d re Pawyn et a &)Pose Vy Ta Ores wart] Row many] Row Tethee —[sWEay | Wanlae Brees [Doers wetcies | Fimabutnes |eterent [tery [nterthe [some [other | frvorthe Inthismuriet |sthe\substeates | aretand [ample [answers | Consumer product | Forprodua? | states | Produtsin 3 rome Business or | thstype of | Doesthe | Producer? competion isto. | Maser? | company . enterard have tot competein inence Market He Peet Cempeon (2) Monopole Competition eon seneron ‘Rate the 4 Markets from Least Control over Price to Most wy 2 3 fate the 4 Markets from Most Powerful Business to Least Powerful Business wy 1 2 w 2, i we watch the Movie Tucker this Unt 3 Rate he 4 Markets trom “west” for Lonsumer to “Worst for Consumer Which ofthe 4 Market eld Tucker faceOprwel Pag UL “his page is NOT on test, butt wil give you example ef how the Markets Lock 2s Graph. Copy Grephs fom Project Perfeet Competition Graph Monopoly Graph Monepslsc Greph Oligopoly Teblets cevenen (ony) aa cortgm tamer). rch wl) STUDENTS bens ne dy ou ANVase Ub LULL LEE LLL EE waeespeeeeegeee on ve Qn VeKose 2S 7 4. Five Income Clases in America 1) Poverty Line 2. Wage Rate 3. Macrbeconomies 4, ole of Education on Wage Rate 5. Incomg Gap in America 6 Social Security 1 -Ability to Pay Princisle of Taxation 2, Progressive Taxes 9, Baamples of Progressive Taxes 20, PrortionalToxee 15, Beamples of Proportions Taxes 42, Represve Toes 13, Beamples of Represive TaxesVOR Cle 118, Government Revenue 15, Government Expenditure 26, Deft Spending 17. Budget Surplus (Not in Notes common sense opposite) 46, National Debt 29,Your role ofthe National Debt 26.3 Branches of Goveraments 22, income Tax 22. Corporate income Tax 23.85 24 Excice Tox 25, Custer Duties 26.Git Tax 27-Estate Tax26, Sales Tox 28, Property Tax 30. Tait 31, "Use" Tax 20, Malg form of Federal Taxes 2, Main form of State Taxes 32, Main form of local exes 28, Michiga’s Sales Tax 34, Fiscal Policy 35, Bxteriaty Bet)Vase OS 136. What ate the 4 Types of Markets? 37, Perfect Competition 4 Factors ‘38, Monpolistic Competitions 4 Factors 39 Oligopoly’ 4 Factors 40, Monopol/s4Fators “a, Whichtype of Market d consumers have the mes omer, nthe buses he leas? «aa, whieh ype of Market do Businesses have the mest power andthe consumer the ae? 45, wh the enyone who can “Relate @ Market? “24 Wihatie the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and which type of Market does it Regulate?ays 19N02 snok 0 025 sha Ado> 10s 24) ULAR pue dn S205 9514 ROK PE af wa weR 7 emsun| sig uo anoidu) sysop et supopstenye | oppuesetais | expaauynsang sun | saquawes vpnufuad| | wesewer size yowe|| —opseunauiosy | Aavedy | sjmopsaneuy s y z z ° wae _s0usyjog, pue yonueey, 521) Jo UNL “savew! pup Jn0K 0 Kjejpedsa pur sarewsER nok oyssouawiedaseq53) “saesipnoA vay | 22005 ono ABs Aaa 224m 0} way BuPIeYS 03 SSep UL YAWN IHOM OL 2ney Nok BUOKUE TUBAL’ saeNPUN SIL | IS ‘oerdyiom uy eulexp plone oy sa\R0 9 cx atu ae pu JOYieBOY yom iA seehoydwe EN sIeAOIGU | EDOS aun pauedeid aun aqyorsou | posedaudun skewye | 24035000 pavedaud uayo Aes | pavedaudun see owe we || pasedaid we | Arensn wey) pasedaudun wey tue; | owe wes s » « z 1 o Sis Wass seg ERET ET TapeT Ha Soe TRRTETTY | VD) “evop womauoy snk Suey 9 5244153! 3SUB5Joou>s@ | “UOJUNaNoA BULAN 2x SBUNA BpoPUL {Malu ya asUeF EduoMU ep Ypea yom or Fasedid awoD IeypsBEko|du eM sohojdw | sseupavedsig T jesieye29y yBoous | ssa uuom ve oaigeag pian pua| —aalojéua | _aatoydue | euopaofann | yuoa pue paws ‘olojiuoieoi8 ewe] | peaB we} | afesanewei| #8 3vop1| 2qAgeaou pi | po. 94.1 s » € z 1 ° "joo RES Vat PO gop SE aU] HARD AIG SRT MOE BOM TSS nok souo purus dsex spoM7e pled 3uIaq ze nod way (auoyd asnge/sassedasnqe/icnusip/daeys)| (S080) ‘9p 10u pus (aussopea|p}.oM) op pjnoys nok SAUL JO AUT “SEP U gor sNEK AOR OLE UL “uomstep Bujop ‘2umonas uedey u FunedNed S91 “gol nok Bulop ‘eM aun ssep Busn ADE 5) SIL | BIOS nes uy uom Buunp suom ye sashoyde wuemsiakoxdu's| Hom uogesianucs F5#aeey 1 atey 9 2082 an a3H0N em av no pues u Buus ose DUR any MuBUBSeSse ys e515 apn Pu 39H NON (SY PH] s0%0g 9 sanen ag uss ws aionasinoK a8 UE MOA “ysinaK ens pu Und a=aG MOR a _waussessy jas uonedoredLILLE Be eeepe se es Pad passed peesco — Bh ‘You are going tobe looking at Google Slides presentation, Each slide has graphs and ‘questions. Analyzing graphs Is good brain exercise and practice fr the SAT. You are allowed to work with people and talk out what you think graph means, or how a Progressive would use that graph fo argue for raising axes on rich, or how a conservative would argue against taxing the rich more. ‘The links on schoology butis also here. /nns:docs. gongle,com/presentation/d/4\UGm2SMoYwiNnY7uOocaq0V-oCln2 yyCMIZPivate Blediusp=shaving Remember you ar allowed to "Skip" 25 of the 100 questions. Number your skips lke “Skip 1 “Skip 2°80 you can keep track, 10 12 a 14 6 16 7 18 19 20 2 Ey 24 25 28 Eaea 2 30 a 33 ss 36 37 38 39 40 4 248 46 a 49 50 st 52 53 54 55 56 7 58 59 60ot 62 cy 6 68 7 8 cy 70 n 72 3 4 8 78 778 79 20 at 2 83 35 7 88 89 90 a 2 37 98 99 100
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