PCW 023
PCW 023
PCW 023
The evolution of a land flora was a momentous event in shap- Ordovician are plentiful in the fossil record, and are recovered
Plant Cell Physiol. 57(2): 205–209 (2016) doi:10.1093/pcp/pcw023, available online at www.pcp.oxfordjournals.org
! The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.
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and ventral unicellular rhizoids, except Haplomitrium, which (n = 8 + X in female and Y in male). The gene organization of
lacks rhizoids. While some early researchers considered the the Y chromosome provided an insight into sex chromosome
complex thalloids, such as Marchantia polymorpha, to be structure and evolution in a plant with a haploid system
highly derived, recent molecular phylogenies have indicated (Yamato et al. 2007). Thus, M. polymorpha has played a leading
the Marchantiopsida, including the complex thalloids, to be role as a model for genome analysis.
basal to most simple and leafy liverwort lineages, with the Genome information is a fundamental platform for modern
exception of the Haplomitriopsida comprised of a small biology, and functional analyses should be done by fully utilizing
number of possibly relict species (Forrest et al. 2006, He- the available sequence information. The central criteria
Nygrén et al. 2006). required for versatile model organisms include forward genet-
Marchantia polymorpha has been used as a model system ics, reverse genetics, genetic transformation and genome-wide
for investigating biological processes for nearly two centuries. studies. In the past few years, techniques have been established
Prior to its use in what we might consider modern biology in M. polymorpha that promote this species as a member of the
phylogeny, taxonomy, life cycle and morphology. It describes miRs and their targets in M. polymorpha provide insight into
the phylogenetic position of Marchantia among bryophytes the spectrum of evolutionarily conserved and more lineage-
(liverworts, mosses and hornworts) and summarizes the com- restricted miRs encoded in the M. polymorpha genome (Lin
plicated taxonomy of specific and infraspecific taxa of the genus et al. 2016, Tsuzuki et al. 2016). Both research groups identified
Marchantia. This account will undoubtedly help those who use a core set of conserved miRs, but, due to differential tissue
M. polymorpha as a model organism to understand its phylo- sampling, the overlap of non-conserved miRs was not substan-
geny and taxonomy. Equally useful are the descriptions of its life tial, implying that there is more to discover.
cycle and morphology, which include original observations that
extend earlier reports such as those described by Kny (1890)
and Durand (1908), thus serving as an updated reference work Perspectives
for those especially interested in developmental aspects of this
Over the past decade, many researchers worldwide have
become increasingly attracted to M. polymorpha due to its
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