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Math (Grade 1, Semester 2)

Modeling with Functions: Quadratic Functions

Weeks: Week 01 - Week 04
HSS MA.2.09 MA.2.10 TILL MA.2.19
Create, interpret and analyze quadratic functions that model real-world situations.
Concepts Skills

•1. Quadratic Function •1. Use first and second differences to create
•2. First and second differences models that represent data
•3. Completing the square •2. Interpret the functions based on the real-
•4. Complex numbers world situation they model.
•5. Parabola •3. Analyze the functions and their
•6. Focus characteristics. Explain the different
•7. Argand diagram properties of the algebraic function and its
•8. related roots graph
•4. Review solving quadratic equations using
completing squares
•5. Find the inverse of a quadratic function
graphically and algebraically (completing the
square) and determine how to make the
inverse a function.
•6. Graph quadratic function
•7. Relation between roots of quadratic
function and the coefficient
•8. Form Quadratic equation
•9. Related roots
•10. Parabola: focus, directrix
•11. Write quadratic equation in parabolic
•12. Real life application on parabola
•13. Use the quadratic formula to find real
solutions to quadratic equations; identify
graphically and algebraically when a
quadratic equation has no real solution
•14. Use the quadratic formula to find
complex solutions to quadratic equations
•15. Represent complex numbers three ways:
as ordered pairs, graphically on the
coordinate plane, and in the form a+bi
•16. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide
complex numbers
Essential Question(s): •Why do we need an imaginary world?
•How can things be real and imaginary?
Big Idea:
We use mathematical modeling with a variety of classes of functions to solve applications such as in biology
and finance, and to form a basis for the study of mechanics and calculus.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 sections 1.2, 1.3 pages 11 - 36
Math Connection Algebra 1B Sections 8.4
Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 sections 1.5
See materials in Unit Materials folder
Evidence of Learning:
Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 Basic Application Problem Set 1.2 #5a
Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 Basic Application Problem Set 1.5 #3

Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 Strategic Thinking Problem Set 1.2 #5a, #5c
Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 Strategic Thinking Problem Set 1.5 #5
Capstone Connection:
using the graphs of quadratic function in modeling solar cell
Modeling With Functions: Exponential And Logarithm
Weeks: Week 05 - Week 07
HSS MA.2.20 TILL MA.2.30
Create, interpret and analyze exponential and logarithmic functions that model real-world situations.
Concepts Skills

•1. Exponential functions •1. Use different properties of exponential and

•2. Logarithmic function logarithmic functions
•3. Growth •2. Interpret and manipulate rational
•4. Decay exponents
•3. Use exponential functions to describe
growth and decay ratios
•4. Construct exponential growth and decay
functions to fit given data
•5. Solve compound interest problems.
•6. Reveal and explain different properties of
the exponential function and its graph
•7. Graph exponential functions, find its
domain and range
•8. Describe the inverse of an exponential
function as a logarithm
•9. Graph logarithmic functions, find its
domain and range.
•10. Prove the logarithm rules
•11. Solve logarithmic and exponential
•12. Solve real life application

Essential Question(s): •"Why is modeling an indispensable tool?

•Why do we represent phenomena in multiple ways?
•How does data help make sense of the world around us?
•Why do we need laws/rules?"
Big Idea:
We use mathematical modeling with a variety of classes of functions to solve applications such as in biology
and finance, and to form a basis for the study of mechanics and calculus.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
Math Connections 3a sections 2.1 - 2.8 and pages 217-226

For graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator
See materials in Unit Materials folder:

Evidence of Learning:
Basic Application - Math Connections 3A Problem Set 2.8 p.213, # 3a, b or Quiz in Unit Materials folder:
Strategic Thinking - Math Connections 3A Problem Set 2.6 p.197, 6d, e, Math Connections 3a P.221 #10 d, e,
Math Connections 3a Problem Set 2.8p.213, 3c, d
Capstone Connection:
inform alternative energy geometries, using graphs in solar cells
Modeling with Functions: Trigonometric
Weeks: Week 08 - Week 9
HSS MA.1.12 TILL MA.1.16
Create, interpret and analyze trigonometric functions that model real-world situations.
Concepts Skills

•1. Trigonometric functions.

•2. Coordinates •1. Describe the inverses of the sine, cosine
•3. Graphs of sine, cosine and tangent and tangent functions and explain the
functions relationship between sine, cosine, tangent
•4. Inverses of the sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses
functions •2. Identify different characteristics of sine,
•5. Shape, domain, range, amplitude, cosine and tangent functions: shape, domain,
intercepts, max/min, period, asymptotes. range, amplitude, intercepts, max/min, period,
•6. Domain of trigonometric functions asymptotes.
•7. Shift and stretch a trigonometric function •3. Use technology to explore and analyze
various functions.
•4. Describe the transformations that shift and
stretch a trigonometric function
•5. Interpret the functions created based on
the real-world situation they model.

Essential Question(s): •Why is modeling an indispensable tool?

•Why do we represent phenomena in multiple ways?
Big Idea:
We use mathematical modeling with a variety of classes of functions to solve applications such as in biology
and finance, and to form a basis for the study of mechanics and calculus.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
Math Connections 3a sections 3.1 - 3.6
Evidence of Learning:
Math Connections Book 3A
Basic Application: P.274 #2a,b,c P.280 #10a,b,c,d
Strategic Thinking: P.264 #3 P274 #2d,e, #3b P.280 #10e,f P.289 #6b
Capstone Connection:
inform alternative energy geometries, using graphs in solar cells
Weeks: Week 10- Week 11
Prove and apply trigonometric identities
Concepts Skills

•1. Trigonometric identities •1. Derive and apply the Pythagorean

•2. Pythagorean Identities Identities
•3. Cofunction Identities •2. Manipulate and apply co-function
4- trig identities of sum and difference of two Identities"
angels 3- derive and apply trig identities of sum and
5- trig identities of double angles and half difference of two angels
angels 4-derive and apply trig identities of double
angles and half angels

Essential Question(s): Can things change and still be the same?

Big Idea:
We use mathematical modeling with a variety of classes of functions to solve applications such as in biology
and finance, and to form a basis for the study of mechanics and calculus.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
Math Connections 3A Algebra 2 pages 307 - 316
Evidence of Learning:
Basic Application: Math Connections 3A Algebra 2
Page 315 3.47 any of those problems
Strategic Thinking: Students create a trigonometric identity that involves cosine, sine and tangent.
Capstone Connection:
inform alternative energy geometries.
Modeling with Multiple Linear Equations
Weeks: Week 12 - Week 13
HSS MA.4.01 TILL MA.4.11
Create, interpret and analyze systems of linear functions that model real-world situations.
Concepts Skills

•1. System •1. Solve a system of two equations and two

•2. System of equations unknowns by graphing and algebraic
•3. Unknowns methods
•4. Graphing methods •2. Interpret the solution of a system in
•5. Algebraic methods context of the situation
•6. Matrix •3. Represent a system as a matrix
•7. Operations •4. Apply matrix operations to solve a system
•8. Linear Programming •5. Use matrices to represent real-world
•9. Objective functions situations and interpret their solution
•10. Feasible regions •6. Reduce matrices to RREF and interpret
•11. Constraints the meaning
•12. Optimal solution •7. Determine and interpret optimal solutions
and the constraints to real-world situations
using Linear Programming
•8.Write objective functions

Essential Question(s): •Why is modeling an indispensable tool?

•Why do we represent phenomena in multiple ways?
•How do humans make informed decisions, given multiple options?
•What factors affect our decisions and how do these factors relate to mathematical models?
Big Idea:
We use mathematical modeling with a variety of classes of functions to solve applications such as in biology
and finance, and to form a basis for the study of mechanics and calculus.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
Math Connections 2b, sections 6.1 - 6.5

Math Connections 3a sections 4.1 - 4.4

Evidence of Learning:
Math Connections Geometry 2B Basic Application Problem Set 6.4 #7a
Math Connections Geometry 2B Basic Application Page 631, #6.49
Math Connections Algebra 2 3A Basic Application Page 332 # 3 a, b
Math Connections Algebra 2 3A Basic Application Page 352 # 3 a, b

Math Connections Geometry 2B Strategic Thinking Problem Set 6.4 #7b

Math Connections Geometry 2B Strategic Thinking Page 631, #6.50
Math Connections Algebra 2 3A Basic Application Page 352 # 3c
Capstone Connection:
Modeling with Energy
Weeks: Week 14
HSS MA.4.07 ,MA.4.08
Apply determinants and their properties in real-world situations
Concepts Skills

•1. Determinants •1. Use the properties of determinants to

•2. Value of a determinant determine the value of a determinant
•3. Area, parallelogram and triangle. •2. Solve real-world applications of
•4. Matrices determinants particularly finding the area of
•5. System of equations parallelogram and triangle.
•6. Cramer Rule •3. Solve a system of linear equations using
Cramer's Rule

Essential Question(s): •Why use shortcuts?

•Why is it essential to have different ways of reaching solutions?
Big Idea:
We use mathematical modeling with a variety of classes of functions to solve applications such as in biology
and finance, and to form a basis for the study of mechanics and calculus.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
See materials in Unit Materials Folder: Determinants
Practice Problems: Determinants, Area, and Volume Formative Assessment Problems.
Evidence of Learning:
Unit in Materials Folder: Determinants
Basic Application: Page 24 #41 - 48
Basic Application: Page 25 #59

Strategic Thinking: Page 26 #76

Strategic Thinking: Page 26 # 78
Capstone Connection:
inform alternative energy geometries.

Grade 10
Semester 2

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