Earth Science 1
Earth Science 1
Earth Science 1
ES.1.08 - Students will analyze and identify common ore minerals that are used as a resource for modern
industries. (Week 01 - Week 02)
Essential Questions: What is the relationship between ore minerals an Egyptian history?
‣A. Identify and discriminate among common Fe-ores (magnetite, hematite, pyrite), common Cu-ores
(chalcopyrite, malachite, native Cu), Pb-ores (sphalerite, galena), and precious metals (native Au and native
Ag) as well as other important Egyptian ore minerals.
‣B. Interpret geologic processes from textural evidence in ore deposit hand samples or outcrops.
‣C. Identify and use different tools to measure physical properties of minerals.
‣ D. Using microscopic scale features to interpret and classify different types of ore minerals.
‣ E. Use different geologic maps that show occurrences of ore minerals in Egypt.
‣A) Different earth materials and ore minerals have different chemical, physical and engineering
properties making them suitable for different economic industries.
‣B) Common ore minerals include both relatively oxidized ( some oxides, hydroxides, carbonates)
and relatively reduced (some oxides, sulfides) compounds of metals as well as native elements.
‣C) Ore minerals must become concentrated by some geologic process to produce an economic
mineral deposit. Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic processes can all produce ore deposits.
‣D) Modern electronics technologies require new materials, such as rare earth elements, that must
also be extracted from earth materials, creating new ores and new industries.
Successfully identify and differentiate common ore minerals in hand samples.
Successfully connect different types of metals and their ores to different uses (e.g. Cu for piping in
construction and for wires in electronics and consumer goods, Fe in automobiles, construction, appliances,
Know and describe important historical and modern ore deposits in Egypt.
Know and describe important global sources of commonly used metal ores (e.g Cu from Chile and western
US, rare earth elements from China, etc.)
Texts & References: Week 1: ‣
Student Activity: Cell phone minerals: and
Student Activity: Grade 1 Laboratory Manual: Ore Deposits in Egypt – look at ore samples and describe
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 6, Part A, B, C, p. 790-793
Week 2: ‣
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 7, Investigate, p. 803-804
Capstone Connection: Application of knowledge and understanding the different earth materials and ore
applies to possible alternative engergy designs and materials to use
Grand Challenge Connections: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the
impact,Increase opportunities for Egyptians to stay and work in Egypt,Increase efficient use of our land
through improved use of arid areas,Increase industrial base for Egypt
Topic: Metallic ore deposits
ES.1.09 - Students will understand the different resources used by different countries to meet their energy
needs. (Week 03 - Week 04)
Week 4: ‣
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 1, Investigate, Part B, p. 728</li>
Capstone Connection: This relates directly to the Capstone which is about designing alternative energy
Grand Challenge Connections: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the
impact,Improve the use of alternative energies to reduce our reliance on extracted fuel sources,Increase
industrial base for Egypt
Topic: Energy resources (electricity)
ES.1.10 - Students will evaluate potential renewable energy sources in Egypt to replace dependence upon
fossil fuels. (Week 05 - Week 06)
Essential Questions: What resources could be developed in Egypt to provide more sources of energy?
‣A. Investigate the use of solar energy by constructing a solar water heater and determining its
maximum energy output.
‣ B. Investigate the use of wind energy by constructing an anemometer to measure wind speeds and
calculating how much power can be generated by wind.
‣A) Electrical energy and transportation fuels come from a variety of natural resources.
‣ B) Directly capturing the sun's energy through solar panels or wind energy through turbines, is a
renewable way to provide heat, hot water, and electricity.
‣ C) Electrical energy could be generated by hydroelectric - from dams or by tidal movement of water.
The efficiency of the solar water heater
The precision of measurement of the anemometer and calculations of wind generated power
Texts & References: Week 5: ‣
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 5, Investigate, Part A, p. 778-779
Teacher synthesis note: The book uses BTUs, a non-metric measure, skip all of the Btu calculations and
just calculate kW-hr/m2/day without converting
Week 6: ‣
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 5, Investigate, Part B, p. 780-781
Teacher synthesis: Discuss relationship of wind power to turbine diameter, p781.
Capstone Connection: This relates directly to the Capstone which is about designing alternative energy
Grand Challenge Connections: Address the exponential population growth and prepare for the
impact,Improve the use of alternative energies to reduce our reliance on extracted fuel sources,Increase
industrial base for Egypt
Topic: solar, wind, alternative energies
ES.1.11 - Students will be able to recognize the processes by which fossil fuels (coal) are extracted and
processed for human use. (Week 07 - Week 08)
ES.1.12 - Students will be able to recognize the processes by which fossil fuels (petroleum and natural gas)
are extracted and processed for human use. (Week 09 - Week 10)
Week 10: ‣
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 3, Investigate, Part B and C, p. 736-737.
Teacher synthesis: Make sure students understand that oil and gas are finite resources
Add recent data e.g.
Capstone Connection: Apply knowledge and information to alternative energy Capstone Challenge
Grand Challenge Connections: Improve the use of alternative energies to reduce our reliance on extracted
fuel sources,Increase industrial base for Egypt
Applications: BI.1.13,
Topic: petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, fuel extraction
ES.1.13 - Students will be able to evaluate environmental impacts of fossil fuel resource use and suggest
innovative alternatives. (Week 11 - Week 12)
Week 12: ‣
Student Activity: Chapter 7, Section 3, Investigate, Part B, p. 765-767 – graph interpretation, discussion, and
analysis questions.
Teacher synthesis: What are the oil spill threats to Egypt?
Capstone Connection: Apply knowledge and information to alternative energy Capstone Challenge
Grand Challenge Connections: Reduce pollution fouling our air water and grounds
Topic: fossil fuels, pollution, acid rain
Grade 10
Semester 2