IJRECE performanceanalysisofAODV Published
IJRECE performanceanalysisofAODV Published
IJRECE performanceanalysisofAODV Published
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Abstract— Underwater Wireless Sensor Network have Application Layer: The Application Layer is responsible for
applications in Marine Monitoring, Seismic Surveillance, traffic generation and application level routing. Protocols
Underwater environment pollution control and various others. written at the Application Layer rely on the Transport Layer
In this work we have used a commercial software, Qualnet, to deliver application-level data from the source to the
which is a discrete event simulator, to simulate a simple destination. Application Layer protocols implemented in
network to analyze parameters like average jitter, end-to-end QualNet are Constant Bit Rate (CBR), FTP, and Telnet.
delay etc. for the same. The parameters are analyzed for a Examples of Application Layer routing protocols
network of 100 nodes. The data is routed according to the implemented in QualNet are RIP, Bellman-Ford, and BGP.
AODV routing protocol of the network layer and the physical
layer is customized with parameters to work with optical links Transport Layer: The Transport Layer provides end-to-end
with various data rates for underwater settings. data transmission services to the Application Layer.
Protocols written at the Transport Layer receive data from the
Keywords—Underwater Optical Communication, Application Layer and rely on the Network Layer for data
Underwater channel modelling, AODV, Qualnet Simulator 5.0 forwarding at the source node, and receive data from the
Network Layer and pass data to the Application Layer at the
I. INTRODUCTION destination node. Examples of Transport Layer protocols
The Underwater Communication poses different challenges as include UDP, TCP and RSVP-TE.
compared to the communication in terrestrial sensor networks
due to harsh environmental settings. While RF can be used as a Network Layer: The Network Layer is responsible for data
communication link on the land, it is highly attenuated inside forwarding and queuing/scheduling. The Internet Protocol
water, thereby not feasible. Currently the most mature (IP) resides at this layer and is responsible for packet
technology for the marine environment is the acoustic mode of forwarding. Examples of Network Layer routing protocols
communication, but it also poses limitations like low data rate implemented in QualNet are AODV, DSR, OSPF, and
[1]. So, to send heavy data like videos, audios etc. optical links DVMRP.
are being explored which provide the benefit of higher data
rates and faster communication though in a small range [2-11]. MAC Layer: The Link (MAC) Layer provides link-by-link
To study the performance of a network, we use Qualnet 5.0 as transmission. Examples of protocols at the Link (MAC)
our simulator out of all the various simulators which are Layer implemented in QualNet are point-to-point, IEEE
available. Since underwater environment are not compatible 802.3, IEEE 802.11, and CSMA.
with built-in protocols of Qualnet protocol stack, we attempt to
model the underwater channel for optical links and modify the Physical Layer: The Physical Layer is responsible for
Qualnet version 5.0 to work with the same scenario. transmitting and receiving raw bits from the wired and
Subsequently study the performance of AODV routing protocol wireless channel.
on that network.
Communication Medium: The communication medium
II. WORKING ENVIRONMENT transmits signals between nodes. In QualNet, a
communication medium model has three components: a path
A. Qualnet 5.0 Simulator loss model, a fading model, and a shadowing model. Path loss
models in QualNet include Free Space, Two Ray, and
QualNet is a network simulator which provides a Irregular Terrain Model (ITM). QualNet implements the
comprehensive environment for designing protocols, creating Ricean fading model. Rayleigh fading is a special case of
and animating network scenarios, and analyzing their Ricean fading. QualNet provides models for two shadowing
performance. It also provides a set of tools with all the models: constant and lognormal.
components for developing a custom network and for its B. Network architecture and Specifications
reliable simulation. QualNet has significantly higher speed,
The sensor network is architectured using the GUI of the
better scalability and fidelity as compared to other network
Qualnet and its properties are specified in Table I. The
simulators[10]. Its works with a protocol stack which includes
complete network is placed onto a cartesian coordinate plane
the following layers:
i.e 200 × 200 has altitude ranging from 0 m above sea level to
Corresponding to this we have the CBR server which shows the Fig 4. Average jitter vs propagation distance (range)
parameters i.e. Average jitter and End to End delay of the
Propagation Average Jitter Average End to End Fig 5. Average End to End Delay vs propagation distance
Distance Delay (range)
20 m 0.0017 0.012
50 m 0.0019 0.024 V. CONCLUSION
100 m 0.0037 0.038
This paper focuses on analyzing performance parameters of
150 m 0.0088 0.069
an AODV based Optical Underwater Wireless Sensor network.
200 m 0.014 0.098
Previously work have been done to analyze the performance