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r6r€n@ No 23FAS02-POV-CO-01 02


(f,hh h.lor L.k rtun.{o..) vacAllctEs {P1........tt ch.d EOUCATION EXPERIENCE TRAINING ELICIBILIIY


1 s.nlor shbdc.l sFft hll.l 19 1 sso Esss ssD PSA SRSTATS 142 2015 Bach.roi. d.!e p..fdabt ii ThE. 13) l6a6 d.M3lEr.d Twtrlrrour (2a) hdB rEining Cardr Seic. Prot s3irau P6lmbly wi$ rl had .rrhl hdE ol
Sriarisrl.s, ilarh.ms!.6, aullty ln d6l6 aEv3b and p..Liably on ilall6lic6l pl@Emnl iraihing. or Mb.. ol T..t.i.!l
- oEts suppl.mnlrry..lsuilhm6nl 3uN.yd@sB qu.ltionnakci, Eco.o.ni.!, Engln..ring, p.oj.cl h6n6scm.nt, dat rElhodr, !ool., pnd.cr Wo(ng G@p on BE.6nd Awsd3 d
d6lin.! @@pl6 and l.ri! u..d. a.d.ol.bo6l8 in lh. pr.p6ratlon ot Computd Sci.n@. Sqrology or vl.ualirailon gnd .trtbticsl mn.g.m.nt, p.o@er
rGld inlulclion fd M.u. n H wqt.ra and or .diling-coding .uru.F and h.. *o*jng and/d oth.r bLr.d t6ld
knoNa.dg. h Ofic. ronEE
(.9 .r..ad.h6t. srd
-A..hlr h ln.6vit5 or d.Ml qud0olln.t.3. c..lc.ts , lttd !.esi.g aid F!..ntrlid)
d.fnltlon. u..d .nd l!.mtrmd! implDv.n1.nl| or chan!.. lrlhg ihio
.60unl lh. D..d tor u!.lul6nd rcbvanl .!rll.tlc! lo..ochllnd .condnic

2 R.gl.r.tlon Oficdlll l8 1 PSA REGO'72 2015 FaE of ELv.nl .Ipctun@ I h@6 ol ..l.va.l tEinihg C.lw S.ryic. P,otdd6n6u P'!ar*ly wit' rr bal dgln hdl! oi
,.o(rl,tnan lr|ifig. d n'.i!b.r ol Telrior
- R.vi ...Errd... tfil E!..!.acMt{blrydoclmrb.n d.d by Wo.ting Grup o Bi,...d Ax,.d5 o.
c(,ln d.(,e!, lGg6lh.trumnb. RA 90a6, RA 10172, .nd .urplim.tal

r.rd., hv.ntory ol fold.r. h 0r. !!d vG ol p.E3t d

- Collducit
.nmrdbn dooryrnL .nd dt u6 .@ y {d r.liry .n d d@tHb h

c.untfltFr PSA L!u.d clvllEolttry dcunEllL.

' Slgni.nd
3 lnlom.tld ay.t.rE An.lFt ll 16 1 PRO-SISS,DCRPID PSA-tNFO5A2-62-2021 B3ch.loft d.!@ ol€v.nl to Far ol r6lcvanl 6rp..i.n6 4 houE ot r6lovant rEining Cardr S.Nic. Prolcltionau Pclmbly f,,trh at Lalr lbhr hdE or
Send L.v.l Eligibiliy F@6run1 lr'hh!6 o. .tmb.r ol T&n.icd
- A$bt h h!d.vt o.dEdio..nd Elrtls p.rry nl.gl'lbn P.lrnr! Wdldlg Glorp on BiL .nd Amtd3 6

- Acl! .t Lchnk l luppon b R.Vng Plrly Ii lh.lmPl.ri.nll0on ol

Ardh.nticsrion ..Nic.!.

St {.trol Sp.cl.ll.t ll 16 1 ONS SMU PSA,SS2,7t2015 asddo'/. d.!,!. ddauy h Ieo (2) y..6 d.nM8tit6d Sinon (16) houE lralnhg C.rd Sni.. P.oL..bn5u Prllr.bv ,ih .r ba.r .lghl houn ol
sidint , MroMatb. .Ulily in dala .uh.k and p..rdt,o 5t lb0d S@'d t.v.i Eligidry Pl@ltlml tr&ing. o. m.ntb.. ol Tehnic.l
- Co.'dud,Ethodohsksl s.d anaMic.l.ludb. rd inpr@tmnl or Edmkr, E.!ln&itg, prq&lmnrg.m.nl, dats Wo.&rr G@p d Bib.id Ae!d. or
ltr|llic.l Fs6!.tl.nd cdptnd s.rft., S!.ioLgy or lbueli2.lion .nd .trli.llcal Mn.gGmnl, prc.r6.6
.!tu.)E and h.. l|o&lns and/d oih.r r.l.r.d li.u
- Pr.peB! dissomlnatlon nut rlals !o p.....1 kry linding. of @nducl6d kn Ldg. in Ollc. .oflwsr!
r. drch siuda.s 6nd trElnlng/*o.jchop rErdisls ld rh. ol rodd (..9. .pi.ad.h.ct, sD.d
r.d acdg. d lw @trodologb6/Eft.du6 ld inE m.t!|b.. p.E$dng.nd F.rdtslirn)

5 Sati.tlol Sp.cl.ll.t ll l6 1 sso ssss lEso PSA SS2 39e2015 8..r'.loi. d.se p..LEbt h Tw (2) Fa6 d.l!M.rEr.d sind (16) h@a l,lhins C.Er Sdie Pbl:.lirau P6l@bly eirh .t ldri .i!t hdB ot
Stalisli.., lvlalh.n'ali.s. aulhy in d61,6 6mt!i! .nd pGldbry d 3i.li.tcrl Pr@6mnr hidn€B or m.mbd ol T@hnl6l
- th. iormul.lbn or .d.qu.i. .t ll.0@l .tandar& td lh.
A.sl!t! ln Econornic!, Engln..dng, prcFct h6nas.h.nt, dal! Wdtlng Gbup on Bij3 end Awards or
vdiou. pna!.5 ol drl!.Dmpilstkn, t buLlbn. and pub{ctuon to o3ur. C.mput r Scbnc., Sdrology or vi.usltsdlon 6nd .lrtblizl mmgdi.nl, Pro@.!c3
euEy ol tlE l.!ui. .nd !h. unirdtrlty .nd @np3lablly or dab. .ury.t6 .nd h6. wth! od/d 0$6r r.lal.d f.ld
hcrrdhg lh.L ljrEly p.!..nb!o. h ttE ldr ol tpc6l r.L...., L lcds. h Oit . etME
nBroor'ph., r!F.L, .lc : and (.s 69.!6&h61, wod
PrG.66irE snd p.E.nt rion)
-Pr.par.6 timtabL ol op.Etims for lh! v6doua t r.s ol proj..L
und.rt.k.n in lh6 69id/prcvinc6 in 6ccod6nc. w[h lh. hational
tirdabb ol op6Btion3
R.r.6n6 No 23FAS02-POV,CO-01,02
LtsioF TIIE c
'T[?'TE! 2023
(wtlh m.lo. L.*.rtuncdd.l (P1.... ... .tLch.d EOUCAIION EXPERIENCE ELIGIBILIIY
6 R.ql.lElion Otfc.r ll 1 PSA-REGO2-1G2019 1 y6ar ot bl.vanl .xpcri6nc6 hou6 oI GLva.r rEining C.66r S.ruic. ProLssidau Pr! lrably wirh ai had.igtn hdE or
prodr.mnl lBininlB or Mb.r ot T*hnlrl
. cddi.aL. wlh R.gldbn C.nl..l 06 0l. op.ratbnal coiclrn! in Worldg Gi@p d 8k. .nd A*ads d

- Mdlioll tE ol lh. Phllsy. f.ld p.Eonn l 6uch 6l condud or


- Monilo6 lh. noB op6.alion6lor 69BiBti, includng dala updat sand

.ddr6ss.s th. bsud and 6n.6ms 6n@untoEd lh.Ein: and

- C@.dhl.. r,lh 0. P$A Fill(l Ofi... EgErlh! oFElir.l co.!m.

ol PhNiyr l!9llr.liorB.
1 L!.dcd tpddLi I 13 1 sso ssss Eoso PSA-SS1-8+2015 B.ch.l,o/6 d.9... pGlcbv in on. (l) y.ar d.nDn8tEt d Ebht (8) houE lrsinhg Car66r S.tuie Prol6sionau Pllliitht win sl h!.1lishl hoa ot
sii. .nc!, M.lh.nta0c!, abilrty in d6ia 6nalFl! dd Dlllimblyon.t li.lical Pmcul..Bl iEininga o. Mb.r ol Tcchnicsl
-A.!H. h h. p.!p..dbn ol.Llbtlc.l r.podrdld... nr..I1o.3n(,3. E@m16, Engln..nng, p.oiEl mn.!.h.nt, d.t Wdiho G@p d Bir. rnd Amd! or
Lttd,.tril oOE ofid.l rk'clrldrb r.hi.d io Lbo. t drpbrrtdrl Cdp|rt- Sdhc., Sqlbgy d vbudiz.tio. e.d.lrli.liil mnrg€Nnt, p.@3s
lrbsrt Epo.l'. and orh.r dxPrxr oa th. dhrllo.i .ud.F.nd !}otury
has ..d/or olh.r r.l6tcd fcld
knorhcG in Otrrc. .oftw.E
- P@.r.. lnd irlulara.uN.y'l(,riln{r!.d drlri and (..9. Bp6.d3h..l, wod
F@$lng.nd p.r..ntdlbn)
- ftqd!..u,vly irdnarirt m.tci.h tor.rru.dc.l.dn b..
a StrilEtldl Sp.cl.ll6l I 13 1 sso-ssss LsRsD PSA-SS1-94-2015 B.ch.l,o,'. d!gl!. pr.t Ebty rn on. (1 ) y.$ d.mn.iBt d Eishl (8) hou6 tEining Care, Sfli@ Prclclsionau Plllciblywlth .r ba.t.btn ha6 ol
Srditth., Malil.tr'6th!, .bilily in drt an.lylL lnd pcLEbly 6 3reristiel P.oqJllnBl ltainingB o. llmbd ol T*h.iel
- !t lrltL.l Epo.iCan dc, n1.llEtnd.,
A!.i.t! h tn. F.p6..lir ot Edlofti;., EndlBhg, p(*xr m6mg.lMl, d.r. Wdihg Grup d Bib .nd Amrd. d
l! olniD, btl.B, a.d olh.r ofidrld@tMt! ELLd lo t}. dlpiil ol Carpu!.r Sci,n@, Sqrrogy d vbulizrlio. and .lirlbuc.l r'.n.g€l6l, p@.*.5
.uP.yr rnd ha6 *!.ting and/6 olh6r ..lar.d li.ld
knovr.dg. ln OIT@.ofiM6
- Pr@Bs6 .nd tabulaid !uN6y datdadmihb.s.d d6ta (..9. !poad.h!cl, wd
!@i.!.nd F!&ntdid)
I Admlnl.tr.tlv. Oflc.r ll 11 2 cRcso.FAs-cso PSA ADOF2-l092015 Aadr.b'/3 d.ge r.bvant to C€l.d S. ic6 Prcr.3llomu PErdbV s'ilh .i Lut rour holl! ol
PSA,AOOF2-11t2015 pl@..rn nl rc.nnbl
l6ining! or m.mb.. ol
. Allcts ln fE r.qubilionlns, canv.$Ing, h.uing 6n!
lup.rvising Wo hg Gioup @ Bil...d Aead. d
Eddh!. d@t6dn! o(.quipr d. .updi.. and nalriab. .nd
di*s/.tEk hvo'.a rnd olhr .up9onitg p.p.6 llquiltd ror lh.
p€yn.nl ol ltd! d.llv.r6dr and

- Und.t . ti. ,hFktl hv.mory .nd l.ling ol um.pi*U.

.quhdrnuv.t :1.. ld dbro.C.
10 11 I ONS IAD PSAIAUOi 17&2021 BaclEloi6 d.!rc. El6vani to Carer S.dico ProLssionau wnh .i l6sl tour hou6 ot
pr@Eh.nt iEi.i.g. or mMb.r or Tehni@l
-Co.ducB r6.6ehd to obi.h b.ckCund inlorution q .cttitiB io b. Wdling Gdp d Bij. and Avsds d
coduct d ornd q-61 .updvnio. I r.d

Dscuss.s E!€arch nnd'ngs thlh.6ud(t 6m l.6de_ PEr.r.bly B.chdoE Le. Accolnlns, Public
,dminillr.tio, Cdnindogy, lnlorFalio.
T.dnohly/Cqrlpuld Sci.n6 .nd oth.r
diqrilr.! lll'ibd lo rh. ltrovfifflim.d)
PErMbly o.. (1) Fd ln po6itiods lhvolvins
lntdMl Aoditin!, Admani.hriv6 d C.ihin6l
lnBt g6lb. .nd o. F@nsica (6.0.,
Ac@ntin!, lnloinslio T.chnology. ISO
Mana!.m.nt Sy6t ln! 6nd orh.r 6l.t d

P6lmbly lar la) h@E ol tEjni.g in lnt.msl

Audili.O, Adnani6t6liv.orCnminal
lnv66fs6lion and/or Foiansi6 (..s..
A.dnli.C, lnfmlion T&hndogy, ISO
Meag.,6l Sysr.m6 6nd othd 6bt.d
R.l6r.n.. No 23FAS02 POV-Ca).oin2

"TEB 2023
(wlth m.lor t .k.lluncilo..) VACANCIES {Pl..E 8.. rtt .h.d EOUCAIION EXPERIENCE TRAINING ELIGIBILIrY
11 11 1 ssGssss,Eoso PSA-34.23G2015 A€ch.loi/. d.sE Dr.l@W in Ca@t S. t PEr.$kmu PEi.t bry with at Lal f@r hdE ol
St liatk , M.th.@lir, p.ocur.mnl lEinihgs or rumb6. ol T.chni6l
- co{.cb .nd @mpllcr .ta0.Uc.l dat ; E@nmicl. Enginc.ttng, Worii.g Gtulp on Bid6 snd Awad8 or
Cdput r Scl!n@, Sdrdogy d
- Mallrlrrl. tE drlltttrl dd. fl.! o, lh. uniudiviao.:

' G5th.r. hro|mfon .. lnFJt! lo. lh. pr.p!.nbn ot r.port!:

- Arbr| h tE dfl.E to.r .tld uDdrho or dd.b6.G ol th. drvrB. .nd

- Alllrtt h rh. Dr.p.r.llon ol .l!tltli:.| Eport .

12 11 1 sso-ssss-rEso PSA-SA-18t2015 Bach6lo/3 d.grc€ p6,:Ebly i. C666r S6ryi@ PDl6ssbnsl/ Ptllir.bly e/O' tt bld lour houB ol
st ri5ti6, M.th€mric!, Droorllrsn lf'lt{E d |tmbd or T.ctnical
- Alsist h D.ftein!, irclliis ch.ckh! co.nd.l.,'..! ..d @li.ld6a E@lrdi.., En!iru..ing, Wdldn! Grqp d A33 a.d Amrd. or
oi datr lttlt d to hcom A .lp.ndtur., bbor a npbyrBt, ov.B@ C.mput . Sci.rc., S@ldogyd
Flllpino Wo*n, 3nd Elal.d conc.nE or ln. diviridr

- Maintein. lh6 s1!l6tEl daia nlGs ot $. unirdivbioni end

Assisls in lh6 Dr.paralion o, ststisti€l r.po.ts.

13 10 1 cRcso,cRs,cRMD PSA-REGOt-792015 CsB.r S.rui.. Prer.33ioau P6l6bly wilh !t Laal lou hd6 ot
Pl@Em.nr lr inh$o. ltMbs ol T6hna6l
- P..c.Er .dtmdcslbn ror 0D Lo.d Ch/l R.gi ry Ori6 dtdrhg Wdiit! Gloup on Bih and AE !k d
on ti'. .Lamincd .n { Eg6lry dooJh.n!. ..'d ott6, EB.d hquii.. fim

- P..p.E! cdr.pl not ., Etdiv., ..d otE addnbirali$ ,!Frt6

pdreining lo lh. cor{ucl ol.lvl Elbt,likh ..livhld: .nd
- S.6n. and .valual$ r.gi.t r.d dvr ElLlry d@mnb unddlon.
ldninill, liv..id judE l roc,le.
10 1 cRcso,cRs,cRso Cal.d S. ic. Prct63ionau PGlmbly Yvin .l b€llt tour hdE ol
p.cuEnxnl lralnln!. or h.rnbd ot Tehniel
- r,..p.E. cdmunic60on. p.rbhing ro ddmnt! ior .clb. ot lo.5l clvl Wdtlno G@p d 8ijl3 aid Axiar& or

- R.lpo.rllblc for th. p.oc...lng ol lD! ol lLbM oflloB and .cc$dllttlon

ol trav.l .rd E ruilfi.nl .!Enci6: aDd

Pcp€r.! nanativ. r.F.t! id lh6 civil E!6t arid Edivnic. .onducl.d

15 Admlnl.lr.llv. Ar.l.trnt lll 9 1 clco cass oANs PSA-ADASll7G2021 compbrid ol l'*a!., .ludi.. 1 F6r oi Glovanl .4.i.n@ ,l hoo6 ol rlLvant lraining P6l@b!wnh !l b.sl loo. hou6 oa
in coi6!. or High School Sub!.oL.lio..rFlrlt l.lv.l p@Em6nr hi.ings d m.hb.r ol T.chnicsl
- S.N.. s! th. llabon otrr.lr ol lh. offE. of th6 A..l.tant Ndtlonal Eligtllhy Wofiing Grcupon Bid. and Awed6 or
vo.rrb..ur&L cour.t
, K*ps and mainr3in. ellfl6 (m6moEnda, @apond!nc., r!pon,s):

, Re.t.. and k .p.lo! or.l i'.dinCqnsdng (dM.. r'.i|. ta( .ic.)

.nd t6n.mll6 m.!!{.. ro ltb d@m!d .t ft ,rd

-A3!i3t !h. ANS h lh. F.p.Elin ol d@umnt..nd @dinaton w'lh

ou.r r.bv6nt divbin. or th! PsA slth E!.rd lo D.@uEr*n. ..h.dub
R6r.bnc. No 23FAS02-POV-CO-01 02

TEB zoza


rrnh mldt t rtuncldBl (Pl.r- .o .fi.ch.d EDUCATION EXPERIENCE TR |NIIG ELIGIBILITY
16 Admlnl.ir.tlv. A..l.Lit rl 8 2 cRcso-cRs cRso PSA-ADAS2{7-2015 CornpLlir ol lwclE r .rudi.s I Fer ot ,lLvant .xp..i.n@ a hou6 ol rolGvant lEming P6tmbry silh .l had
folJr hdr. ol
ih col.g. o. High Sch@l Subp.lir..bnauFlr.i L.v.l pl@Emnl lBinlnd6 o. hlhb.r ol T&hd6l
A3.i!B th. imdi.i. eD.rvilor h |tb dhchaEE ol tunclirc, r.bl6d ro Erieibaily wo.irg G@p d 836 .id A*arrb d
p.Bonn.l mr(.G, Ecsd-t.Ping. miling/.hipFigop.r.li..., Y@tionaulE.l6 @uB.
p.rcu6Nnt. tnd rulnt nan@ of dn6 suppli.lr.qulpm.l .nd gEn.El

A$l!t3 th. imm6dl6h.uD.flisd in rho pr.p.6tjo. ol.dmini.traw.

r.po.tt a.d cmmonlcslih
A..l.tint lnlom.llon Omc.r 8 1 cTco,tTDs KMco PSA-A|0,61-2015 C..npblion ot two y.rB .tudi.! 1 Fer ol r.Lvenl .xp6n6n6 houtl ol lDLv.nt tral.ing P6l@bly wtlh rt hrd lour horrt or
Sutp.d.c*nalFi.lI L.El r{!@6.mrn lfinl.ig.o. n ..ntrr ol Tehnic€l
, As6i.ts in tho impl.mdt lion ol commni4rion 6nd intom6lio. Eligibllily Wdiing Gloup on Blds 6nd Awad. or
dEs.minalion polici66 ol rh. divisioh, 6p6cili€lt dal! cqu.6l:

- A!.1!t3 c..6rh.E on pdidng d.t!..ryicd lhegh onlin. pladomsr

- A!.i!6on updating int mallonal Epdts (..0. ASICT, ACSS) ar .uppon

htmalio.el cigEg6l6t! ol th. .g€.cy


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