R For Business Analytics
R For Business Analytics
R For Business Analytics
R for Business Analytics
R for Business Analytics looks at some of the most common tasks performed by business
analysts and helps the user navigate the wealth of information in R and its 4000 packages.
With this information the reader can select the packages that can help process the
analytical tasks with minimum effort and maximum usefulness. The use of Graphical User
Interfaces (GUI) is emphasized in this book to further cut down and bend the famous
learning curve in learning R. This book is aimed to help you kick-start with analytics
including chapters on data visualization, code examples on web analytics and social
2013, XVIII, 312 p. 206 illus., 160 illus. in media analytics, clustering, regression models, text mining, data mining models and
color. forecasting. The book tries to expose the reader to a breadth of business analytics topics
without burying the user in needless depth. The included references and links allow the
reader to pursue business analytics topics.
Printed book
▶ 52,99 € | £39.99 | $59.99
This book is aimed at business analysts with basic programming skills for using R for
▶ *56,70 € (D) | 58,29 € (A) | CHF 58.50
Business Analytics. Note the scope of the book is neither statistical theory nor graduate
level research for statistics, but rather it is for business analytics practitioners. Business
eBook analytics (BA) refers to the field of exploration and investigation of data generated
by businesses. Business Intelligence (BI) is the seamless dissemination of information
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through the organization, which primarily involves business metrics both past and
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current for the use of decision support in businesses. Data Mining (DM) is the process
of discovering new patterns from large data using algorithms and statistical methods.
MyCopy To differentiate between the three, BI is mostly current reports, BA is models to predict
and strategize and DM matches patterns in big data. The R statistical software is the
Printed eBook for just
fastest growing analytics platform in the world, and is established in both academia and
▶ € | $ 24.99
corporations for robustness, reliability and accuracy.
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