Astm B786
Astm B786
Astm B786
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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composing the conductor but shall not be closer together than
1 ft (Explanatory Note 2).
5. Lay
5.1 For combination unilay conductors the lay of a layer of
wires shall be not less than 8 nor more than 16 times the
outside diameter of the outer layer.
FIG. 1 Cross Section of Conductor 5.2 Other lays for special purposes shall be furnished by
special agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
NOTE 4—Certain types of insulation conductors may require shorter lay
3.1.2 Quantity of each size, than other conductors. It is expected that special requirements regarding
3.1.3 Conductor size: Circular-mil area or American Wire length of lay will be specified by the purchaser in such instances.
Gage, AWG (Section 6 and Table 1), 5.3 The direction of lay shall be left-hand unless the
3.1.4 Stranding (see Explanatory Note 1), direction of lay is specified otherwise by the purchaser.
3.1.5 Temper (see Section 11),
3.1.6 Details of special-purpose lays, if required (see 5.2), 6. Construction (Explanatory Note 1)
3.1.7 When physical tests shall be made (see Sections 7 and
6.1 The areas of cross section, numbers, and diameters of
wires in the various conductors shall conform to the require-
3.1.8 Package size (see 16.1),
ments prescribed in Table 1 (Note 3) (see Fig. 1).
3.1.9 Heavy wood lagging, if required (see 17.2),
3.1.10 Special package marking, if required (Section 17), 6.2 The diameters of the wires listed in Table 2 are nominal.
and In order to produce an essentially round 19-wire construction,
3.1.11 Place of inspection (Section 15). the outer 12-wire layer in the combination unilay product is
comprised of 6 wires of the same diameter as the wires in the
4. Joints 7-wire core, and 6 wires approximately 25 % smaller. The
4.1 Electric-butt welds, cold pressure welds, or electric-butt 2-wire sizes are alternated around the 7-wire core.
cold-upset welds may be made in the finished individual wires 7. Mechanical and Electrical Tests of Conductors not
Annealed after Stranding
TABLE 1 Construction Requirements for 19-Wire Combination 7.1 Wires composing the conductors shall be tested prior to
Unilay Stranded Aluminum Conductors
stranding in accordance with the applicable specification (see
Area of Size, American (or Wire D1A Wire D2B 11.1.2), and tests on the completed conductor are not required.
Cross-Section, Brown and Sharpe) Diameter Diameter
cmil Wire Gage mils mm mils mm
However, when requested by the purchaser and agreed to by
556 500 185.3 4.71 135.6 3.44
the manufacturer at time of ordering, the tension tests of wires
500 000 175.6 4.46 128.5 3.26 before stranding may be waived and the completed conductor
477 000 171.5 4.36 125.5 3.19 tested in accordance with 7.2, or wires removed from the
450 000 166.6 4.23 121.9 3.10
397 500 156.6 3.98 114.6 2.91
completed conductor tested in accordance with 7.5.
350 000 146.9 3.73 107.5 2.73 7.2 When the completed conductor is tested as a unit, the
336 400 144.0 3.66 105.4 2.68
300 000 136.0 3.45 99.6 2.53 breaking strength shall be not less than the rated strength of
266 800 128.3 3.26 93.9 2.38 1350-H19 conductors or the minimum rated strength of 1350-
250 000 124.2 3.15 90.9 2.31 H16, -H26, -H14, -H24, -H142, and -H242 conductors if
211 600 0000 114.2 2.90 83.6 2.12
167 800 000 101.7 2.58 74.5 1.89 failure occurs in the free length at least 1 in. (25 mm) beyond
133 100 00 90.6 2.30 66.3 1.68 the end of either gripping device. The strength shall be not less
105 600 0 80.7 2.05 59.1 1.50 than 95 % of the rated or minimum rated strength if failure
83 690 1 71.8 1.82 52.6 1.34
66 360 2 64.0 1.63 46.8 1.19 occurs inside, or within 1 in. of the end of either gripping
52 620 3 57.0 1.45 41.7 1.06 device. The breaking strength of 1350-H16, -H26, -H14, -H24,
41 740 4 50.7 1.29 37.1 0.94 -H142, and -H242 conductors shall be not greater than their
33 090 5 45.2 1.15 33.1 0.84
26 240 6 40.2 1.02 29.4 0.75 maximum rated strengths. The free length between grips of the
20 820 7 35.8 0.91 26.2 0.67 test specimen shall be not less than 24 in. (600 mm) and care
16 510 8 31.9 0.81 23.4 0.59
shall be taken to ensure that the wires in the conductor are
13 090 9 28.4 0.72 20.8 0.53
10 380 10 25.3 0.64 18.5 0.47 evenly gripped during the test (Explanatory Note 3).
6 530 12 20.1 0.51 14.7 0.37
7.3 The rated strength of 1350-H19 conductors and the
Equation to calculate D1:
minimum rated strength of 1350-H16, -H26, -H14, -H24,
D1 5 Œ Cross 2 Sectional Area
-H142, and -H242 conductors shall be taken as 93 % of the
sum of the specified minimum average tensile strengths of the
Equation to calculate D2: component wires for 1350-H19 conductors, as prescribed in
D 2 5 D 1 3 0.732. Table 1, Tensile Requirements, of Specification B230/B230M,
and of the sum of the specified minimum tensile strengths of
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TABLE 2 Diameters, Areas and Mass of 19-Wire Combination Unilay Stranded Aluminum ConductorA
Size of Nominal Conductor Direct Current Resistance
Conductor, Nominal Area Mass
DiameterB at 20°C
cmil or
AWG in. mm in.2 mm2 lb/1000 ft kg/km V/1000 ft V/km
556 500 0.827 21.0 0.4371 282 521 775 0.0312 0.1024
500 000 0.784 19.9 0.3927 253 468 697 0.0347 0.1139
477 000 0.766 19.5 0.3746 242 447 665 0.0364 0.1194
450 000 0.744 18.9 0.3534 228 421 627 0.0385 0.1263
397 500 0.699 17.8 0.3122 201 372 554 0.0436 0.1431
350 000 0.656 16.7 0.2749 177 328 488 0.0495 0.1624
336 400 0.643 16.3 0.2642 170 315 469 0.0516 0.1693
300 000 0.607 15.4 0.2356 152 281 418 0.0578 0.1896
266 800 0.573 14.6 0.2095 135 250 372 0.0650 0.2133
250 000 0.554 14.1 0.1963 127 234 348 0.0694 0.2277
0000 0.510 13.0 0.1662 107 198 295 0.0820 0.2690
000 0.454 11.5 0.1318 85.0 157 234 0.103 0.3389
00 0.404 10.3 0.1045 67.4 125 185 0.130 0.4275
0 0.360 9.14 0.08291 53.5 98.9 147 0.164 0.5387
1 0.321 8.15 0.06573 42.4 78.4 117 0.207 0.6798
2 0.286 7.26 0.05212 33.6 62.1 92.4 0.261 0.8573
3 0.254 6.45 0.04133 26.7 49.3 73.4 0.330 1.0814
4 0.226 5.74 0.03278 21.1 39.1 58.2 0.416 1.3633
5 0.202 5.13 0.02599 16.8 31.0 46.1 0.523 1.72
6 0.179 4.55 0.02061 13.3 24.6 36.6 0.661 2.1684
7 0.160 4.06 0.01635 10.5 19.5 29.0 0.834 2.7362
8 0.143 3.63 0.01297 8.37 15.5 23.1 1.05 3.4464
9 0.127 3.23 0.01028 6.63 12.3 18.3 1.32 4.3307
10 0.113 2.87 0.00816 5.26 9.73 14.5 1.67 5.4790
12 0.090 2.29 0.00513 3.31 6.12 9.11 2.67 8.7598
Mass and electrical resistance are based on aluminum 1350.
To calculate the diameter, multiply the large wire diameter in Table 1 times 3 and add two times the small wire diameter.
Example: AWG 4/0 diameter = [3(114.2) + 2(83.6)] = 509.8
the component wires for 1350-H16, -H26, -H14, -H24, -H142, 8. Mechanical and Electrical Tests of Conductors
and -H242 conductors, as prescribed in Specification B609/ Annealed after Stranding
B609M, as applicable. The maximum rated strength of the
8.1 Tensile properties and electrical resistivity shall be
1350-H16, -H26, -H14, -H24, -H142 and -H242 conductors
shall be taken as the sum of the specified maximum strengths determined on samples taken from 10 % of the reels or coils of
of the component wires, as prescribed in Specification B609/ conductor, but from not less than five (or all if the lot is less
B609M, as applicable. The rated strengths shall be calculated than five) reels or coils. Resistivity shall be determined as
using specified nominal wire diameters. prescribed in the Resistivity section of Specification B230/
B230M on one wire from each conductor sample except this
7.4 Rated strength and breaking strength values shall be test is not required if performed previously on the 1350-H19
rounded to three significant figures, in the final value only, in wire. At the manufacturer’s option, tension tests shall be made
accordance with the rounding method in Practice E29. either on one of the inner seven wires and one wire from each
7.5 When wires are removed from the completed conductor additional layer of each conductor sample to determine con-
and tested, 1350-H19 wires shall have minimum tensile formance with 8.2 or on the conductor as a unit to determine
strengths not less than 95 % of the tensile strengths prescribed conformation with 8.3.
for individual tests in Table 1, Tensile Requirements, of
8.2 When wires removed from the completed conductor are
Specification B230/B230M. 1350-H16, -H26, -H14, -H24,
tested, 1350-H26, -H24, and -H242 wires shall have tensile
-H142, and -H242 wires shall have tensile strengths not less
than 95 % of the minimum tensile strength nor more than strengths not less than 95 % of the minimum tensile strength
105 % of the maximum tensile strength prescribed in Specifi- nor more than 105 % of the maximum tensile strength pre-
cation B609/B609M, as applicable (Explanatory Note 4). scribed in Specification B609/B609M, as applicable (Explana-
tory Note 4).
7.6 All wires composing the conductors shall be capable of
meeting the bending properties stated in Specification B230/ 8.3 When the completed conductor is tested as a unit, the
B230M after stranding. Routine production testing after strand- breaking strengths of 1350-H26, -H24, and -H242 conductors
ing is not required. shall conform with 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4.
7.7 Mechanical and electrical tests of conductors in 8000 8.4 All wires composing the conductors shall be capable of
series aluminum alloys in “0” temper, H1X or H2X wire and meeting the bending properties stated in Specification B230/
not annealed after stranding shall be in accordance with B230M after stranding. Routine production testing after strand-
Section 9 of Specification B801. ing is not required.
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8.5 Mechanical and electrical tests of conductors of 8000 Strand the conductor from 1350-H19 wires and
series aluminum alloys fabricated from wires other than H2X anneal the stranded conductor to final temper.
and annealed after stranding to meet “0” temper or H2X 11.1.2 Before stranding, the aluminum wire used shall meet
requirements shall be in accordance with Section 10 of all of the requirements of Specification B230/B230M or
Specification B801. B609/B609M, whichever is applicable.
11.1.3 For tempers of 8000 series aluminum alloys conduc-
9. Mass and Resistance tors, the manufacturer shall have the following options on
9.1 The mass and electrical resistance of a unit length of manufacturing method:
stranded conductor are a function of the length of lay. The Strand the conductor from wires annealed to final
approximate mass and electrical resistance may be determined temper prior to stranding, and
using the standard increment of 2 %. When greater accuracy is Strand the conductor from as drawn wires and
desired, the increment based on the specific lay of the conduc- anneal the stranded conductor to final temper.
tor may be calculated (Explanatory Note 1). 11.1.4 Before stranding, the aluminum wire used shall meet
all of the requirements of Specification B800.
9.2 The maximum electrical resistance of a unit length of
stranded conductor shall not exceed 2 % over the nominal d-c 11.2 All wires in the conductor shall be of the same temper.
resistance shown in Table 2 (Explanatory Note 6). When the
12. Retest
d-c resistance is measured at other than 20°C, it is to be
corrected by using the multiplying factor given in Table 3. 12.1 If upon testing a sample from any reel or coil of
conductor the results do not conform to the requirements of
9.3 For conductors to be used in covered or insulated wires
Sections 7 and 8, two additional samples shall be tested, and
or cables, d-c resistance measurement may be used instead of
the average of the three tests shall determine the acceptance of
the method outlined in Section 14, to determine compliance
the reel or coil.
with this specification; however, the referee method shall be
that outlined in Section 12. 13. Density
10. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 13.1 For the purpose of calculating mass, cross sections,
etc., the density of aluminum 1350 shall be taken as 0.0975
10.1 The conductor shall be free of all imperfections not lb/in.3 (2705 kg/m3) and 8000 Series aluminum alloys shall be
consistent with good commercial practice. taken as 0.098 lb/in.3 (2710 kg/m3) at 20°C.
11. Requirements for Wires 14. Variance in Area
11.1 The purchaser shall designate the temper of wires to be 14.1 The area of cross section of the completed conductor
used in the conductor. shall be not less than 98 % of the area indicated in Column 1
11.1.1 For conductors of aluminum 1350 with tempers other of Table 1. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the
than 1350-H19, the manufacturer shall have the following manufacturer shall determine the cross-sectional area by the
options on manufacturing method: following method: Strand the conductor from wires drawn to final 14.1.1 The area of cross section of a conductor may be
temper, determined by Test Method B263. In applying that method, the Strand the conductor from wires drawn to H19 increment in mass resulting from stranding may be the appli-
temper and annealed to final temper prior to stranding, and cable value specified in 9.1 or may be calculated from the
measured component dimensions of the sample under test. In
case of question regarding area compliance, the actual mass
TABLE 3 Temperature Correction Factors for Conductor
Resistance increment due to stranding shall be calculated.
Temperature, °C Multiplying Factor for Conversion to 20°C 15. Inspection
0 1.088
5 1.064 15.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
10 1.042 order, the manufacturer shall be responsible for the perfor-
15 1.020
mance of all inspection and test requirements specified.
20 1.000
25 0.980 15.2 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of
30 0.961
35 0.943
manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed upon between
40 0.925 the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of purchase.
45 0.908
50 0.892 15.3 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector represent-
55 0.876 ing the purchaser all reasonable manufacturer’s facilities to
60 0.861 satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance
65 0.846
70 0.832 with this specification.
75 0.818
80 0.805 16. Product Marking
85 0.792
90 0.780 16.1 The net mass, length (or lengths and number of
lengths, if more than one length is included in the package),
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size, kind of conductor, purchase order number, and any other 17.2 The conductors shall be protected against damage in
marks required by the purchase order shall be marked on a tag ordinary handling and shipping. If heavy wood lagging is
attached to the end of the conductor inside of the package. The required, it shall be specified by the purchaser at the time of
same information, together with the manufacturer’s serial purchase.
number (if any) and all shipping marks required by the
purchaser, shall appear on the outside of each package. 18. Keywords
18.1 aluminum alloy conductors; aluminum electrical con-
17. Packaging and Package Marking ductor; combination stranded conductor; electrical conductor;
17.1 Package sizes for conductors shall be agreed upon electrical conductor-aluminum; insulated electrical conductor;
between the manufacturer and the purchaser in the placing of stranded conductor; unilay stranded conductor ; 8000-series
individual order (Explanatory Note 7). aluminum alloy conductors
NOTE 1—The construction details in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 are properties from those of the wire when prepared for cabling, on account
considered typical and are not intended to restrict other constructions that of the deformation caused by laying and again straightening for test.
otherwise meet physical, electrical and mechanical requirements of this NOTE 5—The increment of mass or electrical resistance of a completed
specification. concentric-lay-stranded conductor (k) in percent is as follows:
NOTE 2—The behavior of properly spaced wire joints in stranded
conductors is related to both their tensile strength and elongation. Because k 5 100 ~ m 2 1 ! (1)
of its higher elongation properties, the lower strength electric-butt weld
gives equivalent overall performance to that of a cold-pressure weld or an where m is the stranding factor, and also the ratio of the weight or
electric-butt, cold-upset weld in conductors with more than seven wires. electrical resistance of a unit length of stranded conductor to that of a solid
NOTE 3—To test stranded conductors for breaking strength successfully conductor of the same cross-sectional area or of a stranded conductor with
as a unit requires an adequate means of gripping the ends of the test infinite length of lay, that is, all wires parallel to the conductor axis. For
specimen without causing damage that may result in failure below the combination unilay conductors the stranding factor m for the completed
actual strength of the conductor. Various means are available, such as stranded conductor is the ratio of the sum of the individual weights of the
compression sleeves, split sleeves, and preformed grips, but ordinary jaws twisted strand components to the sum of the equivalent weights of the
or clamping devices usually are not suitable. strand components if they were untwisted.The derivation of the above is
NOTE 4—Wires unlaid from conductors may have different physical given in the NBS Handbook 100.
F p
f 1m 1 16m 2 16m 3 1 s 6 3 0.7322 d m 4 g 3 d 3 12 3 4 3 D 1 2 G 5
f 1m 1 16m 2 16m 3 1 s 3.215d m 4 g
F p
f 116161 s 6 3 0.7322 d g 3 d 3 12 3 4 3 D 1 2 G f 16.215g
W = the weight of all the strand components in the twisted d = density of metal (lb/in.3)
conductor (lb/ft) 12 = number of inches in 1 foot
W' = the equivalent weight of all the strand components if LOL = length of lay (in.)
they were untwisted (lb/ft)
D1 = diameter of larger strand component (refer to Fig. 1)
D2 = diameter of smaller strand component (refer to Fig.
1) (in.)
= 0.732 × D1
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p 2 3 ~ 2 3 D 1! 2 19.7392 3 D 1 2
m 2 >11 2 5 11 (8)
2 3 ~ LOL ! LOL2
p 2 3 ~ 3.464 3 D 1 ! 2 59.2141 3 D 1 2
m 3 5 11 2 5 11 (9)
2 3 ~ LOL ! LOL2
p 2 3 ~ 3.732 3 D 1 ! 2 68.7310 3 D 1 2
m 4 5 11 2 5 11 (10)
2 3 ~ LOL ! LOL2
Combining the terms, the combined m value for the conductor becomes:
116 3 1119.7392 3 S DD
D 12
16 3 1159.2141 3 S DD
D 12
1 s 6 3 0.7322 d 3 1168.7310 3 S DD G
D 12
f 16.215g
D 12
D 12
NOTE 6—The d-c resistance on a given construction shall be calculated k = increment due to stranding from Table 2 and Explana-
using the following formula:
Inch-Pound Units:
tory Note 5,
r = volume resistivity in ohms-cmil/ft (V-mm2/m), deter-
R5 S k
11 D r
mined in accordance with Test Method B193, and
A = cross-sectional area of conductor in kcmil (mm2 )
determined in accordance with Section 6 of this
or Metric Units: specification.
11 D G
1000 (13)
NOTE 7—To cooperate with the manufacturer in avoiding the accumu-
lation of excessive amount of scrap wire, it is suggested that package sizes
permit ordinary variations of plus and minus 10 % in package lengths, and
where: that occasional short lengths be permitted, such packages to be distinctly
R = conductor resistance in V/1000 ft (V/km), marked.
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