Surat Tunjuk Sebab
Surat Tunjuk Sebab
Surat Tunjuk Sebab
Mini Project Proposal
• The Smart Dustbin Project comes under the domain of Environment, Health, and Hygiene.
Through this Smart Dustbin project, we aimed to build a working prototype of a dustbin whose lid
opens automatically, without any contact when a person comes near it (in the range of 2 – 30
centimeters) to throw the trash. Since the process is contactless it maintains public hygiene and
sanitation. Moreover, there are many instances in public places where the dustbins overflow
because of irregularity in the waste collection from the dustbin (which is usually done by the
municipality sanitation workers).
• Reduces the energy used to open the lid of the bin.
• Increasing technological progress in the country in the era of globalization.
• Reduce the workforce working in municipalities.
1. Arduino Uno
2. Ultrasonic Sensor
3. Micro Servo 9g
4. Jumper Wires
5. USB Cable
6. Dustbin
7.Double Tap
Description of Work Start and End Dates
Phase One …
Phase Two … …
Phase Three … …
Project Budget
ITEM Description of Work Anticipated Costs
UNO Arduino UNO is the best RM40.00
board to get started with
electronics and coding.
Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic sensors work by RM3.00
sending out a sound wave at a
frequency above the range of
human hearing.
Micro Servo9g Tiny and lightweight with RM6.50
high output power. Servo can
rotate approximately 180
degrees (90 in each direction),
and works just like the
standard kinds but smaller.
1. First step, insert the jumper wire from the VCC ultrasonic sensor into the 5V hole of the arduino
uno. Next, insert the jumper wire from the Trigo ultrasonic sensor into hole 9 of the arduino uno.
Then, insert the jumper wire from the Echo ultrasonic sensor into hole 8 of the arduino uno. Finally,
insert the jumper wire from the Gnd ultrasonic sensor into the Gnd hole of the arduino uno. Insert
the LED positive leg into hole 13 of the arduino uno and the negative leg into the Gnd(D) hole of the
arduino uno. Enter the ultrasonic sensor coding using arduino uno.
2. Second step, insert the orange jumper wire from the micro servo into hole 7 of the arduino uno.
Next, insert the red jumper wire from the micro servo into the 5V hole of the arduino uno. Then,
insert the brown jumper wire from the micro servo into the Gnd hole of the arduino uno. Enter
micro servo coding using arduino uno.
3. Third step, make a hole in the side of the trash can using a screwdriver or a suitable tool. Place a
mark before making a hole on the side of the bin so it's easier to estimate. Next, stick the micro
servo on top of the trash can lid.
4. Step four, connect all the materials that have been prepared. after that do a test on the
completed project.
Servo servo;
int trigPin = 9;
int echoPin = 8;
// defines variables
long duration;
int distance;
void setup()