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Material 1.1 Additional Notes

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RATIO ANALYSIS. Involves methods of calculating and

interpreting financial ratios to analyze and monitor the
firm’s performance



firms’ financial ratios at the same point in time; involves AVERAGE PAYMENT PERIOD The average amount of
comparing the firm’s ratios to those of other firms in its time needed to pay accounts payable
industry or to industry averages.
BENCHMARKING A type of cross-sectional analysis in
which the firm’s ratio values are compared to those of a
key competitor or group of competitors that it wishes to

TIME-SERIES ANALYSIS Evaluation of the firm’s financial

performance over time using financial ratio analysis.


LIQUIDITY A firm’s ability to satisfy its short-term

obligations as they come due.

CURRENT RATIO A measure of liquidity calculated by

TOTAL ASSET TURNOVER Indicates the efficiency with
dividing the firm’s current assets by its current liabilities
which the firm uses its assets to generate sales.
QUICK (ACID-TEST) RATIO A measure of liquidity
calculated by dividing the firm’s current assets minus
inventory by its current liabilities.


ACTIVITY RATIOS Measure the speed with which

various accounts are converted into sales or cash—
inflows or outflows.

INVENTORY TURNOVER Measures the activity, or

liquidity, of a firm’s inventory.

- financial analyst is most concerned with long-
term debts
- more debt a firm has, the greater its risk of
being unable to meet its contractual debt
financial leverage
- the more debt a firm uses in relation to its total
- Amount of total assets financed by equity. The
AVERAGE AGE OF INVENTORY Average number of days’ higher the ratio, the greater is the leverage, and
sales in inventory greater the risk
- Interest expenses is tax deductible, leverage
AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD. increases the company’s return when it is
average amount of time needed to collect accounts


- Measures the percentage of each sales dollar
remaining after the firm has paid for its goods.


- Measures the percentage of each sales dollar ILLUSTRATION 1.
remaining after all costs and expenses other JA K Co m p a n y
than interest, taxes, and preferred stock Co m p a r a ti v e Sta te m e n t o f F i n a n ci a l Po si ti o n
As o f Y e ar Ende d
dividends are deducted; the “pure profits” Asse ts 2022 2021
earned on each sales dollar. C urre nt Asse ts
Cash 363,000.00 288,000.00
NET PROFIT MARGIN Marketable Securities 68,000.00 51,000.00
Accounts Receivable 503,000.00 365,000.00
Inventory 289,000.00 300,000.00
- Measures the percentage of each sales dollar To ta l C urre nt Asse ts 1,223,000.00 1,004,000.00
remaining after all costs and expenses, including N o n-curre nt Asse ts
Land and Building 2,072,000.00 1,903,000.00
interest, taxes, and preferred stock dividends, Machinery and Equipment 1,866,000.00 1,693,000.00
have been deducted. Furniture and Fixture 358,000.00 316,000.00
Vehicle 275,000.00 314,000.00
EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) Others 98,000.00 96,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation (2,295,000.00) (2,056,000.00)
To ta l N o n-C urre nt Asse ts 2,374,000.00 2,266,000.00
- is generally of interest to present or prospective To ta l Asse ts 3 ,5 9 7 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3 ,2 7 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
stockholders and management. As we noted Lia bilitie s a nd Ow ne r's Equity

earlier, EPS represents the number of dollars C urre nt Lia bilitie s

Accrued Expenses 382,000.00 270,000.00
earned during the period on behalf of each Accounts Payable 79,000.00 99,000.00
outstanding share of common stock. Notes Payable 159,000.00 114,000.00
To ta l C urre nt Lia bilitie s 620,000.00 483,000.00
N o n-C urre nt Lia bilitie s
RETURN ON TOTAL ASSETS (ROA) Long-term Debt 1,023,000.00 967,000.00
To ta l N o n-C urre nt Lia bilitie s 1,023,000.00 967,000.00
- Measures the overall effectiveness of Sha re ho lde r's Equity
management in generating profits with its Preferred Stock 200,000.00 200,000.00
Ordinary Stock - Capital 191,000.00 190,000.00
available assets; also called the return on Share Premuim 428,000.00 418,000.00
investment (ROI). Retained Earnings 1,135,000.00 1,012,000.00
To ta l Sha re ho lde r's e quity 1,954,000.00 1,820,000.00
RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (ROE) To ta l Lia bilitie s a nd SHE 3 ,5 9 7 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3 ,2 7 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0

JA K Co m p a n y
- Measures the return earned on the common I n co m e Sta te m e n t
stockholders’ investment in the firm. A s o f Y e a r En d e d
2022 2021
PRICE/EARNINGS (P/E) RATIO Sales 3,074,000.00 2,567,000.00
Cost of Good Sold (2,088,000.00) (1,711,000.00)
- Measures the amount that investors are willing Gro ss Pro fit 9 8 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 8 5 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0
Operating Expenses
to pay for each dollar of a firm’s earnings; the Selling Expenses (100,000.00) (108,000.00)
higher the P/E ratio, the greater the investor General and Admin. Expenses (194,000.00) (187,000.00)
Lease Expenses (35,000.00) (35,000.00)
confidence. Depreciation Expenses (239,000.00) (223,000.00)
N e t Inco m e 4 1 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3 0 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0
MARKET/BOOK (M/B) RATIO Interest Expese (93,000.00) (91,000.00)
N e t Inco m e be fo re Tax e s 3 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 1 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0
- Provides an assessment of how investors view Taxes (94,000.00) (64,000.00)
the firm’s performance. Firms expected to earn N e t Inco m e Afte r Tax s 2 3 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 4 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0
Preferred Stock Dividend (10,000.00) (10,000.00)
high returns relative to their risk typically sell at Earnings Available fo r 2 2 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 3 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0
higher M/B multiples. C o m m o n sto ck ho lde r

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