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Maternity - Support Staff

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School Employment Advisory Team

Maternity Leave Scheme for School Support Staff

How do I apply for maternity leave?

There are a number of documents that you need to send to us at least 28 days
before you expect to start your maternity leave. These include:

 Application for Maternity Leave. A copy of this form is attached. There are
sections that must be completed by both you and your line manager before
sending it in to HR & Payroll.

 MATB1 This will be given to you by your midwife approximately 26 weeks into
your pregnancy. It should be securely attached to your application form and
submitted to the HR & Payroll.

On receipt of the above, we will confirm the details of your maternity leave, including
the end date of your maternity leave.

What is my entitlement?

Your entitlement to pay and leave will depend on your length of continuous service.
You may be entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and / or Occupational
Maternity Pay (OMP). To determine your entitlement, you will need to know your:

a) Length of Service - This is usually determined by your start date with the City
Council. However, if you worked for another local authority directly before
joining Liverpool and without a break, this may be classed as continuous
service. HR & Payroll can advise you on this if you are not sure.

b) Gross Monthly Pay - This is the total amount that you earn each month before
any deductions are taken. You will find this information on your payslip.

c) Expected Week of Confinement -This is the week that your baby is due. It
should be stated on your form MATB1 that the midwife will give to you.

d) Qualifying Week-This is the Sunday at the start of the 15 th week before your
expected week of confinement.

e) Start date for Maternity Leave - Your maternity leave can start from any
Sunday in the 11 weeks before your expected week of confinement. If you
give birth before that time, your maternity leave will start from the day after the
date of your baby’s birth.

SEAT 2012
Entitlement with less than 1 year’s continuous service at the qualifying week.

Length of Service Entitlement

Less than 26 weeks service at  No entitlement to Statutory or Occupational

the qualifying week. maternity pay.

 52 weeks leave of absence without pay only.

 Paid time off for ante-natal care. This includes

reasonable requests for exercise and relaxation

 You may be entitled to Maternity Allowance (see

below). If this applies, HR & Payroll will send
form SMP1 form to you when you send in your
MATB1. You should take this to your local
Benefits Agency.

More than 26 weeks service at  52 weeks leave of absence without pay.

the qualifying week but not
enough NI contributions. (HR  Paid time off for ante-natal care. This includes
& Payroll will confirm if this reasonable requests for exercise and relaxation
applies). classes.

 You may be entitled to Maternity Allowance (see

below). If this applies, HR & Payroll will send
form SMP1 form to you when you send in your
MATB1. You should take this to your local
Benefits Agency.

More than 26 weeks service at  Entitlement to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

the qualifying week and only for 39 weeks. This will be paid as follows:
sufficient NI contributions paid.
 6 weeks at 9/10ths of your average pay
 33 weeks at 9/10ths of your average salary or
SMP per week (whichever is the lower)

 An additional 13 weeks leave of absence without


 Paid time off for ante-natal care. This includes

reasonable requests for exercise and relaxation

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Maternity Allowance

Maternity Allowance is a benefit paid by the Department of work and Pensions for a
maximum of 39 weeks. The earliest date that payment can start is 11 weeks before
the week your baby is due.

How to claim Maternity Allowance

Contact your local Benefits Agency Office or the antenatal clinic. Complete Form
MA1 and send it to your Social Security office. This should be submitted with your
MATB1 when you are 26 weeks pregnant. For further information on Maternity
Allowance, please contact your local Benefits Agency Office.

Entitlement with continuous service of 1 year or more at the qualifying week .

Length of Service Entitlement

More than 1 year service at 11  Entitlement to Occupational Maternity Pay only

weeks before your expected for 26 weeks.
week of confinement and
insufficient National Insurance  An additional 26 weeks leave of absence without
contributions. pay.
(HR & Payroll will advise you if
this applies)  Paid time off for ante-natal care. This includes
reasonable requests for exercise and relaxation

 You may be entitled to Maternity Allowance (see

below). If this applies, HR & Payroll will send
form SMP1 form to you when you send in your
MATB1. You should take this to your local
Benefits Agency.

More than 1 year service at 11  26 weeks Occupational Maternity Pay and 39

weeks before your expected weeks Statutory Maternity Pay. This equates to
date of confinement and 26 weeks at 9/10ths of your average salary plus
sufficient National Insurance 13 weeks SMP or 9/10ths of your average salary
contributions. (whichever is the lower). Your entitlement to
(HR & Payroll will advise you if SMP is included in your occupational maternity
this applies) pay and will not be paid as an additional amount
of money.

 An additional 13 weeks leave of absence without


 Paid time off for ante-natal care. This includes

reasonable requests for exercise and relaxation

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What is Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)?

This is a state scheme under which employers are responsible for making payments
to pregnant employees who are eligible.

To qualify for SMP you must

 have worked for the City Council for at least 26 consecutive weeks up to and
including the 15th week before the week in which your baby is due;

 continue to work into the 15 th week (Qualifying Week) before your expected
week of confinement, for at least one day;
 have average weekly earnings at the Qualifying Week (calculated over an 8
week period) that exceed the lower earnings limit for payment of National
Insurance contributions. (If this applies, you will be advised by HR & Payroll);

 give at least 28 days notice to the City Council of your intention to stop

SMP will be paid from the Sunday following the week in which you stop working. It
will be paid on your usual pay date for a maximum of 39 weeks. The earliest date
SMP can be paid is the 11th week before your baby is due. SMP will not be paid if
you are held in legal custody during the maternity pay or if you work for another
employer after the birth but during your maternity pay period.

What is Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP)?

This is Liverpool City Council’s own scheme and to qualify you must:

 have at least 1 year continuous service at the 11th week before your baby is
 continue to work up to the 11 th week prior to the week in which your baby is
 give the City Council at least 28 days notice of the date on which you intend to
stop working

Please note that if you decide to return to work before your notified end date then you
are required to give 8 weeks notice.

Important Pay Information

At some point, you will need to decide whether or not you will return to work after the
birth of your baby. If you decide not to return for the minimum period of 3 full
calendar months, you will not be entitled to any OMP after the first 6 weeks of your
maternity leave. You must, therefore, choose one of the following options for your
pay arrangements:

 You can receive your maternity pay monthly on your usual pay day. If you
choose not to return to work, any OMP paid to you after the first six weeks of
your absence must be repaid to the City Council or

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 You can opt to receive OMP for the first six weeks only of your maternity
leave. (You will still receive any SMP to which you are entitled). After you
have returned to work for three full calendar months, any outstanding OMP will
be paid to you in full.

What if I am off sick during my pregnancy?

If you are absent from work after the beginning of the 4 th week before your baby is
due, maternity leave will automatically begin if your sickness is pregnancy related. If
your absence is not pregnancy related, usual sickness procedures apply and your
maternity leave will not be affected.

If your baby is born before maternity leave commences, the date after the date of
childbirth should be regarded as the first day of maternity leave.

What are Keeping In Touch days?

You may, by agreement with your employer undertake up to 10 days work/training,

under your contract of employment without losing your right to SMP or Maternity
Allowance. These days are designed to help ease your eventual return to work, and
make it easier for you to keep in touch with your employer during your leave from

Where can I get further information about maternity leave?

You can contact your HR Adviser at The School Employment Advisory Team. If your
school uses the City Council’s payroll service, you can contact a payroll adviser on
233 3003 or by Email to hr.payroll@liverpool.gov.uk.

SEAT 2012
Application for Maternity Leave

To be completed by the employee at least 28 days prior to maternity leave commencing

Full Name (Capitals)

National Insurance
Oracle ID Number Number

Portfolio Job Title

Home Address and
Telephone Number

Work Location
Date Baby Due Date Maternity to Start
(Confinement Date) (Must be Sunday)
Select payment method required by ticking the relevant I wish to receive full I wish to receive only 6
box. pay entitlement weeks occupational pay
Note: If you receive full pay entitlement and you fail to entitlement, plus 39 weeks
return to work for at least 3 full calendar months Statutory payment (if
equivalent of hours prior to maternity leave you are applicable)
required to repay all monies that you are not entitled to. Note: If you return for 3 full
(Replaces indemnity form) calendar months or part
time equivalent, all
payments withheld, will be

MATB1 Attached Yes No

(Staple form to this document,
payment can not be processed until received)

Employees Signature: Date:

To be completed by the Line Manager

Managers Name (Capitals)

Date employees current period of employment
with Council commenced

If your establishment has an alternative payroll supplier please attach

photocopies of the MATB1 to this document and forward the original MATB1 to
your payroll provider.

Managers Signature: Date:

Return to: HR & Payroll Service, 5th Floor, Venture Place,

13 - 17 Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool, L1 6BW

SEAT 2012

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