Part Iii. Corporation Law - A
Part Iii. Corporation Law - A
Part Iii. Corporation Law - A
now UNITED OVERSEAS BANK, PHILS.) v. Inland Construction
A. The Board of Directors/Trustees and Officers: Qualifications, and Dev. Corp., 582 SCRA 230 (2009)
Powers, Duties, Liabilities
Sec. 22-34, RCC
Inland obtained various loans and other credit accommodations from
Sec. 44, 47, 64, 66, 67, 171, 184 petitioner in 1977. To secure the payment of its obligations, Inland
executed real estate mortgages over three real properties in Pasig
Sec. 72-74, 91, 92, 177, RCC City. The bank likewise issued three promissory notes (155K, 880K
and 60K) in favor of the bank. However, Inland defaulted in its
Sec. 160-172, RCC payments.
CASES: In 1978, Felix Aranda, President of Inland, assigned all his rights and
interests at Hanil-Gonzales Corporation in favor of Horacio Abrantes,
Hornilla v. Salunat, 405 SCRA 220 (2003) Executive Vice-President and General Manager of Hanil-Gonzales
Corporation. Under the same Deed of Assignment, it appears that
Manila Metal Container Corp. v. PNB, 511 SCRA 444 (2006) Abrantes assumed, among other obligations of Inland and Aranda to
the the petitioner evidence by a Promissory Note in the amount of
Filipinas Port Services v. Go, 518 SCRA 453 (2007) ₱800,000.
Board of Liquidators v. Heirs of Maximo M. Kalaw, 20 SCRA 987 On December 14, 1979, Inland was served a Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
(1967) foreclosing the real estate mortgages over its real properties,
prompting it to file a complaint for injunction before the RTC.
Safic Alcan & Cie v. Imperial Vegetable Oil Co., 355 SCRA 559
(2001) The bank argued that it "had no knowledge, much less did it give its
conformity to the alleged assignment of the obligation covered by the
Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, Inc. v. Lim, G.R. No. PN. Petitioner alleged that Calo had no authority to bind it in the Deed
212034 (2 July 2018) of Assignment and that a single, isolated unauthorized act of its agent
is not sufficient to establish that it clothed him with apparent authority.
Philippine Stock Exchange v. Court of Appeals, 281 SCRA 232 Petitioner adds that the records fail to disclose evidence of similar
(1997) acts of Calo executed either in its favor or in favor of other parties.
Moreover, petitioner reasserts that the unauthorized act of Calo never
Filipinas Port Services, Inc. v. Go, 518 SCRA 453 (2007)
came to its knowledge, hence, it is not estopped from repudiating the
Deed of Assignment.
Lopez Realty v. Spouses Tanjangco, 739 SCRA 644 (2014)
CA ruled that bank ratified the assignment. Both the assignors Petitioner relies heavily, however, on the Court’s pronouncement in
(Aranda and Inland) and assignees (Abrantes and Hanil-Gonzales) in Yao Ka Sin Trading that it was incumbent uponInland to prove that
the subject deed of assignment have been major clients of Associated petitioner had clothed its account officer with apparent power to
Bank for several years with accounts amounting to millions of pesos. conform to the Deed of Assignment. This is without merit. In Yao Ka
For several years, Associated Bank had, either intentionally or Sin Trading, the respondent had shown by clear and convincing
negligently, been habitually clothing Calo with the apparent powers to evidence that its president was not authorized to undertake a
perform acts in behalf of the bank. The bank never made any attempt particular transaction. It presented its by-laws stating that only its
to repudiate the act of Calo until almost seven (7) years later, when board of directors has the power to enter into an agreement or
the Manager of the Cash Department of the bank, issued an INTER- contract of any kind. The company’s board of directors even forthwith
OFFICE MEMORANDUM dated May 20, 1985 which pertinently issued a resolution to repudiate the contract. Thus, it was only after
reads: “Conforme of Associated Bank signed by Lionel Calo Jr. has the company successfully discharged its burden that the other party
no bearing since he has no authority to sign for the bank as he was had to prove that indeed the cement company had clothed its
only an account officer with no signing authority” president with the apparent power to execute the contract by evidence
of similar acts executed in its favor or in favor of other parties.
ISSUE: Did the bank ratified the deed of assignment through its
account officer? The Court’s directive in Yao Ka Sin Trading is that a corporation
should first prove by clear evidence that its corporate officer is not in
HELD: YES. PETITION DENIED fact authorized to act on its behalf before the burden of evidence
shifts to the other party to prove, by previous specific acts, that an
The general rule remains that, in the absence of authority from the officer was clothed by the corporation with apparent authority.
board of directors, no person, not even its officers, can validly bind a
corporation. If a corporation, however, consciously lets one of its Petitioner - bank failed to discharge its primary burden of proving that
officers, or any other agent, to act within the scope of an apparent Calo was not authorized to bind it, as it did not present proof that Calo
authority, it will be estopped from denying such officer’s authority. was unauthorized. It did not present, much less cite, any Resolution
from its Board of Directors or its Charter or By-laws from which the
The records show that Calo was the one assigned to transact on Court could reasonably infer that he indeed had no authority to sign in
petitioner’s behalf respecting the loan transactions and arrangements its behalf or bind it in the Deed of Assignment. The inter-office
of Inland as well as those of Hanil-Gonzales and Abrantes. Since it memorandum stating that Calo had "no signing authority" remains
conducted business through Calo, who is an Account Officer, it is self-serving as it does not even form part of petitioner’s body of
presumed that he had authority to sign for the bank in the Deed of evidence.
Assignment.Further, assignee Abrantes even notified petitioner about
Respondent Antonio Tan (Tan) was formerly the President while On appeal, the CA held that the petitioners failed to prove by
respondent Uy Seng Kee Willy (Uy) is the Treasurer of Arma Traders, preponderance of evidence the existence of the purchases on credit
a domestic corporation engaged in the wholesale and distribution of and loans.
school, office supplies and novelty products. They represented Arma
Traders when dealing with its supplierang, Advance Paper, for about Issue: Whether Arma Traders is liable to pay the loans applying the
14 years. doctrine of apparent authority.
On the other hand, respondents Manuel Ting, Cheng Gui and Ruling: YES
Benjamin Ng worked for Arma Traders as Vice President, General
Manager and Corporate Secretary, respectively. The doctrine of apparent authority provides that a corporation will be
estopped from denying the agent’s authority if it knowingly permits
On various dates from Sep to Dec 1994, Arma Traders purchased on one of its officers or any other agent to act within the scope of an
credit notebooks and other paper products amounting to apparent authority, and it holds him out to the public as possessing
P7,533,001.49 from Advance Paper. the power to do those acts. The doctrine of apparent authority does
not apply if the principal did not commit any acts or conduct which a
Upon the representation of Tan and Uy, Arma Traders also obtained third party knew and relied upon in good faith as a result of the
3 loans from Advance Paper in Nov 1994 in the total amount of exercise of reasonable prudence. Moreover, the agent’s acts or
P7,788,796.76. Because of its good business relations with Arma conduct must have produced a change of position to the third party’s
Traders, Advance Paper extended the loans. detriment.
As payment for the purchases on credit and the loan transactions, Inasmuch as a corporate president is often given general
Arma Traders issued 82 postdated checks payable to cash or to supervision and control over corporate operations, the strict rule that
In the present petition, we do not agree with the CA’s findings that WHEREFORE, premises considered, we GRANT the petition.
Arma Traders is not liable to pay the loans due to the lack of board
resolution authorizing Tan and Uy to obtain the loans. To begin with,
Arma Traders’ Articles of Incorporation provides that the corporation
may borrow or raise money to meet the financial requirements of Montelibano v. Bacolod-Murcia Miling Co., 5 SCRA 36 (1962)
its business by the issuance of bonds, promissory notes and other
evidence of indebtedness. Likewise, it states that Tan and Uy are Facts: Plaintiffs-appellants, Alfredo Montelibano, Alejandro
not just ordinary corporate officers and authorized bank signatories Montelibano, and the Limited co-partnership Gonzaga and Company,
because they are also Arma Traders’ incorporators along with had been and are sugar planters adhered to the defendant-appellee’s
respondents Ng and Ting, and Pedro Chao. Furthermore, the sugar central mill under identical milling contracts. Originally executed
respondents, through Ng who is Arma Traders’ corporate secretary, in 1919, said contracts were stipulated to be in force for 30 years
incorporator, stockholder and director, testified that the sole starting with the 1920-21 crop, and provided that the resulting product
management of Arma Traders was left to Tan and Uy and that he should be divided in the ratio of 45% for the mill and 55% for the
and the other officers never dealt with the business and planters. Sometime in 1936, it was proposed to execute amended
Issue: WON the board resolution is an ultra vires act and in effect a A corporation can act only through its officers and agents, and where
donation from the board of directors? the business itself involves a violation of the law, all who participate in
it are liable
Held: No. There can be no doubt that the directors of the appellee In case of State vs. Burnam (71 Wash., 199), the court hold that the
company had authority to modify the proposed terms of the Amended manager of a dairy corporation was criminally liable for the violation of
Milling Contract for the purpose of making its terms more acceptable a statute by the corporation though he was not present when the
to the other contracting parties. As the resolution in question was offense was committed.
passed in good faith by the board of directors, it is valid and binding,
and whether or not it will cause losses or decrease the profits of the In the present case the information alleges that the defendant was the
central, the court has no authority to review them. Whether the manager of a corporation which was engaged in business as a
business of a corporation should be operated at a loss during merchant, and as such manager, he made a false return, for purposes
depression, or close down at a smaller loss, is a purely business and of taxation, of the total amount of sales made by said corporation
economic problem to be determined by the directors of the during the year 1924. As the filing of such false return constitutes a
corporation and not by the court. The appellee Bacolod-Murcia Milling violation of law, the defendant, as the author of the illegal act, must
Company is, under the terms of its Resolution of August 20, 1936, necessarily answer for its consequences, provided that the allegations
duty bound to grant similar increases to plaintiffs-appellants herein. are proven.
People v. Chowdury, 325 SCRA 572 (2000) Citing the second sentence of the last paragraph of Section 6 of RA
8042, accused-appellant contends that he may not be held liable for
FACTS: the offense as he was merely an employee of Craftrade and he only
performed the tasks assigned to him by his superiors. He argues that
In November 1995, Bulu Chowdury and Josephine Ong were charged the ones who should be held liable for the offense are the officers
before the Regional Trial Court of Manila with the crime of illegal having control, management and direction of the agency.
recruitment in large scale. Complainants are Aser Sasis, Estrella
Calleja, and Melvin Miranda. Complainants testified that despite As stated in the first sentence of Section 6 of RA 8042, the persons
compliance with the requirement of Craftrade (recruitment who may be held liable for illegal recruitment are the principals,
agency) they were not deployed and their payments were not accomplices and accessories. An employee of a company or
reimbursed. corporation engaged in illegal recruitment may be held liable as
principal, together with his employer,24 if it is shown that he actively
Chowdury testified that he worked as an interviewer at Craftrade. and consciously participated in illegal recruitment.25 It has been
He was just a mere employee who followed the instructions held that the existence of the corporate entity does not shield from
given by his superiors. prosecution the corporate agent who knowingly and intentionally
causes the corporation to commit a crime.
ISSUE: W/N Chowdury is liable for illegal recruitment in large scale.
Evidence shows that accused-appellant interviewed private
RULING: complainants in the months of June, August and September in 1994
at Craftrade's office. At that time, he was employed as interviewer of
NO. The elements of illegal recruitment in large scale are: Craftrade which was then operating under a temporary authority given
by the POEA pending renewal of its license. 29 The temporary license
(1) The accused undertook any recruitment activity defined under included the authority to recruit workers. He was convicted based on
Article 13 (b) or any prohibited practice enumerated under Article 34 the fact that he was not registered with the POEA as employee of
of the Labor Code; Craftrade. Neither was he, in his personal capacity, licensed to recruit
overseas workers. Section 10 Rule II Book II of the Rules and
(2) He did not have the license or authority to lawfully engage in the Regulation Governing Overseas Employment (1991) requires that
recruitment and placement of workers; and every change, termination or appointment of officers, representatives
and personnel of licensed agencies be registered with the POEA.
(3) He committed the same against three or more persons, Agents or representatives appointed by a licensed recruitment agency
individually or as a group.18c whose appointments are not previously approved by the POEA are
considered "non-licensee " or "non-holder of authority" and therefore
The last paragraph of Section 6 of Republic Act (RA) 8042 states who not authorized to engage in recruitment activity.
shall be held liable for the offense, thus:
8. ID.; ID.; WHETHER THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ARE The failure of person to turn over the proceeds of the sale of the
BENEFITED BY THEIR DELICTUAL ACTS IS NOT A TOUCHSTONE goods covered by the trust receipt to the entruster or to return
OF THEIR CRIMINAL LIABILITY; BENEFIT IS NOT AN OPERATIVE said goods, if not sold, is a public nuisance to be abated by the
FACT OF THE OFFENSE. — A crime is the doing of that which the imposition of penal sanctions
penal code forbids to be done, or omitting to do what it commands. A
necessary part of the definition of every crime is the designation of the Facts: Ching was the Senior Vice-President of Philippine Blooming
author of the crime upon whom the penalty is to be inflicted. When a Mills, Inc. (PBMI). Sometime in September to October 1980, PBMI,
criminal statute designates an act of a corporation or a crime and through petitioner, applied with the Rizal Commercial Banking
prescribes punishment therefor, it creates a criminal offense which, Corporation (respondent bank) for the issuance of commercial letters
otherwise, would not exist and such can be committed only by the of credit to finance its importation of assorted goods. Under the
corporation. But when a penal statute does not expressly apply to receipts, petitioner agreed to hold the goods in trust for the said bank,
corporations, it does not create an offense for which a corporation with authority to sell but not by way of conditional sale, pledge or
may be punished. On the other hand, if the State, by statute, defines a otherwise; and in case such goods were sold, to turn over the
crime that may be committed by a corporation but prescribes the proceeds thereof as soon as received, to apply against the relative
penalty therefor to be suffered by the officers, directors, or employees acceptances and payment of other indebtedness to respondent bank.
of such corporation or other persons responsible for the offense, only In case the goods remained unsold within the specified period, the
such individuals will suffer such penalty. Corporate officers or goods were to be returned to respondent bank without any need of
employees, through whose act, default or omission the corporation demand. Thus, said “goods, manufactured products or proceeds
commits a crime, are themselves individually guilty of the crime. The thereof, whether in the form of money or bills, receivables, or
principle applies whether or not the crime requires the consciousness accounts separate and capable of identification” were respondent
of wrongdoing. It applies to those corporate agents who themselves bank’s property. When the trust receipts matured, petitioner failed to
commit the crime and to those, who, by virtue of their managerial return the goods to respondent bank, or to return their value
positions or other similar relation to the corporation, could be deemed amounting to P6,940,280.66 despite demands. Thus, the bank filed a
responsible for its commission, if by virtue of their relationship to the criminal complaint for estafa6 against petitioner in the Office of the
corporation, they had the power to prevent the act. Moreover, all City Prosecutor of Manila.
ISSUE: W/N Ching should be held criminally liable. § law specifically makes the officers, employees or other officers
or persons responsible for the offense, without prejudice to the
HELD: YES. DENIED for lack of merit civil liabilities of such corporation and/or board of directors,
officers, or other officials or employees responsible for the offense
After leaving the premises of REGASCO LPG Refilling Plant in As to the charge of unfair competition, Section 168.3, in relation to
Malabon, De Jemil and the other NBI operatives proceeded to the NBI Section 170, of R.A. No. 8293, unfair competition has been defined as
headquarters for the proper marking of the LPG cylinders. The LPG the passing off (or palming off) or attempting to pass off upon the
cylinders refilled by REGASCO were likewise found later to be public of the goods or business of one person as the goods or
underrefilled. business of another with the end and probable effect of deceiving the
Thus, on March 5, 2004, De Jemil applied for the issuance of search
warrants in the Regional Trial Court, Branch 24, in the City of Manila Passing off (or palming off) takes place where the defendant, by
against the private respondents. imitative devices on the general appearance of the goods, misleads
prospective purchasers into buying his merchandise under the
DOJ RULING: DISMISSED THE COMPLAINT. MERE REFILLING IS impression that they are buying that of his competitors. Thus, the
NOT PER SE A VIOLATION OF IP CODE. defendant gives his goods the general appearance of the goods of his
In the present case, respondents pertinently observed that by refilling Emilio Cano Enterprises v. CIR, 13 SCRA 291 (1965)
and selling LPG cylinders bearing their registered marks, petitioners
are selling goods by giving them the general appearance of goods of FACTS:
another manufacturer.
In a complaint for unfair labor practice filed before the Court of
What’s more, the CA correctly pointed out that there is a showing that Industrial Relations on June 6, 1956, Emilio, Ariston and Rodolfo, all
the consumers may be misled into believing that the LPGs contained surnamed Cano, were made respondents in their capacity as
in the cylinders bearing the marks “GASUL” and “SHELLANE” are president and proprietor, field supervisor and manager, respectively,
those goods or products of the petitioners when, in fact, they are not. of Emilio Cano Enterprises, Inc.
Obviously, the mere use of those LPG cylinders bearing the
trademarks “GASUL” and “SHELLANE” will give the LPGs sold by After trial, Emilio Cano and Rodolfo Cano were found guilty of the
REGASCO the general appearance of the products of the petitioners. unfair labor practice and were ordered, jointly and severally, to
reinstate Honorata Cruz, to her former position with payment of
In sum, this Court finds that there is sufficient evidence to warrant the backwages from the time of her dismissal up to her reinstatement,
prosecution of petitioners for trademark infringement and unfair together with all other rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.
competition, considering that petitioner Republic Gas Corporation, Emilio Cano died on November 14, 1958
being a corporation, possesses a personality separate and distinct
from the person of its officers, directors and stockholders. Petitioners, In the attempt to have the case dismissed against Emiliano, the case
being corporate officers and/or directors, through whose act, default was appealed to the court enbanc, which in affirmed the questioned
or omission the corporation commits a crime, may themselves be decision.
individually held answerable for the crime. Veritably, the CA
appropriately pointed out that petitioners, being in direct control and An order of execution was issued directed against the properties of
supervision in the management and conduct of the affairs of the Emilio Cano Enterprises, Inc. instead of those of the respondents
corporation, must have known or are aware that the corporation is named in the decision, hence petitioner filed an ex parte motion to
engaged in the act of refilling LPG cylinders bearing the marks of the quash the writ on the ground that the judgment sought to be
respondents without authority or consent from the latter which, under enforced was not rendered against it which is a juridical entity
the circumstances, could probably constitute the crimes of trademark separate and distinct from its officials. This motion was denied.
infringement and unfair competition. The existence of the corporate
entity does not shield from prosecution the corporate agent who ISSUE: Can the judgment rendered against Emilio and Rodolfo Cano
knowingly and intentionally caused the corporation to commit a crime. in their capacity as officials of the corporation Emilio Cano
Thus, petitioners cannot hide behind the cloak of the separate Enterprises, Inc. be made effective against the property of the
corporate personality of the corporation to escape criminal liability. A corporation which was not a party to the case? YES. PETITION
corporate officer cannot protect himself behind a corporation where he DENIED.
is the actual, present and efficient actor.
A factor that should not be overlooked is that Emilio and Rodolfo Petitioner’s co-defendant in the courts below, Inland Industries Inc.,
Cano are here indicted, not in their private capacity, but as president just as in the case of petitioner’s motion to reconsider the questioned
and manager, respectively, of Emilio Cano Enterprises, Inc. Having decision, chose not to join him in this appeal.
been sued officially their connection with the case must be deemed to
be impressed with the representation of the corporation. In fact, the Issue: (submitted by the Petitioner Jacinto)
court's order is for them to reinstate Honorata Cruz to her former
position in the corporation and incidentally pay her the wages she had Whether the CA can validly pierce the fiction of corporate identity of
been deprived of during her separation. Verily, the order against them the defendant Inland Industries, Inc.
is in effect against the corporation. No benefit can be attained if this
case were to be remanded to the court a quo merely in response to a Ruling: YES. Petition is bereft of merit.
technical substitution of parties for such would only cause an
unwarranted delay that would work to Honorata's prejudice. This is The Veil of corporate fiction may be pierced when made as a shield to
contrary to the spirit of the law which enjoins a speedy adjudication of perpetuate fraud and/or confuse legitimate issues.
labor cases disregarding as much as possible the technicalities of
procedure. We, therefore, find unmeritorious the relief herein prayed In this case, the conflicting statements by defendant Jacinto place in
for. extreme doubt his credibility anent his alleged participation in said
transactions and We are thus persuaded to agree with the findings of
Roberto Jacinto v. Court of Appeals and Metropolitan Bank, 198 the lower court that the latter (Roberto Jacinto) was practically the
SCRA 211 (1991) corporation itself. We cannot accept as true the assertion of defendant
Jacinto that he only acted in his official capacity as President and
Thus it held that ‘when the veil of corporate fiction is made as a shield Issue: WON the Orientalist Co. is liable for the acts of its treasurer,
to perpetuate fraud and/or confuse legitimate issues, the same should Fernandez?
be pierced.’ (Republic vs. Razon, etc). Almost in the same vein is the
dictum enunciated by the same court in the case of Commissioner of
Held: Yes. It will be observed that Ramon J. Fernandez was the
Internal Revenue vs. Norton & Harrison Co., that ‘Where a corporation
particular officer and member of the board of directors who was most
is merely an adjunct, business conduit or alter ego, the fiction of
active in the effort to secure the films for the corporation. The
separate and distinct corporate entity should be disregarded.’
negotiations were conducted by him with the knowledge and consent
WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, the Petition is DISMISSED with costs of other members of the board; and the contract was made with their
against petitioner. prior approval. In the light of all the circumstances of the case, we are
of the opinion that the contracts in question were thus inferentially
SO ORDERED. approved by the company’s board of directors and that the company
is bound unless the subsequent failure of the stockholders to approve
Ramirez v. Orientalist Co., 38 Phil. 634 (1918) said contracts had the effect of abrogating the liability thus created.
Facts: Orientalist Company was engaged in the business of Richard K. Toms v. Samuel N. Rodriguez, 761 SCRA
maintaining and conducting a theatre in the city of Manila for the 679 (2015); 797 SCRA 60 (2016)
exhibition of cinematographic films. engaged in the business of FACTS:
marketing films for a manufacturer or manufacturers, there engaged in
the production or distribution of cinematographic material. In this Golden Dragon International Terminals, Inc. (GDITI) is the exclusive
enterprise the plaintiff was represented in the city of Manila by his Shore Reception Facility (SRF) Service Provider of the Philippine
son, Jose Ramirez. The directors of the Orientalist Company became Ports Authority (PPA) tasked to collect, treat, and dispose of all ship
apprised of the fact that the plaintiff in Paris had control of the
Petitioner Woodchild Holdings, Inc. (WHI) wanted to buy the Lot on HELD: No.
which it planned to construct its warehouse building, and a portion of
the adjoining lot, so that its 45-foot container van would be able to Generally, the acts of the corporate officers within the scope of their
readily enter or leave the property. authority are binding on the corporation. However, under Article 1910
of the New Civil Code, acts done by such officers beyond the scope of
On September 5, 1991, a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of WHI was their authority cannot bind the corporation unless it has ratified such
issued, under which the Lot was sold for P5,000,000, receipt of which acts expressly or tacitly, or is estopped from denying them.
was acknowledged by Roxas under the following terms and
conditions: Thus, contracts entered into by corporate officers beyond the scope of
authority are unenforceable against the corporation unless ratified by
The Vendor agree (sic), as it hereby agrees and binds itself to give the corporation.
Vendee the beneficial use of and a right of way from Sumulong
Highway to the property herein conveyed consists of 25 square Evidently, Roxas was not specifically authorized under the said
meters wide to be used as the latter's egress from and ingress to and resolution to grant a right of way in favor of the petitioner on a portion
an additional 25 square meters in the corner of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 or to agree to sell to the petitioner a portion
as turning and/or maneuvering area for Vendee's vehicles. thereof. The authority of Roxas, under the resolution, to sell Lot No.
491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086 did not include the authority
The Vendor agrees that in the event that the right of way is insufficient to sell a portion of the adjacent lot, Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, or to create
for the Vendee's use (ex entry of a 45-foot container) the Vendor or convey real rights thereon. Neither may such authority be implied
agrees to sell additional square meters from its current adjacent from the authority granted to Roxas to sell Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 to the
property to allow the Vendee full access and full use of the property. petitioner "on such terms and conditions which he deems most
reasonable and advantageous."
the respondent posits that Roxas was not so authorized under the
May 17, 1991 Resolution of its Board of Directors to impose a burden The general rule is that the power of attorney must be pursued within
or to grant a right of way in favor of the petitioner on Lot No. 491-A-3- legal strictures, and the agent can neither go beyond it; nor beside it.
B-1, much less convey a portion thereof to the petitioner. Hence, the The act done must be legally identical with that authorized to be
respondent was not bound by such provisions contained in the deed done.30 In sum, then, the consent of the respondent to the assailed
of absolute sale. provisions in the deed of absolute sale was not obtained; hence, the
assailed provisions are not binding on it.
There can be no apparent authority of an agent without acts or
Whether or not the respondent is bound by the provisions in the deed conduct on the part of the principal and such acts or conduct of the
of absolute sale granting to the petitioner beneficial use and a right of principal must have been known and relied upon in good faith and as
way over a portion of Lot accessing to the Sumulong Highway and a result of the exercise of reasonable prudence by a third person as
WQPP Marketing Communications, v. Galera, 616 SCRA 422 • 3 Jan 2001 – Galera filed a complaint for illegal dismissal,
(2010) holiday pay, SIL, 13th month pay, incentive plan, actual & moral
damages, & attorney’s fees against WPP.
• Galera is an American citizen offered by WPP-Worldwide to
work in the Philippines for WPP Marketing Communications, Inc. • LA Granted & held WPP liable for illegal dismissal &
(WPP), which the former accepted. damages. Also, that Galera was denied due process –i.e. WPP
failed to observe the 2-Notice Rule.
7. Attends, testifies and produces in Court or in administrative bodies Not only do the tasks listed point to sensitive and confidential acts that
duly certified copies of Board resolutions, whenever required; the corporate secretary must perform, they also include "such other
functions as the Board may direct and/or require," a clear indication of
8. Undertakes the necessary physical preparations for scheduled a closely intimate relationship that exists between the secretary and
Board meetings; the board. In such a highly acquainted relation, great trust and
confidence between appointer and appointee is required.
9. Pays honoraria of the members of the Board who attend Board
meetings; Manuel A. Torres, Jr., (Deceased), Graciano J. Tobias, Rodolfo L.
Jocson, Jr., et al v. CA, SEC, Tormil Realty & Development
10. Takes custody of the corporate seal and safeguards against Corporation, et al. (1997)
unauthorized use; and
Facts: The late Manuel A. Torres, Jr. (Judge Torres) was the majority
11. Performs such other functions as the Board may direct and/or stockholder of Tormil Realty & Development Corporation while private
require. respondents who are the children of Judge Torres’ deceased brother
Antonio A. Torres, constituted the minority stockholders.
The nature of the duties and functions attached to the position points
to its highly confidential character. The secretary reports directly to the In 1984, Judge Torres, in order to make substantial savings in taxes,
board of directors, without an intervening officer in between them. In adopted an “estate planning” scheme under which he assigned to
such an arrangement, the board expects from the secretary nothing Tormil Realty & Development Corporation (Tormil) various real
less than the highest degree of honesty, integrity and loyalty, which is properties he owned and his shares of stock in other corporations in
crucial to maintaining between them "freedom of intercourse without exchange for 225,972 Tormil Realty shares.
embarrassment or freedom from misgivings or betrayals of personal
trust or confidential matters of state.
Noting the disappearance of the Makati and Pasay City properties SEC en banc: denied petitioners’ claims
from the corporation’s inventory of assets and financial records
private respondents were constrained to file a complaint with the The CA dismissed and the appealed decision
SEC to compel Judge Torres to deliver to Tormil corporation the
2 deeds of assignment covering the aforementioned Makati and Issue: Whether a corporate secretary should not register assignments
Pasay City properties which he had unilaterally revoked and to in the stock and transfer book when the latter belongs to the opposite
cause the registration of the corresponding titles in the name of faction in the corporation.
Ruling: NO.
The second controversy—involving the same parties— concerned the
election of the 1987 corporate board of directors. Heated arguments It is the corporate secretary’s duty and obligation to register valid
then ensued which also touched on family matters. transfers of stocks and if said corporate officer refuses to comply, the
transferor-stockholder may rightfully bring suit to compel performance.
When the Chairman called for the election of directors, the Secretary In other words, there are remedies within the law that petitioners could
refused to write down the names of nominees prompting Atty. Azura have availed of, instead of taking the law in their own hands, as the
to initiate the appointment of Atty. Jocson, Jr. as Acting Secretary. cliché goes.
Go Fay & Company filed its answer contending that SEC had no DOCTRINE: before any labor tribunal takes cognizance of termination
jurisdiction to entertain the complaint on the ground that since Lim Tay disputes, it must first have jurisdiction over the action. The Labor
was not a stockholder of the company, no intra corporate controversy Arbiter and the National Labor Relations Commission only exercise
took place; and furthermore, that the default of payment of Sy Guiok jurisdiction over termination disputes between an employer and an
and Sy Lim did not automatically vest in Lim Tay the ownership of the employee. They do not exercise jurisdiction over termination disputes
pledged shares. between a corporation and a corporate officer.
Malcaba, Nepomuceno, Palit-Ang, and Adona separately filed Malcaba, Nepomuceno, and Palit-Ang moved for reconsideration but
Complaints before the Labor Arbiter for illegal dismissal, nonpayment were denied in a Resolution38 dated September 10, 2013. Hence,
of salaries and 13th month pay, damages, and attorney's fees. this Petition39 was filed before this Court.
The Labor Arbiter found that Malcaba was constructively dismissed. Petitioners argue that the Court of Appeals should have dismissed
He found that ProHealth never controverted the allegation that Del outright the Petition for Certiorari since respondents failed to post a
Castillo made it difficult for Malcaba to effectively fulfill his duties. He genuine appeal bond before the National Labor Relations
likewise ruled that ProHealth's insistence that Malcaba's leave of Commission. They allege that when Sheriff Ramon Nonato P. Dayao
absence in October 2007 was an act of resignation was false since attempted to enforce the judgment award against the appeal bond, he
Malcaba continued to perform his duties as President through was informed that the appeal bond procured by respondents did not
December 2007. appear in the records of Alpha Insurance and Surety Company, Inc.
(Alpha Insurance). They also claim that respondents were notified by
The Labor Arbiter declared that Nepomuceno's failure to state the the National Labor Relations Commission four (4) times that their
actual date of his flight was an excusable mistake on his part, appeal bond was not genuine, showing that respondents did not
considering that this was his first infraction in his nine (9) years of comply with the requirement in good faith.
service. He noted that no administrative proceedings were conducted
before Nepomuceno's dismissal, thereby violating his right to due ISSUES:
(1) whether or not the Labor Arbiter and National Labor Relations
Palit-Ang's dismissal was also found to have been illegal as delay in Commission had jurisdiction over petitioner Nicanor F.
complying with a lawful order was not tantamount to disobedience. Malcaba's termination dispute considering the allegation that he
The Labor Arbiter further noted that delay in giving a cash advance for was a corporate officer, and not a mere employee; (PERTINENT
car maintenance would not have affected the company's operations. ISSUE)
He declared that Palit-Ang's dismissal was too harsh of a penalty.
(2) whether or not petitioner Christian C. Nepomuceno was validly
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered dismissed for willful breach of trust when he failed to inform
declaring that complainants were illegally dismissed by respondents. respondents ProHealth Pharma Philippines, Inc., Generoso R. Del
Castillo, Jr., and Dante M. Busto of the actual dates of his vacation
leave; and
RULING: Nepomuceno turned over all of his pending work to a reliever before
he left for Malaysia. He was able to reach his sales quota and surpass
(1) Finding that petitioner Malcaba is the President of respondent his sales target even before taking his vacation leave. Respondents
corporation and a corporate officer, any issue on his alleged dismissal did not suffer any financial damage as a result of his absence. This
is beyond the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter or the National Labor was also petitioner Nepomuceno's first infraction in his nine (9) years
Relations Commission. Their adjudication on his money claims is void of service with respondents.101 None of these circumstances
for lack of jurisdiction. As a matter of equity, petitioner Malcaba must, constitutes a willful breach of trust on his part. The penalty of
therefore, return all amounts received as judgment award pending dismissal, thus, was too severe for this kind of infraction.
final adjudication of his claims. This Court's dismissal of petitioner
Malcaba's claims, however, is without prejudice to his filing of the (3) Article 297 [282] of the Labor Code, an employer may terminate
appropriate case in the proper forum. the services of an employee who commits willful disobedience of the
lawful orders of the employer:
Effective on August 8, 2000, upon the passage of Republic Act No.
8799, otherwise known as The Securities Regulation Code, the SEC's Article 297. [282] Termination by Employer. — An employer may
jurisdiction over all intra-corporate disputes was transferred to the terminate an employment for any of the following causes:
RTC, pursuant to Section 5.2 of RA No. 8799.
(a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the
(2) Nepomuceno was not validly dismissed. lawful orders of his employer or representative in connection with his
Article 294 [279] of the Labor Code provides that an employer may
terminate the services of an employee only upon just or authorized There was no ill will between Gamboa and petitioner Palit-Ang.
causes.94 Article 297 [282] enumerates the just causes for Petitioner Palit-Ang's failure to immediately give the money to
termination, among which is "[f]raud or willful breach by the employee Gamboa was not the result of a perverse mental attitude but was
of the trust reposed in him by his employer or duly authorized merely because she was busy at the time. Neither did she profit from
representative[.]" her failure to immediately give the cash advance for the car tune-up
nor did respondents suffer financial damage by her failure to comply.
Loss of trust and confidence is a just cause to terminate either The severe penalty of dismissal was not commensurate to her
managerial employees or rank-and-file employees who regularly infraction.
handle large amounts of money or property in the regular exercise of
their functions. WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. Petitioner
Christian C. Nepomuceno and petitioner Laura Mae Fatima F. Palit-
For an act to be considered a loss of trust and confidence, it must be Ang are DECLARED to have been illegally dismissed. They are,
first, work-related, and second, founded on clearly established facts. therefore, entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights, or in
The breach of trust must likewise be willful, that is, "it is done
Facts: After his dismissal by Matling as its Vice President for Finance
As a general rule, the acts of corporate officers within the scope of and Administration, the respondent filed on August 10, 2000 a
their authority are binding on the corporation. But when these officers complaint for illegal suspension and illegal dismissal against Matling
exceed their authority, their actions, cannot bind the corporation, and some of its corporate officers (petitioners) in the NLRC, Sub-
unless it has ratified such acts as is estopped from disclaiming them.
Regional Arbitration Branch XII, Iligan City. The petitioners moved to
dismiss the complaint, raising the ground, among others, that the
Because Motorich had never given a written authorization to complaint pertained to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange
respondent Gruenbeg to sell its parcel of land, we hold that the Commission (SEC) due to the controversy being intracorporate
February 14, 1989 agreement entered into by the latter with petitioner inasmuch as the respondent was a member of Matlings Board of
is void under Article 1874 of the Civil Code. Being inexistent and void Directors aside from being its Vice-President for Finance and
from the beginning, said contract cannot be ratified. Administration prior to his termination. The respondent opposed the
petitioners motion to dismiss, insisting that his status as a member of
Matlings Board of Directors was doubtful, considering that he had not
The statutorily granted privilege of a corporate veil may be used only been formally elected as such; that he did not own a single share of
for legitimate purposes. On equitable consideration,the veil can be
stock in Matling, considering that he had been made to sign in blank
disregarded when it is utilized as a shield to commit fraud, illegality or
inequity, defeat public convenience; confuse legitimate issues; or an undated indorsement of the certificate of stock he had been given
serve as a mere alter ego or business conduit of a person or an in 1992; that Matling had taken back and retained the certificate of
instrumentality, agency or adjunct of another corporation. stock in its custody; and that even assuming that he had been a
Director of Matling, he had been removed as the Vice President for
Finance and Administration, not as a Director, a fact that the notice of
We stress that the corporate fiction should be set aside when it his termination dated April 10, 2000 showed. On October 16, 2000,
becomes a shield against liability for fraud, or an illegal act on inequity the LA granted the petitioners motion to dismiss, ruling that the
committed on third person. The question of piercing the veil of
respondent was a corporate officer because he was occupying the
corporate fiction is essentially, then a matter of proof. In the present
case, however, the court finds no reason to pierce the corporate veil position of Vice President for Finance and Administration and at the
of respondent Motorich. Petitioner utterly failed to establish the said same time was a Member of the Board of Directors of Matling; and
Moreover, the Board of Directors of Matling could not validly delegate On June 30, 1922, the board of directors of the corporation authorized
the purchase of, purchased and paid for, 330 shares of the capital
the power to create a corporate office to the President, in light of
stock of the corporation at the agreed price of P3,300, and that at the
Section 25 of the Corporation Code requiring the Board of Directors time the purchase was made, the corporation was indebted in the sum
itself to elect the corporate officers. Verily, the power to elect the of P13,807.50, and it had accounts receivable in the sum of
corporate officers was a discretionary power that the law exclusively P19,126.02. The officers and directors of the corporation also
vested in the Board of Directors, and could not be delegated to approved a resolution for the payment of P3,000 as dividends to its
subordinate officers or agents. The office of Vice President for stockholders. The board of directors acted on assumption that,
Finance and Administration created by Matlings President pursuant to because it appeared from the books of the corporation that it had
accounts receivable of the face value of P19,126.02, therefore it had a
By Law No. V was an ordinary, not a corporate, office.
surplus over and above its debts and liabilities.
The criteria for distinguishing between corporate officers who may be On September 11, 1923, when the petition was filed for the
ousted from office at will, on one hand, and ordinary corporate corporation’s dissolution on the ground of insolvency, its accounts
employees who may only be terminated for just cause, on the other payable was P9,241.19, and its accounts receivable P12,512.47, or
hand, do not depend on the nature of the services performed, but on an apparent asset of P3,271.28 over and above its liabilities.
However, there is no stipulation or finding of facts as to what was the
the manner of creation of the office. In the respondents case, he was
actual cash value of its accounts receivable. Neither is there any
supposedly at once an employee, a stockholder, and a Director of stipulation that those accounts or any part of them ever have been or
Matling. The circumstances surrounding his appointment to office will be collected, and it does appear that after the appointment of the
must be fully considered to determine whether the dismissal Receiver on February 28, 1924, he made diligent effort to collect
constituted an intra-corporate controversy or a labor termination them, but he was unable to do so.
dispute. We must also consider whether his status as Director and
stockholder had any relation at all to his appointment and subsequent On February 28, 1924, P12,512.47 of those accounts had but little, if
any, value, and in the purchase of its own stock to the amount of
dismissal as Vice President for Finance and Administration.
P3,300 and in declaring the dividends to the amount of P3,000, the
real assets of the corporation were diminished to P6,300. In other
Wesleyan University-Philippines v. Maglaya, Sr., 815 SCRA 171 words, that the corporation did not then have an actual bona fide
(2017) surplus from which the dividends could be paid, and that the payment
3) Whether Moldex is a member of Condocor. YES Nothing in the records showed that the alleged transfer made by Lim
was registered with the Register of Deeds of the City of Manila or was
4) May Moldex appoint duly authorized representatives who will reported to the corporation. Logically, until and unless the registration
exercise its membership rights, specifically the right to be voted as is effected, Lim remains to be the registered owner of the
corporate directors/officers? YES condominium unit and thus, continues to be a member of Condocor.
5) Can the individual respondents, who are nonmembers, be elected
as directors of Condocor? NO.
2. In nonstock corporations, quorum is determined by the
Ruling: majority of its actual members
1. YES. Section 90 of the Corporation Code states that In corporate parlance, the term “meeting” applies to every duly
membership in a nonstock corporation and all rights arising convened assembly either of stockholders, members, directors,
therefrom are personal and nontransferable, unless the trustees, or managers for any legal purpose, or the transaction of
articles of incorporation or the bylaws otherwise provide. A business of a common interest. Under Philippine corporate laws,
perusal of Condocor’s By-Laws as regards membership and meetings may either be regular or special.
transfer of rights or ownership over the unit reveal that:
A stockholders’ or members’ meeting must comply with the following
Membership in the CORPORATION is a mere appurtenance requisites to be valid:
of the ownership of any unit in the CONDOMINIUM and may
not therefore be sold, transferred or otherwise encumbered 1. The meeting must be held on the date fixed in the By- Laws or in
separately from the said unit. Any member who sells or accordance with law;
transfer his/her/its unit/s in the CONDOMINIUM shall
automatically cease to be a member of the
Membership in a condominium corporation, regardless of whether it is Section 58 of the Corporation Code mandates:
a stock or nonstock corporation, shall not be transferable separately
from the condominium unit of which it is an appurtenance. When a Section 58. Proxies.—Stockholders and members may vote in
member or stockholder ceases to own a unit in the project in which person or by proxy in all meetings of stockholders or members.
the condominium corporation owns or holds the common areas, he Proxies shall in writing, signed by the stockholder or member and filed
shall automatically cease to be a member or stockholder of the before the scheduled meeting with the corporate secretary. Unless
condominium corporation. otherwise provided in the proxy, it shall be valid only for the meeting
for which it is intended. No proxy shall be valid and effective for a
Although the Condominium Act provides for the minimum requirement period longer than 5 years at any one time.
for membership in a condominium corporation, a corporation’s articles
of incorporation or bylaws may provide for other terms of membership, Relative to the above provision is Section 1, Article II of Condocor’s
so long as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the law, the By-Laws, which grants registered owners the right to designate any
enabling or master deed, or the declaration of restrictions of the person or entity to represent them in Condocor, subject to the
condominium project. submission of a written notification to the Secretary of such
designation. Further, the owner’s representative is entitled to enjoy
Thus, law and jurisprudence dictate that ownership of a unit entitles and avail himself of all the rights and privileges, and perform all the
one to become a member of a condominium corporation. The duties and responsibilities of a member of the corporation. The law
Condominium Act does not provide a specific mode of acquiring and Condocor’s By-Laws evidently allow proxies in members’
ownership. Thus, whether one becomes an owner of a condominium meeting.
unit by virtue of sale or donation is of no moment.
Prescinding therefrom, Moldex had the right to send duly authorized
It is erroneous to argue that the ownership must result from a sale representatives to represent it during the questioned general
transaction between the owner-developer and the purchaser. Such membership meeting. Records showed that, pursuant to a Board
interpretation would mean that persons who inherited a unit, or have Resolution, as certified by Sandy T. Uy, corporate secretary of
been donated one, and properly transferred title in their names cannot Moldex, the individual respondents were instituted as Moldex’s
become members of a condominium corporation. representatives.
Under the said Agreement, petitioner, through her travel agency, will Consent
advance the payment of international airplane tickets in favor of the
Group on the assurance of the Group represented by Sr. Medalle Under Article 1330 of the Civil Code, consent may be vitiated by any
through Enriquez that there is a confirmed financial allocation from the of the following: (1) mistake, (2) violence, (3) intimidation, (4) undue
foundation-grantor. The second-party assignor assigned said amount influence, and (5) fraud. Under the same provision, the contract
in favor of petitioner. Petitioner paid for the Group's domestic and becomes voidable.Petitioner claims that Sr. Medalle knew fully well
international airplane tickets. the import of the MOA when she affixed her thumbmark therein while
respondent alleges that fraud was employed to induce Sr. Medalle to
Petitioner claimed that the second-party assignor/respondent and the affix her thumbmark. There is fraud when one party is induced by the
foundation-grantor have not paid and refused to pay their obligation other to enter into a contract, through and solely because of the
under the MOA. Petitioner prayed that they be ordered to solidarily latter's insidious words or machinations. But not all forms of fraud can
pay the amount representing the principal amount mentioned in the vitiate consent. Under Article 1330, fraud refers to dolo causante or
Agreement, moral, exemplary, and actual damages, legal fees, and causal fraud, in which, prior to or simultaneous with execution of a
cost of suit. contract, one party secures the consent of the other by using
deception, without which such consent would not have been given.
Respondent argued that the MOA on which petitioner based its cause
of action does not state that respondent is a party. Neither was Sr. Medalle claimed that she affixed her thumbmark on the MOA on
respondent obligated to pay the amount for the European Tour of the the basis of Enriquez's representation that her signature/thumbmark is
Group nor did it consent to complying with the terms of the MOA. necessary to facilitate the release of the loan. As intended, the affixing
Respondent asserted that the thumbmark of Sr. Medalle was secured of her thumbmark in fact caused the immediate release of the loan.
without her consent. Respondent maintained that since it was not a Petitioner's claim that the provisions of the MOA were read to Sr.
party to the MOA, it is not bound by the provisions stated therein. Medalle was found credible by the Court of Appeals. The Court of
Appeals discussed at length how proper care and caution was taken
RTC reconsidered its Order and issued a Writ of Attachment against by Atty. Belarmino to verify what the Groups's trip was all about and
respondent. In their Answer with Counterclaim, the extent of the authority of Sr. Medalle regarding the project. It
simply defies logic that Atty. Belarmino would employ fraud just so Sr.
Court of Appeals relieved respondent of any liability for petitioner's Medalle could affix her thumbmark to facilitate the release of the loan
monetary claims. coming from Atty. Belarmino himself.
w/o Sister Medalle freely gave her full consent to the MOA by Respondent's denial of privity to the loan contract was based on the
affixing her thumbmark YES w/o she is authorized by respondent following reasons: 1) that respondent's name does not appear on the
to enter into the MOA. YES MOA; 2) that Sr. Medalle was no longer the President of Holy Trinity
A few years later, or on 13 March 1991 the Villasis and Dimas Whether the grant of compensation to Salas, et. al. is proscribed
Enriquez filed an affidavit-complaint against Salas, et. al. before under Section 30 of the Corporation Code.
the Office of the City Prosecutor of Iloilo, as a result of which 2
separate criminal informations, one for falsification of a public Held:
document under Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code and the
other for estafa under Article 315, par. 1(b) of the RPC, were filed Directors or trustees, as the case may be, are not entitled to
before Branch 33 of the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo City. The salary or other compensation when they perform nothing more
charge for falsification of public document was anchored on than the usual and ordinary duties of their office. This rule is
Salas, et. al.'s submission of WIT's income statement for the founded upon a presumption that directors/trustees render
fiscal year 1985-1986 with the Securities and Exchange service gratuitously, and that the return upon their shares
CA – Affirmed
7. Agdao Landless Residents Assn. v. Maramion, 806 SCRA 74
Both Kahn and petitioner Sanchez appealed to the Court of Appeals. The DECS does not have to invoke the doctrine of piercing the veil of
The latter court gave due course to Sanchezs appeal but denied that corporate fiction. Section 31 above expressly lays down petitioner
of Kahn since it was filed out of time. On February 21, 2006 the Court Sanchez and Kahns liability for damages arising from their gross
of Appeals rendered judgment, wholly affirming the trial court’s negligence or bad faith in directing corporate affairs. The doctrine
decision,hence, this petition. mentioned, on the other hand, is an equitable remedy resorted to only
when the corporate fiction is used, among others, to defeat public
ISSUE: convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud or defend a crime.
Whether or not petitioner Sanchez, a director and chief executive Moreover, in a piercing case, the test is complete control or
officer of ULFI, can be held liable in damages under Section 31 of the domination, not only of finances, but of policy and business practice in
Corporation Code for gross neglect or bad faith in directing the respect of the transaction attacked. This is not the case here. Section
corporations affairs 31, under which this case was brought, makes a corporate director
who may or may not even be a stockholder or member accountable
Held: for his management of the affairs of the corporation.
Petitioner Sanchez claims that there is no ground for the courts below WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition and AFFIRMS the
to pierce the veil of corporate identity and hold him and Kahn, who February 21, 2006 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
were mere corporate officers, personally liable for ULFIs obligations to 83648 and its Resolution ofMay 29, 2006.
the DECS. But this is not a case of piercing the veil of corporate
fiction. The DECS brought its action against Sanchez and Kahn under 11. Tramat Mercantile, Inc. v. CA, 238 SCRA 14 (1994)
Section 31 of the Corporation Code, which should not be confused FACTS:
with actions intended to pierce the corporate fiction.
On 28 May 1985, de la Cuesta filed an action for the recovery of 4. He is made, by a specific provision of law, to personally answer for
P33,500.00. Ong, in his answer, averred, among other things, that de his corporate action.
la Cuesta had no cause of action; that the questioned transaction was
between plaintiff and Tramat Mercantile, Inc., and not with Ong in his
In the case at bench, there is no indication that petitioner David Ong
personal capacity; and that the payment of the check was stopped
could be held personally accountable under any of the
because the subject tractor had been priced as a brand new, not as a
abovementioned cases.
reconditioned unit.
12. McLeod v. NLRC, 512 SCRA 222 (2007)
Trial court held Tramat and Ong jointly and severally liable to de la
ISSUE: W/N Ong is jointly and severally liable with Tramat to de la On February 2, 1995, John F. McLeod filed a complaint for
Cuesta. retirement benefits, vacation and sick leave benefits and other
benefits against Filipinas Synthetic Corporation (Filsyn), Far
Eastern Textile Mills, Inc., Sta. Rosa Textiles, Inc., Complainant
was the former VP and Plant Manager of Peggy Mills, Inc.; that he
NO. Ong had there so acted, not in his personal capacity, but as an was hired in June 1980 and Peggy Mills closed operations due to
officer of a corporation, TRAMAT, with a distinct and separate irreversible losses but its assets were acquired by Sta. Rosa
personality. As such, it should only be the corporation, not the person Textile Corporation complainant was hired by Sta. Rosa Textile
acting for and on its behalf, that properly could be made liable but he resigned and that while complainant was Vice President
thereon. and Plant Manager of Peggy Mills, the union staged a strike up to
July 1992 resulting in closure of operations due to irreversible
Personal liability of a corporate director, trustee or officer along losses as per Notice .The complainant was relied upon to settle
(although not necessarily) with the corporation may so validly attach, the labor problem but due to his lack of attention and absence the
as a rule, only when — strike continued resulting in closure of the company. Mcleod
contends that the corporations are solidarily liable. On 3 April
Omico Corporation (Omico) is a company whose shares of FIRST ISSUE: None.
stock are listed and traded in the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.
Astra Securities Corporation (Astra) is one of the stockholders of The Court held that when proxies are solicited in relation to
Omico owning about 18% of the latter’s outstanding capital stock. the election of corporate directors, the resulting controversy, even if it
ostensibly raised the violation of the SEC rules on proxy solicitation,
Omico scheduled its annual stockholders’ meeting on 3 should be properly seen as an election controversy within the original
November 2008. It set the deadline for submission of proxies on 23 and exclusive jurisdiction of the trial courts by virtue of Section 5.2 of
October 2008 and the validation of proxies on 25 October 2008. the SRC. Hence, the jurisdiction is still with the Special Commercial
Astra objected to the validation of the proxies issued in favor
of Tia, representing about 38% of the outstanding capital stock of An election contest covers any controversy or dispute
Omico. Astra also objected to the inclusion of the proxies issued in involving the validation of proxies, in general. Thus, it can only refer to
favor of Tia and/or Martin Buncio, representing about 2% of the all the beneficial purposes that validation of proxies can bring about
outstanding capital stock of Omico. when made in connection with a forthcoming election of directors.
Thus, there is no point in making distinctions between who has
jurisdiction before and who has jurisdiction after the election of
Astra maintained that the proxy issuers, who were brokers, directors, as all controversies related thereto – whether before, during
did not obtain the required express written authorization of their clients or after – shall be passed upon by regular courts as provided by law.
when they issued the proxies in favor of Tia. In so doing, the issuers
were allegedly in violation of SRC Rules. Furthermore, the proxies
issued in favor of Tia exceeded, thereby giving rise to the presumption SECOND ISSUE: No.
of solicitation thereof under said rules. Tia did not also comply with the
rules on proxy solicitation, in violation of the SRC.
FACTS: But the real motive of the petitioners could not have escaped the trial
court's notice, being readily discernible from a perusal of the Second
Nationwide Development Corporation is a domestic corporation which Cause of Action of their complaint, which reads:
is a holder of Mining Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) with
DENR. Its regular annual stockholders’ meeting was held in August 15. One of the cardinal rights of a stockholder is the right to participate
15, 2011 to elect its Board of Directors. But on October 20, 2011, in the control and management of the corporation. This right is
petitioners filed a complaint before the RTC to declare the meeting exercised through his vote. The right to vote is a right inherent in and
and all acts carried on pursuant thereto null and void contending that incidental to the ownership of corporate stock, and as such is a
they received the notice for the meeting only on August 16, 2011 property right. The stockholder cannot be deprived of the right to vote
which is a violation of the 3-day notice rule as provided in the by-laws. his stock nor may the right be essentially impaired, either by the
legislature or by the corporation, without his consent, though
Respondents contended that their complaint is an election contest amending the charter, or the by-laws.
hence already barred under the 15-day rule in the Interim Rules
16. The right to choose the persons who will direct, manage and
RTC - null and void. Complaint was not an election contest operate the corporation is significant because it is the primary way in
which a stockholder can have a voice in the management of corporate
CA – Reversed affair x x x. The right to choose these persons is exercised through
the voting process. This right is enshrined in Article I, Section 6 of
Issue: Whether the petitioners’ complaint is an election contest NADECO[R]'s amended by-laws, which provides that "(a)t all
subject to the 15-day rule meetings of the Stockholders, each Stockholder shall be entitled to
one vote for each share of stock owned by him.
The fallo of the trial court's Order 114 dated December 21, 2011
The case is time-barred because it involves an election contest appears to be carefully worded as to avoid seeming to direct the
and therefore is subject to the 15-day prescription period. holding of a new election of the members of the Board of Directors of
NADECOR for FY2011-2012, and thus be consistent with its ruling
Claiming to be stockholders of record who were denied due notice of that SEC Case No. 11-164 is not an election contest. The trial court
NADECOR's August 15, 2011 ASM, the petitioners filed the reasoned:
Complaint111 in SEC Case No. 11-164 purportedly to void and nullify
"the August 15, 2011 [ASM] of NADECO[R], including all proceedings Contrary to defendants' claims, none of the plaintiffs is claiming any
taken thereat, all the consequences thereof, and all acts carried out elective office in NADECOR. Neither are they questioning the manner
People v. Dumlao, 580 SCRA 409 (2009) We agree with petitioner that the Sandiganbayan erred in equating the
minutes of the meeting with the supposed resolution of the GSIS
Board of Trustees. A resolution is distinct and different from the
On 19 July 1991, an Amended Information was filed before the minutes of the meeting. A board resolution is a formal action by a
Sandiganbayan charging respondents Dumlao and La’o, Aber P. corporate board of directors or other corporate body authorizing a
Canlas, Jacobo C. Clave, Roman A. Cruz, Jr. and Fabian C. Ver with particular act, transaction, or appointment. It is ordinarily special and
violation of Section 3(g) of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, limited in its operation, applying usually to some single specific act or
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. The
affair of the corporation; or to some specific person, situation or
case was docketed as Criminal Case No. 16699. The accusatory
portion of the information reads: occasion. On the other hand, minutes are a brief statement not only of
what transpired at a meeting, usually of stockholders/members or
That on or about May 10, 1982, or for sometime prior or subsequent directors/trustees, but also at a meeting of an executive committee.
thereto, in Manila, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this The minutes are usually kept in a book specially designed for that
Honorable Court, the accused Hermenegildo C. Dumlao, Aber purpose, but they may also be kept in the form of memoranda or in
Canlas, Jacobo C. Clave, Roman A. Cruz, Jr., and Fabian C. Ver,
any other manner in which they can be identified as minutes of a
being then the members of the Board of Trustees of the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS) which is a government corporation meeting.
“In sum, whatever defect there was on the sale to the spouses Alfonso Tan was the president of Visayan Educational Supply Corp.
Tanjangco pursuant to the August 17, 1981 Board Resolution, the when it was incorporated. Initially, 400 shares of stock was in his
same was cured through its ratification in the July 30, 1982 Board name, represented by Stock Cert. No. 2. But when two incorporators
Resolution. It is of no moment whether Arturo was authorized to withdrew and assigned their shares to the corp., Alfonso sold 50
merely negotiate or to enter into a contract of sale on behalf of LRI as shares to his brother, Angelo. Alfredo Uy sold 50 shares to Teodora
Because of the transactions, Stock Cert. No. 2 was cancelled and the It is safe to infer from the facts deduced in the instant case that, there
corresponding stock certificates were issued. Mr. Buzon was was already delivery of the unendorsed Stock Certificate No. 2, which
requested by Tan Su Ching to ask Alfonso Tan to endorse the is essential to the issuance of Stock Certificate Nos. 6 and 8 to Angel
cancelled stock cert. However, Alfonso did not sign Stock Cert. No. 2 and Alfonso. What led to the problem was the return of the cancelled
and only returned the new stock certificate. certificate (No. 2) to Alfonso S. Tan for his endorsement and his
deliberate non-endorsement.
Later on, Alfonso withdrew from the corp because he was dislodged
by Tan Su Ching as president. Part of the condition of his withdrawal For all intents and purposes, however, since this was already
was that he be paid with stock-in-trade equivalent to 33% in lieu of cancelled which cancellation was also reported to the respondent
stock value of his shares in the amount of P 35, 000. Due to the Commission, there was no necessity for the same certificate to be
withdrawal, the cancellation of Cert. 2 and 8 was effected and endorsed by the petitioner. All the acts required for the transferee to
recorder in the stock and transfer book. exercise its rights over the acquired stocks were attendant and even
the corporation was protected from other parties, considering that said
Alfonso the filed a case questioning the cancellation of the stock certs. transfer was earlier recorded or registered in the corporate stock and
He argues that he was deprived of his shares despite the non- transfer book.
endorsement or surrender of the stock cert. No. 2 & 8 which is
contrary to SEC. 63, Corp. Code (Sec. 63, RCC). Following the doctrine enunciated in the case of Tuazon v. La
Provisora Filipina, where this Court held, that:
ISSUE: W/N the cancellation was void due to non-endorsement.
But delivery is not essential where it appears that the persons sought
RULING: NO. to be held as stockholders are officers of the corporation, and have
the custody of the stock book . . . (67 Phi. 36).
The meaning of shares of stock are personal property and may be
transferred by delivery of the certificate or certificates indorsed by the Furthermore, there is a necessity to delineate the function of the stock
owner or his attorney-in-fact or other person legally authorized to itself from the actual delivery or endorsement of the certificate of stock
make the transfer. itself as is the question in the instant case. A certificate of stock is not
necessary to render one a stockholder in corporation.
There is no doubt that there was delivery of Stock Certificate No. 2
made by the petitioner to the Corporation before its replacement with Nevertheless, a certificate of stock is the paper representative or
the Stock Certificate No. 6 for fifty (50) shares to Angel S. Tan and tangible evidence of the stock itself and of the various interests
Stock Certificate No. 8 for 350 shares to the petitioner, on March 16, therein. The certificate is not stock in the corporation but is merely
1981. The problem arose when petitioner was given back Stock evidence of the holder's interest and status in the corporation, his
Certificate No. 2 for him to endorse and he deliberately withheld it for ownership of the share represented thereby, but is not in law the
reasons of his own. That the Stock Certificate in question was equivalent of such ownership. It expresses the contract between the
corporation and the stockholder, but is not essential to the existence
o All shares of the capital stock of the defendant corporation WON a shareholder with a balance of unpaid shares subscribed is
covered by fully paid capital stock shares certificates are entitled to entitled to vote the paid shares – YES.
vote in all meetings of the stockholders of this corporation, and the 3
Resolutions of the Board are hereby nullified insofar as they are • The present case does not come under the principle in Fua
inconsistent this ruling. Cun because it was the practice of the company there since its
inception, to issue certificates of stock even for unpaid shares and
• On appeal: gave voting power to stocks fully paid. And even though no
agreement existed, the ruling in said case does not now reflect the
o Baltazar group claims that once a shareholder has subscribed correct view on the matter, for better than an agreement or practice,
to a certain number of shares, although he has made partial there is the law, which renders Fua Cun, obsolescent.
payments, but is issued a certificate for the paid-up shares, he is
entitled to vote the whole number of shares subscribed, WON paid, • Sec. 37 of the Corporation Law, as amended by Act No. 3518,
until said unpaid shares shall have been called for payment or approved 6 yrs after Fua Cun (1923), provides:
declared delinquent.
SEC. 37. No certificate of stock shall be issued to a subscriber as fully
o Lingayen/Ungson group counters that under the doctrine in paid up until the full par value thereof, or the full subscription in the
Fua Cun, in the absence of special agreement to the contrary, a case of no par stock, has been paid by him to the corporation.
partial payment of a subscription does not entitle the shareholder to a Subscribed shares not fully paid up may be voted provided no
certificate for the total number of shares subscribed by him, and his subscription is unpaid and delinquent.
right consists only in equity to a certificate of the total number of
shares subscribed for, upon payment of the remaining portion of the • The present law requires as a condition before a shareholder
subscription price. can vote his shares, that his full subscription be paid in the case of no
par value stock; and in case of stock corporation with par value, the
stockholder can vote the shares fully paid by him only, irrespective of
the unpaid delinquent shares.
o Since it was the practice of Lingayen to issue stock certificates
WON a shareholder with a balance of unpaid shares subscribed is to not fully paid subscribers, it may not take away the right to vote
entitled to vote the paid shares – YES. granted by the certificate.
• As observed by the trial court, a corporation may now, in the WON there was a waiver of right to enforce the voting power, by virtue
absence of contrary provisions in their by-laws, apply payment made of the compromise agreement – NO.
by, subscribers-stockholders, either as:
• Certain clauses of the agreement are contrary to law and
a) full payment for the corresponding number of shares of stock, public policy and would cause injury to the Baltazar group and other
the par value of each of which is covered by such payment; or stockholders similarly situated. Estoppel cannot be predicated on acts
which are prohibited by law or are against public policy.
b) payment pro-rata to each and all the entire number of shares
subscribed for.
• In this case, Lingayen chose to apply payments by the 5. De Los Santos V. Republic (1955)
shareholders to definite shares of stock and had full paid-up shares
certificates for the payments. Its call for payments of unpaid FACTS:
subscription and its declaration of delinquency only affected the
remaining number of shares. 600,000 shares of stock of the Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., Inc.,
(Lepanto), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of
• Lingayen applied the payments made to the full par value of the Philippines
shares subscribed, instead of the accrued interest. This being the
case, the application of payments must be deemed to have been Originally, 1/2 shares of stock were claimed by Apolinario de los
agreed upon by the Lingayen and the shareholders and cannot now Santos, and the other half by Isabelo Astraquillo. During the pendency
be changed without the consent of the shareholders concerned. It of this case, the Astraquillo has allegedly conveyed and assigned his
would therefore result that a corporation may, upon the request of an interest in and to de los Santos.
interested shareholder, apply payments by them to the full par value
of subscribed capital stock. Vicente Madrigal is registered in the books of the Lepanto as owner of
said stocks and whose indorsement in blank appears on the back of
said certificates
800,000 shares from Carl Hess for the benefit of Astraquillo ISSUE: W/N the plaintiffs are entitled to the shares
delivered to stock broker Leonardo Recio stock certificate No. 2279 HELD: NO. REVERSED
55,000 shares to see Mr. DeWitt, who, probably, would be interested
in purchasing the shares burden of proof is upon the plaintiffs
DeWitt retained the shares reasoning that it was blocked by the US Section 35 of the Corporation Law reads:
and receipt was burned at Recio's dwelling
The capital stock corporations shall be divided into shares for which
By virtue of vesting P-12, dated February 18, 1945, title to the certificates signed by the president or the vice-president,
1,600,000 shares of stock in dispute was, however, vested in the countersigned by the secretary or clerk and sealed with the seal of the
Alien Property Custodian of the U. S. corporation, shall be issued in accordance with the by-laws. Shares of
stock so issued are personal property and may be transferred by
Plaintiffs filed their respective claims with the Property Custodian delivery of the certificate endorsed by the owner or his attorney in fact
or other person legally authorized to make the transfer. No transfer,
Defendant Attorney General of the U. S., successor to the however, shall be valid, except as between the parties, until the
Administrator contends, substantially, that, prior to the outbreak of the transfer is entered and noted upon the books of the corporation so as
war in the Pacific, shares of stock were bought by Vicente Madrigal, in to show the names of the parties to the transaction, the date of the
trust for, and for the benefit of, the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha a corporation transfer, the number of the certificate, and the number of shares
organized in accordance with the laws of Japan, the true owner transferred.
thereof, with branch office in the Philippines
No shares of stock against which the corporation holds any unpaid
March, 1942: Madrigal delivered stock certificates, with his blank claim shall be transferable on the books of the corporation. (Emphasis
indorsement thereon, to the Mitsuis, which kept said certificates, in the supplied.)
files of its office in Manila, until the liberation of the latter by the
American forces early in 1945; that the Mitsuis had never sold, or Certificates of stock are not negotiable instruments (post, Par. 102),
otherwise disposed of, said shares of stock; and that the stock consequently, a transferee under a forged assignment acquires no
certificates aforementioned must have been stolen or looted, title which can be asserted against the true owner, unless his own
therefore, during the emergency resulting from said liberation. negligence has been such as to create an estoppel against him
(Clarke on Corporations, Sec. Ed. p. 415). If the owner of the
CFI: favored plaintiffs certificate has endorsed it in blank, and it is stolen from him, no title is
acquired by an innocent purchaser for value
Defendants Appealed
The doctrine that a bona fide purchaser of shares under a forged or stock pledged to a bank is endorsed in blank by the owner does not
unauthorized transfer acquires no title as against the true owner does estop him from asserting title thereto as against a bona fide purchaser
not apply where the circumstances are such as to estop the latter for value who derives his title from one who stole the certificate from
from asserting his title. . . . the pledgee. And this has also been held to be true though the thief
was an officer of the pledgee, since his act in wrongfully appropriating
one of two innocent parties must suffer by reason of a wrongful or the certificate cannot be regarded as a misappropriation by the bank
unauthorized act, the loss must fall on the one who first trusted the to whose custody the certificate was intrusted by the owner, even
wrongdoer and put in his hands the means of inflicting such loss though the bank may be liable to the pledgor
negligence which will work an estoppel of this kind must be a Hence, as the undisputed principal or beneficiary of the registered
proximate cause of the purchase or advancement of money by the owner (Madrigal), the Mitsuis may claim his rights, which cannot be
holder of the property, and must enter into the transaction itself exercised by the plaintiffs, not only because their alleged title is not
derived either from madrigal or from the Mitsuis, but, also, because it
the negligence must be in or immediately connected with the transfer is in derogation, of said rights. madrigal and the Mitsuis are notprivies
itself to the alleged sales by Campos and Hess to the plaintiffs, contrary to
the latter's pretense.
to establish this estoppel it must appear that the true owner had
conferred upon the person who has diverted the security the indicia of 3. Guy v. Guy, 680 SCRA 214 (2012)
ownership, or an apparent title or authority to transfer the title 4. Forest Hills Golf & Country Club v. Vertex Sales and Trading,
Inc., 692 SCRA 706
So the owner is not guilty of negligence in merely entrusting another
with the possession of his certificate of stock, if he does not, by Petitioner Forest Hills Golf & Country Club (Forest Hills) is a domestic
assignment or otherwise, clothe him with the apparent title. non-profit stock corporation that operates and maintains a golf and
country club facility in Antipolo City. Forest Hills was created as a
Nor is he deprived of his title or his remedy against the corporation result of a joint venture agreement between Kings Properties
because he intrusts a third person with the key of a box in which the Corporation (Kings) and Fil-Estate Golf and Development, Inc.
certificate are kept, where the latter takes them from the box and by (FEGDI). Accordingly, Kings and FEGDI owned the shares of stock of
forging the owner's name to a power of attorney procures their Forest Hills, holding 40% and 60% of the shares, respectively.
transfer on the corporate books.
In August 1997, FEGDI sold to RS Asuncion Construction Corporation
Nor is the mere indorsement of an assignment and power of attorney (RSACC) one (1) Class "C" common share of Forest Hills for ₱1.1
in blank on a certificate of stock, which is afterwards lost or stolen, million. Prior to the full payment of the purchase price, RSACC
such negligence as will estop the owner from asserting his title as transferred its interests over FEGDI's Class "C" common share to
5. (2013)
6. Batangas Laguna Tayabas Bus Company, Inc. v. Bitanga, 362
FEGDI September 25, Notarial fees P 200.0023
SCRA 635 (2001)
HELD: The Cojuangcos insist on a literal reading of the dis-positive June 30, 1927: CFI favored Bachrach Motor Co., Inc
portion of the SC‘s Decision, excluding the dividends, interests, and (Bachrach) against Mariano Lacson Ledesma
earnings accruing to the shares of stock from being accounted for and
O The transfer certificate of stock dividends of Talisay Milling ofthe ! In the same instrument of mortgage, Ledesmamortgaged in favor of
PNB be declared null and void PNB shares owned by him inTalisay Milling.
O That Talisay Milling be ordered to cancel the entry of the transfer of ! Certificate covering 6,300 stock dividends were delivered as security
6,300 stock dividends made by it on its books in favor of PNB to Atty. Roman as representative of bank PNB.
O That Talisay Milling be order to pay Php 22K in case the6300 stock O Talisay Milling granted a bonus or compensation to the owners of
dividends could not be sold or if the proceeds of the sale are the real properties mortgaged to answer the debts contracted by it
insufficient. with PNB.
O That the defendants pay the cost of suit. ! Pursuant to this, Ledesma was allotted P19K.
Antecedent Facts: ! PNB brought an action against Ledesma and his wife for the
recovery of mortgage credit.
! Bachrach obtained judgment against Ledesma in the sum of 3K.
O PNB amended its complaint to include Bachrach Motor as a party
! The special sheriff, in compliance with the writ of execution attached because it claims to have some right to certain properties which PNB
all right, title to and interest w/c Ledesma may have in any was also claiming.
bonus,dividend, share of stock, money or property w/c Ledesma is
entitled to receive from Talisay Milling. ! CFI Bacolod rendered judgment in favor of PNB.
O This is by virtue of the fact that Ledesma mortgaged his land in O Bachrach brought an action against Talisay to recover the bonus or
favor of PNB to guarantee the indebtedness of TalisayMilling or w/c dividends declared by the corporation againstMariano Ledesma as
defendant is entitled to receive from Talisay on account of being a one of the owners of the hacienda w/chad been mortgaged to PNB to
stockholder. secure obligation of Talisay.
! Talisay even received a copy of the notice of attachment. ! WON pledge of stocks was ineffective against Bachrach because
evidence of its date was not made to appear in a public instrument.
! On Oct 3, 1927, Bachrach obtained judgment against Ledesma
! A chattel mortgage shall not be valid against any person except the Nava appealed on the basis that
mortgagor, his executor/administrator UNLESS the possession of the
property is delivered to and retained by the mortgagee OR unless the Section 37: "no certificate of stock shall be issued to a subscriber as
mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the fully paid up until the full par value thereof, or the full subscription in
province inw/c the mortgagor resides. case of no par stock, has been paid by him to the corporation"
! Certificate of stock or of stock dividends under the corporation ISSUE: W/N officers of Peers Marketing Corporation can be
laware QUASI NEGOTIABLE instruments in the sense that they may compelled by mandamus to enter in its stock and transfer book the
begiven in pledge or mortgage to secure an obligation. sale made
o Petitioner Bachrach contends that pledge couldn't legally exist HELD: NO. dismissal affirmed.
because the certificate was not the shares themselves and that the
stock certificate cannot be the subject matter of a contract of pledge no provision of the by-laws of the corporation covers that situation
or chattel mortgage
SEC. 35. The capital stock of stock corporations shall be divided into
shares for which certificates signed by the president or the vice-
president, countersigned by the secretary or clerk and sealed with the
seal of the corporation, shall be issued in accordance with the by-
laws. Shares of stock so issued are personal property and may be
11. Nava v. Peers Marketing Corp., 74 SCRA 65 (1976) transferred by delivery of the certificate indorsed by the owner or his
16. Tan v. Sycip, 499 SCRA 216 (2006) Issue: W/N the filling up of vacancies was proper.
17. Majority Stockholders of Ruby Industrial Corp. v. Lim, 650 OnApril 26, 1991, over ninety percent (90%) of RUBYs creditors
SCRA 461 (2011) objected to the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan and the creation of a
new management committee.Instead, they endorsed the minority
FACTS: stockholders Alternative Plan.At the hearing of the petition for the
creation of a new management committee, three (3) members of the
Ruby Industrial Corporation (RUBY) is a domestic corporation original management committee (Lim, ALFC and Pilipinas Shell)
engaged in glass manufacturing. Reeling from severe liquidity opposed the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan on grounds that:(1) it
problems beginning in 1980, RUBY filed onDecember 13, 1983a would legitimize the entry of BENHAR, a total stranger, to RUBY as
petition for suspension of payments with the Securities and Exchange BENHAR would become the biggest creditor of RUBY;(2) it would put
Commission (SEC) docketed as SEC Case No. 2556.On December RUBYs assets beyond the reach of the unsecured creditors and the
20, 1983, the SEC issued an order declaring RUBY under suspension minority stockholders; and (3) it was not approved by RUBY’’s
of payments and enjoining the disposition of its properties pending stockholders in a meeting called for the purpose.
ISSUE: whether there is absolutely no basis for piercing GCC's The CA found valid grounds to pierce the corporate veil of
veil of corporate identity. petitioner GCC, there being justifiable basis for such action. When
the appellate court spoke of a justifying factor, the reference was
HELD: to what the trial court said in its decision, namely: the existence of
"certain circumstances [which], taken together, gave rise to the
A corporation is an artificial being vested by law with a personality ineluctable conclusion that - [respondent] EQUITY is but an
distinct and separate from those of the persons composing it as instrumentality or adjunct of [petitioner] GCC."
well as from that of any other entity to which it may be related. The
first consequence of the doctrine of legal entity of the separate The Court agrees with the disposition of the appellate court on the
personality of the corporation is that a corporation may not be application of the piercing doctrine to the transaction subject of
made to answer for acts and liabilities of its stockholders or those this case. Per the Court's count, the trial court enumerated no less
of legal entities to which it may be connected or vice versa. than 20 documented circumstances and transactions, which,
taken as a package, indeed strongly supported the conclusion that
The notion of separate personality, however, may be disregarded respondent EQUITY was but an adjunct, an instrumentality or
under the doctrine - "piercing the veil of corporate fiction" - as in business conduit of petitioner GCC. This relation, in turn, provides
fact the court will often look at the corporation as a mere collection a justifying ground to pierce petitioner's corporate existence as to
of individuals or an aggregation of persons undertaking business ALSONS' claim in question. Foremost of what the trial court
as a group, disregarding the separate juridical personality of the referred to as "certain circumstances" are the commonality of
corporation unifying the group. Another formulation of this doctrine directors, officers and stockholders and even sharing of office
is that when two (2) business enterprises are owned, conducted between petitioner GCC and respondent EQUITY; certain
Eufrocino V. Roxas who then controlled the management of 23. Pacific Rehouse Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 719 SCRA 665
the corporation, being the majority stockholder, consented to the (2014)
petitioners' stay within the questioned properties. Specifically,
acific Rehouse Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 199687,
Eufrocino Roxas gave his consent to the conversion of the recreation
March 24, 2014.
hall to a residential house, now occupied by petitioner Guillermo
Roxas. The Board of Directors did not object to the actions of
Eufrocino Roxas. The petitioners were allowed to stay within the 17
questioned properties until August 27, 1983, when the Board of [REYES, J.]
Directors approved a Resolution ejecting the petitioners. We find
nothing irregular in the adoption of the Resolution by the Board of
Directors. The petitioners' stay within the questioned properties was FACTS
merely by tolerance of the respondent corporation in deference to the
wishes of Eufrocino Roxas, who during his lifetime, controlled and A complaint was instituted with the Makati City Regional Trial
managed the corporation. Eufrocino Roxas' actions could not have Court (RTC), Branch 66, against EIB Securities Inc. (E–Securities)
bound the corporation forever. The petitioners have not cited any
provision of the corporation by-laws or any resolution or act of the for unauthorized sale of 32,180,000 DMCI shares of Pacific
Board of Directors which authorized Eufrocino Roxas to allow them to Rehouse Corporation, Pacific Concorde Corporation, Mizpah
stay within the company premises forever. We rule that in the Holdings, Inc., Forum Holdings Corporation, and East Asia Oil
absence of any existing contract between the petitioners and the
Company, Inc. In its October 18, 2005 Resolution, the RTC
respondent corporation, the corporation may elect to eject the
petitioners at any time it wishes for the benefit and interest of the rendered judgment on the pleadings, directing the E–Securities
respondent corporation. to return to the petitioners 32,180,000 DMCI shares, as of judicial
demand. On the other hand, petitioners are directed to reimburse
The petitioners' suggestion that the veil of the corporate fiction
should be pierced is untenable. The separate personality of the the defendant the amount of [P]10,942,200.00, representing the
corporation may be disregarded only when the corporation is used "as buy back price of the 60,790,000 KPP shares of stocks at [P]0.18
a cloak or cover for fraud or illegality, or to work injustice, or where
per share. The Resolution was ultimately affirmed by the
necessary to achieve equity or when necessary for the protection of
the creditors." The circumstances in the present cases do not fall Supreme Court and attained finality.
under any of the enumerated categories.
same entity in the eyes of the law, the service of summons upon so that “piercing the veil of corporate fiction” is proper.
24. Sps. Lipat v. Pacific Banking Corp., 402 SCRA 339 (2003)
In this case, the alleged control exercised by Export Bank upon
its subsidiary E–Securities, by itself, does not mean that the FACTS:
No share of stock against which the corporation holds any unpaid The validity of the by-law of a corporation is purely a question of law.
claim shall be transferable on the books of the corporation. (South Florida Railroad Co. vs. Rhodes, 25 Fla., 40.)
Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari before the SC which Section 63 of the Corporation Code prescribes the manner by
resulted in its denial. which a share of stock may be transferred. Fleisher v. Botica
Nolasco states that the provision on the transfer of shares of
An interpleader was filed by Teng to settle the ownership of the stocks contemplates no restriction as to home they may be
shares between Henry and Ting. transferred or sold. As owner of personal property, a shareholder
is at liberty to dispose of them in favor of whomsoever he pleases,
RTC ruled in favor of Henry while Ting Ping sought to have partial without any other limitation in this respect, than the general
satisfaction fo the SEC En banc decision with respect to the provisions of law.
shares from Chiu and Maluto, thereafter issuing an alias writ of
This was granted, prompting Teng and TCL to file a motion to Under the provision, certain minimum requirements must be
quash the alias writ of execution on the basis that the certificates complied with for there to be a valid transfer of stocks, namely:
of stock must first be surrendered. This was denied.
1. There must be delivery of the stock certificate;
Ruling: NO
It is the delivery of the certificate, coupled with the endorsement
A certificate of stock is a written instrument signed by the proper by the owner or his duly authorized representative that is the
officer of a corporation stating or acknowledging that the person operative act of transfer of shares from the original owner to the
named in the document is the owner of a designated number of transferee. A sale of shares of stock, physical delivery of a stock
shares of its stock. It is a prima facie evidence that the holder is a certificate is one of the essential requisites for the transfer of
shareholder of a corporation. ownership of the stocks purchased.
A certificate, however, is merely a tangible evidence of ownership In this case, Teng’s position – that Ting Ping must first surrender
of shares of stock. It is not a stock in the corporation and merely Chiu’s and Maluto’s respective certificates of stock before the
This case originated from the case of TCL Sales Corp v. CA.
Respondent Ting Ping Lay was able to establish prima facie Respondent Ting Ping purchased shares of TCL Sales Corporation
ownership over the shares of stocks in question, through deeds of (TCL) from Chiu, his brother Teng Ching Lay (President and
transfer of shares of stock of TCL Corporation. operations manager of TCL), and Maluto. Teng Ching died. Ting Ping,
to protect his shareholdings with TCL, requested petitioner Teng
Hence, the transfer of shares to him must be recorded on the (TCL's Corporate Secretary), to enter the transfer in the Stock and
corporation’s stock and transfer book. Transfer Book of TCL for the proper recording of his acquisition. He
also demanded the issuance of new certificates of stock in his favor.
The Court Outlined the Procedure for the issuance of new TCL and Teng refused despite repeated demands. Ting Ping filed
certificates of Stock in the name of a transferee: mandamus with the SEC which was granted. SEC issued a writ of
execution. Teng argued that prior to registration of stocks in the
1. The certificates must be signed by the president or VP, corporate books, it is mandatory that the stock certificates are first
countersigned by the sec. or assistant sec., and sealed with the surrendered because a corporation will be liable to a bona fide holder
seal of the corporation; of the old certificate if, without demanding the said certificate, it issues
a new one. On the other hand, Ting Ping argued that Section 63 of
2. Delivery of the certificate is an essential element of its the Corporation Code does not require the surrender of the stock
issuance; certificate to the corporation, nor make such surrender an
indispensable condition before any transfer of shares can be
3. The par value, as to par value shares, or the full subscription registered in the books of the corporation. The only limitation imposed
as to no par value shares, must first be fully paid; by Section 63 is when the corporation holds any unpaid claim against
the shares intended to be transferred.
4. The original certificate must be surrendered where the person
requesting the issuance of a certificate is a transferee from a
Whether or not the surrender of the certificates of stock is a requisite
before registration of the transfer may be made in the corporate books
and for the issuance of new certificates in its stead--NO.
● Ting Ping filed a petition for mandamus with the SEC which
was granted → SEC en banc affirmed → Petition for review with the
Nevertheless, to be valid against third parties and the corporation, the CA but was denied → petition for review on certiorari with the SC
transfer must be recorded or registered in the books of corporation. under Rule 45 but was denied.
Upon registration of the transfer in the books of the corporation, the
transferee may now then exercise all the rights of a stockholder, ● SEC issued a writ of execution.
which include the right to have stocks transferred to his name.
● Teng filed a complaint for interpleader with the RTC of
Manila to compel Henry and Ting Ping to interplead and settle
the issue of ownership over the 1,400 shares, which were
COMPREHENSIVE: previously owned by Teng Ching.
○ There is a discrepancy between the total shares of HELD: NO. To compel Ting Ping to deliver to the corporation the
Maluto based on the annexes, which is only 1305 certificates as a condition for the registration of the transfer would
shares, as against the 1440 shares acquired by Ting amount to a restriction on the right of Ting Ping to have the stocks
Ping based on the SEC Order transferred to his name, which is not sanctioned by law. The right of a
transferee/assignee to have stocks transferred to his name is an
● Ting Ping’s arguments: inherent right flowing from his ownership of the stocks. The only
limitation imposed by Section 63 is when the corporation holds any
○ Section 63 of the Corporation Code does not unpaid claim against the shares intended to be transferred.
require the surrender of the stock certificate to the
corporation, nor make such surrender an indispensable
condition before any transfer of shares can be
● Ting Ping's definite and uncontested titles to the subject ● The surrender of the original certificate of stock is
shares were already determined in the case of TCL Sales necessary before the issuance of a new one so that the old
Corp v. CA certificate may be cancelled.
○ Ting Ping Lay was able to establish prima facie ○ A corporation is not bound and cannot be required
ownership over the shares of stocks in question, to issue a new certificate unless the original certificate
through deeds of transfer of shares of stock of TCL is produced and surrendered.
Corporation. Hence, the transfer of shares to him must
be recorded on the corporation's stock and transfer ○ Surrender and cancellation of the old certificates
book. serve to protect not only the corporation but the
legitimate shareholder and the public as well, as it
● Moreover, Teng cannot refuse registration of the transfer ensures that there is only one document covering a
on the pretext that the photocopies of Maluto's certificates of particular share of stock.
stock submitted by Ting Ping covered only 1,305 shares and
not 1,440. ● In the present case, Ting Ping manifested from the start
his intention to surrender the subject certificates of stock to
○ As earlier stated, the respective duties of the facilitate the registration of the transfer and for the issuance of
corporation and its secretary to transfer stock are new certificates in his name.
purely ministerial
○ It would be sacrificing substantial justice if the
○ The discrepancy was also not attended with fraud Court were to grant the petition simply because Ting
but a mere product of the failure of the corporation to Ping is yet to surrender the subject certificates for
register with the [SEC] the increase in the subscribed cancellation instead of ordering in this case such
capital stock by 4000 shares. surrender and cancellation, and the issuance of new
ones in his name.
● Nevertheless, to be valid against third parties and the
corporation, the transfer must be recorded or registered in the
books of corporation.
29. Interport Resources Corp. v. SSI, 792 SCRA 155 (2016)
● Upon registration of the transfer in the books of the 30. Teng Ling Kiat v. Ayala Corp., G.R. No. 192530, 07 March 2018
corporation, the transferee may now then exercise all the 31. Andaya v. Rural Bank of Cabadbaran, 799 SCRA 325 (2016)
rights of a stockholder, which include the right to have stocks
transferred to his name. Facts:
32. Gokongwei, Jr. v. SEC, 89 SCRA 336 (1979) Respondents filed their answer to the petition, denying the substantial
allegations therein and stating, by way of affirmative defenses that
"the action taken by the Board of Directors on September 18, 1976
resulting in the . . . amendments is valid and legal because the power
FACTS: to 'amend, modify, repeal or adopt new By-laws' delegated to said
In the absence of any legal prohibition or overriding public policy, wide In the Complaint-Affidavit filed before the Quezon City Prosecutors'
latitude may be accorded to the corporation in adopting measures to Office, Joselyn alleged that despite written demands, the petitioners
protect legitimate corporate interests. The test must be whether the conspired in refusing without valid cause the exercise of her right to
business does in fact compete, not whether it is capable of an indirect inspect Chua Tee Corporation of Manila's (CTCM) business
[T]he corporation continues to be a body corporate for three (3) years HELD: Petitioner may no longer insist on his interpretation of Section
after its dissolution for purposes of prosecuting and defending suits by 51 of Act No. 1459, as amended, regarding the right of a stockholder
and against it and for enabling it to settle and close its affairs, to inspect and examine the books and records of a corporation. The
culminating in the disposition and distribution of its remaining assets. former Corporation Law (Act No. 1459, as amended) has been
x x x The termination of the life of a juridical entity does not by itself replaced by Batas Pambansa Blg. 68, otherwise known as the
cause the extinction or diminution of the rights and liabilities of such "Corporation Code of the Philippines."
entity x x x nor those of its owners and creditors. x x
x.49chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary The right of inspection granted to a stockholder under Section 51 of
Act No. 1459 has been retained, but with some modifications. The
Further, as correctly pointed out by the OSG, Secs. 122 and 145 second and third paragraphs of Section 74 of Batas Pambansa Blg.
Corp. Code (Secs. 139 and 184, RCC) explicitly provide for the 68 provide the following:
continuation of the body corporate for three years after dissolution.
The rights and remedies against, or liabilities of, the officers shall not
Eduardo sought permission to inspect the corporate books of VMC In order for the penal provision under Section 144 of the Corporation
and Genato on account of petitioners’ alleged failure and/or refusal to Code to apply in a case of violation of a stockholder or member’s right
update him on the financial and business activities of these family to inspect the corporate books/records as provided for under Section
corporations. Petitioners denied the request claiming that Eduardo 74 of the Corporation Code, the following elements must be present:
Second. Any officer or agent of the concerned corporation shall The serious allegations against Eduardo are supported by official and
refuse to allow the said director, trustee, stockholder or member other documents, such as board resolutions, treasurer’s affidavits and
of the corporation to examine and copy said excerpts; written communication from the respondent Eduardo himself, who
appears to have withheld his objections to these charges. His silence
Third. If such refusal is made pursuant to a resolution or order of virtually amounts to an acquiescence. Taken together, all these serve
the board of directors or trustees, the liability under this section to justify petitioners’ allegation that Eduardo was not acting in good
for such action shall be imposed upon the directors or trustees faith and for a legitimate purpose in making his demand for inspection
who voted for such refusal; and, of the corporate books. Otherwise stated, there is lack of probable
cause to support the allegation that petitioners violated Section 74 of
Fourth. Where the officer or agent of the corporation sets up the the Corporation Code in refusing respondent’s request for
defense that the person demanding to examine and copy examination of the corporation books.
excerpts from the corporation’s records and minutes has
improperly used any information secured through any prior
examination of the records or minutes of such corporation or of
any other corporation, or was not acting in good faith or for a
legitimate purpose in making his demand, the contrary must be
shown or proved. 37. Chua v. Court of Appeals, 443 SCRA 259 (2004)
Thus, in a criminal complaint for violation of Section 74 of the Facts: PR Lydia Hao, treasurer of Siena Realty Corporation, filed a
Corporation Code, the defense of improper use or motive is in the complaint-affidavit against petitioner for committing acts of falsification
nature of a justifying circumstance that would exonerate those who by falsifying the Minutes of the Annual Stockholders meeting of the
raise and are able to prove the same. Accordingly, where the Board of Directors by causing it to appear in said Minutes that LYDIA
corporation denies inspection on the ground of improper motive or HAO CHUA was present and has participated in said proceedings,
purpose, the burden of proof is taken from the shareholder and placed when in truth and in fact, as the said accused fully well knew that said
on the corporation. This being the case, it would be improper for the Lydia Hao was never present during the meeting.
prosecutor, during preliminary investigation, to refuse or fail to
address the defense of improper use or motive, given its express Petitioner alleges that respondent Lydia Hao has no the authority to
statutory recognition. bring a suit in behalf of the Corporation since there was no Board
Resolution authorizing her to file the suit. For her part, respondent
Thus, contrary to Eduardo’s insistence, the stockholder’s right to Hao claimed that the suit was brought under the concept of a
inspect corporate books is not without limitations. It is now expressly derivative suit.
required as a condition for such examination that the one requesting it
must not have been guilty of using improperly any information secured
RTC: Dismissed the complaint and helda that the action is a derivative In Cua, Jr. v. Tan, the court held that, Suits by stockholders or
suit. Being a derivative suit, the stockholders and members may bring members of a corporation based on wrongful or fraudulent acts of
an action in the name of the corporation provided that the minority directors may be classified into:
stockholder exerted all reasonable efforts and alleged the same with
particularly in the complaint that they exhausted all remedies
• Individual Suits – wrong is done to him personally and not to
the other stockholders or the corporation
2. Whether the complaint is a derivative suit. YES - Although in most every case of wrong to the corp, each
stockholder is necessarily affected because the value of his interest
3. Whether the minority stockholder can override the business therein would be impaired, this fact of itself is not sufficient to give him
judgments of SBGCCI. NO an individual cause of action since the corp is a person distinct and
separate from him, and can and should itself sue the wrongdoer.
3. NO.
As minority stockholders, petitioners do not have any statutory right to
override the business judgments of SBGCCI’s officers and Board of
SMBI increased its authorized capital stock to ₱10,000,000.00. The Thereafter, Juanito filed a "Stockholder Derivative Suit with prayer for
Certificate of Increase of Capital Stock was signed by Juanito, an ex-parte Writ of Attachment/Receivership" (Complaint) before the
Anecita, Roberto, and Rachel as directors of SMBI. Juanito claimed, RTC Bacolod.. He alleged that "the intentional and malicious refusal
however, that the increase of SMBI’s capital stock was done in of defendant Sps. Roberto and Rachel Ang to settle their 50% share x
contravention of the Corporation Code. According to Juanito, when he x x of the total obligation x x x will definitely affect the financial viability
and Anecita left for Canada: of plaintiff SMBI." Juanito also claimed that he has been "illegally
excluded from the management and participation in the business of
x x x Sps. Roberto and Rachel Ang took over the active management [SMBI through] force, violence and intimidation" and that Rachel and
of [SMBI]. Through the employment of sugar coated words, they were Roberto have seized and carted away SMBI’s records from its office.
able to successfully manipulate the stocks sharings between
themselves at 50-50 under the condition that the procedures the RTC Bacolod issued an Order granting the application for an ex-
mandated by the Corporation Code on increase of capital stock be parte writ of attachment and break open order. Atty. Jerry Basiao, who
strictly observed (valid Board Meeting). No such meeting of the Board filed an application for appointment as Receiver of SMBI, was directed
to increase capital stock materialized. It was more of an by the RTC Bacolod to furnish the required Receivership Bond.17 On
accommodation to buy peace x x x. the same date, Roberto and Rachel moved to quash the writ of
attachment and set aside the break open order and appointment of
Juanito claimed that payments to Nancy and Theodore ceased receiver.
sometime after 2006. Nancy and Theodore, through their counsel
here in the Philippines, sent a demand letter to "Spouses Juanito L. That the instant suit is for the benefit of a non-stockholder and not the
Ang/Anecita L. Ang and Spouses Roberto L. Ang/Rachel L. Ang" for corporation is obvious when the primary relief prayed for in the
payment of the principal amounting to $1,000,000.00 plus interest at Complaint which is for the defendants "to pay the amount of Php
ten percent (10%) per annum, for a total of $2,585,577.37 within ten 60,114,673.62 plus interest which is 50% of the loan obligations of
days from receipt of the letter. Roberto and Rachel then sent a letter plaintiff [SMBI] to its creditor Sps. Theodore and Nancy Ang."
to Nancy and Theodore’s counsel on 5 January 2009, saying that they Otherwise stated, the instant suit is nothing but a complaint for sum of
are not complying with the demand letter because they have not money shamelessly masked as a derivative suit.
personally contracted a loan from Nancy and Theodore.
Rachel also argued that the Complaint failed to allege that Juanito
Juanito and Anecita executed a Deed of Acknowledgment and "exerted all reasonable efforts to exhaust all intra-corporate remedies
Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement) and an Extra-Judicial available under the articles of incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules
Real Estate Mortgage (Mortgage). Under the foregoing instruments,
During cross-examination, Juanito admitted that there was no prior The RTC Bacolod found that the issuance of the checks to settle the
demand for accounting or liquidation nor any written objection to purported obligations to Rachel’s relatives, as well as the removal of
SMBI’s increase of capital stock. He also conceded that the loan was Nancy as a stockholder in SMBI’s records as filed with the SEC,
extended by persons who are not stockholders of SMBI. Thus, Rachel shows that Rachel and Roberto committed fraud. The Order likewise
filed a Motion for Preliminary Hearing on Affirmative Defenses on 27 stated that the requirement of exhaustion of intra-corporate remedies
November 2009, arguing that in view of Juanito’s admissions, the is no longer necessary since Rachel and Roberto exercised complete
Complaint should be dismissed pursuant to Section 1 of the Interim control over SMBI.
Rules. Juanito filed his Opposition thereto on 8 January 2010,22
arguing that applying this Court’s ruling in Hi-Yield Realty, Inc. v. The Ruling of the CA-Cebu - the CA-Cebu promulgated its Decision
Court of Appeals,23 the requirement for exhaustion of intra-corporate which reversed and set aside the Order of the RTC Bacolod dated 27
remedies is no longer needed when the corporation itself is "under the September 2010. According to the CA-Cebu, the Complaint filed by
complete control of the persons against whom the suit is filed." Juanito should be dismissed because it is a harassment suit, and not
Juanito also alleged that he and Anecita were deceived into signing a valid derivative suit as defined under the Interim Rules. The CA-
checks to pay off bogus loans purportedly extended by Rachel’s Cebu also found that Juanito failed to exhaust intra-corporate
relatives in favor of SMBI. Some of the checks were payable to cash, remedies and that the loan extended by Nancy and Theodore was not
and were allegedly deposited in Rachel’s personal account. He also SMBI's corporate obligation. There is nothing on record to show that
claimed that Rachel’s Motion is disallowed under the Interim Rules. non-payment of the loan will result in any damage or prejudice to
Juanito moved that Rachel and her daughter, Em Ang (Em), as well
as their counsel, Atty. Filomeno Tan, Jr. (Atty. Tan) be held in Hence, this petition.
contempt. Juanito claimed that on the date the writ of attachment and
break open order were issued, Atty. Tan, accompanied by Rachel and Issues: (1) Whether based on the allegations of the complaint, the
Em, "arrogantly demanded from the Clerk in charge of Civil Cases nature of the case is one of a derivative suit or not.
that he be furnished a copy of the [said orders] x x x otherwise he will
tear the records of the subject commercial case." Juanito also (2) to the above, whether the Honorable Court of Appeals erred x x x
accused Atty. Tan of surreptitiously photocopying the said orders prior in ordering the dismissal of the Complaint on the ground that the case
to service of the summons, Complaint, Writ of Attachment and is not a derivative suit.
Attachment Bond. According to Juanito, the purpose of obtaning a
copy of the orders was to thwart its implementation. Thus, when the HELD: The petition has no merit.
authorities proceeded to the SMBI premises to enforce the orders,
they found that the place was padlocked, and that all corporate We uphold the CA-Cebu’s finding that the Complaint is not a
documents and records were missing. On 14 December 2010, the derivative suit. A derivative suit is an action brought by a stockholder
Sheriff and other RTC Bacolod employees then filed a Verified on behalf of the corporation to enforce corporate rights against the
Complaint against Atty. Tan before this Court, which also contained corporation’s directors, officers or other insiders. Under Sections 23
the foregoing allegations. and 36 of the Corporation Code, the directors or officers, as provided
The Complaint also failed to allege that all available corporate Republic Planters Bank v. Agana, 269 SCRA 1 (1997)
remedies under the articles of incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules
governing the corporation were exhausted, as required under the
Interim Rules.
The fact that [SMBI] is a family corporation does not exempt private F. Stockholders’/Members’ Meetings and Voting at Meetings
respondent Juanito Ang from complying with the Interim Rules. In the
x x x Yu case, the Supreme Court held that a family corporation is not GSIS v. Court of Appeals, 585 SCRA 679 (2009)
exempt from complying with the clear requirements and formalities of
the rules for filing a derivative suit. There is nothing in the pertinent FACTS: During the annual stockholders meeting of the Manila Electric
laws or rules which state that there is a distinction between x x x Company (MERALCO,) due to the resignation of the corporate
family corporations x x x and other types of corporations in the secretary Quiason, the Board of Directors (BoD) of MERALCO
institution by a stockholder of a derivative suit. designated Vitug to act as corporate secretary. However, the proxy
validation was presided over by respondent Rosete, assistant
Furthermore, there was no allegation that there was an attempt to corporate secretary and in-house chief legal counsel of MERALCO.
remove Rachel or Roberto as director or officer of SMBI, as permitted GSIS thereafter filed a complaint with the RTC of Pasay City seeking
under the Corporation Code and the by-laws of the corporation. Thus, the nullification of the proxies which were validated during the
the Complaint failed to satisfy the requirements for a derivative suit aforementioned proceeding presided over by respondent Rosete. On
under the Interim Rules. the very same day, a Cease and Desist Order (CDO) was then issued
and signed by SEC Commissioner Jesus Martinez to restrain the use
In case of nuisance or harassment suits, the court may, motu proprio of said proxies during the annual meeting. Nevertheless, Rosete
or upon motion, forthwith dismiss the case. continued the meeting despite the foregoing. The SEC then issued a
Show Cause Order (SCO) against Rosete ordering them to give an
Records show that Juanito, apart from being Vice President, owns the explanation why they should not be cited in contempt. On appeal, the
highest number of shares, equal to those owned by Roberto. Also, as CA Eighth Division held that the complaint filed by GSIS is dismissed
explained earlier, there appears to be no damage to SMBI if the loan for lack of jurisdiction, forum shopping by splitting of causes of action.
extended by Nancy and Theodore remains unpaid. The CA-Cebu Thereafter, three different action arose therefrom, one of which
correctly concluded that "a plain reading of the allegations in the involves the jurisdiction of the SEC over the contested petition as well
Complaint would readily show that the case x x x was mainly filed to as the validity of the CDO and SCO. V.
In 2008, Gilbert again filed a complaint captioned as “Intra-Corporate In this case, it is baffling that Gilbert omitted Francisco as defendant in
Controversy: For the Declaration of Nullity of Fraudulent Transfers of his complaint. While Gilbert could have opted to waive his shares in
Shares of Stock Certificates, Fabricated Stock Certificates, Falsified the name of Francisco to justify the latter’s non-inlclusion in the
General Information Sheets, Minutes of Meetings, and Damages with complaint, Gilbert did not do so, but instead, wanted everything back
Application for the Issuance of a Writ of Preliminary and Mandatory and even wanted the whole transfer of shares declared fraudulent.
Injunction” against his mother and his sisters. This cannot be done without including Francisco as defendant.
RTC dismissed the case, declaring it a nuisance and harassment suit. Francisco, in both the 2004 and 2008 complaints, is an indispensable
party without whom no final determination can be had for the following
The CA, however, found merit on Gilbert’s contention that the reasons
complaint should be heard on the merits.
a. The complaint prays that the shares now under the name of
Issues: the defendants and Francisco be declared fraudulent;
1. Whether Francisco is an indispensable party. YES b. Francisco owners 195k shares some of which, Gilbert prays
be returned to him;
2. Whether this is a nuisance and harassment suit. Yes
c. Francisco signed the certificates of stocks evidencing the
Ruling: alleged fraudulent shares previously in the name of Gilbert.
1. Yes. Suits by stockholders or members of a corporation based 2. Yes. In ordinary cases, the failure to specifically allege the
on wrongful or fraudulent acts of directors or other persons may be fraudulent acts does not constitute a ground for dismissal since such
classified into individual suits, class suits, and derivative suits. a defect can be cured by a bill of particulars. However, this does not
apply to intra-corporate controversies, where failure to specifically
An individual suit may be instituted by a stockholder against another allege the fraudulent acts in intra-corporate controversies is indicative
stockholder for wrongs committed against him personally, and to of a harassment or nuisance suit and may be dismissed motu proprio.
determine their individual rights – this is an individual suit between The court has held before tha tin cases of intra-corporate
stockholders. But an individual suit may also be instituted against a controversies, a bill of particulars is a prohibited pleading.
corporation, the same having a separate juridical personality.
On January 15, 2014, Eumir Carlo sent a Notice of Annual NO. In affirming the Court of Appeals and denying the parties’
Stockholders' Meeting to all the stockholders of Phil-Ville, notifying respective petitions for review, the Supreme Court held that the total
them of the setting of the annual stockholders' meeting on January outstanding capital stocks, without distinction as to disputed or
25, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. During the meeting, respondents Cecilia, Ma. undisputed shares of stock, is the basis in determining the presence
Corazon and Eumir Carlo were elected as directors and later elected of quorum.
themselves to the following positions: Cecilia as Chairperson/Vice
President/Treasurer; Ma. Corazon as Section 52 of the Corporation Code states that:
Vice-Chairperson/President/General Manager; and Eumir Carlo as
Corporate Secretary/Secretary. Section 52. Quorum in meetings. — Unless otherwise
provided for in this Code or in the bylaws, a quorum shall
Manuel Dulay by virtue of Board Resolution No 18 sold the subject Sec. 101. When board meeting is unnecessary or
property to spouses Maria Theresa and Castrense Veloso. Maria improperly held. Unless the by-laws provide otherwise, any action by
Veloso (buyer), without the knowledge of Manuel Dulay, mortgaged the directors of a close corporation without a meeting shall
the subject property to private respondent Manuel A. Torres. Upon the nevertheless be deemed valid if:
failure of Maria Veloso to pay Torres, the property was sold to Torres
in an extrajudicial foreclosure sale.Torres filed an action against the 1. Before or after such action is taken, written consent thereto is
corporation, Virgilio Dulay and against the tenants of the apartment. signed by all the directors, orchanrobles virtual law library
RTC rendered a decision in favor of private respondents and ordered
the corporation and the tenants to vacate the building. CA afiirmed the 2. All the stockholders have actual or implied knowledge of the
trial court’s decision. Hence, this petition. action and make no prompt objection thereto in writing; orchanrobles
virtual law library
Petitioners contend that the respondent court had acted with grave
abuse of discretion when it applied the doctrine of piercing the veil of 3. The directors are accustomed to take informal action with the
corporate entity in the instant case considering that the sale of the express or implied acquiese of all the stockholders, orchanrobles
subject property between private respondents spouses Veloso and virtual law library
Manuel Dulay has no binding effect on petitioner corporation as Board
Resolution No. 18 which authorized the sale of the subject property
If a directors' meeting is held without call or notice, an action taken Petitioner CFTI (Clark Field Taxi, Inc.) held a concessionaire's
therein within the corporate powers is deemed ratified by a director contract with the Army Air Force Exchange Services ("AAFES") for
who failed to attend, unless he promptly files his written objection with the operation of taxi services within Clark Air Base. Sergio F. Naguiat
the secretary of the corporation after having knowledge thereof. was CFTI's president, while Antolin T. Naguiat was its vice-president.
Like Sergio F. Naguiat Enterprises, Incorporated ("Naguiat
In the instant case, petitioner corporation is classified as a close Enterprises"), a trading firm, it was a family-owned corporation.
corporation and consequently a board resolution authorizing the sale
or mortgage of the subject property is not necessary to bind the Private respondents were taxi drivers employed by CFTI. They are
corporation for the action of its president. At any rate, corporate action required to pay a daily boundary fee. The drivers worked at least three
taken at a board meeting without proper call or notice in a close to four times a week, depending on the availability of taxicabs. They
corporation is deemed ratified by the absent director unless the latter earned not less than US$15.00 daily.
promptly files his written objection with the secretary of the
corporation after having knowledge of the meeting which, in his case, Due to the phase-out of the US military bases in the Philippines, from
petitioner Virgilio Dulay failed to do. which Clark Air Base was not spared, the AAFES was dissolved, and
the services of individual respondents were officially terminated on
It is relevant to note that although a corporation is an entity which has November 26, 1991.
a personality distinct and separate from its individual stockholders or
members, the veil of corporate fiction may be pierced when it is used AAFEX Taxi Drivers Association negotiated with CFTI as regards to
to defeat public convenience justify wrong, protect fraud or defend the drivers’ separation pay. They agreed that CFTI will pay P500 for
crime. The privilege of being treated as an entity distinct and separate every year of service as a separation pay. However, private
from its stockholder or members is therefore confined to its legitimate respondent did not accept it.
uses and is subject to certain limitations to prevent the commission of
fraud or other illegal or unfair act. When the corporation is used Private respondent filed a complaint against Sergio F. Naguiat doing
merely as an alter ego or business conduit of a person, the law will business under the name and style Sergio F. Naguiat Enterprises,
regard the corporation as the act of that person. The Supreme Court Inc., Army-Air Force Exchange Services (AAFES) with Mark Hooper
had repeatedly disregarded the separate personality of the as Area Service Manager, Pacific Region, and AAFES Taxi Drivers
corporation where the corporate entity was used to annul a valid Association with Eduardo Castillo as President," for payment of
contract executed by one of its members. separation pay due to termination/phase-out. Said complaint was later
amended6 to include additional taxi drivers who were similarly situated
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the decision appealed as complainants, and CFTI with Antolin T. Naguiat as vice president
from is hereby AFFIRMED. and general manager, as party respondent.
The RTC dismissed the complaint on the ground that Andaya had no
Andaya v. Rural Bank of Cabadbaran, 799 SCRA 325 standing for failing to show that he was authorized by Chute to make
the transfer. Andaya filed a petition for review to the SC on pure
questions of law.
G.R. No. 188769 – August 3, 2016
Yes. A bona fide transferee, who is able to establish a clear legal right The petition is granted.
to the registration of the transfer, may resort to the remedy of
mandamus to compel corporations that wrongfully or unjustifiably
refuse to record the transfer or to issue new certificates of stock.
Ong Yong v. Tiu, 401 SCRA 1 (2003)
Andaya has been able to establish that he is a bona fide transferee of
MR Resolution
Chute's shares of stock. He presented to the RTC tha notarized Sale
of Shares of Stocks, a Documentary Stamp Tax FACTS:
Declaration/Return, a Capital Gains Tax Return and stock certificates In 1994, the construction of the Masagana Citimall in Pasay City was
covering the subject shares duly endorsed by Chute. There is no threatened with stoppage and incompletion when its owner, the First
doubt that Andaya had the standing to initiate an action for Landlink Asia Development Corporation (FLADC), which was owned
manadamus to compel the bank to record the transfer of shares in its by the Tius, encountered financial difficulties. It was heavily indebted
stock and transfer book and to issue new stock certificates in his to the PNB for P190 million. Hence, the Tius entered into a Pre-
name. Subscription Agreement with the Ongs.
Moreover, the Section 98 of the Corporation Code, upon which the Under the Pre-Subscription Agreement, the Ongs and the Tius agreed
bank relies, applied only to close corporations. to maintain equal shareholdings in FLADC: the Ongs were to
subscribe to 1,000,000 shares at a par value of P100.00 each while
SECTION 98. Validity restrictions on transfer of shares. - the Tius were to subscribe to an additional 549,800 shares at P100.00
Restrictions on the right to transfer shares must appear in the each in addition to their already existing subscription of 450,200
articles of incorporation and in the by-laws as well as in the shares. Furthermore, they agreed that the Tius were entitled to
certificate of stock; otherwise, the same shall not be binding on nominate the Vice-President and the Treasurer plus five directors
while the Ongs were entitled to nominate the President, the Secretary
any purchaser thereof in good faith. Said restrictions shall not be
and six directors (including the chairman) to the board of directors of
more than onerous than granting the existing stockholders or the FLADC. Moreover, the Ongs were given the right to manage and
corporation the option to purchase the shares of the transferring operate the mall.
stockholder with such reasonable terms, conditions or period stated
therein. If upon the expiration of said period, the existing stockholders Accordingly, the Ongs paid P100 million in cash for their subscription
or the corporation fails to exercise the option to purchase, the to 1,000,000 shares of stock while the Tius committed to contribute to
transferring stockholder may sell his shares to any third person. FLADC a four-storey building and two parcels of land respectively
valued at P20 million (for 200,000 shares), P30 million (for 300,000
SEC – confirmed rescission by the Tius. A subscription contract necessarily involves the corporation as one of
the contracting parties since the subject matter of the transaction is
CA – AFFIRMED property owned by the corporation its shares of stock. Thus, the
subscription contract (denominated by the parties as a Pre-
SC - Affirmed. Both the Ongs and the Tius violated their respective Subscription Agreement) whereby the Ongs invested P100 million for
obligations under the Pre-Subscription Agreement. The Ongs 1,000,000 shares of stock was, from the viewpoint of the law, one
prevented the Tius from assuming the positions of Vice-President and between the Ongs and FLADC, not between the Ongs and the Tius.
Treasurer of the corporation. On the other hand, the Decision Otherwise stated, the Tius did not contract in their personal capacities
established that the Tius failed to turn over FLADC funds to the Ongs with the Ongs since they were not selling any of their own shares to
and that the Tius diverted rentals due to FLADC to their MATTERCO them. It was FLADC that did.
account. Rescission was not possible since both parties were in pari
delicto but the other remedy of specific performance was not practical Considering therefore that the real contracting parties to the
and sound and would only lead to further "squabbles and numerous subscription agreement were FLADC and the Ongs alone, a civil case
litigations" between the parties. for rescission on the ground of breach of contract filed by the Tius in
their personal capacities will not prosper. Assuming it had valid
Tius filed before the SC Motion for Issuance of a Writ of reasons to do so, only FLADC (and certainly not the Tius) had the
Execution and the Ongs filed their "Motion for Reconsideration; legal personality to file suit rescinding the subscription agreement with
the Ongs inasmuch as it was the real party in interest therein.
The Trust Fund Doctrine provides that subscriptions to the capital Contracts intra vires entered into by the board of directors are binding
stock of a corporation constitute a fund to which the creditors have a upon the corporation and courts will not interfere unless such
right to look for the satisfaction of their claims. This doctrine is the contracts are so unconscionable and oppressive as to amount to
underlying principle in the procedure for the distribution of capital wanton destruction to the rights of the minority, as when plaintiffs aver
assets, embodied in the Corporation Code, which allows the that the defendants (members of the board), have concluded a
distribution of corporate capital only in three instances: (1) transaction among themselves as will result in serious injury to the
amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to reduce the authorized plaintiff’s stockholders.
capital stock, (2) purchase of redeemable shares by the corporation,
regardless of the existence of unrestricted retained earnings, and (3) Courts and other tribunals are wont to override the business judgment
dissolution and eventual liquidation of the corporation. Furthermore, of the board mainly because, courts are not in the business of
the doctrine is articulated in Section 41 on the power of a corporation business, and the laissez faire rule or the free enterprise system
to acquire its own shares and in Section 122 on the prohibition against prevailing in our social and economic set-up dictates that it is better
the distribution of corporate assets and property unless the stringent for the State and its organs to leave business to the businessmen;
requirements therefor are complied with. especially so, when courts are ill-equipped to make business
decisions. More importantly, the social contract in the corporate family
The distribution of corporate assets and property cannot be made to to decide the course of the corporate business has been vested in the
depend on the whims and caprices of the stockholders, officers or board and not with courts. (Villanueva)
directors of the corporation, or even, for that matter, on the earnest
desire of the court a quo "to prevent further squabbles and future Florete, Sr. v. Florete, Jr., G.R. Nos. 223321, 02 April 2018
litigations" unless the indispensable conditions and procedures for the
protection of corporate creditors are followed. Otherwise, the Facts: Marsal & Co., Inc. (Marsal) was organized as a close
"corporate peace" laudably hoped for by the court will remain nothing corporation by Marcelino, Sr., Salome, Rogelio, Marcelino, Jr., Ma.
but a dream because this time, it will be the creditors' turn to engage
Elena, and Teresita (all surnamed Florete). Since its incorporation, the
in "squabbles and litigations" should the court order an unlawful
distribution in blatant disregard of the Trust Fund Doctrine. Articles of Incorporation (AOI) had been amended several times to
increase its authorized capital stocks of P500,000.00 to
3. Furthermore, it is an improper judicial intrusion into the internal P5,000,000.00. Notwithstanding the amendments, paragraph 7 of
affairs of the corporation to compel FLADC to file at the SEC a petition their AOI which provides for the procedure in the sale of the shares of
for the issuance of a certificate of decrease of stock. The Tius are stocks of a stockholder remained the same, to wit:
actually not just asking for a review of the legality and fairness of a
corporate decision. They want this Court to make a corporate
decision for FLADC. The Court decline to intervene and order
Upon Teresita Florete Menchavez death, her husband’s (Ephraim) Ruling: Preliminarily, petitioners’ claim that Marsal is not a close
Petition for Issuance of Letters of Administration over her estate was corporation deserves scant consideration as they had already
granted. Subsequently, Ephraim, the special administrator, entered admitted that it is.
into a Compromise Agreement and Deed of Assignment with As Marsal is a close corporation, it is allowed under the Corporation
petitioner Rogelio ceding all the shareholdings of Teresita in various Code to provide for restrictions on the transfer of its stocks, as
corporations owned and controlled by the Florete family, which stipulated in Sec. 97 (Articles of incorporation) and Sec. 98 (Sec. 98.
included the 3,464 shares in Marsal corporation to petitioner Rogelio. Validity of restrictions on transfer of shares)
Respondents Marcelino Jr. and Ma. Elena filed with the RTC a case
for annulment/rescission of sale of shares of stocks and the exercise In this case, the lack of notification in writing to the BOD of the
of their preemptive rights in Marsal corporation and damages against intention to sell, does not make the sale null and void.
petitioners Rogelio Florete, Sr. and the estate of the late Teresita F. While it would appear that petitioner estate of Teresita, through its
Menchavez, herein represented by her heirs, namely, Mary Ann administrator Ephraim and petitioner Rogelio, did not comply with the
Therese Menchavez, Christine Joy F. Menchavez, Ma. Rosario F. procedure on the sale of Teresita’s Marsal shares as stated under
Menchavez, Diane Grace Menchavez, Rosie Jill F. Menchavez, and paragraph 7 of the AOI, however, it appeared in the records that
Ephraim Menchavez. respondents had nonetheless been informed of such sale to which
Respondents claimed that the sale of Teresita’s 3,464 Marsal shares they had already given their consent thereto.
of stocks made by petitioner estate to petitioner Rogelio was void ab First. Teresita died on September 19, 1989. Her husband Ephraim
initio as it violated paragraph 7 of Marsal’s AOI, since the sale was filed a petition for letters of administration of her estate in 1992.