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Service marketing: service marketing is a Characteristics/challenges of Services: Positioning strategy This diagram provides an example of a positioning
specialized branch of marketing which emerged as a Intangibility: It cannot be taste, feel & smell before positioning strategy is to establish a single defining map for the fictitious Company XYZ’s Go Wild energy
separate field of study in the early 1980, following they are bought unlike physical product. The characteristics of a brand in the mind of the bar based on two key benefits sought by consumers:
customer. Positioning sister desi birds shoot high protein and calorie content.
the recognition that the unique characteristics of intangibility creates a feeling of uncertainty about
consider competitive, differentiation and
service required different strategic compared with the outcome of service. segmentation.
the marketing of physical goods. Inseparability: Services cannot be separated from
There are broadly three types of service marketing: the services provided (we cannot separate the There are several types of positioning strategies:
1. B2C, 2. B2B, 3. Post purchase service. service from the product) in fact the product delivers 1. Product attributes and benefits
Service: a service is the action of doing something consumption of a service. 2. product price
for someone or something. It is largely intangible. Variability: Services of highly variable. It is almost 3. Product quality
impossible to have the same service from the same 4. Product use and application
Service is a transaction in which the nonphysical
seller the second time. 5. Competitors
goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
Customer participation: Service product is not a one
There are 7 types of positioning strategies:
Type of service: 1. Business service 2. side activity customer are core product of services.
Communication service. 3. Distribution service. 4. The product quality of services greatly depends upon  product
the ability, skills and performance of the employees  pricing
construction and engineering service. 5. education
as well as the activity and performance of the  user or application
service 6. environment. 7. tourism.8. Finance. 9.
Health. 10.Recreation. 11.Transportation
customer.  product process
No ownership: here we cannot transfer ownership  product class
from one person to other person that particular  cultural symbols
service belongs to particular person because it’s  competitors
purely intangible.
Perishability: They cannot be store

9 11 13 15
Target segment: plantation also known as The factors are associated with successful Role of branding for service products: Service productivity:
audience segmentation, means splitting potential development of new service: Chris story and Establishes A Point of Recognition: The most service productivity is a function of efficiency,
customers into meaningful groups based on their Christopher Easing wood argue that in developing obvious way that branding works within your effectiveness and demand. The focus is on the
characteristics, wants and behavior. A target market new service, the core product is of only secondary marketing strategy is through visual recognition. concepts of customer satisfaction and quality.
importance. Evokes Strong Emotions & Feelings: While branding
is the segment of customers most likely to want our
The factors are: has a lot to do with how we see a business, it also
need a business products or services. There are Key tool for improving service productivity: 1.
1. Employee involvement. 2. appropriate has abstract elements that play into the larger
three of the most common types are demographic Improving staff. 2. Introducing systems and
formalization. 3. management measures. identity of a company. Point and case, good
segmentation, geographic segmentation and technology. 3. Reducing service level. 4. Introducing
4. customer involvement. 5. market orientation. branding evokes emotion and connection.
psychographic segmentation Acts As The Voice Of Relatability: Branding is ever- new service. 5. Customer interaction?
6. employee expertise. 7. process quality
present in the way a company communicates with
Competitive positioning strategy: its customers. We’ve covered the basics of visual How service marketer measure & improve
Service pricing: service pricing is the strategy you
It refers to how a marketing team can differentiate put in place to price out your services so they're fair identity and tag lines that evoke emotion, but what service quality: 1. Post service ratings. 2. Follow-
accompany from its competitors. Underlying for your business. about the way branding can set and establish a face up service. 3. In-app survey. 4. Documentation
competitive positioning strategy: for your brand? analysis. 5. Customer effort score
1. Positioning based on product characteristics. Three major pricing strategies are Builds A Lasting Connection: Lastly, branding as a
2. price. Skimming: Price skimming sets prices higher to cornerstone of your company’s marketing allows Approaches of service quality: 1. Reliability. 2.
3.Quality or luxury. attract customers most interested in the product or you to build a lasting connection with your Assurance. 3. Tangibility. 4. Empathy. 5.
4.Product use or application. service to maximize short-term profits. consumer. Responsiveness.?
5.The competition.? Predatory: In a predatory pricing scheme, prices are
set unrealistically low in order to eliminate
competitors and create a monopoly.
Penetration: Penetration pricing uses lower prices to
build a customer base for new products or services.
8 6 4 2
The positioning role in marketing strategy: Positioning map: A positioning map is a diagram that Elements (7 ps) of service marketing Difference between product and services:
Positioning is a marketing strategy, also referred to allows we to compare our product to the competition and 1. Product: The service product requires consideration
identify opportunities for new products in the marketplace.
as product positioning, to promote your product or of the range of services provided, the quality of services
service to customers relative to competing brands. provided and the level of services provided.  A product is tangible, it is physical and can be
Positioning map helps in plotting competitive strategies: A 2. Price: Price considerations include levels of prices, held, seen and movable
The goal is to establish a single defining positioning map helps you identify how
characteristic for your brand in the consumer's discounts allowances and commissions, terms of  Product value is derived by the customer
competitive the market is for your product and payment and credit.
mind. Effective positioning strategies consider the whether or not you can compete.  Customer care of the product is limited
brand's strengths and weaknesses, customer needs, 3. Place: The location of the service providers and their
Description Example
and competitors' claims. Product positioning allows
accessibility are important factors in services marketing.  A product can be stored for future use
Identify product 4. Promotion: Promotion includes the various methods
a company or brand to illuminate areas where it can 1 category and consumer
Energy bars for endurance  A product can be owned
athletes of communicating with markets whether through
eclipse the competition. group advertising, personal selling activities, sales promotion Service:
The three keys to strategic positioning are often
List key benefits sought
High protein content, high calorie activities.  A service is intangible, can only be felt and not
referred to as the three "C's": content, value for money, good 5. People: All human actors who play a part in service touched
1.Customer: Central to positioning is knowing your 2 by
tasting, organic, vegan, locally delivery and thus influence the buyer’s perceptions:  Value of service is offered by the service provider
focus by identifying what the buyer wants and produced namely, the firm’s personnel, the customer, and other
needs. Research to see if there is a problem customers in the service environment.  Customer care forms critical component of
Prioritize the top two High protein content, high calorie
customers need a solution for and what needs they 3
benefits content 6. Physical Evidence: The physical evidence of service marketing a service
might report via surveys, interviews and reviews. Level of calorie content on the X
includes all of the tangible representations of the  A service is perishable and cannot be stored for
2.Channel: Your channel, or sales team, is central to Label the axes with the services – such as brochures, letterhead, business cards, later use or sale
4 axis and level of protein on the Y
understanding customer needs and is where you will two key benefits report formats, signage, and equipment.  A service cannot be owned by the consumer once
likely find the majority of information for successful 7. Processes: Processes are important to deliver a
Bar A, Bar B, Bar C, Bar D, Bar E, quality service. Services being intangible, processes payment has been made
positioning. 5 List main competitors
Bar F
3.Competition: A final step in formulating a product become all the more crucial to ensure standards are
Bar A – top selling energy bar with met with.
position is paying attention to your competition and Rate your products and
19 grams protein and 220 calories
its position. 6 competitor products by Services marketing is that elusive concept which stays
Go Wild - 20 grams of protein and
key benefits incomplete without a thorough understanding of 7 Ps.
300 calories

16 14 12 10
Service communication challenges: 1. Service Marketing communication objectives be Pricing Basic focus strategies are: 1. Design. Key service communication challenges: Service
defined: The basic objectives of all marketing 2.Production. 3.Delivery. 4.Service. Two types of focus intangibility, Management of service promises,
intangibility. 2. Management of service promises. 3. Management of customer expectations, Customer
communication methods are (1) to communicate, (2) strategy as: low-cost focus strategy, focused
Management of customer expectations. 4. Customer differentiation strategy education, Internal marketing communication,
to compete, and (3) to convince.
education. 5. Internal marketing communication. In order to be effective, organizations should ensure Here are 3 ways to overcome small business marketing
that whatever information they communicate is Service pricing: service pricing is the strategy you put challenges:
How to overcome the service challenge? clear, accurate, truthful, and useful to the in place to price out your services so they're fair for your 1. Develop a marketing plan and measure success.
business. 2. Be visible online and in the community
1. Understanding customer expectation stakeholders involved?
3. Hire people with shared core values and reward
2. A customer demands something you cannot do. Three major pricing strategies are them.?
3. Handling angry customers. Marketing Communication – Top 5 Elements: Skimming: Price skimming sets prices higher to attract
Advertising, Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, Communication role in marketing:
4. Dealing with service outage crisis. customers most interested in the product or service to Marketing communication aids in the movement of
5. Choosing the right channels and tools. Public Relation and Sales Promotion. The five maximize short-term profits. products, services, and ideas from manufacturers to
elements of the Marketing Communication mix are Predatory: In a predatory pricing scheme, prices are set end-users and the development and maintenance of
6. Hiring and training service professions
Advertising, Direct marketing, and Personal selling, unrealistically low in order to eliminate competitors and connections with customers, prospects, and other key
Public relations and Sales promotion.? stakeholders. In the marketing communication mix,
Nature of marketing communications for create a monopoly.
Penetration: Penetration pricing uses lower prices to advertising and sales promotion will continue to play
service: Key Steps to Developing An Effective build a customer base for new products or services. essential roles.
 Advertising Positioning Strategy: Approaches to Pricing:
1. Determine Company Uniqueness by Comparing to Objectives for pricing of services:
 public relations, Pricing objectives refer to the goals that drive how your
General approaches to pricing are of three types;
Competitors. Compare and contrast differences 1. Cost-Based Pricing Approach (cost-plus pricing, break
 direct marketing, business sets prices for your product or service.
between your organization and competitors in order analysis, and target profit pricing).
 sales promotion to identify opportunities. Here are some pricing objectives examples: 2. Buyer-Based Pricing Approach (perceived-value
 personal selling Maximize short-term or long-term profit, maximize pricing). 3. Competition-Based Pricing Approach (going-
2. Identify Current Market Position. long-term sustainability, Penetrate new markets rate and sealed bid pricing).
3. Competitor Positioning Analysis. Increase sales volume, Steal market share from In setting prices, a firm may follow one or more of these
4. Develop A Positioning Strategy. competitors, Generate interest around new products three approaches.
Survive a slow period of business

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