Status Epilepticus
Status Epilepticus
Status Epilepticus
The treatment of super-refractory status
epilepticus: a critical review of available
therapies and a clinical treatment protocol
Institute of Neurology, University College London, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK
Super-refractory status epilepticus is defined as status epilepticus that continues or recurs 24 h or more after the onset of
anaesthetic therapy, including those cases where status epilepticus recurs on the reduction or withdrawal of anaesthesia. It is an
uncommon but important clinical problem with high mortality and morbidity rates. This article reviews the treatment
approaches. There are no controlled or randomized studies, and so therapy has to be based on clinical reports and opinion.
The published world literature on the following treatments was critically evaluated: anaesthetic agents, anti-epileptic drugs,
magnesium infusion, pyridoxine, steroids and immunotherapy, ketogenic diet, hypothermia, emergency resective neurosurgery
and multiple subpial transection, transcranial magnetic stimulation, vagal nerve stimulation, deep brain stimulation, electrocon-
vulsive therapy, drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid and other older drug therapies. The importance of treating the identifying
cause is stressed. A protocol and flowchart for managing super-refractory status epilepticus is suggested. In view of the small
number of published reports, there is an urgent need for the establishment of a database of outcomes of individual therapies.
Received May 29, 2011. Revised July 3, 2011. Accepted July 19, 2011. Advance Access publication September 13, 2011
ß The Author (2011). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved.
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Super-refractory status epilepticus Brain 2011: 134; 2802–2818 | 2803
(Delgado-Escueta et al., 1984; EFA Working Group, 1993; with the care of patients with super-refractory status epilepticus,
Shorvon, 1994; Appleton et al., 2000; SIGN, 2003; Meierkord or consulted by their intensivist colleagues about how best to
et al., 2006, 2010; Minicucci et al., 2006; Shorvon et al., 2008). proceed in this situation. The treatment of this issue is a terra
In most patients, this treatment regimen is sufficient to control incognita from the point of view of evidence-based medicine,
the seizures. In some though seizures continue or recur. Super- yet a landscape where action is required. This review outlines avail-
refractory status epilepticus is defined as status epilepticus that able approaches for treatment and medical management of patients
continues or recurs 24 h or more after the onset of anaesthetic in what can be a dire clinical predicament.
therapy, including those cases that recur on the reduction or
withdrawal of anaesthesia. It was a term used first in the Third Why does status epilepticus become
London-Innsbruck Colloquium on status epilepticus held in Oxford
on 7–9th April 2011 (Shorvon and Trinka, 2011).
Super-refractory status epilepticus is not uncommonly encoun- This question is obviously crucial to successful management. It is a
tered in neurointensive care, but its exact frequency is not known. common clinical experience that the more severe the precipitating
In the only prospective study, 22% of all the cases with status insult (for instance, in status epilepticus after trauma infection or
epilepticus (29 of 108 cases) admitted to hospital failed to respond stroke), the more likely is the status epilepticus to become super-
to first and second lines of therapy, and of these, 41% (12 cases) refractory. However, super-refractory status epilepticus also occurs
required coma induction (however, it should be noted that only 47 frequently in previously healthy patients without obvious cause.
of the 108 patients had convulsive status epilepticus and presum- In all these cases, the processes that normally terminate seizures
ably it is mainly in these in whom coma induction was needed). have proved insufficient (for review, see Lado and Moshe, 2008).
Other retrospective studies have shown that 12–43% of the cases At a cellular level, one of the most interesting recent discoveries
with status epilepticus become refractory (Lowenstein and has been the recognition that receptors on the surface of axons
Aldredge, 1993; Mayer et al., 2002; Holtkamp et al., 2005; are in a highly dynamic state, moving onto (externalization), away
Rosetti et al., 2005). In the series of 35 patients of Holtkamp from (internalization) and along the axonal membrane. This ‘receptor
et al. (2005), seven (20%) recurred within 5 days of tapering trafficking’ intensifies during status epilepticus, and the overall effect
the anaesthetic drug and in all other studies at least 50% of is a reduction in the number of functional
-aminobutyric acid
those requiring anaesthesia will become super-refractory. From (GABA) receptors in the cells affected in the seizure discharge
these published findings, it can be estimated that 15% of all (Arancibia and Kittler, 2009; Smith and Kittler, 2010). As GABA
the cases with status epilepticus admitted to hospital will is the principle inhibitory transmitter, this reduction in GABAergic
become super-refractory. All neurologists are likely to be involved activity may be an important reason for seizures to become
2804 | Brain 2011: 134; 2802–2818 S. Shorvon and M. Ferlisi
persistent. Furthermore, the number of glutaminergic receptors at usually initiated after a few hours of continuous seizure activity,
the cell surface increases, and the reduction in the density of the and it is because of this that the recommendation is made to
GABA receptors is itself triggered it seems by activation of the initiate anaesthesia after seizures have persisted for 41–2 h. The
glutaminergic receptor systems. Why this should happen is un- processes induced by this cascade, however, may occur rapidly
known, and from the epilepsy point of view is certainly maladap- over minutes or take weeks to take full effect, and these include
tive. This loss of GABAergic receptor density is also the likely mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, release of neurotro-
reason for the increasing ineffectiveness of GABAergic drugs phins and neurohormones, inflammatory reactions, dendritic
(such as benzodiazepines or barbiturates) in controlling seizures remodelling, neuromodulation, immunosuppression and the acti-
as the status epilepticus becomes prolonged (Macdonald and vation of several molecular signalling pathways that mediate pro-
Kapur, 1999). It has also been repeatedly shown that the extra- grammed death (Löscher and Brandt, 2010). In the longer term,
cellular ionic environment, which can change in status epilepticus, structure changes and histological changes include neurogenesis
may be an important factor in perpetuating seizures, and the and angiogenesis (Pitkanen and Lukasiuk, 2009, 2011).
searched the reference lists of relevant review articles and book whom an acute structural cause was evident in seven. In one
chapters and identified 159 papers that form the evidence base for case, no cause was discovered. The patients were treated with
therapy (some papers describing several therapies). These covered anaesthesia (usually midazolam or barbiturate) and anti-epileptic
all the therapeutic approaches discussed in this article, and we drugs. All developed complications and six patients died in hos-
have critically reviewed these reports. The articles identified for pital. The median duration of the intensive treatment unit stay was
each treatment are shown in the Supplementary material. 21 days (range 7–97 days). Among the survivors, all were in a
It is salutary to note that there is only one randomized or con- poor functional state on discharge (and some vegetative). Follow-
trolled study of any of these therapies (a trial comparing thiopental up data were sparse but some patients showed significant im-
and midazolam). However, the trial required 150 patients for ad- provement over time. It is against this rather dismal background
equate power and recruited only 24 patients (Rosetti et al., 2011). that treatment strategies should be tested.
Apart from this, the evidence base consists entirely of single case
reports or small series. None of the widely recommended drugs or
physicians’) all of whom recovered. Fisher et al. (1988) reported against neural elements. The first antibodies identified were against
the first modern case, in which magnesium was infused to levels the voltage-gated potassium channels. Then antibodies against the
as high as 14.2 mEq/l in a case of severe myoclonic status epi- N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor were discovered, which were found
lepticus without seizure control, although the EEG patterns were to be a common finding in previously cryptogenic status epilepti-
changed. Recently, Visser et al. (2011) reported effect in POLG1 cus. The second development has been the increasing evidence
deficiency and suggested a particular benefit in mitochondrial that inflammation plays an important role in epileptogenesis, and
disease. In spite of this lack of evidence, and perhaps because especially the activation of specific inflammatory signalling path-
of its undoubted success in eclampsia, there has been in recent ways such as the interleukin-1 receptor/toll-like receptor (IL-1R/
times a fashion for infusing magnesium sulphate in cases of super- TLR) pathway, both experimentally and in human tissue (Vezzani
refractory status epilepticus. In the authors’ experience, magnesium et al., 2009; Maroso et al., 2010; Vezzani and Ruegg, 2011;
has never convincingly been shown to control adult super- Zurolo et al., 2011).
refractory status epilepticus, but the infusion is safe and without These discoveries have led to the widespread use of immuno-
published cases describing its use in super-refractory tonic–clonic view. It is not clear why CSF drainage has any effect on seizure
status epilepticus, although there is one report of its successful use activity, but this could be due to the removal of inflammatory or
in focal motor status epilepticus in Rasmussen encephalitis other noxious substances, a reflex autonomic effect or an effect
(Franzini et al., 2008). on intracerebal pressure.
Electroconvulsive therapy
Other drugs used
This is the form of cerebral stimulation that has been most studied
in status epilepticus. Electroconvulsive therapy was first used in A number of older drugs are still occasionally used in status epi-
epilepsy in the 1930s (Allen, 1938; Caplan, 1945). Its anti-epileptic lepticus. In the earlier years of the century, chloral and bromide
effects were then well established due, it is suggested, to the were universally recommended, and are still rarely used.
increased presynaptic release of GABA and prolongation of the re- Paraldehyde given by continuous intravenous infusion was
fractory period after a seizure (Sackheim et al., 1983; Sanacora described by Whitty and Taylor (1940) in 26 adults from a military
epilepticus. A detailed history should be obtained (including family suppression levels of anaesthesia will control seizures effectively,
history) and the investigations required depend on the context, there is a significant risk of hypotension and other complications.
and often will include MRI, EEG, CSF examination, metabolic As a compromise, it is now common practice to aim for burst sup-
and drug screen, toxicological and auto-immune screen. pression initially and then in prolonged episodes to lighter the level
of anaesthesia. Recommended doses are given in Table 3.
General anaesthesia
Cycling and duration of anaesthetic cycles
Choice of anaesthetic It is usual practice to reverse anaesthesia initially every 24–48 h,
One of the three conventional anaesthetic agents should be given and if seizures recur, then to re-establish it. Over time, the dur-
initially with choice depending on individual circumstance and ation of individual cycles is increased, and after a few weeks, an-
preference. However, propofol infusions should only be continued aesthesia is often continued for 5 days before attempts to reverse
for 448 h where the benefits exceed the risks of PRIS and where it are made.
careful monitoring to avoid this is in place. Ketamine should be
considered where other anaesthetics are failing or where Speed of weaning of anaesthetics
drug-induced hypotension becomes a crucial problem. The speed at which anaesthetic weaning should be done is also not
clear, but studies in which rapid weaning occurs show high rates of
Level of anaesthesia
recurrence and the possibility of rebound seizures. For this reason, it
It is usual to continue anaesthesia to a level of burst suppression.
seems reasonable to wean slowly over days (see Table 3 for rates).
At this level, all electrographic seizure activity is usually termi-
nated. Lighter anaesthesia may sometimes also suppress activity, Duration of anaesthesia
and whether burst suppression is needed in all cases is not clear, How long anaesthesia should be continued has not been the sub-
and what little evidence there is, is conflicting (Krishnamoorthy ject of study. It remains possible that in very prolonged status
et al., 1999; Rossetti et al., 2005; Amzica, 2011). While burst epilepticus, the risks of anaesthesia exceed those of the status
Treatment Dose recommended Range of doses used (from the literature review) Main advantages Main
Children Adult Children Adult
Thiopental/ Bolus: 5 mg/kg Bolus: 2–3 mg/kg Bolus: 4–5 mg/kg Bolus: 1–19 mg/kg Strong anti-epileptic Zero order
pentobarbital Infusion: 5 mg/kg/h Infusion: 3–5 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.5–12 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.5–20 mg/kg/h action, potential pharmacokinetics,
neuroprotective action, strong tendency
reduces intracranial to accumulate
pressure, long and thus
experience of its use prolonged
recovery phase,
| Brain 2011: 134; 2802–2818
acute tolerance,
drug inter-
actions, toxicity
Midazolam Bolus: 0.1–0.2 mg/kg Bolus: 0.2 mg/kg Bolus: 0.06–0.6 mg/kg Bolus: 0.03–0.5 mg/kg Strong anti-epileptic Tendency for
Infusion: 0.05–0.23 mg/kg/ha Infusion: 0.1–0.4 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.036–1.2 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.02–1.2 mg/kg/h action, less tendency acute tolerance
to accumulate than to develop
barbiturate or other resulting in
benzodiazepines breakthrough
hypotension and
Propofol Bolus: 1–2 mg/kg Bolus: 3–5 mg/kg Bolus: 1–3 mg/kg Bolus: 1–3 mg/kg Excellent pharmacokinetics, PRIS, pain at the
Infusion: 1–7 mg/kg/h Infusion: 5–10 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.6–26.94 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.1–24 mg/kg/h ease of use. responsive injection side,
anaesthetic agent, involuntary
pharmacology movements, no
extensively studied intrinsic
Ketamine NK Bolus: 0.5–4.5 mg/kg NK Bolus: 0.5–3 mg/kg Lack of cardiorespiratory Potential for
Infusion: up to 5 mg/kg/h Infusion: 0.3–7.5 mg/kg/h depression and drug- neurotoxicity,
induced hypotension. hypertension
blockade and
therefore potential
neuroprotective action
epilepticus and withdrawal of anaesthesia for longer periods may prolonged propofol infusions are undertaken, very careful moni-
be beneficial. Certainly, occasionally seizures that are reactivated toring for the signs of PRIS is required.
on anaesthetic withdrawal then subside spontaneously.
Nevertheless, it is conventional practice currently to continue an- Anti-epileptic drug therapy
aesthesia (with withdrawal and restitution cycles as above). High doses of two or three anti-epileptic drugs should be initiated
via a nasogastric or other feeding tube, and these should be
continued throughout the course of the status epilepticus. In the
Intensive treatment unit monitoring complete absence of any comparative study, advice about an ap-
Conventional intensive treatment unit care and careful monitoring propriate treatment strategy must be arbitrary and subjective.
should be employed in all patients. Meticulous attention must be However, a few general points seem appropriate to suggest:
paid to haemodynamic parameters, fluid balance, anti-thrombotic
Drug regimes
therapy and skin care. Also, particularly as the anaesthetics can be
Polytherapy with no more than two anti-epileptics in high doses
immunosuppressive, monitoring for and therapy of nosocomial in-
seems on general principles to be most appropriate. There is no
fection becomes increasingly important as the status epilepticus
evidence of overall benefit from more complex combinations, and
becomes more prolonged. The other complications of prolonged
morbidity will rise with more extensive drug regimens.
anaesthesia (listed above) need to be identified and treated
(Schmutzhard, 2011). EEG should be carried out at least once a Changing drug regimens
day. In very prolonged status epilepticus, intensive and sometimes Frequent changes in the anti-epileptic drug regimen should
invasive intensive treatment unit and EEG monitoring should be be avoided, as rapid withdrawal of anti-epileptics can lead to re-
considered (Friedman et al., 2009; Schmutzhard, 2011), but this bound seizures, exacerbate side-effects, risk allergic reactions and
will depend on the clinical context and the facilities available. If also cause pharmacokinetic changes. In very prolonged status
2814 | Brain 2011: 134; 2802–2818 S. Shorvon and M. Ferlisi
epilepticus, changing anti-epileptics may be tried, but the with- resolution within 2 days, either intravenous immunglobulins or
drawal process should be slow, carried out over weeks. (less commonly) plasma exchange can be added. There are no
data on optimal therapy, but it is important to have a protocol.
Choice of drug
In the author’s practice, this is usually initiated with high-dose
This will depend on the clinical context. In general, the most
prednisolone at a dose of 1 g of intravenous prednisolone per
powerful and effective drugs should be chosen but avoiding drugs
day for 3 days followed by 1 mg/kg/day in four divided doses.
with a primarily GABAergic mechanism of action, not least be-
This is followed by one or two courses of intravenous immuno-
cause there is evidence of loss of efficacy as status epilepticus
globulins at a dose of 0.4 g/kg over 5 days, or plasma exchange. If
becomes more prolonged and because the anaesthetic drugs
there is a response, treatment is continued with long-term ster-
themselves have much more powerful GABAergic effects. It
oids, intravenous immunoglobulins and later, other immunomodu-
would seem also sensible to use drugs that have low interaction
latory agents such as cyclophosphamide or rituximab. It seems
potential and predictable kinetics, and to avoid drugs with strong
reasonable to give such a regime to all patients in whom there
Hypothermia is usually induced by endovascular cooling. Rossetti
(2010) has recommended that only mild hypothermia (32–35 C) is This article is partly based on a presentation by S.D.S. at the 3rd
given, that barbiturate anaesthetics should be avoided and that London-Innsbruck Colloquium on status epilepticus.
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apy. If there is a response, the hypothermia can be continued.
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