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Budget at a Glance presents broad
aggregates of the Budget for easy understanding.
This document shows receipts and expenditure as
well as the Fiscal Deficit (FD), Revenue Deficit
(RD, Effective Revenue Deficit (ERD) and the
Primary Deficit (PD) of the Government of India.
It gives an illustrative account of sources of receipts
and their expenditure through graphs and info-
graphics. In addition, the document contains details
with respect to the resources transferred to the States
and UTs with legislature. The document also
encompasses extracts of allocations for programme
and schemes and giving insights on sources of
deficit financing and composition of important
budgetary variables.

2. Fiscal Deficit (FD) is the adverse fiscal

balance which is a difference between the Revenue
Receipts Plus Non-Debt Capital Receipts (NDCR)
i.e. total of the non-debt receipts and the total
expenditure. FD is reflective of the total borrowing
requirement of Government. Revenue Deficit (RD)
refers to the excess of revenue expenditure over
revenue receipts. Effective Revenue Deficit (ERD)
is the difference between Revenue Deficit and
Grant-in-Aid for Creation of Capital Assets.
Primary Deficit is measured as Fiscal Deficit less
interest payments. Effective Capital Expenditure
(Eff-Capex) refers to the sum of Capit al
Expenditure and Grants-in-Aid for Creation of
Capital Assets.

3. The receipts and expenditure depicted in

this document are net of receipts and recoveries as
explained in the reconciliation statements provided
in the Receipt Budget (Annex-3) and Expenditure
Profile Document (Statement No. 17).

` 4. In RE 2022-23, the total expenditure has

been estimated at `41,87,232 crore and is more than
` Actuals of FY 2021-22 by `3,93,431 crore. The total
` capital expenditure in RE 2022-23 is estimated at
`7,28,274 crore.
` 5. The total expenditure in BE 2023-24 is
estimated at `45,03,097 crore of which total capital
` expenditure is `10,00,961 crore. Budget 2023-24
reflects continuing strong commitment of the Union
Government to boost economic growth by investing
in infrastructure development leading to an increase
` in capital expenditure by 37.4 per cent over RE
2022-23. Effective Capital Expenditure, at
`13,70,949 crore in BE 2023-24, shows an increase
of 30.1 per cent over RE 2022-23.

6. Total resources being transferred to the

States including the devolution of State’s share,
Grants/Loans and releases under Centrally
` Sponsored Schemes, etc. in BE 2023-24 is
` `17,97,537 crore, which shows an increase of
`1,43,056 crore over Actuals of FY 2021-22.


` Budget at a Glance

2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023 2023-2024

Actuals Budget Revised Budget

Estimates Estimates Estimates
1. 1. Revenue Receipts 2169905 2204422 2348413 2632281
2. 2. Tax Revenue (Net to 1804793 1934771 2086662 2330631
¹ Centre)1
3. 3. Non Tax Revenue 365112 269651 261751 301650

4. 4. Capital Receipts 1623896 1740487 1838819 1870816

5. 5. Recovery of Loans 24737 14291 23500 23000
6. 6. Other Receipts 14638 65000 60000 61000
7. ² 7. Borrowings and Other 1584521 1661196 1755319 1786816

8. 1+4) 8. Total Receipts (1+4) 3793801 3944909 4187232 4503097

9. (10+13) 9. Total Expenditure (10+13) 3793801 3944909 4187232 4503097

10. 10. On Revenue Account 3200926 3194663 3458959 3502136
of which
11. 11. Interest Payments 805499 940651 940651 1079971
12. 12. Grants in Aid for creation 242646 317643 325588 369988
of capital assets
13. 13. On Capital Account 592874 750246 728274 1000961
14. 12+13) 14. Effective Capital Expenditure 835520 1067889 1053862 1370949
15. (10-1) 15. Revenue Deficit (10-1) 1031021 990241 1110546 869855
(4.4) (3.8) (4.1) (2.9)
16. 16. Effective Revenue Deficit 788375 672598 784958 499867
(15-12) (15-12) (3.3) (2.6) (2.9) (1.7)
17. 17. Fiscal Deficit 1584521 1661196 1755319 1786816
[9-(1+5+6)] [9-(1+5+6)] (6.7) (6.4) (6.4) (5.9)
18. (17-11) 18. Primary Deficit (17-11) 779022 720545 814668 706845
(3.3) (2.8) (3.0) (2.3)
- RE 2022-23 is reduced by `32,607 crore on account of net
` amount payable by Centre for prior years. Growth in BE 2023-
- - % 24 over RE 2022-23 is 10% excluding prior year adjustments.
Includes drawdown of Cash Balance.
: Notes:
(i) - ` (i) Nominal GDP for BE 2023-2024 has been projected at
% `3,01,75,065 crore assuming 10.5 % growth over the
- ` estimated Nominal GDP of `2,73,07,751 crore as per the
First Advance Estimates of FY 2022-23.

(ii) - (ii) Individual items in this document may not sum up to the
totals due to rounding off.

(iii) (iii) Figures in parenthesis are as a percentage of GDP.


Rupee Comes From

( Budget 2023-24)
Budget ( 2-23)

15 [ p.]

[ p.]
[ p.]

5 [ p.]

[ p.] 2
5 7 [ p.]
[ p.] 16 [ p.]

Corporation-tax 15 [ p.]

Borrowings & Other

liabilities 34
[ p.]

Income-tax 15 [ p.]

- Customs 4 [ p.]

Non-debt Capital
receipts 2 [ p.] -
- Non-tax Union Excise Duties
receipts 6 [ p.] 7 [ p.]
Goods & Service Tax
& Other taxes 17 [ p.]


Notes :- 1. Total receipts are inclusive of States' share of taxes and duties which have been netted in the table on page 1.
2. Figures have been rounded off.

Rupee Goes To
( Budget 2023-24)
Budget ( 2-23)

[ p.] 15 [ p.]
[ p.]

[ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]

8 [ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]

Centrally Sponsored Central Sector

Scheme 9 [ p.] Scheme (excluding
Capital Outlay on
Defence and Subsidy)
7 [ p.]
Other Expenditure 8
[ p.]

Pensions 4
[ p.]

Interest Payments
20 [ p.]

States Share of Taxes

duties 8
[ p.]

Defence 8 [ p.]

Finance Commission
& Other transfers 9 [ p.] Subsidies 7 [ p.]


Notes :- 1. Total expenditure is inclusive of States' share of taxes and duties which have been netted against receipts in the table on page 1.
2. Figures have been rounded off.

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