Precision Group (Australia)
Level 13, 269 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley 4006
Assessments 2 to 4: Projects 32
Project Overview 32
Project 2 – Financial Management Planning 33
Part 3. Financial Management Plan Implementation 69
Part 4. Review and Evaluation of Financial Management Processes 110
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Resources Required for Assessment
To complete the Practical Assessment projects, you will require access to:
▪ Computer with internet and email access and a working web browser
▪ Financial plan for your work team that includes the following:
o Ageing Summaries
▪ Long-term budget
o People, including:
o Accountants
o Financial controllers
▪ At least two team members whose job roles are focused on management
of finances.
These include, but are not limited to:
o Purchasing and procurement staff
o Bookkeepers
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o Opportunity to manage at least one financial plan for your own work team
▪ Microsoft Excel
▪ Cloud-based storage
o At least two systems that can be used to manage financial management processes
▪ Quickbooks
▪ Xero
Does the Student understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes No
Have the Student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes No
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Student Signature: Date:
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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Short Answer Questions
Assessment type
Written Questions
● This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be
deemed competent in this unit of competency.
● The Knowledge Test is comprised of seven (7) written questions
● You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor.
● You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer
within the required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
Applicable conditions:
● All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment
(this means you can refer to your textbook during the test).
● You must read and respond to all questions.
● No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the
task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
● As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating
your written skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
● Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt,
a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
● The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in
completing this task and require reasonable adjustments.
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Task instructions
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Question 2
Identify the two types of ageing accounts found in ageing summaries and briefly explain how
each is used using your own words.
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Question 4
Identify two types of petty cash books and briefly explain how petty cash is recorded on each
using your own words.
b. Identify the condition that would require a business to report GST using the full reporting
c. Identify ALL information a business is required to report in their BAS if they are using the
instalment method.
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Question 6
Identify three categories of financial information that is reported in Profit & Loss Statements.
Briefly define each using your own words.
Categories of Financial
Definition of Each Category of Financial Information
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Question 8
List two current tax requirements of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for businesses aside
from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) already listed below.
For each tax requirement, including the GST, you must:
▪ Brief explanation of the requirement that the business must pay using your own words
The information provided must be in line with the most current requirements upon the date of
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Question 9
Identify two key requirements for financial record-keeping and briefly explain each using your
own words.
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Question 11
Identify at least three principles for managing work teams and briefly explain how each promotes
effective team management.
Principles Description of Each Principle
a. Budgeting
b. Cash flows
c. Electronic
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d. GST
e. Ledgers
f. Financial
g. Profit and Loss
b. GST
b. Electronic
c. Ledgers
d. Financial Statements
e. Profit and Loss
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Question 14
Identify the two areas that you need to evaluate when reviewing budget plans. Briefly explain
why each needs to be reviewed.
Techniques to Evaluate
Application of Technique
Budget Plans
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Question 16
Identify the three key financial statements that you must review when conducting an annual
evaluation of your financial plans. Briefly explain why each financial statement needs to be
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BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
Student’s Name
Assessor’s name:
Yes No
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Assessor’s Date:
1. Project Assessments
A series of tasks assessing the learner’s practical knowledge and skills relevant to the
unit of competency. This includes the learner completing workplace documents or
similar as evidence of competent performance.
2. Practical Observations
A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills relevant
to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by
the assessor.
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Assessments 2 to 4: Projects
Project Overview
This project will require you to manage budgets and financial plans.
The project is divided into three parts:
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions
while being observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation as evidence of
task completion.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including
instructions, resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing them.
● To ensure your responses are satisfactory you should consult a range of learning resources
and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.
● You must document your responses in the provided template.
● This assessment involves a role play, which must be completed in class. If you do not
complete this role play, you cannot complete and submit your assessment and cannot be
assessed as competent.
● You must be concise, to the point and write answers according to the given word limit to
each question and not provide irrelevant information.
● You must write your responses in your own words.
Project Overview
This part of the project requires you to review an existing budget plan and financial plan in your
organisation. Specifically, you are required to:
▪ Negotiate changes that need to be applied to budget plan and financial plan
▪ Clarify budget plan and financial plan on their achievability, accuracy, and
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
▪ Financial plan for your work team that includes the following:
● Ageing Summaries
▪ Financial managers
▪ Accountants
▪ Financial controllers
o Opportunity to manage at least one financial plan for your own work team
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Project 2.1 Review Budget and Financial Plans
1. Seek assistance from your supervisor to identify an opportunity to manage at least one
financial plan for your work team.
Work team must consist of at least two members.
2. Access one of your organisation’s existing financial plans for your work team, which
must be of at least two members. Your financial plan must include the following:
Goals are general objectives that describe what you want to achieve with your
finances in the long run.
These are the specific numerical milestones that indicate the accomplishment of
your financial goal.
▪ Ageing summaries
▪ At least one budget plan, which includes at least one budgetary objective
Budget plans include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Short-term budget plan
3. Access the Financial Review template found within this workbook. This outlines all the
information required for this task.
4. Review the past performance of your financial records in relation to the financial goals
and objectives of your financial plan.
o Ageing summaries
o Petty cash
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o Are GST credits included in the computation of your budgets?
Financial Goal
Financial Objectives
ii. .
Section of Financial Plan
Type of Budget Plan Used
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Financial Performance Interpretation
Budget Plan
Ageing Summaries
Petty Cash
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Project 2.2 Evaluate Performance of Budget and Financial Plans
1. To complete this task, you must conduct a meeting with at least two relevant personnel
from your organisation to evaluate the performance of your budget and financial plans,
as outlined in Task 1.1.
Relevant personnel includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Financial managers
▪ Accountants
▪ Financial controllers
2. Locate the following found within this workbook to assist you in completing this task:
▪ Observation Form
This outlines all the skills you must demonstrate throughout this task. Read this
and the instructions that follow before conducting your meeting.
3. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting. Discuss all
requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the meeting.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video.
Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
4. Review the budget and financial plans interpreted in Task 1.1. You must share the
information recorded here during your meeting.
5. Conduct a meeting with at least two relevant personnel to evaluate the performance of
the budget and financial plans based on review from Task 1.1.
During the meeting:
i. Evaluate how each of the following performed based on your interpretation in
your Financial Review:
▪ Budget plan
▪ Ageing summary
▪ Petty cash
ii. Identify at least one change to your budget plan based on your evaluation
iii. Negotiate possible changes to implement to your budget plan to achieve
financial objectives better.
Negotiation includes, but is not limited to the following:
iv. Identify at least one change to be made to your financial plan based on your
v. Negotiate possible changes to implement your financial plan to better achieve
financial objectives.
vi. Based on your discussion, finalise the following:
▪ Budget Plan
▪ Financial Plan
You must secure proof of each approval. This will be submitted as supplementary
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evidence at the end of the task.
Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Meeting Minutes
▪ Video recording
▪ Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes
Date: Time: Location:
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Observation Form (For Assessor’s Use Only)
The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
▪ Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
▪ Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to meet with relevant personnel to evaluate the performance
of their budget and financial plans. Prior to conducting the meeting, discuss with the learner to ensure that
they have access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
▪ Financial managers
▪ Accountants
▪ Financial controllers
You are required to observe the learner meet with relevant personnel to evaluate the performance of their
budget and financial plans. The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must
complete during the observation task.
❒ Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
▪ Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
▪ Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
▪ Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
▪ Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
▪ Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Observation Form
Name of Workplace/
Task Title
Refer to task title.
i. Active listening
information is remembered
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1. Review your revised Financial Plan and Budget plan from Task 1.2 to develop strategies
for monitoring expenditure and controlling costs.
2. Locate the following found within this workbook:
▪ Develop at least one team objective based on your financial objective relevant to
monitoring actual expenditure identified in Task 1.1.
Areas covered by team objectives include, but is not limited to the following:
o Ensuring allocated budget is followed
o Expenditure forecasting
You must write each of your objectives following S.M.A.R.T Goals, which stands
o Specific
o Measurable
o Achievable
o Realistic
o Time-bound
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▪ At least one team objective to achieve organisational financial objective relevant
to controlling costs. You must write this following S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
o Accounts manager
o Accountant
o Controlling costs
The roles of your team members may cover both areas, so long as you clearly
define these in your plan.
▪ At least one Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for each role identified. You must
write this following S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
Areas covered by KPIs include but are not limited to the following:
o Actual costs
o Earned Value
o Cost variance
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date of Implementation’ and ‘Actual Outcome’ columns of
Part A. Team Management Plan blank. This will be completed in a succeeding task.
Part B. Expenditure Monitoring Plan
To complete Part B. Expenditure Monitoring Plan, you must identify the following:
o Expected outcome
o Fortnightly
o Quarterly
▪ At least one financial objective relevant to controlling costs for your work team.
This must be written using S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
o Expected outcome
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o Resource
o System
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date of Implementation’ and ‘Actual Outcome’ columns of
Part C. Cost Control Plan blank. This will be completed in a succeeding task.
Part D. Contingency Plan
Use the Risk Rating Guide
To complete Part D. Contingency Plan, you must:
Develop two contingency plans—one for your financial plan and one for your selected
budget plan. Each plan must contain the following:
o Volatility in investments
▪ At least one factor of the risk that will affect the business
▪ Risk assessment of each risk identified, which must include the rating of each:
o Likelihood (L)
o Consequences (C)
▪ An action plan for each risk identified, which must include the following:
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date of Implementation’ and ‘Actual Outcome’ columns of
Part D. Contingency Plan blank. This will be completed in a succeeding task.
Part E. Version Control
To complete Part E. Cost Control Plan, you must:
4. Have your supervisor sign the version 1.0 of Part E. Version Control of your Financial
Management Plan. This is to ensure that all information provided is accurate and
factual. Their signature must be handwritten.
5. Submit the partially completed Financial Management Plan template to your assessor.
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Financial Management Plan
Name of
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Strategy to
Processes to Actual
Financial Monitor Implementation Expected Actual
Implement Implementation
Objective Actual Date Outcome Outcome
Strategy Date
Required to
Required to
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Required to
Required to
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Action Plan
Implemen Actual
Expected Actual
Risk Contingency Strategy tation Implement
Outcome Outcome
Date ation Date
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Budgetary Contingency Plan
Action Plan
Implemen Actual
Expected Actual
Risk Contingency Strategy tation Implement
Outcome Outcome
Date ation Date
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Risk Rating Guide
Likelihood Scale
Level Likelihood Description
The event may occur in exceptional circumstances. Less than once in 2
1 Rare
2 Unlikely The event could occur at some time. At least once per year.
3 Moderate The event will probably occur at some time. At least once in 6 months.
4 Likely The event will occur in most circumstances. At least once per month
The event is expected to occur in all circumstances. At least once per
5 Certain
Consequence Scale
Level Consequence Description
0 Negligible No Injuries. Low financial loss. Financial loses less than $1,000
1 Minor First-aid treatment. Financial losses between $1,000 and $10,000
Medical treatment required. Financial losses between $10,000 and
2 Serious $50,000. Moderate environmental implications. Moderate loss of
reputation. Moderate business interruption.
Excessive, multiple long-term injuries. Financial losses greater than
3 Major $50,000. High environmental implications. Major loss of reputation.
Major business interruption.
4 Fatality Single death
5 Multiple deaths and serious long-term injuries.
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Risk Rating Matrix
Rare Unlikely Moderate Likely Certain
Consequence Level 1 2 3 4 5
Negligible 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minor 1 1 2 3 4 5
Serious 2 2 4 6 8 10
Major 3 3 6 9 12 15
Fatality 4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10 15 20 25
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immediate corrective action.
Student’s Name
Assessor’s name:
Yes No
Reviewed past
performance of
financial records in
2 relation to the ⬜ ⬜
financial goals and
objectives of your
financial plan
Completed the
3 Financial Review ⬜ ⬜
Interpreted financial
documents in relation
to identified financial ⬜ ⬜
Conducted a meeting
with at least 2 relevant
personnel to evaluate
the performance of ⬜ ⬜
your budget and
financial plans
2 Evaluate how these
performed based on ⬜ ⬜
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your interpretation in
your Financial Review:
● Budget plan
● Ageing
● Petty cash
● Cash flow
● Goods and
Services Tax
● Profit and loss
Identified at least 1
change to be made to
3 your Financial Plan ⬜ ⬜
based on your
Negotiated possible
changes to your
4 Financial Plan to ⬜ ⬜
better achieve
financial objectives
Finalised at least 1
change to the budget
plan and 1 change to ⬜ ⬜
the Financial Plan
Attendees signed
meeting minutes ⬜ ⬜
Submitted proof of
approval of
participants on
updates to Budget ⬜ ⬜
Plan and Financial
Submitted updated
8 Budget and Financial ⬜ ⬜
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Completed Financial
Management Plan ⬜ ⬜
Team Management
Plan - Developed at
2 least one team ⬜ ⬜
objective based on
your financial objective
Objectives written
following SMART Goals ⬜ ⬜
Included at least 1
team objective to
achieve organisational
financial objective ⬜ ⬜
relevant to controlling
At least 2 members of
your work team
involved in financial ⬜ ⬜
Completed Part B.
7 Expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Monitoring Plan
Included at least one
financial objective
8 relevant to monitoring ⬜ ⬜
actual expenditure for
work team.
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Included resources
and system required to
monitor actual ⬜ ⬜
Completed Part D:
Contingency Plan ⬜ ⬜
Developed contingency
19 plans for Financial Plan ⬜ ⬜
and Budget Plan
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to achieve the relevant
financial objective
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Part 3. Financial Management Plan Implementation
Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to implement a new financial management plan. Specifically,
you are required to:
▪ Communicate details of agreed budget and financial plans to relevant team members
▪ Support team members to access resources and systems to perform required roles
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
o At least two team members whose job roles are focused on management of
These include, but are not limited to:
▪ Debt collectors
▪ Bookkeepers
▪ Microsoft Excel
▪ Cloud-based storage
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▪ Time tracking application
▪ Quickbooks
▪ Xero
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Task 3.1 Team Meeting
1. To complete this task, you must conduct a meeting with at least two of your team
members to communicate details of the budget and financial plans.
2. Locate the following found within this workbook:
This outlines all topics you must discuss in your meeting with your team
▪ Observation Form
This outlines all the skills you must demonstrate throughout this task. Provide
your assessor a copy of this before conducting your meeting.
Review these templates and the instructions that follow before conducting your
3. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a
time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting. Discuss all
requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the meeting.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video.
Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
4. Organise a meeting with at least three team members to communicate details of your
budget and financial plans and discuss roles in financial management.
During the meeting you must:
i. Clarify your approved budget plan. Discussion must include the following:
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▪ Providing additional guidance for questions
ii. Clarify your approved financial plan. Discussion must include the following:
iii. Discuss resources and systems required for financial management. Discussion
must include the following as identified in Part I:
iv. Discuss the roles of your team members in line with financial management.
Discussion must include the following:
v. Identify at least one support required by each team member in accessing the
▪ Coaching
▪ Formal training
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▪ Shadowing
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6. After your meeting, complete the Support Plan based on your discussion during the
meeting. To complete this you must identify the following:
i. Each team member present in the meeting
ii. Role of each team member relevant to financial management
iii. At least one support required by each team member for accessing resources to
perform their role
iv. At least one support required by each team member for accessing systems to
perform their role
v. For each support:
o Implementation date of each support required
You are to leave the ‘Actual Implementation Date’ and ‘Actual Outcome’ columns of
your Support Plan blank. This will be completed in a succeeding task.
7. Submit the following to your assessor:
▪ Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes
Date: Time: Location:
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Agenda Item 2: Discussion of Resources and Systems Required
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Support Plan
Learner Name
Team Implementation
# Role Support Required Expected Outcome Implementation Actual Outcome
Member Date
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Observation Form (For Assessor’s Use Only)
The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
▪ Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
▪ Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to meet with their work team to communicate details of the
budget and financial plans. Prior to conducting the meeting, discuss with the learner to ensure that they
have access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
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Your Role as the Observer/Assessor
You are required to observe the learner meet with their work team to communicate the details of the
budget and financial plan. The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must
complete during the observation task.
❒ Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
▪ Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
▪ Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
▪ Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
▪ Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
▪ Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Observation Form
Name of Workplace/
Task Title
Refer to task title.
a. Agreed Budget Plan
☐ ☐
b. Agreed Financial Plan
☐ ☐
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ii. Language to suit the audience
i. Active listening
information is retained
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Task 3.2 Provide Support
1. Review your partially completed Support Plan from Task 2.1 to assist you in providing
support to each of your team members to access resources and systems required for
their role.
2. Locate the Support Log found within this workbook. This will be used to confirm the
support provided to each team member.
3. Provide the appropriate support to each of your team members met in Task 2.1. The
support you provide must correspond to those identified in your Support Plan partially
completed in Task 2.1.
This must include the following for each member:
You must prepare proof of providing support for each team member. This will be
submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task
Evidence may include, but is not limited to the following:
The amount of evidence you must submit must correspond to the support you are
required to provided as outlined in your Support Plan from Task 2.1. You must submit
at least four at the end of this task—two for each team member.
After you provide the support to each team member, you must have them sign on the
Support Log. This is to ensure that support provided is consistent with support
identified in the Support Plan and to confirm that support provided is sufficient. All
signature must be handwritten.
4. Update your Support Plan with the following for each support provided:
▪ Actual outcome
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▪ Completed Support Plan
▪ At least four pieces of supplementary evidence, which must include at least one
of each of the following for each team member
o Support for accessing resources required to perform their role
o Support for accessing systems required to perform their role
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Support Plan
Learner must only provide response to cells coloured white. Sections coloured in grey will be completed in a succeeding task.
Learner Name
Organisation Name
Team Implementation Expected
# Role Support Required Implementation Actual Outcome
Member Date Outcome
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Support Log
Learner Name
By signing this log, you are confirming that the learner provided support consistent with the identified
support in the Support Plan. Furthermore, by signing here you confirm that the support provided is
sufficient to address your support need.
Date of
Team Member
Support Team Member Role Support Provided
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Task 3.3 Implement Financial Management Plan
1. To complete this task, you must implement the strategies outlined in your Financial
Management Plan partially completed in Task 1.3 throughout one reporting period.
2. Locate the following found within this workbook:
This will be used to identify the record-keeping requirements you must follow
when implementing your Financial Management Plan.
This will be used for monitoring the performance of your team members
according to the KPIs identified in your Financial Management Plan.
▪ Observation Form
This outlines all the skills you must demonstrate throughout this task. Provide
your assessor a copy of this before conducting your meeting.
Review these templates and the instructions that follow before conducting this task.
3. Identify the following requirements in your Record-Keeping Requirements templates:
The type of records to be kept must be in line with industry you are currently
Record-keeping requirements can include, but are not limited to the following:
o Keeping bank records for five years
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▪ At least two business record keeping requirements relevant to audit
▪ Actual outcome
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You must secure proof of each instance of monitoring your actual expenditure against
projected expenditure. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of
the task.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Budget reports
7. Implement your strategy to control costs identified in your Financial Management Plan.
You must monitor cost control at least two times following your organisational
You must secure proof that you have controlled costs on at least two occasions. This will
be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Costing forecasts
During the implementation, you must record the following on Part C. Cost Control Plan
of your Financial Management Plan for each process implemented:
▪ Actual outcome
During the implementation of your Financial Management Plan you must apply the
appropriate record-keeping requirements to ensure that all your business activity is
prepared in accordance with the following
▪ Auditing requirements
You must secure proof that you have kept records of business activity based on the
requirements outlined below. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the
end of the task.
Records include, but are not limited to the following:
▪ Sales records (e.g. invoice books, cash register tapes, credit card
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8. During the implementation of your Financial Management Plan, you must observe the
performance of each team member in relation to their KPI identified in Task 1.3. You
must observe each implementation on at least two occasions.
Record each team member’s performance on the Team Performance Monitoring Sheet
—one sheet must be used for each team member. Each sheet must contain the
▪ Date of observation
You must use one Team Performance Monitoring Sheet for each team member
You must secure proof of each of your team member’s performance for each instance
of monitoring. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task.
Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Reports on expenditures
During the implementation, you must record the following on Part A. Team
Management Plan of your Financial Management Plan for each process implemented:
▪ Actual outcome
9. After the implementation of your financial management processes, you must update
Part E. Version Control of your Financial Management Plan. To complete this section,
you must:
▪ Outline of modifications
10. Have your supervisor sign Part E. Version Control of your Financial Management Plan.
This is to ensure that all modifications provided are accurate and true. Their signature
must be handwritten.
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▪ Record-Keeping Requirements template
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Record-Keeping Requirements
Learner Name
By signing here, you are confirming that the identified record-keeping requirements identified by the
learner, whose name appears above, is followed by your organisation.
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Team Performance Monitoring Sheet
Team Member
Team Role
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Date Observation
Observed by
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Observation Form (For Assessor’s Use Only)
The assessor is to observe the learner as they complete the assessment task and skill requirements
outlined in this Observation Form.
▪ Review and discuss with the learner the task instructions, and skill requirements which they need
to demonstrate to complete this assessment.
▪ Ensure that the learner understands the requirements of the task and the skill requirements
before proceeding.
For this assessment, the learner is required to implement their strategies to monitor expenditure and
control costs while keeping records of business activity following ATO requirements and requirements for
the purpose of audit. Prior to conducting the meeting, discuss with the learner to ensure that they have
access to the following:
Assessment requirements (please tick all requirements found in the assessment environment):
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Your Role as the Observer/Assessor
You are required to observe the learner implement their strategies to monitor expenditure and control
costs while keeping records of business activity following ATO requirements and requirements for the
purpose of audit following requirements identified in the Record-Keeping Requirements template. Before
conducting the task, the learner must provide you a copy of the Record-Keeping Requirements template
that has been signed off by their supervisor.
The learner will provide you a copy of the Observation Form which you must complete during the
observation task.
❒ Direct observation
Learner and the assessment requirements must be present in the video recording.
▪ Observe the learner demonstrate each skill requirement outlined in the form as they undertake
the task.
▪ Tick each item in the form as ‘YES’ if the learner satisfactorily demonstrates each skill
requirement based on the criteria provided. Write objective feedback on how the learner
demonstrated each skill requirement based on your observation.
▪ Tick each item in the form as ‘NO’ if the learner does not satisfactorily demonstrate each skill
requirement. Write objective feedback including additional information on how the learner can
satisfactorily demonstrate this requirement for this task.
▪ Provide an overall feedback on the learner’s performance to assist the learner in addressing any
areas of improvement.
▪ Sign off the Assessor Declaration at the end of the Observation Form to confirm this observation.
Discuss any further queries about the task and associated requirements with the learner before
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Observation Form
Details of Observation
Did the learner… Yes No
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Project 3.4 Prepare Variation Reports
1. Review the records of financial activity collected during the implementation of your
Financial Management Plan from Task 2.3.
2. Access organisational documentation relevant to financial variance.
Documentation includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Staff Handbook
Review this documentation to identify your own organisation’s acceptable variance and
cycle for monitoring expenditure.
3. Access your own organisation’s template for completing variance reports.
If your organisation does not currently have a template for variance reports, you may
access the Variance Report template found within this workbook.
4. Create at least one variance report comparing actual expenditure and projected
expenditure for the period in which you implemented your Financial Management
This must follow the schedule for monitoring expenditure as identified in your Financial
Management Plan.
Each variance report must include the following:
Response must correspond to your initial expenditure from the financial and
budget plans from Part 1.
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Response must correspond to the financial records provided in Task 2.3
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▪ Variance in dollars of each expenditure
Response must correspond to your initial expenditure from the financial and
budget plans from Part 1.
▪ Identify if your per cent variance for each of the following is favourable or
o Individual expenditure
o Total expenditure
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Variance Report
Expenditure Projected Expenditure Actual Expenditure Variance ($) Favourability
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Project 3.5 Report on Implementation Results
o Budgets
o Expenditure
o Budgets
o Expenditure
If you currently do not have a template for reporting, you may use the
Financial Report template found within this workbook.
2. Access the found within this workbook:
▪ Report Checklist
This will be used by your assessor to confirm that you have followed the
required requirements for reporting budget and expenditure.
Review the templates and the instructions outlined below before starting your
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3. Record the following on your Financial Reporting Requirements template:
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4. Have your supervisor sign off your Financial Reporting Requirements template.
This is to ensure that the identified requirements are in line with the
requirements of your organisation. Their signature must be handwritten.
IMPORTANT: You must secure confirmation from your supervisor before preparing
your reports.
5. Prepare a report on each of the following based on the implementation of your
Financial Management Plan from Task 3.1 in accordance with your organisation’s
reporting protocols:
▪ Actual expenditure
The content of your financial report will depend on the protocols identified in
your Financial Reporting Requirements template. Review your requirements and
discuss with your assessor how to complete your template.
You can choose to have one consolidated report so long as the report contains
individual reports on expenditure and budget.
Report may include, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Variance Report
6. Follow your organisation’s reporting protocols and send the report to relevant
This refers to personnel in charge of reviewing completed financial reports
relevant to your team (e.g., line manager, board of director, Chief Finance Officer)
You must secure proof of your reporting to be submitted as supplementary
evidence at the end of this task.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
▪ Memo
▪ Meeting Minutes
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▪ Financial Reporting Requirements template
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Financial Report
Operating Expenses
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Variance Report
Expenditure Projected Expenditure Actual Expenditure Variance ($) Favourability
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Project 3.6 Implement and Modify Contingency Plans
3. To complete this task, you must implement the contingency plans identified in your
Financial Management Plan from Task 1.3.
4. Implement each contingency strategy identified in Part D. Contingency Plans of your
Financial Management Plan.
You must implement at least two strategies, at least one strategy for the budget plan
and at least one strategy for your financial plan.
During your implementation you must update the following for each contingency
strategy in Part D. Contingency Plans of your Financial Management:
▪ Actual outcome
You must secure proof at least one evidence that you implemented each of the
contingency strategies outlined in your Financial Management Plan. This is to be
submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of this task.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Revised budgets
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6. Provide the following information on the on Part D. Contingency Plan of your Financial
Management Plan:
▪ Associated risk
▪ Contingency strategy
▪ Implementation Date
▪ Expected Outcome
▪ Date of modification
8. Have your supervisor complete the Supervisor Declaration found at the end of this task.
This is to ensure that all information is in line with organisational objectives. All
signatures must be handwritten.
9. Submit the following to your assessor:
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▪ At least two evidence of implementation of each contingency strategy, one for
each contingency strategy
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BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
Assessor’s name:
Yes No
Clarified approved
budget plan ⬜ ⬜
Included financial
3 objective relevant to ⬜ ⬜
budget plan
Included Changes
4 applied to initial ⬜ ⬜
budget plan
5 contingency plan for ⬜ ⬜
budget plan
Clarified approved
financial plan ⬜ ⬜
Included financial goals
7 relevant to the ⬜ ⬜
financial plan
Included changes
8 applied to initial ⬜ ⬜
budget plan
Discussed resources
and systems
required for financial ⬜ ⬜
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Discussed roles of
team members ⬜ ⬜
Identified at least
one support
11 required by each ⬜ ⬜
team member to
perform roles
Completed Meeting
Minutes ⬜ ⬜
Completed Support
Plan ⬜ ⬜
Submitted completed
Support Plan ⬜ ⬜
Included actual date of
2 implementation and ⬜ ⬜
actual outcome
Submitted completed
support log ⬜ ⬜
Submitted At least
two pieces of
evidence of providing
support for accessing
4 resources required to ⬜ ⬜
perform required
roles—one for each
team member
Submitted At least two
pieces of evidence of
providing support for
accessing systems
required to perform ⬜ ⬜
required roles—one
for each team member
Submitted a completed
1 Record Keeping ⬜ ⬜
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Submitted at least 2
2 completed Team ⬜ ⬜
Monitoring Sheets
Submitted version 2.0
3 of their Financial ⬜ ⬜
Management Plan:
a. Team
4 Management ⬜ ⬜
b. Expenditure
5 Monitoring ⬜ ⬜
6 c. Cost Control ⬜ ⬜
7 d. Version History ⬜ ⬜
Submitted completed
1 Variance report ⬜ ⬜
template, including:
2 Acceptable Variance ⬜ ⬜
Period covered by
Variance Report ⬜ ⬜
Projected expense of
each expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Variance in dollars of
each expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Variance in % of each
expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Favourability of each
expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Projected total
expenditure ⬜ ⬜
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Actual total
expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Variance of total
expenditure in dollars ⬜ ⬜
Variance of total
expenditure as % ⬜ ⬜
Favourability of total
expenditure ⬜ ⬜
Submitted completed
Financial Reporting
Requirements ⬜ ⬜
Submitted at least
one organisational
protocol for reporting ⬜ ⬜
Submitted at least
one organisational
protocol for reporting ⬜ ⬜
Submitted reports of
their organisation’s
protocols for reporting
4 as identified in their ⬜ ⬜
Financial Reporting
Requirements – actual
Submitted reports of
their organisation’s
protocols for reporting
5 as identified in their ⬜ ⬜
Financial Reporting
Requirements – actual
Submitted at least
one supplementary
6 evidence as proof that ⬜ ⬜
they have reported to
the appropriate
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personnel based on
reporting protocols
identified in their
Financial Reporting
Identified at least one
protocol for reporting ⬜ ⬜
Variance Report
8 included required ⬜ ⬜
Submitted a completed
1 Financial Management ⬜ ⬜
Updated Part D.
Contingency Plan ⬜ ⬜
Updated part E.
Version Control ⬜ ⬜
Provided at least two
pieces of evidence
implementation of
4 their contingency ⬜ ⬜
strategy, one for each
Feedback to Student:
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Result □ Satisfactory □ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor’s Date:
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Part 4. Review and Evaluation of Financial Management Processes
Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to evaluate current financial management processes in your
organisation. Specifically, you are required to:
● To ensure your responses are satisfactory you should consult a range of learning resources
and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.
● You must document your responses in the provided template.
● This assessment involves a role play, which must be completed in class. If you do not
complete this role play, you cannot complete and submit your assessment and cannot be
assessed as competent.
● You must be concise, to the point and write answers according to the given word limit to
each question and not provide irrelevant information.
● You must write your responses in your own words.
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Project 4.1 Analyse Financial Management Processes
1. Locate the Improvement Log found within this workbook. This outlines all the
information you need to complete record in this task.
2. Review the following documents completed in Part 2 to assist you in recommending
improvements to your current financial management processes:
▪ Team Performance Monitoring Sheet from Task 2.3
Analyse all the data and information you collected to identify improvements for the
processes of each of the following:
▪ Controlling costs
▪ Identify at least one process of each the following that requires improvement:
o Briefly explain how the process does not meet the following:
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You are to complete one Improvement Log for each of the following:
▪ Meeting Minutes
▪ Interview notes
▪ Part B. Expenditure Monitoring Plan, which must include at least one updated
process related to your strategy for monitoring actual expenditure. This must
incorporates ALL approved improvements from your correspondence.
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▪ Part C. Cost Control Plan, which must include at least one updated process
related to your strategy to control costs. This must incorporates ALL approved
improvements from your correspondence
You must highlight all modifications made to your Change Management Plan.
6. Submit the following to your assessor:
▪ At least two completed Improvement Logs, one for each of the following:
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Improvement Log
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Project 4.2 Implement and Evaluate Recommendations
1. Access the Continuous Improvement Sheet found within this workbook. This outlines
all the information you need to complete this task.
You must complete one Continuous Improvement Sheet for each updated improved
process implemented.
2. Implement the following improved processes as indicated in your Financial
Management Plan updated in Task 3.1:
You must secure proof of your implementation of each improvement. This will be
submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of this task.
Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following:
▪ Email of changes
3. After implementing your improved processes, you must evaluate outcomes of each in
relation to the relevant financial and team objectives indicated in Task 3.1.
You must record the following on each Evaluation Sheet:
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▪ Date of observation
Evaluation includes:
o Aspects of the updated process that assists in reaching required goals
You must complete one Evaluation Sheet for each updated process implemented.
4. Submit the following to your assessor:
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Evaluation Sheet
Completed by
Team Objective
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BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
Assessor’s name:
Yes No
Submitted at least
two completed
Improvement Logs,
one for each process
2 of each the following ⬜ ⬜
that requires
strategy for
controlling costs
Improvement logs
3 contained the required ⬜ ⬜
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their processes as
outlined in their
Improvement Logs
and submitted
Identified at least one
process of their
strategy for monitoring
actual expenditure ⬜ ⬜
that needs
Identified at least one
process of their
7 strategy for controlling ⬜ ⬜
costs that needs
Identified at least
one financial
objective that the
current process is
not meeting. The
identified financial
objective must
correspond to the
objective that their
Strategy for to ⬜ ⬜
Monitor Actual
Expenditure is
addressing as
indicated in Part B.
Monitoring Plan of
their Financial
Management Plan.
9 Identified at least
one financial ⬜ ⬜
objective that the
current process is
not meeting -
corresponding to the
objective that their
Strategy for to
Control Costs is
addressing as
indicated in Part C.
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Controlling Costs
Plan of their
Management Plan.
Identified at least
one team objective
that the current
process is not
10 meeting (Part A: ⬜ ⬜
Team Management
Plan of their
Management Plan.
Identified at least
two improvements
to the current ⬜ ⬜
Submitted two
Evaluation Sheets, one
for each update ⬜ ⬜
process implemented
Evaluation Sheets
2 contained required ⬜ ⬜
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Result □ Satisfactory □ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor’s Date:
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