wp18 g1 British
wp18 g1 British
wp18 g1 British
Sunday: 8/1/2023
Monday: 9/1/2023
Tuesday: 10/1/2023
Wednesday: 11/1/2023 Science Assessment
Thursday: 12/1/2023 اختبار مادَّة اللغة العربيِّة
Subject Classwork Homework
Reading Read the story “The Little Bread Bun” Reading: Read the story “The Little Bread Bun”
Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: P. 62,63,64,65
RCV Booklet: Discuss P. 14,15 Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: P.62,63,64,65
JAD’S Vision, Mission, and Values Discussion
JAD’s Vision, Mission, and Values Spelling Words:
English (2) Mission- vision -values –students- future Copy JAD’s Vision, Mission, and Values Spelling Words
your Spelling Copybook
Day Monday
Subject Classwork Homework
Listening Assessment Reading: Read the story “The Little Bread Bun”
Reading: Read the story “The Little Bread Bun” Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book:
Explore the text P.62,63,64,65
English (2) Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: P. 62,63,64,65, 66 Cambridge Path 2 Activity Book: Do P.54,55
Grammar: How much…? How many…?
Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: P.67
Cambridge Primary Mathematics Learner’s Book 2 Cambridge Primary Mathematics Workbook 2
Math Unit 8 Lesson 1: “Numbers in Words, Rounding, and P.124
Regrouping” P.118
Unit 3 Lesson 3 “Addressing Others” P. 85-89 Study the lesson
Reminder: Graded Social project due date on
1. Prepare a Power Point Presentation about
your town or a town you would like to visit.
2. Name this town and describe how it looks
3. Mention what are the famous places or
Social Studies attractions in this town.
4. Discuss what jobs can be found there.
5. Support your PPT with pictures and visual
6. Send you PPT privately to your teacher on
class dojo
7. Prepare a 2-minutes presentation to discuss
your project.
80 - 79 تتمة درس ض ص: كتاب لغتي . نهض فواز من فراشه: نسخ جملة
اللغة العربية
Chapter 4 Computer Mouse P. 27-+ Typing
Throw & catch ball skills for girls
P.E. Football for boys
Classwork Homework
Reading: Read the story “The Little Bread Bun” Grammar and Writing Workbook: Do P.28
Kindly do the ungraded Grammar Assignment
Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: P. 62,63,64,65 on JAD-IS Dashboard.
English (2)
Grammar: How much…? How many…?
Classwork Homework
Reading: Read the story “The Little Bread Bun” Study for tomorrow’s dictation
Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: P. 62,63,64,65 Kindly do the ungraded Phonics Assignment on
Listening: Understand the value of gratitude JAD-IS Dashboard.
English (3) Cambridge Path Level 2 Student’s Book: Discuss P.84
Cambridge Path 2 Activity Book: Do P.56
Phonics: Long e
Phonics Book: Discuss P. 59+ 60
Cambridge Primary Mathematics Learner’s Book 2
Math Unit 8 Lesson 1: “Numbers in Words, Rounding, and
Regrouping” P.121
Science Assessment in Lessons 1.5 and 2.1
Unité 6: Grammaire: Verbe être au présent avec les Chanson: Une souris verte
pronoms (Je,tu,il,elle). Livre P.38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jxA7oced6E
French Cahier d’activités P.27 n.4-5
Subject Classwork Homework
Dictation: JAD’s Vision, Mission, and Values Spelling Words: Cambridge Path 2 Activity Book: Do P. 50,53
JAD Communication Channels
Website: General 0559978422
http://www. jad-is.com Administration
E-mail Account:
https://www.facebook.com/JA 0535551908
D.intschools K.G. Section 0535557620
G1 American & British 0509641525
G2 & 3 British 0500237867
Vision: “Enrich our learners, future leaders, with the best quality of safe educational environment by promoting
excellence in all learning areas, while preserving our Islamic identity in a multicultural heritage”.
Mission: Provide students with a high quality International education from an Islamic perspective. This will be achieved in
a secure, caring and disciplined environment by means of a challenging curriculum that is delivered through the committed
leadership, qualified teaching body members, up-to-date technology, indoor/outdoor activities, and organized field trips-
educational and recreational”.