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Borderline Tumors of The Ovary

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

11(01), 1256-1260

Journal Homepage: - www.journalijar.com

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/16141

DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/16141



Sanae Stimou, Hafsa Taheri, Hanane Saadi and Ahmed Mimouni
Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of University Hospital Mohammed VI of Oujda, Morocco.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History "Borderline" tumors of the ovary are lesions that have certain
Received: 30 November 2022 abnormalities, particularly microscopic, common with cancers,
Final Accepted: 31 December 2022 nevertheless they are not "cancer" in the strict sense of the term. The
Published: January 2023
diagnosis of this pathology requires a good expertise in anatomo-
Key words:
pathology because there are several histological "variants" that can
Borderline Ovarian Tumor, Serous modulate the therapeutic management. They can be located only on one
Tumor, Mucinous Tumor or two ovaries but can also extend to the lymph nodes and/or the
peritoneum. These tumors have a very good prognosis overall. The
most important prognostic factors are: the stage, the type of peritoneal
implants (less good prognosis in case of invasive implants in serous
tumors) and the existence of a tumor remnant (in stages II or III).
Treatment is primarily surgical. The reference surgery for ovarian
tumours (in a patient no longer of childbearing age) is bilateral
adnexectomy. However, this surgery must be conservative in a young
woman in the case of a stage I or stage II/III tumour but without
invasive implants. In case of tumor with peritoneal implants, surgical
resection of peritoneal locations is the rule. In macroscopically limited
ovarian stages, there is an indication to perform a peritoneal staging
(cytology, multiple biopsies and omentectomy) in serous
micropapillary forms. Treatment is in the vast majority of cases
exclusively surgical (most often conservative in order to preserve future
fertility in young patients). Indications for chemotherapy are rare; the
only indications for chemotherapy are the presence of invasive
peritoneal implants and certain forms of lymph node involvement.
Follow-up is done on a regular basis, especially in the case of
conservative treatment, and is based on a clinical examination, markers
and imaging by abdomino-pelvic ultrasound (in patients who have had
conservative treatment). Recurrences are not life-threatening since they
usually occur in a borderline mode and therefore have a good
prognosis. Surveillance beyond 10 years is required (especially after
conservative treatment). This surveillance is then based on clinical
examination, marker assay and imaging.
Copy Right, IJAR, 2023,. All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:- Sanae Stimou

Address:- Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of University Hospital Mohammed VI of
Oujda, Morocco.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 1256-1260

Borderline tumors of the ovary are an intermediate category between benign and malignant lesions of the ovary.
They generally occur in young women and their prognosis is often favorable. The modalities of management remain
The definition of borderline ovarian tumor is anatomopathologic. It combines the presence of four histological
criteria: multi-stratification and epithelial budding, increased mitotic activity, cyto-nuclear atypia and absence of
stromal invasion. The long-term prognosis is very good with a risk of late recurrence (more than 20 years) [1].
The incidence of this type of tumor is poorly documented and is estimated at approximately 1.8 to 4.8 per 100,000
women per year [1]. It is considered to represent 10-20% of ovarian tumors [2,3] and the average age of onset is 10
years younger than that of cancers.
Borderline tumors of the ovary are rare tumors and characterized, compared to ovarian adenocarcinomas, by:
- An average age of onset of 10 years lower than that of malignant tumors,
- In 1/3 of cases, occurrence in "young" patients for whom fertility preservation must be considered as an important
- A very good overall prognosis
- And the possibility of late recurrence (after 20 years).

Diagnostic strategy
The preoperative diagnosis of borderline ovarian tumours remains difficult and is based essentially on clinical
examination, assisted by ultrasound and the determination of serum tumour markers. Very often, these
complementary examinations do not allow a distinction to be made between a benign, malignant or borderline
ovarian tumour, and the diagnosis will only really be established per- or post-operatively
In any patient presenting with a pelvic mass, pelvic ultrasound is the first-line examination, via the abdominal and/or
vaginal route. Currently, few data are available regarding their sonographic characteristics. Darai [17] does not find
specific sonographic criteria although the majority of these tumors were multilocular. It is important to remember
that both the benign sonographic appearance and the tumor size should not be reassuring and that even thin-walled
anechoic unilocular lesions do not formally eliminate a borderline tumor of the ovary.
In the case of complex masses or masses considered as "indeterminate" on ultrasound, pelvic MRI completes the
work-up [4], although it is not possible to confirm a preoperative diagnosis.
Relevance of tumor markers: No recommendation can be made regarding the use of tumor markers (CA 125, CA
19-9, CEA, CA 72-4, HE4) or specific scores for the preoperative differential diagnosis between presumed benign
ovarian tumors / borderline ovarian tumor / malignant ovarian tumors because of the low level of evidence of the
identified works regarding their discriminative value. Nevertheless, in case of suspicion of mucinous borderline
ovarian tumor on imaging, CA 19-9 assay may be proposed.
Borderline tumors are tumors with a histological diagnosis. It is extremely difficult to make a diagnosis
preoperatively and it will therefore most often be made postoperatively. In case of suspicion of a borderline tumor, it
will be necessary to give priority to a 2-step treatment. First of all, diagnosis by carrying out a cystectomy or
adnexectomy depending on feasibility, with additional surgical treatment being proposed at a second stage if the
borderline nature is confirmed and depending on the staging carried out. Moreover, the sensitivity of the
extemporaneous examination in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors with attenuated malignancy is low [5].

There are several types of borderline tumors:

- Serous tumors, the most common and often bilateral, and account for approximately 55% of borderline tumors
(Fig. 1). This histological type is more often associated with extra-ovarian locations, since peritoneal implants,
invasive or not, are found in an average of 30% of cases, the prognostic value of their invasiveness being
controversial. One particular subtype, micropapillary tumors, falls into the category of serous borderline tumors. For
some, this type of lesion could be a transitional form between borderline serous tumor and low-grade invasive
serous cancer.
- Mucinous tumors, often voluminous but usually unilateral with a high risk of recurrence in the invasive mode,
represent about 40% of borderline tumors. These tumors are subdivided into two subtypes: the intestinal or enteroid
type (75% of cases), which is often diagnosed early and has a very good prognosis [6]. When the diagnosis is made
at a more advanced stage, the mortality rate is much higher, related to an association in 85% of cases with a
peritoneal pseudomyxoma, considered as a primary digestive tumor. The second subtype is called endocervical or
Mullerian. This group is not associated with peritoneal pseudomyxoma, but may be associated with peritoneal
implants or lymph node metastases [7]. Despite this, their prognosis also remains excellent.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 1256-1260

- The rarer non-serous, non-mucinous tumors: clear cell tumors, endometrioid tumors and Brenner's tumors
occurring at a later age, represent about 5% of borderline tumors of the ovary.

Figure 1: bilateral serous borderline tumor of the ovary

Treatment strategy
The surgical intervention must always start with a precise staging: sampling of peritoneal fluid or lavage fluid, and
various biopsy samples, such as vesico-uterine peritoneum, douglas cul-de-sac, parieto-colonic gutter and
diaphragmatic dome.
Classification of borderline tumors of the ovary: This staging is performed at the time of the initial surgery
STAGE 1: tumors limited to the ovaries
IA: unilateral intra ovarian tumor, without ascites
IIB: bilateral intra-ovarian tumor, without ascites
IC: single or bilateral tumor with external vegetations and or capsular rupture and or positive peritoneal cytology.
STAGE 2: single or bilateral tumor with pelvic extension
IIA: extension to the uterus and fallopian tubes, without ascites
IIB: extension to other pelvic organs, without ascites
IIC: IIA or IIB with positive peritoneal cytology
STAGE 3: single or bilateral tumor with abdominal or lymph node extension
IIIA: microscopic peritoneal involvement
IIIB: macroscopic peritoneal involvement less than 2 cm
IIIC: macroscopic peritoneal involvement greater than 2 cm and or retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis.

Conservative treatment is questionable in almost all situations of borderline tumours when there is conservable
tissue (cystectomy possible) and in the absence of invasive peritoneal implants if the patient has a desire to preserve
her fertility. In the Koskas study published in 2010 [8], comparing unilateral adnexectomy versus cystectomy for the
management of borderline tumors in patients of childbearing age, the 5-year recurrence-free survival rate was higher
in the adnexectomy group (94.7% versus 49.1%, p < 0.041). Furthermore, the 5-year pregnancy rate was comparable
between the 2 groups (41.8% versus 45.9%, p = 0.66). In 2011, Song [9] published a series of patients managed for
borderline tumor and compared recurrence rates and fertility in adnexectomy group (n = 117) versus cystectomy (n
= 39). The recurrence rate was lower in the adnexectomy group (5.9% versus 13.2%). Regarding fertility, the
delivery rate was similar between the 2 groups (89.2% versus 87.5%). In the meta-analysis by Darai published in
2012 [3], the conclusions drawn are in favor of conservative treatment being possible even in advanced stages as
long as uterine preservation is possible. Very recently in 2016, Vancraeynest published a series where the recurrence
rate after conservative treatment is higher than with radical treatment but without impact on long-term survival [10].

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 1256-1260

Today, it is possible to adopt a minimally aggressive and conservative strategy for young patients wishing to
become pregnant and presenting a lesion diagnosed at an early stage. In any case, the intervention should start with
an accurate staging, followed by a therapeutic procedure.
Adnexectomy should now be considered as the reference treatment for a young patient wishing to become pregnant.
Indeed, even if conservative treatment is associated with a higher recurrence rate, it has no influence on the overall
survival of patients, even in the presence of invasive implants. Cystectomy, whose recurrence rate varies between 12
and 58% according to the studies [12], should be preferred to adnexectomy in specific situations: in the case of a
single ovary or in the case of bilateral tumours, for which adnexectomy is performed on the side with the largest
tumour and cystectomy on the side with the least affected ovary.
In the case of extra-ovarian implants, the results of conservative treatment are less well documented. There are two
cases: if they are non-invasive, conservative treatment is possible provided that complete surgery is performed to
remove the lesions. If the implants are invasive or if there is a peritoneal pseudomyxoma, it does not seem justified
to propose conservative treatment, in view of the risk of evolution towards an invasive disease, estimated at 30%:
surgery must then be radical and associated with the most complete resection of the peritoneal lesions possible.
For these young patients, the question of secondary totalization surgery is not settled after the fertility period.
For some, it is necessary [11] because it allows a significant reduction in the risk of recurrence, estimated at 15.2%
in stage I when the treatment is conservative and 2.5% when it is radical. Hysterectomy would not be of interest, but
contralateral adnexectomy would be necessary.
For others [13], it is not necessary if the initial procedure has allowed a complete staging and if the patient is
compliant for surveillance. For postmenopausal patients or those who do not wish to become pregnant, a total
hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomyis recommended, even if the literature rarely reports cases of uterine tumor
invasion. The results of radical treatment are excellent: in an analysis of 846 cases, the prognosis of stage I is very
favorable with an overall recurrence rate of 8.5% [14].

Place and techniques of fertility preservation

Because of the double particularity of borderline tumors compared to ovarian cancers, younger age and better
prognosis, prevention of recurrence but also preservation of fertility are major issues in the management. It is
currently possible to adopt a conservative attitude with minimally aggressive surgery in young patients who wish to
preserve fertility. In these patients, surgical treatment will involve an initial peritoneal staging with cytology,
followed by an adapted surgical procedure that is as conservative as possible: cystectomy if possible, unilateral
adnexectomy if necessary. This first step will provide histological evidence. In a second phase, restaging surgery
will be performed with peritoneal exploration ± resection of peritoneal implants, infra colic omentectomy and ±
appendectomy for mucinous contingents. Patients may therefore be offered fertility preservation at both stages of
this management: preoperatively when the diagnosis has been suspected, and postoperatively when the diagnosis has
been made by histological analysis. In the particular case of borderline tumours, and particularly in the advanced
stages, the possibility of uterine conservation must also be taken into consideration. Indications for hysterectomy
have become rare in this context. However, the current problem of the prohibition of surrogate motherhood in
France raises the question of the interest of conserving ovarian tissue or vitrified oocytes in patients for whom a
hysterectomy would be necessary. When conservative (ovarian) treatment is possible, the patient may be offered
priority for oocyte or embryo conservation with or without stimulation [15]. The particular subgroup of borderline
tumours with a papillary component raises the question of a higher risk of recurrence and the problem of the
existence of hormone receptors for estrogens and progesterone [16]. In this sub-group, given the high risk of
recurrence and therefore of bilateral oophorectomy, the decision to carry out ovarian stimulation with a view to
oocyte vitrification may be considered after cystectomy. There is little experience in this context and a
multidisciplinary discussion with the patient must be carried out. In the case of stimulation, it would be interesting to
collate the cases in order to carry out an observational study.

Adjuvant therapy:

The role of adjuvant treatment in the management of borderline ovarian tumors remains complex and controversial
at present. Its impact on patient survival is difficult to assess, firstly because of the need for a very long follow-up
period, and secondly because there are currently no randomized studies comparing adjuvant treatment to simple
monitoring after surgery. Today, the chemotherapies proposed for borderline ovarian tumors are the same as those
for invasive carcinomas. The indication of adjuvant chemotherapy is currently discussed, even in the case of

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 1256-1260

invasive implants. In this particular situation, however, it is proposed in the majority of specialized centers and must
be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Therapeutic protocols

For tumors identified during surgery:

- In all cases: complete staging: cytology, peritoneal samples, omentectomy, appendectomy if mucinous form.
- No desire for pregnancy: bilateral adnexectomy, optional hysterectomy
- Desire for pregnancy: unilateral adnexectomy if contralateral adnexa present or cystectomy if single adnexa.
Secondary histological finding:
- Ideal initial surgery: re-staging not systematic
- Non ideal initial surgery (rupture, incomplete samples, cystectomy in a patient who no longer wishes to
become pregnant, absence of duly performed peritoneal exploration): re-stadification with possible
complementary excisional surgery
Macroscopic per operative doubt:
- Unilateral adnexectomy remains the rule except in the case of a single ovary in a young woman wishing to
become pregnant
- Avoid rupture of the tumour and contamination of the trocar tracts
- Extemporaneous examination is useful but has its limits
- The question of staging arises and must be performed

Treatment of recurrences: The treatment of recurrences is essentially the same as for the primary tumor at the
same stage:

- In case of homolateral recurrence after conservative treatment: adnexectomy is indicated if the contralateral
ovary is present. If the contralateral ovary is absent and there is a desire for fertility, conservative treatment
can still be considered, but with reservations.
- In case of contralateral recurrence after conservative treatment: if the patient no longer wishes to become
pregnant, radical treatment is indicated. Otherwise, conservative treatment can be applied iteratively.
- In case of peritoneal recurrence: the treatment is surgical, often radical, but sometimes chemotherapeutic
(presence of invasive implants).
The prognosis of borderline ovarian tumours is generally favourable, the average recurrence rate varies between 2
and 14% depending on the series. The main prognostic factors are: advanced age, bilaterality, histological type
(serous borderline tumors have the most favorable prognosis) and above all the presence of invasive or non-invasive
peritoneal implants.
Surveillance methods

Surveillance of treated borderline tumours must continue beyond 5 years, combining a systematic clinical
examination and endovaginal or suprapubic ultrasound, particularly in the case of conservative treatment (ovarian
parenchyma and uterus). Nevertheless, the data in the literature are insufficient to specify the frequency of these

Borderline tumors of the ovary, or "tumors of low malignant potential," are defined by histo-pathologic features
intermediate between benign and malignant tumors. They are rare, representing 15 to 20% of epithelial tumors of the
ovary, and differ from ovarian cancers in two main ways: first, their average age of onset, which is on average 10
years earlier, and second, their prognosis, which is much better than that of ovarian cancers, with a survival rate, all
stages combined, of 95% at 5 years and 90% at 10 years. Consequently, the stakes in the management of this
pathology will be, of course, to avoid recurrence, but also to preserve the fertility of patients who are often young
and wish to have subsequent pregnancies.

Funding: None.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no competing interest.
Ethical Approval: Not required.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 1256-1260

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