Final 2015 - II
Final 2015 - II
Final 2015 - II
For the last two years Tim 1. (work) at an excavation site in Egypt. It was his childhood 1.
dream to become an archeologist and now that he is one, he spends all his time looking
for ancient artifacts. It all started when Tim 2. (give) a book on ancient civilizations by his
grandfather. Now a team of archeologists led by Tim 3. (look) for a tomb that 4. (build) for 3.
one of the Pharaohs of the Second Dynasty. If they managed 5. (find) it, it would be a great
discovery that could hugely improve our understanding of that period. Not many things 4.
can 6. (say) about the Second Dynasty with certainty as scarcely any discoveries of artifacts
from that time 7. (make) in the last two centuries. After Egypt Tim will try to look for any 5.
traces of Atlantis, that he believes 8. (be) a real Greek colony the real history of which
9. (hide) by the ancients in their legends. Tim’s grandfather 10. (repeat) for years that
there is always a grain of truth even in the most fantastic of tales.
1. 6. 8.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
2. Ułóż pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. W podanych fragmentach nie należy niczego zmieniać.
The British have always been known to love children and animals. Sixty per cent of British families with
children have a pet. That’s well above the European average. 1__. According to some analysts, this is
a reflection of lifestyle changes that leave us too busy for pets. Children are also partly to blame. 2__.
Besides, children who do beg for a puppy or kitten are more likely than ever to be bribed into silence
with gadgets that don't have to be walked, fed or taken to the vet. Indeed, falling pet numbers may be
the result of kids simply losing interest in them. 3__. A decreasing pet population is not necessarily a
bad thing for animals. 4__. Also, modern life isn't always compatible with a dog's best interests, and
parents who say no to a puppy are often right to do so. 5__. A growing body of research suggests
numerous benefits of pet ownership: developing nurturing behaviour, enhancing self-esteem and
cognitive development, even stronger immune system. Some of the claims, however, may be
overstated as some of this research is carried out by people who are already convinced that contact
with animals is a positive thing.
A. And this is caused by children growing up with computers, mobile phones and even virtual pets all
demanding their attention.
B. Overall pet ownership, however, is slowly but steadily declining.
C. Pets often outlive childhood enthusiasm, and many have suffered because a child got bored with
feeding or cleaning routines.
D. Psychologists believe children without pets might be missing out.
E. Researchers at Warwick University even found that children with pets have stronger immune systems.
F. There aren't enough of them, and the falling birth rates mean an overall reduction in pestering for
a pet.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Uzupełnij tekst wpisując w każdą lukę jeden wyraz. Formy skrócone np. don’t, wasn’t to dwa wyrazy.
Most people believe that the temperature of handwashing water should be no 1._______ than 38
degrees Celsius to kill bacteria, but a recent study suggests that cold water is just 2._______ effective.
Rutgers University researchers carried 3._______ a number of experiments over a 4._______ of six
months. They eventually 5._______ to the conclusion that 6._______ the most resistant bacteria like
E. coli, can be removed from hands as 7._______ as proper handwashing techniques and sanitary
products are 8._______ . In the experiment, 20 participants had their hands contaminated 9._______
harmless bacteria and then were asked to wash them in water temperatures ranging 10._______ fifteen
to forty degrees Celsius. The results showed there is 11._______ significant difference in the 12._______
of bacteria removed by cold and hot water. 13._______ to the researchers, their study could help cut
14._______ on energy that is used for heating 15._______ water for handwashing.
5. Używając podanego wyrazu, dokończ lub uzupełnij każde z następujących zdań w taki sposób, by znaczyło
to samo, co zdanie wyjściowe. Nie wolno zmieniać formy podanego wyrazu.
1. The top model was __________________________ dressed in an elegant evening gown. BEAUTY
2. My street is __________________________________ because it’s far from any main roads. PEACE
3. The man was found _______________ of shoplifting and sentenced to one month in prison. GUILT
4. It’s just a ________________________________________ dog. There is no need to panic. HARM
5. We had to __________________________________ a lot of words for the spelling test. MEMORY
6. She is a very _____________________ person. She wants everything done immediately. PATIENT
7. The student asked for ____________________________________ to leave the classroom. PERMIT
8. The ________________________________ of the lake has never been measured. DEEP
9. Janet _____________________________________ anything I do. We simply can’t get along. LIKE
10. Violent, trouble-causing hooligans are a __________________________ of football fans. MINOR
1. Before I came to Canada (nigdy nie jadłem) __________________ pancakes with maple syrup.
2. Money (nie przynoszą) _________________________________________________ happiness.
3. He (powinien był zadzwonić) __________________________________ Marry on her birthday.
4. (Czy Betty napisała) _______________________________________ this film review last week?
5. (Bardzo niewiele) ___________________________ people know how to prepare an omelette.
6. She isn't perfect but,(na twoim miejscu) __________________________ , I wouldn't complain.
7. When we were kids, we (zwykliśmy pływać) ________________________________ in the lake.
8. Paul and Sarah (kochają się odkąd) ________________________ they went to school together.
9. You have always wanted to become an astronaut, (czyż nie) ___________________________ ?
10. You are (tak wysoki jak Mike) ____________________________________________ .
Liczba punktów: _____/10
8. Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie odszukaj w nim wyrazy, których definicje podano poniżej (1 -10). W nawiasie
obok każdej definicji podano numer akapitu, w którym dany wyraz się znajduje.
[1] In 1957 Vance Packard’s book The Hidden Persuaders astonished the world by revealing that
subliminal messages, which are below the level of people’s conscious perception, were able to increase
sales of ice cream and Coke. The experiment Vance Packard cited was later shown to be a deliberate
hoax, but one of the author’s other assertions – that advertising can influence us below our level of
awareness – is undeniably true.
[2] In fact, rather scarily, the influence of the vast majority of advertisements on us is predominantly
subconscious. My own research has shown how the emotive content of advertising enables it to break
almost all the rules which we believe govern our own susceptibility to adverts.
[3] For example, we believe that ignoring ads stops them working, oblivious of the fact that emotive
content requires no attention at all in order to be effectively processed. We also tend to think that if
we can’t recall an advert’s message, we cannot have been influenced by it. However, the truth is that
emotional influence lodges deep in our subconscious and is almost impossible to recall.
[4] Above all, we believe that our preferences as consumers and our brand choices are logical, and
driven by rational thinking, whereas the greatest driver of brand decisions is actually our emotional