AT - Chapter 9-Notes - Part 1
AT - Chapter 9-Notes - Part 1
AT - Chapter 9-Notes - Part 1
Audit objectives
Risk and assurances
Tolerable error
Expected error in the population
Auditors first consider the specific audit
objectives to be achieved and the audit
procedures which are likely to best achieve those
objectives. In addition, when audit sampling is
appropriate, consideration of the nature of the
audit evidence sought and possible error
conditions or other characteristics relating to
that audit evidence assist auditors in defining
what constitutes an error and what population to
use for sampling. For example, when performing
tests of control over an entity’s purchasing
procedures, auditors are concerned with matters
such as whether an invoice was clerically
checked and properly approved. On the other
hand, when performing substantive procedures
on invoices processed during the period,
auditors are concerned with matters such as the
proper reflection of the monetary amounts of
ATTRIBUTE AND VARIABLES SAMPLING such invoices in the financial statements.
The auditor may use either attribute or various POPULATION
sampling when using statistical sampling.
The population is the entire set of data from
ATTRIBUTE SAMPLING which auditors wish to sample in order to reach
Attribute sampling is a statistical sampling a conclusion. Auditors would determine that the
technique used to estimate the proportion of a population from which the sample is drawn is
population that possesses a specified appropriate for the specific audit objective and
characteristic. The auditor wants to determine complete. For example, if the auditor’s objective
the deviation rate (occurrence rate) for a control was to test for overstatement of debtors, the
implemented within the entity’s accounting population could be defined as the debtors
system. Measurement of deviation rate provides listing. On the other hand, when testing for
support for the auditor’s assessed level of understatement of creditors, the population
control risk. It is normally used when performing would not be the creditors listing but rather
tests of controls. subsequent disbursements, unpaid invoices,
suppliers’ statements, unmatched receiving
VARIABLES SAMPLING reports or other populations that would provide
Variables sampling is a statistical technique audit evidence of understatement of creditors.
used to estimate the monetary value of a class of The individual items that make up the
transactions or account balance. It is normally population are known as sampling units. The